(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Welcome to Pure Words Baptist Church. We'll go ahead and get started. Go ahead and pull out your hymnals and we will open up to our first song in our hymnals. Song number 236. Song number 236. No not one. No not one. Song number 236. We'll go ahead and start there on the first. Sing nice and loud. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No not one. No not one. None else could heal all our soul's diseases. No not one. No not one. Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No not one. No not one. No friend like him is so high and holy. No not one. No not one. And yet no friend is so meek and lowly. No not one. No not one. Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No not one. No not one. There's not an hour that he is not near us. No not one. No not one. No night so dark but his love can cheer us. No not one. No not one. Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No not one. No not one. Did ever saint find this friend forsake him? No not one. No not one. Or sinner find that he would not take him. No not one. No not one. Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No not one. No not one. Was there a gift like the Savior given? No not one. No not one. Will he refuse us a home in heaven? No not one. No not one. Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide till the day is done. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus. No not one. No not one. Amen. Brother Dardanis you want to pray for us this evening? Amen. All right so in your hymnals go ahead and split this song number 424. 424. I'm gonna start singing the Christmas song getting to that type of season. Number 424. Oh come all ye faithful. 424. We'll start singing there on the first. Oh come all ye faithful, joyful and triumph. Oh come ye, oh come ye to Bethlehem. Come and behold him, born the king of angels. Oh come let us adore him. Oh come let us adore him. Oh come let us adore him, Christ the Lord. Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation. Oh sing all ye bright hosts of heaven above. Oh glory to God, all glory in the highest. Oh come let us adore him. Oh come let us adore him. Oh come let us adore him, Christ the Lord. Yay Lord, we greet thee. Born this happy morning, Jesus to thee, glory give. Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing. Oh come let us adore him. Oh come let us adore him. Oh come let us adore him, Christ the Lord. Amen. Good singing. So this time we'll go ahead and go over the announcements for the evening. Go ahead and pull out your bulletins. If you didn't grab a bulletin, just go ahead and raise your hand in the air. We'll have Brother Mo bring them around to you. And on the front page we do have our Bible memory passage. We are in Romans chapter number eight verse 36. So we're just a few verses away from finishing this chapter out. So definitely keep working on it if you are working on it. If you could quote a word perfect to a non-family member, you will receive a prize there at the end of that of you quoting that chapter. And then on the inside of the bulletin we have our service times listed. Sunday morning we meet at 10 30 a.m. Sunday evening 5 30 p.m. and we have our midweek Bible study at 7 p.m. We have our church church-wide soul winning times with respective leaders and also our stats listed there. So this morning we had a total of 11 salvations to report. We went out today and then we have another three to add on there. So a total of 14 for the day. So definitely a good job soul winning. Keep up the good work with that. We have some prayer requests listed here. We have Brother Edward Gamino with his health. So just be in continued prayer for him and his health issues. We also have the Artis family and more specifically Sister Terry's father just be in prayer for his health issues and everything with everything that they're dealing with. And if you do have any prayer requests email those into the church and Pastor Shelley will go in detail over all those prayer requests and that midweek service. We could be in prayer for all you know anything that you might need. So email those prayer requests in. There on the next page we have some expecting ladies in the church. We have Miss Sarah Gomez. This says here expecting in December that is the due date December 3rd but you know we're expecting any day now. So they'll be in prayer for Miss Sarah Gomez and the baby boy stylist. We have Sister Corinne Darnell expecting in June to be in prayer for her and the growing little one. We have some upcoming events and guest preachers listed. So today November 14th we have Brother Chris DeGuro from Faithful Word Baptist Church back with us. Always a blessing having him come preach for us. November 23rd will be our Thanksgiving service. Just take note that that is on a Tuesday and not a Thursday. So that Thanksgiving week we are not going to have a Thanksgiving service which is on Thursday. It's going to be on Tuesday. November 28th we're going to have Brother Chris back with us. And then December 3rd will be our Christmas caroling and pizza fellowship. December 5th which will be that following Sunday Pastor Shelley will be preaching and we have Brother Duncan Urbanic. We have our Christmas candlelight service on the 23rd and we'll have Brother Chris DeGuro. I mentioned this morning he needs to get a rental house down here you know here so often. So definitely a blessing having him and his family come down. And then we'll have Brother Duncan Urbanic back with us and then following Duncan we'll have the Brother Ben Naim otherwise known as Ben the Baptist. So definitely a lot of preachers to look forward to and events to look forward to. So definitely jot those on your calendars. And then if you did miss pictures this morning we are going to be taking pictures again on Thursday for the yearbook. So if you missed the pictures make sure to be here on Thursday for the yearbook. And then if you missed those possibly we could work something out but just try to be here on Thursday to get into that yearbook. But that is the announcements for the evening. Go ahead and pull your hymnals back out and we'll have Brother Mo and lead us in our third song. All right turn to song number 107. Song 107, Praise the Savior. We'll sing it out there on the first. Praise the Savior, ye who know him, who can tell how much we owe him. Gladly let us render to him all we are and have. Jesus is the name that charms us. He for conflict fits and arms us. Nothing moves and nothing harms us while we trust in him. Trust in him, ye saints forever. He is faithful, changing never. Neither force nor gall can sever those he loves from him. Then we shall be where we would be. Then we shall be what we should be. Things that are not now nor could be soon shall be our own. All right good singing. If you would turn in your Bibles. Where's the chapter at? What's the chapter on there? Proverbs 11. Okay Numbers chapter 11. Numbers 11. We'll have Brother Brandon read for us while we pass the offering plate. All right we're there in Numbers chapter 11. The Bible reads and when the people complained it displeased the Lord and the Lord heard it and his anger was kindled and the fire of the Lord burnt among them and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp and the people cried unto Moses and when Moses prayed unto the Lord the fire was quenched and he called the name of the Lord into the place Tibera because the fire of the Lord burnt among them and the mixed multitude that was among them fell a-lusting and the children of Israel also wept again and said who shall give us flesh to eat we remember the fish which we did eat in Egypt freely the cucumbers and the melons and the leeks and the onions and the garlic but now our soul is dried away there is nothing at all besides this manna before our eyes and the manna was coriander seed and the color thereof was the color of delium and the people went about and gathered it and ground it in in meals and or be in mortar and bake it in pans and made cakes of it and the taste of it was as a taste of fresh oil and when the dew fell upon the camp in the night the manna fell upon it then Moses heard the people weep throughout their families every man in the door of his tent and the anger of the Lord was kindled greatly Moses also was displeased and Moses said unto the Lord wherefore hast thou afflicted thy servant and wherefore have I not found failure in thy sight that thou layest the burden of all this people upon me have I conceived all this people have I begotten them that thou shouldst say unto me carry them in thy bosom as a nursing father bareth the suckling child unto the land which thou swearst unto their father whence should I have flesh to give unto all of this people for they weep unto me saying give us flesh that we may eat I am not able to bear all this people alone because it is too heavy for me and if thou and if thou deal thus with me kill me and I pray thee out of hand if I have found favor in thy sight and let me not see my wretchedness and the Lord said unto Moses gather unto me 70 men of the elders of Israel whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people and officers over them and bring them into the tabernacle of congregations that they may stand there with thee and I will come down and talk with thee there and I will take of the spirit which upon thee and will put it upon them and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee that thou bear it not thyself alone and say thou unto the people sanctify themselves against the model and ye shall eat flesh for ye have wet in the ears of the Lord saying who shall give us flesh to eat for it was well with us in Egypt therefore the Lord will the Lord will give you flesh and ye shall eat you shall not eat one day nor two days or five days neither 10 days nor 20 days but even a whole month until it came out of your nostrils and it would be loathsome unto you because that ye have despised the Lord which is among you and have wet before him saying why can't we forth out of Egypt and Moses said the people among whom I am are 600,000 footmen and thou has said I will give them flesh that they may eat the whole mountain and shall the flocks and the herds be slain for them to suffice them or shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them to suffice them and the Lord said unto Moses is the Lord hand waxed short thou shalt see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not and Moses went out and told the people the words of the Lord and gathered these 70 men of the elders of the people and set them round about the tabernacles and the Lord came down in the cloud and spake unto him and took of the spirit that was upon him and gave it unto the 70 elders and it came to pass that when the spirit rested upon them they prophesied and did not cease but there remained two of the men in the camp that name of the one was Eldad and the name of the other was Medad the spirit rested upon them and they were of them that were written but when not but went not out of the tabernacle and they prophesied in the camp and there ran a young man and told Moses and said Eldad and Medad you prophesy in the camp and Moses and Joshua the son of Nun the servant of Moses one of his young men answered and said my Lord Moses forbid them and Moses said unto him envious thou for my sake but God that all the Lord's people were prophets and the Lord would put his spirit upon them and Moses got him into the camp and he and the elders of Israel and there went forth the wind from the Lord and brought quail from the sea and let them fall by the camp as it were a day's journey on this on this side and it and as it were a day's journey on the other side round about the camp and it were two cubits high upon the face of the earth and the people stood up all the day and all the night and all the next day and they gathered the quail and he gathered the least gathered in Homer and they spread them all abroad for themselves round about the camp and while the flesh was yet between their teeth here it was chewed and the wrath of the Lord was kindled against the people and the Lord smote the people with a very great plague and he called the name the place Kibraatava because they were buried the people that lusted and the people journeyed from Kibraatava and Hazra and abode as Haroth. Let's have a quick word of prayer. Amen. Well if you look at Numbers chapter 11 we're going to look at verse number one for right now it says and when the people complain is this pleased the Lord and the Lord heard it right out to go you can see something the people complain and it displeased the Lord it displeased the Lord and if you study scripture from Genesis all the way to Revelation if there's one sin that God does not give you an excuse not that he gives an excuse to to sin but if there's one sin that people tend to think you know what this is not a big deal that's of complaining I mean when you look at the story when you look what happened to the children of Israel when when they're in the desert and they don't have water to drink they start complaining about hey there's not enough water to drink what are we going to do it seems like that's a legit complaint you know but on the inside they were getting upset and they weren't necessarily getting upset for the right reasons they were getting upset because they thought that Moses was taking them the wrong way and they thought hey you brought us out here to be killed to die we should have just stayed in Egypt what's going on so they were looking at the leadership and getting upset and they were complaining but that also displeased the Lord and when you read that story you wonder like hey what in the world it seems like a legit complaint but it wasn't to God and here they are and here's the children of Israel are at it again they're complaining and right now we figure out that a it displeases the Lord and Numbers 11 is a good chapter to teach you a lot about the Lord it can help you even fight false doctrines for example take a look at the next part of this verse it says in the Lord heard it and his anger was kindled and the fire of the Lord burned among them and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of that camp I mean that's one long verse I mean look how long just verse one is but right there you can learn a lot about our God a lot about the Lord and and what you learn right off the go is that he just doesn't like complaining he just doesn't like complaining and in this situation you know people complain and he burned them up he killed them for complaining he burned them all up and here's the thing what's up man what you doing over here he's the guy I was talking about this morning in case y'all wondering listen to the sermon brother don't worry he puts God number one right he could have just stayed in this hotel and napped out and be like look the Lord understands how tired I am yeah he can figure out that I'm not I'm not joking but he's here tonight hey this is right right but here's the thing though he says that the Lord burned them all up and it's funny because I have two audio bibles you know one is the most recent one that I just purchased because I figured okay maybe the most recent one is probably the better one you know that one I liked and I bought it because you can kind of speed it up and then there's another one that comes with an app that I love to use I use that app to write scriptures and that's the Dakota app was ever whoever has heard of the Dakota app you know I think it's on both Android and on Apple's system is a card app but have you ever noticed that he gives you a free audio Bible have you ever noticed that about it who knows what I'm talking about in regards with the card app if you ever get a chance to look on your phone in fact if you want to do it now go ahead and do it I don't mind but if you search the card at t-e-c-a-r-t-a you even put k-j-v the card up that's a good app you know you can just download it whenever you want and you can highlight you can save things but one thing that I like is it gives you a free audio Bible you know and it is the drama Bible a lot of people like I don't like the room I was too distracting I can kind of understand but this is different this is a really interesting one because I was always wondering why would they come up with an audio Bible when there's already one in existence wouldn't that be like a waste of money but then when you listen to both you kind of figure out oh I see what's going on well let's just say that the audio Bible that they give you for free that one they don't they don't necessarily sell don't even offer it but here's the thing that one has a lot of sound effects and when you listen to numbers 11 just right off the go I told my daughter hey listen to this I had her play it so she can give an amen so I have a witness so I let her listen to it and the most recent one that I bought that cost me like 40 bucks it's just the reader it's the drama Bible and he just reads it and he just says and when the people complain it displeased the Lord and the Lord heard it and his anger was kingled and the fire of the Lord you know burnt among them and consumed them that were in the outermost parts of the camp and that's what you hear but the old drama audio Bible I'm like listen to this because I want to make sure I have somebody that can say amen when we hit play it starts out like with people murmuring you can hear them in the background and next thing you know you hear thunder thunders and then lightning and then fire and you hear a lot of people screaming they're like screaming they're like am I telling them there's like men screaming there's like females screaming you don't wonder it wakes you up you don't wonder what's going on in this chapter that audio Bible helps you figure out what's going on in that chapter and then out of curiosity I'm like I wonder what they did with judges 19. Who knows what's going on just 19 that's where the woman gets raped and so I decided to play it and right now I'm sure some liberals going to hear it and start emailing to Carter get rid of that you know because here's what happens in judges they actually have the woman screaming as she's being raped by the sodomite she's like like it talks about how they abuse the woman and then the woman is screaming like you know but that's probably why they decided hey let's make a newer drama version because guess what the new one doesn't have a woman screaming in judges 19 so as you tell little Johnny to listen to the audio Bible hey if he listens to the old drama one he's going to figure out whoa you know they hurt this woman even though he may not know what rape is they might ask questions like why is this woman screaming well they raped her to death is what the story says you know by hearing numbers 11 if you listen to the takarta hey you'll hear that fire came down and these people got consumed and they were all killed and then guess what happened says that the people cried unto Moses and Moses prayed unto the Lord and the fire was quenched so the few things that we see is that God hates complaining and God hated it so much that he burnt people he burnt them he killed them and then we see Moses praying and the Lord quenches the fire he stops doing it so hey prayer does help this is where you pray for people that God is maybe punishing and you're like Lord be merciful our prayers to help this is something that shows that that a we can help you know individuals that may not God may not listen to them but they'll listen to us and we're like Lord be merciful to them help them a you know what be patient with them just let them grow or whatever the case may be you know and it says and he called the name of the place tabira because the fire of the Lord burned among them and I want you to focus on that word you know tabira here's the thing when my daughter was born like he's struggling right now I'm just kidding you probably have a name for your child yet you have one good well we didn't have one when Christina was born so he struggled we're at the hospital trying to figure out what name and somebody decided to name her after this story tabira somebody decided to do it and I'll piss up that was me and my wife's like what it's like yeah I want to name her tabira and she's like why because you know what I struggle with complaining I just said to myself I struggle with complaining the littlest things kind of sets me off and I tend to complain and I want to like every time I call her for whatever reason remind me not to complain and I told her come on think about it honey you know if she's around the house we're like tabira tabira just reminds me not to complain you know and she's like what it's like come on we don't have to call her tabira we can call it tabby huh how about that one hey tabby tabby hey tabby you know she gets in trouble we're like tabby just to remind me not to complain and my wife's like no there's gotta be other ways you know that can help you from becoming a person that complains all the time so I'm like I'm doing it that's it it's gonna be tibera said girl and then my wife starts crying she's like no she literally started balling like don't name her tabira no I don't want to explain to people that name so like all right all right it's like I'll I'll stay with Christina I'm like okay after crying and crying I'm okay fine you were almost named tabira after this story little girl but this sermon is not about complaining murmuring or displeasing the lord it's kind of like it's more it's more of a story that or more of a sermon that's kind of like how could this even be because the part that blows me away is verse four look at your bible we just saw verse three it says and he called the name of the lord tabira because the fire of the lord burned among them and right away I mean just look at we just read verse three let's look at verse four and the mixed multitude so here Moses prays for them the lord stops the punishment and then in verse four it's almost like it's too hard to believe it says this and the mixed multitude that was among them fell a lusting and the trend of Israel also wept again they're doing it again here the lord just burned people up I don't know how many people he killed they're begging Moses Moses tell God to stop and he does and what do they do they do it right again that is just human nature it's like the bible says the dog returns back to his vomit who's ever seen a dog eat his own vomit I've seen it once has his black labrador and he puked all over our kitchen and we're like rose he like rust then he sprints back and starts licking it all up I wouldn't even believe that verse had I not seen it myself would a dog really eat his own vomit again absolutely it will but that's what we see right away it says it started weeping again and said who should give us flesh to eat we remember the fish which we did in Egypt freely the cucumbers and the melons and the legs and the onion I'm trying to use my complaining voice here and the garlic but now our soul is dried away there's nothing at all besides this manna nothing at all besides this manna before our eyes go to revelation chapter number three it's like hold up what are you complaining about it's not that they don't have food is they don't have the food that they want isn't that crazy it reminds me of this movie it was a comedy movie about these guys that were rich their dad was the rich guy and they worked for their dad and what happened is one of the kids mouthed off to his dad so his dad punished them but you know how his dad punished them by kicking them out of the main mansion and having them live in a guest house and then what happened was his brother was sad he's just sad and his dad's like what's your problem why are you crying you kicked out charlie it's like yeah but I kicked him into the guest house he's like right over there he's like he has everything he needs you know he has a fridge he has a kitchen he has a food he has tv and then the brother's like yeah but he has no hbo you guys would probably recognize that movie it's a stupid movie but that's how spoiled these kids are where his dad punishes one of the kids by kicking them out of the house by letting them go to the guest house which was bigger than my house and not just that his brother is crying because he doesn't have not tv he doesn't have hbo and I wonder if that's based on a true story it has to be it has to be with rich kids they just go crazy but this is kind of the same thing where it's not that they don't have something to eat it's that they don't like what God's given them to eat that is wicked it's like my goodness it's the old you know the old whatever that parents do to kids you know how many children are starving right now in whatever country you know and you're complaining about your food you know they're right and it's biblical to be careful complaining about our food listen this please the lord and who knows what he'll do it but it doesn't just have to be food I mean here they're complaining about moses about everything about god because the complaints were towards god but you're right there in revelation chapter number three you know revelation chapter number three says this and unto the angel of the church and sard is right these things say he that has the seven spirits of god and the seven stars i know thy works that thou hast named it out live us in our dead be watchful and straightening the things which remain that are ready to die for i have not found thy works perfect before god remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent if therefore thou shall not watch i will come on thee as a thief and thou shall not know what hour i come upon thee thou thou has a few names in sardis which has not the farther garments and they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy what do we see here we see god rebuking the church of sardis and i bring this up a lot to people that email us talking about how bad their church is and i'm thinking okay what's the problem well my pastor is not a good soul winner my pastor's pre-trip my pastor is this my pastor is that and i always ask them is your pastor safe or as you know oh yeah king james only absolutely well i don't see what was there to complain about i really don't it's like yeah it would be great if every church was a hot on fire fire breathing church that would be awesome but that's not reality but that's also not the end of the world because look what it says down here in verse four says thou has a few names so he's got saying hey hey sardis you know it's like you guys need to get to work it says right there in verse number one it says you're alive but you're really dead meaning you're a dead church he says straight to the things which remain that are ready to die it's like you guys are screwing up a lot of things you know you're your soul when it is ready to die or has died he says your works are not perfect before god so god is making very clear sardis is a dead church and it's not a perfect church he says your works are not perfect before god but he says hey remember repent get it right or i'm going to come as a thief and i'm going to take away your light thou has a few names even in sardis which has not defiled their garments so these are the people that didn't complain didn't join in on the sin and guess what happened when the tune of israel started to to send it up a people started to join in but not everybody did and everybody did and so guess what that story is there to help us to realize that a our complaining can affect other people and i've seen it i've seen it even in my work i like i bring this up a lot you know i have a military background he has a military background so he can probably tell you more than anybody that one of the biggest people that we've ever seen complains are the guys in the infantry the infantry guys complain a lot they join because they want to be hardcore and shoot guns and you know run through the jungle but when they actually start running to the jungle they're like wow this stuff it's like it's wet it's cold it's miserable and and it's funny because you would think that they will want to train but after a while they don't want to train they hate going to the field when the captain's like all right we're gonna do a 10 mile hike they're like oh man why you know isn't that how it usually happens and we're like hey relax chill be careful with the complaining hey the captain if he hears it it's going to get very upset because that's just how it is when people complain all over the place here guys get upset but also says that moses moses get upset go ahead and go back to numbers if you can we'll keep it simple numbers 11 11 you know so this morning or this evening i just want to help you guys this isn't about complaining this isn't about murmuring the sermon is not about getting right this is just kind of to get you to realize how could this stuff be these guys got got burned up and right away they go back at it again it's like what's going on here you know well we'll see what's going on we'll look at the scriptures the scriptures actually gives you an answer you know but the sermon title is simply this tiberia and he brought head of head of uh which is the other place that this chapter mentions and we'll get to that in a second but if you're right there in numbers 11 11 let's just kind of finish the story it says the moses said unto the lord wherefore has that afflicted thy servant and wherefore have i not found favor in thy sight that thou lay is the burden of all these people upon me and i have conceived all these people have i begotten him that thou should say unto me carry them in thy bosom as a nursing father you know bear with the sucking child onto the land which thou swears onto their fathers when should i have flesh to give unto all these people for they weep onto me saying give us flesh that we may eat i am not able to bear all these people alone because it is too heavy for me and if thou deal thus with me kill me i pray thee out of hand if i have found favor you know in thy sight and let me not see my righteousness or here's moses saying hey these people they're grieving me they're complaining they're complaining is driving me nuts is this a punishment did you put me in charge because you wanted me to suffer that is not the case but here moses kind of complaining himself you know let's let's just skip to verse number 16 it says in the lord said unto moses gather unto me 70 men of the elders of israel whom thou knows to be the elders of the people and officers over them and bring them onto the top of the congregation so they may stand there with thee and i will come down and talk with thee there and i will take of the spirit which is upon thee and will put it upon them and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee that thou bear it not thyself alone and say down to the people sanctify yourselves against tomorrow and you shall eat flesh for you have wept in the ears of the lord saying who shall give us flesh to eat for as well with us in egypt therefore the lord will give you flesh and ye shall eat you shall eat you shall not eat one day nor two days nor five days neither ten days nor twenty days so it seems like god's going to answer their prayers they're like hey we have nothing to eat but this manna i wish we had all this stuff we have back in egypt and they're crying and now moses saying hey god's hurt your christ and he's going to give you this stuff to eat not one day not two days you know not even five ten days nor 20 days like what's going on are they being blessed no here's the thing sometimes when you push god too far and you're pushing and you're pushing and you're pushing he'll just let you do whatever you want he'll just let you backslide to the point where it says right here in proverbs 14 14 the backslider in heart shall be filled with his own way god just kind of lets you go you know and we'll talk about it a little bit but the key example is the prodigal son what happened give me my money give me my inheritance i'm out of here he's like son everything you have is yours you're with me no i want out and sure enough what happened he gives him what he wants and sometimes you may think god is with me why would he be giving me these things you know he's like yeah i know other people are telling me that i'm wrong but if i was really wrong would god really allow me to succeed in this manner uh yeah but the ways of man at the end is basically going to be the way of destruction and here we see the trend of israel we see the nature of god people are complaining whining whatever and then god just kind of gives them what they want and they're probably thinking well hey man it's about time you know it's like we knew these things were not something that that we shouldn't be asking for but let's take a look verse number 20 but even a whole month until it come out of your nostrils and it be loathsome unto you because that you have despised now it's getting a little ugly they first might have thought as he's talking oh he is going to give these things not two three five days not even 10 not even 20 they're probably thinking great awesome it's about time but now he's saying hey he's going to give you these things and they're probably thinking well amen until he gets to the part which says this that you have despised the lord which is among you and have wept before him saying why can't we forth out of egypt and moses said the people among whom i am are 600 000 footmen and thou hast said i will give them flesh that they may eat a whole month so the flocks and the herds be slain for them to suffice them or shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them to suffice them and the lord said unto moses is the lord's hand waxed short thou shall see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not and moses went out and told the people the words of the lord and gathered the 70 men of the elders of the people and sent them round about the tabernacles so got to saying hey you're going to watch me perform this miracle you're going to watch me give these people what they want so go to verse number 30 let's go to verse number 30 and we'll wrap it up and moses got him into the camp he and the elders of israel and there went forth for wind from the lord and brought quails from the sea and let them fall by the camp as it were a day's journey on this side and as it were a day's journey on the other side round about the camp and as it were two cubits high upon the face of the earth and the people stood up all that day and all that night and all the next day and they gathered the quail these are the animals that god gave them so they can eat their meat that they've been missing out so much on because manna wasn't good enough for him what god was providing for them it wasn't good enough for them they were spoiled brats in the desert just whining and complaining about what they didn't have because they were too blind to see what they had he that gathered least gathered ten homers and they spread them all abroad for themselves round about the camp and while the flesh was yet between their teeth here it was chewed the wrath of the lord was kindled against the people and the lord smote the people with a very great plague and he called the name of that place kebab had to ava because they're there they buried the people that lusted and the people journeyed from kebab had to ava unto hezirab and abode at hezirab go to psalm 78 12. so what do we see here we see people complaining what else do do we see we see god giving them what they want is that an evidence that you're right with the lord god giving you everything that that you desire no sometimes he'll give you over until your own desires one key example is the rich man that had all these riches and sure enough he ended up getting more we spoke about that this morning this guy ended up getting a whole lot more and he's like whoa you know i'm getting so much more you know my business is growing what do i do i know i'm going to grow it even more you know i'm going to grow it even more so at the end i can basically retire early and what does the bible say you fool today your soul is going to be required of thee almost the same thing if you think about it here's the people are just like trying to to live life according to their own eyes according according to what they seem as wise they're obviously complaining god tries to kind of show them that they're going in the wrong direction when he burns up the people they continue in their ways sure enough god's like okay fine let me try it a different way this is how much is given to them you know to see what they do gives it to them they start eating the animals and while they're eating them what happens it says right there that while they're eating them the wrath of the lord was kindled against them and the lord smart the people with a very great great plague so first he burns them now he's killing them with a plague you know he's sending the coronavirus so he sends the coronavirus to basically destroy these people you know because god is sick of them and that can kind of be america in a way where we have so much and yet we complain people are complaining about america how bad america is and it's like how could you complain about america so bad that america is so racist you know it's just crazy it's like everything seems to just be about race homosexuality whatever you know it's like it seems like the people that hate this country you know they hate it for all the wrong reasons and as bad as this country is i mean do you guys really want to live anywhere else i mean people died on planes trying to leave afghanistan how crazy is that you know people are crossing who knows what you know all through mexico from haiti trying to get to the us because as bad as the us is we really don't have a lot to complain about or nothing to complain about because america is pretty it's pretty good you know but i wonder how many christians because they don't have that dream job or whatever you know wonder how many of them are kindling god's god's wrath you know because they can't see how good they have it that's the key problem here is that these people can't see how good they have it and i guess if there's something to get from this sermon it's not not to complain you guys already know that you know my brother over here you know with uh with the red t-shirts sorry forgot your name he's like i remember you last time you're talking about the roaches yeah that sermon was about complaining you're like so he hasn't forgotten about the roaches and then the other brother's like yeah something about the hotel right i'm like hey you guys definitely remember stuff amen friends the lord you know so those sermons were about complaining those servers about being careful this sermon is like how can we end up getting to that point because this story that we see in numbers is repeated in psalms let's just take a look at it really quickly you know i'll finish up in about 10 minutes but the book of psalms mentioned numbers but we can get something out of it as well so if you're right there in psalm 78 let's take a look it says marvelous things that he and the side of their fathers in the land of egypt in the field of zoan he divided the sea and caused them to pass through and he made the waters to stand as a heap in the daytime also he led them with a cloud and all the night with a light of fire so here the book of psalms is showing us just how good god was to the children of israel let's look at verse 16 and he brought them streams also out of the rock and caused waters to run down like rivers and they sent yet more against them by provoking the most high in the wilderness and the tempted god in their hearts by asking for meat for their lust so this is referring to numbers 11 says yay they spake against god they say can god furnish the table in the wilderness behold he smote the rock that the waters gushed out and the streams overflowed can he give bread also can he provide flesh for his people therefore the lord heard this and was rough so a fire was kindled against jacob so this is what we saw in numbers 11 1 why is this why is it being repeated because it's super important to god he didn't have numbers 11 shouldn't have been enough why is he talking about it again and then he also brings it up in the new testament because he doesn't want us to fall into the sin where we can't see how good we have it and we start to complain a little in our lives and be careful the bible says you all know that verse right hey he lets me fall you guys heard that what did you know that one of the things that is telling you to be careful is complaining murmuring so that verse is not like just referring to a be careful that you don't lie you might fall into adultery it has a list of things to take heat of that's not just a self-contained verse it mentions a few things before it and it's telling us see these things i just talked about and we'll look at that verse he's like take heat lets you start doing these things so these things are things that god is highlighting because these things may be little but they'll end up being big they'll end up being bigger sins that will cause you to harm your life and let's just continue it says that a fire was kindled against jacob and anger also came up against israel because they believed not in god and trusted not in his salvation though he had commanded the clouds from above and opened the doors of heaven and had rained down manna upon them to eat and have given them of the corn of heaven and man did eat angel's food he sent them meat to the full and he cast an east wind to blow into heaven and by his power he brought in the south wind he rained flesh also upon them as dust and feather fowl likes as the sand of the sea and he left it or and he let it fall in the midst of their camp round about their habitations so they did eat and were filled for he gave them their own desire look at that their own desire and what guy didn't give them what he wanted to give them he wanted to give them manna you know but that wasn't enough for them they started to complain they complained so much he gave them their own desire that's familiar sounds like that verse we just talked about where the backslider is filled in heart shall be filled with his own ways why is that important because sometimes we may think that a everything's working out well you know yes the direction i'm going is not one that people have told me it's the right way to go but hey if it was that bad you know why would it be working out so well is that whole gain is gone on this mentality you know where people think well look look how much i have even though their career is a wicked career you know i think the rock is a perfect example he has millions of dollars for movies right the rock is this famous actor y'all probably know who i'm talking about doyne johnson or whatever i just walked by a liquor store back in tempe because i was going to the store because it's just right across the street i went with my kids to buy some double-a batteries to put them on pastor anderson's mic and as i'm walking because i didn't want to drive so i took my kids we crossed the street just went to to the store to buy some batteries he passed his liquor store and it's a big poster of the rock and the rock already heard that he gets paid the most out of all the actors something like that like he makes like 20 something million a movie i think he made like 70 something million off the movie and you would think okay you know the guy has a lot of money you know i'm sure he's probably just gonna stick to acting no this poster was him basically selling tequila i guess he opened up a tequila brand you know he opened up some kind of tequila company i forgot what it's called so it's him with all his tattoos just kind of like a cup of tequila or whatever you know and i'm pretty sure he's going to make millions yay if not hundreds of millions of dollars doing that but i'm sure it doesn't take a genius to google like the damage of alcohol or to google you know the destruction of alcohol or to google something it wasn't hard because i know i did it one time like hey you know whatever something the bad things about alcohol it was just a cheesy search and it brought up how billions of dollars are wasted a year cleaning up alcohol related incidents whether it's deaths on the freeways whether it's vehicles being fixed because insurance have to fix these vehicles when people are in duis lawyers all that stuff it was all combined and what did it show just how damaging alcohol is to the united states how much money is costing the united states so i'm pretty sure that these people that go into businesses they don't just think you know what i think i'm going to i'm thinking i want to start this business i'm pretty sure they're looking all the good and they look at all the bad they research it like crazy to see if this is a business that they want to open up you know brother adri is i'm sure you got the same thing before you open up your business you look at all the pros and the cons and figure you know what hey i looked at everything i possibly need to look at i'm ready to start my own business hey it makes sense let's do it and i'm pretty sure one of the things that he thought when he was taking a career was hey i don't want to pick something that's going to cost me this thing against the lord i'm pretty sure he did that before he got into plumbing i'm pretty sure it wasn't just like well what's available out there the first thing that he finds that's what he's going to go with but this is the thing the rock is obviously probably making millions of dollars if not hundreds of millions of dollars and he's thinking hey if it was that bad why would god be blessed it's just the same thing with these people hey if it's that bad why is god giving us quill you know because he's going to give you your heart's desire and then punish you might as well do it you know before he comes down hard on you but he says that he filled them with their own desire it says they were not in straits from the lust you know but while their meat was yet in their mouths the wrath of god came upon them and slew the fattest of them and smote down the chosen man of israel for all this they sin still and believe not his wonder wondrous works it's that guy that keeps getting chastised over and over and over and he cannot get a clue you know i know of someone who knows better and yet continues to disregard the things of god where his mother is coming to me saying hey you need to talk to such and such he said he just doesn't want to come to church he's like he just he's just getting back into his old ways you know he thinks he's fine because he hasn't landed in the hospital yet but he's continuing in his old states and i'm like no problem let me see if i can talk to him try to get him back into church and i believe the guy is safe because he's a sincere dude what's the point of lying to me every time i ask him hey you know you're safe i know i'm saying brother i'm just weak right now at least he's admitting that he's screwing up and needs to do something about it but i'm sure that things are going well in this life not probably everything but some things and at that point he probably thinks well if it was that bad you know god would have punished me severely by now if i was really that bad no god sometimes gives you your own desire and then later comes down on you and then you can't blame him because you got god's word right here over and over again if you have your bibles go to first corinthians chapter number 10. first corinthians chapter number 10 while you go there i'm just going to talk about the rich guy the rich guy that had everything he says i will say to my soul thou has much good laid up for many years take thy knees eat and drink and be married this gives god's blessing the guy says but god said unto him thou fool this night thy soul should be required of thee then who who should those things be which thou has provided you know so that's the guy that god tells us don't be like him don't be a guy that's out of my will he's prospering he thinks i'm with him he's like no hey i'll give him a chance to get right but if he doesn't i'm going to come down on him but now we can see a little bit as to why why do people end up becoming these individuals they can't really see how good they have it and they start to complain and that's the thing that i want to talk about tonight is like hey let's not be these people that just can't see how good we have it and we start to let you know murmuring creep into our hearts but it says in first corinthians 10 1 moreover brethren i will not i would not that ye should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all passed through the sea and were all baptized on samosas in the cloud in the sea and that all eat the same spiritual meat and did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was christ but with many of them god was not well pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness now these things were our examples to the intent that we shall not lust after evil things as they also lusted neither be ye idolaters as were some of them as it is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play not to let us commit fornication as some of them committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand neither let us tempt christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed as serpents neither murmur ye that's what was happening in numbers 11 they were murmuring they were complaining they were crying underneath their breaths about how bad they have it and how good they had it in egypt and here it says hey don't be fornicating watch out for these things neither murmur ye as some of them also murmured and were destroyed of the destroyer now all things happen unto them for examples and they are ready for admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come wherefore this is what i was talking about they him that thinking he stand to take he lets he fall people quote it like crazy but when you ask him give me examples of what god's referring to murmuring doesn't come out murmuring isn't one of the top things they'll bring up they'll bring up hey let's just make sure we don't start drinking alcohol as we fall don't think that it's okay to start smoking pot unless you fall or whatever but murmur is one of the ones that's in this list go to luke 15 11 we'll wrap it up with luke 15 11 that's the story of the prodigal son you guys know the story the son came to his father he said hey give me my give me my portion of goods that follow me and it says that hey you know he wanted to leave and that's basically what happened the father gave him his portions he took off wasted all his substance with righteous living and then he messed up his life so bad that he kind of you know started coming back to his senses and he ended up saying to himself you know what am i doing you know how many higher servants of my father's have ready enough and to spare and i perish with hunger i will arise i will go back to my father and would say unto my father i have sin against heaven and before you know thee and this is an example what can happen us as well well we'll push god enough he'll probably just get out of our way and let us fall so the faster we fall the faster we can get right with him and that's one of the reasons why he will let you end up doing those desires that are your own desires like hey you know what he knows what he ought to do i keep telling him i have people tell him he read in the bible he just right now does have the faith to trust me and he's just going basically by what his heart is telling him to do so i'm just going to let him continue and let him do what he wants and the end result is that god wants you to just fall so he can get you back up and get you back on track you know but obviously there's another part to this story and that's the part of the brother where he hears all this music he figures out his brother is back and they killed the fatted calf and he gets upset it says in verse 28 if you can meet me right there in verse 28 and he was angry it would not go in therefore came his father out and he treated him and he answered he said to his father lo these many years do i serve thee another transgress i at any time thy commandments and yet thou never gave this me a kid that i might make merry with my friends but as soon as this thy son was come which has devoured thy living with harlot and has killed for him and thou has killed for him the fatted calf and he said out to him son thou are ever with me and all that i have is thine it was me that we should make merry and be glad for this for this thy brother was dead and is alive again and was lost and is found so what do we see here we see a story of a guy that's upset he's complaining he's complaining to his father his brother's back instead of rejoicing and having the right mindset he's upset he's complaining and we see what's going on his dad says hey what are you talking about thou are ever with me all that i have is thine why is he doing this he's trying to remind them how good he has it why is he upset because he has forgotten how good he has it what was the issue with the people in numbers 11 they have forgotten how much god has done for them in the wilderness feeding the manna everything saving them from the egyptians crossing the red sea all the promises god gave them we're going to give you guys a better land a land flowing with milk and honey but yet they got to the point of being murmurers complainers despisers of those which are good which was moses what was their problem they have forgotten like it even said how much god has done for them they are forgotten how good they have it and when we stop and think about it when we start to complain it's because we have forgotten how good we really have it starting with salvation starting with a match in heaven starting with being you know saved and going to be with christ forever and ever amen you know those are the things we tend to forget and we need to start doing what the song tells us to do counter many blessings name them one by one you see what i'm talking about they see how much the lord has done sorry i know i screwed it up but that's really how you fixed it that's what the father is doing he's trying to remind him hey count your blessings you're ever with me remember what he did to the people in numbers 11 what are you guys complaining about it's like oh my god it's called re-understanding this and that it's like hey that should be enough but no it wasn't because they really thought they had it worse than they really should because it started to get prideful and arrogant and think that they should have it better than they really should have it and that was the issue and how do you get to that point well here's a clue john 8 12 says this then spake jesus again unto them saying i am the light of the world he that follow of me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life and what was the problem with the trend of israel they just didn't believe god they didn't trust him so guess what i highly doubt they were following him to the teeth i highly doubt they would if they don't even trust god because that was the problem guys saying hey you guys provoked me you guys didn't trust me you guys didn't believe me so you really think that they were making an effort to retain everything that moses had taught him highly doubt it and here it makes it very clear that if we follow the lord guess what we're not going to walk in darkness we're not going to be blind walking down the wrong path and this is the problem that we see with everyone else including the prodigal son's brother is that he couldn't see clearly he couldn't see clearly he had forgotten how good he had it therefore he started wanting to complain to his father and his father i'm going to fix this by reminding you how good you have it count your many blessings name them one by one so when you get when you get to the point of complaining realize yes it's a serious sin and catch yourself like whoa what am i doing why am i even complaining i'm safe i'm born again i have eternal life you know if god never gives me another blessing you know what i'm good i really am good what else could we possibly need and that would cheer you up and get you from becoming this complainer because guess what you may not see it but we're all going to see it and guess what you may not be able to see this it's going to annoy everyone everyone but the worst person to annoy is god that's the one guy you do not want to annoy forget about me forget about your pastor forget about your church members it is god remember said it displeased the lord and moses was also agreed you know so let's not remember or let's remember that hey when you start thinking man you know what it's like life ain't life ain't great right now we can always just stop and count our blessings and like it says right here get back to following the lord get it get out of darkness be able to see clearly and realize how good we have it so we don't complain about how bad we we actually have it which we really don't we really stop and think about it so tonight what am i wanting you guys to remember remember those two cities where he burned them up and he hit them with a plague and by all means don't name your child tiberia okay just read numbers 11 and you'll be fine let's pray dear god thank you for everything that you've done lord thank you for these stories in the bible lord they're in there over and over and over again for a reason and it's just to help us to stay right that's the whole purpose of these stories to scare us and help us to realize who you really are unlike the jehovah's witnesses who keep bringing this stupid thing up that how could a loving god burn anyone well you did it in numbers 11 and we know you're a loving god but they clearly don't know who you are but father for us help us to continue to follow you so that we're not in darkness so that we can see clearly and so we can always see how good we have it and keep ourselves lord from becoming like the children of israel numbers 11 so i ask you to just help us to do that in the name of your son just christ amen all right pull out your handles and turn to your last song we're going to do another christmas song here we're going to do song 426 on 426 i heard the bells on christmas day we're gonna sing it out there on the first i heard the bells on christmas day their old familiar carols play and wild and sweet the words repeat of peace on earth goodwill to men i thought how as the day had come the belfries of all christ and dumb had rolled along the broken song of peace on earth goodwill to men and in despair i bowed my head there is no peace on earth i said for hate is strong and marks the song of peace on earth goodwill to men then held the bells more loud and deep god is not dead nor doth he sleep the wrong shall fail the right prevail with peace on earth goodwill to men till ringing singing on its way the world revolved from night to day a voice a chime a chance sublime of peace on earth goodwill to men all right good singing you're all dismissed