(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. Boy, I tell you what, it doesn't really matter what it looks like, we know how it ends, amen. And this is their hour, the power of darkness, and they have the majority, but hey, thank God with God we win, amen, and praise the Lord for that. I don't want to take any more time away from our special guest speaker. Thank you to his family, we didn't know they were all coming, it was a package deal, so we'll know that for next time. But Norma, and also, I'm getting to know the Powell family, brother Matt Powell, I've met him a couple times, just briefly, and I knew he had a heart for creationism and things of that sort, but after talking to him and meeting the family, he's learned most of it from his father, who also does that as a ministry. Normally when they're being introduced, it's brother Powell and his son, but now it's brother Powell and his father here today with us, so we're glad, and I'm sure the Bible says there's no greater joy than to hear that our children walk in truth, and so I know it's a blessing, but we're glad to have the Powell family, all of you, with us today. But brother Matt, if you'll come at this time, and just, it's your service, do as the Lord leads. Move the organ a little bit, do you think? All right. How's everybody doing? I can get that, you go ahead. Got it? All right, sounds good. All right, well it's good to be here. I want to say thanks to Pastor Boyle for having me out. We were actually planning on just coming and visiting, we weren't actually planning on speaking or anything, so it's a real treat to be able to be here with you all today, and Pastor Boyle's a good friend of mine, and it's good to see the house of the Lord filled on a Sunday morning, and I think that it's just phenomenal that there's people out there that are more concerned about the pursuit of truth than the pursuit of present happiness, and we're more concerned about the things of the future. Jesus said, set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. So the name of my seminar is The Case for Creation. So obviously, if you go to public school, you're going to learn about something known as evolution theory, and this is what all the kids are learning, and they're learning that the Bible is stupid, and that it's like a fictional book. They say, well, believing in Jesus is like believing in Santa Claus. Well, wait a minute, why is it that 98% of scholars believe that Jesus existed? 98%. So the Bible says, prove all things, hold fast to that which is good. You know, when God created the world, he said that it was good. So this is the seminar one. This is my family, that's my wife and I, and my son, his name is Pison, my wife's name is Francis. We got married in July of 2019, and we've got a second child on the way. We live over in Grand Rapids, which is kind of the center area of Michigan. And the Bible says that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Now people in the world today, they say, well, you Christians, you're afraid of knowledge. You're afraid to do a Google search. You're afraid to look outside of what the Bible says. But here's the thing, we do live in an age of information. And I'm going to just prove to you that using the information that is out there, that evolution theory is a hoax and a fraud, and the resurrection of Christ, which we're all gathered here to celebrate today, is biblical and scientific. So let's talk about the creation stories, right? Because when you go to public school, you learn something called the Big Bang Theory. Big Bang Theory states that all the matter in the universe, so everything you see in this room, all the stars, planets, galaxies, oceans, were condensed down to an infinitesimal amount of space smaller than a single proton. And then in a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second, it went from the size of that tiny point to something billions of miles across. Now who here thinks that just sounds logical and scientific, just from how it sounds? We haven't even gotten into the science yet. You realize that there's 326 million trillion gallons of water on earth right now. To say that all those gallons of water were compressed down to an infinitesimal amount of space smaller than a single proton, that is unbelievable. The Bible story says that in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Now notice what the evolutionists submit about the Big Bang. This is from NASA. It says, although the Big Bang Theory is widely accepted, it will probably never be proven. So the next time that some atheist comes to you and says, well, we've proved the Big Bang, NASA point blank admits that it hasn't been proven. And they say, consequentially, this leaves people with a lot of tough and unanswered questions. So when people say, oh, I didn't find my answers in Christianity. I couldn't find them. I was, look, did you read the first verse of the Bible? Did you open to the first verse? It's got the answer right there. It was waiting for you all along. Dust it off your shelf, blow it off, open it up, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. There's power. People ask me, how do you know the Bible's true, Brother Powell? How do you know it's true? Never a man spake like this man. There's power in the resurrection. I was in a debate with the raging atheist. I don't know how I got to that slide. I was in a debate with the raging atheist at one point, and he said, well, I don't know how you could believe that there was a Jewish man that died and was buried and resurrected. That sounds really crazy to me. How could you believe in this? And he said, magical resurrection. Folks, they believe that every living life form came to life and resurrected itself from the dead. They believe in a greater resurrection than the Christians. So when they say the resurrection's crazy, no, wait a minute. They believe you and I and every other life form on the planet resurrected ourselves from dead material. So the next time somebody tries to mock the resurrection, just flip the mirror back on them. Jesus said, I have the power to lay down my life, and I have the power to take it again on myself. So there's nothing wrong with that. There's everything right with that, and that's what we would expect anyways under the biblical model. Science will tell you that the Big Bang caused an explosion and that it created planets and comets and stars and everything cooled down, and over millions of years, it rained on the rocks, and all evolutionists believe that life started from a rock. Now here's the thing. They'll say, well, why is it that you believe that a virgin can conceive? Doesn't that sound crazy that you'd think a virgin conceived? Folks, they think a rock conceived. Just think about that for a second. They think a literal rock conceived. The virgin, if God can create the universe out of nothing, and he can operate inside and outside the laws of thermodynamics, he can do anything he wants. He could raise us from the dead. The Bible says that we wait to wit the redemption of our bodies. If you're saved and if you've trusted in Christ as your savior, you're going to go to heaven. But our body, we are still waiting for the redemption of our body. Our body still has sin in it, but our spirit has been perfected if we trusted Christ. So it says, did life begin in a drop of water? It says right here, it says the first hefty organic molecules may have formed within tiny droplets. They say the creation of life somehow involved water. All science agrees. But here's the thing. You Google, just Google, how does DNA get destroyed? The very first thing that pops up is, DNA is vulnerable. It breaks down in sunlight and in what? Water. So what destroys DNA? Water. What do they say that life came alive in? Water. The FBI, whenever they do studies to look at the remnants of somebody that was murdered, they actually trace DNA better in a burning fire, somebody that burned up in a fire, than somebody that died in water. DNA is more traceable. It doesn't get as destroyed by fire. So do you know what that means? That life coming from non-life is more likely to happen in a roasting fire than in the water. You're more likely to go over to your grill and fire that thing up, let it sit there for a few billion years, and just pretend it has unlimited energy, which we'll get into, and make believe all that. You're more likely to have life come about in that than in the water. Think about that for a moment. The Bible says, and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. So the Bible says that life began on the land. God created us on the land. The Bible teaches that life began in the water and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. So when God created us, he created us out of the dust of the ground. That's pretty humbling, right? The Bible says he knows our frame and that we are but dust. But if you were to Google, because there's tons of little children around our globe right now that ask this question, where did I come from? How did life get started? They're starting to ask these questions. And if they were to Google, where did life come from, the first thing that they're going to see is that it rained down into the ocean. So life came from a shower. That's what they literally think. Now I'm just going to prove real quick that the universe was created instantaneously using granite rock. Now there's a lot of rocks that we can create. We can create diamonds, but granite rock is the only rock that we cannot create. Now inside of granite rock contains these little polonium halos. Now halos, they disappear within less than an hour from when they're created. Evolution teaches that these rocks slowly evolved and they cooled. But why are there halos that would only last less than an hour if that was the case? You know what that means? That the rocks actually were created instantaneously and God's stamp of creation was placed inside of it. There's no way around it. When you're going down the street, whoever has seen a Darwin fish on their car? I mean pretty much everybody, right? There's no denying that people today are fans of Charles Darwin. We're going to compare Charles Darwin to Jesus Christ. We're going to compare the world's model to God's model. This one cracks me up so much. It's got the Darwin fish eating the Jesus fish. So what they're trying to say is Darwin was better than Jesus. And then he says, my Darwin shark ate your Jesus fish. These are common. Notice what Charles Darwin says. Anybody that puts those bumper stickers up, just keep in mind they don't even know who they're referencing. Charles Darwin said, and I quote, he said, often a cold shudder has run through me and I have asked myself whether I've devoted my life to a fantasy. Charles Darwin was scared that he was living in a fantasy. So Pastor Boyle, if I got up here and I said, Pastor Boyle, I'm afraid that I'm living in a fantasy. Would you trust anything that I'm saying? Do I even really believe what I'm saying? So when people say, oh, Darwinism is so great, founded on a man who was scientific. Look, folks, Charles Darwin couldn't even get a job. In fact, his dad had to get him a job. He was so scientifically illiterate. He couldn't even get a job. The only thing that he was capable of doing was being a comforter for a ship captain as they were floating around in the ocean. His job title was just to give the captain somebody to talk to. That's the best that Darwin was capable of. Now Jesus was a carpenter. Jesus knew how to build things. Jesus is the creator of all things. The Bible says that before the world, he created all things and by him, all things consist. That's powerful. Darwin is weak. Anybody that puts that Darwin fish on their car, especially eating the Jesus fish, just goes to show they haven't even researched what they're talking about. They're just the yes man for the government and for evolution. So Jesus never said, I'm afraid I'm living in a fantasy. In fact, Jesus spoke in absolutes. He says, I'm the way, the truth, and the life. He didn't say, oh, I'm worried I'm devoting my life to a fantasy. How ridiculous that people just on the foundation say, I believe in Darwinism. Darwin was illiterate, folks, scientifically. Now evolutionists all say, well, Brother Powell, Mr. Powell, you know, and I wish they'd be my brother. They are my brother in the flesh, but they could be my brother in the spirit too. That's what we want for him. We want him to get saved. The Bible says, not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us. And it's important to, when they try to compare Darwin to Jesus, point out Jesus was the Messiah. Jesus said, I'm the way, the truth, and the life. He says, I'm the resurrection and the life. Jesus spoke in absolutes. In science, many times we deal with things that are facts. The Bible says that Jesus, when he resurrected from the dead, that he showed himself alive by many infallible proofs. So it's not that there's just evidence. He said that he gave us many infallible proofs. Notice the title of this article. It says, rare meteorite that fell on UK driveway may contain ingredients for life. A fireball that lit up the sky over the United Kingdom and Northern Europe February 28th was an extremely rare type this year of meteorite. Fragments of the space rock discovered on the driveway in Cotswolds could provide the answers to the tough questions about early history of solar system on life and earth. So when evolutionists say, well, Mr. Powell, we don't really believe we came from a rock. This is just, this is less than a month ago. They released this. They're like, we're looking at it. The rock has an explanation. You know what? Someday those rocks will call out to the Lord. God can use anything for his glory and his pleasure. So they do believe they came from a rock, even though they'll say they don't. And inside the rock contained liquid water. Once again, water destroys DNA. You Google, how does DNA get destroyed? And you know, people always get on me. They're like, well, you're not quoting science papers. You're quoting Google. Look, Google is pulling the information that's from the science papers. That's how the internet works. Hello? So, yeah, all right, so the Bible says that by one man, sin entered into the world and death by sin. Sin is what causes us to die. People ask, well, if we're living material, why is it that we die? The Bible gives a perfect explanation that sin actually entered in the world when we partook of things that we weren't supposed to partake of. You know, sometimes, you know, Adam hearkened unto Eve. You have to be careful not to always hearken unto your wife men. You know, the Bible says, give honor unto her as then to the weaker vessel. Honor your wife. People say Christianity is a sexist religion. They're sexist. They don't care about, actually, no, the world doesn't care about women. We care about women. That's why we want to protect them, see them get married, see them have a peer relationship inside of marriage, something that you can't experience if you're in the world. Human Genome Project was completed in April of 2003. Now, this was a project that went on for 13 years. Some scientists decided, let's figure out where we came from. Let's figure out what our genetics are made of and what's going on inside of our bodies from generation to generation. And they found that we actually lose one to two percent of our information as human beings per generation. So, for example, my son, he has one to two percent less genetic information than I do. When he has a son, he's going to have one to two percent less genetic information. Evolution teaches that information gets better. We start adding information through mutations, they say. But these scientists in the Human Genome Project, worldwide, world-renowned scientists, all of our best, decided and they found that we lose information. Folks, you can only lose so much information before we're going to go extinct. And in the project, they decided that we should have been extinct by now. So, really, people ask me, why do you believe in miracles? I am a miracle. I shouldn't even be alive. You shouldn't even be alive by the scientific standards that we have. God gives life. Only God could create life. Now, let's talk about the dinosaurs. I love dinosaurs. I've always loved dinosaurs. I was a fan of the, what is it, the Land Before Time growing up. I'm sure you guys have seen those movies back in my day, which wasn't that long ago. Dinosaur shocker. So, they dug up dinosaur blood, right? Now, just, let's stop there for a second. Who here thinks that blood could last for 68 million years without decaying? Folks, anybody who says, well, it's preserved, it was preserved, like, just shrug them off. They say, meet me halfway. No, blood cannot last once the body is dead for over 68 million years. That's what the evolutionists say. Folks, that is hokey stuff. To think that organic material, you Google, how long can organic material last? The longest that it can last is up to 10,000 years. That's perfectly consistent with what the Bible says. The Bible says that God created us roughly 6,000 years ago. About 4,500 years ago, there was a flood that covered the entire earth. So, it says, probing the 68-million-year-old T. rex, Mary Switzer stumbled upon astonishing signs of life that may radically change our view of the beasts. It was big news, indeed, last year when Switzer announced that she'd discovered blood vessels and structures that looked like whole cells inside of a T. rex bone, the first observation of its kind. And let me just stop there. We find that in almost every kind of dinosaur now. Almost every species of dinosaur we find blood vessels, soft tissue, C14, we find evidence that they all died recently. Evolution says they died millions of years ago. And folks, this is going to blow your mind. Evolution actually teaches that dinosaurs died by literally, and this is their word, that they gassed themselves to death. Evolution literally teaches that dinosaurs farted themselves into extinction. Man, I know a Bible verse that kind of rings true about that. I think professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And when evolution has said, you're misrepresenting the theory, that's not what we really believe. We believe that they farted and that it warmed up the environment so much, and then they died from the global warming. Okay, that sounds even more stupid. They roasted themselves to death, according to evolution. We'll get to that in a second. All right, so if anybody says that dinosaur soft tissue and blood and hemoglobin in the blood could last for 68 million years, shrug them off, they don't know what they're talking about. Atheists do not know a shred of science, not a shred. They don't even know what the scientific method is or how to use it. Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee. So the Bible actually talks about dinosaurs. Now evolutionists say dinosaurs died out 68 million years ago. But the Bible talks about them and says, behold now behemoth, which I made with thee. He eateth grass as an ox. Notice these words. So whatever this dinosaur was, it actually ate grass. Now evolutionists used to laugh at God's word. They used to say, oh, that's such a primitive book. What we found in dinosaur feces, I don't know how they lasted millions of years, grass. The dinosaurs actually ate grass. Textbooks have long taught that grass did not become common until after the dinosaurs died at the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago. Depicting dinosaurs munching on grass was considered by experts to be as foolish as showing prehistoric humans hunting dinosaurs with spears. So it was considered crazy to them. But microscopic examination of the fossilized dinosaur dung from India now shows that the last planet eating dinosaurs munched heaping helpings of at least five types of different grass. This proves that evolution was wrong because evolution teaches that grass did not evolve until 10 million years after dinosaurs. So the Bible teaches that everything was created together. The Bible says he moveth his tail like a cedar. Now theistic evolutionists, they say that's not a dinosaur that it's talking about there because they want to compromise. They say it's talking about a hippopotamus. Folks I know you can't really make out the tail, but it doesn't even go halfway to the ground. Which one moves its tail like a cedar? The Bible says it moves its tail like a cedar. Which one has a cedar tree type tail? Does anybody want to answer that? Any kid? Okay. Yeah, it's obviously the dinosaur. That's a given. But theistic evolutionists, they're so worried that they're like, well, let's compromise a little bit. It was a local flood. God didn't really flood the world. So you mean to tell me that Noah's going to spend over a hundred years to flee a flood that was local in his area? Why wouldn't you just get out of Dodge? Folks, don't compromise. Now we can get anybody to doubt evolution theory in three words, three word Google search. I can get anyone to doubt it unless they are just unreasonable and wicked men, which the Bible talks about, that have not faith. Google says if you type in when monkeys surf, feel free to just type that in if you want on your phone. I won't judge you. When monkeys surf. Those are the first things that pop up. Now evolution literally teaches that monkeys, they had to get to South America somehow because they found fossils over there. So the only way that monkeys could have gotten to the United States from Africa was surfing. The monkeys that sailed across the Atlantic to South America, BBC. Monkeys suddenly appeared in South America about 40 million years ago, unlikely though it may seem, they probably sailed there from Africa. Prehistoric monkeys traveled 900 miles between continents on rafts. Folks, what they're finding is that monkeys are found out of place according to evolution. And the reason that we actually find monkeys out of place is because there was an event that really, you know what, they did surf there. There was an event that happened called Noah's Flood. It's not that they just flowed slowly across the ocean without anything to eat and without any water because they're fresh water animals. They make it out like it was just this peaceful voyage. They also find that dinosaurs crossed the ocean. This is what evolution teaches. This is new stuff. They always tell me, Matt, stop making arguments from the creationists from the 90s. Well, those are great arguments that they made. But these are from 2020. This is from 2020. They just released this. Because Africa was isolated by the deep oceans at that time, duck-billed dinosaurs must have crossed hundreds of kilometers of open water rafting on debris. Folks, this is what they're saying. But they want to tell you that God's word is inferior. They want to tell you, oh, the Bible just doesn't have the answers. They just tell me all the time, these supposed former Christians, they say, I was looking in the Bible, and I just didn't find my answers that I was looking for. Why don't you look for his answers? He gave them whether you like it or not. Truth matters more. Aaron Ra, Aaron Ra always says, truth matters more. Truth matters more, him and Bill Nye. But here's the thing. He admitted, he was in an interview, and he was asked by somebody, if it was the God of the Bible that existed, would you worship him? Would you believe in him? Aaron Ra says, I would not worship it. Talk about hatred for the Lord. Do these people really care what the truth is? If I said, well, I just don't care what the truth is. I've got, you know, if this is the truth, then I'm not going to accept it. Folks, that's not biblical. The Bible says whatsoever things are honest and whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are just, pure, so forth, think on these things. The Bible demolishes them. Now, they also believe that rodents cross the ocean. This is September 2009, Oxford, so this is Oxford University, by the way. This means that the ancestors of the world's largest living rodent must have found a way to cross South Atlantic. So they believe that rodents surfed. Now, let me give you the answer of why they're saying this, because it's all out of place. But you know what would put everything out of place? The flood. So, yeah, they surfed there all right, but it wasn't very friendly surfing, and it didn't end well because they were fossilized. They're like, well, the fossils are proof that they rode across. Fossils are proof they died. They didn't make it. Even if they did ride across there, you're finding a fossil. The fossil proves it died. It didn't make it through its journey. Man, all right, so now this is really hokey stuff. Now, I want to go over what evolution teaches a little bit, so you guys get a brief background of what we're up against before we look at the light. Let's look into the stuff that we're supposedly afraid of. Evolutionists say, oh, you're afraid to give our side because you know people will leave Christianity in the droves if you show them what we believe. Folks, I don't think this is going to make you question Christianity. It'll make you question them, and it should make them question themselves. The Bible says there are certain that are unreasonable and wicked men. Progress in biophysics and molecular biology. There are certain creatures that we know couldn't have evolved from other sea creatures because we can't find their supposed ancestors because, remember, we all evolved from a single cell organism slowly over time, you know, Australopithecus afarensis, Lucy, all the way up to chromagnon man, Peking man, and all of a sudden we're humans, but is this it? Is this the final stage in evolution? We're going to grow a third eye? I mean, I don't know what's going to happen to us if evolution's true. It's scary stuff. It can take us anywhere. Just imagine. They say that since octopi couldn't have evolved from other creatures that they would have had to be, quote, extraterrestrial origins from outer space that rode on a comet into our earth. Now, obviously, anything that comes through our atmosphere, why do they have ceramic tiles on the space shuttle? It's to keep it from burning up when it comes into our atmosphere. If squids and octopi were hanging onto this comet and it's going down towards planet earth out of all the other planets in our solar system, if that's the case, they would roast by the time they get, they'd be roasted octopi, you know, and they'd be fish bait. And here's the funny part. They say octopi and squids hitched a ride on a comet to come to earth. Octopi and squids are enemies with each other. They don't even get along. So somehow they made a friendship. They signed a truce, hopped on a planet together. This is what evolution teaches, 33 scientists, peer reviewed. That's their best explanation for why we have squids and octopi. You know what? The Bible says the heavens declare the glory of God. And this declares the glory of God. The fact that octopi and squid, they're alien in nature, they say, no, that's just intelligent design that God gave. Now, according to evolution, and again, I know I'm focusing a bit on evolution, but I want to make it clear what their side is real quick. The reason, brother Greg, that you have a beard is because you were punched. Because remember, natural selection says that we have to have an explanation for things that are different between us and monkeys. So what evolution teaches is that when we were primates, we fought so much and so hard and hit each other in the jaw that our jaw had to create a cushion in our face. Folks, that is weird, okay? That's not just unscientific, okay? That is weird. So by all these punches to the face, somehow we have this perfect cushion so that if we get punched again, we'll be okay. Well, here's the thing. I got married in 2019. My wife was my only girlfriend. Women fight, too, but you know what? They certainly didn't grow a beard. What's up with that? Wouldn't the women monkeys fight more than the... No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. No, no, no. Not going to go there. I don't want to get a whipping tonight. All right. Just kidding. All right. So dinosaurs gas themselves into extinction. Again, sauropod dinosaurs, they think they actually passed a little too much there. All right. Now, are chickens related to the T. rex? Now, keep in mind, evolution actually teaches that natural selection causes us to mutate into different animals. So you could wake up and be a human today and turn into a frog tomorrow. That's basically what they're saying. They're saying it's over time, over millions of variations, but more or less, just use your imagination, follow your heart. The Bible says there's a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end of their odds is the ways of death. If we follow everything that our heart tells us, we're going to end up in a real bad place. They say, well, you just need to do what's natural, Matt. Do everything that's natural. You're nothing more than an animal. And Matt, you know, I had this guy tell me, I can't believe your book because your God made an animal talk. Look, they think we're all animals, yet we all talk. So when they say, well, your God made an animal talk, they believe we're all talking animals, folks. Turn the mirror back on them. Every time they project their shortcomings, there's a reason why. They teach that dinosaurs devolved into chickens. Yes, science has compelling evidence that dinosaurs evolved into chickens. Now folks, if it's survival of the fittest and only the strongest survive in evolution theory, which one is stronger? They say, well, if you have 100 or 1,000 chickens, I'm sorry, they're not going to win against their great-great-great-great-grandfather. You know, they're not going to win that wrestling round. They turned into, they went from the largest creature that could eat you down to my favorite lunch at KFC. How carbon-14 dating works. Now, carbon-14, it can only last 50,000 years. Now we find it in just about everything, and especially in living organisms, we find carbon-14 in their bones when they die. Now here's the thing. Carbon-14 can only last a maximum of 50,000 years, but you know what we consistently find in dinosaur bones? Carbon-14. That means that they died less than 50,000 years ago according to their own model. Now, the way they rescued that is they say, well, you see, Matt, it was contaminated though. The bone sat there in the ground and didn't deteriorate for 65 million years with all the blood in it, but then it was contaminated at some point recently by carbon-14. It was put in there somehow. Folks, okay, even though that's a really silly argument, nobody with a logical brain would ever believe that, let's look at diamonds. Diamonds are the most compact subatomic particles that exist in the world. We cannot break through them hardly with even our own most advanced technology that we have. It's the most compact, hard subatomic particles, but they contain carbon. Now remember, carbon only lasts for 50,000 years. Now they say, well, it was contaminated. You can't contaminate something that is that compact. So it proves that what they say is totally false, but you ask, how old are diamonds? Ask Google. They'll say 1 to 3.5 billion years old. Folks, C-14 can only last 50,000 years. Why is it that they're loaded with C-14? It should be gone because evolution's not true, because it's unscientific, because it's easily defeated on every front, and the Bible says that by the word of God, the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water. The Bible has all the answers that you need. Now, if I walked into a room or into a garage, who here knows what an air compressor is? Probably all the guys. I love air compressors. I think they're great for sweeping the garage floor. But it can create a little dust mess sometimes, so not always. But what if I walked into a room where an air compressor every once in a while has to kick on and refresh the air that's in there and recompact it down inside? What if I said, well, that air right there, it's been sitting in there compressed for 4.5 billion years. Who would believe that? No one. It has to recharge, right? Well, here's the thing. We find helium inside of rock crystals. Helium slips out of rocks over time. Now, supposedly, these rocks are 4.5 billion years old. They're the oldest rocks on the earth. Well, why is it that they have helium inside of them? That should have slipped out, because once again, evolution's not true. They are lying to you. They're make-believing. If you ask an atheist, ask them sometime, well, since there is no God, what's the meaning of life? What's the meaning of life to you? They say, well, my meaning of my life is just whatever I make up. Folks, they're literally admitting that they're making up or make-believing a purpose for life. They don't think there actually is purpose, but they've decided to pretend that there is. Folks, if I'm not a fighter pilot, why would I pretend that I'm a fighter pilot? If there's no meaning to life, why would I pretend that there is? Because they make-believe. They say, you make-believe in the Bible. No, they make-believe a purpose for life. Turns out, all of humanity, this just came out in 2018, is related to a single couple, so all the couples in the world. We all trace back to one single couple. Now, if evolution were true, we would have the monkey population or the primate population, ape population. We would have evolved as a population, and we would have had tons of different ancestors, but we all go back to one couple. It sounds like something I read. Put it back on the shelf. That's how they act, though. They start opening their mind using a little free thought, but then they close in because they don't want knowledge. The Bible says that fools despise wisdom and instruction. They despise it. They don't want it. They'll pretend that they want it. Oh, please show me the evidence. Turns out, all humans are descended from the same man and woman. And they studied this. I got to move quickly. Massive genetic study reveals that 90% of Earth's animals appeared at the same time. These are studies that just came out. So if all animals appeared at the same time, are they going to appear through a magic act or by intelligent design? They always accuse us Christians. They say, well, that book you've got right there, that's magic. That's a magic book. You know what's magical? Saying that the universe came from nothing. What's magical, folks? God creating the universe or time, space, and matter poofing into existence from nothing? Guy responded to me recently on the internet. He says, well, it just doesn't make sense that one day God just poofed us into existence. Folks, that's what the Big Bang teaches. It was literally a poof. What if I said a giant boulder popped into existence right in the middle of this auditorium? Now let's say, what if the giant, what if the whole universe popped into existence? You wouldn't believe it based on the information that you have. But since they're not asking questions like that, they would say, well, Matt, you're not encouraging people to ask questions. That's what we do in science. Yes, we do ask questions, but we need to ask the logical questions. Where do things come from? Where are we going when we die? God said, let everything bring forth the living creature after his kind. So it's not that you go from a monkey to a man or from a fish to a fisherman, which is what evolution teaches, or from bacteria to a biologist. We go from kind to kind, like God says, cattle creeping thing, beast of the earth after his kind and it was so. So God set everything up that way. Now the only evidence, and I don't think I'm going to get into this too much, but they say mutations are what causes us to evolve from a fish or from a monkey to a man, that we slowly mutated. So you go from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles all the way up to mankind. I used to like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but that was fiction. But according to evolution, that's true. They say, well, they're mutant Ninja Turtles. Well here's the thing, the more mutants you are, the more likely you are to die. Because we actually die, we mutate to death, our genes copy and we mutate to death as humans. So they say that mutations are the hero in evolution. They're what make things better. But notice what the definition of a mutation is. It's due to mistakes. It's a change of DNA sequence and it's errors. Mutation is an error. So let's logic for a second. By all these mutations, which are errors, we get better. Do errors make things better? They say, well, Matt, a broken clock's right twice a day. Okay, yeah, even if you have one little fix here or there, overall we're going downhill. Evolution teaches that things get better over time. The Bible says that things get worse over time. Science says that things get worse over time. What we observe is that things get worse over time. When you get older, you're going to find that things change over time. And it's sad. I'm 25 years old, but I sure wish I could go back to what it was like when I was 18 and have that type of fitness. But if you don't use it, you lose it. And you always go downhill. Everything deteriorates over time. So it says mutations are the reasons for cancer. Mutations are the reasons for autism and Down syndrome. So according to evolution, the things that cause Down syndrome and cancer are the hero. Think about that. Mutation is an error that causes Down syndrome, cancer, autism, but those, they say, make us better. Those mutations are what make us better. Man, that sounds like just so crazy. It's hard to even wrap your brain around it. But you have to be indoctrinated to believe these things. The Bible says, by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin. It's a death passed upon all men for that all have sinned. So mutations are there because of sin. Mutations are bad. They're not good. They're not a hero. But the Bible says all of those who hate me love death. The Bible says that one of them who call good evil and evil good, they call a mutation good. But a mutation is bad. Short period comments. Now there are comments out in our solar system that only last up to 10,000 years. Now they're deteriorating and they're burning down. So when they get close to the sun every 200 years, they burn up three to five percent. But they can't be there from eternity past. They certainly can't be there from billions of years ago because they would have burned up by now. So here's what evolutionists say is that there was a cloud that spiraled them in. But here's the thing. If you Google, does this cloud exist, the first thing that pops up is that there is no evidence that this cloud exists, this Oort cloud. Folks, it's totally make believe. They believe things without evidence. And they will hold to their position without any reason and defend it against all reason in spite of all reason because they don't care about reason. They throw what is called a reason rally. They say we want to have free thought. Well, hello, free thought compares two things. What are you comparing evolution to? They say don't give creationists a chance. Don't give them a chance. What are you comparing evolution to? They don't have the ability to free think. The Bible says faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. So our faith is the evidence of things that are not seen. Planets. If I came into a room and there was a cup of hot coffee and I said that cup of hot coffee has been here for 4.5 billion years, nobody would take me seriously. Pluto is warm on the inside. So if evolution were true, it would have been completely freezing cold in there. The rings around Saturn are dispersing as we speak. These are all proofs just from outer space that the universe cannot be eternal and that it cannot be billions of years old. How much time do I got left, Pastor Boyle? Okay. Let's talk about the global flood. Now evolutionists say the flood is the biggest myth that creationism teaches. It's the number one death blow to creation because we can all prove that there was never a global flood. They say it's a myth. Why is it that we find clams on the top of mountains, top of things like Mount Everest? They say, well, they were pushed up through plate tectonic shifts. They were pushed up there through plate tectonics. Okay. Okay, maybe. Yeah, plate tectonics do happen. But what I find interesting is these clams are closed. When clams die, they naturally open up. The muscle relaxes and a scavenger will eat them. But these clams are closed, which proves that they were literally buried alive because they couldn't even open to close. What would cause a clam as big as a car, because these were found as big as cars, to die and be closed like that? The only way is by Noah's flood. There is no other option. Well-preserved whale has been discovered on top of a California mountain. Folks, we're finding whales, whole whales, on mountains. But the flood, that's a myth. We'll just say they grew legs and walked up there. That's what I heard one of these guys say. They lost their legs on the way up. They scraped up against some rocks and their legs fell off and they just flopped up there to death. Folks, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. It's a very foolish thing, evolution theory. Now this whale was well-preserved. In order to have a fossil, it has to be covered with sediment. So the only way you're going to get that is from Noah's flood. The Bible says that the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights. Now evolutionists will say, stop right there. There's an error in your King James Bible right there. It says it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. We all know that it can't rain for 40 days, 40 nights. That's crazy. Folks, they think it rained for two million years. You Google rain for millions of years, the first thing that pops up is that time that it rained for two million years. Once again, it's the fallacy of false equivalence. When they don't have a position, they'll fling their own poo onto us. They say, well, you have all these fallacies. Stop throwing your fallacies on Christianity. Stop throwing your own poo onto us. That's not nice. Grand Canyon. Bill Nye says that the Grand Canyon is what we know proves the geologic column, that you started off as a sponge and you got better over time. And then we evolved into mankind. I heard this ridiculous argument that he made, and I just want to address it real quick. He was in a debate with Ken Ham. Who remembers that debate? Pretty much everybody. Here's the thing. In his debate with Bill Nye, this was the part where they said Bill Nye really won the debate right here. Because Bill Nye said that the clams are on the bottom layers, the lizards are closer to the bottom, the mammals are closer to the top, and the birds are up at the top layer. So you see how we evolved over time. Folks, that's how the flood sorted them. The flood put all the heavy things in the bottom, all the not so heavy things closer to the bottom, all the mammals like us closer to the top, and the birds are at the top, of course, because they're going to be the last ones to die. They're trying to hold out for dear life. So they say, well, you see how we evolved over time. Folks, that's how the flood sorted it, through hydrologic sorting, the most basic science that there is, the most basic science that there is. Now I'm going to just prove that the Grand Canyon was laid down in one event real quick. I'll skip the erosion stuff. Animal holes. Now if I was to step outside, what do you see a lot of times? You see animals that burrow down in, right? Snake holes, root holes, groundhog holes. Things are constantly going down in the earth. Now if the Grand Canyon formed over millions of years, one layer slowly upon another, if that were the case, why are there no animal holes between the layers? I mean, wouldn't you expect one layer to come and then animals burrow down in that layer, then the next layer comes, animals burrow down in? We don't find any animal holes. We don't find any tree remains. There's sedimentary rock. If you ask an evolutionist, what's the Grand Canyon made of, they'll say, the first thing they say is sedimentary rock. Folks, the definition of sedimentary rock is rock that was laid down by water. So when they say the Grand Canyon's made of sedimentary rock, by definition it was laid down by the flood. By the very definition. We see dinosaur tracks that stomp through millions of years of time, polystrata fossils, we find that connect all the layers. These all prove that the flood is a fact, their theory is a myth. They use a circular argument. Look at this. The age of the rocks may be determined by the fossils found in them. But the age of the fossils can be determined by the rocks they found them in. Think about that for a second. This is according to them. You date the fossils by the rocks, rocks by the fossils. Let that sink in. That's a circular, that's called a circular argument. It's indefensible. It's impossible to defend evolution honestly. Every one of these con men on YouTube or across the globe like Richard Dawkins, they are con men. They don't care about you. They've studied these things. They know these things exist, but they try to hide them. R and Ra was confronted about, because I mentioned in my film about how squids and octopi made the crash landing on planet earth. And that that's how they got here. Arin mentioned that to him and said, how do we deal with this, Arin? And the only thing he could say was, well, you know, I just can't stand it when people misrepresent what was really being said. Arin, the article says that they hitched a ride on comets. You can't misrepresent. But you know what? On the contrary, they are good at misrepresenting misunderstood misinformation, in my opinion. Radiometric rock dating, this is the last thing that they have. This is their last piece of evidence. This is kind of their stronghold. They say, well, we know that rocks determine the age of the earth. Well, here's the thing. In 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted over near Washington, and it created igneous rock that flowed down the side of the mountain. Now they said, we're going to test these rocks. We're going to see how old they are. Now we know they're less than 10 years old, but let's take this fresh rock and let's send them to five different laboratories, and we'll use the best laboratories, the best radiometric daters. One sample came back at the Geochron Laboratories as 340,000 years old. Now keep in mind, this rock is less than 10 years old. Second sample came back as 350,000 years, 900,000 years. One came back as 7 million years old. This is the dating method that they're saying is reliable, and we can date the crust of the earth using this method. 2.8 million years old is another one. So here's the thing. No rock of known age has ever been dated accurately, ever. So if their theory has a 0% success rate, 0%, who wants to, oh, I want to trust that. That's like if you go into a doctor's office and the doctor has literally killed every person on the table and you ask them to do surgery, oh, I want to follow that guy. He is my doctor. That doctor won't save your life. 0% success rate for radiometric dating, they say radiometric dating has been proven. It's never been right even one time. Not even one time. Usually false doctrine, that's some pretty bad false doctrine. At least false doctrine, they use a Bible verse. They just are wrong about everything. I'm going to close out here in a moment. Let's talk about the damaging effects. You say, well, Brother Powell, why does this subject matter to you? Why are you so animate about defending the word of God using science? You know what, whether I defend the word of God or not, his word stands. It stands on its own. And look, if it was my words that gave you the ability to trust the Bible, then my words would be the final authority. My words shouldn't be the final authority. That proves that the Bible has to be its own authority. The Bible has to defend itself. The Bible says the word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. They always say, well, Matt Powell, 40% of the time, Matt Powell is always quoting the Bible in his debates. So how is he winning? The power contained therein. The power contained therein. You speak the word of God. It cuts to the heart. The Bible says they were cut in their heart when they heard the word of God. Don't ever discount the word of God. Theistic evolutionists that are out there, Hugh Ross, all of you guys, look, when you compromise on what God's word says, you have to defend surfing monkeys. You have to defend surfing dinosaurs. You have to defend dinosaurs farting themselves to death. That's what you have to defend. They say, well, it's hard enough for us to defend the Bible as it is, Matt. We need to compromise to evolution. No. No compromise. No. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Every word. Now people say Darwin was a great man. You need to get his sticker if you can. He was afraid that he was living in a fantasy, but here's the thing they leave out and they never like to talk about was Darwin was a racist. Darwin believed that the inferior would be wiped out by the superior, supposedly. But here's the thing. We are all supposed to look at each other as being of one blood because we all are of one blood because the Bible says so. The Bible says so. I love to hear when a child says, the Bible says so. Those words bless my heart because they know the truth. It's amazing. Damaging effects of evolution. People say, well, Darwin, at least he wasn't a racist. The title of his book is The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. You want to know where evolution comes from? Favoring supposed races. They say, well, he wasn't a racist. That's just the book title. He explains himself. Okay, let's look at him explain himself. Some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. So what does that tell you that Darwin believed there was? Savage races. They say the book was written by savages. You know what? Paul was a scholar, not a savage. They say, well, a bunch of goat herders wrote your book. What's the problem with a goat herder? I grew up on a farm. I love farming. I love goat herding. There's nothing wrong with that. But they make these blanket statements to make it sound like the Bible is somehow bad. The Bible, that's just a bad book. You can't tell your kids that they're a sinner. That's mean. That's really degrading, they say. Folks, they tell their kids that they're animals, that they're monkeys. Flip the mirror back on them. When they point a finger, they got three or four pointing right back at them. But the Bible says there's neither Jew nor Greek. There's neither bond nor free. There's neither male nor female, for you're all one in Christ Jesus. So in Christ, we're all one type of people, we're all one blood. And in fact, a black man, yellow man, red man, white man, their articles even say, we all descended from a single couple. You know what that means? That the red man is just as much my brother as the black man, every race, if you will, every species of man in the world. We're all of one blood. Hitler, you know, the reason that he exterminated so many people, and I'm going to pause here for a second because they say, well, Christianity is dangerous, Matt, because, you know, we've had the holy wars happen. Have you read about the holy wars, Matt? Look, over 68 or 65, no, 110 million people have died under atheistic communism. That's more than the holy wars, 10 times more at least. So when they say, well, the holy wars are so bad, no, atheism has caused the destruction of thousands and millions of lives, tortured people because they thought they were animals. Hitler said that he wanted to preserve the most valuable racial evidence and raid them to a dominant position. All who are not of a good race are chaff, wrote Hitler. Now remember, Hitler believed in evolution. Evolution was what drove Hitler to do what he did. Even Sir Arthur Keith, who was a contemporary of Hitler, wrote, says, Hitler is I have consistently maintained as a Christian, I mean, an evolutionist, because people say Hitler was a Christian. He was a Bible-believing Christian. That's why he caused all these problems. He's not a Christian. Sir Arthur Keith even said that he is an evolutionist, present tense. He has consistently sought to make the practice of Germany conform to evolution. You know what the practice of Germany was? Wiping out supposed inferior Jews and preserving the blonde-haired people. But then I find this interesting. Sir Arthur Keith, he wrote books on evolution during Hitler's time, he says evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it because the only alternative is special creation. And that is unthinkable. They say, oh, you just don't want to trust evolution because it's unthinkable for you Christians. No, the truth of the Bible is unthinkable for them. School shootings. Let's talk about this for a minute. And I'm going to kind of wrap this up. In 1999, on April 20th, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, and I'm just going to pause there for a second. Richard Dawkins says that religion poisons the mind. Is that why 97% of school shootings are carried out by atheists? 97%. Atheists lead the world in drug abuse, suicide, school shootings, and alcohol abuse. But oh, it's religion that poisons the mind. Well, if it's religion that poisons the mind, why do the atheists, as a demographic, do the most mind poisoning things and lead the world in the most mind poisoning things that it's possible to do? School shootings. Now this story has always touched me. This story was what actually really drove me to live for God and to do this type of work here. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris went into Columbine High School. And they shot up the school and harmed tons of people. Eric Harris wrote online because he started a website about evolution. And he says, you know what I love? Natural selection. It's the best thing that ever happened to the earth. Getting rid of all the stupid and weak organisms. But it's all natural, yes. So what did he do? He goes into his school with Dylan and they shot, they started off with Rachel, Rachel Scott right down here, right there. They shot Rachel four times. And she was laying there on the ground and they sat there for a few minutes just watching her die. And they had no sympathy for her. Now Rachel was very, very nice to Dylan and Eric. Rachel showed them the love of Christ. Dylan and Eric were bullied in the school. But Rachel was always there to try to help them through that. But they shot and killed her anyway. Rachel says, I have this theory. She wrote this in her journal. She says, I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction the same. She was the first victim. They picked her up by the head while she was still alive and they said, do you still believe in God? She says, you know I do. She says, you know I believe. You know I do. And they shot her execution style. They went through the school and they started asking people, do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? And they would shoot whenever the student would say yes. You believe in God? Bam. You believe in God? Oh no, I don't believe in God. All right, we'll leave you alone. Do you believe in God? Yep. Bam. They went through the whole school asking people if they believed in God. This is the damaging effects of telling your kids that they're nothing more than an animal and that it's all about survival of the fittest. Folks, last I checked, our mission is to help the weakest. Our mission says that we want to, you know, we want to preserve the best. It's all about being the best. Be the strongest that you can be. Survival of the fittest. Folks, the Bible says that this is pure religion to help the widows. People that have struggled the fatherless help the weakest. Don't be down on them. This is Christianity. She showed compassion up until the point that they died. So even though she was point blank range, she could have said, no, I don't believe in him anymore, Eric. I don't believe anymore. Don't shoot. They asked her, do you believe in God? She says, you know, I do, I do. They shot Isaiah Sholes just because he was black. They made fun of him for being black. Folks, red, yellow, black, and white, they're all precious in his sight. All of us are of one blood. A black man is just as much of a brother to me as a white man or as a red man. They shot Isaiah Sholes because he was black because evolution says that they are inferior. Evolution is a racist religion that causes death. What Rachel wrote in her journal, she says, I'm not going to apologize. She says, I ain't going to apologize for speaking the name of Jesus. And you know what? Even to her very last breath, she didn't apologize. You know what? Rachel Scott's story really changed my life. I remember watching a movie about them going into the school and shooting up the place. And I remember seeing a playback of what happened to Rachel. And, you know, I thought, wow, what compassion that she had up until the very end. She had compassion, looked them in the eye and said, you know, I believe in God. And more or less is saying, I want you to believe in him too. I want you to have the same compassion that Rachel had. Folks, I want to have that compassion. The Bible says that God commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Even though we were sinners and even though we did way worse thanks to Christ, he died for us. Evolution says it's about the strongest, let the strongest live. Step up for the strongest, defend the strongest. But the Bible tells us, Christianity, Jesus said to go and sin no more. He wanted to help that woman at the well. He wanted to help people. He wanted to lift up the weak. The Bible says, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, be patient all men. Look, 98%, or actually 90 plus percent, Brother Greg Cameron and I were talking about this the other day, of students that go to school in their freshman year, they give up believing in the Bible. Because they're taught evolution. They're taught that they came from nothing. They're taught to believe in magic. They're not taught the facts. They're taught to believe in magic, folks. We need to make a distinction between what's right and what's wrong. And we need to make it clear. Don't wait until your kid goes to the school to tell them what the truth is. Tell them now. These parents, they always call me, they say, Matt, please talk to my kid. It's too late. I give them back. And every time I talk to them, it's just such indoctrination. You wish that their eyes could be opened. When Jesus died, it reminded me of Rachel Scott. When she died, it reminded me of what Jesus did. Jesus said, Father, forgive them. They know not what they do. That was the last thing that Jesus said. So when Jesus died, the last thing that he said was, please forgive these people. There's a lot of people that would say, well, they're just reprobates. There are some reprobates out there. There's some pretty bad people. But you know, Jesus loved people to the death. The Bible says that he died not for our sins only, but for the sins of the whole world. Be not overcome of evil. That's the conclusion of this message. Don't overcome evil with evil, but overcome evil with good. Be nice to people. You say, well, you haven't always been nice. You've really called out some people in the past. Folks, it's for the protection of others. The Bible says, smite the scorner and the simple will beware. There are certain people that just need us with kick in the pants. These are my resources if you guys have any questions. This is a couple films I produced, Science Falsely So-Called was the first one. We did that in 2018. And people have accused me. They said, well, you've never confronted an atheist, Matt. So you don't know. You don't need to actually sit down and talk to them before you say these things. I did in both films. Both movies I debated are atheist in each one. Two atheists in the first one, atheist in the second. All YouTubers trying to convince children that there's no God. And then the book over here, The Young Earth Creation Model, it's written by a friend of mine, Ra Matt. Ra Matt got saved. He was an atheist. He was a cage fighter. Don Budd, he wrote the Independent Origins Handbook. So you can search for those things and get them. These are the YouTube channels. That was Answers in Creation Seminar 1. If you have any questions for me, please just reach out to me by email. I'll try to get back to you. Mattpowell705 at gmail.com. If I could just end on this point, we have the truth. There's no doubt about it. Jesus said, I'm the way, the truth, and the life. And I just want us to always remember that. That no matter what people say, no matter how a teacher might bully you into getting you to think that there is no God, the Bible stands true. In the Bible, his word is firm and true. This is the solid rock. On Christ, the solid rock I stand. All of the ground is sinking sand. Thanks, Pastor. Yeah, I tell you what, that was a special treat. And we hope to see more of Brother Mattpowell and his family. And I tell you what, you know, you just, don't ever let someone tell you that you're just being simple by believing the Word of God. This is all that we need. And what a thought there to have compassion and to be able to just look for them. And they're not concerned for you or their own self. But if we could love them and say, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. That's the spirit that God is asking from us. And probably one of the best ways that you can show someone how much you love them is to tell them about the Lord Jesus Christ. And to knock on their door. And sometimes they'll slam the door, but you know what? Even the ones slamming the door, we want to see them saved. Even the one that's using a few choice words as you walk down their driveway, kind of happened a little bit yesterday. You know what? And I was happy to watch as they responded, not in kind, but in kind words, said, hey, you know what? I hope you have a good day, sir. Because what we have is important. And I tell you what, that's something that's reminding us of the job that we have. Let's all stand, we'll close in prayer, then we'll have a song. The song you'll find goes well with the message, page number 66, but let's have a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this message. Thank you, Lord, that you did love us and do love us while we were yet sinners. That it wasn't while we cleaned our life up and tried to be good, but it was while we were at our lowest that you sent your Son, Lord Jesus Christ, to die for us. Lord, I pray that we would return that to those around us, Lord, and to love them and preach the gospel to them and not be ashamed of this book, nor the truths that are found therein. We pray these things now in Jesus' name, amen, amen. Page number 66, think about the words, years I spent in vanity and pride, caring not my Lord was crucified, knowing not for me he died on Calvary. Page number 66.