(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. On the first song, song number 129, Rock of Ages. On the first. Be of sin the double cure. Stay from wrath and make me pure. Could my tears forever flow? Could my zeal, no anger, no. These for sin could not atone. Thou must stay, then thou alone. In my hand, O Christ I bring. Simply to thy cross I cling. While I draw this fleeting breath. When my eyes shall close in death. When I rise to worlds unknown. And behold, beyond thy throne. Rock of ages left for me. Let me hide myself in thee. Amen. All right. Go ahead and turn your handles to song number 100. Song number 100. Go ahead and turn your handles to song number 100. Go ahead and turn your handles to song number 100. Go ahead and turn your handles to song number 100. Next song. Song number 100, Day by Day. Song number 100, Day by Day. On the first. Day by day and with deep fasting moments. Drinks I find to meet my trials here. Frosting in my father's wise bestowments. I've no cause for worry or fulfill. He who's heart is kind beyond all measure. Is unto each day what he deems best. Lovingly is part of pain and pleasure. Mingling full with peace and rest. Every day the Lord himself is near me. With a special mercy for each hour. All my cares he fain would bear and share me. He who's name is counselor in power. The protection of his child in treasure. Is a charge that on himself he lays. As thy days thy strength shall be in measure. This the pledge to be made. Help me then in every tribulation. So to trust thy promises oh Lord. That I lose my faithly consolation. Offered me within thy holy word. Help me Lord with toil and trouble meeting. There to take death from a father's hand. One by one the days the moment's fleeting. Till I reach the promised land. Go ahead and pull out your bulletins. We'll go through the bulletins. You don't have one. There's one in the back. Aren't these February 3rd in the verse of the week. Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard. Blessed at any time we should let them split. The service times we have Sunday morning at 10 30 a.m. Sunday evening at 5 30 p.m. Thursday evening Bible study at 7 p.m. Church wide soul winning times with their respective leaders. For the soul winning, does anybody have anything to report? We have 34 the year to date. We also have our expecting ladies. Be in prayer for her and the baby when everything goes well. Upcoming guest preaching. We have Brother Christa Gira coming for us. It's a pleasure and honor to have him here. Sunday February 6th we have Duck and Urbanic. Sunday February 20th we have Christa Gira again. Sunday March 6th Brother Dylan Oz. Sunday March 20th Brother Ben Naeem. Upcoming events we have a soul winning marathon in Waco, Texas on February 26th. March 24th, 25th and 26th Thursday Friday and Saturday. Soul winning seminar at Steadfast Baptist Church in Hearst, Texas. April 2nd soul winning marathon in College Station. We have some events to look forward to. And also we have a prayer request. If you have any prayer requests you can email or pass it to us. So it's an evening in prayer. Alright so with that we'll go ahead and turn to our last song. I mean third song. 169. 169. Come Thou Fount. Song number 169, Come Thou Fount. On the first. Come thou fount of every blessing To my heart to sing thy grace Strings of mercy never ceasing Song for songs of loudest praise Teach me some melody sonnet Sung by flaming tongues above Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it Mount of thy redeeming love Here I raise my Naboneser Tither by thy help I come And I know by thy good pleasure Safely I'll arrive at home Jesus sought me when a stranger Wandering from the fold of God He to rescue me from danger Interposed his precious blood Oh to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be Let thy goodness like a fetter By my wandering heart to thee Prone to wonder Lord I feel it Prone to lead the God I love Here's my heart oh take and steal it Steal it for thy courts above Wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile And apocrisies and envies and all evil speak In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious To whom coming as unto a living stone Disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious Ye also as lively stones are built up A spiritual house in holy priesthood To offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ To offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture Behold I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone Elect, precious, and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded Unto you therefore which believe he is precious But unto them which be disobedient The stone which the builders disallowed The same is made the head of the corner In a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense Even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient Whereunto also they were appointed But ye are a chosen generation A royal priesthood and holy nation A peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him That have called you out of darkness into his marvelous light Which in time past were not a people But are now the people of God Which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims Abstain from fleshly lust which war against the soul Having your conversation on us among the Gentiles That whereas they speak against you as evildoers They may by your good works which they shall behold Glorify God in the day of visitation Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man For the Lord's sake whether it be to the king as supreme Or unto governors as unto them that are sent by him For the punishment of evildoers And for the praise of them that do well For so is the will of God that with well-doing Ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men As free and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness But as the servants of God Honor all men, love the brotherhood Fear God, honor the king Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear Not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward For this is thankworthy, a man for conscious toward God And dear grief, suffering wrongfully For what glory is it if when ye be buffeted for your faults Ye shall take it patiently But if when ye do well and suffer for it You take it patiently, this is acceptable of God For even here unto were ye called Because Christ also suffered for us Leaving us an example that ye should follow his steps Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth Who when he was revolved, revolved not again When he suffered, he threatened not But committed himself to him that judgeth righteously Who his own self bear are sins in his own body on the tree That we, being dead to sins, should live into righteousness By whose stripes ye were healed For ye were as sheep going astray But now are returned unto the shepherd and bishop of your souls I'll bow our heads real quick with a prayer Amen. Amen. 1 Peter chapter number 2 The verse that I want to focus on Is right there in verse number 17 It says this, honor all men, love the brotherhood Love the brotherhood And that's what I want to preach about tonight Is loving the brotherhood, loving the brotherhood And I want to start out by defining two words One love and the other one brotherhood I'll start with brotherhood Brotherhood is found twice in the Bible One is referring to the brotherhood of a couple of individuals So it's talking about a physical brotherhood And the other verse is right here in verse number 17 We're being instructed, yes, to honor all men Believers, unbelievers But then it mentions, hey, love the brotherhood It's like, yes, we want you to honor all men But don't forget to love the brotherhood Who's the brotherhood? Your fellow brothers in Christ Your church family Other people in other churches The brotherhood So we are commanded to love one another And you're like, duh, we know that Well, of course, this is one of the simplest things to obviously remember Because we're supposed to do it every single time We obviously are around the brotherhood As much as we possibly can You know, but if you have your Bibles Go to Psalm 127, wait for me right there Go to Psalms 127, verse 3 You know, so I want to talk about The other word I want to define And that's the word love And when I looked up the word love It has a few meanings It has a few meanings Here's one of them You know, somebody once or recently just told me I was soul winning That when he first met his wife Or when he first saw his wife Not when they met When they officially spoke to each other But when he went to church And the very first time he saw his wife He says, I fell in love That's what he says It was love at first sight He's like, brother He's asking me about my relationship He's like, when you saw your wife for the first time Was it love? You know, was it love at first sight? I'm like, whoa, whoa, what? He's like, that's what it was for me, man You know, I'm glad I'm serving the Lord You know, I went to church And then that's where I saw my wife For the very first time I saw her in the building I saw her like, wow, that's a really pretty girl You know, he's telling me the story You know, and at that moment Man, I had love for her You know, I fell in love for her And as we got to know each other We were falling more in love But what is this guy talking about? Like, love, you know Because this isn't the other love That I want to refer to But this is pretty much what he said You know, in the Oxford American dictionary Defines love as a deep romantic attachment to someone A deep romantic attachment to someone But that's not the only definition of love For example, for God so loved the world It's not teaching us that God had this deep romantic attachment to the world Which is why he died, no In fact, the other definition of love You know, it's simply this It means to have an intense deep affection An intense deep affection Has nothing to do with the physical or the romantic But here's the thing This is something that God wants us to have This type of love Where it's a deep intense affection What do I mean by that? Well, look at the word affection You know, it has the first word, affect Meaning that you should have an emotion that affects you deeply But it shouldn't be a negative emotion like anger You know, that's not having love, that's having hate It should be a deep emotion A deep intense emotion that's positive Like joy Like I would say besides joy I guess another one could be maybe even excitement You know, which is similar to joy But I guess the main thing I'm trying to say is Is that love is something that should affect you Not just be something that you do It should affect you intensely It should be something from the heart Something that's inside of you You know, and of course when it comes to the other definition You should have that as well You know, for your spouse You should have that type of love You know, when Jacob loved Rachel He obviously worked for her for seven years And he said that the love that he had for her Was so strong, so intense That romantic emotion that he had towards Rachel That it seemed but a few days But that's a warning to the ladies That's actually a verse that if I was a woman I would take heed to Because hey, if a guy's trying to rush you And trying to rush a relationship, a physical relationship with you And he can't even hold off for a sec He can't even wait a year or so Then something might be wrong with this individual Because somebody who does love you will be willing to wait And not try to rush it And not try to get physical before you get married But hey, Jacob was the kind of guy that said Hey, I love Rachel to the point where I'll wait Maybe forever, nah I'm just kidding You know, but see the other love Where it's an intense deep affection You know, that's what we should have You know, with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ You know, and we should have an emotion Where when we have love towards someone There should be happiness there There should be excitement You know, it should be positive You know, so when we come to church and we see one another You know, we should have some affection We should have some kind of excitement Some kind of joy when we get around each other You know, Pastor Shelley called me when I was in Mexico And he's like, yeah I need you to preach this Thursday Can you do it? I said yes without even thinking about it Why? Because I love preaching here I love coming here and preaching Why? Is it because of the weather? Is it because of the building? Is it because of the chairs? Is it because of the singing? No, it's because I love you guys You know, because to me Faithfulness is a beautiful thing Every time I come here Seeing your faces Seeing liberty Even Mo No, just kidding He's sick, alright Don't tell me otherwise But seeing your faces every time I come It brings me joy You know, every single time I pray for you guys Even though I sometimes can't remember names And you just got to forgive me for that I try to write them down But then I lose them somewhere But I try to pray for everyone Including this church You know, I pray for liberty I pray for you I pray for him I pray for even the family that sits over here You know, and I pray for even brother Samson His wife And it brings me, you know, positive emotions When I think of you guys When I'm like, Lord bless that church Man, keep them faithful They don't have a pastor and they're still coming That's motivational right there You know, that inspires me You know, that makes me want to keep going down there And seeing these people And it just humbles me To see their faithfulness See how they just keep coming Service after service Even on a Thursday night And they have no pastor And they may even feel like a redheaded stepchild But Lord, just keep them faithful And keep them coming And even though you may not think You're doing much in life Hey, by still coming Me being here for almost two years Showing up here and there Seeing your faces Believe me Believe me That makes me want to keep going myself And when I'm praying for you guys It's not because I'm just bored And have nothing better to do And I just happen to have extra time No, it's because I want to pray Because I want to do something That can help you guys Whatever it may be And I don't know your needs But I know God does And I just keep praying God, whatever their needs are Meet their needs Keep them strong Protect them from the devil and his minions And just help them to continue to be faithful And of course, why? Because I love this brotherhood In this part of the world I love coming here to see you guys So it's not like a big drag Like, yeah, I have to get on a plane Get up early and whatever But you know what? Those things are like Dung at the end of the day Once I come here And I go home And they're like, how'd it go? You know what? I just love seeing those people Maybe it was a blessing to them Maybe I wasn't But it was a blessing to me Just to see these faces Just to see your kids And it is what it is I enjoy coming here Because of the brotherhood Not because of the building All right? But what else am I talking about? Listen, it's about showing it It's about showing it Hey, showing it to your brothers and sisters Christ And especially showing it to your family Your personal family Showing it to your kids Because I love my kids You know, I think my kids are the greatest kids in the world You know what? I wish I could spend more time with them But the little things that I can do with them I just want to do with them Because what? Because I love them You know, they bring joy to me Having intense deep emotional attachments to them You know, so I want to spend as much time As I can with them But obviously I'm also commanded You know, I'm commanded to go labor Six days without labor, hey man I got to go out there And earn But you know what? It's not a dread Because I'm earning it for them Because I care about them Because I love them And I try to work as much as I possibly can Even for my boss Why? Because of the money that he's paying me? Absolutely 100% not Because I want to get things done Because I know it brings joy to my boss And if you don't know who my boss is It's Pastor Anderson You know, so sometimes Even if you were to say Listen, the finances are a little low You know what? We're going to have to cut your pay I will not stop working less I might even work more To earn the respect of God So he can bless us with more finances So we don't have to worry about the stinking finances We don't like dealing with that We like to worry about God's work The soul winning The marathons The missions trips Whatever it may be You know, helping our church members Just to be able to help them with a ride Or whatever the case may be Hey, those things bring me joy Because what? Because I love the brotherhood I enjoy doing those things Because I care about the brotherhood I love the brotherhood And the more you learn to love the brotherhood Hey, the more you'll be a happy person And that's what it's all about Helping you guys to become Better people Happier people Through God's word By mentioning little things That we kind of take for granted Because you hear it all day long Love one another As Christ loved the church But sometimes it just goes over our head And we don't realize just how important it is To love the brotherhood You know, but To me, having children Brings me great joy You know, why? Because I have that intense Deep emotional attachment to them That's positive That's joyful And you know what? It's biblical as well I'll tell you to go to Psalms 127-3 It says this Lo children are in the heritage of the Lord And the fruit of the womb is his reward As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man So are children of the youth Happy is the man that has this quiver full of them They shall not be ashamed But they shall speak with the enemies in the gate Why is he happy? Because he loves his children That's why he's happy Because he has that positive emotion You know, that intense, you know, feelings towards their children You know, that he can let a lot of things go But overall, he enjoys his children Because he has that love towards them And he wants to see his children He wants to come home to his children He wants to spend time with his children And he loves talking to his children And he wants to do as many things as possible with his children You know, I ended up finding out that one of my kids You know, one of my kids told me Hey dad, you know, such and such wants a six-pack abs It's like he was what? Six-pack abs! He's like really? He's like yeah Because you know those kids They're starting to get to that point Where they are looking at themselves And they're like You know what? It would be good to be strong He wants muscles and whatever I'm like six-pack abs? I guess I can help you with that So he met her to go Alright, let's work on our six-pack abs So since January, a month has passed, right? And I started January 1st, 218 pounds Guess what I am right now? That's right 219 and a half pounds I haven't lost a single ounce of fat off my body But hey, we like to blame Corona, alright? Corona got us sick in January So we couldn't hit the gym I was quarantined for three weeks So we gave it to Corona Corona won this victory, alright? But now we're going into February We'll see how things go Give us six months And we'll see where we're at But I'm just like Hey, sure, if that brings joy to you Or you think that's going to make you happy, son I want to make you happy Because I love you Because I love you Because I love you, son So let's go at it Six-packs, eight-packs, whatever you want Yeah, you know, the odds are against us But let's do it But either way Three things I want to teach about Loving the brotherhood What does it really do? Besides, you know, I guess You know, when you look at it Besides us keeping a commandment Well, probably the first thing If you really just stop and think about it The first thing about being a person That loves a brethren Is keeping a commandment That loves a brethren Is that it's a joyful thing To love your brothers and sisters in Christ It's a very joyful thing I didn't tell you to go there But if you can Go to 2 Corinthians chapter number 9 Go to 2 Corinthians chapter number 9 While you go there I'm going to read from Psalms 133 one It says this Behold, how good and how pleasant Pleasant What is that word? Pleasant It's joyful It says How good and how pleasant is it For brethren to dwell together in unity Pleasant Joyful And who is it good and who is it pleasant to? It's pleasant to God It's joyful to God It's a good thing to God When he sees us Like it says right there Dwelling together in unity And that can only happen When we do actually have Love for the brethren If we don't have love for the brethren And we do things just because we have to do them You know, it's not going to last very long You know, love is what's going to help you Love is like a strength It's going to help you To continue and not quit Same thing Why don't I want to quit? Why do I Why do I want to spend hours just to finish a certain project? Because I want to do it for my boss I want my boss to be happy I want to come to my boss and say Hey, that project that you gave me It was difficult You know, it was a pain But you know what It's done And it's like wow You know You finished it And I'm like done Here's an example We're giving away posters right now And everybody wants one Everybody And guess what We didn't have extras We ordered them The day that Pastor Anderson made an announcement Saying hey We got this prophecy poster We've had it for about seven years And we just want to give it to anybody at church They're in the back Grab some And we're also going to open it up to those watching at home If you want one, email the church And we'll send you one And we're also going to open it to Canada You know, if you're from Canada Hey, if you want this poster We just want it to be a blessing to you We're going to get this information in people's hands Just email the church All of a sudden You know These emails start popping We didn't even have An opportunity to even like Grab the posters We just threw them in the church And next thing you know We got like 300 requests Then 350 requests Then we're at 400 requests Then we're at 450 So we got cracking For hours upon hours upon hours You know how long it takes just to do one poster If you're fast A minute Multiply that times 450 And you'll figure out how long it took To get these things out of there But we did it It was hard It was hours upon hours We didn't want to quit We're like hey If the boss says we'll send you one Let's make the boss look good And we sent him out We sent 350 out Probably in the next couple of days That's not easy We sent 350 We ordered 500 Gave the church about 50 Sure enough We had only 350 boxes We were naive We didn't count the cost Of putting this message out We felt like maybe 2-300 people Are going to request one No We ran through all 500 And we just got another 500 today So if anybody's watching That just happens to be watching Haven't got your poster yet Don't worry We just got them today At 10 a.m. And we got all these tubes Ready to go And we're going to just be putting posters In every single one of these tubes And ship them out And Pastor Anderson would have been like You didn't have to do that He said you could have just done Maybe 10 a day 20 a day 30 a day Not 150 a day But why did I do it? Because of the love For the brotherhood You know He's included as well I said you know what I want to do it Not because you're paying me You know I want to do it Not because it's going to be great information That can actually save people's I guess you could say physical lives During the tribulation And help them to figure out How this thing's going to go So they can kind of figure out How much food to buy Instead of having to have years of food You only need 75 days homie That's all you need You know And sell the rest of the food In fact I don't know if it's God That's behind this But I saw an infomercial Of some guy that literally Literally has Like a survival pack He has like a 70 something day survival pack And I don't know if this guy's a prophecy expert Or something But he has like bins He has like bins this high And he claims In 75 days worth of food It's all nice And just like Like I don't know what you call it When you take the air out of packages And it makes them smaller I don't know what that's called You know Whatever it is But he's showing it off And then he's eating it Mmm so delicious Chicken and rice Mmm mmm mmm You just never know When society's going to go downhill Mmm this is delicious Get them now with some pie slides You better hurry And I'm thinking That's what I need to buy For real But some people don't know That that pastor's going to help The poster's going to help them You know You know Just how many days Before the Before the Lord returned You know 75 days after this But here's the thing though Yeah we didn't have to do that But we wanted to do it Because of love It wasn't going to put more money in my pocket It was just like no I want these things out I want them in people's hands Yes But I want the boss to be happy And I know the boss wants them out Let's get them out Let's send them out Let's work all night Let's get it done Hey it was hours upon hours It was probably a 20 hour plus project To just get these things out We got them out You know In two days 350 of them We got them out People started saying Hey thank you so much But how did that happen Hey Because of love You know Because I care about Pastor Anderson I believe He didn't get me saved But you know what He saved my physical life Because he wasn't afraid To preach the truth And I needed to hear certain truths Because I was in certain sins And I had no clue I was good in my own sight But I wasn't good in God's sight Had I not come across these truths I wouldn't have been blessed by God That's what the Bible says When a man is good in his sight That's when he'll bless you Not when you're good in your own sight And I literally have people tell me I don't know why I'm going through so much I feel like I'm just the worst person in the world I just don't know Like God's punished me left and right And we're all like We can tell you why If you really want to know It's like you're not going to church You're not reading You're not going soloing anymore You know It's like you're addicted to cigarettes And you're not even thinking That you need to give them up It's like dude You know You smoke weed here and there They're like I can tell you why But they literally don't know why Because they're good in their own sight And that can happen to anyone And guess what This person doesn't read their Bible like they should Guess what This person doesn't come to church They hear God's word You know They probably think it's for those that are really hardcore Really serious about serving the Lord No It's for everyone It's the back The backslider You name it It's for everyone It's not just for certain individuals You know But obviously That loving the brotherhood is a joyful thing to God And it will be to us as well Look at 2 Corinthians chapter number 9 It says this Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren So this is just about the brothers The brethren That they will go before unto you And make up beforehand your bounty Whereof ye had noticed before That the same might be ready As a matter of bounty And as of covetousness But this I say But this I say He wish so esperantly Shall reap also sparingly And he wish so es bountifully Shall reap also bountifully Every man according as he has purpose in his heart So let him give Not grudgingly Or of necessity For God loveth a cheerful giver A lot of times we just use that to just tell people Listen you should give Give with the right heart But don't forget When you give and you give with the right heart Hey it brings joy to the Lord It makes them happy But how can somebody give And give joyfully When they have the right love When they love the brotherhood When they realize this money is going to pay for my pastor So that he can keep doing what he's doing But this money is going to go to the church So they can use it as they see fit For so many permissions transfer Whatever the case may be Even helping other people if we need to Cause we have people that say Hey I can't pay my rent And it's like listen We can probably get away with it now because of corona So we're gonna help you out But listen We're basically doing the best we can You know with what we have You know so here's the deal We're gonna help you out But you gotta understand That this isn't how it's supposed to go But obviously we try to use our finances For what? You know for the Lord's work And the Lord's work Guess what? It's a lot It's a lot the Lord has to do You know so anybody that gives And they have the right attitude They have the loving spirit that they should have They're a cheerful giver Hey bottom line They're not gonna ever be Like it says right there Like it says right there You're not gonna grudgingly give And when you learn to love the brethren When you give It's gonna be all just joyful Like here take it I don't care And that's how I was Cause when I realized Hey the tithes It's the Lord's It's not even mine It's up to the pastor What to do with it Every time I gave I didn't really care When people would hit me up Like hey did you see such and such Did you see whatever You know look where he's spending his money I'm like I don't care What he spends his money He could literally take the money And buy magic beans I don't care It really does not bother me Because it's not my money You know and I gave it to him Because he's gonna use it For the Lord's work And the Lord's work Includes helping the brethren Not just unsafe people So whatever he sees spent Hey our money goes to him He does whatever God wants him To do with it And I'm not worried about it Because I care about the brethren I know the money's gonna go To help the brothers In the church Or whatever the case may be You know But not just that You know It's a joyful thing For even the world If you can Your 2nd Corinthians I'll give you a few minutes But you know It's a joyful thing For even the world If you can Your 2nd Corinthians I'll give you a few minutes To go to John 13 Go to John 13 if you can John 13 You know So loving the brotherhood Is obviously something That's not hard to figure out As far as what God wants us to do Knowing how to do it We'll talk about that at the end And we'll finish with that You know But in John 13 34 If you can get there Great If not Just meet me in Matthew 18 But John 13 34 It says The new commandment I give unto you That ye love one another As I love you That ye also love one another By this shall all men know That ye are my disciples Saying look It's a joyful thing It's a good thing When you love one another Because everyone's going to see it And it's going to be wonderful When people are getting together And they're all together In one accord And I hate when people fight I hate when my children fight I absolutely hate it Kids listen up Please try as best you can Not to fight with one another Don't pick on each other Don't call each other names Don't punch Don't kick Because it does hurt your parents We absolutely hate it We don't like it one bit It kills us when you guys fight And it kills us when you guys call each other names It hurts us whether you know it or not But it also upsets God That's why God doesn't want us as brothers to fight That's why he says it's a pleasant thing When brethren dwell together in unity It makes God happy And every parent will tell you We're really happy when you guys are getting along But when you guys start yelling at each other And then you punch And you stick And you bite I hope nobody's biting But when you start going at one another kids Let me put it this way It hurts us as parents to see that It even causes us sometimes to be nervous and afraid Like my goodness I hope you guys snap out of this at some point Because if you grow up to be this individual That just easily fights everyone You're not going to have a very nice life You're just not But besides it being a joyful thing If you can go to Matthew 18 You know Loving the brotherhood Is the right thing to do Or it's just It's just It's the right thing to do To love the brotherhood Go to Matthew 18 if you can And we'll talk about the parable Of the individual that didn't have brotherly love Or didn't love You know those around him But he wanted love And I'll quickly go over it In Matthew 18 it says Then came Peter to him and said Lo how off shall my brother sin against me And I forgive him Till seven times Jesus said unto him I say not unto thee You know until seven times You know but until seventy times seven Therefore is the kingdom of heaven Like unto a certain king Which will take account of his servants And when he had begun to reckon One was brought unto him Which owed him ten thousand talents But as for much as he had not to pay His Lord commanded to be sowed And his wife and children and all that he had And payment to be made The servant therefore fell down And worshiped him saying Lord have patience with me And I will pay thee all Then the Lord of that servant Was moved with compassion Moved with compassion What is compassion? Compassion is love So here's a great king What causes him to do this Is he had compassion He had love And this is why it's important for you to have love Because you will be able to forgive And not hold grudges It'll help you to be a great Christian And succeed in a Christian life When you can learn to have compassion But if you don't We'll see what happens When you don't have compassion Let's keep reading Since he had compassion He loosed him and forgave him to death But the same servant Who of course does not have compassion He doesn't have love He could care less about anybody but himself And he would not have brotherly love He would definitely not love the brotherhood Or be considered someone That loves the brotherhood Since the same servant went out And found one of his fellow servants Which owed him a hundred pence And he laid hands on him Man it has to take a lot For you to get your hands on somebody Grab them physically I mean a lot of people Have said a lot of dumb things to me And have angered me But I've never grabbed them by the neck So you must be a really angry, wicked person To be able to do such a thing And this guy's not even calling them names He just says I don't have the money to pay you What? Come here to pay me That's gotta be really wicked I mean think about that You're physically harming someone You're not just grabbing him by the shoulder Like listen you promised to pay me You need to pay me He didn't do that He's like grabbing him by the neck That's trying to like really hurt the guy Without getting in trouble Like trying to cause the guy some pain Man I hope no one here ever gets to that level But why? Why is this guy at that level? Because he doesn't have love He doesn't have love for the brotherhood It takes heed unless you be this person That yeah your God died for your sins And for giving you And giving you eternal life But you can't turn around And do the same for someone Who might might have accidentally crossed you Because let's face it If you don't offend someone Then you're a perfect person According to James So guess what? I'm not perfect So I'm sure I'm gonna say, do Or maybe even think something That will offend God Or say something That would offend you guys Or do something That would offend you guys And listen just give me the benefit of the doubt I'm not perfect when I speak Amen I may say or do something But listen The bottom line is That if you forgive others God will forgive you And if you can't let go of things You're gonna become a very wicked person To the point where you're physically trying to hurt people Who aren't really doing much to you Yeah this guy should have paid him Should have paid him but he owed him But come on It's like you just got forgiven For thousands and thousands of dollars Your wife almost got sold Your kids almost got taken away from you And you can't let this go? That's why of course this story is in there So let's keep reading Since then his fellow servant fell down on his feet And beside him saying have patience with me And I will pay the all But he will not But when they cast him into prison Now look at that Locking people up like an animal Man I don't know but Sometimes I watch these prison videos And I feel bad for this criminal Literally In those tiny little rooms Having to deal with a bunch of crazy Some of them are surrounded by sodomites Literally They're like oh man There's like this dude in here Who he's like whatever You know they have to deal with that guy They have to deal with guys constantly You know at each other They have to deal with drugs A lot of drugs in prison You know people think Oh if they're in prison They can stop committing crimes No They're committing crimes in prison I don't know how But there's a lot of ways I guess you can smuggle that stuff in I don't even want to talk about them But you know what I'm talking about But here's the deal Let's just make sure That we don't get to the point Where you're glad somebody's in prison You know Yes you know what It is what it is We should have it We should have We should have law You know We believe in the death penalty If you don't believe in the death penalty To reach your Bible Because God is for the death penalty To keep crime under control You know When we don't execute the death penalty Fast Guess what It sends a message That we really don't care about You know justice So go ahead and gamble And try to rob that bank And make a million dollar hit Or whatever the case may be Because guess what If they catch you Nothing's really going to happen to you Look at this guy He murdered this people He's still in prison alive And well Look at this person Then people started justifying their brains Like you know what If this score goes well You know Hey I can be I can be sad You know But if it doesn't go well Oh well You know It's not like they're going to put me to death Or anything I'll just do whatever And you know Get out Twenty years later And they can justify it in a million way But when they see people getting executed Left and right They'll be less likely to rob that bank Less likely to commit that fraud They'll be less likely to do something You know That's going to get them locked up For a long time Because when they see people getting executed They're like Whoa Let me think twice about this But when they see people in jail For fifty, sixty, seventy years You know That doesn't discourage them Period Especially if they're reprobated It's not going to discourage them at all They probably want to be in prison Let me be out here and ruin people's lives And molest as many kids as possible Because what's going to happen When they catch me Nothing By the time they catch me I'm going to molest two hundred of them By the time they catch me Guess what I already did so much of it I'm probably tired of it And I don't mind being in jail With a bunch of other idiots That are probably reprobating themselves And they have all the food they want They got all the free time they want They have all the books to read time Or whatever And they don't care about getting out Because they're reprobated You know They don't have the need of the woman anymore You know Now they can just meet in prison And commit all kinds of filth You know Hopefully they just all get AIDS in prison And die You know But for the rest of the people That are locked up For non-violent crimes If you think it's good for them to be there And you have no compassion When I watch these videos I'm just like My goodness You know They're just there every day Just staring at a TV screen Not even books to read They're just literally there Just sitting around like Like animals in the zoo I feel bad for those people I don't care if they did go to jail For selling weed or whatever I'm like Man Let those people Our system is so messed up It's so messed up And I have compassion for those people When I see them being interviewed in jail Especially when they're in juvenile hall And they're gonna spend about 20 years in prison I'm like Man You're 18 You're 16 I feel bad How much more should I have compassion For my brother For the brotherhood You know Yes You know I feel bad for these people I should feel more compassion For my brothers in Christ You know But we see in this story That this guy That he already got forgiven For the money that he owed Hey He doesn't forgive For money that other people owe him And verse 32 says this Then his lord After he had called them And said unto him O thou wicked servant I forgave thee all that debt Because thou desirest me Shouldest not thou also have a compassion On thy fellow servant As I have pity on thee And his lord was wrought Obviously the The lord You know It's a representation of the lord Jesus Christ And people say Oh Jesus Jesus taught smoking hippie You know He was just going around Just hanging out With the worst of the worst And teaching them the love of God Et cetera, et cetera No Jesus Christ is a wrathful God Jesus Christ has wrath I mean He's gonna be the one That basically sends people into hell Cast them into hell And they'll be burning forever In the presence of the lamb Who is the lamb that's Christ So he does have wrath And he even said Fear me When people are like Hey you know We're afraid to serve you Hey don't fear them I'm not able to kill the body But I'm not able to kill the soul But fear him Basically saying Hey fear me Oh no But Jesus Jesus taught smoking hippie With long hair Ain't happening That so likewise Shall my heavenly father And it's not just Jesus Actually saying Hey it's the father He's gonna do unto you If you from your hearts Forgive not Everyone is brother To their trespasses Why? Why should I just forgive? Why? Why? Why? Because it's the just thing to do Number one We already know That it brings joy You know Loving the brother Brings joy To the Lord It's a joyful thing To the Lord And number two It's a just thing to do It's the just thing to do And number three And I wrap it up with this one It justifies you Being someone that can love the brotherhood Justifies you Let's take a look really quick If you can go to Luke 18 Go to Luke 18 I'm 32 minutes into the sermon Go to Luke 18 We're gonna go over a few verses And then we're gonna end We're gonna go right back to 1 Peter Where we all started So the first thing is Loving the brotherhood is a joyful thing It's a pleasant thing to God Loving the brotherhood What do I mean? I mean that you have this intense feeling Just like you love your kids It should be the same for your church members Just like you wanna go home And be around your kids And you wanna do things for your kids It should be the same for people in your church Meaning that you shouldn't come to church And be like Man this church would be such an awesome church If it weren't for him I hope he just gets out of here someday You know it's like Man I love everyone But I can't stand her You know what I'm saying? It's like Just keep me away from this woman Please Don't pair me up with her I don't wanna see her I just decided already in my heart That you know what We're just gonna agree to disagree And the best thing I can do at this moment Is just to stay away far away You know just like the Bible says Stay far away from the adulterous woman's house I'm gonna stay away from this adulterous woman Even though she's not an adulterous woman Even though she's not an adulterous woman It's I think twice before you go that route Why? Because look what's gonna happen to you Luke 18 And it says And that's what I've noticed A lot of people that say Well you know I can't hang out with these people They literally think That they're righteous They're blind Because that's not the right attitude Now listen For the sake of peace If you got beef with someone Chill the heck out It's better to just break up Chill out But when it's one Two Three Four Five Six years later And the soul winner's like Hey can I pair you Oh nope Nope Don't pair me up with this person Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope It's like do you know that you're righteous in your own eyes Everyone can see it It's like that's pretty messed up How long has it been? It's like seriously? Years Not even months Years And you still have issues with this person It's because you're righteous in your own eyes And see if you don't become a person who knows how to love the brotherhood Guess what? In God's eyes He's saying you ain't justified You know You're instead You're not justified in my eyes Let's take a look And he spake this parabon to Jordan Which trusted in himself that they were righteous And despised others Two men went up into the temple to pray The one a Pharisee And the other a publican The Pharisee stood and prayed thus within himself God I thank you that I am not as other men Extortion is unjust Adulters Or even as this publican I fast twice in a week I give tithes of all that I possess And the publican standing afar off Would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven But smote his breast Saying God be merciful to me a sinner But this guy is clearly Like feeling bad for what he's doing And he's there just smoting his breast Meaning that he's probably in tears He's there, he's suffering He's just trying to get right with the Lord If I would have saw that I would have been like man I feel bad for this guy Like what is he going through But nope The Pharisee is like I'm not like this guy This guy is on his knees He's literally like God I'm sorry Please I'm sorry And this guy is like Look at this guy He's like I'm not like this guy No compassion No love I'm telling you sometimes I see people in church And I can see I don't even need to like ask I can see them talking to someone else And they start tearing up I immediately start feeling bad I feel bad I'm like oh man what's going on What's the issue with that It's like Lord I don't know what's going on You know but I clearly see I saw Pastor Anderson's daughter one time crying And I didn't even know what it was about I started crying I almost wanted to cry myself And I don't even know what the issue is I was just like what's going on with such and such I'm like oh my goodness Lord what's going on with I just don't like to see these kids or anyone You know Going through some kind of emotional pain And so I just immediately when I see that And it will happen You'll probably notice it here Somebody's struggling All of a sudden You're talking to them And they start tearing up Or you see them talking to somebody else And look serious And if you know they're tearing up They're wiping their hands You know Like I just can't help but feel bad And I just do my best to start praying When Pastor was going through a real serious battle He did his best He preached after the service And I've never seen this ever I don't even know if I should be saying this but I've never seen this before Where he felt like quitting Like he literally said I am about to quit I am about to quit And then sure enough Somebody walks up to him And says please don't quit He said you have no idea Just how bad I was Before I came across your preaching He's like please don't quit for us And Pastor broke into tears He breaks into tears To the point where he has to wipe them You know how sometimes you get teary-dyed But you don't need to wipe them He was so teary-dyed He had to wipe them And he wiped them off his face And as soon as I saw that I started crying I couldn't help it Why? Because I had compassion Why? Because I love for the brotherhood And if it would have been somebody else It would have been the exact same way But how are you when you see people suffer? Are you like this Pharisee? They're like good they deserve it For being such a bad soul winner Good they deserve it You know For being so goofy I don't know Or do we feel bad When somebody tears up and cries And breaks down And you realize What is going on in this person's heart Lord what's going on Do you feel bad when they feel bad Do you rejoice when people rejoice And do you also sorrow when people are sorrowed If you do Then you know what You can be somebody And knows Knows how to show love Even though you may not even talk to the individual You can just show love by saying God you know what Help this person out Because I used to go to an addictions program It was a faith-based addiction program It was decent And one of the first things I wanted to cover was love And this is the definition of the game This is the definition that it gave us It says The willing Dr. Fischl Given of oneself For the benefit of others Without thought or return And I don't know if it's the best definition You know I don't know I know it's a good one Because you can see that in John 3 16 The willing Dr. Fischl Given of oneself For the benefit of others What did Christ gain By going on the cross Did he gain anything No But did we gain something Absolutely Did he willingly do it Or was it grudgingly He willingly did it He willingly did it So willingly sacrificial Can anybody deny that he sacrificed himself Nobody can If you do you're a fool You need to read the scriptures again So he willingly sacrificed himself For the benefit of others And maybe he had thought of return Like I get to spend the rest of my life My eternal life with you guys Maybe that was the thought of return But obviously when When we talk about thought of return Meaning that you're only doing something Because you want something from this person That's not love That's not love You know that's not love at all You know if you do things for people For their benefit And you don't expect anything in return Now you're in the realm of love Of love in the brotherhood So the other point I want to make Is that it's not hard to figure out How to love the brotherhood How do you know Well I don't even know where I got this Bible Oh you know what I ordered on Amazon But it's funny because I'm reading right here Our verse You know Verse number 17 Love the brotherhood And somebody may say How can I start Well look at this Show brotherly love So let's go there First Peter chapter number two If you can quickly get there If not Don't worry No biggie I got 20 minutes No I'm just kidding It's 39 minutes I'm about to finish in five But let's just kind of see What this chapter's about I mean if you want to know How to love the brotherhood And there's a section in the Bible That's titled Show brotherly love I don't think God's going to make it hard For you to realize How to become someone That loves the brotherhood Because this is a commandment Love the brotherhood That's not a suggestion But I'm glad God doesn't just tell you To do something And doesn't give you an idea on how to do it But I'm sure this isn't everything You know That you have to learn about Loving your brothers Or loving the brotherhood But let's just quickly see what it says It says this Finally Be ye all of one mind Having compassion Having compassion Is that a shocker? Having love Having compassion So what is love? Hey it says right there Show brotherly love Having compassion Compassion What is compassion? It's that deep intense feel That you have in you For other people Not hatred But to want to see them succeed To want them to be happy That's really what you're basically saying When you say hey You know I love my kids What are you saying? Hey these kids bring me joy You know I enjoy my kids I enjoy my kids I love my wife What am I saying? I enjoy my wife Not just that I have compassion I enjoy my wife You know I love my wife I love Pastor Anderson What am I saying? I'm not saying that I have a romantic affection towards him Like the first definition I'm not saying that And I've even seen Pastor Anderson tell people Hey I love you And they're not female You know we had a guy who he kicked out For ending up being a oneness heretic And I was there when he fired him And I was there when he kicked him out At the time he didn't realize how bad he was But he told me you know what Hey I don't hate you I love your brother such and such I absolutely do But here's the thing You're screwed up You're screwed up You're in to damnable heresy And I don't know why But I love you And listen I don't want anything bad to happen to you I love your brother such and such I wish you well You want to keep coming to faithful word You keep coming to faithful word You know but you need to figure out this doctrine And obviously it turned out just to be a false prophet But he said that to him I love you And I believe he meant it Because he didn't know I was recording him I filmed the whole thing We released it later on YouTube Because this guy was talking so much trash That he forgot You know just how the story really went He was exaggerating the truth Making himself look like a tough guy Trying to make Pastor Anderson look like a sissy or whatever And I basically uploaded that video And the truth came out that he was a sissy That's just the fact It was all over your face You cried like a little girl You know And Pastor didn't know I was filming him He didn't say hey record this I'm about to fire him He didn't say that I just felt like you know what this is such a big deal I might as well film it Forget it we don't need it we don't need it But it might help us out down the road Because who knows what this guy is going to say It's going to be Pastor Anderson's word versus his word And let's just have something on file And I don't know how that camera just magically aimed it right at his face And it was perfectly like I had it like this And it was like somehow it magically just did it by itself Like stared up in his face I didn't even want time to like aim it at him I'm just like this under my armpit And I'm thinking I wonder if I'm even recording him I don't care I just want the audio But it was BAM right in his face Because I knew what was happening But if you're wondering where can I begin Am I really showing do I really have brotherly love Do I really love the brethren We'll just read this I mean it's a small section it's not that long I'll quickly read it Having compassion one of another Love as brethren That's the brotherhood Love as brethren be pitiful Now was that Pharisee pitiful When the guy's on the ground Like literally crying Begging God to be merciful That Pharisee was like I don't know what's going on with this dude but good You know think Republican Taking all my money Republicans are a tax collector But this guy's tithing twice a week He has money you know And the public is taking some of that money I'm sure the love of money which is the root of all evil Is causing this Pharisee to be like Yeah I'm not like this Republican who takes my money And gives it a Caesar That's probably what's happening He's despising this guy for taking money That this guy thinks he earned When God gives us the strength to make money He puts one up and he breaks one down But people don't see it this way They're like no I'm rich because of my own whatever But hey the scripture said that God is the reason why you have what you have Don't forget that Mr. Pharisee But once again what's it say Be pitiful be courteous Now rendering evil for evil Or railing for railing What does that even mean railing for railing Sometimes people come to us And they're saying hey I just want to let you know You know this guy is doing X, Y, and Z Really you got evidence? No but I'm pretty sure It's like do you realize what you're accusing him of You're doing it right now yourself You're saying this person is going around talking bad about you And you have no evidence for it Again you're basically saying that he's talking bad about you And you have no evidence for it You know what that's called it's called railing So that's what it says Railing for railing You're claiming this guy is railing on you And you're railing on him right now Because you're saying he's doing X, Y, and Z And you have no evidence for it And it's even coming out of your mouth That's railing for railing And it's crazy because sometimes when people get paranoid And they accuse people of certain things They're actually doing it themselves And they don't see it It's mind blowing Like everybody can see it It's like this dude's done whatever And he's claiming such and such as the whatever But that's how blind you know sin can cause us to be But contraries wise blessings I mean is there anybody in the church that you cannot bless You might want to get that right Knowing that you are there aren't too cold That you shouldn't inherit a blessing For he that will love life and seek good days Let him refrain his tongue for evil But be careful with what you say about people Be careful what you say about the brotherhood as well And his lips that they speak no God Let him eschew evil and do good Let him seek peace and then sue it And sometimes you may think But yeah but this church member you don't understand This guy just has issues with me I'm pretty sure he's turning people against me I'm pretty sure he's the root of all my problems Oh yeah? Well let's just say that's true What does the Bible say? The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous And his ears are open unto their prayers But his face The face of the Lord is against them They are due evil So hey stop talking like an unbeliever And start talking like a believer So if he is going around causing people to hate you And despise you And he's talking bad about your name Don't worry about it Because the Bible says that God is against that person Is against that person So sleep at night That if you're so right You're gonna be okay Don't freak out Just say calm down Read this scripture again God's eyes are everywhere Beholding the evil and the good So if this guy is going around And you have no evidence God does know God does know if it's true But it says this And he And who is he that will harm you I love that part It's kind of like yo man chill Who is he that will harm you If he be followers of that Which is good So worry about the other stuff Not to do the other stuff Don't worry about what other people are up to Worry about what you're doing Don't be the one that's causing railing for railing Don't be the one that's speaking out Don't be the one that doesn't issue evil Don't be the one that doesn't seek peace in the suet Don't be that individual Worry about those things Because those things are gonna make you somebody Who will eventually be a loving person And you'll love the brotherhood with no problem And if somebody is out to get you in church They have some grudge against you And they're turning everyone against you Or whatever the case may be Hey who can harm you If you're a follower of that which is good Everything's gonna be okay Don't worry about it So if you wanna know How can I be somebody that can love the brotherhood Well here's a chapter Second Peter Chapter number two Oh I'm sorry chapter number three verse eight Simply put Hey show brotherly love Here's how you can be somebody that loves the brotherhood Let's pray Dear God we thank you so much For all that you've done Thank you for these people Lord Thank you for these faithful people And every time I come there Lord It just humbles me just to see them Why? Because Lord hey They don't have a pastor this full time That kind of person That can cause anybody to just quit And come back later But they decided not to They're gonna serve you And they're gonna serve you well And so Lord I just ask you They came here while it's cold It's miserable It's rainy But Father they showed up tonight Hey this is what it is dear Lord That's faithfulness Bless their faithfulness And we ask you to do this In the name of your son Jesus Christ Amen Alright let's turn here in Hebrew To hymn number 187 Jesus loves me Hymn number 187 Hymn number 187 Jesus loves me Hymn number 187 Jesus loves me Hymn number 187 Hymn number 187 Jesus loves me Hymn number 187 Hymn number 187 Jesus loves me Ok on the first Jesus loves me This I know For the Bible tells me so Little ones to him belong They are weak weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me. He who died, heaven's gate to open wide, He will wash away my sin. Let His little child come in. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so. Jesus loves me. He will stay close beside me all the way. Thou hast bled and died for me. I will henceforth live for Thee. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so. Great singing. You are all dismissed. Have a good evening. Thank you.