(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right, folks. Welcome to Your Words Baptist Church. We'll go ahead and get started this morning. If you would, grab your hymnals and turn to our first hymn number 230, Heavenly Sunlight. Hymn number 23230, Heavenly Sunlight. Heavenly Sunlight, 230, we'll sing there starting there on that first verse. Let's sing. Heavenly Sunlight, flooding my soul with glory divine. Hallelujah I am rejoicing singing his praises Jesus is mine shadows around me shadows above me never conceal my savior and guide he is the light in him is no darkness ever I'm walking close to his side heavenly sunlight heavenly sunlight flooding my soul with glory divine Hallelujah I am rejoicing I am rejoicing singing his praises Jesus is mine in the bright sunlight ever rejoicing pressing my way to mentions above singing his praises gladly I'm walking walking in sunlight sunlight of love heavenly sunlight heavenly sunlight flooding my soul with glory divine Hallelujah I am rejoicing singing his praises Jesus is mine Amen, good singing this morning. Brother Jeff, would you open us in a word of prayer? Amen. Amen. For our next hymn this morning, turn if you would to two hundred and eleven. Two eleven, whosoever meaneth me. Hymn two hundred and eleven, two one one, whosoever meaneth me. We'll sing there starting on that first verse. Let's sing. I am happy today and the sun shines bright the clouds have been rolled away for the savior said whosoever will may come with him to stay whosoever surely meaneth me surely meaneth me oh surely meaneth me whosoever surely meaneth me whosoever meaneth me all my hopes have been raised all his name be praised his glory has filled my soul I've been lifted up and from sin set free his blood hath made me whole whosoever surely meaneth me surely meaneth me oh surely meaneth me whosoever surely meaneth me whosoever meaneth me oh what wonderful level what grace divine that Jesus should die for me I was lost in sin for the world I find but now I am set free whosoever surely meaneth me surely meaneth me oh surely meaneth me whosoever surely meaneth me whosoever meaneth me Amen. Good singing again this morning. If you need a bulletin, go ahead and lift up your hand. Brother James has those and he'll get them around to you. Of course, welcome to Pure Words Baptist Church. On the front there we have our weekly memory passage, Romans 8.38. So you have probably about two weeks to get that done. It's through verse 39. There's still time. You could learn it in a week if you try really really hard. You'd have to try really hard. It's probably better to learn it in a week at a time. But you do still have that opportunity. Of course, that memory verse is there and it's like pastor said on the midweek service the bigger the chapter the bigger the reward. So obviously the biggest reward is writing the word of God in your heart, but carnal rewards are cool too. If you open up on the top left we have our service times and underneath that our churchwide full-winning in their respective leaders. There was an update here to Brother Mo's phone number so just check to make sure you've got that so that you're not texting someone like, man why is Mo just not responding to me? It's because he has a new number. So it's not that he doesn't like you. Well maybe. I don't know. Underneath that at the stats on the bottom we have our month-to-date salvation which is 40. Month-to-date salvation I should say. And year-to-date puts us at 639. Is there any soul-winning to report between Tuesday when we had our last service and today? Anything for Saturday 1, 2, 3. So 3 total going once, going twice. So alright we'll add 3 more. Amen to that. And obviously keep up the hard work. The goal for the year is 1000. It's not impossible. But we're going to have to put in some work, alright. So let's get out there you know. Say not, you know, wait until it's warmer to go into the harvest where the harvest is right, you know. The fields are wide under harvest I should say. On the top right of course keep being in prayer for our expecting lady Miss Corinne Darnell and of course be in prayer for Brother Nick and Miss Sarah. They welcomed their baby in last week on Saturday and so that's why they're out just recovering. Be in prayer for them and obviously reach out to them let them know that you're thinking about them and praying for them and just encourage them, right? Underneath that on that right side we have upcoming events and guest preaching. Now today we have Brother Segura from Faithful Word Out preaching for us so definitely make him feel welcome. It's always a blessing when he comes out and is able to preach for us and so just make sure to thank him. Arizona's a little bit of a waste, you know, away from here. The weather here might be a little nicer than Arizona I don't know brother, you can tell me. I don't know if you prefer the heat or what. Not right now. So yeah. Yeah, yeah. There you go. Yeah, so well this is like the one time you can actually visit Houston I feel like and not melt. So there's that. Although in Arizona you're probably just perpetually melting so who knows. So good fellowship there. Upcoming on Friday December 3rd we have our Christmas caroling and pizza fellowship and I did go ahead and put in here that time for meet up. The meet up is at 5.30 for caroling. Now remember what we're going to do is go out for about an hour and then come back and have the pizza fellowship. The reason that there's not like a re-meet up time is I'm not sure exactly the hard cut on you know are we leaving at 5.30 or is it at 6 or are we going to be back exactly at 7. Look if you show up for pizza and you didn't go caroling I mean do that anyway I guess if you want to but you should come caroling instead. Then you'll really know when we're having the pizza fellowship because you'll be there. And then Pastor's going to stay with us through that weekend. That's this coming weekend and he'll be here on Sunday December 5th preaching both services. Upcoming after that on Sunday December 19th we have brother Duncan Urbanic he'll be here he's from Steadfast Dallas. He'll be preaching both services a really good preacher. Thursday December 23rd is going to be our Christmas candlelight service and cookie bake off and of course that cookie bake off is the three category right and you can enter as many as you want but there's going to be best tasting most unique and best designed. And you could win all three with one or you could win all three with three different cookies or you could enter 40 types of cookies I don't care because the more cookies you enter the more we can eat. So I mean there's no wrong way to go about this competition and who doesn't like a little competition right. Then after that we have this guy who's never preached for us before it's brother Chris Segura on Sunday January 2nd he'll be preaching both services again so yeah. So and then Sunday that's starting the new year off on the right foot. Sunday January 9th we'll have brother Duncan Urbanic back for us preaching both services and Sunday January 23rd brother Ben Naim otherwise known as Ben the Baptist will be here preaching both services. As far as I know that's everything that's coming down the pike on upcoming events but if anything gets added we'll throw it in there and keep you guys posted. Of course underneath that for prayer requests just keep brother Edward in your prayers as he's continuing to recover he says everything's been going well and so we'll just keep him in mind and lift him up in prayer. If you do have any prayer requests whether they're spoken or not go ahead and send those either to pastor or brother Nick or you can email them to this email here purewordsbaptist at gmail.com and we'll make sure if it's a public prayer we can put that in the bulletin for you or if it's private they can you know pastor can keep you in his prayers in private. And then on the back of course there is a spot to take notes. With that I believe that is all the announcements we have for today we'll move on to our third hymn. You'll grab your hymnals and turn to 205. Hymn number 205205 he keeps me singing 205 205 We'll sing there on that first verse let's sing. There's within my heart a melody Jesus whispers sweet and low. Fear not I am with thee peace be still in all of life ebb and flow Jesus Jesus Jesus sweetest name I know fills my every longing keeps me singing as I go. All my life was wrecked by sin and strife discord filled my heart with pain Jesus swept across the broken strings stirred the slumbering chords again Jesus Jesus Jesus sweetest name I know fills my every longing keeps me singing as I go feasting on the riches of his grace resting neath his sheltering wing always looking on his smiling face that is why I shout and sing Jesus Jesus Jesus sweetest name I know fills my every longing keeps me singing as I go though sometimes he leads through waters deep trials fall across the way though sometimes the past seems rough and steep see his footprints all the way Jesus Jesus Jesus sweetest name I know fills my every longing keeps me singing as I go soon he's coming back to welcome me far beyond the starry sky I shall wing my flight to worlds unknown I shall reign with him on high Jesus Jesus Jesus sweetest name I know fills my every longing keeps me singing as I go Amen. While the offering plate is being passed around turn if you would to first Peter chapter number one first Peter chapter number one brother Sam will read that chapter for us okay first Peter chapter number one find a place that always we're going to read this chapter together follow along with me starting right here first Peter chapter one verse one where the Bible reads Peter an apostle of Jesus Christ is the strangest scattered throughout Pontius, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit into obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ. Grace unto you and peace be multiplied. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again into a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fated not awake reserved in heaven for you were kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time wherein you greatly rejoice so now for a season if need be you're in heaviness through manifold temptation a trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that parishes though it be tried with fire might be found under praise and honoring glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ whom having not seen ye love in whom though now ye see him not yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory receiving the end of your faith even the salvation of your soul which salvation the prophets have inquired searching diligently whom prophesied of the grace that should come unto you searching what over in manner of time the spirit of Christ which is in them did signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the holy ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into wherefore hurt up the loins of your mind be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ as obedient children not fashioning yourselves according to the form of lust in your ignorance but as he which hath called you is holy so be ye holy in all manner of conversation because it is written be ye holy for I am holy and if you call on the father who without respect of person judges according to every man's work past the time of your sojourning here in fear for as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversations received by tradition from your father but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world but was manifest in these last times for you who by him do believe in God that raised him up from the dead and gave him glory that your faith and hope might be in God seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever for all flesh is as grass and all the glory of man is as a flower of grass the grass withers the flower falleth thereof falleth away but the word of the Lord endures forever and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you by his first quick word of prayer our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name come before you again father and we give you thanks for allowing us to symbolize it for example hear a bold sermon preached by brothers of Europe fill him with your holy spirit so is all with your holy spirit we thank you for all your spirit we pray that you would let him edify us and let us pay attention to this and to learn and to be edified by his name Amen. Good to see everyone this morning if you look down at first Peter chapter number one you know I want you to go ahead and look at verse number three that says this blessed be the God and father of the Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for you and verse four every time I read it puts a smile on my face and I don't know about you but I like being happy you know I enjoy being happy I don't like being sorrowful I don't like being mournful I don't like being depressed if I want to pick an emotion the emotion is to be happy I'd rather be happy than a billionaire that's miserable all day every day you know but the thing is this sometimes especially as new believers we may not understand what the Christian life is really about we may think because of all these prosperity preachers like Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland if you don't know any better I'm talking about people that are new that don't know any better like myself 20 years ago you may think that wow if I give it everything I have I could be like this man I could be like that individual all false prophets by the way you know but you can literally think that you know what if I stick with God you know what I think things you know are going to actually happen my dreams are going to come true and it is true that God will give you the desires of your heart but when you're new and you don't know better and you have these ideas of careers maybe you may think to yourself you know what if I stick with God that's the answer that's the answer right there for me to get everything I want so that I can be happy amen but the reality is that the Christian life is not about being happy every day it's just not and we'll see we'll see really quickly you know that there's a balance you know there's a balance there will be a lot of moments where we're happy we're enjoying life but there will be a lot of moments especially during the tribulation where things are going to get a little bit crazy that we may not always always you know have to rejoice over what's going on in our lives in that specific moment I mean when you think of Genesis and every other book there's always someone who's suffering always for whatever reason you know you think of Genesis you notice that you know Eve is suffering one of her sons gets murdered and then she's rejoicing when God gives her another son it's a balance God knows that you're going to go through suffering you know but what I don't want people to think and I think this church kind of gets it because of all the stuff that's been happening you know to your leader is that you can't expect things to go well when you're serving the Lord because the devil doesn't like it his minions don't like it you know reprobates don't like it you know so we got to prepare ourselves and this is kind of what I want to do this morning is talk about happiness in the Bible and give you that balance you know of what happens in the Bible you know really is because I don't want you guys like Jesus says hey I'm telling you like Christ told his apostles I'm telling you all these things are going to happen because I don't want you to be offended I want you to expect it it'll help you if you know these things are coming so if we know that the Christian life involves suffering sorrowness we're not going to quit that easy or even think that we're doing something wrong if the preacher's offering constantly reminding people it's like hey think with it it's not always going to be easy but one thing is that it will be worth it and when you look at verse 4 it says listen if you're having a hard time a little bit down look what the Bible says an inheritance incorruptible undefiled that faded not away reserved for you where in heaven in heaven and I know someone somebody that I know personally ended up inheriting a house but it wasn't a blessing because that house was a house that ended up just fading and so he inherited and then he's like man the property taxes are crazy the house is breaking down I just had somebody inspected and this and this and this and this and this you know it's straight up messed up with this house it's a nightmare it's not a blessing sometimes the inheritance you're like wow who and when and what am I getting this time it's like yeah you inherited the house but it might as well be a haunted house because it's causing you so much headache but we don't have to worry about what's going to happen when we die because we do have an inheritance coming and it's one that doesn't fade it's incorruptible and it's undefiled and it motivates me when I know that hey when I think spiritually know what as bad as things can get I got something better waiting people wonder when is Christ going to return in my lifetime I don't know about you but I'm probably going to be dead in the next 50 years from old age the Bible says if you make it past 70 by strength you're a very blessed individual you must have done something right to make God live you live more than that but the average lifespan in the Bible I would say even for a godly person is probably about 70 years well I'm 40 I'm 42 so think about it 50 years I'm going to be 90 something so I'm going to see Jesus pretty soon because 50 years is going to fly it's just going to go so quick I mean I remember when I joined the Marines now I'm 42 with 8 children I'm like how did that happen it's just like boom it is a vapor life goes so quick and all God's people say Amen but you know what you know this verse also reminds me of another verse that I came across when I was reading my Bible one day and it reminded me of Donald Trump let me just read it for you you go to John 14 one you know because we know that we have an inheritance we have something that's coming we have something that's not just coming it's never going to fade away it's reserved for us it's incorruptible undefiled and I believe that's just treasures in heaven because Christ said just throw out for yourself treasures in heaven you know but there's also this verse that makes me think of Donald Trump and I explain why Psalms 49 says this for he seeth the wise men die likewise the fools and the British person you know perish and leave their wealth to others talking about hey you got rich people even a brutish person this person who's I guess you can say a dummy you know he's going to die and he's going to leave his wealth to others but their inward thought is that their houses shall continue forever and their dwelling places to all generations they call their lands after their own name hello Trump Tower and why did he name it Trump Tower because this is kind of the world's way and unbelievers way are kind of living forever they think that that Trump Tower is going to last forever and I'm sure he's not the only one I mean you got Rockefeller Plaza or whatever I don't know why they named the Rockefeller Plaza maybe he had it somewhere in the deed when he died he just gave it up or he gave it to whoever and they kept his name why because he wants us to remember them when they're dead and gone this is why I believe Elon Musk really wants to go to Mars he really wants to be in the history books because that's his way of living forever but Trump Tower Rockefeller Plaza is all just going to one day fade away get destroyed it's gone how depressing is that if they were to know the truth I think they know it and they don't want to face it these these people that have billions of dollars Jeff Bezos of this world who don't believe in the Lord they reject the Bible they're enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season I wonder how many times a week does he think and look at his riches and kind of stress himself out by thinking this stuff is going to someone some day and I wonder what it's going to do with my money I work hard for this I put in like Elon Musk claims that he put in a hundred hours starting out when he was coding back in the day he lived literally in some kind of office with no bathroom no shower he lived on the floor with his brother and during the day they would just go to the YMCA and go shower up then it got so good at whatever they were doing they sold their first business for like four hundred million dollars then he took that money got into Tesla now SpaceX and supposedly he's the richest person in the world but I wonder what he's thinking when he thinks of his riches it's got to be depressing but you know what we have an inheritance we have something that's common and every time I read this it just motivates me I'll just read from Ecclesiastes 7.1 you know so when it comes to us a good source of joy for all of us is the fact that we are saved but it's not enough to be saved you have to dwell on it you have to set your fictions on things above not on things of this earth because it's very depressing to people that may be saved in other countries like South Africa and they look at all these people in America that are living so good they can get themselves to the point where they start getting depressed because they're not thinking spiritually you know they're not they're thinking carnally and they may be thinking man it must be nice to be a Christian in America where I can live nicer and better and whatever because I've been to South Africa I've been there I've gotten people saved but it was a really poor area we almost wondered do people even live here but I can only imagine when they watch TV what they're thinking because it's not true it's all fake TV is just there to get you to A be fearful to become covetous TV is being used to cause us to sin or be in sin or even stay in sin and sometimes we don't even know it but once we read our Bible we're like whoa you know what I shouldn't be like this hey I need to quit this I need to do this I need to get better I need to get more mentally stronger but the majority of the people as far as I know you know that are in South Africa they're never going to see what we see they're never going to drive what we drive you know we're not rich people but we live nice they're never going to see that and I wonder what do they use to motivate themselves it has to be something spiritual it has to be the Bible you know so when it comes to happiness in the Bible we're going to see really quickly that it's not always you know a joyful thing to live the Christian life but at the end everything will be worth it you name any Bible character that stuck with God what do they all have in common they all have a happy ending you name them they all have a happy ending but what about the ones that don't stick with God they don't have a happy ending they don't you know so you guys are on the road to a happy ending someday like I said 50 years I'm probably gone no doubt no doubt in my mind if I live to be 100 I'll be shocked if I live to be past 70 I'll be happy but I'm expecting to be the guy that's six you know what is it six score in 10 years I'm thinking that's probably going to be me just because I have too many vaccinations in the military it's all going to catch up I'm just preparing my kids for what's coming but they'll probably be great men of God down the road and they won't need me anymore you know I'm here to raise them up in the way they should go so when they're old they're not going to depart when I'm dead and gone and it's over people stress like man I'm not sure about my kids I'm afraid that they're going to turn out what if they end up messing up their lives hey you trained up in the way you should go and when they're old they will not be apart from it take that to make you happy it's about being happy right it's about knowing what happiness is what the Bible teaches in regards to happiness you know but one thing that we all can already know without even being told is that the number one way to obviously enjoy life better is just to do the right thing I don't have to tell you guys that I'm just here to remind you about it and then we'll give you a couple other sources of happiness you know in case you were thinking oh this is it nope this is a big subject it's very hard to just talk about every single instance when the Bible refers to individuals you know going from being sad to happy in the Bible you know but for us the main thing we've got to realize is that we've got to realize that you know but for us the main thing we've got to realize is like hey we're safe we want to start to be happy things ain't going well just remind yourself you're safe hey if you were to die tonight guess what most people think it's over that's it it's gone hey sucks to be you I wish your life would have been better but not for the safe individual how do I know please the answer seven one hey it says this the day of death then the day of one's birth is better is better look what it says in Philippians 1 21 for the me to live is Christ and to die is gain verse 23 for I'm in the street between two having a desire to the party to be with Christ which is far better nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you Luke 16 says this and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom now I don't know how they did it I don't know these angels are so big they can just kind of hold you like a baby in the arms and fight you into heaven but that's going to be one cool day amen so for us it's like hey if I die today I'm going to see some angels they're going to carry me into Abraham's bosom I don't know how they're going to do it maybe I can jump in their back like my daughter jumps on me and chokes me and basically I carry them everywhere I don't know how it's going to go but it's going to be a fun time and when you're down just read these verses it will help you to build happiness why because you're safe that's probably the number one way to get happy right away things ain't going well well at least I'm safe one day in front of Christ one day my mansion and where do I get that from straight out of the Bible I told you to go to John 14 correct hey when you start to feel a little stressed out or what the Bible calls letting your heart be troubled here's some more motivation for you John 14 1 let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I like this part I go to prepare a place for you sounds like the one that we just read right first Peter it says hey you have an inherent corruptible undefiled fate is not a way reserved in heaven for you go to first Peter 1 5 we're going back to first Peter you guys were in John go back to first Peter but I love that many mansions not some many and even though we may never see a mansion in our lives meaning own one we have one done it's over people are like oh man I wish I had it now no you don't because thieves will break in and steal amen you don't want it yet but it's up there waiting for you and it's not a fairy tale I mean look at you guys are laughing because it does bring joy knowing hey my match is up there it's up there not just that but treasure I know none of us are at the level of Hebrew 11 when none of us are solid asunder or whatever hey I'm pretty sure we've all done a lot of soul winning but let's face it these people in Hebrews 11 they got stoned they got cut in half they refuse to be delivered why so they can have a better resurrection because they were smart just like it says that Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather suffer affliction with children of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season he was smart he realized you know what it's not about the money it's not about the treasures it's not about the fame it's not about the power you know it's 100% about being right with the Lord hey I'm saved being in the right mindset because happiness truly is a state of mind is it not I mean if you think negative you're going to be negative if you think positive you're going to be positive and as God's people we're commanded to be positive I know it's not easy but we are able to do it and still be sorrowful at the same time it's almost that fake it till you make it showing yourself a man like the Bible talks about hey we know in the inside we're kind of struggling a little bit but on the outside we can show a little bit more bravado why because that's what God wants us to do because it affects everyone you're positive people around you be positive your boss is negative the employees looking negative it's not a good thing but when it comes to happiness we see all these verses that should make us start smiling I mean when the Bible says this hey behold your reward is great in heaven for in like manner did their fathers enter the false prophets 1st Corinthians 2 9 one of my favorite motivators it says but as it is written your eye has not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the thing which God has prepared for them to love him that's you guys because how do you know if somebody loves God it's easy by this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his commandments what are you guys doing keeping his commandments why are you guys here because you're keeping God's commandments because you love God guess what it's going to go good for you you have no idea what's coming but hey I have a hard time like trying to figure out what would actually make me leap for joy and be so happy I have to fool in front of everyone but I'm sure God has something because he said you will leap for joy you know because your reward will be great in heaven but you guys are right there in 1st Peter so we see those verses starting off in 1st Peter saying hey you have an inheritance that motivates me like I can't wait to see it it's made by God the other verses tell you look there's matches in heaven there's a place for you in heaven I'm like woah I wonder what it looks like it's got to be super impressive to cause people to rejoice and leap for joy but all those verses help us to smile but these verses don't but it's not that it's all negative you're right there in 1st Peter 1.5 it says to we're kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time wherein ye greatly rejoice that's where God wants us to be greatly rejoicing though now for a season if need be ye are in heaviness what is heaviness that's depression so the Christians in the Bible suffer from depression absolutely but guess what you will too and guess what there's nothing wrong with you that's called being human it's like man I'm so depressed some days I wish I wasn't even alive like Moses some days I wish I wasn't alive like maybe Peter when he forsook the Lord some days I wish that God would just take my life away like Jonah maybe I mean think about how many prophets good men of God just say God just get me out of here you know I can't handle this it's better that I were dead than alive why because we're going through temptation and all I got to say is if you're going through temptations all I got to say is this for a just man fall off seven times and rise up again rise up you fall rise up I had a crappy week rise up I fell into sin rise up I fell for temptation rise up because that's what God wants you to do man I screwed up seven times in a row rise up get up just get up but it sucks what does liking have to do with anything last time I checked in Ecclesiastes it says let it hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear God and keep his commandments for this the whole duty of men who's heard of Dr. Jack Howell regardless of what you think of him whether you like him or hate him thinks he's a backslider wonder if he's even safe preach you know the preacher of rapture until he died makes you wonder if he's even safe how can you reach the Bible so long if you're leaving a preacher of rapture had a Bible college until he died how could he be saved if he was wrong with the Lord he would have probably figured out Bible college whatever you think of the guy there's this one sermon that he preached called duty and one of the things I remember he kept saying doesn't matter if you like it doesn't matter if you're having fun doesn't matter if you're being blessed live the Christian life because it's your duty it's your duty to do it that's the same with your work and he talked about being in the military I don't know how long he was in the military but he talked about how a lot of guys just did it because it was the duty not because they liked it but guess what at the end they wanted they wanted the glory it came from winning that war World War II regardless of what you feel about it that's how they looked at it we won we won you know they all felt excited they were all happy about it you know but this is similar because here's how it is at the time when they're going through tough training they're going through some tough mission they're going through maybe even a maybe even a war you know there's going to be times of heaviness where they're depressed but you can't quit because then you lose for sure it's over the war it's going to be that's what they try to do sometimes they try to demoralize the enemy get them to quit get them to give up mentally because once they give up mentally they're going to give up physically and that's what the devil wants to do with you guys as well and especially if you get into the Christian life like I did as a new believer thinking well you know what I got all these things I want to do in life I even said this to myself I even I even prayed this to God which was a stupid prayer God I'll give you one year my life doesn't change I'm out I'm glad he had mercy on me and they didn't send a lot of trials because I wouldn't be here right now but I did pray that one time you know because the preacher was like God has the will for your life I'm like well that's great but I have one for myself you know come up to the old fashioned altar and do business with God well I did God I know you got a will for me but I got some for myself and I'll give you one year if you help me I'll stick around if you don't I'm out how dumb is that because I thought that these were certain things that will make me happy and I had those things in mind and I was going for those things and I thought with God for sure they're going to come true I better make sure I come to church I wasn't coming to church because I was trying to serve the Lord I just wanted him to be kind of like my genie and just answer my request as I was living the quote unquote Christian life but if I had not been warned that it's not always going to be easy things are going to happen who knows I would have just got confused like I must be you know how people are I must be doing something wrong if these bad things are happening or vice versa God must not really have a big deal with my sin because hey he hasn't come down on me yet because we often do what I learned this from Pastor Jimenez we confuse God's patience with permission right he's long suffering towards us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance but what do we see in First Peter Peter's like hey I know you guys are depressed you're in heaviness through manifold temptation so guess what our lives are going to be filled with temptation and it sucks when you fall into temptation but what I have to say to you rise up rise up there just man rise up get up no matter how you feel remember the Jack Heil sermon is your duty to just keep going don't worry about how you feel it's your duty to push forward it's your duty to keep fighting just keep doing it for one reason only because it's your duty regardless of how you feel but the good news is that hey one of the reasons why God gives us joy is because we are doing the right thing so it's not like we're going to live the Christian life 90% of it miserable that's not how it works it seems like it's almost even when you're trying to do something big for God when you're trying to do something big for God bad things will happen but a lot of good things will happen as well you know you'll see it more and more as you stick around with this church as this church lives for the Lord you'll see it but it says that there in heaviness through manifold temptations that the trial of your faith be much more precious than of gold that perishes though it be tried with fire might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ so what is this saying this saying simply this that hey these things need to happen so God can see what you're made of so you can decide how he can use you more and at the end it's going to all be what worth it because that's what it says at the appearing of Jesus Christ you'll be praised and have honor and glory so guess what you want to do something big for God expect bad things to happen expect them I started going to church moms didn't like it brothers didn't like it friends didn't like it and sure enough I'm like do I know anyone that actually is happy that I'm going to church the answer was no no one but I kept going because of the preaching because of what I saw in scripture once I was warned then it was easier to deal with it but my pastor was like hey they're not going to like it I'm like really why would they not like it it's like they know me couldn't they be happy that I'm doing some activity that's making me a better person the answer is no because they're unsafe they don't understand they have a veil over their eyes anything you tell them goes right over their head they're not safe they're not spiritual they just don't get it so just stick to dropping a seed trying to get them saved then they'll start getting it but I was thinking what I thought the Christian life was all peachy and wonderful and blessed and and you know what as long as I just keep going to church you know everything will go well not not the case not the case you see it from scripture all day long but here's the thing you will think that they're like man why am I so miserable why aren't things going well why am I upset why am I depressed well no all I can tell you is that God is the one that gives you love joy peace patience meekness emperance he gives you all that stuff but he also tells us and for example Ecclesiastes so if you have your Bible go to Ecclesiastes chapter number 3 I'm in Ecclesiastes chapter number 12 in fact I'll skip that I'll go to 7 you guys go ahead and meet me in Ecclesiastes chapter number 3 and I'm going to go and read from Ecclesiastes chapter number 7 it says it is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting for that is the end of all man and the living will lay it to his heart sorrow is better than laughter that is very hard to believe but we live by faith not by sight hug the sorrow being sad being depressed be better than laughter well the Bible says it that settles it but if you think about it it makes sense because when you're sorrowful it's probably because you're spiritual and when you're sorrowful for spiritual reasons then it makes sense because when you think about all the lost souls what's the shortest verse in the Bible Jesus wept Jesus wept so what in the world you know is going on when it says the sorrow is better than laughter because it will make you a better person if things are always good if things are always perfect if things are always just a fun day you won't be able to understand people's pain you won't be able to become the person that you need to be with the compassion that you need to be able to go out there and give the gospel even in times when you don't want to so what do we see we see sorrowfulness as part of the Christian life so what does the Bible teach us in regards to happiness that you're not always going to be happy it's impossible to always be happy what does the Bible teach us in regards to happiness in the Bible you don't need it to serve God you don't don't rely on it if you have it great praise the Lord things are going well praise the Lord you're physically good praise the Lord money's coming in praise the Lord you understand persecution is down praise the Lord but you know what don't make it your main motivator don't make joy happiness your main motivator the Bible warns you against it because when things go right right away they can be really really bad and let's take a quick look Tlesiastes 3 it says to everything there is a season a time to every purpose under the heaven a time to be born that's a great thing and a time to die it's like really right away talks about death who really likes thinking about death no one I don't think people are waiting for their spouse or their father or their mother to die we kind of want to deal with those things when they come but the reality when you look at scripture is that it's there time to be born time to die but we do not mourn like those that have no hope like we saw earlier better is the day of your death than the day of your birth if you're saved because what happens you're going to meet the angels right away they're going to carry you out of the way and I mean think about that immediately you die and you see something cool angels angels and they're going to carry you through space forget about SpaceX let's go angels let's do this SpaceX only hits like the very top of the earth you know they call it low orbit we're going deep space all you Star Wars fans don't worry it's coming warp speed ahead angels let's go and I wonder how we're going to be carried I don't want to be carried like a baby like really this ain't cool you're going to think like this all the way to heaven let me at least strap myself on your back and go light speed and not hang on with my feet flying or whatever but right away when we die what do we got we got the angels but look at this it's like 50-50 it's like warning us like it's giving us a great balance saying look stuff that you see here like for example time to be born a time to die a time to plant that's not the easiest thing in the world nobody really likes to plant soul seeds break the ground down have to water it but a time to pluck up that which is planted that's the fun part a time to kill whoa who whoa who really wants to do that obviously there were wars in these days when he's writing it and it says hey sometimes we have to defend ourselves we have to kill when they were going into the promised land hey the children of Israel did a lot of killing not murdering killing they were getting rid of people that were just evil they had to go and a time to heal time to break down and a time to build up a time to weep and a time to laugh a time to mourn and a time to dance a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing a time to get and a time to lose a time to keep and a time to cast away a time to rend and a time to sew a time to keep silence and a time to speak a time to love and a time to hate and hating ain't easy it's very hard when we get backslidden hey we should hate the evil love the good but we all know that when it comes to hating evil it's just one of those things that we I guess got to just be ready spiritually and you get that hate when you start seeing it when you start seeing it live in your face whatever sin is out there that's when you're like ugh start getting upset but there's nothing wrong with you and who's happy really when they're angry no one so when you look at this list half of it is like brave the other half is not it's like good and bad good and bad good and bad so this is basically the Christian life there's going to be ups and downs ups and downs ups and downs ups and downs happiness joy happiness joy you know sorrow sorrow sorrow depression depression but that's what the Bible teaches in regards to happiness in the Bible you're going to have both and when you look at the list it basically is telling you this you're going to have both a lot so start getting used to it so that you're not offended a month from now when something bad happens and it's okay it's okay to take it to the Lord and just just take it to him you know go to James 1-1 but nobody likes temptations but I'm glad the Bible has verses like James 1-1 that reminds us the truth about temptations before we start getting deceived thinking that there's something wrong with us because all these things are happening around us testing us whatever it may be whether it's your job threatening to fire you if you don't take the corona because of religious reasons whether it's your friends or whoever you know your mom your dad whoever persecuting you I'm sure a lot of people have gone through that you know whether it's even in your church you may have just another church member that just doesn't like you and start speaking evil about you but you know what things just happen where you just have to deal with it but the main thing I wanted to show is that a when it comes to happiness in the Bible what is it teaching us it's teaching us that it's not always going to happen it's teaching us that there'll be days where you're happy but you got to be careful because bad things can happen here right there in James 1 it says James servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ the twelve tribes were scattered abroad greetings my brethren count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations so we shouldn't say Lord just like I don't want any temptations because joy will come when you endure those temptations the temptation to quit the temptation to not come the temptation not to read your Bible the temptation to not pray the temptation to just not tell people you're a Christian you know when you're getting when the heat is on at work or whatever the kids may be you know these things are going to happen why so that God can see what you're made of so he can decide how he's going to use you but it says that the trying of your faith a it's going to work patience so it may not give you joy but at least it's going to give you patience and let patience have her perfect work that you may be perfect in attire one to nothing and once again when bad days happen when we start getting depressed when we're tempted it just gets so you know crazy that we just are even thinking of just saying Lord get me out of this get me out of this planet I'm sick of this planet it's like hey Lord I don't deserve you know this life just take me out like all these men of God remember twelve blessed is the man that endures temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to them to love him. Go to Genesis 39 so when it comes to happiness in the Bible what's the main thing the main thing is it's not always going to happen if you remember anything from this morning's sermon is prepare yourself you will have a lot of quote unquote heavy days through what? Manifold what is manifold? Many temptations it's just a crystal light people say oh Jesus Christ was a fraud you know Jesus Christ you know that guy yeah he existed but I don't know I think he was just a cult a cult leader or whatever you know I don't know if he was just a cult leader whatever you know I don't know who believes that I forgot but that's sometimes what they'll say oh he was just a cult leader or whatever atheists will bring it up yeah he existed but he was just a cult leader but it was kind of funny way how he recruits says you follow me people are going to hate you you follow me you know you're going to be persecuted you follow me you're going to suffer for righteousness sake you follow me you're going to be tempted you're going to be tempted who recruits like that? Benny Hinn? He's like Kenneth Copeland is that how they recruit? Joe Olstein is that how he recruits? Is that how he fills up his church? He's like come be a part of pure worst Baptist well we promise you tribulation and patient persecution you know come with us if you want to live you know a persecuted life yeah we're such a cult but the Mormons promise you a great wonderful life if you stick with our heavenly father isn't that what they say? And as soon as one spouse starts to realize that Mormonism is crap and they want to leave guess what they say if the unbelieving wants to leave let him leave divorce them and you got to marry someone else they don't teach you to suck it up to endure that temptation because guess what hey life ain't perfect married couples they start out great but what happens? Something happens we're down the road things ain't great but that's the temptation the devil's throwing in your way you endure it guess what you're going to be blessed on the road you're going to be happy and we count them happy that endure but if you're in Genesis 39 let's take a look at a guy who I mean if he had a reason you know to be upset depressed this was it you're there in Genesis 39 it says when Joseph was brought down to Egypt and Potiphar an officer of Pharaoh captain of the guard and Egyptian bought him of the hands of the Ishmaelites which has brought him down thither and the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian so this is the story of Joseph he's now a slave that's not going to bring joy to your life being a slave you can't leave you can't marry you can't do the things that free people do he's purchased he's owned hey but the Lord is with him and allows him to prosper doesn't Joseph found grace in his sight and he served him and he made him overseer over his house and all that he had he put into his hand and it came to pass from the time that he had made him overseer in his house and over all that he had and the Lord blessed the Egyptians house for Joseph's sake and the blessing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house and in the field and he left all that he had in Joseph's hand and he knew not ought he had saved the bread which he did eat and Joseph was a goodly person and well favored and it came to pass after these things that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph and she said lie with me here we got a guy now things are looking good now comes what that manifold temptation and this is a big one she's literally saying commit adultery with me right now I'm not going to say anything but we all know the story he endured the temptation and what was the result well let's take a look skip down all the way to 19 there's a guy who's a goodly person he's doing what's right and you would think that things should go well with him right I mean isn't that what they promised these false prophets hey you live with the Lord he'll bless you he'll protect you he'll provide for you but where's the part where he's going to tap your toe where's that part they skip it right and this was done by design why that he may be tried but then later he'll come out as gold that's the reason why he tried him this was designed I knew this was going to happen he allowed Potiphar to buy him for this reason to help us to see that hey you stick with what's right it's not always going to go right it's not why so that we're not offended when we're doing anything right this stuff keeps going bad for a while because guess what this wasn't just okay this went bad for him for like a year no probably a decade I mean think about that suffering for a decade but he had moments of happiness did he not but this is the Christian life this is happiness in the Bible hey guess what it ain't gonna go well with you all the time sometimes it will sometimes it won't even if you do the right thing guess what verse 19 and it came to pass when the master heard the words of his wife when she spake unto him saying after this man who did thy servant to me that his wrath was kindled and joseph's master took him and put him into the what the prison we're doing what the right thing we're doing what enduring temptation we're doing what passing the test what's this reward a bigger test now he's in prison oh you think he was sad he was absolutely sad you know so guess what he was in prison hey I'm pretty sure he was sad for a while but that's the Christian life that's happiness in the Bible you will see it but what do you also see you'll see a lot of heaviness so he's sad I don't think he was happy being in there but he kept with it right and in the end what happened he became the second most powerful person second most richest person and it all came back he passed all the tests once again what do you see when everybody sticks with the Lord you may not see happiness all the time but you will see a happy every single one just stuck with the Lord you're like what about the guys in Hebrews 11 they got chopped up what about the ones that got stoned to death what about those guys oh but what was the answer why did they do it because they wanted a happy ending a better resurrection and you're telling me they're not going to get it well they're going to get it when we see those big mansions it's like hey that's the Hebrew 11 you know hoa area over there it's like what are y'all doing in here you guys were what the least in the kingdom out out this is our hoa area you know this is hebrew 11 and up you know get out of here y'all don't belong in here it's like we just want to check your mansions out least in the kingdom of heaven get up this is the hall of fame the hov somebody come up with something cool the hoa in heaven right the hall of fame the hof they don't have hoa they got hof the hall of fame the hall of fame area and then it's going to come down and be here on earth for the rest of the eternity and unfortunately donald trump the trump tower is not going to last forever but your tower will never to be deviled but obviously the big reason why people are able to have a happy ending people are able to turn it around it's because they stick with the lord hebrews 11 you guys go to psalms 127 go to psalms 127 i'll wrap it up it's 41 minutes into it i'll wrap it up in four minutes hebrew 11 says this until they suddenly say that throne old god is forever and ever except the righteousness and simpler of thy kingdom thou has love righteousness and hated iniquity so if you're that person it says this therefore god even thy god has a notoriety with the oil of gladness above thy fellows stick to that love iniquity i'm sorry love righteousness hate iniquity god will bless you with the oil of gladness the bible says in psalms 106 blessed are they to keep judgment blessed is another way of saying happy blessed are they to keep judgment and he that do a righteousness look at this at all times is that even possible no it's not but it's in there for a reason just when you wonder does god really mean at all times it says it at all times so remember that god wants you to do right at all times are you going to do it no why because we know that a just man falleth seven times so we know that you're not going to be righteous at all times but that's what he wants and of course we know the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long suffering just on its goodness so you're right there in psalms 127 3 so already talked about the quick one the easy one i would ask you what is one thing that will bring joy in your life i'm pretty sure that everyone here will say doing the right thing absolutely be on the shadow of a doubt i don't doubt it for one second especially if you're a member of the church you'll figure it out really quick hey the best thing you can do but bring joy in your life is just do right sometimes kids think i'm missing out by going to pure word that's why people leave our church i go to pure words i'm going to miss out i'm not going to get hired with this job when they find out i'll go to pure words when they find out who's my pastor i'm doomed that promotion is out the window but they don't understand that they will miss out because they're trying to save their life and what does the bible say try to save your life you're going to lose it you lose your life you're going to save it that's exactly what's going to happen and for the kids who watch the world on tv on their tablets whatever the case they will start to think i'm missing out you know it's like hey i don't wear those shoes you know hey that's a cool jacket hey those skinny tight pants they don't look so bad like pastor sad it's like they look kind of decent on that dude like no skinny jeans boys no skinny jeans but besides being right doing right at all times like it says in psalms 106 what else what else is the lord going to give us to bring us joy besides his word because his word is the main source his precious promises hey they'll pull a smile in your face hey you may be depressed you read the bible long enough there'll be something to make you smile something to say man i needed that out of all the things in the world preaching it will help you the bible will help you the most obviously this is god's number one way to tell you how he thinks how he feels hey to speak to you he's not going to talk to you with his voice he doesn't need to i mean do you guys prefer for him to talk to you with his voice or you like what he did already you have it all right here you don't have to take notes amen because i don't know about you but i got short-term memory and i like it because it's easy for me to forgive amen i love it somebody does me dirty three months later amen i have people apologize to me i'm like when did you do that oh yeah now i remember yeah now i remember no but the lord has it all right there i don't need to walk around with pen and paper lord and he speaks to me i have to write it down no all right there already good hey but listen obviously this is not you know picture perfect but we do know that children are a blessing that's what we have them here so that's one thing that it says in psalms 127 3 go ahead and look at it let's just always remember this when we start getting big and kids kids start to run you over and they start to break things and climb chairs and try to take on take down jumpers at picnics you know and fist fighting each other at picnics you know and they start shooting church members in the face with bb guns at camping trips and knocking you know ladies on their butts you know and their infants and yes does that happen true stories let's not forget forget that you know what at the end of the day our children whether it's in our lives even in our church i'm happy to see all the kids here even if they're giving me a weird face i'm happy to see them i'm sure you are as well unless we get a little hard-hearted but let's not forget lo turn our heads of the lord and the fruit of the woman says reward as arrows in the hand of a mighty man for our children of the youth happy as the man has his quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate this is one of the few verses that talks about being happy uses the word happy what is the sermon about happiness in the bible what is the main thing the bible teaches us in regards to happiness you're not always going to have it and that's a good thing if you're always happy you kind of be spoiled god needs to challenge you god needs to throw things at you test you here and there you know cause you to suffer a little bit but when others are suffering hey you can relate it'll make you a better person that's why sorrow is better than joy sometimes and we forget it's like yeah i'd rather be happy happy happy happy happy but sometimes my most humble moments is when i'm broken when i see people suffer when i see people like not have enough i wish i could have help and then i came and only answer i could give them is like hey just stick with the lord you know because we do have church members sometimes come to me and i don't have a way to help them out and i'm like hey just stick with the lord and this is what happened to me i just got jumped just walking happened recently you know church member i just got jumped walking to my house just smashed my phone and took my money busted out my lip and i can't even go to work i'm like brother just stick with it just keep going to church why does this happen to me it's a test and i warned him this is a new person i warned him hey now that you're saved hey guess what the devil doesn't want you to go to church and watch bad things start happening to you i'm just warning and then sure enough he's like calls me two days later he's like man why did you do that to me that's just been happening to me ever since i got saved i'm like hey it's ever since you decided to go to church is bad things been happening to you and ever since then just things just keep popping up but he's like hey i still want to come to church keep coming you know because if all it takes is some dudes beating you up no i'm kidding the devil keeps sending dudes to beat you up no i'm just joking but listen i do i do enjoy our kids at our church i do did they get crazy once in a while yes did they try to take take down you know jumpers yes did they jump on our chairs that are stacked seven feet high because they think it's cool yes did they lick our sugar thing yes that's why we went to packets we have to remove the sugar container because they like licking it amen you know do they cause issues yes they do do they run into me yes they do did they run across the chairs yes they do do i constantly have to keep telling people stop stop stop yes i do but at the end of the day hey i am so happy we have so many kids in our church you know so children never look at them as any more than a blessing you know it's like hey if you can have children have children now obviously there's some people who are christian they are saved and i know of some who don't don't believe that and guess what they're missing out because they can but they leave it at one or two because they don't have the faith to believe that god will provide they discipline their kids the ones that they do have but they're literally i'm not talking about the ones that came i'm talking about the people that i know take birth control they teach that in bible college take birth control for the first two years i've heard that from my own ears in the sunday school class this is where it's coming from not at my church right now but at another church where even the guy got up and says look i'm ready to be accountable to the lord for this but i think if you just recently married and i wasn't married yet but i was thinking of getting married and i was wondering if i was doing biblical because i was a brand new christian and what happened they basically flat out said i think you should take birth control for at least two years at least two years and i'm sitting back like really i've never heard of that before and i don't even believe in birth control because it's pills and i know it's damaging that i knew the little bit that i knew about birth control pills that was then i'm thinking seriously and it says seriously and i'll be willing to be accountable for the lord but you need to build that relationship you need to build that relationship well imagine that imagine if i listen to that you know it's like man i would have lost in so much joy even from my two i literally became a better person once i had my first and my second time it was almost back to back you know but that's something that will bring you joy and that's what the bible teaches what does the bible teach in regards to happiness this is this is something that will be something you guys may need to help a new believer like hey have as many as you as you can have as many as you can you know the bible teaches that brings happiness how if i have eight how am i going to survive you just have to leave that to the lord let him decide you just keep the basics and guess what one of the basics is working six days if you need to if you have to do it you do it and like i said recently ran into someone who's asking for money and i'm like hey if i were you i'll be stepping it up and get two jobs i'll help you out because you're trying i see where you're going you believe in the lord etc etc but if i were to be honest with you you're not you got three kids you're not going to make you keeping the schedule it's just not and if and they can but they don't want to so now it's kind of like hey that's where you're going to be in a little bit back in you know the red you're not going to be in the black you've got to do your best and guess what having children is one of the ways that god brings joy in our lives i'll just quickly go through these i promise you'll be done in five i'll just quickly go through them just throw them out there but the main thing if you remember anything in case you remember anything at a discernment means about what happiness in the bible what does the bible teach in regards to happiness the number one thing i want to remember is you're not always going to have it there's nothing wrong with you if you don't have it if you're depressed that could be a good thing it can help you and help you to to rely on god call upon god i don't know sometimes i wonder does god make me miserable because i haven't prayed in a while because i know he wants to talk to me all the time the bible says that the thoughts that he has for us me are more than than the fan than the grains in the sand that's a lot he thinks about all of us a lot and my mom sometimes calls me why can't you call me i'm like i got busy i'm sorry but my mom loves when we call her but she goes not sometimes like or it's like face face timing i don't know how she knows face time just from mexico an immigrant barely could speak english but she figured out face time but that was a big thing first time and when i think about it like you know what i got to do more to call my mom i definitely do you know because i want to and i can only imagine when my kids are all gone and none of them are calling me i got eight kids and nobody's calling me during the week something's up it's like really guys really but hey i reap what i sold right i better start doing it now myself so later on when i'm old and i'm bored and i want to talk to my boys they call me up but i'm having to call them and i have to be like why don't y'all call me like that you never called grandma when she was around it's like you're right now i know how she feels but obviously where do i get the prayer from a it says right here for his anger and dirt by the moment in his favorite life we may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning and we all know that so winning is another way to bring joy what does the bible teach in regards to happiness you want happiness go in some soul how do we know verse the salon is 218 it says this word for which i have come unto you even i paul once again by satan hindered us for what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoicing what is he saying it's like hey what's one of the things that motivates us what's one of the things that keeps us rejoicing and joyful are not even ye in the presence of our lord jesus christ at his coming that is something when i think about it brings joy in my life people can call me whatever they want they can call me a you know a loser or whatever or even if my kids were to maybe not have a cool job that whatever the world thinks is an awesome job or whatever the kids may be at the end of the day hey you know what soul winners they have something to rejoice about every week even if nobody gets saved it's like hey i'm pleasing the lord i know what goes around comes around and just getting people saved like you guys did trying to reach a thousand hey you guys are going to look back and be like wow we did a thousand that's a thousand people and let's just say maybe ten percent don't get saved you know that's only ten am i right no it's 100 but still that's 900 though that's 900 souls and i highly doubt that it's even that i wouldn't be surprised that you guys out of that list is 98 there are a few that are just one of those that just will pray even if if they don't even know what's going on but the way you guys win souls 99 i wouldn't be surprised are safe you do have the one individual that may pray just to pray but hey it is what it is and obviously giving is something that's going to bring joy what does the bible teach in regards to happiness hey you want happiness live a righteous life you want happiness win some souls you want happiness go ahead and just pray you want happiness have some children you want happiness be a giver the bible says that the lord love it a chill a cheerful giver they're like but i don't have much to give hey don't forget about the woman you know that gave everything she had and the bible says that she cast more than all these people that were given to the treasuries and that's in the book of mark 12 you can read that later and i don't know why i want to bring this one up but this one could help i think one thing that will help us to become loving people is to kind of just take care of our bodies not abuse it not abuse it where do you get that from everybody knows the famous verse for bodily exercise profit a little but god only is profitable unto all things we all know that right here's the other verse that we kind of just never bring up it says saw all men to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife love himself for no man ever hated his own flesh and i thought about that i know people that hate their flesh they're people that are super overweight they're girls they don't think they're that cool looking or whatever they cut themselves or whatever the case may be because they did allow themselves to get a little bit overboard and of course people may think that yeah you know what the looks ain't everything but it kind of is if you studied the scripture because it talks about being strong you know talks about in the book of a song of Solomon where she's praising or something you know Solomon's strong legs they're like pillars you know not like little bird legs you know nobody likes leg days but apparently Solomon did you know Solomon liked leg days i don't know what he did but back in the day there were farmers it's very hard to be overweight but now the way things are done you know if we don't watch what we eat if we don't burn more than we take in it gets there little by little you know so i'm not saying to become like these these you know two or three hour workout gurus i'm not saying that but i do think that a the physical does also help us you know to become loving people and to be happier people when we're healthier but we need to watch our health as well and not go overboard with the energy drinks and the um i mean we do have members that smoke in the church but they're trying to quit but that's the kind of stuff that can cause you to lack a little bit of joy when you're starting to suffer because you can't breathe but let's just remember that yes bodily exercise does profit a little but it says right here that hey no man ever hated his own flesh but he nourishes it and share with it and i think working out is part of how we keep our bodies healthy and of course somebody who's going through health problems they're not very happy so one of the ways that the bible teaches us we can be happy is by nourishing our bodies cherishing our bodies because our body is a temple of the holy ghost and let's not forget that point we already know doing the right thing is going to bring a lot of joy in our lives absolutely we already know that having children is going to bring a lot of joy in our lives we know that we understand that praying taking it to the lord cast in law cares upon the lord weeping may endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning we get that hey we know that our rejoicing and our joy is going to come from seeing people at the at the coming of the lord jesus christ we know that but let's just not forget also that we kind of need to just you know take care of what god has given us take care of the temple that god has given us amen by doing so you'll live a happier life and what does the bible teach in regards to happiness cherish your body take care of it nourish it it's a temple of the holy ghost don't abuse it don't destroy it you know maybe we can kind of run a little more than we need to then we then we do and get in a little better shape and men like being strong amen if we could snap our fingers and have six-pack abs and big muscles you know we would you know we would but obviously i'm not saying that's how every man should be but i am saying we should all if we want to live the happiest life possible we need to consider the body as well amen let's pray thank you god we thank you so much for all that you've done lord we just asked you lord to just bless us all and not just that give us the wisdom that we need to get the job done and lord we need to have the right perspective regards to happiness you know there's a lot of books out there in regards to happiness i wonder how many bring up these things like so many and having children praying i highly doubt they even bring those up i'm sure they'll mention spirituality and religion here and there but the main thing is lord you are the source of happiness and obviously lord you take it away and you give for a reason and let us never forgive it's not about being happy all the time dear lord it's about just keeping your commandments pleasing you and doing what's right and at the end of the day lord whatever you decide to give us we know that it's going to be the right time and the right moment lord so we ask you father to just help us to remember that happiness is not something we're always going to have it'll help us to prepare ourselves for what's coming you said that if we live godly in christ we will suffer and you say we're going to suffer persecution so when bad things start to happen because we are doing the right thing and things ain't going so well and we're not pretty much as joyful as we should be and like the bible says we're in heaviness help us to realize lord that we need to endure it because then that's where the happiness comes it's right around the corner help us to pass the test and if we do fall lord help us to rise up like just men and we ask you to do all this and for your honor and glory in jude's name amen all right if you'll grab your hymnals our last hymn for the morning will be number 363 hymn number 363 wonderful words of life sing them over again to me 363 363 wonderful words of life on that first verse let's sing sing them over again to me wonderful words of life let me more of their beauty see wonderful words of life words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life christ the blessed one gives to all wonderful words of life sinnerless to the loving call wonderful words of life also freely given wooing us to heaven beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life sweetly echo the gospel call wonderful words of life offer pardon and peace to all wonderful words of life jesus only savior sanctify forever beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life beautiful words wonderful words wonderful words of life amen with that you are dismissed have a good day you