(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Henceforth yield unto thee her strength, a fugitive, and a vagabond, shall thou be in the earth. And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear, behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth, and from the face shall I be hid, and from thy face shall I be hid, and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth. And it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me. And the Lord said unto him, Therefore, whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any fine in him should kill him. And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nob, on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived, and bare Enoch. And he builded a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch. And said unto Enoch, And unto Enoch was born Irad, and Irad begat Mehuel, and Mehuel begat Methusel, and Methusel begat Lamech, and Lamech sent unto him two wives. The name of the one was Ada, and the name of the other Zilla. And Ada bared Jabal, and was the father of such as dwelt in tents, and of such as half cattle. And his brother's name was Jubal. He was the father of all such as handled a harp and organ. And Zilla, she also bared Tubalcain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron, and the sister of Tubalcain was Naima. And Lamech said unto his wives Ada and Zilla, Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech, where I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. And Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold. And Adam knew his wife again, and she bare a son, and called his name Seth, for God, she said, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, who Cain slew. And to Seth, to him also there was born a son, and he called his name Enoch. And then began men to call upon the name of the Lord. And they have a word of prayer. Dear Lord, thank you for your word, and thank you for this day. Thank you for the pastor, Shelly, and this church that was planted here in Houston. And I just pray that you fill brother Chris Segura with your spirit, that he preach boldly and accurately your word, and that we gain some wisdom and some knowledge through your word, Lord. And we ask this in Jesus' name, and we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Just want to congratulate you guys on your one year anniversary. That's a huge thing. Who's been here the longest? The kids are like, right here, recognize me. Awesome. Awesome. Who just recently joined in the last 30 days? Last 30 days, last three months, last six months, three months, growing, getting some good preaching. Hey, you guys are very fortunate. Trust me, very, very fortunate. So you guys will figure that out in this life or the next. Trust me on that. You know, but Genesis chapter number four, the verse that I want to focus on is verse number six. It says this, and the Lord said unto Cain, why art thou wroth? Why art thou wroth? And that's the title of my sermon. Why art thou wroth? Why are you wroth? Why are you wroth? And look, there are some sins that are common to us, that are common unto men. You know, being angry is one of them. But being angry is not always sinful, but it's something that can affect us even on a daily basis. And we need to make sure that we understand the difference between when we're right to be angry and when we're wrong to be angry. And here God is talking to Cain saying, why are you wroth? Why are you angry? He's talking to him because he's very upset as we're about to find out. You know, but we need to understand that anger is not always wrong, but the majority of the time if we're not careful, it can be wrong. It could be something that we don't want to overcome us because it will ruin our lives and we'll talk about that a little bit in the service. But what other sins do you think are common to men that you can think of? What are some sins that we all pretty much go through? One that I think of is having an unforgiving spirit. An unforgiving spirit is almost similar to being wroth. The reason you don't forgive that person is because you're upset, your anger on the inside, you got that wroth inside of you. You know, but what else? What else could be something that we're all going to probably struggle with? One that I guess most people struggle with, especially young people, because they don't really know how to use their time wisely is being lazy. Who would agree with that? We all get hit with that once in a while, just being lazy. You know, not just that unforgiving, but in here we're looking at wroth right now. And if you have your Bible, just go to Matthew 5 22. Go to Matthew 5 22. When you go to Matthew 5 22, I'm going to read from Ephesians chapter 4 verse 26, where the Bible does tell us that it is possible to be angry without sin. And the Bible even commands us in Ephesians 4 26, it says, be ye angry and sin not. So according to this verse, it is possible to be angry and to not sin. And it continues to say, let not the sun go down upon your wrath. So it's telling us, look, when you go to sleep, when the sun goes down, make sure you go down or the sun goes down and make sure you don't go to bed angry. Do your best not to go to bed angry. There's some things that we can do if we're angry and it's getting towards the end of the day, we don't want to take that into the next day because then it becomes sinful. Now, once again, there are times when we should be angry, we shouldn't just have no anger in our lives. That's not what I'm going to teach tonight, but I want to make sure that for the next year that you're here, we kind of, we kind of look at this and we tend to kind of master this because this is something that you have to look at or else it can cause you to have major problems in your life. You know, but one of the things that I want to bring up, you know, is where the Bible is talking about, hey, neither give place to the devil. Why is the Bible mentioned in the devil? Because the devil will love you to be an angry person. The devil will love you to be somebody who's known as a wrathful person, somebody that's easily triggered, somebody that just can't control themselves. Why? Because he knows he can use you to destroy others. He knows that he can use you to give God a bad name, especially if you're saved. I'm not talking about the unsaved. I'm talking about the saved believers. That's what it's telling us. That's what it's telling us and warning us, look, be you angry, sin not, don't get placed to the devil. Be careful. Watch yourself. Watch your mouth. Watch your actions. Control your spirit because the devil is waiting for somebody that cannot control themselves so he can get in there and use them to destroy the church or use them to destroy their own personal life or the testimony of Christ and bring up a bad name to the name of Christ. But if you're right there in Matthew 5 22, you know, go ahead and just read with me. It says by the saying to you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger. Notice that word right there, cause, that's just another way of saying reason. So what is it telling us here in the Bible saying, look, anybody who's angry with his brother without a good reason, you're in danger of what? The judgment of God coming down on you. So when we do get angry, when we start to get upset, hey, ask yourself, why am I wrong? You know, kind of like God spoke to Cain, why am I upset right now? What's going on? Do I have a justifiable reason to be upset? But you know what? Being angry is something that can be confusing, especially if you read the other versions. Let me read really quickly from the New Language Translation, the NLP. I think I got that right. If not, I don't care. It's just a bad version. But keep looking at Matthew 5 22. Look at it again with me. And this is what they put in their Bible. It says by the saying to you, if you're even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment. What's missing? Without a cause. Without a cause. Now, anger is something the Bible covers a lot, especially in the Proverbs. So the Bible covers a subject over and over and over again. You know what? And if these other versions attack that subject, it's probably really important. What subject is fasting? If you ever look at how many times the Bible mentions the word fasting compared to the other versions, and they remove verses that talk about fasting. So it must be pretty important to fast. The devil doesn't want you to know about it. That's why all the other versions are removing the word fast, because of course, God says, hey, these things don't come except through prayer and fasting. So there's some things that God just wants us to humble ourselves, and fasting helps us to humble ourselves before the Lord. So you can come in and use us mightily. But I'll read from the other false versions, the NASV, which says the same thing, similar. It says, by the state to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court. Notice what's missing. Without a cause. They're changing words as well, but the big thing they removed is what? Without a cause. Let's take a look at the other ones, the ESV. But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to the judgment. What's missing again? Without a cause. And of course, the most popular one, the NIV. But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. So what's going on? They removed the same thing without a cause. So the Bible says, look, if you're going to be angry, make sure you have a good cause to be angry. And what's a good cause to be angry? When we see sin all around us. You know, when we see things that we know are sinful, that are being promoted through TV, music, you name it, the city promoting whatever events, you know, that are sinful, that are contrary to the Word of God, you know, that's when we should get upset. If you have your Bible, go ahead and go to Matthew 3. And while you're going to Matthew 3, I'm sorry, go to 2 Kings 17, 16. This is a very important verse. Go to 2 Kings 17, 16. I'll give a few minutes to get there. But while you're going to 2 Kings 17, 16, let me just show you in the Old Testament how the Lord Himself is a Lord that does get angry. So being angry is something that's always sinful. The Lord will not be doing it. The Lord will not be telling us to do it as well when it tells us to be angry, but sin not. And while you're doing that, watch out for the devil because he wants to find that individual that cannot control his spirit, that has an anger management problem. Why? Because he wants to use them to destroy. But if you can get to 2 Kings, I'm just going to read from Deuteronomy chapter 4, verse 21, just to remind us again of how the Lord really is. Furthermore, it says, the Lord was angry with me. This is Moses talking. He was angry with me for your sakes and swore that I should not go over Jordan, that I should not go in unto that good land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. I'm going to read from Deuteronomy 9, 19. It says, for I was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure, wherewith the Lord was wroth, wroth against you to destroy you. But the Lord hearkened unto me at that time also, and the Lord was very angry. So does God get angry? Yeah, not just angry, but very angry. But also, guess who else got very angry, was very robbed? Cain. But I'll show you this between God and Cain. So if you're there, in 2 Kings 17, I'm going to read one more, 1 Kings 11. It says in the Lord, 11, 9, it says the Lord was angry with Solomon because his heart was turned from the Lord God of Israel, which had appeared unto him. So why is he upset? We can sum it up in 2 Kings. This is what 2 Kings 17 says, you know, describing the children of Israel. And they left all the commandments of the Lord their God, and made them the molten images, which is sinful, even two cubs, and made a grove, and worshipped all the hosts of heaven, and served who? Baal, the devil. So what else do we see here? And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and use divination and enchantments. I mean, passing through the fire is bad enough. That's wickedness, that's sinfulness, that is just pure evil. Christian divination, enchantments, what are these, wizards, wannabes? And sold them to do evil on the side of the Lord to provoke him to anger. So why is the Lord upset? Because he's seen all this sin. And the Bible says we should be like him, he's our example. So of course, as Christians, if you're angry, and you're angry because you have a good cause, i.e. sin, you're good to go. Bottom line, you're good to go. Let's just finish verse 18, therefore, why? Therefore, the Lord was very angry with Israel, because they were doing all these abominable things, and removed them out of his sight. There was none left but the tribe of Judah only. Also Judah kept not the commandments, really? Is that something that they really need to be told, after all they've seen? They didn't keep the commandments of the Lord their God, but walked in the statue of Israel, which they made. So bottom line, what is the reason that the Lord was upset? Sin. Bottom line, why do we have the right to be angry at sin? Because it's right to be angry at sin. It is a righteous thing that hates sin. The Bible says that we should hate it. If you've got your Bibles, I want you to go to Matthew 3 now, go to Matthew 3. So in the beginning, of course, we see Cain getting upset, God saying, why are you robbed? And we'll find out why he was robbed, and then we'll see what he ended up doing in because he got robbed. And we also see these other Bible versions, the NLT, the NSAB, the ESV, the NIV, all of them removing without a cause, which is why I'm glad you guys are going to burn Bibles, the bad Bibles, this Saturday. And this is one of the reasons why we're burning them. Because they're perverting God's word, they're removing things from God's word. People that wrote these scriptures and condemned themselves, they're evil, wicked people. So I'm glad that you guys are burning Bibles, and I'm glad this is in my notes just to remind you how bad these verses are, amen? But if you're right there in Matthew chapter 3, in case you didn't realize, these Bibles are trying to make it seem like anger is a sinful thing. Whoever's angry at his brother or his sister is in danger of the judgment. In other words, they're trying to make Jesus Christ look like a sinner. You can look down right there in Matthew 3, and what do we see? We see Jesus Christ. It says, and he answered again into the synagogue, and there was a man there which had a withered hand, and they washed him, whether he would heal him on the Sabbath day, that they might accuse him, and he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, stand forth, and he saith unto them, is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath day, or to do evil, to save life, or to kill, but they held their peace. And when he had looked round about on them with what? Anger. So is Jesus Christ happy with them at this moment? No, he's looking at them with anger. Why? Because they're mad at him. He's healing a guy, and they're upset. They're getting mad at him, and yet he's getting mad at them. So we see the Lord Jesus Christ, and so he had moments when he showed anger, and here's one of them. Why? Because he was grieved for the hardness of their hearts because they were evil, wicked people. Don't tell them an evil person is going to get mad at somebody healing somebody, making their lives better. No, but it's the Sabbath, because that's what they were afraid of. And so we see that Jesus Christ, he's angry, and we know that the Pharisees are also angry. Look at verse 6. And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took counsel with the Herodians against them how they might destroy him. In other words, kill him. So both groups are mad. Christ is mad. He's showing his anger. These people are mad. Why do I know he's mad? Because they want to kill him. Trust me, when you're mad, you're probably ready to kill. It's just what happens. It's human nature. But who has a right here? The Pharisees or Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ. Why? Because he's angry for a good cause. The Pharisees are angry for a wrong cause because he's making them look bad. He's making them look like the people that they are, harmless individuals that don't care about people. They just care about stupid rules, and of course, keeping a Sabbath was something important, but they knew better. They knew that it was righteous to heal on the Sabbath. They knew, if, hey, my animal falls into a ditch on the Sabbath, it's not going to bother them. They come and take everything they've got to get that animal out so they can use it later on for food or sell it, whatever the case may be. But who else was these Pharisees? Cain himself. Go back to Genesis 4 if you can. Meet me at verse number 8. I'm going to start reading from verse number 4. And this is once again, in the process of time that it came to pass, it came brought out of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord, and Abel, he also brought out the first things of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering, but unto Cain and to his offering, he had not respect. He didn't respect Cain's offering whatsoever. And of course, because he got exposed, Cain was very wroth, so wroth that his continence fell. You can see it from his face. You didn't even have to wonder, is this guy mad? This guy was mad. His continence, his face, hey, it wasn't looking good. And the Lord said unto Cain, Why heard thou rot? And what is thy continence fallen? And he tells him, If thou doest well, shall thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lighteth the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and that shall rule over him. And Cain talked with Abel, and he was all cool and dandy, and everything went well. That's not what happened. It says, And it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and he slew him. Why? Why? Well, here's the thing. The only reason that he has was because he was bitter. He was bitter. And if you have your Bible, go to Ephesians 4.30. So what do I mean by bitter? By bitter, this is straight from the dictionary, Webster's dictionary, it's exhibiting intense animosity. What is animosity? A strong feeling of dislike or hatred. That's exactly what Cain had. So his problem was that he was bitter. But see, that's the wrong reason to be upset. See when you get upset, when you're wroth, exercise. Ask yourself that. Why am I wroth? Why am I upset right now? You know, why am I angry? Well, could it be that you're angry because you're angry at sin, or are you just becoming bitter? Something happened to you, someone says something to you, whatever the case may be. Things aren't going the way you want it to be, and therefore anger is creeping up in your heart. You know, anger is starting to get worse and worse. Well, if it's because of bitterness, let's just remind ourselves that we need to be careful of that. We need to be careful of being people that are bitter. What I mean by bitter again? That just have this strong hatred, this strong animosity, why? For no good reason other than themselves, whatever it may be, their own personal lusts is maybe the main reason why they're bitter, upset, whatever. But Ephesians 4.31, it says this, I know I told you to go to Ephesians 4.30, I'm just going to read from 4.31, then we'll go to 4.30. It says this, let all bitterness, and what is bitterness again? I think it's just simply holding somebody, holding a grudge against somebody. It said, let bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away with thee, or from you, with all malice. So stay there in Ephesians 4.30, I'm going to read from Colossians 3.4, it says when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. But now ye also put up all these anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Even though it says put away anger, obviously we understand from the Scriptures and from the cries that he got angry, from verses in Ephesians it says, be ye angry, and said not. We even see people getting upset like King Saul, you know, he got upset when they were trying to invade his nation, the Spirit came upon him and he got angry, and then when he fought the battle, you know, for his nation, you know, in this situation we understand that just the context of it, that there is a wrong anger and there is a right anger, and we need to make sure we understand the differences. And the Bible makes it very clear in Ephesians 4.30, you're right there in 4.30, it says and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God. See, that's the thing you need to understand. When you're upset, you may be thinking, well that's in my personality, well you know what, it offends God, it grieves the Spirit of God. Keep that in mind next time you get angry. Why am I angry? And not just that, remember who you're upsetting when you're angry without a cause, and that's God himself, the Spirit of God, which says we are thereby sealed until the day of redemption. And we already read verse 31, I'll just read 32, this should be more of our attitude in general. This is what should describe us, if somebody were to ask, you know, if somebody were to ask about you, describe you, can they say that these things, you know, pertain to you? And it says in verse 32, and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you. So what is something that we can do to combat bitterness? Very simply, A, be a person that's a kind person. The Bible says God is a great kindness. We should be that individual, try to be of great kindness. You know, not just give people, you know, what they need, give them above and beyond what they need. I'll read from Esther chapter number two, you guys can go ahead and go to Proverbs 14, you know, so bitterness is something that can hurt you, it can hurt your relationship with your wife, it can hurt your relationship with your kids, it can hurt your relationship at work, you know. But when I think of people that were bitter and just unforgiving, that were raffle without a good reason, that were angry without a cause, I think of these two guys in the book of Esther. These are the two individuals that strike me the most when I think about, A, who in the Bible was really angry without a cause, that ended up causing them their life, ended up causing them something big. And it says in Esther 2, you don't have to be there, I'll just read it for you. It says, in those days while Mordecai sat in the king's gate, two of the king's chamberlains, big, thin, and terriish, of those which kept the door were rocked. These are two guys that are upset at the king and they sought to lay hand on the king. It says in verse 22, and the thing was known to Mordecai, who told it unto Esther the queen, and Esther certified a king thereof in Mordecai's name. And when inquisition was made of the matter, it was found out, therefore they were both hanged on a tree, and it was written in the book of the chronicles before the king. So this is a very scary story. Here's two guys that were just rocked. It says that they were rocked with the king, they were mad with the king. And I don't know what the king did, I'm not sure what he did to get them so upset, but these guys were so mad, they were already killed as individuals. They were already killed the king, but it was found out by Mordecai, who told Esther, Esther told the king, it was investigated, and it turned out, yeah, they were conspiring to kill him. So these two men were hanged, but they didn't have to be hanged. If they would have had a forgiving spirit, tender-hearted, like the Bible says, if they would have just put away all these things, wrath, malice, blasphemy, maybe even filthy communication out of their mouth, they would have probably still been alive and not died in that manner. You know, but it's not just those individuals, it's other individuals in the Bible that also died because they couldn't control their anger. The other one, of course, is King Saul, angry without a cause, and who, a King David, just angry, throwing javelins at him, even trying to kill his own son, throwing a javelin at his own son, well guess what, that cost him his kingdom, because he was a rebellious individual. That was other sins he committed, but at the end of his life, did it turn out good? No, it cost him his life. Even towards the bitter end, he didn't cry out to God, asking God to save him, and you know what, if I would have been in this situation, I probably would have just died trying. Lord, I'm probably done, like you said, but please forgive me, help me, save me, if it's even something that I'm worthy of, but that didn't happen, he took his own sword and committed suicide. He took suicide rather than seeking the Savior, and the Lord has saved individuals at the last second, but he didn't want salvation, he'd rather just take his own life. But if you're right there in Proverbs 14, 17, I'm just gonna read a few more verses, I'm gonna read from Nehemiah chapter number 9, and it says, and refused to obey, neither were mindful of thy wonders, that thou didst among them, but hardened their necks, and in their rebellion, appointed the captain to return to their bondage, but thou art God, ready to pardon, gracious, merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and forsookest them not. So one of the things that made me want to just touch on this, was the fact that we kind of had a situation where we ended up getting rid of this individual from our church, you know, they ended up just getting thrown out, but they ended up just being restored back in, and when they got brought back in, you know, I was fine with it, I didn't really have any issues with this person before they got kicked out, but certainly the individual did, you know, so they ended up just kind of coming and just venting about it like, hey, you know, this person is bad, but I would be whatever, and I just say, you know what, here's how I see it, we don't really know what this individual is up to, we're just gonna give them the benefit of the doubt, they're here, they want to serve God, they already got permission to come back, they left obviously for a reason that we're bad, nobody even did get kicked out, you know, but at the end of it all, we need to be like God, we need to be ready to pardon, we need to be brave, we need to be slow to anger, but there were some individuals that as soon as they saw this person, the first thing that came into their heart was anger, you know, like, whoa, did I see them back, I can't believe they're back, you know, but it's the first thing that I went through when I found out about him, I'm like, wow, you know, Pastor Anderson is gracious, merciful, ready to pardon, because I didn't think this person would ever come back, I just said, hey, as far as I'm concerned, it's not a big deal, because Pastor Anderson has made it a big deal, so I'm just gonna go with his leadership, follow his faith, and hey, if I see that person, I'm just gonna say, hey, welcome back, you know, glad to see you, and just move on with my life, because you know what, that's what we should be, because I don't want to be the individual that comes back after I maybe got backslidden or whatever, and everybody's giving the cold shoulder too, that's not who I want to be, I want to be the person that just says, hey, I'm ready to pardon anybody that wants to be parted, I'm ready to be gracious, because I want God to be gracious, I'm ready to be merciful, because I want God to be merciful to me, you know, but at the end, as soon as I saw this individual, I wasn't quick to get upset, you know, if you're going to get upset, like it says right there, be like God, and be slow to anger, be slow to get upset, but we should be of great kindness, we should not forsake people that are trying to do right, trying to go the right direction, regardless of what you think in your head, the real motives are, hey, just, you know, they ask for forgiveness, give it to them, how many times? 77 times, seven times, you know, that's what we should be, individuals that are not bitter, individuals that are merciful, individuals that are slow to anger, individuals that are ready to pardon, so for the next year or so, until your next anniversary, hey, if this is something that you struggle with, forgiving others is probably best for your interests to start trying to, you know, overcome that, you know, because if you don't, it's only going to get worse and worse for you, you know, if you're those individuals that takes forever to forgive somebody, that's not a good place to be, you know, it might be something that you need to, you know, fix with prayer, fasting, whatever the case may be, but let's just not be like Cain, who was very wrongful with what? Without a cause, people that got really upset when this person came back, it was really without a cause, and I'm thinking like, why are you really upset? They're not costing you money, they're not costing you time, they already said sorry, you don't like how they said sorry, well, you know what, at that point, just know them and just walk away from them and live your life and do what you have to do and give them a chance to prove you wrong, you know, but that's kind of how things are sometimes, you think that people are quick to forgive, but it seems like since they were gone for a year, people have not forgiven, you would think it would be just over by now, but hey, certain individuals got affected so bad by what this person did, that they still a year later just have issues believing that, hey, they just want to get right, and whatever people may think, it's like, okay, you may think that this individual is up to no good or whatnot, but you don't know that for sure, so at this point, just to be super merciful and just try to help them to do right. It's not going to affect you any more than it would if they weren't even around, but at least this time you'll get blessings because you're being a bigger person, you know, so the first thing I wanted to obviously remind everybody is just, hey, when you're rough, just make sure that it's not because of bitterness, just make sure it's not because of bitterness, and if you are rough, make sure it's not because you're somebody that's hot-headed. What I mean by that, somebody who's easily angered, if you're in the Bible, go to Joe chapter number two, go to Joe chapter number two, the Bible doesn't use the word hot-headed, but it is something that's sinful, it is something we need to be aware of, it is something we need to be careful not to be that individual that's easily angered for anything. The Bible says in Proverbs 14, 17, he that is soon angry or quickly angered or easily angered, in other words, a hothead. The Bible says, he that is soon angry dealeth foolishly and a man of wicked devices is hated. I'll just read from Titus 1.7, qualifications of a pastor, anybody here want to be a pastor? Anybody here is thinking of that? Thinking, hey, I believe God's going to be a pastor because we definitely need some in every city. You're the only one? Well, this is for you, my friend, and not just for you, for everybody, even me. Titus 1.7, for a bishop must be blameless as a steward of God, not self-willed, not soon angry. Notice it doesn't say never angry, it says not soon angry. You can't be a hothead, and it continues to say no striker, not given to filthy lucre. Why? Why is this a requirement for a bishop or a pastor to be somebody that's not hot-headed? Well, the easiest way I can explain it is because there's a lot of people out there that are going to hate your guts and they're going to say bad things about you and they're going to make so many videos of you. I mean, you can't even get any internet anymore and Google pastor or Baptist or whatever without seeing some crazy video about Pastor Anderson. Not just that, you just Google him and hit images and all this stuff comes up. Well, of course, if he sees every little thing, he can cause himself to get upset. You know, that's why he doesn't even look at the comments, doesn't even look at this stuff. But not just that, there's going to be people calling, saying that you're this or that, you're whatever. So he's going to be really attacked a lot, even as he's getting bigger and bigger, he's getting attacked by other nations. You know, even nations are attacking him. You know, but if he let it get to himself, he's going to be angry every single moment of the day. Every single time he goes on the internet, he's going to get upset. You know, but it's not getting angry that the issue is just being somebody who gets angry super fast. Somebody says something to you and you're quick to say something back. That's not good. You need to just be merciful, like the Bible says. But I'll read from James 1 19, wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to rap. Once again, it's not saying that rap is wrong. It's just saying if you're going to get angry, be slow to anger. If you're going to get upset, be slow to get upset. Be slow to rap. I'll just read from Proverbs 14. It says this, he that is slow to rap is of great understanding, but he that is hasty of spirit exalted fully. He that is slow to rap is of great understanding. You need to be a person of great understanding. All of us need to be. So when I see somebody who somebody attacks, he just kind of, you know, does, does what he needs to do, stays calm, you know, doesn't blow up. That person understands that, hey, it's only going to make things worse. If I start getting, whether it's at work, whether it's with your wife or whatever the case may be, she says something that's upset. He's an argument with you. Well, a person of great understanding realizes, hey, I just need to be slow to anger. I feel I'm getting upset. I need to calm myself down. And if it obviously requires, I'm not talking about your wife, then when the time is appropriate, then it's time to unleash. But Proverbs 15, 18 says this, a rapper man stirs up strife. And I don't know about this church. I don't know about our church, but I'm pretty sure there's some churches out there that just have troublemakers all the time. Why? Cause they're upset. They're angry at the pastor. The pastor says something, they get whatever and they go start going around, just causing trouble. Let's not be that individual. Let's not be that person that stirs up strife. Let's be the opposite where it says by he that is slow to anger, a piece of strife. Once again, the Bible is praising people that are slow to anger. And in the military, we thought that this was like a weakness. As soon as somebody disrespected us, as soon as somebody, a soldier below us, gave us a dirty look or whatever, we would start throwing things at them. We would start yelling at them. We'd be up in their face. Cause we thought anger was like a, like a great thing to have. We thought if you didn't have anger, you're a bad leader. And it wasn't just my military branch. There were other military branches as well, where I heard of a guy who ended up getting told something superior officer and he answered back, but he didn't answer loud enough because he was thinking in his head. So he didn't acknowledge him loud enough. And sure enough, that other guy immediately grabbed something and threw it out. But he's like, Hey, that's just how you have to be as a leader. No, that's not how you have to be as a leader. You need to be slow to anger. His leader literally within a second, grabbed the thing and threw it at him. And he said, Hey, you're a new guy. You better do what I told and whatever, whatever. And he's like, Oh, sorry. Sorry. I'm going to apologize for that. You know, that's not a good thing to have. That's not how good leadership is, but that's how they do things in the military. Who's been in the military here besides themselves. So you understand what I'm talking about? Sometimes it's just yelling, yelling, yelling, cussing, cussing, cussing. That's just how most military leaders are. They think that's the way you get things done. But then the ones that you like the most. Aren't they the ones that are slow to anger? The cool ones, the ones that don't explode on you. Hey guy, come over here. Let me show you what you did wrong. Don't you love those guys versus the other guys? The guys that power trip, what'd you say? And they're up in your face. Hey, come here. You know? And then you got three guys that think they're drill instructors. This happens. You know what I'm talking about? Three guys that probably don't like you and they're all up in your face. And if you get attention right now, and they're all in your face, you're going to disrespect me like that. Oh, you're disrespecting them. And we didn't like those leaders. You know, but sometimes we ended up doing that ourselves and we're like, what am I doing? I don't want to be like this guy, you know, but you end up picking up the habits from other people, you know, but that's not how God's people should be. God's people. Yes. Go ahead and get upset. Yes. Go ahead and get whatever, but be slow to get angry. Get slow to be angry and always ask yourself, why are they all wrong? Why are they all wrong? Why am I wrong? Why am I upset? You know, are you angry without a cause? If the answer is yes, then confess it to God and start getting this straight because you don't want to be this person that gets angry for the wrong reasons. You want to get angry for the right reasons. So I'll tell you to go to Job chapter number two. This is what the Bible says. And rent, rent your heart. Rent is an old way of saying rent, rip and rent your heart, not your garments and turn out to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness and repenting him of the evil. That's a great example of what we should be. And the reason I like that verse, because this is what it says. It starts out by saying, rent your heart, not your garments. See, back in the Old Testament, people got upset and they ripped their garments. They just ripped them. And like Pastor usually says, like Hulk Hogan. But here's the thing though. This reminds me of an individual who got upset at their kiss one time and started throwing glass at them. You know, they just got mad and just weren't listening. So grabbed like these glass cups and just threw it, you know, just smashed it everywhere, you know? And I guess that's kind of what this is saying. Hey, don't do that. That's what the Bible is saying. Don't do any of that. If you get that mad, hey, turn to God, turn to the Lord. He's gracious. He's merciful. He's slow to anger. Be of great kindness. Hey, there is ways to discipline, but renting your clothes, God says, that's not really what I'm after. That's not really what I want to see. What I'm more interested in seeing that, hey, you're coming to me. You're asking me for help. I'm going to help you out because a person that's just ripping their clothes apart, all that, that's not really what God wants in the end. He wants something inside of you. He wants you to be sorry on the inside. Come to Him and He'll help you out with whatever problems you have. We don't have to be people that are walking around angry all the time, frustrated because you know what it really is? Probably a lack of faith. A lack of faith when you're just frustrated all day long that you don't trust the Lord enough. It's probably just a lack of faith that we have on the inside to cause us to be upset on the outside. But we need to watch our anger. We need to be careful. And I'll just read this verse because I'm running out of time. The Bible says in Proverbs 16 32, once again, he that is slow to anger is better than the mighty. You say, I want to be a mighty man of God. I want to be used mightily by God. You have to have this in you. You have to be a person that's slow to anger. It says, you'll be a mighty person if you do that. And he that ruleth the spirit, the he that taketh the city. So ruling your spirit, controlling your emotions, controlling your anger, controlling the wrath that's inside of you is something that we all should strive to have. But if you really want to be used by God, this is a must. This is a requirement. And it's not something that your master wants and you're good for the rest of your life. Not going to happen. This is something that you have to keep doing every single day, reminding yourself that a being slowly anger is a good thing. It's a quality God wants us to have because Moses killed a man. I'm pretty sure that take anger. Did it not? Well, guess what? He got it under control. He was the meekest guy on the earth, but sure enough, was he allowed to go into the promised land? No, he wasn't. What cost him that the fact that he got angry at the trend of Israel and God says, speaking to this rock. And he did it. He was so angry. He took the rod and he hit it twice. And then the water came out. So it's something that, yeah, you may control today, but then you still have to deal with it tomorrow. And the next day down the road, it needs to realize that, Hey, if I'm not a person that can control my anger, I'm going to end up making mistakes that could cost me some internal rewards cost me, maybe even my life. If you want to, you know, bring that up. But also the Bible says, and with a contentious and angry woman, sometimes we need to realize that, Hey, the Bible does talk about controlling your anger. We mostly think of men, but here mentions woman as well. So it goes to both men and woman, you know, it says the angry woman, Proverbs 19 says this discretion of a man, the purpose angering is a glory to pass over a transgression. I guess that's a key thing to overcoming anger. Hey, somebody upsets you. Somebody says something to you. Somebody offends you. Just remind yourself, you know, what is the glory for me to pass over that transgression? If this person did something to me, you know, what does it mean to forget that pass it over, let it go, move on with my life. And you never help that individual. If I can, you don't want to be this person that's hot headed because they can hurt you. And it can hurt you really bad. The Bible says this, make no friendships with an angry man. And with a first man down shot, not go. Why? Because you know what? Angry people can get you in a lot of trouble. If you're, if you have some nice kids, that's great. I'm glad you have wonderful kids, but check their friends as well. We probably don't have that problem here. Maybe people in public schools do because guess what? Your child may be a good child, but if he's hanging around a bunch of hot heads, he will get in trouble. Not he might, he will get in trouble. And he's going to continue to do such things. Especially if people don't control their anger, they'll take that all the way to the end of their lives. And a perfect example is this past Friday, I was just going to go for a simple run. I was at work, done with work. I was just going to go for a jog. And right before I started dogging, I heard a bunch of screaming. And when I turn around, I just see this skinny guy. He couldn't have been more than five, seven, about 155 pounds. He's literally sprinting for his life. And behind him is this guy is a little bit taller sprinting right behind him, grabs him by the neck, slams him on the ground. Then another guy jumps on him. Then another guy jumps on him. And I'm like, what am I even witnessing right now? All I'm seeing is two guys pounding this guy on the ground. And then the guy that's standing up, he's literally stomping the guy's head. He's going up and down, stomping, stomping, just trying to stomp him while the other guy's just hitting him in the stomach. One guy's kicking him in the stomach. I'm like, what am I seeing? Is this guy like getting assaulted? Then I realized what was going on. He was being assaulted. But then I looked around because I'm on this side. He's on the other side and there's cars passing left and right. My natural instinct was to run, but literally that verse right in my head, not to get involved in matters that don't mean to you. It's like taking a dog by the ear. So I wanted to just observe. I want to observe my environment. Like what's going on? Who are these people? What's the deal here? And then I saw people like recording it on the phone. So I'm saying, okay, they're calling for help. The best thing I could do is rush over and help them with them, dumping them up, but they must've been beating them up for a good two or three minutes. Then they get up and they're just laughing it off. And they're walking away like, this guy, do you believe what we just did to him? And then I don't even know how it happened, but then he gets on his knees. The victim gets on his knees. Then he stands up and is literally wobbling back and forth. He just wobbling, wobbling like a boxer that got up after getting knocked down. And I'm just like, Oh man, that guy's about to die or something. And then he ends up walking towards his vehicle, gets into his vehicle. Then these guys come back for more. They start yelling at him. So I guess he put a vehicle and drive. He ended up speeding, but you can't drive when you're halfway unconscious. So he ended up doing like a half circle. And what was even crazier is that with these three guys, these three mixing guys watching the whole thing, just enjoying the show, just sitting back, relaxed, watching this guy get pounded. They didn't even bother calling the police. They're just, they're kind of laughing, looking at the whole thing. But these guys ended up paying the consequences, I guess, for not helping because he gets into his car, floors it, does a semi-circle and he runs right into their truck, right into the truck, just hits it. And these guys, I mean, they were just like, Whoa, getting out the way. And I don't know what's up with traffic accidents, but it's been a lot of traffic accidents back home. And even a drunk guy hit me like two months ago, but lucky enough, he didn't hit me so hard that he took on my leg, but hits me on the side. And then when he backed up in park, I thought something was wrong with him. So I ended up parking next to him. I got out, I went straight to help him out. It's like, Hey, you okay? Everything's fine. He's like, Oh yeah, yeah. Then turned off. I smelled the alcohol. Sure enough, I realized he was drunk. Had to call the police. The police came and they arrested him. Said, look, I'm sorry, we don't want to arrest him, but the guy's drunk. I'm like, Hey, I didn't want to call you guys either, but they're trying to get into the vehicle and flee. My first instinct was to see if he was okay, help him out. Yeah, he damaged my vehicle, but I got upset for two seconds. Like, Oh man, I can't believe he's in my vehicle. I'm like, Oh, but let me make sure he's okay. Right away I go to make sure he's okay. I got out and I was going to be talking to him nice and kind. Hey man, you okay? Everything's fine. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Smell the alcohol, call the police, et cetera, et cetera. But these guys were not like that. This guy, they saw him getting pounded. They saw him get up and wobble. They saw him wobble his stuff all the way to his car. I don't even know how he did that. They saw him get in there, close the door. They even saw the other guys scare him. He tried to drive off, fleeing for his life, rushed into the truck. And instead of like, you know, backing up and helping them, they rushed in there and started beating him up. These guys were so hot headed. They literally were just punching him through the window. The guy's window was down. They're just punching and punching and punching him. Another guy opens up the back door, starts punching and punching him. Then they drag him out the car and they're still punching and kicking him and punching him. Then the other three guys come back and they join him. Now they join him and they start kicking him. Now six guys versus one. And I'm thinking, how is this guy even alive? So I just said, you know what, forget it, wait for the cops to show up. Finally they showed up and they had to drag these guys off of them. They handcuffed the guy and they started saying, yeah, this guy tried to kill us and whatever, whatever. So I just stood back and I'm like, no, no, I don't think so. But what had happened was this guy parked, went into the driveway and these two guys were in front of them. And sure enough, they were blocking. So he said something, the other guys were hot headed, said something back. Instead of one guy at least trying to be cool, they both were hot headed guys. And then it turned into a big fight. And this guy, because he in the, in the privacy ended up talking trash as well. It cost him almost cost him his life. Why? Because he was a hot headed guy. He didn't care that it was three guys. He mouthed off. They got upset. He put it in park. They dragged the door open, dragged him out. He took up in the spring and caught him and they pounded him for a while. Why? Because the guy just didn't understand that it's not a good thing to talk trash. It's not a good thing to just be hot headed and to just blow up anytime you want and say whatever you want, whatever comes to your mind. That's not how we should be. And this is why the Bible warns us not to be, not to have a friendship with an angry man and with a furious man that should not go. Even though the guy must've been five foot seven, maybe 155 pounds, you know, he has some attitude in him, but then look what ended up happening. All he had to do was like, Oh, I'm sorry guys. Just go ahead. Didn't see you. They literally got in there and just kind of, I guess you can say, jaywalked in front of him. He had the right of way. They didn't give him the right of way. Instead of letting it go, he decided to say something dumb. And sure enough, one guy says another, next thing you know, the guy's getting beat up for no reason. He could've just said, I'm sorry guys, go ahead and go, but that's not what ended up happening. Why? Because this guy just got upset right away. Who are these guys in front of me? Can't believe they're just blocking the traffic. And the other guy, same thing. Who are you honking at us? You know, the next thing you know, it leads into a big fight that did not need to happen. So the whole goal of this sermon is just to remind us, Hey, let's just continue to be people of peace. You know, let's be the peacemakers, not be the ones that are stirring up strife in church, stirring up strife in our jobs, stirring up strife with our friends, our families, our wives, whatever the case may be. You know, if we have a reason to get angry, then great. But most of the time we probably don't when we get angry. And that's when we need to be careful and watch things. So of course, the first thing I wanted to remind you guys up, Hey, if you're going to get upset and make sure it's not because you're better. If you're upset and you're, and it's because you're just a high headed person, you need to learn how to control that. Well, that's just how I am. Well, you know what, all I can say is you can do all things through Christ. So if you want to overcome that, you want to become a better person and not be somebody that's so high headed, Hey, seek the Lord. He'll help you with that issue. And it's something you have to get under control because it cost Moses the promised land because he got hot headed in that moment. This guy from McDonald's, it almost cost him his life. Definitely cost him his car. He had a nice car and he ruined it because guess what? He talks some trash. Now I'm not saying he deserved to get that pounding, but it could have prevented it had it not been so hot headed. But the last thing also that gives us upset really easy, especially if you're, and I'm just talking to parents right now is our children. Our children can get us upset really easy. And there's a good way to take care of that. And there's a bad way to take care of that. If you have your Bible, go ahead and go to Proverbs 22, 15. I'm going to read from Proverbs 29, 15. It says this, the rod and reproof give wisdom. So what gives wisdom? Just the rod. No. What gives wisdom reproof only? What is reproof? Basically telling your kid that he's wrong. You know, you're correcting your kid. So spanking the kid, is that going to be enough? Absolutely not. Correcting the kid time out. This is what you did wrong. Johnny, is that going to be enough? No. What is, what is the formula for children getting wisdom? Rod and reproof. But what do we tend to do? Some people just spank, beat the daylights out of their kids and just call it even and don't do it again. I'm going to beat you up. And I'll take the time to explain why they got spanked. This is what you did wrong. This is why you're getting a punishment. The Bible even says, if I don't spank you, I don't love you. You can explain to your kid in that way. But other people, what do they do when their kids mess up? We just quickly go to straight yelling. Hey, what are you doing? We just scream at them. Why? Because it says right there, but a child led to himself, bring this mother to shame. So of course, if you really stop and think about it, if your kids are doing things that are bringing you to shame, it may be because you're leaving them to themselves. They're getting in trouble and that's what's going to happen. Proverbs 29 17 says this, correct thy son, he shall give thee rest. Yea, he shall give the light unto thy soul. But most of the time we don't correct our children the way we're supposed to. And we still just scream and yell and try to just intimidate our children into doing what's right. When the Bible makes it very clear that the rod and reproof is what's going to get that kid squared away and give wisdom unto that child. Proverbs 29 19 says this, a servant will not be corrected by words, for though he understand, he will not answer. Sees thou a man that is hasty in his words. There is more hope of a fool than of him. He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child shall have him become his son at the length. An angry man stirs up strife and affaires men abounded in transgression. So what is the Bible teaching us here? That sometimes a word is not enough. It's time to spank. Unfortunately, nobody likes to spank their kids. I don't like to spank my kids, but I realized that the only two reasons to ever spank my kids is when they have a bad attitude or they directly disobey me. Every other thing I just let go because it's probably an accident. I didn't explain it to them very well, but once I know that I explained it well, once I know they understood what I wanted and they went against me, you know, directly just went against me, that's when the time to just correct them, that's when the time to discipline them, or when they don't fix their attitude, that's when they're rough without a pause. Just because we have rules and they don't like them, that's not a reason to walk around with a form of confidence in my house. Proverbs 19 says this, Chasing thy son where there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying. And I fell for this one a lot. Once my kids started crying, I feel like, hey, they got their punishment, hey, they understand, hey, they're good to go. But no, it seemed like, hey, once I got the rod, that's when they pretty much stopped whatever I needed them to stop doing. You know, but all this stuff can cause us to just get upset for no reason when we need to remember, you guys are right there in Proverbs 22, that a foolishness is bound in the heart of what? The child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. So what causes us to get easily upset? I think you do bitterness. That causes us to get upset without a cause. What causes us to get upset? The fact that we never really made an effort to control our anger and we become people that are hot-headed. What's another thing that can cause us to get easily upset? We're our children, our children messing up. And instead of us correcting them with the rod, we end up correcting them with our words. And like it says right there, that sometimes a servant is not even corrected by words themselves. Sometimes they need a bigger punishment, whatever the punishment may be to get that servant, that employee to straighten out and correct themselves, whether it's a write-up or whatever. It just comes a time where, you know, words are not going to be enough. And instead of us getting upset and just using all our words in vain, we need to realize that we need to do what the Bible says. And that's just to use the rod of correction, you know, to fix that individual child. But all this stuff is stuff that's going to help us to just be successful people. And it's going to help us to not just know what's right, but it'll prevent us from making a ton of mistakes because if we make mistakes while we're angry, we tend to make mistakes that are wrong. But if we can remember, A, anger is good, but I got to make sure I got a good reason to be angry, it can kind of force us in a way to help us to make right decisions. So what is the conclusion of it all? It's simply this, everybody's going to deal with this. Everybody's going to deal with anger. Everybody's going to have issues where they just get upset right away. Of course, it's not something that you can probably fix overnight, especially if you're a hot-headed individual. And yes, we do have Christians that are hot-headed individuals. And I'm not just saying they get upset, you know, after a few instances. No, immediately they get upset. I've been with Christians, recently they got upset, started using foul language because somebody cut them off or somebody was going too slow or whatever the case. And I'm just like, man, what in the world? And they even confess it to me. And they're like, look, man, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean for that to come out. It's like, how do you do it? How do you deal with, you know, controlling your anger, et cetera, et cetera. Well, one thing is simply remembering that it is a glory to pass over a transgression. That's a huge one on my end. I think I have that verse a lot. And it's like, you know what, when I get upset, if it's after somebody, after they have to realize that I need to be the bigger person, I need to let that go. I need to pass over that transgression and move on with my life. But another thing we can also do, it says in Ecclesiastes 7, better is the end of a thing that beginning thereof and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Just realize that being patient is a virtue, is something important, is something we should have. And if I can tell, you know, all the parents in the world, hey, here's the one thing I think we all need to focus on and that's patience. But what I mean by patience, this is exactly what I mean. This is straight out of the dictionary. It says, bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint. So there's going to be times when a kiss makes you get us upset. We just need to feel patience. You got to take it and just realize, look, I'm just going to take it. I'm upset, but I'm just going to keep myself calm. I'm going to keep myself without complaint. And I'm just going to correct that child. And then if I need to correct that child with a rod, I will, but obviously you're going to look at the situation. But patience is something that every Christian should have. The Bible holds patience very highly. It says in James 5-11, behold, we count them happy, which endure. You have heard of the patience of Job. And what is Job famous for? For not charging God bullishly after all those bad things happen to him. He's the example of patience. I mean, all the bad stuff that we can think of that has happened to us in our lives, I guarantee you there's nothing compared to what happened to Job. You know, Job has gone probably to the worst. Think about it, his business just in one day gone, his friends gone, his children gone all in one day. Having to bury his friends, having to bury his children was probably the worst part. He had 10 children. That's 10 different whole things to dig. That's 10 children need to dig out and then put six feet under. Can you imagine just how hard that was to do? Go take care of his friends. They got killed. Now he has to deal with their families. And this whole time he had patience. You know, he took it. He took the pain calmly, you know, without complaint, because then he ends up saying in the end, hey, blessed be the name of the Lord. You know, he praised the Lord after all of that. And not just that, you know, but in John two, it says this. And after this went down to Capernaum, he and his mother and his brother and his disciples talking about Jesus Christ. And it continued there not many days. And the Jews pass over was at hand and Jesus was up in Jerusalem and found in the temple, those that sold oxen and sheep and doves and the changes of money, you know, sitting. And when he had made us a scourge of small cords, in other words, a whip, he drove them all out of the temple and the sheep and the oxen and poured out the money, changes of money and over through the tables. Here is an example of Jesus Christ where he got angry and he did something about it. But when you saw all this sin, they have something in God's house. He didn't get upset right away. Cause like, you know, I learned this from Pastor Anderson. He made, like I said, a cord of a small cords, a cord of small cords. In other words, a whip, you know, so that just shows that he didn't explode right away. You know, he was a man that had patience, but he also had to, you know, do what he needed to do in order to show people that they were in the wrong. Proverbs 19 says this, the discretion of a man defers his anger and it's a glory to pass over the transgression. Philippians 4 says this, be careful for nothing, but in everything by parent's supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God, which pass all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds to Jesus Christ. What is that teaching us? Hey, when something's bothering you, it says, be careful for nothing, take it to God. You know, this person does your wrong, can't get over it, take it to God. Say, God, look, I'm sorry, I can't let this go, I know this is sin, I'm still bitter for whatever reason, I don't want to be bitter, please forgive me, help me to forgive that person, I want the peace so I can go to sleep without the wrath being, you know, upon my head. And it says in 1 Peter, humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that you may exalt you into your time, casting all your care upon him for he care for you. If you're upset, angry or something, take it to God, give it to him. And at the end, if you're like, I don't know if I can do it, I don't know if I can actually control my anger, I'm a very angry person, I'm a hot-headed, I'm that hot-headed guy you're talking about, brother Segura, you know, I do get easily angered, I do get bitter very quickly, you know, I don't know what to do about it, all I can tell you is Philippians 4 13 reminds us again that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, you know, so try having patience, try taking everything to the Lord, try whatever you need to do, but we need to understand that, hey, controlling anger is something that we need to all work on, so the next year when I come see you guys again, hopefully, you know, we can say, hey, yeah, you know what, I've been able to control my anger a little bit better, I'm not as hot-headed as I used to be, and I just got to tell you, keep it up, because you can always go back to it, but it's going to take work to continue to do what's right, don't end up like Moses, he'll probably be the first to tell you, yeah, don't let your anger get you, it cost me the promised land, so hopefully, it doesn't cost you your promised land in your life, so watch the anger, make sure we have, you know, a reason to be upset, you know, make sure when you ask yourself, why am I wrong, you have a good reason, and if you're angry, you know, you are angry for a good cause, not without a cause, and yeah, have fun burning those Bibles that took that word out, amen, let's pray, dear Father, we thank you so much for all that you've done, Father, I just want to ask you to please help us all here to just grow, not just grow there, Father, but to be used to do great and wonderful things, but we understand, dear Father, just through scripture, that if people do want to be mightily used by you, we not just need to be humble people, righteous people, not just people that are just seeking you, Lord, but we need to be people that understand how to control our emotions, somebody that can control their anger, somebody that's not easily angered, somebody that understands when I'm in sin because of my anger versus, look, I'm angry at sin, and Lord, everyone that's here is here because they're serious about serving you, and I ask you, dear Father, to please bless them and keep them serving you, I want to see them next year and the year after that, until we get raptured, until, you know, we're all, we're all in the millennium, whatever the case may be, and Father, just bless everyone who's here, once again, with safety, and just help us just to be people that are not known as angry people, but that are known that are people that are just peacemakers, people that are great mercies, slow to anger, you know, and that's how we should be, you know, as far as our testimony, dear Father, and we ask you to just bless them all in Jesus' first name, amen. All right, turn your hymnals, your last song, song number 127. Song number 127, "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus." Sing it out there on the first. "'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take him at his word, Just to rest upon his promise, Just to know thus saith the Lord, Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him, How I proved him o'er and o'er, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, Oh, for grace to trust him more, Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust his cleansing blood, Just in simple faith to plunge me, Neath the healing cleansing flood, Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him, How I proved him o'er and o'er, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, Oh, for grace to trust him more, Yes, it's sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin itself to cease, Just from Jesus, Simply taking life and rest and joy and peace, Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him, How I proved him o'er and o'er, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, Oh, for grace to trust on the last, I'm so glad I've learned to trust thee, Precious Jesus, Savior friend, And I know that thou art with me, Will be with me to the end, Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him, How I proved him o'er and o'er, Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, Oh, for grace to trust him more.