(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) clearly seen. So I want us to notice these two words, the Bible says they're clearly seen. You can look around you in nature and clearly see that God created the world, amen. And the Bible says, being understood by the things that are made so we understand that we're created because of the things that we clearly see, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are, notice these two words, without excuse. So there are some people in this world that the Bible says they are without excuse. They have no excuse not to believe in God. And the Bible also says in verse 21, says, because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imagination, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And the title of my message today is the agenda of the public school system. The agenda of the public school system. You might say, well that's not a very loving sounding title, an agenda. Well when you think about it, when I see all of the things that are going on in this country and in America, there's obviously an agenda that's come about by our public school system. Did you know Hitler said, if you tell a lie big enough, loud enough, and often enough, people will believe it. It's got to be a big lie. And we're gonna go ahead and focus today on the lie that's known as evolution, or the idea that we came from pond scum, or a rock. You say, oh that sounds silly brother Paul, why are you making fun of it? Hey the Bible says, he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh. You know, we should be able to get a laugh out of this stuff. And you know, it would be really really funny to me if so many people didn't fall for it. You know, but I notice, I'd like to notice in verse number 22, the Bible says, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And how many of you guys know and see when you go down the road, and you knock doors, and you run into these god-hating atheists, what do they say? Oh I believe in science, you believe in religion. You know, and they make, they try to make it sound like we don't know what we're talking about. You know, one time I had a guy, I knocked his door with the gospel of Christ, and he goes, well I'm an atheist, I don't believe in anything. You know, he says, and you can't be sure of anything. I said, well are you sure that you're sure that you're not sure of anything? Because that's a logical fallacy. He goes, well there is no truth. I said, well is that true? Because if it's true that there's no truth, how can we be sure that that's true? How can we be sure that anything's true? But this is the country that we live in, folks, and we live in a generation of schools and public fool systems, is what they should be called, that are teaching our kids that we came from a monkey, for crying out loud. You know, they teach the kids from a young age that, you know, it started off with an amoeba, and you get to Australopithecus afarensis, Lucy, all the way up to Peaking Man, and here we are. Is this it? Are we the last stage in evolution? You know, I wonder what's next, you know? But this is the idea, this is kind of the sci-fi idea that comes along with the agendas that the public school system is pushing these days. And so one atheist told me one time, he says, well you make me feel kooky for being an atheist, you make me feel like I'm just crazy. Wasn't that exactly what it is? Even the co-founder of your religion, Mr. Atheist, Ernst Haeckel himself, who co-founded evolution, he said, and I quote, he said, spontaneous generation must be true. Now whenever somebody says something must be true, doesn't that sound desperate? Spontaneous generation or life coming from non-living material must be true, not because it had been proven in the laboratory, he says, but because otherwise it would be necessary to believe in a creator. So Ernst Haeckel, the co-founder of evolution, he believed that if spontaneous generation didn't happen, that you would have to believe in God. Spontaneous generation has never been observed and was debunked in the 1980s, but they just keep believing. It's funny, they say, oh you just keep believing what you want, you just want to believe that book of fairy tales. To be honest, folks, does anybody in here take pleasure in believing in hell? I know I don't. I don't think any Bible, now there are some people that when they get there, I'm not gonna have sympathy for them, amen? There's a group of people in the Bible that are very vile and disgusting that I have no sympathy for, okay? That's about 1% of the population. Most people, you know, I don't want to believe in hell, but I choose to believe it. Why? Because it's what the Bible says, you know, and I'm not ashamed of anything in the Bible, so when these people come and say, oh well I just can't believe and I can't cope with the fact that God, you know, had this great flood and the whole world was flooded, I can't believe that you believe that he's so heartless. Well you know what, I can't believe that you'd actually deny a historical fact, which is the flood of Noah. And you know what, I have no problem with the flood of Noah. I don't have a problem with anything in the Bible. The Bible says every word of God is pure. Every word. It's not just the part that I like or that you like. Every part of the Bible is pure. So he said spontaneous generation must be true. Let's go ahead and turn over to 2 Peter chapter number 3. 2 Peter chapter number 3. We're going to go ahead and begin in verse number 3. The Bible says, knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts and saying, where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were since the beginning of the creation. And I'd like you to notice verse 5 here. Very important. It says, for this they are willingly ignorant of. Willingly ignorant means being dumb on purpose. They're dumb on purpose about the fact that God brings up here in verse 5. He says, for this they are willingly ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water. So you know what the Bible is telling us? These people are not only willingly ignorant of the creation, but you know what else they're willingly ignorant of? The flood. You know? And it just drives me nuts that this theory has been debunked time and time and time again and that they say, oh let's just keep believing. And then they come to me and make stupid statements like, your Bible was written by a bunch of goat herders. You know, as if, as if that disproves the Bible. Well you know what? I'm glad that God didn't leave me without his word for over a thousand, you know, six thousand years. I'm glad that God's Word has been preserved. So number one, you're admitting that it's historical. And number two, why would you discount the people of the ancient time? You know, the Greeks were some of the most smart mathematicians that we had. I mean, the mathematical equations that they came up with, we still use today. So when they say, what are you talking about? Of course these people knew what they were talking about. Why else would the Bible say, it is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, if they didn't understand that the earth was a sphere? You know, and if God hadn't revealed that to them. So there's just so many things and in the Bible, it just proves itself time and time again. It's the Word of God. The Word of God, the Bible says the Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. So you know how you overcome the enemy is with the Word of God. You say, what's the solution for all our problems with the public school system? What's the solution with all these shootings that are happening, all these people that are angry with each other, and nobody's getting along, and everybody wants to fight, and it's survival of the fittest. What are we gonna do? Preach the gospel. Give the gospel. You know, that's the solution. The solution is not apologetics. It's funny, a lot of people say, oh you'd make a great apologist, Brother Powell. No, I actually really don't like apologetics. You know, the Bible says there are certain things like man's wisdom. The Bible says it's unprofitable in vain. Okay, and so a lot of these apologists, you know, and I'm not gonna call any of them out by name, but a lot of them, they just use logic, logic, logic, and it's like, hello, the Bible says that the cross of Christ, the Bible says the Word of God has the power. The Bible says the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Hello! You know, but these people, this is what they believe, and this is what they cling to. You know, and I always have to remind these God-haters, look, I don't believe in man's wisdom, okay? Sometimes I just have to tell them that. You know, hey, I don't believe in man's wisdom. I believe in the Word of God. They say, oh, well, that's circular reasoning because you're saying that you believe that the Word of God is the Word of God because the Bible says that it's the Word of God. So it's a circular... look, I don't care what shape the argument is. The Word of God has power, okay? So a lot of these people that say, well, you just believe in religion, and let's go ahead and turn over to Genesis chapter number one, because I don't want to get off track. Now the Bible says simply, in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth in verse 1. The Bible says the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said, let there be light. So one of the first things that God did was, hey, let's bring some light to the world. He says, I am the light of the world. He says, I'm the way, the truth, and life, right? He says, let there be light, and there was light. And so the first thing that God created was light. And the Bible says, Jesus said, you know what, you're supposed to shine as lights in the world. And you know, when you shine the light of the Word of God, a lot of people will get offended. I know you guys know this. This is a great soul-winning church here. I know a lot of you guys probably go out at least once a week. You know, I know you guys are just having this marathon coming up, and these people, you know, they're gonna get offended when the light and the Word of God comes. But you know what, the truth is hate to those who hate the truth. That's just the truth. You know, so these people, you know, I had one of them tell me, you know, they were mocking Christ. Oh, you know, he's the light of the world. You know, I can't believe that you believe that a Jewish man died and resurrected from the dead. And I looked at that guy, I said, sir, would you look at what you believe? I said, you believe every living life form came to life by itself through spontaneous generation and resurrected itself from the dead. I said, you believe in a greater resurrection than I do. I said, I believe Jesus died, was buried and resurrected. I said, you believe you and I and every other life from the planet came to life by spontaneous generation. So let me ask you a question, who has more faith? You know, me putting my faith in the Word of God or this idiot putting his faith in the idea, well nobody created me and I just came to life by chance. Even though the chances of a functional protein existing by chance is 10 to the 164th power. Who here thinks that 10 to the 164th power could happen by chance? Alright, let's go a step further. Trillions of times over because there's trillions of proteins in the universe, right? Who thinks that 10 to the 164th power could happen trillions of times over simultaneously, by chance? Only a fool, that's what the Bible says, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools! They're fools! And they get so offended, oh man I can't believe you call me, well that's what the Bible says. Look, I use Bible words to describe these people because I want the power of God in my life. I don't want the wisdom of men and when you use the wisdom of men and talk about cosmology, you know, and use man's wisdom and man's words, unlike the Bible words that the Bible describes, you'll live a powerless Christian life and that's the way that we're gonna reach these people is opening a King James Bible and showing them, hey in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. You know, not in the beginning there was an amoeba, you know, who somehow found somebody else to marry, you know, because you can't reproduce unless you have something else. There couldn't have just been one single cell, there had to have been another amoeba, wouldn't there have been? Then they would have had to find something to eat, you know, and they would have slowly grown together until we have everything that we have today. And they say, well Mr. Powell, you know, you believe in religion. I've gotten to, like I've gotten to these points with these atheists where they're so close-minded and they're so confined to just, it had to have been evolution, the science is telling me this, how could my teacher be wrong? And a lot of times when you point out these things, like they'll say, well I believe in science, you believe in religion. Well hello, wait a minute, did you know most scientists believe in God? Most scientists believe that science points to God. Even one of the most famous scientists in the world who was an agnostic, who was not a Christian, he said, and I quote, you know, because they say, well let's look at what the scientists say. Oh yeah, absolutely, let's look at what the scientists say. Not the Bible, but this scientist said, Robert Jastrow is his name, he said, astronomers now find that they've painted themselves into a corner because they have proven by their own methods that the universe began abruptly in an act of creation to which it can trace the seeds of every star, every planet, every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth. And they have found that this is a product of forces that they cannot hope to discover. So this agnostic astronomer is saying, look, there's forces out there that I cannot hope to discover. And then he says that there are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now I think a scientifically proven fact. This is one of the world's leading scientists. You know, and all of his science buddies are like, yeah, you know, I agree, I mean there's something beyond space and time. And you know, another scientist said this about evolution recently, his name is Steven Gould, he's a paleontologist, somebody who's out on the field, he says, look, there are no missing links, the whole chain is missing. And of course they crucified him over that and made sure that he was promptly fired and removed because you can't have somebody standing up to the idea that we came from a monkey and standing against it in our public school system or you might get demonetized, you might get thrown out. Because how could these scientists have been wrong for so many years? It's funny, they say, oh, you believe in the stuff from the 1800s. Wait a minute, Richard Dawkins and all these creeps believe in a religion that was invented in the 1800s themselves. Charles Darwin was not around when all of the scientific material that we have today was around. Charles Darwin came about in the 1800s and they're basing their beliefs off of somebody that came about with an idea in the 1800s. I mean, so anyways, and I'd like to get into more Bible, I don't want to just look as if I'm just rattling my cage and up here just talking about all these different scientists. Let's get into more scripture. Let's go ahead and turn over to 2 Peter, so that's in the New Testament, but you guys know that. 2 Peter chapter 1, verse number, actually we'll go to 2 Peter chapter number, yeah it's gonna be chapter number 1, verse number 20. Now a lot of people will say, okay brother Powell, yes you're right about God, but I believe in what's known as theistic evolution. Who's ever heard that? I mean, I think probably everybody's heard of theistic evolution, right? And this idea that God started the Big Bang. Well, here's the problem with that, and they say you can only understand it in the Greek, you know, and so the Bible says in verse 20 of 2 Peter 1, it says, knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. So God is saying, look, there's nothing in the scripture that is hard, too hard, and that needs a private interpretation for somebody else to interpret, you know, and I'm thankful we can just pick up the King James Bible and read it and believe it, and it's good enough for me, it's good enough for you, and so, but also I'd like you to notice it says, for the prophecy in verse 21, came not an old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, and there's just power in that scripture that, you know, God is saying, look, these men spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, you know, it doesn't say Charles Darwin spake as he was moved by the Holy Ghost, you know, Charles Darwin didn't even believe in the Holy Ghost, and it's funny because a lot of people say, we were talking, Daniel, before we, before I started this message, he told me, he said, yeah, I knocked the door recently, and some guy told her, some lady told me, you know, your Bible was written by a bunch of white people, and so it's a racist book. Well, hello, were you there when they wrote the Bible? You know, you know, number one. Number two, the Bible was probably written by some Mediterranean type people, right, because, I mean, they had that type of olive skin, you know. Number two, number three, to say, well, the Bible, you know, it's a racist book, well, hello, the original title of The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection is, and this is what Charles Darwin titled his book, he says, it's The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. That's the title of Charles Darwin's book, so when these people say, oh, your Bible promotes racism, no, the Bible says we are all of one blood, all of us are of one blood, black, white, you know, Jew, Gentile, red, yellow, black, and white, they're all precious in his sight, the Bible says, you know, and so don't let these people deceive you, and the only reason I get so worked up about this is because there's a lot of Christians out there that don't know their Bibles, and they get deceived, they're like, oh, was that really what the Bible says? No, it's not what the Bible says, the Bible says we're all of one blood, the Bible says there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek, he says, for you're all one in Christ Jesus, he says, all for a reason, he's trying to encompass everybody, saying, look, everybody's welcome, whoso cometh thirsteth, let him come and drink of the water of life freely, and as Christians, we need to be very careful not to have a proud attitude, you know, and it's very easy because I know we have the truth, but John the Baptist said, and John the Baptist walked with Jesus Christ, he says, you know, he must increase, I must decrease, amen, and so, you know, we need to remember that, you know, this idea that we came from monkeys, you know, the revolution teaches that death brought man into the world, you know, where the Bible teaches man brought death into the world, and when you teach that death brought man into the world, you know, and that it's survival of the fittest, and it's about pride, and how good I can be, you're gonna have a lot of problems, and that's why anywhere you go in the USA, people always got their head up, people are always flipping each other off on the highway, I mean, we couldn't even come down here without some creep, you know, flipping us off, because he went just a little over the line, you know, it's like, just let it go, but I, you know, a lot of times there are certain people, I really can't blame them, because they grow up in these homes where everything's given to them, welfare, all this stuff, and they just feel entitled to everything, but the Bible says that we are to hate pride and arrogance and the evil way, you know, so we are not to be arrogant, and let me tell you something folks, like, you know, and I don't want, I don't want to get too deep into this, but June is Pride Month, you know, and pride, you know, they're holding up all these pride flags, you know, it's amazing, David said, the proud have digged a pit for me, which is not after thy law, so these proud people are digging a pit, they're trying to bring other people, and they're trying to recruit children, and they're dangerous people, and they're very evil people, and we are to hate the evil way, we are not to be like them, we are not to be like the evolutionists, like the Mormon, or the atheist, or the Jew, we're supposed to be separated, and we're supposed to be humble, hey, when you knock that door and tell somebody about the Lord, you need to keep a humble spirit about you, it's very easy, like, look folks, I know it's easy to say, I have the truth, and you need to listen, and I've got it figured out, you know, and you know what, we do have it figured out, we got salvation, amen, we have Jesus Christ, he's the way, the truth, and the life, once saved, always saved, we've got the fundamentals of the faith, but it's no excuse to get haughty and arrogant, even John the Baptist says, he must increase, and I must decrease, we need to decrease, and not be haughty, so with that being said, you know, and life, a lot of these people, and there's another agenda that's being pushed in the public school system, and in the music industry today, which is, you know, it, you know, if you're in a public school, you'll know that, you know, you got the music playing constantly, follow your heart, you know, who's ever heard that, that phrase, follow your heart, I hear it all the time, you know, just follow what feels good, and I was in a debate one time with this guy, who knows Raging Atheist, some of you guys got him, you're right, right, I was in a debate with Raging Atheist one time, and I asked him, I said, well, where do you get your morality, man, like, you have some type of final authority that you look to, is it Charles Darwin, Ernst Haeckel, do you follow Richard Dawkins, guy who believes that pedophilia is okay, who do you follow, and he, he responded, he says, well, it's about what I feel inside, but can we always trust our feelings, folks, you know, life isn't a Hollywood movie, where, hey, you know, trust your feelings, Luke, it's not about trusting our feelings, the Bible says, there's a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the way, the end thereof, are the ways of death, so we need to remember these things, and, you know, I get so frustrated when these bunch of queers just want to attack Bible-believing churches, and attack Bible-believing preachers, and they just think that we're not gonna stand up to them, and they're gonna push atheism, that's their big thing today, that, like, I saw an article recently where it said that atheists are more likely to be homos and queers than any other group, and the Bible makes it real clear how they got that way, but that's another message for another time, you know, and you don't even want to get me started, because a lot of times the Bible says be angry and sin not, so there are certain subjects that should anger you so bad inside that you should be willing to take a stand boldly for the cause of Christ, and one of those issues is with the homos, you know, I don't know if any of you have kept up with what's going on with Pastor McMurtry and this guy named Mr. Atheist, you know, it amazes me, these people, they claim to be so logical, they say, oh, well, I'm an atheist, and what atheist means is I lack a belief in God. Well, what kind of person would say, well, I'm Mr. Non-believer in Santa Claus? Like, what if I came up to you and says, I'm Mr. Non-believer in Santa Claus? Wouldn't you look at me and say, wow, that's stupid? They do the same thing, they say, well, God doesn't exist, so I'm Mr. Person that doesn't believe that God exists. What kind of sense does that make? Oh, but we're so logical, we believe in science. No, you believe in a religion, and you say, oh, that's the fallacy of false equivalence, you're saying all religions bad. No, religion is not bad, but when you have a religion teaching racism, survival of the fittest, pride, you know, following your heart, that is wickedness, and it should be reviewed. So with all that being said, we're gonna close out here in a few minutes, but one of the things that I think is really important for us to remember is that when we knock these doors, we have to understand that a lot of people are going to get offended with the truth. A lot of people do not want to hear the truth, and sometimes, at least I found in my experience, rather than, you know, accepting the truth, when you bring forth the truth so plainly and shine the light of the Word of God, because the Word of God is light, God created light, which is the first thing in the universe. One of the things that I've always noticed about these God haters is no matter how clearly you show them the truth, no matter how plain you make it, you make it the way straight, you know, and you make it plain to them, they will still deny the truth. They will still, and then they rage. And I think it's kind of funny, this guy, he calls himself the Raging Atheist. Do you know the definition of rage is out of control emotions? Like, so when somebody says, oh I'm enraging, I'm infuriated, I'm raged, you know what they're telling you is, I'm out of control. You know, and this one guy, Mr. Atheist, and I'm gonna close with this, you know, he put out a video, and if this doesn't get you fired up, I don't know what will, to show you that we're in a battle, but he put out a video called, and this guy's a, he's a queer, and he says, you know, this is the title of his video, it says, abortion rights are in real danger, and it shows him like acting like a sissy. You know, when I look at these young kids over here, and young babies that come out of the womb, and fresh when they're born, and I think of somebody saying, oh my right to go and murder them is in danger, you know what, that person can go to hell. I do not have sympathy for people like that. People that have a seared conscience that are just too far from salvation, you know, I'll have nothing to do with them, and I think as Christians there's a certain line that we have to draw when we're out in public and we're talking to people that, you know, there are some people that are just too far gone, and I'm so sick and tired of Christians wasting their time with them. You know, people always ask me, Matt, why don't you go debate R and Ra? You know, he's challenging you to a debate. Well, number one, why would I want to waste my time with this fat freeloader who doesn't even have a science degree, who's an actor? He's a movie actor, and he's just weird. He has been continually corrected on all of his scientific claims, and yet he just keeps regurgitating the same old stuff, and the Bible says the same old lies. The Bible says who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ. You know, I don't want to get in the ring and talk to a bunch of liars. I'd rather talk to somebody who's maybe a little bit confused, you know, and with all that being said, guys, I think we're gonna go ahead and close out here, but one of the things, the last thing I want to mention is that whenever you meet an atheist or a non-believer in public, number one, use the Word of God. The Bible says the Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, but number two, you need to be ready to give an answer to every man that asks if it's the reason the hope that's within you. You know, so there are certain answers that you should give them, and the couple answers that I like to give them, I always tell them it's okay if you want to be an atheist, that's okay, but it's unscientific, and then the moment you say that, it's like a light bulb goes off in their head. Well, what do you mean? And then you tell them, well, number one, you ask them, do you believe in science? Oh yeah, every atheist believes in science. You know, don't you look at the media, don't you look at the textbooks? Well, if you believe in science, going from nothing to something is scientifically impossible. It's known as the first law of thermodynamics. It's called, you know, matter cannot be created or destroyed, the conservation of matter and energy, it's science 101. And so I always ask them, if matter cannot be created or destroyed, where did it all come from? Did matter create itself? And number two, the second law, that violates the first law of thermodynamics, the second law of thermodynamics states that everything in order tends towards disorder. So, you know, eventually this church is gonna go, this building is gonna go towards disorder. Jesus said there will not be one stone left here upon another. Jesus said, look, things are going towards disorder. You know, a part of my car broke the other day and it doesn't, you know, explosions out of chaos never produce order. You know, I would think, you know, a normal person could figure that out. So this idea that, you know, this explosion out of chaos produced order is silly and it goes against the second law of thermodynamics. Think about it folks, the Sun is burning down, the earth is slowing down in its rotation, the moon is getting further away, and so whoever created our universe wound things up perfectly. So to say, well nobody wound it up and it exploded out of chaos and produced order, that's unscientific. It goes against the second law of thermodynamics. Why? Because ordered things go towards disorder. So I always tell them, hey, if you want to be an atheist that's fine, but you don't believe in science. That's the catch. You know, you can be an atheist, but just don't tell me, don't lie and say you believe in science when it's unscientific. You know, and sometimes, and I have seen atheists be willing to look at what the Word of God says and get saved after reading the scriptures by just, you know, helping change that nerve in their brain from being completely closed to, okay, I have a hole in my theory, I need to look for something else. You know, and so when they come to you and say there is no truth, just ask them, hey, is that true? Because that's one of their claims and a lot of them say, well, I don't have a worldview. Well, is that your worldview that you don't have a worldview? Because that sounds like a really different worldview. One of them told me, well, there are no absolutes. Well, are you absolutely sure about that? You know, so the Bible says, come let us reason together, saith the Lord. And so we should be reasonable and we should be able to reach these people with the gospel using biblical methods, not apologetics, but biblical methods to reach them with the gospel. Let's go ahead and pray together. Lord, thank you so much for this opportunity that you've given us to be in your house. Lord, I just thank you for this wonderful church, Friendship Baptist. I pray you'll bless all of the people here. I pray you'll bless Pastor Dalello as he's in the hospital, or has been in the hospital. Lord, I pray you'll just bless him and keep him safe and that you'll heal his leg and give him a touch from your almighty hand, Lord. And I just pray that you'll keep all of us fired up for soul winning and that we'll do the biblical solution to preach the gospel to every creature. In Jesus' name, amen.