(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Well, thank you once again for having me. It's always a pleasure to come here and see all these faces again. And once again, I'm very, very excited to be here. And I was supposed to be here a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not sure if you guys heard I tested positive for covid, you know, so it's just one of those things that you just don't think you're really going to get. You're just like, I don't know how bad this thing is, you know, but it all started with our music guy. It all started with him. His grandma unfortunately ended up being hospitalized for breathing problems. So of course they tested her and she came back positive for covid. So then he called pastor because he ended up getting sick a couple of days after that. And they said, look, pastor, I'm sick and I can't smell and I can't taste, you know, it's not, it's not hard to figure out what I have. So he's like, oh man, we'll just stay home. And then brother Corbin calls pastor says, look, I had a nasty fever of 100 plus last night at the chills at the body eggs and I can't taste and I can't smell. So sure enough, he's like, what in the world? Our director just told us that he has something as well and he has covid whatever. And then he mentioned that I had also mentioned it to him that I've been, you know, coughing up a storm and I'm not sure what's up with me, but I don't think I got covid because I can still taste and I can still smell. So pastor says, look, I'm not taking any chances. I want you to get tested as soon as possible and I want to see what these results are going to be. So we ended up just signing up for the covid tests and you know, I went there within an hour or two hours after talking to pastor and they give you results within 30 minutes to 90 minutes. So I got mine in 30 minutes. Sure enough, positive. And then brother Corbin took the test right after me came back positive. Sure enough, our music guy came back positive, big shocker. And then another guy ended up, you know, coming back positive, which was our third staff member. So then pastor had to run the show all by himself pretty much for two weeks. So pastor told us to quarantine for two weeks just to be safe. I'm like, yeah, no problem. Absolutely. But don't worry, I took a test right before I flew out here and I came back negative and I know I'm negative because I don't have any symptoms. But regardless of what you think about this virus, whether some guy bit a bat and now we're all paying for it or somebody made it in the lab or whatever you believe about it. All I know is we have two guys already been hospitalized, you know, and one almost died. The other one just had a miserable time at the hospital. You know, the one that almost died, this was like about 3-4 months ago. He lost his sense of taste of smell. He got the chills, he got the body aches and he started getting worse and worse to the point where you have to call the ambulance and it took him to the hospital. Sure enough, he has pretty problems. They put him on oxygen and they told him, look, here's what you got. Covid, you know, big shocker and it wouldn't respond to any medication whatsoever. And it was getting worse and worse and worse. And finally they said, look, do you want us to put you on the do not resuscitate if something bad happens to you? And he's like, no, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go away, man. So he didn't want to get put on any respirator because he's heard bad things about that. And then sure enough, they're telling me, got one last option. A is experimental. We're not sure if it's gonna work. They just started doing covid patients throughout the United States and that's putting us some kind of steroid medication to try to strengthen your lungs. He's like, hey, do it. I got nothing to lose. You know, if you don't do it, I guess I'm gonna die. It's pretty what the doctor told him. So he ended up going on this steroid treatment and it did help him out. But they told him, hey, have you been here three months earlier? You would have died because we didn't have this. You know, you would have straight died. And it's not like this guy had pre existing conditions to the point where it's like, man, you're about to die. You know, just a regular food is going to kill. You know, he was in his early forties and he doesn't have any type of medical issue. He might have something he doesn't know about, but doesn't have any major issue and we all have something. Come on, let's face it. None of us are perfect. You know, we're all gonna have something inside of us, a fatty liver or whatever. But here's the thing. We obviously know that there's something going on and the last time we wanted somebody to be hospitalized. So that's why we wanted to just make sure before I showed up that I don't have anything. So, so far so good. Amen. You know, but Deuteronomy chapter number six, go ahead and look down at verse number one. The Bible says, now these are the commandments, the statutes and the judgment which the Lord your God commanded to teach you that you may do them in the land whether you go to possess it, that thou mightest, and that's the part that I want to focus right there, fear the Lord. Fear the Lord. And Deuteronomy chapter number six is kind of like the fear the Lord chapter, but the title of my sermon is simply this, fear. What I want to talk about this morning is fear. The good, the bad, and the ugly and all in about 25 minutes. Amen. But what I mean by fear? Simply put, to be afraid, to be scared, to be terrified. That's what I mean by fear. So when you hear me say fear, I'm talking about being afraid, being terrified. And if you have your Bibles, go ahead and meet me in 2nd Timothy chapter number 3 verse 12. Go ahead and just meet me there. And the reason why I preach on this is because we're living in a time where it's starting to get scarier and scarier if you let it. And fear is not a bad thing per se. You already saw right there in verse number one where it says that, hey, these are the commandments of the Lord, the statutes and the judgment. Verse number two, hey, that you may fear the Lord. So here God's telling us that he wants us to be afraid. He wants us to fear him. And that's a good thing about fear. You know, but right there in 2nd Timothy chapter number 3, you know, just to remind everybody what's been going on, yes, Pastor Mejia is going through persecution, but that shouldn't surprise us whatsoever. Amen. Because of verses like these, 2nd Timothy 3, 12 says, yea, and all the lived godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. And I like the video that Pastor Shelly put up last night where he was talking about, hey, now's the time to stand up. Now's the time to be brave. Now's the time to show your children that the Lord is real. Now's the time to support Pastor Mejia and things are only going to get worse. But you know what? That's not his opinion. That is Bible. Look right there. Verse number 13, it says, but evil men and seducers shall wax. What worse and worse. So it's not going to get better. It's going to get worse and worse deceiving and being deceived. If you can get there fast enough, go to John 16, John chapter number 16. This is one of those chilling verses that will put fear in you unless you unless you're just like this person who just has no conscience. You know, these verses should be able to put some fear in you. But in a good way is the way I see it. So if you're ever to get there in John chapter number 16, I'm just going to read from verse number one. You can go ahead and meet me in verse number two. Verse number one in John chapter 16 says this. These things have I spoken unto you that ye shall not be offended. So Jesus Christ is talking to your apostles. He's about to tell them some things that they may not be offended. And this morning I want to remind you guys of things. So when things do get ugly, as bad as it can possibly get, you won't be offended. But verse number two says this. They shall put you out of the synagogues. Yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you think or will think that he doeth God service. And I don't know about this peanut that ended up messing up the building that Pastor Mia had for his church. I don't know what this guy was thinking. I don't know who it was. You can only guess who it could have been. You know, it's not that hard to figure it out. But I wonder if this guy even worships a God. But I bet you whatever God he worships, he's probably thinking that he's doing God service by bombing his building and trying to get him to quit, trying to put fear in him. Because in his mind, I'm not sure if he's an atheist or whatever. But if he's not, then guess what he is? Maybe an agnostic. But chances are he's some guy that has a false God that he worships that makes him think, well, I'm going to do God a service by getting rid of this stupid church and making him get out of here. They don't want them because my God is a loving God. My God will never want these individuals that Pastor Mia is preaching against to be harmed whatsoever. But you know what? These people, they deserve it. Even though all they're doing is telling you what the Bible says, they're not preaching their opinion. They're telling you exactly what the Bible teaches flat out. You know, but what does the verse say? It says, hey, these things I told you that you won't be offended. It's going to be people that are crazy out there. They think that if they kill you, they're doing God a service. But you know what? God is telling us today the same thing. It's like, guys, wake up. There's going to be crazy people out there. They're going to wax worse and worse. But you know what? Don't get to the point where you have the wrong type of fear. Amen. So if you have your Bible, you know, go ahead and meet me in Luke 6. Go ahead and meet me in Luke 6. But this is not stuff that's a surprise. These verses are stuff that Pastor Shelley, I'm sure, has covered because he's a very good pastor and he preaches all the counsel of God. I'll just remind you of Matthew 24, 21. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days shall be shortened, there shall no flesh be saved. For for the elect sakes, those days shall be shortened. So what is Christ telling us? Hey, you guys ain't seen nothing yet. You know, we have World War I, World War II. We have, you know, this war in Afghanistan, supposedly the longest war in U.S. history, the war in Iraq, supposedly a million dead men, women and Children, you know, soldiers, non soldiers. We have stuff that's been happening even before that. I know I grew up, you know, knowing about or watching stuff in the news about Somalia and how Somalia has this issue going on with genocide. And I guess there are people being killed by some warlord and they're being starved to death because there's a famine. And you see these these images of Children that are nothing but just, you know, the these skinny bags of bones just literally just dying on the streets, you know, and God says, Hey, whatever you've seen, whatever you've heard, it's gonna be worse, you know, before I return. But don't worry, I'm gonna cut those days short because if I don't, hey, the whole world is gonna destroy itself, you know, so we shouldn't be surprised that crazy things are happening around the world. The Corona virus, whatever the case may be, Joe Biden, you know, all these different things, you know, but I'm just here to tell you a fear is give. Make sure you have the right type of fear. So what's the title of my sermon? Fear the good, the bad and the ugly, you know, but I just want to read from John 16 33 says this. These things have I spoken out to you that in me you might have peace in the world. You shall have tribulation, but be very sad. I have all become the world. Is that what it says? No. But that's what some Bible versions say. And some don't really say like that. But I know that the Spanish I forgot which version doesn't even have be a good cheer. All it says is half faith. I mean, it's a perfect translation up to that point where it says be of good cheer. I believe it says something like this. These things have spoken out to you that in me you might have peace in the world. You have tribulation, but have faith is what it says in the Spanish. It's not the exact same thing because having faith just means you're trusting God. It means that you believe he will not leave, you know, forsake you. But God doesn't want you to go through the great tribulation believing that he's with you, that he's in heaven watching everything and that he's not gonna fail you. He wants you to go through it. Yes, having those things, but also being of good cheer, being grateful that you're able to suffer shame for his name like the apostles. That's the type of attitude that God wants you to have when things get ugly. And it's always good to have that type of attitude and many helps everybody around you, right? And when things are getting bad, it's always good to be the one that has some good humor. Who knows what I'm talking about? When things get ugly, you know, I know the military teaches this. Always tell you, Hey, whenever things get ugly, think of something worse, you know, to try to motivate your troops. And I know some Navy SEAL that I listen to, he likes to say, Well, at least it ain't raining. You know, what do you mean by that? Hey, whenever they're just standing around waiting for the helicopters to come pick them up and they're late and they're freezing their butts off out in the training environment that they're in, somebody always says, Well, at least it ain't raining, guys. You know, I like this. At least at least we don't have a toothache because to me having a toothache, man, you can't eat. You know, that's what I'm talking about. It's like you're trying to buy something. It's like, Oh, oh, you know, you can't even think straight because you're in pain. You can't even get rid of it with some aberrant. And once you got like a really bad, who's ever had a really nasty toothache? Come on. You know, it's like, Hey, next time is ugly. Next time they're trying to burn this building. Well, at least we don't have two things, you know, you know, praise the Lord. We ain't suffering like that, you know. But he says, Be of good cheer when you know it's persecution. Be of good cheer. And I mean, I don't know if there's anybody in past. I mean, yes, church that's wondering who's this tribulation is this persecution. But you know what? I count them happy. You know, I know they're gonna be at the head of the food chain when they get to heaven. I know they're gonna be above some pastors that think that they're all high and mighty. You know, they look down on them, despise them. And I guarantee you there's some passes right now that are thinking, Man, see, this is why I don't go their route. This is why I don't do it this way. You know, because look at what's going on. If they don't talk this way, this would have never happened. Uh, no, they're coming for you. You know, they call it the game mafia. I think Hollywood calls it the game mafia. If you don't, if you're not with the gays, you ain't gonna work in Hollywood. You know, people like, Oh, is it real? Oh, it's real. But we don't care about them because guess what? We're not trying to be in Hollywood. Amen. Now, pass me. Yeah, it's kind of Hollywood trying to get rid of them. So the game office after him big time. But who cares about the gay mafia? We fear God. Amen. But let me read from Luke 6 21. I believe you're there. It says, Blessed are the blessed are ye that hunger now for you should be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now for you shall laugh. Blessed are ye when men shall hate you and which they shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast your name as evil for the son of man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leave for joy for behold, your reward is great in heaven. And if I could say something to, you know, first works baptist shirts this morning, it's like a greatest reward in heaven. I know that pastors that don't read their bible like they should. They're thinking, man, see, you should have not gone that route. We're thinking, no, you guys are going the right route. You must be doing something right if this is getting that nuts. But none of them are afraid to die. I don't think any of them are like, you know, I don't think any of them are thinking we're gonna be in the top 10. You know, foxes book of martyrs now. Yeah, first works. I don't think they're thinking that. They're just thinking, well, you know what? We know this is gonna happen. We shouldn't be offended. I don't think I highly doubt. Well, the people that are there, I'm pretty sure they're not offended to the point is like, man, I come to first works and this is how this is what I get now. Now I'm in the news. Now they're trying to investigate and see what I'm all into. It'll cleanse you a man when bad things happen like that. You know, but Luke 6 21 says, Hey, rejoice and leave for joy for greatest reward in heaven. And that's how we should be thinking of these things. Amen. And bottom line when it comes to fear a there is good fear, there is bad fear and then there's ugly fear and I'm gonna start out just with the good. So if you have your Bible and you're right there or if you haven't left, but if you have go back to do around to be chapter number six, do it around to be chapter number six. Once again, that's the fear of the Lord chapter, my opinion, you know. So the first thing about fear, or at least when it comes to the good, you know, the good thing about fear, you know, is that there is some things that we do gain from fearing God having the right type of fear. And like it says right there in Deuteronomy that thou might spirit the Lord thy God to keep all the statutes commandments which I command thee down in thy son in thy son sons all the days of thy life that thy days may be prolonged, prolonged. I'm not sure if you saw that little kids, it says right there that thy son and thy son's son. So your sons, the kids that you're gonna have the kids that you're gonna have and the kids that you're gonna have. Guess what? This is your job to tell them a kids, if you're gonna be afraid of somebody, be afraid of God. Why? Why? Because he's gonna protect you and you'll see it as we go through the scriptures. He's the one that's gonna prolong your life. Not bowing down to the devil's Children. These sons of Belial, not bowing down to this wicked government, not bowing down to anyone other than God. Because guess what? God is the one that controls your life. That's what it says right there. Fear God for your good that your days may be prolonged. Amen? Go to 613 please if you're in Deuteronomy. We just read one through two. Go to 13. Verse 13 says simply this, thou shall fear the Lord thy God and serve him and shall swear by his name. Let's go to Deuteronomy chapter number 10. Actually let's go to 24 since we're right there in chapter number 6. Go to Deuteronomy 6 24 please. Deuteronomy 6 24 and we'll see the good thing about fearing. Fearing God. It says right there in Deuteronomy 6 24 and the Lord commanded us to do all these statues to fear the Lord our God for our good always that he might preserve us alive as it is as this day. And bottom line you're gonna fear either the wicked or you're gonna fear God. That's just what it's gonna come down to. If you fear God you won't be able to fear the wicked. When you start fearing the wicked guess what? You don't fear God like you should. That's what it comes down to. But what's the good thing about fearing God? Hey you're gonna live a long life. God's gonna protect you and that's ultimately what people want. Yes we know that some people are gonna be killed for the faith but you know what? That's what they want. That's the way I see it. You know all of us want to probably live a long life 120 years see our grandchildren our great-great grandchildren whatever the case may be. Look God says he'll give you the desire of your heart if that's what you want and that's what you're gonna get. Other people like Lord use my life or whatever the case may be however you want to use it however you see fit and who knows maybe being martyred is gonna motivate some people to do more for the Lord. And by your death like Stephen in Acts chapter number 7 you know that inspired a bunch of other people. And through and through Paul's bonds other people grew more bold and I guarantee you a lot of people a lot of preachers through pastor Anderson's tribulations and afflictions that he has suffered hey they have gotten a little bit bolder they have realized hey I need to step it up I can't just let pastor Anderson suffer all by himself that's not right. You know it's time for me to also preach from the hot tops from the house tops and preach these doctrines that are hard that are not something that's popular today and guess what this is ultimately what's gonna allow you to prosper as a preacher is preaching the whole council not just the stuff that people are not gonna fight you over but the stuff that people are gonna have a hard time with because they've been brainwashed and that's the pastor's job to unbrainwashed people you know get him to go in the right direction you know to wake them up a little bit and to you know basically allow them to see clearly because the devil has blinded the minds of many people in this world where once again the thing they're doing got a service by persecuting us by trying to burn his building down that's insane but it says in Deuteronomy 6 24 the Lord commanded us to do all the statutes to fear the Lord our God for our good always not his good our good that he may preserve us that means protect us and that we may have a long life but if you have your Bibles I want you to go to Deuteronomy chapter number 10 Deuteronomy chapter number 10 is pretty much the same thing Deuteronomy 10 12 says this and now Israel what does the Lord thy God require thee but the fear the Lord thy God to walk in all his ways and to love him and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul I'll go to verse number 20 says thou shall fear the Lord thy God him shall thou serve and to him shall thou cleave and swear by his name if you have your Bibles go to Proverbs chapter number 3 go ahead and go to Proverbs chapter number 3 and see this is the thing about fear you know fear something that we can use to help us out you know fear something that can help you out if you have the right type of fear and what I mean by that well you already saw where it says to fear the Lord and what I mean by fear that means to be afraid to be terrified yes loving God is something that that we do voluntarily I mean we want to do right and God says if you love me keep my commandments but you know what sometimes if it ain't that to motivate me to do right just remembering that God can curse me God can punish me God can end my life at any time realizing that he's the one that I should ultimately be afraid of and if I cross the line where there's adultery or whatever he will come down on me and have no mercy on me he will pour out his wrath upon me Oh God will never pour out his wrath on his people I don't know what Bible most most of these pastors are reading but that's not what the Bible teaches I mean look at Moses God was gonna kill Moses over what circumcision was a big deal but circumcision was a big deal to God but the bottom line is he was about to pour out some wrath he said that he went to seek Moses and he was going to kill him but his wife intervened and because of the circumcision a God didn't kill Moses and you see it over and over again King David's son for committing adultery what happened to the Sunday they had with bash upon ended up getting sick ended up dying you know not just that there's other stories as well people that cross the line and an hour so far they lied and God killed them both and guess what that's wrath that's wrath being poured out but why did he do that because they didn't fear God they didn't fear God when they lied to the Holy Ghost you know but that's what happens when we don't fear God will commit a lot of sin and this is what the sermon is about helping to remind you a let's be fearful people but let's make sure we fear God let's not forget the promises of God you know for fearing him because if we don't guess what's going to happen we're going to make a ton of mistakes and we'll get into that in a little bit you know but you guys are right there in proper chapter number three hey that's just the bottom line how do I know Ecclesiastes 12 13 let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter pretty much the same hey here's the bottom line fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of men and how are we going to get that fear what the Bible says if you read God's Word it's going to give you fear if you have your Bible go to Deuteronomy chapter number 27 here's one of the chapters that always tends to put a little bit of fear in me there's a chapter where you're wondering brother girl I don't know I don't feel like I'm fearing God like I should hey what what should I do go to Deuteronomy 27 is what I would recommend there's plenty of stories that if you read them you know they'll put fear of God in you like the one I just went over Moses Moses by being in disobedience something that seems small hey God got so mad that God was just gonna kill him and imagine that if you would have just killed him right there he never would have had the rest of his life you know that the story of his life wouldn't happen you know but if you're right there in 3 to my 27 these are these are some of the verses that I read and I end up getting fear just from reading these let's take a look at verse 15 Deuteronomy 27 15 says this curse it now who wants to be cursed who wants to live their life just cursed by God you don't prosper you're not happy you don't have any peace you know you don't have any love joy patience meekness none of it what says right here curse to be the man that maketh any grave in a molten image an abomination unto the Lord the work of the hands of the craftsman and put it that in a secret place and all the people shall answer and say amen curse it be he that set of life by his father his mother and all the people shall say amen curse it be he that removing his neighbor's landmark and all the people shall say amen verse 13 I'm sorry verse 18 curse it be he that make it the blind to wander out of the way and all the people shall say amen curse it be he that perverted the judgment of the stranger fatherless and widow and all the people shall say amen curse it be he that live with his father's wife because he uncovered his father's skirt and all the people shall say amen curse it be he that live with any man or beast and all the people shall say y'all better say amen to that one curse it be he that lie with his sister the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother and all the people shall say amen curse it be he that live with his mother-in-law and all the people shall say amen curse it be he that smite at this neighbor secretly and all the people shall say amen doesn't it start getting you mad while you start reading these things it reminds me like man these are things that people commit they're there because God knew they were gonna be committed verse 25 curse it be he that take a reward to slay an innocent person and all the people shall say amen that's pretty much our government getting paid by the military-industrial complex to start these stupid wars we didn't need to be in Afghanistan we need to be in Iraq I mean don't even get me started on Vietnam anyways and all the people shall say amen curse it be he that comfort that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them and all the people shall say amen you know what you just said amen to you know what Lord curse me if I don't obey your law isn't that what it says curse it be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to what to do them and all the people shall say you guys just said amen so I just say Lord a curse me you know when you walk around reminding yourself of that no they're not I'm gonna not sin because when I say to put myself under a curse and you get yourself out of that curse of course like David Lord restored to me the joy of my what salvation yes that's a great verse to prove you cannot lose your salvation because if anybody would have lost that it would have been him because he committed murder in adultery then he lied about it but yet he didn't say God restored to me my salvation what did he want back the joy of his salvation and the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace patience meekness so when it comes down to sinning hey it's a work being cursed it's a really worth it it's a really worth listening to that song watching that movie listening to that TV show or watching that TV show or whatever the kids may be hey I need these reminders just like everybody else does these things that the Lord hates these Hollywood actors that are against them a lot of them just bow down to the LGBT community you know and when I just I just came across this story where I guess it was this woman named I think she was an actress in some movie called Juno I guess she's a transgender chick now or something like that Ellen Page I think that's her name am I am I getting it right now she goes by Elliott Page well what happened is supposedly this guy who's a Christian in Hollywood you know he was he was in the Avengers movie you know big tough guy in the Avengers movie right he says he's a wuss in real life you know because I guess the guy got called out kind of like Peter by a little damsel a transgender damsel by the way you know and she's like hey you know they're like praising this guy for being a great actor in Hollywood he was in the Jurassic movie you know it was Chris Pratt or something like that it was in a Jurassic movie he was in the Avengers you know real tough guy in Jurassic Park real tough guy in the Avengers right and then that little Ellie Elling girl whatever calls him out saying hey did you know that his church doesn't like you GPT and he's like what no no that's not true I'm telling you archers welcomes everybody everyone doesn't matter who they are like he is scared to death of this dude chick whatever she wants to be these days and she's like tiny like 120 pounds she's probably dying of AIDS or something I don't know I'm sure she has some disease she doesn't look healthy anymore you know it's like you see her picture in that Juno movie where she's normal looking she looks like a female now she's trying to be some dude and she looks like she's malnourished she looks like a wimpy little veganator you know type of a transgender chick you know and this muscular dude Chris Pratt you know cuz he was a pretty buff dude I guess you know he worked out I got on steroids I don't know but he's terrified of this woman you know he's just like like he's defending himself like crazy I've been like who are you to judge me you know it's like you're judging me you're living a filthy lifestyle the Bible says you're an abomination unto God for many reasons you wear men's clothing you're pretending to be a man you're deceitful you're going against nature going to get science no man no scientist is gonna say yeah you finally made it you're now a dude you know congratulations you now thought yourself into being a man you know she's going around telling kids that this is a great lifestyle be yourself blah blah blah if she really cared about the LGBTQ community she would tell them like like people that smoke don't smoke kids I have a hard time breathing look at my voice it's gone my teeth they fell out you know don't be like me I was an idiot you know at least that person is honest right aren't there people that smoke that I can't don't smoke you know the commercial with the kindness with the whole with the tank on the side you know you know these the guys like also idiot smoke it takes out like his what is it dangerous or something like oh this is gonna happen if you're smoking it you know because the guy says hey it was an idiot it was a dummy I smoked I fell for it kids don't do it you know don't be don't smoke you know this woman is like no kids be yourselves your boy if you want to be a boy your girl if you want to be a girl forget about the science forget about the blood test forget about the genes you know it's like being whoever you want to be but that's just what's going on in this world you know it's like all these guys supposedly all tough but in movies they're scared it's just ridiculous you know but that guy's cursed he's heavily cursed and sometimes we can kind of be you know like this individual they start to envy the wicked like man why does why does the wicked prosper they're rich they're happy they're whatever and then you look into their lives a little bit and it's like the furthest from the truth they're literally like suffering from depression it's like their health is going down the toilet people that you think will be super healthy that look super healthy they're like nope my neck is messed up my diss is herniated and you're like what in the world surely they're not prospering you know it's like surely the way of transgressors is hard now I'm not saying if you're saved your life is gonna be peachy purveying no health problems and none of that but I'm telling you as compared to the wicked you're doing alright you're doing okay one guy who deceived me pretty well with John Paul the second he was beloved by my mom my dad the whole Mexican community who remembers that guy John Paul the second wasn't he like super loved and I'm thinking man this guy's old he lived a long life and he's an antichrist he's a devil and then you find out that he had like cancer the size of a softball you know you find out that he's got all these health issues and that he was basically just a propped up corpse at the end of his life whatever they wanted it just kind of made him sign everything you know what he's saying they're just laughing his head on everything waiting for him to die they got him like I'm so kind of weird life life machine it's just crazy you wonder like man Lord I'd say how they getting away with this first of all they're not you know when you finally start digging a little it's like man these people are miserable you know they're super miserable but why because they're cursed and you will be too I mean look at all these curses curse it curse it curse it curse it curse it curse if you remember anything it's like man it ain't worth being cursed you know try to get right as much as possible you know try to just say Lord I'm sorry forgive me yes I did that hey I beg you I'm on my knees I'm sorry you know if it's your will forgive me and don't punish me remember mercy in your wrath I know I made you mad you know and that shows God that you fear him and what does that get you he will preserve your life prolong your days he'll pardon your sin it'll give you peace patience meekness temperance and who doesn't want that right so what's the good thing about fear it will prolong your days it will give you God's preservation you don't have to worry about the way get the Bible says that the angel of the Lord you don't believe in guardian angels read your Bible you will the angel of the Lord and cap it around them that fear him fear him he said look I see you're scared of me my angels will protect you don't worry don't worry because that clown he could have literally thrown that bomb or was it like like some bomb that happened to be thrown into pastor me he has building know what happened he could have done that there in today he literally could have he could have followed past from here to his house I'm not giving him any idea psychopath you know but it's true isn't it glory to God hey I'm not surprised nothing bad happened any of them just a building who cares you know he's ready kids that building goodbye I need a better building for crying out loud one where they can take people out you know let's just pray it fast for that amen but don't forget a things are gonna get bad you should know that you read your Bible you should know that hey things can get a little scary but even God reminded the Apostles hey don't be afraid he told the Apostle Paul don't be afraid Paul hey you're gonna win this in Rome just like you did now you're gonna win this in Rome as well you know but that's what I'm here to do this morning is to remind you it's like look the Bible doesn't just build your faith it builds your fear how they're only 27 curse I'm gonna read the curses again it's like man that's a lot of sins it's like I don't wanna be cursed well you know what if you remember anything you curse yourself when you obviously commit sin and you know it now of course we have secret faults and just say God I know I'm not perfect so hey I'm sorry I can't remember I can't I can't think of anything to confess to you right now but I know that I do sin with my mind because the thought of foolishness is sin and therefore Lord even though I came right now realize you know since last time I confess my sins I can't think of anything I'm asking you to forgive me because I know that I'm human and I know I've screwed up and I know I've done something wrong so forgive my secret fault reveal amount to me and help me to get right with you because I don't want you to punish me and you're showing God that you're fearing him amen so fear obviously is a good thing if you fear the Lord it can help you ever come sin but it can also help you overcome sinners we cannot go to Romans 1 you know without talking about what's been going on go to Romans 1 amen let's go to Romans 1 yeah we're going there they started it we're gonna finish it children lend me your ears trying to talk like your favorite Thor character since you listen to him more than you do Alexander Scorpio with her Romans 1 wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who change the truth of God into a lie and worship and serve the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen for this cause God gave them up until vile affections for even their woman they changed the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the man leaving the natural use of the woman burn in their lusts one towards another man with men working that which is some seemingly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was me and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind so what we're talking about reprobate specifically who we all know who you know I don't even want to mention them but we all know who we're talking about this morning men with men you know who that is woman with woman you know that is says that they're filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate the seat malignity whisperers backbiters haters of God now I'm not gonna lie even in the Bible these people are are scary you know when you read about them you know but they're scary only to those that don't fear God like a lot getting terrified calling them brothers brethren don't do such a wicked thing I have daughters and not no men which I highly doubt after what happened in the cave you know it's like that stuff doesn't just happen to virgins they knew a little more than they needed to but hey bottom line this is what's gonna happen this is 2021 you know this stuff is getting pushed left and right if you're against it you're pretty much against the world but guess what this verse is here that can help us like I said fear can help you ever comes in but fear can also help you overcome sinners and what verses am I talking about well let's just remember that verse 30 says that they're haters of God correct 2nd Chronicles you don't have to go there but in 2nd Chronicles it says in Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned to his house and peace to Jerusalem and Jehu the son of Hananiah the seer went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord therefore wrath is upon thee from before the Lord wrath so you know what at the end of the day it's like no I'm not gonna bow down to you no I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be for your agenda no none of that why because guess what I fear God and his wrath is gonna be upon me the moment we're like a little bit everyone like that guy from the adventure you know hey our truth lets everyone in let me make it known and oh by the way that that Ellen girl whatever called him out cuz he divorced his wife and he's like well my church doesn't judge my church help me with my divorce my church was there every day until my divorce was over and now one of them told him to stay married and even this reprobate you know has enough Bible in there to realize hey doesn't the Bible condemn divorce what's up Chris Pratt well well well well little maiden hold up oh don't tell the whole world that but just so you know my church helped me every step of the way haha and we welcome everybody but what does the Bible say you know about people that welcome everybody it says that God's wrath is upon you now your curse that's what these pastors are so blinded they're even saying they're like hey let him in let them all in hey God loves everyone we welcome everyone well we don't not here never I mean we're supposed to kick off for indicators straight or gay whatever it's supposed to be out here especially you know when they're reprobates like that you know but that's a great verse isn't it so does that help the ungodly and love them to hate the Lord and if anybody's clearly a God hater it's Ellen Page and her crew the LGBT community they're straight-up haters of God they get mad at pastor Shelley they get mad at pastor me yeah but once again they're not preaching their opinion they're not saying well this is what I think homosexuality is a sin I think it's a sin ah see when you say I think you're saying I'm guessing but I know it's a sin because the Bible says it I'm not telling you what I think I'm not giving you my opinion what else your opinion that's not my opinion the Bible says if you hate the Lord and you help those that hate the Lord God's wrath is upon you and it's like hey do whatever you want to me but I don't want God's wrath upon me and I rather just deal with God because guess what he controls my life not not these people but they think they're doing that's what they were trying to do it's just get pastor me he had to quit getting to be afraid get him to leave town but him if he ain't leaving town there's no way long as he's in the word because this is what's gonna happen it's gonna come across verses like Psalm 3 6 but pastor me here Reese's Bible Psalm 3 6 I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people that set themselves against me right about arise the Lord save me oh my god for thou has smitten all my enemies upon the cheekbone that has broken the teeth of the ungodly salvation belonging unto the Lord thy blessings upon thy people say love verse number 11 of Psalm Psalm 56 and God have I put my trust I will not be afraid what can man do unto me well he can kill you but what does God say but the Jesus teacher Matthew 10 28 and fair not them which kill the body kill the body can they kill you can an LGBT kill you I mean can a crazy guy with a bomb blow you up he sure can but what's the Bible say don't fear him but guess what he's also saying don't fear me don't fear anybody hey I can kill you too if I really wanted to but don't be afraid of us a girl you know don't be like oh I'm not gonna listen him hey I'm not telling you anything I'm just telling you what God says you know so I'm not telling you come up here and be afraid of me you know I'm over here or whatever no I'm just saying that God says hey fear not them which kill the body that's everyone even this little kid can get in my car run me over if I give him the keys and teach him how to use the gas and the brakes right definitely I mean you see little kids doing crazy stuff in the Bible says the young and old surrounded the houses when they were trying to get a lot to give up the angels but this is clear fear not them which kill the body that's everyone and the fear of man brings a snare but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell and who is that absolutely absolutely and look we are allowed to hate the Bible makes it very clear there's a time to hate there's even a time to kill and a time to heal I'm just reading from Ecclesiastes a time to weep and a time to laugh a time to mourn a time to dance a time to cast away stones and the time to get the stones together a time to embrace and the time to refrain from embracing the time to get and the time to lose a time to keep in a time to cast away a time to rent in the time so a time to keep silence and a time to speak and now is a time to speak it's an abomination it's wrong you're not fooling anyone by yourself Ellen you're a woman that has rejected the Lord and because you're not just rejected him but you also hated him now you curse yourself and homosexuality is a curse is a punishment upon people they don't just reject God but they also hate them because think about it to hate Jesus Christ you got to be super wicked to hate God Almighty holy just righteous God who has died shed his blood with the hell for three days and three nights burned in hell made it very clear no greater love than this than a man laid down his life for friends to despise him for what what evil had he preached what evil can you find in the Bible what's so horrific that makes you reject it the answer is nothing they don't reject the Savior because of science they reject them because of their sin their heart is darkened and that's how they get to that stage and that's where they're at and sure enough that's what the Bible says you do is hey they're better off in hell than here on earth causing hell which is why when they're guilty guess what the Bible says exactly right they're worthy of death and look what happens would you let him just roam around run around they're not normal they're done bottom line amen but it says time the time to love a time to hate a time of war and a time of peace and what that what did you know the Psalmist say do not hate them oh Lord they hate thee am I and am I not grieve with those that rise up against thee I hate them with a perfect hatred I count them my enemies very simple Psalms 37 for evil doers shall be cut off but those that wait upon the Lord they should inherit the earth guess why the LGBT community is now waiting upon the Lord if they do have one it's a false Lord it's a false Christ and not the real Jesus because if they truly love Jesus what did what does he say you want to be a queer you truly love them say well I love God let me in wanna go to church that's not what they want to do they want to pervert you they want to pervert everyone they want to come in not because they want to get preached to because they want to preach to you what they believe what they think they want to tell you about their false God and curse that is the man that worships another God well what are we to do they say they're gonna be cut off they're not gonna inherit the earth what are they gonna inherit Psalms 9 17 the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God I mean all these verses I'm so loving don't you think it's a real loving versus but one thing it does to me when it tells me hey don't worry about these people worry about my wrath when I love those they hate me I'm gonna pour my wrath upon you that scares me and it's like forget them no I don't want God's wrath upon me I'm not gonna love them I never will as long as I'm in the word and as long as I'm right with God I will never get to the poem and it's like well I don't think they're that bad after all let him in why not God loves everyone you know that's not gonna happen if you stay in God's Word that will never happen they're going to hell that's what the Bible teaches clearly so of course the good about fearing is that guess what yes it's commanded but it's gonna prolong our lives God's gonna protect us you know when you have the right beer you can overcome sin the fear of the Lord in a house meant to depart from evil when you see all those curses doesn't just want you not sin when you read all those things about curses the man curses the man curses the man curses the man to take his gift to shed into some blood you're just like man I don't want to be cursed it's like I need to stay straight I need to do everything I can in my power to get right or die trying because I don't want to live a cursed life and when I think about having a cursed life that scares me because who knows what will happen to you your wife your children your health remember the toothache you guys want a toothache cuz I can give you one tonight oh man that don't feel so well and when you can't eat it hurts bad you're like oh you're just trying to bite like on a pancake it's like oh man you know it's like tofu is difficult to eat with a toothache you know you know but now let's look at the bad we saw the good the good God will prolong your life protect you he's gonna bless you your enemies can't win now let's look at the bad if you have the wrong type of fear it can stop you from serving the Lord if you have your Bible see if you can get it get to mark 4 get the mark 4 if you can get the mark board we need to be careful to see if you get the wrong type of fear it can cause you to stop serving God which will bring a curse upon you because we're supposed to serve the Lord thy God with all the heart with all our might with all our soul if you're right there mark 4 look what it says verse 13 and he said unto them this is Jesus speaking knowing not this parable how then will you know all parables the source or with the word and these are they by the wayside where the word is sown but when they have heard Satan cometh immediately and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts it says and these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground who when they have heard the word immediately receive it with gladness they have no root in themselves and so endure for a time afterwards when afflictions of persecution arises for the word's sake immediately they are offended and these are they which are sown among thorns such as hear the word and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things entering in choke the word and they become it unfruitful but bottom line what do you see well it says that they're sown in stony ground when they have heard the word immediately they receive it with gladness they have no root in themselves or endure before a time afterwards when affliction and persecution arises for the word's sake they are offended and they're gone why because guess what they're scared they're afraid persecution comes guess what affliction comes they get scared they get upset they get offended and they're gone because they're afraid that's why they're leaving they got the wrong fear and they stopped serving the Lord it says they endure for a while but then when afflictions pursued to come they're gone and that happened to pastor uh he menace people that he thought would never leave when he got persecuted left and even I was shocked like what no way did he leave no way I don't believe it no it's true find out it's true you're like wow I cannot believe that they left and I believe why cuz they're afraid guarantee if I check their Bible reading to be non-existent and look I don't know sometimes I can go 20 30 minutes and I'm pumped sometimes it's not enough sometimes I'm reading for two three hours and it's not enough two three four five hours and it's not enough sometimes I need a lot sometimes 30 is enough I don't know a bottom line when I get into it hey it is what it is sooner or later boom that bonus is gonna come back boom that fire is gonna come back boom that zeal is gonna come back I'm not saying that I read my Bible four or five hours all the time but sometimes it's like Lord I'm still fearful I got time forget TV forget the the sports page forget these little things that suck up a lot of time is that you know what I need to forsake this stuff and I need to clear up my mind and just start forsaking and cleaning up your life getting rid of the same because these things bring fear into your life you know you want to know what Trump's up to end of the world oh it seems like that's all the news is trying to do get you to fear the wrong way so you can curse yourself doesn't it seem like that you click on one thing but his new policies are gonna end American jobs as we know it ah isn't that what happens and next thing you know you're like man and then next video then next video then next video next thing you know you're three hours in and you're wondering why you're so fearful is it now it goes and then when you go without watching it because you get so busy and people are like man did you hear I'm like no I haven't heard where you been under a rock I don't know but I'm good I'm good true or false that's just what happened so we need to be careful because what does it say hey the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the loss of other things entering in choke the word and that's what we're doing we're choking the word out of ourselves and become super fearful and that's what it's about look at this deceitfulness of riches lots of other things what's going on they're afraid they're gonna miss out they're afraid they're not gonna have fun I can tell you know Jolie and Brad Pitt in their 40 million dollar mansions and their yachts or whatever then it turns out they're on drugs you know brass marijuana Angelina Jolie anti-depressants their kids are all screwed up and just want to leave you know but see that's what happens is we choke ourselves no it's pretty funny choke yourself okay but that's pretty much what we do what movies that full metal jacket drunk yourself yeah but let's not do that amen let's be careful what does the Bible teach I mean it is what it is we just got to be careful because that's what happens we'll get so scared it's not even funny we'll just run you know Matthew 26 69 this is the story of Peter I'm just gonna read it for you now Peter sat without in the palace and a damsel came out to him saying now also was with Jesus Galilee but he denied before them all saying I know now what they'll say is and he was gone out into the porch another mate saw him and said out to them that were with that were there this fellow was also with Jesus in Nazareth and again he denied with an oath I do not know the man just think about that he said that about Jesus Christ I don't know the man you were with Jesus weren't you no I don't know the guy that's pretty crazy that's pretty bad but what was he doing you know you're trying to save his high he was fearful that's the bad thing when you're fearful it can cause you to stop serving God amen need to be careful another thing that it does you know I got eight minutes ago another thing that it does if you can go to Esther and I'll go to Esther chapter 3 but not just as an individual member also team where a church for our family and while you go to Esther chapter number 3 meet me in verse 13 I'll just read from Exodus 13 17 says and it came to pass when Pharaoh had left the people go that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines although that was near for God said let's prevent you the people repent when they see war and they returned to Egypt why cuz they're scared so God knows what you can handle he's never gonna make you do something you cannot handle so when God tells you to do something he's gonna give you the ability to have victory but if you're in Esther chapter 13 let's take a look at a nice little story here this is where Haman tricks the king into making a law to kill the Jews and this is where Mordecai finds out about it so look how bad it was Esther chapter 3 verse 13 it says in the letters were sent by post into all the king's provinces to destroy to kill and to cause to perish all Jews that's if like Houston made a law and says hey new law we're gonna kill all Christians starting in 30 days how would you react to that how would you regular that type of news well it says both young old little children and women saying hey we're gonna kill them all you know the mayor of Houston you know just happens to have the power to come up with a law that says hey Christianity is now terrorism all Christians are now terrorists if you're a Christian we're gonna kill you and it does happen in some countries Philippines very popular country for killing drug dealers and drug addicts you know just out of nowhere the president decided hey drug addicts and druggies you know what I'm talking about I'm saying I'm not saying that you're Filipino but it seems like you kind of smiled and you're like hey you know it's like they all look the same no they don't they do not let's I offend her I need to say that I just kind of saw her smiling like she was agreeing I'm like you actually know about that but anyways the president Philippines just all of a sudden decided just kill drug addicts kill whoever he felt was just a druggie or whatever I mean talk about crazy power and I guess they called him out he kind of pulled off but this is what's going on you know the king says hey we're gonna kill all the Jews both young old little children and woman in one day and one day even upon the 13th day of the 12th month which is the month Adar and to take the spoil of them for a pray the copy of the writing for a commandment to be given in every province was published into all the people that they should be ready against that day you know the post went out being hastened by the king's commandment and the decree was given a Shushan the palace and the king and Haman set down to drink but the city Shushan was perplexed because there were Jews that heard hey we're all gonna get slaughtered all in one day Haman and the king the king has no idea what's really going on he just kind of went with it thinking these people are bad hey let's get rid of them you're right if they're out to hurt me let's get rid of them before they get rid of me whatever the thoughts were and sure enough what happens they make the law we're gonna kill the Jews men women and children all in one day if you're there in Esther go to Esther chapter number four and we'll stop in verse one then Mordecai he perceived all that was done so Mordecai he heard of it and Mordecai ran his clothes and put on sackcloth with ashes and went out into the midst of the city and cried with a loud and a bitter cry he just started to get crazy he's there go a little nuts but is this the attitude that God wants us to have to just go and rip our clothes and start just crying and get all bitter and whatever I don't think so I'm not saying that he was a wicked man I'm just saying that hey he got scared he got scared because there were other people in the Bible that didn't do this and had a similar situation but he ripped his clothes as they ran his clothes put on sackcloth with ashes went out into the midst of the city and cry with a loud and a bitter cry but let me just read your verse Joe chapter 2 says this verse 13 and ran your heart and not your garment and turn unto the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful slaughter anger and a great kindness and repented him of the evil so it's like hey don't worry about ripping your clothes worry about worshipping the Lord so when we get the wrong type of fear a is going to cause us to worry instead of worship think about how I can ruin your whole day when you get some bad news the whole entire day one two three four five six seven eight nine nine hours when you could at least spend maybe nine minutes praying would have fixed it a little bit would have done a whole lot more just praying for nine minutes than crying about it for nine hours true or false and let's look at another guy who had the similar situation we had a different reaction I'll just read it Daniel 6 all the presidents of the kingdom the governors and the princes the counselors and the captain's have consulted together to establish a royal statue and to make a firm decree that whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for 30 days save of the old king he shall be cast in the den of lions in the lines that's a pretty horrible death I don't know about you but I don't want to get to him in the end of lions now a king established decree and signed the writing that it be not changed according to the law of the meats and persons which alter is not wherefore King Darius signed a right in the decree now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed he went and just cried about it and just started to hide and he wimped out and he just stopped serving the Lord and he closed down his windows and hid in the closet and prayed in this closet no he got mad now what Daniel knew that the writing was signed it went into his house and his windows being open in his chambers toward Jerusalem he kneeled upon his knees three times a day just to rub it in and prayed and gave thanks before his God I'm not saying that a I'm a Daniel or anything like that but I want to be you know I'm saying when it gets ugly when they sign the petition you know when they start to persecute Christians when they actually go and start killing Christians what's gonna be the attitude rejoice and leave for joy for greatest reward in heaven or are you gonna be like I need us your life jacket you know I don't think Mordecai had like the greatest response but he did try he did seem like he actually sought the Lord but I'm sure him and Daniel like yeah man you had the better attitude I should have now rent my clothing and I should just rent my heart you know it just got right with God and serve him and that's what it would have done so fear can cause you to worry instead of worship so we need to be careful when we listen to too many Fox News whatever of how the world's gonna end now that Biden's in charge or whatever I don't know what the latest thing they're covering you know but you know how it is the whole goal is to get you to fear so you can curse yourself and God can get upset with you and not bless you with the meekness and the peace and the patience that we all desperately need in 2021 so be careful giving too much of your time to the news to whatever you know whatever may be that can trigger that can trigger your mind to start to fear in the wrong direction and therefore cursing yourself which is what I'm here to help you not to do amen but fear can also cause you to make dumb mistakes I'm already an hour into the preaching so I'll just wrap it up I'll just talk about Joe's wife remember that story why because she felt that job was the root of the reason why they were punished so bad and she's like you know what just get out of my life go away get the hell out of here I guess you can say you know because guess what she said curse God and die I don't want you around you're the root of my problems here because she's afraid that she's probably next that's really what's going on so we need to be careful having a wrong fear why because it's gonna make you do foolish stuff it's gonna make you say foolish things and as you saw it can make you stop serving the Lord a lot of people quit the church I think no more reason because they're afraid they're afraid they're afraid of missing out they're afraid of looking stupid if they can't quit smoking or drinking or whatever you know and yes if you're a drunk you're not allowed to be here but come on if you're like a person that drinks here and there it ain't gonna help you to serve the Lord and yes God doesn't want you to fill your body with poison you know but don't quit keep coming here get into the word read about the curses maybe it'll sink in sooner later amen but that's the bad side the bad side I'll just quickly review can cause you to stop serving God if you have the right the wrong type of fear it can cause you to worry instead of worship God and what do you think I rather you do Lord you're gonna protect me Lord these people are evil you know why do they heat and rage because they're wicked it's like Lord you can end my life tonight it's like everybody is worried about what the prince is gonna do what Biden is gonna do but what does the Bible say many seek the prince's favor but every judgment is of the Lord and I screwed it up but you know what I mean every judgment is of the Lord everybody's like well now I gotta bow down to Biden you know we got a compromise I don't even know what people are saying but all I know is every judgment is of the Lord never forget that never forget that when it comes to your boss when it comes to your friends when it comes to whatever recently somebody says well I think I need to confront my boss I think he crossed the line you know but I'm afraid he's gonna fire me he's like look if you do what's right he fires you that judgment is of the Lord that means I don't get a better job guarantee you that guarantee you that because that's what the Bible teaches and I'll just quickly get into the ugly remember the sermon is fear the good the bad and the ugly so I'll quickly cover the ugly first Samuel 18 I'll just tell you the story this is who this is Saul in fact let me go there if you can let's finish with that because this is the worst one if you let your fear get too out of control this will be you you will be a King Saul I promise you that so be very careful not to let your fear get ugly now let's go to first Samuel please we'll wrap it up with first Samuel 18 verse 6 everybody has their Bible tablet phone I don't care if your friend wants to whisper to you well he reads it that's totally cool you know I'm fine but let's just go through first Samuel 18 verse number 6 and it came to pass as it came when David was returned from the slaughter of the Philistines that the woman came out of all the cities of Israel singing and dancing to meet King Saul with tablets with joy and with instruments of music and the woman answered one another as they played and said Saul has slain his thousands and David is ten thousands and Saul was very robbed and the same displeased him and he said they have a scribe unto David ten thousands and to me they have a scribe but thousands what can he have more but the kingdom and saw I David from that day and forward and it came to pass on tomorrow that the evil spirit from God came upon saw how would you like to have God sent an evil spirit to mess you up he can do it I would say the Lord can strike you with madness and why it's not because Saul was this perfect prayer no because at that point he was a murderer at that point he I David he went from being just his backslidden King tonight like oh now he's he's evil now he needs to go or he needs to repent because what was his problem he was afraid he was afraid of what the David was gonna take his power he's just making up stuff in his head and getting worse and worse but he decided that moment I'm gonna kill him he became a murderer at heart who's ever hate this brother is a murderer it's a murderer and if you think this cannot happen to you trust me it can happen to you this is sin is coming to man this isn't this isn't a reprobate sin so we need to be careful because there's people in prison now that I don't know I believe they're saved but they screwed up because that allowed their anger their fear to get ugly to get ugly and we know that it was fear because if we keep reading look what it says verse 11 and Saul cast a javelin now he's throwing a javelin at David trying to kill him for he said I was smite David eaten to the wall with it and David avoided out of his presence twice and Saul was afraid of David Saul has the wrong fear he doesn't need to be afraid of David to be afraid of God that's what he needs to fear not David because God says don't fear them which killed the body Saul it's not like that's a New Testament teaching that's Old Testament as well Joshua said it Moses said it don't fear these people but what did he do he allowed his fear to get ugly to the point where he was about to murder and I know it's a little thing but I'm just I'm just gonna say I'm human you know told my wife a pack of my stuff she packs on my stuff sure enough it's 6 a.m. I'm like all right time to iron my suit and I always tell her hey make sure you put a handkerchief in my little suitcase so I could put on Marine Corps style right put it on top of my jacket so I don't burn my suit sure enough I'm looking looking looking looking looking looking looking no handkerchief now I'm thinking how am I gonna iron this thing I don't know how to iron this sip on linen you know and I'm thinking what am I gonna do so I'm just like oh but I'm thinking man I'm about to preach on on fearful anger well what was my why did I get upset with my wife because now I'm afraid I'm gonna show up and I'm gonna be too wrinkled so now my fears causing me to get angry and I know she's watching so I hope she finds my handkerchief and puts it in my suitcase now I love you honey so I just I just did a Mordecai not just ran one of my pieces of garments and I put it on top of my suit and started iron you know I'm talking about Marine Corps style I learned this in the Marines that told me don't burn your uniforms here's how you do it take a handkerchief put a top of your uniform put it on super super hot and put on top of the handkerchief and it'll make this thing look nice and Chris right I put my jacket on there quickly do it so told me twice as long so I could have slept for 30 minutes had that not happened but that's small but I can also relate to King saw in a way because I was I'm not told this story before where I was in I was in Iraq I was in the middle of a battle we're like getting ready to invade Iraq and it's nighttime so even more scared we got drones flying over the town and we're just trying to see where these guys are at so these Iraqi poor Iraqi soldiers they had no chance and they're just firing away at our drones that you're shooting at our drone so we can find out where they're at because they don't know what's coming at them all we know is we're flying drones over the city ahead of us and these guys are just like trying to shoot down our drones well I had a marine that was just becoming a pain in the butt you know we stopped and we did security and we just did a 360 security and sure enough you know I tell everybody a be on high alert we don't know these guys are out there hey I don't want anybody to get killed sure enough 20 minutes later I'm like what is that I'm talking to my system like what is that oh somebody snoring oh don't tell me that's him he's like who is it is it him it's him who is it it's like that's not that's my again it was just one of these Marines that just was a little slow and sure enough now we're in nighttime now we're getting to evade about to go into the city and I have to sit in the back and I'm just thinking I gotta get rid of this guy this guy's gonna get me killed because I'm afraid I'm afraid I'm gonna get killed because this guy's gonna fall asleep he's gonna make us gonna do something stupid so I said look that's mine yes sergeant why don't you get up on top of that truck cuz we're in like these trucks you know top of that truck put on your night-vision goggles and look for the bad guys what get on top of the truck put on your night-vision goggles and look for bad guys you think I really wanted to look for bad guys no I was hoping he would just get shot not not kill but just wounded swing get rid of them you know maybe flesh wound like the movies what's wrong I need a evac bring down bring down don't worry buddy take your time coming back you know but I came to my senses you know I would say this time it came to my senses I'm like that's my get off that truck get down there and get get behind the sandbag oh thank you thank you thank you thank you but why did I do that because allow my fear to get ugly ugly and even though I got a little ugly with the handkerchief hey well the desma if you would have got killed I would have been guilty of murder and put it that way man slider at the bare minimum but in my eyes it's like no I put him up there do get shot I didn't mind I don't want him to get killed just a flash one in the leg or something but allow my fear to get the best of me and instead of fearing God I wasn't spiritual at all I was fearing this dude getting me killed so what's the title of the sermon fear the good bad ugly hey if you let it get bad fix it but don't let your fear get ugly because who knows what'll happen amen let's pray there God we think so much for all that you've done and Lord we're living in a crazy world crazy times wicked people and they're only gonna get worse and worse and worse but praise the Lord you promised us in many many verses you're gonna protect us not to worry about these punks not to worry about these crazies and just to worry about serving you and father let us never forget that you're the one that protects us you're the one that gives us power and father bless everyone here help us all to have the right type of fear to be careful to have bad fear and definitely be careful to have ugly fear and Lord don't let us be like Saul and by all means he's not the only one in the Bible that committed murder because of fear but father we ask you to just bless us and keep us safe and protect us and help us to grow help us to get in your word and if 20 30 minutes ain't doing it I pray Lord people just give them the time to get into it even more and I know we can't do it forever but at least maybe if we have to get into your world a bit more than we have been in the past just to be able to grow our fear or grow our faith whatever we need and we ask you to just bless everyone here in Jesus person name amen