(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Welcome to the Pure Words Baptist Church. You want to go ahead and grab a seat and grab your hymnal. Our first hymn for the evening will be hymn number 44 Will Work Till Jesus Comes. Hymn number 44 Will Work Till Jesus Comes. Hymn number 44 singing or starting on the first let's sing. O land of rest worthy I sigh when will the moment come when I shall lay my armor by and dwell in peace at home will work till Jesus comes will work till Jesus comes will work till Jesus comes and will be gathered home to whom Jesus Christ I fled for rest he bade me cease to roam and leave for succor on his breast till he till Jesus comes will work till Jesus comes will work till Jesus comes and will be gathered home I sought at once my Savior's sight no more my steps shall roam with him I'll sit at my desk chilling tight and reach my heavenly home will work till Jesus comes will work till Jesus comes will work till Jesus comes and will be gathered home Amen. Amen. Amen. For the next hymn this evening turn if you would to hymn number 56 when we all get to heaven hymn number 56 56 when we all get to heaven starting there on the first let's sing sing the wondrous love of Jesus sing his mercy and his grace in the dimensions bright and blessed he'll prepare for us a place when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory while we walk the pilgrim pathway clouds will over spread the sky but when travelling days are over not a shadow not a sigh when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory let us then be true and faithful trusting serving every day just one glimpse of him in glory will the tools of life prepare when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory onward to the prize be he for us soon his beauty he will behold soon the pearly gates will open we shall tread the streets of gold when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory amen at this time we'll go ahead and go over our announcements for the evening if you need a bulletin just raise your hand looks like brother James will grab those and pass them around again if you need a bulletin raise your hand we can get one to you of course on the front there we have our church information the date and our Bible memory verse on the inside top left are service times you made it so it seems like you know those pretty well right? underneath that we have our church wide soul winning times and the respective leaders and underneath that we have the stats we had three from this morning to add in from before today we went out this afternoon and had another four salvations which is fantastic so we'll add another seven total for today to those numbers so just keep up the good work so good job folks on the top right continue to be in prayer for our expecting ladies Miss Corinne Darnell still expecting in June and of course don't forget brother Nick and Miss Sarah Gomez they just welcomed last week baby Silas Gomez and so just keep them in prayer we're excited for them so that's a happy and joyous time for upcoming events and guest preaching this evening we have brother Chris Segura with us preaching for us so that's a blessing again just I said this this morning but just make sure to let him know that he's appreciated and to thank him for coming out and taking the time to preach for us upcoming on Friday December 3rd we're gonna have our Christmas caroling and pizza fellowship and so pastor's gonna be here he'll come on Thursday to preach normally for Thursday he's gonna stay with us that week so on Friday we're gonna meet up here at 5.30 to go out caroling we'll be out for about an hour and do some caroling and we're gonna go see the lights and everything and I was talking to brother Samson about going to see the lights it seems like in Houston people can just gouge you for going to see the lights at different places everything in Houston costs money but you can go see lights and sing to people for free on Friday December 3rd not only is it free but afterwards you can come back and have free pizza so that's even better so we'll have that on December 3rd again pastor will be here with us for that and then that Sunday December 5th pastor will still be here preaching both services and so that's something exciting to look forward to Sunday December 19th we'll have brother Duncan Urbana coming down from steadfast Dallas to preach both services for us Thursday December 23rd we'll have the Christmas candlelight service and the cookie bake-off and just quickly the details on that bake-off there will be three categories best design, most unique, best tasting you can enter as many cookies as you want and I encourage you to put as many of them in there cause look the more you make the more we can eat right I made that joke once but it's actually not even really a joke it's kind of serious so just make a bunch of cookies alright we're baptists alright I mean come on after that Sunday January 2nd brother Christopher Urbana is gonna be back for us preaching both services starting the new year off on that good foot Sunday January 9th we'll have brother Duncan Urbana back again also preaching for us both services and Sunday January 23rd we'll have brother Ben Naim, Ben the Baptist back down I should say to preach both services for us then and then anything else that's coming up we'll add in here make sure we clue you guys in but as of right now that's everything on the upcoming events continue to be in prayer for brother Edwards health again I think everything is still going well but just continue to lift him up in prayer and encourage him and pray that he continues in recovery and if you have any prayers just be sure to send those to pastor brother Nick or the email listed there with that I believe that's all the announcements for the evening we'll go ahead and go on to our third hymn hymn number 459 hymn number 459 fairest Lord Jesus 459 459 fairest Lord Jesus starting there on the first let's sing fairest Lord Jesus ruler of all nature oh thou of God and man the son thee will I cherish thee will I honor thou my soul's glory joy and crown there are the meadows fairer still the wood lens in the blooming garb of spring Jesus is fairer Jesus is purer who makes the woeful heart to sing there is the sunshine fairer still the moonlight and hold the twinkling star repose Jesus shines brighter Jesus shines purer than all the angels and bows beautiful savior Lord of all the nations son of God and son of man glory and honor praise adoration now and forevermore be thine amen with that we're going to go ahead on to our Bible reading for the evening as the offering plate is being passed around turn if you would to Galatians chapter number one brother Samson will read that for us alright here again our Bible reading for this evening follow along with me find your places Galatians chapter one as always we're going to read this chapter together we'll start here verse one where the Bible reads Paul an apostle not of men neither by man but by Jesus Christ and God the father who raised him from the dead and all the brethren which are with me unto the churches of Galatians grace be to you and peace from God the father and from our Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God and our father to whom be glory for ever and ever amen a marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ and to another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ but though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed and as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that we have received let him be accursed for do I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men for if I yet please men I should not be the servant of Christ but I certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man for I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ for you have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews religion how they beyond measure I persecuted the church of God and wasted it and profited in the Jews religion above many my equals in my own nation being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my father but when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace to reveal his son in me that I might preach him among the heathen immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me but I went into Arabia and returned again unto Damascus then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter and abode with him fifteen days but other of the apostles saw I none save James the Lord's brother now the things which I write unto you behold before God I lie not afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Sicily and was unknown by faith unto the churches of Judea which were in Christ but they heard but they had heard only that he which persecuted us in times past now preaches the faith which once he destroyed and they glorified God in me." Thank you first of all for all your many blessings. Give you thanks for the blessing of chapter one and for brother Shakira. Fill us all again with your Holy Spirit this evening. Let us receive this message. Use it in our daily lives and we just always give thanks and praise and thanks in Christ's name. Amen. Amen. Well thank you for coming back and just so you know it's a pleasure for me to be here. You know so don't worry about coming up to me and thanking me. I ought to thank you for showing up and being here. It's a big blessing. You know so I'm sure your pastor appreciates it as well when everybody shows up when he shows up here to preach. You know but look down in Galatians chapter number one we're going to start with verse six. It says this our marvels of the year are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and will pervert the gospel of Christ but though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let them be a curse as we said before so say it now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you that you have received let him be a curse for do I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men for if I yet please men I shall not be the servant of Christ and all God's people say Amen. So the title of this sermon is pleasing God. Pleasing God. So everything that we do we should ask ourselves is it pleasing God? The way I talk the way I walk what I watch what I wear whatever the case you know my shoes my pants my jacket my tie whatever is it pleasing God? That's what we should be asking. The pastor of this church I guarantee you everything he does he's probably asking himself if not he should is this pleasing God? Everything from the offering to the music you name it in his mind he's thinking is this pleasing God? So if there's something that we're going to fight over if there's something that definitely doesn't please the Lord if there's a no brainer in this chapter is that of another gospel and that's something we're fighting for. This is why we don't allow Chick tracts to come in here and for those that don't know raise your hand if you know what a Chick tract is. Not that many people but just so you know Chick tracts are these little cartoons and they work they're very influential little cartoons little flip books and they were created back in the 1970s I believe by a guy named Jack Chick and he got the idea supposedly from communism I guess communism they used to make these little cartoons to push it and promote it this is before the internet this is back in the 70s I believe he even mentioned Vietnam I believe that's where he got this idea where the Vietnam Communist Party or whatever it is they would make these cartoons and start handing them out to preach how good communism is and to brainwash people so he figured man this is working really well and then because he was a so called Christian and I'll explain that in a second he decided to do the exact same thing because he was a cartoonist so he decided to make his first Chick tract which he called This Is Your Life and it's just like sketching like little pencil sketch type of cartoon but the thing about this cartoon it is hardcore repent of your sins hardcore repent of your sins if you were to read it it looks great remember how we were talking about the angels catching up somebody into heaven it actually has a little cartoon of somebody being caught up into heaven and as you're reading it you're like whoa this is actually pretty cool until you get to the end and in the end there's this guy who's preaching the gospel to an unsafe individual and in that cartoon that guy is like hey what must I do to be saved does that question sound familiar if you've been around that's act 16 is it not and what is the answer that you'll find in act 16 believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved but if you read this cartoon you get towards the end guess what it says repent turn from your sin that's not the gospel and guess what it's a big deal if it creeps in but I've seen Chick tracts in other Baptist churches I've visited other Baptist churches and because I'm interested in soul winning I'm always trying to find ideas I'm always trying to perfect my quote unquote soul winning game and become better and better so I like going out with people I've taken so many things from different people one of the things that I like to say when I'm out at the door is I ask people when I pretty much finish out the gospel I ask them listen do you like gifts and most people say yeah I love gifts well let me show you the greatest gift you can ever receive look what it says right here in Romans 6 23 about the gift of God is eternal life I took that from somebody else I also learned this from my old pastor when I'm talking to people about hell it's like but do you believe God loves you yeah and if God loves you do he wants you to go to hell no no way I got that from someone else and guess what even when the Bible is talking about simple things like believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved I didn't really it didn't really click at first I do believe in it but the fact that hey you know what if people don't believe that they're saved meaning that they're eternally good to go if they believe they can still lose their salvation by the time you know you start praying with them they haven't gotten it and a lot of churches don't stress that you know some people even skip the part about hell I've heard the pastor's been passionate for over 30 years give a testimony how he gave the gospel to someone and I don't know how he missed it but towards the end he says I pray with the man and then afterwards we get a talking and as we're talking this man brings up hell and I'm like brother hell aren't you glad we escaped it well preach man I don't even believe in hell and I'm thinking how in the world did you get this guy saved shouldn't you have checked that before you pray with this man you know but bottom line is simply this there are a lot of gospels out there I would say but there's only one gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and that's to believe to call upon his name is easy to be saved but there are people that want to pervert it there are people that are going to come in one way shape or form you know if you don't have them now you'll have them tomorrow you'll have them sooner or later you know you'll see they'll come in and they'll be slick they'll talk the talk they'll walk the walk and three years or three years later they're talking about how every believer is going to end up in the lake of fire every believer no matter how much you believe and I don't know but that's kind of like a big thing now I didn't even know Islam believed that until I kind of looked into it a few months ago but they also believe like like the Catholics big shocker right that you have to go to hell and I saw this one Muslim teacher on YouTube say well it could be a million could be a billion could be a trillion like a trillion years is nothing you know but you're going to burn in hell you'll get out I'm like whoa that's Catholic like is that something they've always believed I don't know but I'm not surprised because cults are cults right you know so here's an example of where Paul is getting with the Colossians saying hey here's the bottom line to anybody I don't care who it is me myself anyone we bring in a different gospel let him be a curse because it's a big deal to God because think about it you're damning people if you promote this Chick tract garbage and it's not just him it's another guy named Ray Comfort who's heard of Ray Comfort he's basically a Jack Chick you know supporter as well because he has tracts as well his popular ones are those million dollar tracts that on the back of it literally says you have to turn from your sins in order to be saved well if that's the case then nobody can be saved because you cannot turn from your sin the Bible says if you say you have no sin you deceive yourself and the truth is not in you so you're a big time hypocrite liar if you say well I'm good I don't sin and yes there are people like that yes it leave Peterson who's heard of that guy it's almost hard to believe is there really anybody on this planet that truly believes they do not sin yes they do yes it leave Peterson Google the guy he literally says I don't sin God took away sin from me the day I got saved but he ain't fooling no one he's only fooling himself because none of us are buying it and he's so full of it it's not even funny go to Galatians chapter number 2 while you go to Galatians chapter number 2 I'm going to read from 1 Samuel 13 and this is an example of the type of person that we should not be is that of King Saul towards the end of his career because here's what happened with King Saul I'll read from Samuel 13 while you guys go to Galatians chapter 2 just flip the page this is the part where God tells him this is the type of person that I want this is the type of person that I pick that guy that's after my own heart he's not interested in pleasing people per se he's interested in pleasing me just like the pastors that are really good pastors that are great leaders guess what their biggest motivation is making sure they're pleasing the Lord and you know what before we start to become individuals that think well of course duh that makes sense I don't think anyone would really not want to please the Lord but you know what the heart is to see for above all things and that's really wicked and there's a guy by the name of Peter who literally rebuked the Lord and guess what God told him get behind me Satan why because he wasn't interested in really pleasing the Lord he savored those things that were of men maybe he thought it would be cool to impress his buddies look I'm here with Paul or I'm here with Moses Elijah and the Lord and even telling the Lord hey you're not going to die I'm going to change history I'm going to literally change scripture but this guy was so blind at that moment that God told him hey Satan get out of here with that but let's take heed let's we become that Satan right because our goal should be always to please the Lord but remember if Peter can be blinded to the point where he's thinking that he's pleasing the Lord let's take heed let's we end up like Peter and have to be told by someone hey you're acting like Satan right now you truly don't care the decisions that you're making they're not about pleasing God they're about pleasing yourself and pressing man and that's never a good thing but let me quickly read right here first Samuel says this and Samuel said what has I done Samuel rebuked Saul and Saul said because I saw the people there you go the people so what is he interested in pleasing the people getting the people to come and back them up he's about to fight a war he's interested in doing something that will make everybody happy so that he can get his victory and not have everybody scatter because he knows that if everybody scatters I'm done I'm going to lose my kingdom well remember what we talked about this morning he's the sickest to save his life he's going to lose it but those that say I don't care Lord if I die I perish I perish like Esther they're actually going to save it in the long run in this situation he was trying to save his hide so what did he do he gave an offering that he should and he gave he sinned against the Lord he got rebuked for it and he got prideful arrogant stiff neck you name it and we all know what happened but what they got telling me give him a hint he's like hey this is why I'm going to replace you and I'll quickly read it and Samuel said to Saul thou has done foolishly thou has not kept the commandment of the Lord I God which he commanded thee for now for now would the Lord have established thy kingdom on Israel forever but now thy kingdom shall not continue the Lord has sought him a man after his own heart a man that's interested in what pleasing God doing what God wants him to do during Galatians chapter number two we continue with this whole thing of the Galatians getting rebuked it says right there in verse number one then fourteen years after this is Paul just giving his testimony of what he has done in the past he's talking to the Galatians he first rebuked him in chapter number one saying hey be careful allowing damnable heresy to come into your church you're allowing it you're allowing it to come in and then he tells them hey this ain't the first time this happened this happened in the past about fourteen plus years ago so it says then fourteen years after I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas and took Titus with me also and I went up by revelation to communicate not to them the gospel which I preached among the Gentiles but probably to them which were a reputation that by any means I should run or had run in vain by neither Titus who was with me being a Greek was compelled to be circumcised and that because the false brethren unawares brought in who came in privileged to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into bondage go to Acts 15 so he's saying hey this ain't the first time somebody missed with the gospel we actually have people about fourteen plus years ago in Jerusalem trying to get people to be circumcised because they were going around preaching that hey faith is not enough you know that's not it you actually have to be circumcised and obviously if you know what that is it's like really so around preaching that gospel today you see how well it goes can I show you what it takes to go to heaven well hey brother you gotta believe how many of these circumcides yeah I'm pretty sure you're gonna get to a thousand with that gospel you know but what's the deal with circumcision really quickly Romans 3 says this what advantage then has the Jews or what profit is their circumcision hey if you read the Bible you'll come up with these answers 1 Corinthians 7 19 circumcision is nothing and not circumcision is nothing but the keeping of the commandments of God that's everything that's what really matters and it's crazy because some people think that oh I gotta basically beat myself to show a God that I really mean business those other Catholics they whip themselves when I was overseas you know with this Iraq war thing my mom obviously is a I wouldn't call her a hardcore Catholic but obviously she's blind she doesn't know better and she was trying to impress me on how much she prayed for us she's like son you don't know how much I pray for you guys when you guys were overseas so it was me and my younger brother Daniel who were overseas fighting this Iraq war she's like I was praying to the Virgin Mary I went down to Mexico and I got on my knees and I was on my knees from here to there by the time I got there my knees were all tore up I did this because I love you son and I'm like nope you love yourself that ain't pleasing God that's pleasing you you know and if you're trying to impress me and please me it didn't work I'm like mom really you tore up your knees yeah I'm alive but trust man nothing to do with what you did she obviously did not say so I'm not about to preach her how she has idols and that's the crazy stuff you know but this is the story that Paul is talking about in Galatians 2 you're right there in Acts 15 it says then certain man which came down from today I taught the brethren and said except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses ye cannot be saved and you're like brother girl that's a crazy silly little you know story right there do you really think that's going to happen today what happened then they were actually going around telling people that but they were safe it's like how could they fall for this simple minded people that's what happened that's what happened you know they didn't continue in God's word so they weren't able to know the truth because obviously if you can see my word then you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free it took the apostles to have to calm down and fix this because nobody there was smart enough to realize hey this is what's going on same thing when I see these Baptist churches with chair tracks it's like do you guys not see what's going on you know it's like these are bad and we're bringing them up to the pastor and they're like well you know it's not a big deal to me not a big deal read these things they're literally in my Sunday School class a big bag of chair tracks in my Sunday School class and all of them say you have to turn or burn they all have a false gospel this is damnable heresy and the pastor's like well I don't know who brought those in but you know if you find out let me know yeah just don't make a big deal out of it don't make a big deal out of damnable heresy and I'm like okay whatever and then I saw those million dollar tracks everywhere I'm like who's bringing in these million dollar tracks that's how I found out about Ray Comfort I'm like what is this million dollar track Google it you know way the master or whatever dot com and I'm like what the heck and we even had an email like a week ago somebody's saying you guys are all messed up what you got against chicks tracks you know what you know tracks work you know blah blah blah blah blah this and that and whatever I'm like can you send me a picture and I even knew already what it was can you send me a picture I want to get a chance of whatever chick track or whatever track you're using because he emailed us I guess he learned or he heard Pastor Adams' message of how you know tracks are worthless or whatever emails to church saying I just listened to your shirt about how track you are so wrong sir I passed on so many tracks in my life this and that and whatever I'm telling you they help they help people they plant seeds or whatever I'm like can you send me the one that you're using like right now guess which one it was Ray Comfort's million dollar track and I basically sent it back to him it's like hey this is damnable heresy congratulations you just wasted your life he's just claiming that he passed out thousands I don't know if the guy was saved but I highly doubt he was I highly doubt he was and listen when I was saved I didn't know Jack I didn't but one thing I knew was eternal life was a gift one thing I knew is I didn't have to turn from my sins to be saved one thing I knew salvation was free one thing I knew is that it was eternal and I believed in hell that I deserved hell and I was a sinner etcetera etcetera but there's no way anyone could have got me to even maybe maybe the only thing that got me to kind of doubt was when somebody asked me about suicide that kind of threw me off a little bit but it wasn't that I thought you could lose it I just felt because the question came up why did somebody commit suicide would they go to heaven my natural response is no they wouldn't go to heaven not because I felt they could lose it because I'm thinking that a Christian if they're saved they would never do such a thing but I didn't know the scriptures I didn't know that in the bible people committed suicide I had no clue and it still went to heaven I had no clue but when somebody brings it up that way the scripture will make you think that I'm not even saved but if you really understand what I'm saying I'm not saying that you will lose your salvation I'm just thinking that a person a Christian is truly saved born again has salvation would they really do that? somebody would commit suicide I don't think they're in heaven I don't think they're in hell I don't think somebody would say whatever do such a thing until I read the bible until I heard preaching about it then I'm thinking oh man boy was I wrong but if anybody would have came at me talking about oh you need to be circumcised I'd be like no way I don't believe that you're crazy but it happened here oh because Satan's angels they come as angels Satan's devils Satan himself shows himself and says I'm sure it was some slick flattery talking you know hey brother I'm sure it was that type of guy who got them to believe like Judas that they were the real deal and then little by little what do you think of this verse what do you think of that verse that's how it all starts brother what do you think of this you know he third and third till the end shall be saved sure that's how it all starts that's how it all starts so we need to be careful and you know what once you figure it out once you find out who it is it doesn't matter who it is boot that sucker out tell them get out and don't come back why because we're interested in what keeping the peace or pleasing the Lord and I'm sure they'll make friends I'm sure they'll hook a bunch of people they're like well I don't think they really mean it like that i.e. if you know our history if you know our history at our church Tyler Baker the most famous case that we've had a guy that went so when he talked the talk walked the walk brought people to church got them baptized but guess what he is far from saved he has a different gospel than our gospel he doesn't believe that the father sent the son to be the savior of the world he believes that the father sent himself to be the savior of the world and that Jesus Christ is not eternal he was created in Bethlehem's manger when he was born that's what he believes in regards to who Jesus is and they don't believe that there's a trinity and the trinity is all over the place it's like a no brainer a no brainer but that's what we got to do we got to be interested in pleasing the Lord when these people come up just like them here in Acts they went to the extent where they traveled to go to Jerusalem and deal with this problem why because they're not interested in sending them a letter saying hey you know what for the sake of peace let them stick around they're either going to get in or get out not with this damn noble heresy and yes people come to our church they're unsaved they're wondering about the gospel they believe goofy stuff and we tell them this is what we believe you know you can come to our church you can sit down but don't spread this stuff or you're done we don't allow that stuff it's like hey you're not saved you want to come check us out name it whatever eventually they end up getting saved they end up getting saved we have those cases where they're like unless you repent it should all likewise perish what's up with that? nothing to do with salvation if you know what I'm talking about in the book of Luke eventually they'll realize you know what this guy's right Pastor Anderson's right Pastor Anderson's right you know what I'm not saved I need to get saved hey hey I just got saved I want to be baptized it does happen but to allow them and they're going around basically like half the church believes that you need to be circumcised half the church says this by faith alone that's not going to work it's like hey the pastor is going to be like hey the church isn't pleasing God and God's not pleased with that all over the place in Galatians chapter 1 it says get rid of these people this is damnable heresy boot them out get rid of them let them be a curse what does that mean? let them get destroyed I mean he's saying hey let's wish them the worst let's deliver them out to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that their souls may be saved if there's even a chance that they can be saved but if you go to Galatians chapter 2 let's see what's going on here in Galatians chapter 2 it says this when they were come to Antioch I would send them to the face because he was to be blamed for before that certain men came from James he did eat with the Gentiles but when they were come he withdrew and separated himself fearing them pay attention to that fearing them which were of the circumcision and the other Jews assembled likewise with him in so much that Barnabas also carried away with their dissimulation so here we see an example of people that are not interested in pleasing God they're interested in pleasing men here comes these Jews and Peter decides hey I'm going to jump boat I was with the Gentiles I see these people coming I don't know what persuaded him to say hey let me just start pleasing these guys now so when he was with one group he acts a certain way when another group shows up he acts a certain way why? because at this point he has a problem he has a history of being a man pleaser caring about those things that don't please God but in a sense please men and that's the thing that I don't want you guys to ever become individuals that are interested in just pleasing men but God is the most important thing to please and it will happen you'll see it you'll get to the point where it's like well what's going on at church I'm not sure they get to the bank if it's coming from the pastor it's probably because he's trying to please God i.e. that we all don't know how to behave ourselves in the house of God so if your kids are running around crazy, jumping over chairs and the pastor gets up and says hey I don't want to see any running I say well what's the big deal? because he doesn't want God to be displeased with the church when everybody's destroying things these kids are running up and down sprinting from the back to the front and nobody's doing anything about it or you could do one thing and say nothing because you're afraid that the parents are going to get all upset or you can be wise and just say hey you know what your child's running a little bit too hard I'm just letting you know because I'm afraid they're going to run to someone but how are you going to react if it's your child? I'm not saying anything about this church I'm talking about others everybody behaves here pretty well but as the church gets bigger, guess what's going to happen? and guess what? God doesn't like it when kids are sprinting everywhere pregnant ladies I mean ladies with infants it is what it is if the pastor comes up and rebukes it and says something about it it's because what is he trying to do? please God, and you guys should what? back him up praise the Lord for men of God that are interested in pleasing God trust me there's barely any of them usually what happens is the pastors get to go on doctrine this and that or whatever but we'll see certain things that don't please the Lord like for example you will see Sunday school classes that are being taught by ladies and what's the problem with that? it's not what God wants God's will is not for a woman to be teaching Sunday school class to little boys little girls, why? because they want them all in the house of God listening to big boy preaching like we like to say but what happens most times is the pastor just lets it go because he just doesn't want to deal with it he's not interested in doing what God wants he's interested in just doing what's easy for him and that's not the type of guy you want but when you get a chance, praise the Lord you guys have a leader that's interested in pleasing God and not doing the easy thing amen? so if you have your Bibles, go to Exodus chapter number 32, let's look at some examples let's look at some examples and obviously we know that in Matthew 16 that's where the Lord rebukes Peter and he says get behind me Satan thou art an offense unto me because he savors not the things that be of God but those that be of men Mark 8 says the same thing he says get behind me Satan for thou savors not the things that be of God but the things that be of men and then in the book of Acts chapter number 8 this is once again this is Peter which is interesting because I guess he learned that getting rebuked does help but this is the part where Peter tells Simon hey Simon, you're being wicked you came by the Holy Ghost with money I perceive that thou art a goal of bitterness and a bond of iniquity then answer Simon and say pray ye to the Lord for me that none of these things which ye have spoken come upon me so Simon was a guy that could take some rebuke hey that's a good example of a guy that we should aim to be like when we get rebuked why? well guess what? The person that is rebuking you is not necessarily doing it because he's trying to hurt your feelings it's because he's trying to please God and what does the Bible say? Nothing lets sin fall upon your neighbor not to hate him, not to get mad at him but we should obviously if we have to step in and say something if you see someone going astray if we care about that person, what are we going to do? but if we don't care about what God wants us to do we'll just kind of let it go, let that guy kind of fall but if you're in Exodus, let's take a quick look here's an example of a guy that was interested in doing right but he was too weak and so he fell you know, for basically just being a man pleaser and let's just read in verse number 21 of Exodus 32 it says that Moses said unto Aaron what did this people unto thee that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them and Aaron said lend out the anger of the Lord you know, wax hot, thou knowest the people they are set on mischief for they said unto me, make us gods who shall go before us for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt we will not what is become of him and I said unto them whosoever hath any gold let them break it off, so they gave it me then I cast it into the fire and there came out this calf and when Moses saw that the people were naked for Aaron had made them naked into their shame among their enemies the thing I want to point out this is a true story it's not just a cool story, it's a true story here's a leader that caused the people to sin so bad it says that he caused them or it says that Aaron had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies so here's a guy who's a leader but because he's interested in pleasing man, look what happened and once again take heedless, we fall we can look at Aaron and do one of two things whoa, what an idiot or whoa, that can happen to any of us you can be the leader in your house one second you're against X, Y, and Z the next minute you're committing X, Y, and Z why? Because anyone can be like Aaron, we need to be careful and remind ourselves that the most important thing is not to please our kids not to please our wives, not to please our friends not to please our neighbors, but to please God that's the most important thing and the Bible talks about not partaking in another man's sins and then it says to keep thyself pure, pure but the first part was like hey they're all falling for sin don't join them, the Bible says not to join a multitude to commit sin, but sometimes we think, yeah the crowd, no sometimes it's our kids, daddy cannot watch this, daddy cannot watch that well I don't know, they catch you in a weak moment sure, what's the movie about? what? you know it can happen, right? if you're not scheduling your time the kids can get you to say hey yes to anything if they catch you in a weak moment but we have to be strong and realize no, turn that junk off I made a mistake, no I don't want to watch it, I don't want you to watch it you know what, we need to be careful, that stuff would poison us but it's only about dinosaur, dad what's the big stink? the big stink is they're using the word evolution like every other five minutes and God is not pleased with that, he doesn't want your kids hearing that, even if they are saved true or false? he wants you to just focus on the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth that's what it says so, let's go to Matthew 19 please go to Matthew 19 and listen, if people are telling you yo, this is what's up, this is what God says the example is fornication we don't tell people about fornication because we want to we tell people fornication because we have to because the Bible tells us to flee fornication, warn people about fornication and if you don't know what fornication is that's sleeping with your girlfriend when you're not married that is a huge sin that is a huge sin a lot of people are committing that sin the ladies get pregnant, what do they do? they go and have an abortion why? because once again they're not interested in pleasing God they're interested in pleasing themselves having the easy life and when something like this happens because of sin the quick easy thing is to get an abortion and it's wicked it's evil, it's murder and it's never going well it just doesn't go well they'll always suffer for that sin I hear that it affects a woman so bad they just can't get rid of it they just can't get rid of it but here in Revelation 3 says this as many as the love of rebuke and chasten be thou zealous therefore and repent so why does your pastor rebuke? why does he chasten? why does he have such a zeal to do what's right? because he loves you guys hey, this is God of course but it's the same thing with the pastor as many as the love of rebuke when the pastor sees sin he refutes it why? because he wants to make you mad? no, because he loves you, because he's pleasing God that's what he's interested in pleasing God, not pleasing ourselves but not just that whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourges every son whom he receiveth I know it's hot so I'll just probably put the plug in the next five minutes but we know that Moses was a great man of God Acts 7 says this and Moses was learned in all the ways of the bishops and the Egyptians and was mighty in words and in deeds and it even says in chapter number 12 the man Moses was very meek above all men which were upon the face of the earth but I had to go to Matthew 19, is that what I told you to go? he wasn't perfect either here's something that he did that was a major sin let's take a look, Matthew 19 says this the Pharisees also came unto him verse number 3, I'm sorry, Matthew 19 3 the Pharisees also came unto him tempting him and saying unto him, it's unlawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause and he, talk about Jesus, answered and said unto them have ye not read that he which made them in the beginning made them male and female and said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh wherefore there are no more twain but one flesh well therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder, in other words, don't divorce your spouse they say unto him, why did Moses thank command to give a right in the divorcement and to put her away? he said unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your heart suffer you to put away your wives and but from the beginning it was not so Moses allowed it, but he only did it because he had a moment of weakness and he became a man pleaser, that's why he did it he didn't do it because God told him to do it, God made an exception Moses, yeah go ahead, you know give him an exception Moses, no why did he do it? because of the hardness of their hearts because they bullied him to do it, he got so fed up he wasn't perfect, if you know his life you know that he had moments of weakness but he just gave up, he just gave up he gave up on his marriage, Sephora gave him a hard time, he sent her back he just said hey, I can't do my job with you I got to get out of here, that's not the right thing to do, you know he was wise but not wise enough to basically calm the fight between him and his wife you know, he could have just been like babe I want you here I want to meet you here, you know it's much easier for you to be here but he couldn't do it, he followed his wife a man that was mighty in words and deeds and a meek individual, what is this to teach us, hey he lets you fall if he can become a man pleaser if he can go from pleasing God to pleasing man, we can all do the exact same thing, like I said one minute you're against X, Y and Z, the next minute you're committing X, Y and Z and even though your kids are like dad I want to watch this ah no, what am I thinking? No, you know but dad I know, I know it's wrong to believe in this, I'm not going to vote for that but it's not pleasing God find something else to do, you know figure out something else, go work out I don't know, whatever, go fight each other anything except watch that stupid show, no because of moments of weakness like this we allow ourselves to basically, you know let people get away with stuff, but Moses did it because they bought the daylights out of him it wasn't right to do that but that's what happened, he goes from being a God pleaser to a man pleaser and we all need to take heed lest we fall, amen and I'll just cut it there and another example is look at all these pastors in the book of Revelation these are great pastors, the angels, I'm talking about the pastor and he says listen, you're allowing this doctrine you're allowing that doctrine, you know get it right, the only reason you're allowing those doctors is because guess what you are not focusing on pleasing me God's like get rid of the doctrines of the Nicolaitans, get rid of this woman just about whatever, you're allowing the church I don't want that, you got fornication in the church, get rid of it all why do pastors allow that? because they go, they backtrack from pleasing God to pleasing man, that's the only reason they allow it you know, then God's like no, get rid of it you're right, back to pleasing God all of it is gone you know, that's just how it needs to be in our lives as well because remember, if Moses can end up allowing people to get divorced which was not God's will, period he ended up doing it because people pressured him, hey they turned him into a man pleaser we need to make sure that we we also realize that we can end up doing the exact same what you're against today, are you going to be against 10 years from now, 15 years from now 20 years from now, how about Solomon how about when you're 80 or 90 what's going to happen when you're 80 or 90 are you going to let your kids come in for an occasion in your house and smoke pot because you're too old to give a crap or are you just going to continue God's word He builds you and gives you the faith and the strength to keep becoming a person that pleases God to the very end but let's just remember that it can happen to anyone it happened to Peter many times Lord, he's rebuking him this ain't going to happen, you're not going to die he didn't know that scriptures cannot be broken I guess something happened with Peter and he's like, no, get away from me devil, you know you're just being wicked, he's like what I'm just trying to please you, no you're not you don't care about my things, you care about the things of men that's what you care about and that's all we're doing tonight is just reminding ourselves to do everything we can to please God let's pray, dear God we thank you so much for all that you've done Lord, thank you for this group of individuals here and Father we can't tell you we love you enough but not just let us tell you in words but in deeds as well and Father we thank you for all that you've done and give me safety as I travel back to Phoenix and I ask you to bless everyone here for being here at night, giving special blessings help us to always please you Lord not to join people in their sin we made it very clear not to partake in other men's sins but to keep ourselves pure so even if church members, our friends, our neighbors our bosses, whatever if they're going down the wrong track Lord the wrong route help us not to join them in that sin help us to be like the people in the church of Sardis that did not defile their garments and made themselves worthy even though the church of Sardis was a dead church and was going nowhere they gave up on the soul winning, they gave up on the first works they weren't baptized in any one Lord at least they had a few names that had not defiled themselves and Lord if that's what happens in this church 20 years from now, 30 years from now you know, just help those Lord that are struggling to serve you, give them the strength to continue to serve you until the bitter end and to focus on pleasing you and no one else and we ask you to do all this for honor and glory in Jesus' name, Amen Alright, if you'll grab your hymnal, we'll turn to the last hymn for the evening hymn number 423 hymn number 423, Joy to the World 423, Joy to the World, sing there starting on the first, let's sing Joy to the world, the Lord is come Let earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him room And heaven and nature sing And heaven and nature sing And heaven and heaven and nature sing Joy to the world, the Savior reigns Let men their songs employ While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy Repeat, repeat the sounding joy No more let sins and sorrows grow Nor thorns infest the ground He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found, far as the curse is found Far as, far as the curse is found He rules the world with truth and grace And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness And wonders of His love And wonders of His love And wonders and wonders of His love Amen, good singing this evening and with that you are dismissed Drive safe You You You