(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good evening, everybody. It's about that time. We'll go ahead and get started. Go ahead and get situated and find your seats and pull out your hymnals. We'll open up to the first song for the evening. Song number 119. Song number 119, Till the Storm Passes By. Song number 119. Go ahead and start there on the first. In the dark of the midnight Have I oft hid my face While the storm howls above me And there's no hiding place Mid the crash of the thunder Precious Lord hear my cry Keep me safe till the storm passes by Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast let me stand In the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by Many times Satan whispered There is no need to try For there's no end of sorrow There's no hope by and by But I know thou art with me And tomorrow I'll rise Where the storm never darkened the skies Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast let me stand In the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by When the long night has ended And the storms come no more Let me stand in thy presence On that bright peaceful shore In that land where the tempest never comes Lord may I dwell with thee When the storm passes by Till the storm passes over Till the thunder sounds no more Till the clouds roll forever From the sky Hold me fast let me stand In the hollow of thy hand Keep me safe till the storm passes by Amen. All right, go ahead and flip to the second song for this evening. It's song number 149. Song number 149, Trusting Jesus. Number 149, Trusting Jesus. Go ahead and start there on the first. Simply trusting every day Trusting through a stormy way Even when my faith is small Trusting Jesus that is all Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting Him whatever befall Trusting Jesus that is all Brightly doth His Spirit shine Into this poor heart of mine While He leads I cannot fall Trusting Jesus that is all Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting Him whatever befall Trusting Jesus that is all Singing if my way is clear Praying if the path be drear If in danger for Him call Trusting Jesus that is all Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting Him whatever befall Trusting Jesus that is all Trusting Him while life shall last Trusting Him till earth be past Till within the jasper wall Trusting Jesus that is all Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting Him whatever befall Trusting Jesus that is all Amen. Great singing. So we'll go ahead and go over the announcements for the evening at this time. Go ahead and pull out your bulletins. If you didn't grab a bulletin this morning, just go ahead and raise your hand. We'll have Brother Brandon bring them around to you. Here on the very first page, we do have our Bible memory passage listed. Kind of switched up from our last bulletin. But we are still in Romans chapter number 8. We're in verse number 22. So we're right about that halfway point. So definitely keep working on this memory chapter. And if you can quote the entire chapter word perfect to a non-family member, you will receive a special prize there at the end. And then again, if you're 18 years old or under, and you can quote this verse word perfect to the by the next midweek service, you will receive an ice cream treat. So kids, with an incentive there, get God's word hitting your heart and get an ice cream treat next week. Amen. So if you open it up on the top left, we have our service times. Sunday morning, 10 30 a.m. Sunday evening, 5 30 p.m. And we have that midweek Bible study on Thursday at 7 p.m. We have our soul-winning times listed underneath that with the respective soul-winning leaders. And we have our stats. There at the bottom there, we have 426 salvations to date. And then throughout today, we had three to report this morning. We went out and had four salvations out soul-winning today. So good job there. And we had Brother Samson ringing with two and Brother Mohit ringing with one. So we have ten for today. So great job soul-winning. We'll get that added on. On the next page, be in prayer for the expecting ladies. We did have Miss Carrie Shelley just deliver her baby girl not too long ago. So definitely go keep her in your prayers and the little one as well. We have listed here Miss Sarah Gomez. She's having a baby boy. She's due in December, the beginning of December. So just pray for her, that everything goes well with that. And also just keep praying for her. She's traveling. She's in Korea right now. So just kind of pray that the regulations and with all the crazy stuff going on, that she comes back nice and safe. But that would be greatly appreciated. There on the next line down there, the guest preaching schedule. For today, August 8th, we have Brother Chris Segura. He came back out from Faithful Word Baptist Church out in Tempe, Arizona. It's always a blessing having him out preach for us. So thank him and his two boys that came out for coming out to fill the pulpit. Thursday, August 19th, we have Deacon Corbin Russell coming to preach that midweek Bible study. August 22nd, we have Brother Ben Naim, otherwise known as Ben the Baptist, coming to preach both services on Sunday. And then the new addition right here, on Sunday, October 3rd, we have Pastor Aaron Thompson from Sure Foundation Baptist Church coming to preach for us. So again, it's a great blessing having all these guys come fill the pulpit and give them a big thank you when they do come. Some upcoming events listed here, September 25th and the 26th, which is a Saturday and Sunday, we do have the anniversary of Pure Words Baptist Church. We're going to have the annual false Bible burning on that Saturday. And we're also going to have a soul winning marathon that Saturday. So definitely write that on your calendar. Again, like I said this morning, we have a big pile of kindling, a bunch of false Bibles, and get as many as you can. We're going to try to make that fire humongous, right? We're definitely looking forward to that. And then that next month, October 6th through the 10th, we do have the Fire Breathing Baptist Fellowship up at Steadfast Baptist Church. That's in Hearst, Texas. So it's going to definitely be a good time, a fellowship, a lot of different events, a lot of different preachers. So again, that is October 6th through the 10th. And then lastly, if you do have any prayer requests, definitely email those into the church at purewordsbaptist.gmail.com. We can pray for anyone that's sick or if you have any special issues, we'll definitely keep hearing our prayers. Keep praying for Brother Cameron's leg. It looks like the prayers worked. We have Brother Arhenes and his family back, so I'm glad they're feeling better. But definitely email those into the church. But that is the announcements for the evening. We'll have Brother Cameron come lead us in our next song. Song number 169. Alright, 169, Come Thou Fount. 169, 169, Come Thou Fount. Let's sing there starting on the first. Come thou fount of every blessing To my heart to sing thy grace Streams of mercy never ceasing Over songs of loudest praise Teach me some melodious sonnet Sung by flaming tongues above Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it Mount of thy redeeming love Here I raise my Ebenezer Hither by thy help I'm come And I know by thy good pleasure Safely I'll arrive at home Jesus sought me when a stranger Wandering from the fold of God Heed to rescue me from danger Interposed his precious blood Oh to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be Let thy goodness like a fetter Bind my wandering heart to thee Grown to wonder Lord I feel it Grown to leave the God I love Here's my heart oh take and seal it Seal it for thy courts above Amen. Good singing this evening. If you would while the offering plates are being passed around go ahead and turn to Proverbs chapter 22. Proverbs 22 and we'll read that chapter as is our custom. Alright well we're there in Proverbs chapter 22 and the Bible reads A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches And love favor rather than silver and gold The rich and poor meet together The Lord is the maker of them all A prudent man foreseeeth the evil And hideth himself but the simple pass on And are punished But humility and the fear of the Lord Are riches and honor and life Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward He that doth keep his soul Shall be far from them Train up a child in the way he should go And when he is old he will not depart from it The rich ruler over the poor And the borrower is a servant to the lender He that soweth iniquity Shall reap vanity And the rod of anger shall fail He that hath a bountiful eye Shall be blessed For he giveth of his bread to the poor Cast out the scorner And the contention shall go away Yea, strife and reproach shall cease He that love is pureness of heart For the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge And he overthroweth the words of the transgressor The slothful man saith There is a lion without I shall be slain in the streets The mouth of the strange woman is a deep pit He that is a port of the Lord Shall fall therein Bullishness is bound in the heart of a child But the rod of correction Shall drive it far from him He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches And he that give it to the rich Shall surely come to want Bow down thine ear And hear the words of the wise And simply thine heart unto my knowledge For it is a pleasant thing If thou keep them within thee They shall withal be fitted in thy lips They trust may be in the Lord I have made known to thee this day Even to thee Have not I written to thee Excellent things in the counsels and knowledge That I might make thee known the certainty Of the words of truth That thou mightest answer the words of truth To them that sin unto thee Rob not the poor because he is poor Neither oppressed, deflected in the gate For the Lord will plead their cause And spoil the soul of those that spoil them Make no friendship with an angry man With a furious man thou shalt not go Least thou learn his ways And get a snare to thy soul Be not thou one of them That strike hands Or them that are curates for death If thou hast nothing to pay Why should he take away thy bed from under thee Remove not the ancient landmark Which thy fathers have set Seest thou a man diligent in his business When he shall stand before kings He shall not stand before men Before mean men Did I ever run a prayer? Heavenly Father we thank you for this day We thank you for all the salvation Amen. Proverbs chapter number 22 The verse that I want to focus on Is right there in number 24 That says this Make no friendship with an angry man Then the next part of that verse tells you why And with a furious man thou shalt not go I'm sorry verse 25 tells you why Let's thou learn his ways And get a snare to thy soul So what is this verse telling us? It's saying don't become friends With somebody who's known as being angry And when it says angry man It's not talking about somebody gets angry for the right reasons It's talking about somebody gets angry for the wrong reasons And we'll get into that when anger is bad And when anger is okay You know because God does command us And I'll go through that in a second It does command us to be ye angry but sin not Showing us that anger is not always sinful And not only that if you just stop for a few seconds And you think about who is probably the most angriest person in the Bible Exactly right Especially if you've read the New Testament You don't have to figure out Or you don't have to read long before you figure out How God truly feels about sin You know so the sermon title is simply this Anger is contagious Anger is contagious So if you remember anything from tonight's sermon Just remember the title Anger is contagious And of course I work on my sins I know nobody's perfect I know that we all have sin We all struggle with sin Some struggle with a lot of sin Some with you know sin itself But obviously we all If it's not today or tomorrow Sooner or later We're going to struggle with this sin And that's being angry with what the Bible says Without a cause or without a good reason You know so if you remember anything Remember anger is contagious Why? Because I want to help you guys to control it One thing that helps me is to remind myself That anger is contagious And I don't want to be the one that's responsible For causing my workplace You know to be a place where everybody's angry Or my friends or my church member Or whoever Or especially my children I don't want my kids And I'm sure parents don't want their kids To grow up and be angry individuals That can't control their temper Because they can get in a lot of hot water If they don't understand that Being a hot head is not something cool Even though TV may make it seem like it's cool You know the bad boy that loses his temper And beats up everybody And maybe you don't have a problem with this But you know what I'm just going to be honest with you As a new Christian straight out of the military I did have an issue with anger Because he knows You know as somebody who picks up rank We get upset a lot You know we try to control people with what Not with a good example But with threats, with anger And we're up in their faces like drill instructors But that's poor leadership But because nobody really points it out A lot of people do it Am I wrong? How many times do you get chewed out? Right? You know And it's almost like yeah This is how you get things done You know Hey private Hey last corporal Hey whatever Instead of like yo Like the Bible says Let me talk to you really quickly And take him to the side And alone You know correct that individual We're not very good at correcting individuals alone In the military We tend to make it in front of everyone To show everyone that I'm not a punk You know I'm not going to let someone disrespect me Or whatever the case may be It's not jail It's not like if somebody disrespects you You have to go fight them or something But in the military If you're a poor leader You don't understand that You know But yeah when I got out I remember this one time You know brand new Christian You know I was I was after a service I was just kind of heading towards the vehicle And because it was new You know there were some people They were like Talking oh yeah that's a new guy Whatever the case may be And so as I'm walking There were like groups of teenagers And as I'm walking I hear one of them call me a pretty boy You know they're like Oh yeah he's a girl He's new Oh man he's a pretty boy I don't consider myself a pretty boy at all But for some reason I honestly got offended I'm like what And I And I literally turn around And I just imagine myself Just walking up to him And just slapping that individual It's like what did you call me Just slapping him Because that's kind of what I would do in the military If somebody were to say that to me Because I'm an idiot I'm a dummy I don't understand what anger is But I did it And there were a lot of people And I guess I don't know maybe it's the spirit I don't know I just decided I'm just going to hold off And I said anything Kept my mouth shut And that's kind of how it is And I was actually going to preach this sermon this morning But I thought nah That's just too generic I preached about anger here before I'm just going to hold off You know Let me think about it That's kind of what I thought But yesterday Man I was thinking I might need to preach on this Because yesterday wasn't going well at all Especially when I left work First of all We get to the airport And the plane is late You know They're like Oh Because I had this plan Okay We'll get there at nine You know Maybe Maybe not We'll get something to eat We'll see how it goes Probably go to bed early We'll see how it goes That was the game plan You know But I was thinking Okay I'm going to end up hungry Eat something Go to bed Get up early And do what I have to do Sure enough The plane is late Sure enough The plane is taking forever We're going to get everything So we can cool this place up I don't know what was going on But I was not having a good time And then sure enough We fly I'm getting tired We land Whatever And then sure enough We get to the hotel I'm like What's up We get to the hotel They check me in Get in there And the lights barely work I'm like Oh man You know I kind of wanted to stay up a little bit Work on the sermon a little bit And so I ended up just having to like Have to go downstairs And ask for a light bulb Because when I grabbed the lamp There was no light bulb in it And I'm going downstairs I'm like Excuse me ma'am I'm sorry But the light upstairs Is kind of whatever Missing a light bulb Do you have one I don't know where they went But it took a while I guess they wanted to remove it From some other lamp So I'm thinking Maybe that's what happened In my room So they give it back to me And I'm like Boy is you hungry And I was hungry You know I didn't really eat that day And they're like Yeah sure No problem And I had ordered Right across There's an IHOP And I thought I was getting slick I'm like Come back Eat it Go to bed Maybe you work on the sermon Whatever I'll go straight to bed Sure enough I get there And the lady's like Are you waiting for someone I'm waiting for an order I have an order here She's like An order What's your name My name is Chris You know I ordered it online I already paid for it Check it out She's looking at it She's like Okay And then she just kind of Goes to the back And all I hear is this That's not my problem I don't know what's going on And then my boss I think I know where this Is going You know So they're like yelling And I'm almost wondering Do you guys not understand That we can hear you We're in the lobby And we're listening to you guys Argue and fight And then whatever You know Five minutes later The lady comes out Oh they're wrapping it up Right now for you No they weren't I could hear everything They were saying And so people are coming in They're like Oh my online order No problem They grab it Give it to them Grab it Give it to them This guy comes in Here's my online order And then sure enough The lady goes back there And all I hear is them Just arguing arguing arguing Lady comes back You know And she's looking in Goes in the back And I'm like What is going on This is going to be funny Lady comes out And she's like Okay They almost have it done And they go back there And all I hear is You gave this food To the other guy They cooked all my food It was ready to go They brought it out And the lady She was an older lady Gives all my food To the guy who came in So he got hooked up And he just took off So then they're like They're arguing like crazy And then it gets real serious I hear the F word I mean it was bad And all of a sudden I hear I'm just going to quit I'm done I'm done No no don't quit Don't quit Hold up Wait wait It was getting ugly They can verify Remember what was happening Did you guys pay attention All the bad words They were saying And there was a young guy That was I guess a waiter You know He's wearing his shirt Like he's getting ready to go Man they're just like Don't leave I'm done Don't leave Hey hey I'll let you leave early Just don't quit on me Alright I'll think about it They all got mad at each other And the whole time I'm thinking Man I need some food I'm getting a little upset I'm like I might actually Have to preach on anger But I'm still thinking about it So they finally give me my food And I decided to look through it And I'm like Okay ma'am Yep yep yep Okay I'm missing a few things They're like What are you missing Number one I ordered milk with my pancakes And then she blames me Why didn't you tell me You ordered milk I could have had it for you Right now I was like That's alright No big deal She's like How many of these did you order And I told her Well I ordered three Are these three And she's like Oh no they give you one too many Instead of saying I'm sorry for the weight Whatever She takes the whole order She takes one of the orders They give me a little bit extra She just takes it out And walks off with it And I'm thinking Okay You know it's like Let's just get out of here Before it gets even uglier Remember that Start taking stuff Instead of saying I'm sorry You waited over an hour For your food We messed it up twice She literally said Oh we gave you too much She takes it out And walks off I'm like Alright But can I get my omelet I ordered an omelet And she's still there They still didn't make my omelet Out of everything I just wanted the protein Ordered an omelet With some avocado Eight whites You know No yellow And so I just ordered it Whatever She's like I'm like Okay I'm gonna eat it You know No apologies Nothing Blames me Cause I didn't tell her about the milk And so I'm thinking Man This place is crazy But whatever Took my food Went upstairs We started eating it And I'm just like Oh man All of a sudden The toilet's not flushing well And I'm like Oh man Well it ain't flushing well And I'm like Okay I hope it doesn't go down on us But I'm like Whatever No big deal And I'm just sitting back And the roach starts coming on top Right on my desk From here to there And I'm just eating like Boys We have roaches It's on your mask right now It's like Don't move So I'm just like I'm like Oh Guys Seal everything up We gotta deal with roaches now So I'm thinking Oh okay Yeah It wasn't a great night But I was like Let me just go to sleep It is what it is So I went to sleep Woke up Had my sermon Another sermon Came here And I'm like I gotta think about what I'm gonna preach tonight And sure enough I'm like Okay I go to a restaurant Order the food It's the same Figured I can get it Go eat Figure out what I'm gonna do Maybe even come out soul winning And then sure enough They told me Okay it'll be ready in 30 minutes Another restaurant Decided to go there They're like What's your name My name is Chris Oh is this you No that's not me That's another Chris They forgot I paid for it already They didn't even make my food All of a sudden I'm there with the boys Another 30 minutes So I'm there waiting for 30 minutes I'm like No problem 30 minutes pass 40 minutes pass I'm like Oh man What is this You know So it's kind of hot or whatever I'm kind of losing my cool So I'm just like Okay maybe I do need to preach on anger But one thing I kept telling myself And reminding myself Is that anger is contagious You know If I start doing it Then my kids They don't even know really what's going on They're like Literally on my phone I gave my phone So they wouldn't pay attention They're just playing video games Having a good time The whole time I knew what was going on And I'm thinking Man It's almost like two hours Since I ordered this food Because what happened is They finally get it out They give it to me I go to the hotel Open it up And I'm like Oh man I can't eat this I got to take it back Because they messed it up So I had to go back And I'll tell you later If you want to know what they messed up And I'll tell it Hey I can't eat this You know There's no way Show it to them It's like Oh man We're sorry The cook came out at least After like 30 I'm like We're sorry We got it right now Here you go I'm like Okay cool Thank you Went on my way But I didn't blow my mind Until the toilet got clogged Honestly The toilet is clogged I'm like Oh man And I'm like Boys Don't use it Unless it's an emergency We go looking for the lady The gender lady I'm like Man Do you have a puncher Oh yeah I got one Here you go I'm like Okay Thank you I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm 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I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay I'm like Okay And Jeremiah says this in verse number six And I was very angry when I heard their cry in these words So he was very angry But he had a cause His brothers, you know, his nation was This group of individuals were being treated You know, they were being taken advantage of You know, they weren't treated well You know, by who? By their own, by their fellow Israelites How do we know? Because verse seven says this Then I consulted with myself And I rebuked the nobles and the rulers So it wasn't like an outside nation that was taking advantage of these people It says I rebuked them The nobles, the rulers, and said unto them Ye is act, usury What is usury? It's interest But what were they doing? Taking advantage of the situation They needed food Hey, you don't have money? How about your land? No problem You know, need money? I'll give you some With usury Which is sinful This isn't a sermon about interest But some people like banks Twenty-nine percent interest You know, it's pretty crazy They will go higher But they're trying to be self-righteous Oh, we only go up to twenty-nine Only twenty-nine, huh? Only twenty-nine percent They get you in a bind You're in a bind And they're like, oh yeah Fast money, loan your money, or whatever You own your vehicle, bring your title We'll give you a loan Yeah, high interest And so he was upset because he's like Hey, you guys are taking advantage of these people And it makes them give back the lands And everything else And make it all right You know, so he knew when to get upset Because he saw the sinfulness of his fellow brothers The wakeners of those that were ruling The nobles, the rulers Realizing, hey, you guys are taking advantage of these people You guys should be ashamed That's why he got upset at them You know, so when it comes to us, though We need to be careful Not to become self-righteous Holier than thou Yes, you come to church Yes, you're nice to people But you're not nice to everyone Not just that Yes, you're coming to church Yes, you're going so in it Yes, you come Sunday morning, Sunday night But you have an issue with a certain individual You can't just forgive and forget It's unbelievable how you hear about these things And what does the Bible say? It says, he that saith he is in the light And hateth his brother is in darkness The old saying, sin will blind you Where do we get that from? We get it from 1 John Look at 1 John You can just listen up Look at what it says 1 John, chapter number 2, verse 11 It says this But he that hateth his brother The reason it's in there is because He knew there were going to be people That would hate their own church members They're like, no way Yay It does happen He never would have put it here Because what does it say? He that hateth his brother Tell me about his spiritual brother This is 1 John This is in the Old Testament When your brother could be somebody from the nation Who's not even saved But in regards to who are we speaking to here? Hey, it's believers hating believers And claiming their right with the Lord Saying, hey, it ain't me, it's him You know, he's the one Then why are you saying bad things about him? Well, you know But he that hateth his brother is in darkness And walketh in darkness And knoweth not whether he goeth Because that darkness Talking about sin Hath blinded his eye So it is possible for even ourselves To be in church And have issues with somebody else And think that we're good When it's not the case You're angry at this person Because that's what hate is It's anger You're mad at this person You're angry at this person Or whoever Could be at work Whatever Ask yourself, why are you wrong? Make sure it's for the right reason And make sure you know how to handle the situation Because your anger can be seen It's better to fake that you're not upset Than to cause others to get upset for no reason Because it does happen Some employee gets upset at the boss Next thing you know It's like, yeah, he did that to me too You know Next thing you know, you do it In his breath The boss is like, why is everybody so mad at me? Because of one person One person started that Hey, that's how it started with Moses You know, when they rose against him One guy said something to one guy Next thing you know, he has like Two or three hundred people coming at him You know, trying to overthrow him You know, hey, we're righteous too, Moses You know, we don't like the way you're doing things Let us have part of the say here But that's not what God wanted You know, if you have your Bibles Go ahead and go to Job Job chapter number one While you're going to Job I'm just going to read from Leviticus You know, because people can say this Hey, you know what? Yeah, I can get angry But it's not like I'm going to kill someone Because what do you see in the Old Testament? People getting so angry They want to kill someone I.e. King Saul With a javelin He threw it at his own son I don't know like Like how crazy That moment was But for your dad to throw something at you Trying to kill you I mean, I can see how Why Jonathan was upset Because that's evil You know, but Why was Saul upset? Because of the same reason That Cain was upset Which is the same reason That probably Most of us get upset at somebody else For the wrong reason Because we're envious Somebody's whatever To this person And you don't like that person You get a little envious Start talking a little smack Say something you shouldn't have said Whatever the case may be Somebody starts to outperform you Instead of saying Hey, great job, man You're killing it You get a little envious A little bit of anger Whatever Because that's what happened You know Hey, you hear them singing that song? David, you know They ascribe unto me One thousand David Ten thousand Envious Because he was outperforming him But that was Saul's own fault Because he didn't want to go to the battle He was sending You know, this guy Out to the battle King David out to the battle And he didn't kill ten thousand people I mean, come on It's an exaggeration, Saul But it didn't matter His envy caused him to have that javelin at all times What was the deal With Judah and his brothers? What did we talk about earlier? They envied Joseph That's why they wanted to kill him That's why they were so mad and hateful towards him Cain Why was Cain so upset? Well, the reason why he was upset Is because he was a wicked individual And he was mad and envious at who? His brother Because his brother was righteous Doing the right thing But we need to be careful Why am I upset? You know, when you read Genesis 4 Cain and Abel That's what God says to Cain Why art thou wrong? Like, hey, check yourself Why are you so mad? If you do well Am I not going to accept you? And when we get upset Because another member may get a little bit more praise And you're like I don't really like that dude That guy, whatever You know, God's in heaven like Why are you mad? Hey, you do what's right Hey, I'm going to praise you You know, I'm going to promote you Don't you worry about that If you do what's right Hey, I'm going to accept you as well And where did we get that from? Genesis 4 The Lord said unto Cain Why art thou wrong? And why is thy content falling? If thou doest well Shall thou not be accepted? He's like, how come everybody's giving this guy all the attention? First of all, he should worry about God More than some guy You know It's like if some dude's getting praised by a bunch of people Hey, great But you know what You should be concentrating on whether God's happy with you anyway You know, worry about yourself The old saying Worry about yourself Even Christ said that Hey, before you try to take the beam out of somebody's face Or take the mold out of somebody's face Take the beam out of yours And then go help your brother If he's screwed up Go help him It doesn't say never help people out You know It says even in Leviticus Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart But what does it say? Thou shalt in any wise Rebuke thy neighbor And not suffer sin upon him So even the old lesson You know About hey Don't hate people Even in your hearts Hey, you should help people Rebuke them or whatever That's in the Old Testament If you may think Yeah, I don't like people I get angry sometimes Not like I'm gonna kill someone But remember What this Christ said Whoever hates his brother in his heart Is what? A murderer It doesn't say it's like a murderer It says you are a murderer But just how God's standards are so high When it comes to murder Same thing with adultery If you lust after a woman You commit adultery Doesn't mean you deserve The death penalty For lusting after someone But it's the same thing In regards to the heart You know God looks at the heart as well He has your thoughts He counts your thoughts as well You know But What do we end up seeing? We end up seeing You know Lots of verses Like 1 John 4.20 That says If a man say I love God And hated his brother He is a liar For he that loveth not his brother Whom he has seen How can he love God Whom he has not seen In this commitment Have we from him That he who loveth God Love his brother also There's no exception You have to remember that You can't say Well I'm fine And you cannot have Like a decent conversation From somebody across the room It's just crazy how people think That God's going to bless them Just because they come to church And they go sowing in And they're here Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night And maybe they do read their Bible Maybe they do pray But there's certain people Month after month Year after year They just don't want anything To do with It's just insane to me And they want to talk about How it's because I don't know about that person I don't know about you How could you not see these persons I'm not saying that You're never going to have issues With someone And yes It's probably better to separate At times But I want to be the person That can literally wake up The next day And say You know what I don't care who it is at church You know I want to be able to have A good relationship with them You know Even if they've done to me Stuff in the past Whoever it was You know You guys already know who Tyler Baker is right You know That idiot Railed on Pastor Anderson He's obviously not saved We don't believe he's saved for one thing He has a different gospel You know He has different beliefs He believes that If you don't believe that God sent himself to be the savior You're not saved That's really what he believes You know He won't have the guts to say it Because he doesn't have a big enough crowd To financially support him But if he had the crowd If he had the church size He would probably say I don't think Pastor Anderson is safe I don't think that And I think they're a cult You know Because he believes in oneness He believes that the father is the son And that there really isn't a son It's just the father Creating some body And then ends up possessing that body And calling that body the son You know That Jesus created being There aren't really three in heaven Even though the bible says That Jesus is in the right hand Of the father You still believe Jesus is the father For some crazy reason You know But let's just say that guy Just happened to be screwed up And he Ended up just coming back Saying you know what I was all screwed up I was all messed up You know what I said a lot of bad things About oneness is stupid You know It was a dumb thing It was just my pride That kept me from admitting That I was wrong I was deceived By all these wicked people That kind of fed my ego And I fell for it all Because I'd be like Hey man Great Welcome back And I would treat him Like nothing ever happened Like nothing ever happened I would I would never even bring it up To my kids Nothing And I'm trying to make it A thing where if I Do have issues with someone I try not to tell my wife Because I don't want to poison her If somebody says something Does something I want to just keep it To myself And if I do think It's that big of a deal Then I need to obey The scriptures And go to that person Alone Like it says in Matthew 18 Alone Not after you spoke To ten different people No Brother offends you Go to that person Alone Don't go to your wife For an hour And then Beef yourself And then Yeah right Well yeah Okay I'm gonna tell him He's wrong It's like Try alone first I'm gonna just try to keep it that way At least that's what I believe for now Why cause her to come down with me Like no Because I don't want her I mean I don't want to poison the well Maybe I'll be able to forget But what if she Can't Because I can't believe That guy And they'll hold it against that person For the rest of Their time Now she's gonna be like One of these people That say they love God They're right with God With God And They're walking in the light But they have issues With whatever individual You know But at the end of this Whole thing What do I want to do What do I want you guys to remember Hey Make no friendship With an angry man What do I mean by an angry man Somebody who's angry For the wrong reasons He's gonna poison you But also don't become that angry man Cause then you're gonna poison Your church members Your co-workers Your kids Your wife You don't want to be that individual So I try to remind myself of this And that's why when I get angry It's like hey Anger is contagious I need to watch it I get a little bit upset When the toilet was clogged Right guys? We're like hey Hate to do this to them But we'll use it at the last second Then we're gonna We'll use it at the last second Then bounce They're not gonna like What they're gonna find The next morning Right But we did our best Did we not do our best To unclog that thing Oh man I did a Jurassic Park Part one on that Stinking toilet Like Trash bagging Everything Trying to unclog it It just didn't work I was in there with a plunger Oh man Come on Not now It worked out I'm like Oh Will I ever go back to that place? I will It's like right next to IHOP I know how to forgive and forget I'm going back there I don't care about the roaches I don't care about the clogged toilet I don't care about What else did we deal with? Two roaches I'm like brushing my teeth And the roach goes across the mirror I'm like At least it's next to IHOP man You must really like IHOP No I just like convenience But it wasn't that convenient this time But that's just how we wrote So remember kids A Anger is what? Contagious Don't be that angry kid And I see it in my kids When I go a little And sometimes I do go a little nuts or whatever To kind of like whatever Get them to obey But that shouldn't be the way you do business Because then I notice they're doing it too To their brothers A's What are you doing? I'm like Whoa Why are you screaming so much? You do it I'm like Oh my bad Don't do it Alright I don't want my grandkids being a bunch of angry hotheads So keep that You understand? You guys know what I'm talking about? Hey I know you don't really have that Yeah anger is contagious So watch it Alright Make sure You take them Somewhere Alone And you tell your brother what the issue is But let's just remember the title Anger is contagious When you start getting upset Remember that Anger is contagious Get upset at your wife Remember that Anger is contagious And look I'm telling you There's people That They struggle with this I know someone Seems like he has it all Has cars Money I'm talking about millions of dollars I mean the guy is a muscle head He is a muscle head But He doesn't care about any of those things You know what this guy cares about the most? Controlling his anger Because he knows I have an issue with my anger At least he knows it And people ask him Man what's your goal in life? You know how much money do you want to make? You know you're already like at 20 million or whatever You know He's like yeah But what is your number one goal? Honestly It's to control my anger Not to get bigger physically You know Not to make more millions He drives a What does he drive? He drives a Lambo And he drives a Phantom A 2020 Phantom And has a 2020 Lambo And right now he's averaging about a million You know A million a month You know So I'm just kind of like Messaging to do like Good job Whatever You know Keep it up What is your goal? How much do you want to make? He's like Here's my goal Watch my anger That's what he says Cause he's like Cause I've If I don't watch it I can get out of control To the point where I'm calling my wife The craziest stuff that you wouldn't imagine I would call my wife I mean we had some major major fights Because I couldn't control my anger I mean I called her the worst of the worst I didn't hold back Then I realized what a dummy I was And then at that point I realized Hey I need to watch it You know Cause who knows how far this will go And he almost got divorced Because of his anger Almost got divorced Wife left him Even left him And hooked up with some other dude Lucky enough He stopped there And was like Alright I want to make it work I'm sorry it's my anger He's like At least you're recognizing it You know Because guess what She became an angry person too He would call her You stupid Blam, blam, blam Oh yeah You stinking pump They're going at it crazy And he's just telling me All this stuff Because he doesn't want other people You know To think that Hey You can't You can't succeed You can't make it work You know It's time to let it go He's like I'm not going to divorce my wife She may divorce me I'm not going to divorce her But I'm not I don't want her It's like We're doing good now But I have to recognize That my anger was not right I used to think it was Cause he grew up a bully Just beating up anybody They looked at him the wrong way Cause that's how he got respect But now the guy's like Forget that That's the dumbest thing I was such a dummy Now I realize my anger Doesn't do more It doesn't do anything except hurt But I know that it's going to be contagious And they're calling me You know Do you want your son to be successful And this and that You know what He ends up being like me Great The only thing I would never want my kid to have Is my anger So I try to remind myself I need to wash my anger Cause I don't want my kid To have the same anger as me Cause he will Why? Because anger is temptation Let's pray Dear God We thank you so much for all that you've done for us Lord We have no reason to ever complain Father We're on our way to heaven We're rich spiritually You know Father We have stuff that Feelings that people don't You know We have you And that's a lot We have salvation What else could we really ask for But for tonight We ask you Father To just help us Lord Help us to overcome sin Help us to control our anger Help us to even control our thoughts It's not just the exterior It's our thoughts that also count in your eyes You know So help us to be accountable to our actions And our thoughts And help us to be peaceful people You know Peacemakers Not peace breakers And Lord The people that are here They're pretty strong dear Lord You know That's why they're here Sunday night You know But Father We all need to take heedless We fall And we end up just giving in To our emotions And Lord When we do give in to our emotions When we do realize that we're angry With all the cause Help us to repent Help us to get right You know And help us to just Move forward And just become better people And just help Help us To help other people as well To overcome this And for me personally It's just remembering That anger is contagious And I don't want my brothers I don't want to be responsible For spreading it to my brothers Spreading it to my coworkers Spreading it to my children Spreading it to my wife You know I don't want to be responsible for that Because like it says right here Make no friendship with an angry man And I would hate to not have friends Because I'm a I'm an angry person And I can't control my anger So Lord I know I had a problem Major problem with this As a new believer And Father Thank you for showing me the truth About anger You don't like unrighteous anger Father You know But I thank you to Where I know the truth about it And help me to just You know Become this individual That can control it May I ask you to do all this In Jesus' first name Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Alright if you would grab your White handouts We're going to sing Psalm 126 In the White handout Or in the Bible Alternatively Psalm 126 When the Lord Turned again The captivity Of Zion Psalm 126 In the sing when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion we were like them that dream then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with singing then said they among the heathen the Lord has done great things for them the Lord has done great things for us where of we are glad turn again our captivity Oh Lord as the streams in the south they that so in tears shall reap and joy they that so in tears shall reap enjoy then said they among the heathen the Lord has done great things for them the Lord has done great things for us where of we are glad he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come up yeah shout out let's come again with rejoicing bringing his chiefs with him then said they among the heathen the Lord has done great things for them the Lord has done great things for us where of we are glad amen and with that you are dismissed have a good night