(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our services today here at Faithford Baptist Church. So good to see you all here on this Sunday morning. If you don't please find your seats now. Take your song books. Go to hymn number 259. We'll begin this morning. Hymn number 259. 259. 259. 259. 259. 259. 259. 259. 259. 259. 259. 259. Once you've been placed in, we have heard the joyful sound. sing it out. We have heard the joyful sound. Jesus saves. Jesus saves. When they've died it's all around. Jesus saves. Jesus saves. But our guest seems to cross the waves On her head is but a horse of man Jesus saves, Jesus saves Blocked and awed for golden times Jesus saves, Jesus saves Tell the sinners far and wide Jesus saves, Jesus saves In the islands of the sea Echoed by the ocean waves Earth shall keep her eerily Jesus saves, Jesus saves Seen above the latter's cry Jesus saves, Jesus saves Light is red within the sky Jesus saves, Jesus saves Seeing his talking through the gloom When the heart for mercy breaks He is lying for the truth Jesus saves, Jesus saves In the winds of my divorce Jesus saves, Jesus saves Let the nations now rejoice Jesus saves, Jesus saves Shouts, I'll raise you fully free Are you still to keep his gaze? This is our song of glory Jesus saves, Jesus saves I pray that you please just have your blessing upon this morning's service Help it to be edifying to us and also just help us to praise you And please help us to be attentive to the preaching this morning And that it may attain to our lives so that we may serve you better And that everything that's said and done would give you the honor and glory that you deserve We'll thank you for it in Jesus' name, Amen Hymn number 146, 146, a shelter in the time of storm Hymn number 146, sing it out The lords are wrong, in him we hide Number 146 The lords are wrong, in him we hide A shelter in the time of storm Secure whatever will be tight A shelter in the time of storm Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land A weary land, a weary land Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land A shelter in the time of storm A shade by day, defense by night A shelter in the time of storm No fears of awe, no foes of fright A shelter in the time of storm Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land A weary land, a weary land Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land A shelter in the time of storm The raging storms fade round us deep A shelter in the time of storm We'll never leave our safe retreat A shelter in the time of storm Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land A weary land, a weary land Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land A shelter in the time of storm Oh, rock divine, old refuge dear A shelter in the time of storm We now are held forever near A shelter in the time of storm Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land A weary land, a weary land Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land A shelter in the time of storm Oh, Jesus is a rock in the time of storm Come on, sing it. All right, at this time we're going to go over the bulletin, so if you need a bulletin, please raise your hand and the estuaries will come and get one for you. If you have your bulletin, go ahead and open it up. On the upper left-hand corner is our service times, 1030 Sunday morning, 6 p.m. Sunday night, and Wednesday night at 7 p.m. Our church-wide sew-in and the regional sew-in times are right there. right there take a look at those if you're interested in coming out soul winning and below that there will be baptisms after the service so if you're interested in getting baptized come see me after the service and we'll take care of you salvation is the baptism for the year right there take a look at those when you get a chance on the upper right hand corner join us next Sunday August 6 at 10 a.m. for donuts and coffee in honor of those celebrating their birthday in a month of August please speak to any other staff members if you would like your birthday or wedding anniversary including a bulletin thank you to those who participated in the Navajo and Hopi soul winning trip we have seven soul winners and ten salvations you know so praise the Lord for those salvations then please continue to pray for Pastor Anderson he is out of the hospital but needs to get better before he's able to travel back to Arizona so keep him in your prayers so we can have him back by Sunday in the Lord willing by a miracle we'll have him back on Wednesday but that's not possible is not highly likely that it's going to happen so on the back of your bulletin join us for soul winning on Navajo reservation Friday September 8 through Saturday September 9th the trip would include a visit to the petrified National Forest and Painted Desert and please pray for the expectant ladies and our upcoming events are right there take a look at those when you get a chance and that is it for announcements those of Psalm 126 if you don't have an insert please raise your hand Psalm 126 when the Lord turned again activity of Zion sing it out with me Psalm 126 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Jesus All right at this time we're going to pass the offering plates and as the offering plates are being passed around please turn your Bibles to 1st Corinthians 13 1st Corinthians chapter number 13 1st Corinthians chapter 13 though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I'm become as sounding brass or a tinkling symbol and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not charity I am nothing and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned and have not charity it profit with me nothing charity suffers long and is kind charity envious not charity vaunted not itself is not puffed up does not behave itself unseemly seeketh not her own is not easily provoked thinketh no evil rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth beareth all things believeth all things hopeth all things endureth all things charity never faileth but whether there be prophecies they shall fail whether there be tongues they shall cease whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away for we know in part and we prophesy in part but when that which is perfect has come then that which is in part shall be done away when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things for now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now I know in part but then shall I know even as also I am known and now I'll buy to faith hope charity these three but the greatest of these is charity father in heaven thank you for this church I pray that you please bless brother Segura with the fullness and the power of the Holy Spirit as he preaches your word so that your children would be edified in the word in Jesus name we pray amen amen first Corinthians 13 the title of my sermon is examples of charity examples of charity so I want to start off first by looking at the importance of charity so look right there at your bibles and we're going to start with verse one that says though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I've become a sounding brass or a tinkling symbol and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have all faith so that I can remove mountains and have not charity I am nothing and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned and have not charity it profit of me nothing now these are some really strong verses because I don't want anybody here to waste their time if you don't have charity you're not going to get far into Christian life amen in fact it says that the greatest of these is charity and look at what it says it says if you give to the poor and if you even have your body to be burned and you don't have charity it says clearly that it will profit of you nothing but let's take a look at some of the things that charity has and then we'll look at bible examples of people that displayed these characteristics so if you go ahead and look uh right there we'll start with verse number uh four and just those three words so charity suffereth long charity suffereth long what does that mean bottom line you're patient what I like to tell people is that you can suffer a long time so when it says charity suffereth long it means that you can suffer a long time with people's imperfections you know which is patience and so one person that comes to mind a biblical example of this to me is Moses so if you have your bibles go ahead and go to the book of Numbers chapter number 14 go to the book of Numbers chapter 14 go ahead and meet me in verse number 9 while you go there I'm going to read from verse number 1 it says and all the congregation lifted up their voice and cried and the people went that night and all the children of israel murmured against moses and against erin and the whole congregation said unto them well god that we had died in the land of egypt well god we had died in this wilderness and wherefore have the lord brought us onto this land to fall by the sword that our wives and our children shall be a prey were they not better for us to return into egypt and they said one to another let us make a captain and let us return into egypt then moses and erin fell on their faces before all the assembly of the congregation of the children of israel and joshua the son of none and caliph the son of jeffney which were then they searched the land rent their clothes and they spake unto all the company of the children of israel saying the land which we passed through to search it is an exceeding good land if the lord delight in us then he will bring us into this land and give it us a land which flows with milk and honey you're right there in verse 9 only rebel not ye against the lord neither fear ye the people of the land for there are bread for us the defense is departed from them and the lord is with us fear them not so here we have a story of the children of israel going through a hard time going through a test and they begin to murmur they begin to complain and moses and erin they fall on their faces trying to get the congregation to lighten up trying to get the congregation you know to get the right attitude and even joshua joins in and starts to motivate them saying hey the lord delight in us we're going to take this land the land to flow with milk and honey just don't rebel against the lord because it's a bad idea to rebel against the lord amen notice that he said hey don't rebel against us he's warning them don't rebel against the lord we're not doing our own thing we're following the lord so if you guys are upset at us hey you're really mad at the lord and that is not a good thing go ahead and look at verse number 10 but all the congregation baits stone them with stone so now they're like hey you know what we're sick of you guys we're going to get some stones and we're going to stone you talk about a bad day now don't raise your hands but i wonder who's ever had a day this bad where people are talking about killing you stoning you you know it's pretty warm in here and i i know there's probably some people that are thinking of stoning me if it's just a little too hot you know but hey they were literally going to stone uh moses because they were just complaining of the situation and that's not a good thing he says in the glory of the lord appeared in the tabernacle the congregation before all the children of israel and the lord said unto moses how long so now the lord's like hey let me tell you something moses how long would this people provoke me and how long would it be aired that believe me for all the signs i have showed among them i will smite them with the pestilence and disinherit them and will make be a greater nation and mightier than they and moses said unto the lord then the egyptians shall hear it for thou brought us up this people in that might from among them and they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land for they have heard that thou lord are among this people that thou lord are seen face to face and that they and that cloud standeth over them and that our goal is before them by daytime in the pillar of a cloud and a pillar of fire by night now if thou shall kill all these people as one then the nations we have heard the fame of thee will speak saying because the lord was not able to bring this people into the land which he swore out to them therefore he has slain them in the wilderness and now i beseech thee so here moses is begging god i beseech thee let the power of my lord be great according as thou has spoken saying the lord is long suffering and of great mercy and here moses he just got threatened to be stoned god says hey these people are provoking me i'm going to get rid of them moses and i'm going to start the first with you now i don't know about you but if somebody turned to stone me and there was a bunch of people trying to stone me and the lord's like listen i'm gonna go take care of these people and i'm gonna start all over with you i probably wouldn't get in the way i'd be like let's do it those stones like mighty painful lord but moses is like lord i beseech you i'm begging you he's like don't kill these people even though they're murmuring against me even though they're threatening to stone me think about the long suffering of moses he's like hey i'm willing to suffer them maybe he's thinking of his brother maybe he's thinking of his friends who knows why but he is begging god after god said hey these people are trying to kill you they're trying to stone you hey they're provoking me to anger you know what i'm gonna get rid of them and start a new with you moses like no no don't do it and he's saying hey you know what the land is going to hear all these nations are going to hear about it and you're not going to look good maybe that was him just trying to persuade the lord but what he really wanted to say is believe it or not i love some of these people that are trying to stone me and i'm willing to suffer long why because moses had what charity charity and they're trying to kill him and yet he's like lord don't do it don't do it and it says in verse 19 he says pardon the beseech thee the iniquity of these people according into the greatness of thy mercy and thou hast forgiven this people from egypt even until now and the lord said i have pardoned according to thy word but it says in verse uh 21 or or right there in 21 it says but um but as truly as i live all the earth should be filled with the glory of the lord because all those men will see my glory my miracles which i did in egypt and in the wilderness and have tempted me these 10 times so here the lord is saying hey these people are provoking me they tempted me not once not twice not eight times not nine times but 10 times and this always reminds me of how long suffering god is with us because some of us can't really even handle you know somebody provoking us even twice or three times or four times when we're ready to give up on that person but this ought to show you what charity is charity suffereth long it can handle it it will be patient so if that's not you it's time to get some charity in your bones amen and it sounds similar to another verse you know if you can go ahead and meet me in matthew 18 i don't think you'll get there in time but i'll read verse 23 while you go to matthew 18 so if you're able to go through your body really quickly great if you want to bust out your phone go for it you got a tablet use it verse 23 says surely they shall not see the land which i swore unto the fathers neither shall any of them provoke that provoke me shall see it so yes even though they got spared there was a punishment they didn't get to go to the land so yes we may complain and think you know what it's nothing of it you know god knows my heart god knows i'm human and he understands my gripe he understands this how to pay for awarding his pastor girl's fault but yet you know what hey god still doesn't like murmuring and complaining so guess what he may extend these acs a little longer than usual just for you now i know how past three minutes felt goes around comes around i did watch it after he used it amen in case you're wondering matthew 18 it says this then came peter to him and said lord how often my brother sinned against me and i forgive him till seven times and here jesus trying to teach him to be long suffering and to have charity amen jesus says unto him i say not unto thee until seven times but until 70 times seven so he's saying listen if somebody sins against you over 490 times you are still to forgive that person amen and think about it i don't think someone is going to offend anybody here over 490 times can we at least learn to forgive people if they offended us four or nine times because it will happen with what 330 people in this room someone is going to say something that's going to offend someone but we need to have charity and endure it and act like hey you know what the person didn't mean it give them the benefit of the doubt because think about it like this supposedly how many people we have on this planet now eight billion let's just say half of those people are adults or old enough to understand sin what is that four billion let's just say those four billion people on this planet they all sin three times a day how many sins is that against god 12 billion and guess what if this earth is sinning against god 12 billion times a day how many sins or how many commandments is this planet going to break at the end of 365 days can anyone tell me right off the top of their head i asked alexa and she said four trillion four trillion in one year is what alexa told me it was quicker than busting on my phone so think about it four trillion sins four trillion commandments are being broken by human beings at the bare minimum but you and i both know it's probably 10 times that amount because the question was what if four billion people sin against god three times a day do you really think that we sin against god three times a day i think not but let's just say we do that's four trillion commandments that this earth breaks every single year now multiply that by 10 years that's 40 trillion commandments talk about long suffering this planet is still here four trillion commandments and you know it's way more than that can we forgive our brothers that they're saying four times against us if god doesn't have charity who does amen so what do we have charity suffers long and is kind and is kind go ahead and go to roof chapter number one please roof chapter number one don't worry i'll try to be done by 11 45 i got 14 more to go amen but that's why i talk fast and i'll put this sucker in overdrive when i'm about to run out of time turbo boost my preaching amen if you're right there in roof number one it says this verse number eight and the homie said unto her daughters-in-law go return each her mother's house the lord deal kindly with you as you have dealt with the dead and with me did you notice what it says the lord deal kindly with you as you have dealt with the dead and with me the lord grant you that you may find rest each of you in the house of her husband then she kissed them and they lifted up their voice and wept so here we have the story of ruth and they're all weeping why because they love each other and you can see right off the go what was the result that they were kind here we see naomi saying to her daughters a may god be kind to you guys the same way you have been kind to me why because they had charity charity amen and if i'm saying it kind of wrong you got to forgive me forgive me amen so if you have your bibles go to genesis 50 because there's another guy who had charity another guy who showed kindness because charity what does it say suffereth long and is kind and is kind i was going to mention shechem but that's kind of like a wrong type of love but i'm gonna read the story of she can really quickly it says and dina the daughter of leah where she bared unto jacob went out to see the daughters of the land and when she kept the son of haymore the hevai prince of the country saw her he took her and lay with her and defiled her and his soul clave unto dina the daughter of jacob and he loved the damsel and spake kindly on to the damsel but it's unfortunate that this was fornication a big sin some people believe that she was raped others believe that she just committed fornication it's kind of hard for a rapist to be kind to you after he raped you so i think it was just fornication and if you know the story of shechem he wasn't a bad guy i mean if you read or if you know what he did to get the girl oh man he loved that girl all right but what is the result of charity or love it should be kindness so you single ladies looking for a husband if he's not treating you kind he ain't got love for you just a tip you know it doesn't open the door on a date good night i can understand when you're married and your wife's like i'm good i'm good all right i want to drive no no no you make me sick when you drive i'll drive in case you're wondering why i'm in that passenger seat it's not because i'm a punk she likes to drive don't believe me double check with her she's right there but a man drives right unless you make your wife sick you know then she'll drive but facts are boyfriend treats you like crap ain't as kind as you think he should be might want to dump that guy look for someone else that will treat you with kindness kindness because here's an example she Kim says hey he loved the damsel and he spake with her kindly so charity suffereth long and is kind now let's look at joseph amen you're right there in genesis 50 looks like a verse 21 says not therefore fear ye not well let me just read from 18 and his brethren also went and fell down before his face and he said behold we be thy servants and joseph said unto them fair not for i'm in the place of god but as for you you thought evil against me you guys did me dirty but god meant it unto good to bring it the past if it is this day to save much people alive now therefore fear ye not i will nourish you and your little ones and he comforted them and spake kindly unto them why because he's an example of somebody that had charity he loved them he loved his brothers so go ahead and go to john chapter number three please john chapter number three so i already see that a you want to know if you have charity which the bible says is the greatest of all are you a patient guy can you suck it up buttercup when people do you dirty and offend you if it's not a sin unto death can you let that go be able to sleep like a baby at night or do you wake up the next day thinking about it if not then you know what you have an issue but it says charity suffereth long and is kind charity envieth not and a good bible example is john the baptist john the baptist let's take a look you're in john 3 let's look at verse 25 it says then there arose a question between some of john disciples and the jews about purifying and they came out to john and said unto him rabbi he that was with thee beyond jordan to whom thou bears witness behold the same baptizers and all men come to him he's stealing some of your shine john answered and said a man can receive nothing except to be given him from where heaven heaven so that nice car that that church member has that you like that you wish you had don't hate hey that good thing came from heaven that house hey does it not say a man can receive nothing except be receiving from where heaven so if you're thinking well i wouldn't buy that car of course for like show-offs well apparently hey he still has it and he's driving and enjoying it so god must think that is you know good to go if he provided and gave it to him because guess what hey we can receive nothing unless it comes from where heaven brother's a girl why are you up there you're just a janitor i should be up there feel free to jump up here let me know next time pastor anderson throws out his back that you want to preach i won't guarantee you he will let you preach but i'll bring up your name see what he thinks so if i don't get back with you that's your answer amen i'm just saying i'm up here because i can receive nothing except if come from where heaven so there's no reason to be jealous or let me rephrase that jealous is a good thing envious because charity envious not and so you got john you know he's being told hey that guy you know he's baptizing more but what does he say a man can receive nothing instead of being given from heaven he herself been rewitnessed that i said i am not the christ but that i am sent before him he that the bride is the bridegroom but the friend of the bridegroom withstandeth in here with him rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice now that's a friend that doesn't envy amen he's rejoicing heavily this my joy therefore it is fulfilled he must increase but i must decrease why because john had what charity he envieth not he didn't get jealous he wasn't like well you know y'all saw the baptisms i had before he showed up right pretty good job didn't i didn't i huh huh he's like so what hey he must increase i must decrease nothing comes to sip it comes from heaven i'm not envious i'm happy in fact i'm joyful because i'm not a hater i'm somebody that has what charity so let's continue go to our first samuel 25 another guy really quickly it's uh jonathan jonathan is another guy if he can get to first time in fact you know what if you can make it a first time you're 23 17 go right ahead if not go go ahead and go to proverbs 27 1 go to proverbs 27 1 i'm going to read from uh first samuel 23 15 talk about another guy that is a good bible example of somebody who doesn't envy because he has charity it says in uh first samuel 23 15 and david saw that saul was come out to seek his life and david was in the wilderness as if in a wood and jonathan saw son arose and went to david into the wood and straight through this hand and god it's a good friend is straightening you up and he said out to him fair enough for the hand of saul my father shall not find he and thou shall be king over israel and i shall be next unto thee and that also saul my father knoweth just a small example but still an example and of course we know that jonathan died because god did not want him to be next to david you know when it came to the throne but notice he didn't fight david he wasn't like oh man god has chosen you that's messed up you know what i don't think that's right are you sure you know what let me just team up with my dad because i think that you're lying to us i think there's a mistake surely you're not going to be king david it could have been envious but he didn't he said you know what my dad's trying to kill you but i'm gonna do my best and he's not going to kill you we know that the kingdom is going to be yours and i'm going to be next to you i'm going to be the second man or the second behind you obviously it was a dumb thing to say it was in god's will but it showed that he was a guy who loved david and wasn't envious towards him why because he had amen you guys right there in proverbs 27 one stay right there because it says once again in first corinthians 13 charity suffers long and is kind charity and beeth not charity vaunted not itself what does that mean vaunted not itself it means that you don't brag you don't boast you're not this boastful idiot that says you're going to do something and it doesn't get done and why is that wrong because the bible says it's wrong i'll give you a few verses proverbs 27 1 it says post not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth in james 4 you don't have to go there but if you do have your bible go to first amule 17 go to first amule 17 verse 42 i'm going to read from james it says go to now ye that say today or tomorrow we will go into such a city and continue their year and buy and sell and get gain whereas you know not what shall be on tomorrow for what is your life it is even a vapor that appear for a little time and then vanishes away for that you ought to say if the lord will we shall live and do this or do that but now you rejoice in your boastings all such rejoicing is evil god doesn't want us to go around bragging that we're going to do this and that we're going to do that if the lord will you'll do this and you'll do that amen i think the biggest violators are probably fighters fighters they love to say oh i'm going to win saturday night that guy has zero chance you see it all the time just happened yesterday there was a big fight i didn't watch it but the two guys were claiming they're going to win well guess what only one person can win but at the end of the day they're both boasting and bragging because no one knows the future but god and unless they're walking on water and i don't know it they're not even close but one guy brag how i'm bigger i'm stronger they're like hey how are you going to win this fight well i'm bigger than that guy i'm stronger than that guy you know more experience than that guy got more fights than that guy fast forward the next day that guy gets knocked out knocked out claiming he's bigger faster stronger more experienced than that he's going to be the undisputed welterweight champion of the world fast forward the next day knocked out round number eight knocked down four times before they finally said you had enough your face looked like somebody stomped it with a boot if it would have been humble you might have made it through 12 rounds but it seems like it's it's always the lesser of both evils you know that gets the bigger beating or what kind of wins the fight but this guy he was barely touched that ended up winning but it wasn't doing the boasting this other guy was doing but that's what it means vaunted not itself says for the wicked boasted of his horse desire and blessed the covetous whom the lord of horrors now let's look at a bible example of somebody that vaunted not themselves you're right there in first amule 17 this is the story of king david is a good example of somebody that did not vaunt himself and when the philistines looked verse 42 and when the philistines looked about and saw david he disdained him for he was by the youth and rowdy and of a fair countenance and the philistine said unto david am i a dog that thou comest to me with staves and the philistine cursed david by his gods and the philistine said to david come to me and i will get look at the boasting i will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air and to the beasts of the field fast forward david kills him but look what david said this day will the lord deliver thee into my hand and i will smite thee and take that head from thee and i will give the carcass of the host of the philistines this day unto the fowls of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth that all the earth may know that there is a god in israel wasn't boasting because everything he said was true you know goliath had a false god they knew it but this type of victory only works if you have the true god amen you can say well i'm going to beat you guys because my god is bigger but if you're a muslim you're going to lose big time if you're going against a christian that fears god and keeps his commandments you have zero chance zero but let's continue if you have your bibles go ahead and go to first corinthians chapter 15 first corinthians chapter 15 verse 9 i'm going to continue with first corinthians 13 it says charity suffers long and is kind charadith envieth not charity vonteth not itself is not puffed up it's not puffed up the other one vonteth well somebody have that can be puffed up as well but he's boasting he's bragging but hey we can be puffed up in our hearts even though on the exterior we don't show it because on the inside we can think we're better than such and such and such and such and you better hope you are because if not then guess what you're just deceiving yourself but even if you are better than that person you still shouldn't be thinking that you're the greatest thing since sliced bread amen so i'll just read from ephesians 3 1 for this cause i pawed the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles i'll just skip because this is paul talking skip the verse 8 unto me who am less than the least look how he's talking than the least of all saints is this grace given that i should preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of christ you're right there in first corinthians 15 let's take a look at somebody who is not puffed up just look how he writes look what he's saying he says for him the least of the apostles that did not meet to be called an apostle because i persecuted the church of god but by the grace of god i am what i am that's the attitude god wants us to have and if you don't have this attitude guess what you have your charity is not what the bible is talking about because like it says charity is not puffed up and paul here saying hey i am the least the least of the saints the least of the apostles by the grace of god i am what i am because he recognizes his success came from god and god has taken him where he's at and his grace was bestowed upon me was not in vain by the labor more abundantly than they all yet not i not i but the grace of god which was with me first timothy 1 15 says this this is a faithful saying the word of all acceptation that christ jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom i am chief he's saying hey i'm not perfect i sinned hey i'm the least of the apostles and the saints but he was the greatest he was the greatest of the new testament amen another person that comes to mind when it comes to not being popped up is mary i'm not sure if you can get there fast enough but you can get to luke chapter number one go ahead and haul butt to luke chapter number one and meet me in verse number 47 you can go ahead and meet me in verse number 47 i'm going to read from verse number 41 in luke one i just want to bring up mary so we can see her attitude because a great story of somebody who is not puffed up it says then it came to pass that when elizabeth heard the salutation of mary the babe leaped in her womb and elizabeth was sealed with the holy ghost and she spaked out with a loud voice and said blessed art thou my own woman and blessed is the fruit of thy womb and was this to me that the mother of my lord should come to me for lord as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears the babe leaped in my womb for joy and blessed blessed is she but listen to she that believed for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the lord and mary said my soul does magnify the lord and my spirit has rejoiced in god my savior so she's not thinking to herself of course i was picked for this mission i mean look at me i'm mary she didn't go there she's just like oh man she's magnifying the lord she said my soul does magnify so she's not just giving god lip service it's actually coming from the inside says my soul so she's not a phony she's not just saying what she needs to say in order to win elizabeth no he's she's speaking from her soul she's speaking the truth in her heart and it says in my spirit verse 47 has rejoicing god my savior for he has regarded regarded the lowest state of his handmaiden for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed for he that is mighty has done to me great things and holy is his name talk about a humble woman go to first samuel 18 go to first samuel 18 so when it comes to charity it says charity suffereth long and is kind charity envieth not charity wanted not itself is not puffed up and you saw examples of not being puffed up with the apostle paul with mary and now we have does not behave itself unseemly or inappropriately somebody that's charity cares about others not just themselves you know so i know wherever i go i'm representing pastor anderson so i do my best to represent them you know so i do my best to look serious because i want people to take me serious but all of a sudden what if i went somewhere i started acting like a teenager i got my skateboard what's up dude what's going on check out my moves let me try that again dog put a backwards hat right sag my pants you know dye my hair blonde that's what's up you guys are not going to take me serious no way my god wants you to be serious and if i didn't care about pastor and i was just like you know what forget this i'm going to be me i'm going to be real i'm going to be myself and act like a clown and embarrass him how could i say i really care about my pastor the answer is no i don't i care about myself trying to impress people for whatever reason but i'll read from first samuel 18 5 says and david went out whithersoever saw sent him and be behaved himself wisely wisely so he knew how to behave himself and he wasn't inappropriate wherever he went and saw set him over the men of war and he was accepted in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of saw's servants and that's my goal i want to be accepted in the sight of the people disturbance so i want to be taken serious i'm gonna do my best to look serious work serious be serious because it's just the right thing to do and if i don't do it for myself i'm doing it for other people because i want i want to bring glory to you know my boss to you guys i'm not just going to go anywhere and act a fool act like a clown hey aren't you for faithful work aren't you pastor anderson's right hand man he's like man you're acting like a kid he's like dude i didn't know you were like this it wouldn't be right but because i have charity i want to represent pastor as his ambassador as best i can and i think everybody here wants to be taken serious as well right and so of course don't behave yourself unseemly amen but let's go to first amule 18 and look at some verses that use something very interesting let's go to verse 13 it says therefore saw removed him talking about david and mayhem his captain over a thousand and he went out and came in before the people and david behaved himself wisely in all his ways and when you do that when you behave yourself wisely you know when you're not unseemly you know that pleases god and what will god do he'll use you more he'll promote you or in this case if you keep reading let's start from 14 again and david being himself wisely in all his ways and the lord was with him wherefore when saw saw that he behaved himself wisely or he behaved himself very wisely he was what afraid of him he respected david was afraid of him yes he tried to kill him but in the end the way david acted the result was that king saw feared him and didn't go after him but where did that fear come from well i believe that god put that fear in king saw because david was behaving himself wisely not unseemly pleasing the lord and when you please the lord it makes even your enemies to be at peace with you not that they're going to love you but they'll be at peace with you and i think david pleased the lord because it says he behaved himself very wisely and i need to do the same you need to do the same we all need to do the same represent christ so our goal should be to behave ourselves very wisely because that's charity amen doing it for the lord you know we do it because we love the lord and charity is love but these are just examples how do i know if i have it well do you have this you know do you have uh the ability to suffer long are you kind of course we're not supposed to be kind all the time because there are some times where we have to get you know aggressive but it shouldn't be the norm especially with people that are good people you know our enemies are those that hate the lord and you know what we'll talk about them some other time but let's just continue if you have your bibles i want you to go to genesis 13 go to genesis 13 so besides suffering long besides being kind besides not envying besides not volunteering yourself being puffed up besides not behaving yourself unseemly or inappropriately what else it says seeketh not her own when you have charity you have this desire to put people in front of you i've seen it here i see what people give up the best seats and vehicles and go to the rear because they want other people to have the best seats so they can enjoy the ride why do they do it because they care about that person because they have charity because they love that individual amen and a good bible example of this is abraham you're in genesis 13 it says it's not the whole land before thee separate thyself i pray thee from me if thou would take the left hand then i will go to the right or if thou depart to the right hand then i will go to the left so he's given lot the first choice why because he loves lot he has charity and it says right there he's not seeking his own he's like what do you want to do lot let's go with what you want to do and that's a good thing to have that's a good characteristic to to have in yourself amen and so if you have your bible let's go to joe 31 joe 31 joe 31 so it says that charity suffers long and is kind charity envieth not charity want the night itself is not puffed up does not behave itself unseemly seeking out their own it's not easily provoked but i'm just going to go to this one think it no evil thinking of evil joe and joe 31 one says i made a covenant with my eyes why then should i look upon a maid what is he talking about he's talking about lusting lusting after a maid a young woman he says hey i made a covenant with my eyes i'm not going to do that because it's hurtful to my wife and not just that it's sin you know even jesus made it very clear that if you look upon a woman to lust after her you come in adultery with her already in your heart you know so when it comes to charity you know thinking no evil but it's not just that thinking no evil it's also thinking bad about someone without a cause somebody who has done nothing to you but you are just pretty sure this person is a bad person maybe because of something they're wearing or maybe something they said you don't have any evidence but your deceitful heart which is desperately wicked is tricking you into thinking this person is a bad person but you don't have anything to back it up and matthew 522 says this but i say to you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause you'll be in danger of the judgment and you don't want to be somebody that thinks evil of other people without a cause that is not a loving thing to do it's not you got to be careful that you don't think evil because that's something that like it says right there you know you'll be danger of the judgment so you have to be careful with your thoughts you have to keep them under control and if you love someone hey you're not going to think evil amen without a cause of course and when you got uh people that are new they're not going to be perfect they may say things or wear something or cause you to just kind of you know maybe get offended about whatever they got on it's something that's going to happen a lot because we're constantly bringing in new people amen and so when it comes to charity this is something that we all need to get good at you know because we have new people coming in so for those of us that've been here the longest we should have the most charity to kind of balance out the new people that probably have little to none so that's why i want to help everyone here to identify things that can help you see if you do have charity if you are a charitable person you know it's hey do i lose my cool really easy you know do i not have the ability to suffer long you know should i be a little kinder should i be a little bit more open should it be a little bit nicer you know should i just watch my thoughts should i behave more appropriately you know these are the things we should be looking at so that we do have the greatest of all these gifts which is of course charity amen so if you got your bibles go ahead and go to nehemiah nehemiah chapter number 13 nehemiah chapter number 13 go ahead and meet me in verse number 25 well you go there i'm going to read from nehemiah chapter number 5 verse 6 and nehemiah the bible reads and i was very angry when i heard their cry and these words then i consulted with myself and i rebuked the nobles and the rulers and said unto them ye exact usury every one of his brother and i set a great assembly against thee so what do you got here nehemiah is mad at the people because they're charging usury they're charging interest so he's very upset and not just that he's so upset he's rebuking people now i don't know about you but i got to get really really upset in order for me to start rebuking people and raising my voice and yelling at them and saying whatever i think needs to be said it takes a lot of anger for me to just start yelling and rebuking but here's what nehemiah is doing why is it because he's being unloving no it's because these people are committing sin by taking advantage of people charging them interest on whatever they loan them and he's very upset over it and you're right there nehemiah 13 because part of having charity is simply this i'll just read from half of that chapter in verse 13 does not behave itself unseemly seeking out their own is not easily provoked think of no evil rejoiceth not in iniquity rejoiceth not in iniquity so we can see that nehemiah he's not rejoicing over the iniquity of the people he is very mad how mad let's take a look how mad he is he says they're not contending with them so he's fighting with them because of their iniquity and he cursed them and smoked certain of them and plucked off their hair now i don't know about you but i don't think i've ever seen pastor anderson pluck out anyone's hair in this building and i've always thought of making a sermon you know biblical people that are more meaner than pastor anderson because he's accused of being mean all the time and of course if you believe that you haven't read the bible you haven't read nehemiah because you got muslims killing people you got samuel killing people you got nehemiah pulling people's hair and pastors never come close to doing any of those things but yeah he's a mean pastor and this is coming from fake christians of course or even christians that don't read their bible don't know nehemiah but man the thought of me pulling someone's hair because i'm so mad i don't know if i can get to that level but hey charity says you rejoice not in iniquity amen and if you think that just doesn't seem right brother girl well let me read proverbs you just listen up a wise king not a dumb king a wise king scatter at the wicked so here's a verse of telling us if you're a wise king you're going to get rid of the wicked you're going to chase them out and i love this part and bringeth the whale over them did you catch that it's like you're chasing a certain group of people you know they like to use letters to identify themselves and you're chasing them out of town but you're in your dodge hellcat with turbo and all of a sudden you hit the turbo boost and you're chasing them out of your leg because you want god to bless it and not curse it amen and like it says right here in proverbs and you bring those turbo wheels over them amen and you're like that's mean no that's bible if you don't hear i'm not talking about just average joe sinner i'm not talking about that person you guys know who i'm talking about i don't want to get this channel deleted without you know a real good reason we'll let pastor get this channel deleted this is his it's for him right he gets that honor i don't so you guys are following me as to why nehemiah is just so crazy a little bit over the top because he loves god he has charity he has that love he loves god so much he hates sin he's not rejoicing over their iniquity he's doing something about it and maybe getting a little too out of hand i get it pulling people's hair i get it but then when you look at verse 2026 in proverbs you're like well what's up with this let's talk about a king getting rid of the wicked and bringing the wheel over them basically running them over to where he kills them you know because he just wants them gone because they're better in hell than here on earth causing hell amen this is not every everyday joe sinner that is talking about so if you got your bible go ahead and go to acts and i'm almost done 11 out of 15 amen and i still got about 15 minutes to go so one minute per point no i'm just kidding but let's keep going charity suffers long and is kind charity envieth not charity of honor not itself is not puffed up does not behave itself unseemly seeketh not her own is not easily provoked think it no evil rejoices not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth and the man that comes to mind the biblical example of this is the ethiopian eunuch ethiopian eunuch let's just quickly look at it we're not going to spend a lot of time but just want to give you bible examples of you know people that had charity so the ethiopian eunuch and of course if you've gotten someone in you probably agree with me that the people that listen are the people that love truth that are seeking the truth people that don't like the truth they don't they don't like certain truths they'll shut us down real quick happened to me yesterday with brother pete knock on the door sure enough this lady opens the door and you don't really have to try hard to figure out where she stands and sure enough she didn't want to even hear it and then she starts mocking us towards the end well you guys have a good day now you know be careful now why because it was 110 degrees out it's just kind of rubbing it in that you're kind of stupid being out here knocking these doors you know for your church religion whatever the case may be but that person shut us down because they don't want to hear the truth they don't they can care less about it but hey people that have love loving people they want to know they they are open to the gospel they want to know the truth and here's a perfect example acts 839 says this and when they were come up out of the water the spirit of the lord caught away philip that the eunuch saw him no more and he went on his way rejoicing rejoicing something tells me that this ethiopian eunuch was a loving guy a guy that had charity in his heart but let's continue the next one is beareth all things first person that comes to mind i don't know who's the first person that comes to your mind when you think of bearing all things but the person that comes to my mind again is moses so if you can go to exodus 18 so you can see what i'm talking about go to exodus 18 go ahead and meet me in verse number 20 while you're going there i'm going to read from verse number 15 it says that moses said unto his father-in-law because the people come onto me to inquire of god when they have it matter they come out to me and i judge between one another and i do make them know the statutes of god and his laws and most his father-in-law said unto him the thing that i'll do is is not good that would surely wear away both thou and this people that is with thee for this thing is too heavy for thee thou are not able to perform it to thyself alone hearken now unto my voice i will give thee counsel and god shall be with thee and god shall be with thee be thou for the people to godward that thou mayest bring the causes unto god so moses is just wearing himself out he's trying to bear all things he's taking too much upon himself because that's what people with charity do they just want to take the load they just want to you know relieve people's stress they just want to take care of everyone but obviously his father-in-law's like hey you got to be a little wiser yes i know you love these people and you want to teach them god's laws and you want to help every single person but yeah you got to do it a whole lot smarter because if you don't you're going to wear yourself out and you're going to wear out the people but the fact he was willing to do this for who knows how long before his father-in-law came and told him listen you got to do something different this ain't going to work all these people are coming to you for answers yes i know you rather you know just deal with it or whatever the case the way you're doing it now but this isn't a good idea and the reason he's able to do something like that is because he cares and he loves the people you know so of course if you have that ability to just want to help everyone that's a good thing don't feel bad about it but do it in a wise way amen and so we'll continue believeth all things the person that comes to mind is the woman at the well so i got about 15 minutes and i'll just wrap it up with that so if you got your bible just go ahead and meet me at daniel go to daniel 3 16 daniel 3 16 while you go to daniel 3 16 i'm just going to talk about the woman at the well really quickly it says right there in verse 13 then jesus answered his answer to her whosoever drinks of this water shall thirst again but whosoever drinks of the water i should give him shall never thirst but the water that i shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life the woman says unto him sir give me this water that i thirst not neither come hither to draw just say to her go call that husband and come and hither the woman answered said i have no husband she's never heard that house well said i have no husband for that's that five husband is and he whom thou now has is not thy husband and that says thou truly the woman sent to him sir perceived the dowry prophet our father's worship in his mouth and he said that in jerusalem the place where men ought to worship jesus say unto her woman believe me the hour cometh when he shall neither in this mountain or yet at jerusalem worship the father you worship you know not what we know what we worship for salvation is of the jews but the hour cometh and now is when a true worshiper shall worship the father in spirit and in truth while the father seeketh such to worship him god is the spirit and neither worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth the woman said unto him i know that the messiah coming which is called christ when he has come he will tell us all things just say it unto her i this speak unto thee and he and upon this doubt and upon this came his disciples and marveled that he talked with the woman yet no man said what seek is thou or why talk is thou with her the woman then left her water pot and went her way into the city and saith to the man come see a man which told me all things that ever i did it's not this the christ then they went out the city and came on to him i read as fast as i could so you can see that a lot of hap a lot of things happen jesus told his woman a lot but did you notice one thing she believed it all without even hesitating he has to probably help that he told her you have a lot of husbands she's like how did you know that you must be a prophet but this is similar to how people should be when they come to church and pastors preaching you shouldn't be ready you know to just like find something or just wait for something wrong to come out of his mouth you're coming you know understanding that you're coming and he's going to get up here and he's going to preach you know he's going to preach what he believes is biblical truths and we just come in here with our mouths open and our ears ready to hear and for him to feed us this is the right attitude to have to be an individual that has to double check every single thing that somebody says is not good obviously you read your bible you're going to know whether pastor made a mistake or not but to come in expecting expecting to find something expecting a fight is not a good attitude to have and it's not very loving in fact i think it's hateful just trying to find any little thing any little thing to be able to use later when people start praising them maybe in their presence well yeah he's good but he's not good because you know what his last sermon he actually said something that was off and we get those emails all the time and these people think we're stupid when they send these emails you know they think that for some reason we're just gonna all of a sudden like not see what they're doing they're always trying to correct pastor anderson because they're trying to bring him down make him have doubts in his heart and they're like hey well you said this is actually what really happened during world war ii you know sweden was actually involved let me tell you how you know they have factories working for the germans yeah i bet you didn't know that huh and it's just envious just hatred that's what it is but this woman was listening to jesus believing all things because even though yeah she might have had too many husbands it's because she was such a loving person with charity amen that's how good she was someone's gonna make a short video out of that president girls overseas but i just liked i don't know this story how she just like swallowing it all up and she leaves rejoicing it's like man i don't know i love that story but let's continue if you have charity it says hope with all things and who comes to mind shadrock me check and a bendigo don't worry we have one more after this one because i love these guys talk about hoping all things you guys are there at daniel love this story man talk about oh i don't even know how to explain this thing we just got to read it shadrock me check and a bendigo as it is said to the king all never can answer we are not careful to answer the in this matter if it be so our god whom we serve is able to deliver us why because they have hope they have hope in their god that he can do all things amen and it says hey we're not going to be careful to answer you he said he is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand okay but if not let it or be it known unto thee oh king that we will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image with thou hast set up go to ax 14 go to ax 14 that's a heck of an attitude talk about hoping let me just make sure i don't misquote it hoping hope with all things you know talk about somebody or a group of people that had hope like i wish i had hope that hey this is going to happen they're talking to the guy who's about to kill him if you know they say something wrong but that's the kind of hope they had because they knew they can do all things they can escape this they can accomplish anything that god is with them they're not going to be stopped amen and last but not least person with charity endureth all things endureth all things amen ax 14 says this and there came thither certain jews from antiak and akonium who persuaded the people and having stoned paul drew him out of the city supposing he had been dead back to how we started talking about stoning but what happened he actually got stoned and he quit and he went home and he never served the lord again is that what happened absolutely not in fact go to second corinthians chapter 11 and we'll wrap it up there second corinthians chapter 11 he gets stoned they stoned him so bad to think he's dead he must have been really tore up and yet he survives it and doesn't quit doesn't quit they threw stones at him hey protesters throw an insult at you can you hang a little bit longer they're not stoning you bro they're just saying bad things to you and maybe we will never see another protest ever again yeah right but for anyone out there who hasn't experienced it just remember this guy he endured all things amen but that wasn't just like the only kind of like bump in the apostle paul's christian you know road or life let's just finish up with second corinthians chapter 11 verse number 22 he says are they hebrew so am i are they israelite so am i are they the seed of abraham so am i are they ministers of christ i speak as a fool i am more and labor's more abundant and stripes above measure and princes more frequent and deaths off of the jews five times received thy 40 stripes save one thrice was i beaten with rods once was i stoned yeah we know paul we read about it just now thrice i suffer shipwreck how many of you guys cannot swim cannot swim come on you're not going to be embarrassed we're not going to trip over that i could barely swim and i was in the marines but i'll tell you what i don't know what i would do if i was shipwrecked i have no clue and i hope i never experience it but he makes it very clear he was shipwrecked a night in a day he was in the deep i don't know if that deep has shark infested waters but i would have been probably praying all night and all night man's prayer in the ocean in journeys often in perils of water perils of robbers and perils those of you that go to missions trips you know we got to worry about these thieves amen kind of messes it all up but we don't care we're still going to save people in perils by my own countrymen in perils by the heathen in perils in the city in perils in the wilderness in perils in the sea in perils among false brethren and weariness and painfulness and watching softens and hunger and thirst and fastings often and cold and nakedness beside those things that are without that which cometh upon me daily why did he do it all he went through all this and kept going he didn't quit he endured all things why well he finishes by telling us why because the care of all the churches because he cared what's another word for caring having charity love whatever word you want to use and this is why i'm talking about it this morning because it says the greatest of these is charity and i know i know everyone here whether you admit it or not i know everyone here wants to be great i know you do i know when we're i guess you know gone and faithful words having our memorial service you know i heard people say wow you know the ones that in the past i didn't realize how much you know such and such affected people i hope when i'm gone and i have my there's a memorial service for me i hope people talk about me the way they're talking about them because they were very impressed that they affected a lot of people in a positive way and if you don't want to be great you're just fooling yourself everybody wants to be great everybody wants to do good for the lord do great things for the lord well we obviously need to have charity in order to get those things done and that's why i want to just remind everyone that hey bad things are going to happen they're going to happen going back to enduring all things hey i couldn't believe that after pastor was talking to me on the phone saying hey my back is so messed up i don't know when i'm going to walk again but you know what next year i'm probably going to fly i was like what seriously he didn't say you know what i think i'm done with this no he says i enjoyed it people enjoyed it you know brought a lot of faces in we're able to plug people in why is he able to endure because of charity that's the only reason why he would say without hesitating and in my brain i'm thinking is he serious oh no he's serious i know i'm enough to know he's serious he's gonna do it again next year he may be in a wheelchair but he's gonna do it again next year because of what charity charity because he cares about people the faces that he saw while preaching the stories that he heard people saying hey you know i got saved because of you listen hey listening to you helps me throughout my week you know what just thank you so much for coming he's probably thinking while he's on his bed like man this sucks but i'm gonna do it again it was it was a great a great thing you know great fwc mega conference but if anybody else wants to do great things bad things can happen look what happened to paul people in the bible got sick so sick they almost died this is how life is we all know at the end of the day pastors in pain but we all have hope that all things work together for good right to them that love god and obviously are called according to his purpose so what i just wanted to do this morning is just talk about charity and talk about certain things and give you bible examples of people that had it so we can follow in their footsteps amen let's pray there father but thank you so much for all that you've done thanks so much for this great group of people here father we just ask you to just be with us throughout the week and not just that help us to serve you whether it's out knocking doors lord or in our you know place of employment father or just with our neighbors or our family or our friends father just help us to have charity in every situation possible and we ask you to do all this for y'all and glory in jesus name amen amen let's take our song books please go to hymn number one hymn number one jesus i my cross have taken hymn number one sing it out on that first verse together number one jesus i my cross have taken all to thee and all of thee there's a juke in his eyes forsaken thou and his might all shall be cherish every bond and mission all are silent, open, noble yet i wish it's my ambition god and heaven are still my own let the world despise and keep me playing and let my savior too healing hearts and voices singing thou art not my mirror true and while thou shalt smile upon me god is wisdom, love, and might closing and transition shall my face and all is bright and there's trouble and distress where I was guiding to thy best life is my own time impressive that will bring me sweeter dress hope is not in greed to want me while our love is silent to me hopes are not in joy to charm me where that joy of mission be days beyond the grace to glory are my faith and lead my prayer as eternal days before thee god's own hand shall guide me there soon shall holds my earth's mission switch out past thy milder days hopes shall change through glad fruition lead to sight and prayers to praise me me me me me me me me