(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you who is on the Lord's side? let him come unto me and all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him so the people feared Moses you know here they were afraid they understand that he's upset we know that they requested Aaron to make a false god Aaron acquiesces to their demand and when Moses rather comes back down from the mount he asks a salient question here every time I go through my Bible cover to cover I stop and I think about this verse who is on the Lord's side it's a great question especially in 2021 America and that's the title of my sermon tonight who is on the Lord's side who is on the Lord's side Moses demands that the children of Israel pick a side and he makes it clear that in this instance there's no room for neutrality there's no room for impartiality they had to pick a side they were either with God or they weren't they were either with the golden calf or they were with the Lord Jesus Christ or they were on God's team and we have to make that choice every day in our lives I'll have more on that a little bit later on but I personally believe the first instance in which all of us had to face a decision like this where there was a dichotomy that we had to choose it was at salvation you see if you want to go to heaven you got to do it God's way you got to be on God's side with respect to salvation you have to turn away from trusting in your own works dead works that are not salvific works that aren't going to get you to heaven but instead place 100% of your faith on the Lord Jesus Christ and for people out sowning that's the number one obstacle preventing them from getting saved that they're trusting themselves and we have to get them to repent of that they have to get on God's side they have to be on the Lord's side with respect to salvation those who are in a false religion have to turn away from that false religion you can't add Jesus to the pedophile Muhammad it's not going to work that way you have to turn away from being an Islamicist and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and so when you're out sowning make sure you emphasize that to someone who's in a false religion that they can't just add Jesus to whatever they believe they have to make a decision you know when I gave the gospel to this little girl who was a Muslim at the end I asked her I said well would you like to stop being a Muslim and become a Christian unfortunately she said no but she did receive a full gospel presentation and I hope that that seed eventually is germinated and that it sprouts up into everlasting life that would be great but people are faced with this decision today salvation is a decision are you going to be on the Lord's side or not the Bible says in 1 John chapter 5 he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of God hath not life you say oh you guys are extremists well you know what the God of the Bible at least in my estimation he appears to be a God of extremes isn't he he that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him John 3 36 how much more extreme can you get heaven for eternity hell for eternity and salvation is a decision now 99.999% of you have already made that decision so I'm not going to focus too much on the salvation application tonight there may be a Judas in here I don't know but here's the thing you guys all understand what salvation is you understand the decision that has to be made for those who want to get saved so that's not necessarily something I'm going to focus too much on here tonight go to Joshua chapter 5 what I want to first do is show you instances in which individuals are tasked with picking a side we see this numerous times in scripture we also see men of God who had this attitude who had this mentality hey are you on God's side or not are you on my side or not you have to pick a side there is no room for neutrality in Joshua chapter 5 I think that's demonstrated it says in verse 13 in Joshua chapter 5 verse 13 the Bible reads and it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand and Joshua went up to him and said unto him art thou for us or for our adversaries and he said nay but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come and Joshua fell on his face to the earth and did worship and said unto him what sayeth my Lord unto his servant so here's the point that I'm trying to extract from this is that Joshua this is a time of war here and he asks the servant he asks the servant of God are you on my side are you on our side or not what's his attitude friend or foe that's what he's trying to figure out friend or foe that's the attitude that he has which side are you on there's no hesitation during a time of war to ask this question hey who are you for who do you support he's concerned with which side this individual is on for Joshua you're either on God's team or you're not look at 1 Kings 18 let's see another example of this 1 Kings chapter 18 and look make no mistake about it I already made reference to it a little bit here to start we're in the midst of a war in 2021 America you say oh I just want to hold hands and sing Kumbaya with everybody and I don't want any trouble well you need to snap out of it because we're in a war today you see it used to be back perhaps in the early 90s 80s 70s 60s definitely the 50s there were two ideologies in America and you can argue that they're both sort of morally equivalent there were differences between the left and the right on perhaps fiscal policy or there were differences perhaps on foreign policy or whatever the case may be but they both agreed that abortion was disgusting right they both didn't support the sodomites they both didn't support this transgender agenda that we're seeing running wild today that wasn't even a question back then you were unelectable if you supported those radical left positions but that's not how it is now the chasm between good and bad is so wide today it's insane the Democratic Party has fallen off a cliff they're a bunch of weirdos and freaks who worship the devil and you say well then I'm going to be a Republican here's the problem with that the Republicans are right there with them they're following after them they're just 10 15 years behind the Republican Party of 2021 was the Democratic Party of yesteryear they just keep following the Democrats move the Overton window and these spineless conservatives follow suit they acquiesce to all of the demands of the left and so we need to make it clear where we stand it's not with a party it's not with the conservative Republican Party who aren't even really conservative anyway it's with the Lord Jesus Christ that's who we stand with we stand with the word of God today and make no mistake there is a war going on in this nation in the world it's a war against righteousness it's a war against evangelism it's a war against biblical values it's a war against everything we stand for so what are you going to do first Kings chapter 18 look what it says in verse 20 and Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel and gathered the prophets together unto mount Carmel and Elijah came unto all the people and said how long hold ye between two opinions if the Lord be God follow him but if Baal then follow him and the people answered him not a word Elijah asks Ahab's earlier in the story to gather 450 prophets of Baal to mount Carmel and we see a confrontation and what does Elijah ask he says how long hold ye between two opinions choose God or choose Baal don't choose both again no room for neutrality just as Moses asked the children of Israel to pick aside we see that Elijah he does the same thing neutrality unacceptable in this instance in this scenario flip over to second Kings chapter 9 second Kings chapter 9 I'm just trying to show you examples in scripture where men of God had this mentality you with us or not how long hold ye between two opinions I think this is relevant for soul winning again people have to pick whether they're going to put all their faith in the gospel or not it's a decision salvation is a decision which is why it always boggles my mind that these bozos would attack calling on the name of the Lord as a doctrine that's the decision how else can people make that decision if they're not asking for eternal life second Kings 9 says in verse 30 this is about the Israelite king the king of Israel Jehu and when Jehu verse 30 second Kings 9 verse 30 and when Jehu was come to Jezreel Jezebel heard of it and she painted her face and tired her head and looked out at a window and as Jehu entered at the gate she said had Zimrai peace who slew his master and he lifted up his face to the window and said who is on my side who and they looked out to him two or three eunuchs and he said throw her down so they threw her down and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and on the horses and he trode her underfoot so Israel's king Jehu he's used to exercise God's judgment and he does so on Jezebel now you might be asking well who's Jezebel well just think of your typical prototypical pink haired radical feminist who hates God that's essentially what Jezebel is the personification of Kamala Harris would be an example of that and as I read this story I think of how cool it would be to see Kamala Harris die in this way not gonna happen though oh you can't say that well you know get over it alright I'll be getting the emails tonight I'm telling you these trolls man they just follow everything I do and tell me how triggered they are go to Daniel chapter 3 that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about so Jehu says who's on my side and you know what these eunuchs to steal a joke from pastor Shelley had more stones than most dead as a doornail Baptist preachers today toss her down they toss her down but again who is on my side who is what's asked by Jehu as you're turning to Daniel 3 I'll read from Matthew 12 which says this is Jesus talking he that is not with me is against me and he that gatherth not with me scatterth abroad Jesus Christ reiterates the same truth are you with me or are you not with me pick a side Luke 19 27 but those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me just as in Exodus chapter 32 those who chose the golden calf what happened to them they were slain weren't they well there's coming a day prior to the millennium when those who would not that Jesus Christ would reign over them are going to get slain as well and I know that doesn't fit with whatever hippie version of Jesus that's promulgated by the world but that's what the word of God says prior to the millennium I believe this is going to happen those who don't want Jesus who would not that Jesus would reign over them well this is going to be their end but we see the same attitude here are you with me are you not with me you can't just pick the middle road there's a purge that comes prior to the millennium Daniel 3 verse 15 another famous example of this where we see individuals have to pick a side and an idol is involved as well it says in verse 15 if ye be ready that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet Daniel 3 15 flute, harp, sack, foot, psaltery, and dulcimer and all kinds of music ye fall down and worship the image which I had made well but if ye worship not ye shall be cast at the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands who are we talking about here and who is the one speaking this is Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon and what he's saying to Hananiah, Mishal, and Azariah otherwise known as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is he's saying you have to either worship this image that I've set up in my kingdom or I'm going to cast you into a burning fiery furnace now they had to pick a side here it's not like they could kind of also like skip out on this idolatry but then avoid the fiery furnace they had to pick which side they were going to choose and they made it very clear what side they're on which is why I love this story so much I don't have time to go into it in detail but in verse 16 they say we are not careful to answer me in this matter you know what that means? that means that they made an unapologetic choice an unapologetic stand about rejecting this idolatry rejecting this request from Nebuchadnezzar he says we will not worship thy gods Shadrach Meshach and Abednego take a stand when the music begins to play what I believe this pictures is the abomination of desolation in the end times and you want to talk about a time in which people are going to have to pick a side how about Daniel's 70th week? how about when the tribulation commences? how about when the abomination of desolation is set up at the midpoint of Daniel's 70th week head over to Matthew chapter 24 if you would Matthew chapter number 24 we see this attitude also is going to come into play in the end times when this image is set up by the Antichrist Michelle Obama or whoever it ends up being in the temple now this temple eventually is going to be rebuilt in Jerusalem 250 days into Daniel's 70th week they're going to commence animal sacrifices it will be at the midpoint when the Antichrist declares himself to be God and those sacrifices cease I think that we see several shadow fulfillments of this you see it in the middle of the Roman Jewish war you also see I believe a shadow of the abomination of desolation courtesy of Antiochus Epiphanes of the Seleucid empire who desolated the temple in Jerusalem Matthew 24 says in verse 15 it says when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place whoso read it let him understand so the abomination of desolation is this image it's going to be set up in the temple of God and the unsaved are going to have to make a choice whether they decide to worship it and receive the mark or reject it verse 21 let's skip down to verse 21 where the Bible read for then shall be what great tribulation such as was not the beginning of this world to this time no nor ever shall be the abomination of desolation kick starts 75 days of great tribulation and I don't have you know I wish I could actually go through the math and stuff but you'll just have to take my word for it it's 75 days of great tribulation and here's the thing this is when Christian persecution is going to reach its climax the Bible says in Revelation 13 and he caused the thaw both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name the unsaved are going to have to pick between worshipping the devil or getting saved and what you have to understand is bowing down to this idol that I just talked about here the abomination of desolation is connected to receiving the mark of the beast and I believe you can prove that in Revelation chapter 20 but if you bow down to this idol then you'll receive the mark conjecture on my part but I think it's probably an RFID chip other people have different ideas about what it might be but it's the unsaved who are going to have to make this decision because the Bible makes it clear the saved cannot be deceived by the antichrist the saved cannot be deceived by the antichrist the Bible says for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect it's not going to be possible to deceive those who are saved during this time now go back to Exodus chapter 32 why do I mention that well it'll all tie together in a moment but in the Old Testament there was the attitude that said which side are you on pick one in the New Testament Jesus Christ reiterates that as well and in the end times that is also going to be prominent before the rapture Exodus 32 look at verse 7 again there's a thousand ways to look at this story here's one of them verse 7 and the Lord sent him to Moses go get thee down for thy people which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves they've turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them they've made them a golden calf and have worshipped it and have sacrificed thereunto and said these be thy gods oh Israel which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt again with end times in mind think about this when Jesus returns what does he see an idol set up in the temple in Jerusalem the abomination of desolation well when Moses comes back down from the mount he sees the exact same thing he also sees idolatry courtesy of what the molten calf the molten calf and it was God who's going to send Jesus because the Bible says and of that day and hour knoweth no man known not the angels of heaven but my father only the father will be responsible for the second coming of Christ he knows when it's going to happen 1 Timothy 6 says and in his times he shall show he being the father and what's he showing the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and here we see God sending Moses down and in both instances there's a division made in Exodus 32 there's a division made there's a chasm made between those who want idolatry and those who are on the Lord's side a line in the sand are you with God or are you with Satan and the populace is going to be faced with this decision when the tribulation commences now here's the thing like I mentioned earlier the saved it's going to be impossible for them it's going to be impossible for the elect to be deceived by the antichrist so there's going to have to be something that we can do to prevent people from worshipping the devil when this comes to pass and making sure that they end up on the Lord's side and let me tell you something it's not waking people up politically it's not about sharing conspiracy theories with people it's not about convincing them that 9-11 was an inside job and I believe 9-11 was an inside job by the way I think you'd have to be dumb to believe the official story I believe it was an inside job but you know what people can believe that and die and go to hell what's going to prevent people from taking the mark of the beast the Holy Spirit you say I want to fight back against the new world order globalist establishment I want to take a stand I want to do something but where are you during the soul winning time what are you doing then I'm watching documentaries about the new world order it's not going to get anybody saved my friend go soul winning then watch the documentary let's get into some more detailed application here I'm talking about soul winning I have three questions for you tonight here's my first one who's on the Lord's side on soul winning who is on the Lord's side on soul winning because I can ask the question who's on the Lord's side and that's kind of a generic question I mean what does that really mean so there are different ways in which that question can be applied to your life and if you want to make an impact then you're going to do it by evangelizing the gospel of Christ my question is this who is on the Lord's side with respect to soul winning and if you're wondering what the Lord's side is the Bible tells us so clearly in many different places here's one of them Mark 16 it says and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature here's God's side going out with a King James Bible in hand and reaching the lost with the gospel of Christ now Exodus 32 I think you're still there so look at it Exodus 32 look at what it says in verse 26 then Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said who is on the Lord's side let him come unto me and all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him is that where the story ends no look at verse 27 and he said unto them thus saith the Lord God of Israel put every man his sword by his side and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp and slay every man his brother and every man his companion and every man his neighbor it wasn't enough for the Levites to say yeah we're on the Lord's side and of course they came out from among them but that wasn't enough for them a declaration of being on God's side or making it manifest that you've chosen that alignment wasn't enough you see they also had to use the sword as well and I guarantee you probably everyone in this room would say that evangelism is a good thing probably everyone in this room is pro soul winning but there's a difference between giving lip service to something and actually going out and doing it and adding some works to that faith the Bible says in Acts chapter 5 verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ Exodus 32 27 Moses told them to use their sword well in the New Testament we have a sword as well the sword of the spirit we have King James Bibles we have the word of God and you can claim that you're pro soul winning all you want but if you're not using this sword to slay some false doctrine out door to door getting people saved then I don't really think you're on the Lord's side with respect to soul winning you say I hear soul winning sermons all the time yeah you know why you do because it's important that's why because that's why we're here on this earth not to just eat chips off our chest and watch TV go to John 15 if you would John chapter 15 it's a shame it is a shame that when we go out door knocking people think we're Mormons what a shame they ought to be thinking hey I just had two or three other independent fundamental Baptist churches knock on my door kind of sick of hearing from you guys but hey it's good to see you again what are they doing why are they wasting their time it's a shame that people think we're Mormons when we go out soul winning it's a shame that people think we're Jehovah's Witnesses it's embarrassing I don't want to be associated with those freaks you know I don't even look Mormon why would they think I'm Mormon you know Dylan I would understand you know with me they would think I'm like from the mosque or something or I don't know hopefully not Jewish but anyway here's the thing folks why do they think why do they think we're Mormons because guess what Mormons are actually dedicated there I said it Mormons are actually dedicated to what they do and you know what they're dedicated to making people two fold more the child of hell than themselves they ride around in their stupid bicycles looking all prim and proper and they come up to people with a fake smile holding the trash Book of Mormon in their hand written by that pervert Joseph Smith how are you doing today can we tell you about the Mormon church it's so nice to see you what a fake smile so nice to see you today we'd love to tell you about the church of Latter Day Satan's or I'm sorry Latter Day Saints you want to talk about fake those people are the true hate cult they say oh we're hateful they're the ones who hate people the ones responsible for damning people to hell you see them out soul winning you don't be nice to them don't be a partaker of their evil deeds tell them to get the hell out of that neighborhood because you've got it covered I'm sick of these people you know what if Christians were as dedicated as these Mormons are and as these Jehovah's Witnesses are to going out and telling people about Jesus Christ perhaps America wouldn't be so screwed up today perhaps this country would be actually going in a good direction and we wouldn't have to preach against it all the time Romans 1 says this and for those of you who thought I was going to go to Romans 1 congratulations you were right but it's not exactly where you thought I was going Romans 1 says in verse 14 I am debtor both to the Greeks and to the barbarians both to the wise and to the unwise so as much as in me is I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are also for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek how powerful is that you know the apostle Paul made it clear where he stood on soul winning he made it clear where he stood on evangelism he's on God's side with respect to soul winning we know that one of the greatest Christians who ever lived he said he was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ and you know when we go out there and we knock doors we're putting ourselves out there in a world that often times would look at us and mock us for what we're doing why are you going out knocking doors and bothering people and everything like that well the reason why is because we're not ashamed of the gospel of Christ and someone's got to do it because if it's not going to be us I can guarantee you this no one will obviously there are other soul winning Baptist churches out there I'm not trying to say that there aren't but it's a rarity it's a rarity John 15 says in verse 4 abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except that abide in the vine no more can ye except ye abide in me I am the vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me he can do nothing if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned now before I move on I do have to explain this is not saying they're going to hell and you have to be careful when you see that word fire in scripture it's not always referring to hell the bible says in Hebrews chapter 10 that if we sin willfully after that we receive the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation after you're saved if you choose to commit willful sin that what's going to happen to you is fiery indignation that's talking about a fiery brand of zeal of chastisement it's a fiery brand of chastisement that's why it says in Hebrews chapter 10 that it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God and make no mistake it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God when you're sitting on your rear end doing nothing every soul winning time when you don't show up when you don't care about getting other people saved you know this says that you're useless you're like a branch that men just toss into the fire again this is why we're here you say well I want to be on the Lord's side on soul winning here's how you do it you abide in Christ that means you walk in the spirit and if you do so if you abide in Christ the bible says you'll bear fruit walk in the spirit so God can use you to get people saved so that you can bear fruit remember in Exodus chapter 32 those who were excuse me those who were not on the Lord's side what happened to them they were slain well if you're not on God's side on soul winning God might decide to take you out you might end up the individual here in John 15 verse 6 where men gather you up and just toss you aside like you're nothing because you become useless you're not a vessel under honor you're not someone who God can use and I think this is a warning that others send shivers down the spines of those who read it and you know woe under these dead as a doornail independent fundamental Baptist churches who've decided to scale back their soul winning program and instead replace it with putting tracks on a door with putting door hangers on a door and who've decided to replace their soul winning program with what politics bringing the mayor in who's probably a Roman Catholic to tell you to vote for his reelection campaign it's sick today who's on the Lord's side with respect to soul winning the answer is simple those who actually do it you can give lip service to being pro evangelism all you want but if you're not going out at least once a week and reaching people with the gospel then those are just empty words my friend go to James chapter 4 James chapter 4 here's my next question who's on the Lord's side regarding separation who's on the Lord's side regarding separation James chapter 4 famous verse here you guys know it it says in verse 4 the adulterers and adulteresses know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God again where's the room for neutrality here you're either a friend of the world or an enemy of God and again with Exodus 32 in mind what did they do they fashioned a molten calf that's exactly what America has done it's called the NFL it's called celebrities it's called a bunch of scumbags who are worshipped in this country just as sure as that molten calf was worshipped by the children of Israel and so which side are you going to choose are you going to run along with them and skip church so you can go watch a bunch of millionaires throw a football on a field or are you going to be a friend of the world or are you going to be a friend of God there is no room for impartiality you say well how do I get on God's side with respect to separation well the Bible tells us that we ought to be a peculiar people zealous of good works here's the thing peculiar doesn't mean weird right we're not supposed to be weird so don't be a weirdo and socially awkward but here's the thing if you choose to allow the word of God to govern your marriage by definition you've separated yourself from the world if you've chosen to adopt godly standards for appearance and men actually dressed like men and women actually dressed like women in a society that's blurring the lines and pushing this androgynous agenda then in my estimation you've separated yourself from the world you've chosen to be on God's side with respect to separation how about raising your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord rather than the nurture and admonition of Stephen Hawking rather than the nurture and admonition of Charles Darwin well how would they what are you talking about it's called the public fool system where that's taught as reality rather than the false religion that it is today you say I want to be separate from the world why don't you raise your children in such a way that is contrary to the way that the world wants you to raise them putting them in these Marxist indoctrination camps today to teach them a godless atheistic origin of this universe it's sickening it's disgusting today how about abstaining from music movies and television that defile the mind that's the way in which you can choose to be on God's side when it comes to separation especially if you have children because what you decide to put on the television set in your home what you decide to listen to in your home make no mistake about it it's affecting your children it's affecting your children today and let me tell you something these new world order elites whatever you want to call them the globalists whatever you want to call them they're coming for your children the reprobates of this world are coming for your children and here's how they're going to infiltrate they're going to do it through the TV they're going to do it by infiltrating your home today you say I don't believe you well here's an article for you this is from the New York Post Nickelodeon's environmental racism segment sparks backlash from conservative viewers now here's the thing if you're conservative why are you even watching Nickelodeon to begin with but they didn't really like this and I don't blame them learning the meaning of environmental racism Nickelodeon tweeted Friday along with a video of the segment which currently boasts nearly 500,000 views in this clip part of the Nick news series host Jamie Yuckus discusses why certain areas face more health hazards than others the CBS news correspondent chalks up the disparity to environmental racism a form of systemic racism there's that buzz phrase again systemic racism we're all we're all supposed to just accept that as reality despite there being zero evidence of it a form of systemic racism where minority and low income communities are surrounded by health hazards because they live near sewage mines landfills power stations and major roads don't relax your Christian standards out of laziness and put your kids in front of the TV to watch Nickelodeon so they can learn about this environmental racism garbage if you're not going to get on God's side for yourself and at the very least do it for your children so that your little Timmy doesn't grow up to be you know some sort of mentally enslaved Marxist leftist weirdo you know promoting race of finding racism rather in every crevice of society these people are mentally ill they can barely tie their own shoelaces and guess what your children your children can end up just like this if you put them in front of the TV out of laziness and let them just watch all this stuff and consume it all how about you put them in front of the TV and let them watch something godly if you're going to put them in front of the screen you know let them consume something that's going to help them you know there are kids in here that can quote entire chapters of the Bible that's great that's amazing that's awesome that's what we need more of today and I have more articles but here's the gist of it television shows are adding more degeneracy and more filth to brainwash children they're adding more fag characters on television today to desensitize children to desensitize families and again if you're not going to get on god's side on separation if you're not going to be a peculiar people for yourself at the very least do it for your children so that their eyes aren't defiled by a bunch of degenerate freaks today so that they're not abused by what's put up by Hollywood and by the entertainment industry do it for your kids at the very least if you're not willing to do it for yourself go back to Exodus chapter 32 now separation is obviously a very wide topic it's a very wide topic you can separate from sin you can separate from worldliness you can separate from people and that's what I want to focus on next after asking you know who's on the Lord's side Moses says let him come unto me that's separation he asks for separation verse 27 Exodus 32 verse 27 the Bible says and he said unto them thus saith the Lord God of Israel put every man his sword by his side and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp and slay every man his brother and every man his companion and every man his neighbor and the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses and their fellow of the people that day about 3,000 men for Moses said consecrate yourselves today to the Lord even every man upon his son and upon his brother that he may bestow upon you a blessing this day so what do we see as a result of this separation we see the promise of a blessing the Levites were not to show partiality with respect to this sin and notice it says it talks about slaying who every man his brother his companion and his neighbor that means they were told not to be a respecter of persons and what you have to understand is that separation sometimes entails disassociating from people and here's my question what if your neighbor hates the Lord are you willing to disassociate from him what if your what if your companion hates the Lord what if your brother hates the Lord what are you going to do then are you going to break fellowship are you going to separate some people would say well God would never want that well head over to Luke chapter 14 if you would Luke chapter 14 I'll read from 1 Corinthians 5 as you go to Luke 14 the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 5 I wrote under you in an epistle not to company with fornicators yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters for then must he needs go out of the world but now I've written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner with such and one know not to eat what's this teaching church discipline and it's saying that if someone falls on this list I just read for you that you shouldn't eat with them that you shouldn't fellowship with them if you're on God's side on separation you'll take heed to this message and if somebody gets kicked out for committing one of these sins you won't give them a call the next day and go hey brother how's it going you want to meet up next Friday go to the park that's not how it works they're under the judgment of God don't interfere with that 1 Corinthians 16 says if any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be anathema maranatha if you don't love God nuts to you that's what it says now what prevents people often times from taking that step of faith and deciding to live a separated Christian life deciding to be a peculiar people well one thing is fear sometimes people are too afraid to do it because they're afraid of being in the minority today and make no mistake if you choose to live according to the word of God you will be in the minority some people are too afraid to be in the minority today another reason why people ask you this is because of politics and what I mean by that they'll share videos and documentaries and content from people who they know are false prophets and who are reprobates because they align with their politics so they won't separate from them because they happen to agree on politics their priorities are out of whack and for them priority number 1 is do we agree on coronavirus or do we agree on whatever so and so libertarian social issue or libertarian political issue in general but that shouldn't be our attitude you know you'll never find me sharing anything from David Ike the guy thinks he's the son of God he's a psychopath I don't care what he says on coronavirus he could make the greatest points ever about COVID-19 and I would say to him go to hell and you know another one that conservatives love is Ben Shapiro you know there's this video of Ben Shapiro that'll show up on my YouTube suggested feed every once in a while I don't know why but it'll be of him you know destroying some liberal in a debate big deal my baby when it was in its mother's womb and we heard its heartbeat for the first time that ended up itself destroyed liberals my baby when he was still in his mother's womb destroyed liberals because guess what his heart was beating he was a separate life from its mother you know we could have had this great debate between a leftist social justice warrior pro-abortion advocate weirdo and then this recording of my baby's heart beating before it was born and my baby would have won that debate toddlers can beat liberals in debates there's kids in this room who could beat liberals in debates it's not a great accomplishment Ben Shapiro you're still a Christ hating Jew and no Bible believing Christian who loves the Lord should ever share Ben Shapiro's content the Bible says who is a liar but he that deny it that Jesus is the Christ he is anti-Christ that denied the father and the son I have no fellowship with these people don't promote their content I don't care what good political point they're making they're still devils they still hate Jesus he's still a Jew oh but you don't understand Ben Shapiro he made this really great point about how transgenders are bad still a Jew and guess what anybody with two brain cells to rub together can make a good point about how transgenders are weird any normal person can do that I'm not impressed with Ben Shapiro I'm not impressed with any one of these false prophet weirdos just because they align on some political issue folks what's more important Bible doctrine or your politics and sometimes politics prevents people from going all the way on separation because they care more about their hobby horse than they do about the word of God and here's another reason why people refuse to separate why they won't just get on God's side on this issue family uh oh Luke 14 look what it says in verse 25 and there went great multitudes with him and he turned and said unto them if any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters in his own life also he cannot be my disciples now I didn't say that those are the words of Jesus that's what Jesus Christ said not me don't make me the bad guy tonight it's what Jesus said and where would this come into play how about a familial ultimatum you gotta choose between going to that church of yours or us you gotta choose between serving Jesus Christ or us your family might come to you with that ultimatum they might say you have to choose between being a Christian or us and if you choose to keep going down this path of righteousness we're gonna have nothing to do with you what are you gonna do then what if they come to you and they manipulate you emotionally and say listen you're in a hate cult they try and isolate you into believing that you're in a hate cult and they say you have to pick between that cult of yours you have to pick between that Bible of yours or us and if you continue down that road if you go down that direction you keep going to that church you keep serving the Lord we are gonna have nothing to do with you what do you do then now a lot of people would just decide to stop serving God and they would acquiesce to the will of their family and they'd go to the local fun center church that their family wants them to go to where the pastor's probably not even saved and he's wearing skinny jeans and he looks like a queer and they would say you know what I don't want any trouble fine right but those aren't Christ's disciples are they no the Bible says if any man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and brethren and sisters yes the Bible obviously emphasizes unity unity within the local church unity in your marriage unity in your family but you know what it also prescribes division when it's appropriate and when someone I don't care whether it's it doesn't matter who it is if it's someone you're related to or not if they act as an obstruction device if they act as someone who wants to stop you from serving Jesus Christ what are you going to do are you gonna choose your family are you gonna choose God are you gonna choose your mom or your dad or your brother or your sister or the Bible you see we have a choice to make today and you know what it's a difficult one isn't it I'm not saying it's gonna be easy and listen Jesus said love your enemies I believe that and I love those family members who cut me off and I'm not the one who cut them off they cut me off and listen you better love your family as well you know if they decide to cut you off if they decide they don't want anything to do with you because of the fact that you're a part of this church and you love the Lord love them pray for them that they'll come around sometimes though you have to love your enemy from afar you just have to love your enemy from afar because there is no way for you to reconcile your differences there's no way to do it my question is who's on the Lord's side on separation those who are willing to separate no matter who it is that they have to separate from or what it is that they have to separate from again it's tough I understand it is and some people might not choose the right option go to Jude verse 3 if you would Jude verse 3 this is my final question tonight who's on the Lord's side with respect to spiritual warfare who's on the Lord's side on spiritual warfare now obviously we sort of already covered some elements of spiritual warfare tonight soul winning and separation but what I'm talking about is spiritual warfare in general hard preaching things of that nature fighting for doctrine I'll read this again for you as you turn to Jude verse 3 it says in Exodus 32 and he said unto them thus saith the Lord God of Israel put every man his sword by his side and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp and slay every man his brother and every man his companion and every man his neighbor so again the Levites who are on the Lord's side are told to use the sword and imagine if the Levites responded by saying oh no Moses I can't do that that's not very loving you want me to you want me to slay people I can't do that that's too hate Moses you're reprobating people that's not loving of course the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 4 that the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword and regardless of how you may feel initially when it's time to use that sword you know who's on the Lord's side is those who decide to wage spiritual warfare not those who decide to be a bunch of bleeding hearts Bible says in Jude verse 3 beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints the Bible says to earnestly meaning with sincerity you know intense conviction contend contend for the faith you know these watered down Christians they act like the Christian life isn't a battle but there's scores of scriptures about the fact that it is a battle it is a battle it is warfare and we should earnestly contend for the faith I remember when I was at Stenfast in Jacksonville brother Marcel can attest to this and we were in the midst of a war and it was a war over the trinity that church was started because originally of course Tyler Baker was going to start that church but he was exposed as a oneness heretic so we had somebody else who turned out to also be a psychopath but that's a different story for a different time Adam Fannin as you can tell it didn't exactly work out but here's the thing when we were in the middle of that war over the trinity there were so many bleeding hearts that we had to deal with every time we went to church oh how come we're preaching against Tyler Baker what if he's a saved brother in Christ oh no I don't like why can't we all just get along these people they look the bible says earnestly contend for the faith and if somebody exposes themselves as a oneness heretic we're not going to hold their hand and sing kumbaya with them it's not going to happen if they believe in oneness Tyler Baker he turned out to be a oneness pentecostal devil we're not going to hold hands with him we're not going to work with him we're going to expose his false doctrine we're going to contend for the faith but these people just couldn't get it through their skulls and they were a bunch of bleeding hearts it was so frustrating I come to church every day and have to hear people complain about it oh I don't like it Tyler Baker he might be saved why don't you go to his church then instead of causing division at our church again we can't hold hands and we can't sing kumbaya with a oneness pentecostal devil like Tyler Baker and you know what he was exposed and I'm glad that he was but you know what there have been others who have been exposed since Tyler Baker how about Manley Perry we know he was exposed and here's what you have to understand the reason why Manley Perry has been excoriated behind this pulpit over and over again for saying things like nobody burns in hell for saying things like Judas got more people saved than every single one of the other disciples believing that he was some sort of superstar soul winner or superstar disciple it's because we're commanded to earnestly contend for the faith that's why he's been excoriated behind this pulpit the reason why Ray Comfort if you go to our Steadfast Baptist Church YouTube channel you type in Ray Comfort into the search bar you know what you're going to see tons of videos attacking him I like it you want to know why because he preaches a false gospel let him be a curse my bible says that we're commanded to contend for the faith that's why we go after Ray Comfort and his damnable heresy of works salvation telling people you got to repent have you repented yet? that could be real comfortable in hell see the reason why heretics and false prophets are routinely lambasted from behind this pulpit and also the pulpit of Steadfast Baptist Church Oklahoma City and Pure Words Baptist Church and other like minded churches as well is because we've been commanded to earnestly contend for the faith so don't be a bleeding heart for these people when they're exposed don't be a bleeding heart for false prophets understand that if you want to be on the Lord's side on spiritual warfare today on hard preaching then get in the fight back the man of God I guess the rapture is happening now you know the 2017-2018 trinity battle is one I'll never forget and you know what if I had to go through that again I would do it in a heartbeat because we were defending the doctrine of the trinity we were defending who God is I would do it all over again and if you're wondering why well the Bible says in 1 Timothy 1 this charge I committed unto thee son Timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou mightest that thou by them mightest war a good warfare 1 Timothy 6 says fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life for unto thou art also called and has professed a good profession before many witnesses you know if that random alarm didn't wake you up I hope this does because it's time to wake up today it's time to stop being so apathetic today we're in the middle of a battle are you on God's side or are you not we're fighting for doctrine we're fighting for souls we're fighting for the King James Bible today we're fighting for our families today we're fighting for our church today you know what we're doing we're fighting the good fight of faith get on God's side because there's no room for bleeding hearts there's no room for neutrality like we've talked about all throughout the sermon go to judges 20 you say well what do you mean by fighting are you saying we're gonna go take up some arms we're gonna grab a sword and go slay some people no we're not radical Islamists the Bible makes it clear that it's a spiritual war and it says in 1 Corinthians or I'm sorry 2 Corinthians it says for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds Ephesians 6 12 says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood we don't wrestle against flesh and blood see we wrestle we fight with this it's a spiritual war and each and every one of us can get involved in that battle each and every one of us has a place in the New Testament we battle spiritually now judges chapter 20 what happens here well the Levite he explains that the Sodomites had abused his concubine excuse me that they had abused his concubine to death and we see the Israelite response says it's time for battle it's time for battle it's time to eliminate this wickedness they confront the Benjamites and look what happens at verse 12 and the tribes of Israel sent men through all the tribe of Benjamin saying what wickedness is this that is done among you now therefore deliver us the men the children of Belial which are in Gibeah then when they put them to death and put away evil from Israel but the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel but the children of Benjamin gathered themselves together out of the cities under Gibeah to go out to battle against the children of Israel the tribe of Benjamin do they take God's side no no instead what they do is they fight against their brethren who are trying to destroy the Sodomites there are Christians today who refuse to get in on the fight the spiritual warfare that we've been waging since the inception of this church against the Sodomites and like the Benjamites what they do instead is they turn against their brethren they turn against their brethren but here's the point it's easy to know which side the Israelites are on isn't it and it's easy to know which side the Benjamites are on what I want to do with you now is I want to read some quotes for you from Baptists and I want the men in the room to tell me I'm gonna read you one quote I'm gonna read you two quotes rather and I want you I want the men in the room tonight to tell me whether or not this individual is on the Lord's side these are gonna be easy okay so here's quote number one I'm gonna try and keep my cool by the way when I read this this lifestyle is part of the culture we live in there's no place for a crude or vile attitude toward those living in this sin no place there's no place for it in a pulpit there's no place for it in a pew there's no place for us to degrade a lifestyle every person regardless of their sexual orientation deserves respect and dignity that's John Getch from West Coast Bastard or Baptist College is he on the Lord's side here's quote number two this is like you can put this on a plaque in your living room an inspirational quote why aren't all these Baptists standing up and saying these freaks should go back to hell go back to the closet put a bullet in your head why aren't they saying it now that's Pastor Jonathan Shelley is he on the Lord's side now do you see the difference here do you see how easy it is to tell which side he's on you don't read that quote and go I wonder what he thinks about the fags hmm it sounds like these old IFB pastors that are like I believe marriage is between one man and one woman that's the end of the sermon I'm out of here you guys have a good day I'm out of here that's lame does Pastor Shelley preach that way? no you know what he stands for you know that he hates these people because the Bible says that they're haters of God in Romans chapter one here's another quote I've I've always said about homosexuals you're welcome at Temple Baptist Church amen we'll roll out the red carpet for you that is Charles Lawson he's a false prophet from Knoxville Tennessee is he on the Lord's side you think? how about this one these filthy homos are never allowed at Verity Baptist Church ever we're not backing up on that if anything we're getting stronger on it Pastor Roger Jimenez Verity Baptist Church is he on the Lord's side? exactly right here's one last one or last two quote number one if we believe that all people are created in the image of God how can we discount some people because of the way they were created if we understand that so much of the route of transgender identity really happens in the womb I think we as Christians as the church are called to be a voice of those who do not have a voice otherwise that's Pastor Mark Wingfield he actually is here in the DFW area Wilshire Baptist Church he was destroyed in the Sodomite deception is he on the Lord's side? absolutely not talks about being a voice for the voiceless how about you be a voice for the children who are the victims of the disgusting pedophiles how about that? sorry quote number two this is the last one I hate him with a perfect hatred talking about Bruce Jenner this Bruce freak I hope he dies today I hope he dies and goes to hell he's disgusting, he's filthy, he's reprobate I hate these filthy sons of Belial they're disgusting and sick Pastor Stephen L. Anderson is he on the Lord's side? I think so, I think so now notice how easy it was to determine who's on God's side and who isn't that's how it was in Judges chapter 20 the Benjamites made it clear where they stand and the rest of the tribes made it clear where they stand it's time to pick a side isn't there there's no room for that old IFP pastor that I mocked earlier, not every old IFP pastor is like this by the way there you go David O'Gara but here's the thing, they're not like this but some of them are where they think that hard preaching against the fags constitutes just saying that marriage is between one man and one woman and they say it so timidly like they're afraid that's not picking a side that's not taking a stand that's not choosing God's side it's so easy to determine whether or not Pastor Shelley was on the Lord's side whether or not Pastor Jimenez was on the Lord's side whether or not Pastor Anderson was on the Lord's side it's so easy to determine where they stand on this issue where they stand on spiritual warfare and the same is true for Pastor Thompson the same is true for Pastor Joe Jones the same is true for Pastor Bruce Mejia who by the way had his church bombed courtesy of these reprobates who hate the Lord it's so true, it's easy to recognize where Asa stood on this issue it's easy to recognize where Josiah stood on this issue it's easy to determine where the man of God stand on this issue because they preach the Bible whether this world likes it or not because they have spines here's my question though is it easy to know where you stand? is it easy to know where you stand? what if your family member walks up to you and says hey, do you really believe that? about the homos? do you stand with your pastor? where he told them to put a bullet in their head do you believe that too? what are you going to say? is it going to be easy to determine which side you're on in that scenario? or are you going to compromise? are you going to cower in fear? go to 2 Chronicles 13, that'll be the last place I have you turn 2 Chronicles chapter 13 notice how easy it is to know where these pastors stand would the God that each and every one of us have that exact same attitude as well make it clear where you stand make it clear where you stand on soul winning make it clear where you stand on separation make it clear where you stand on the spiritual warfare we're waging today as well especially the Sodomites make it clear where you stand 2 Chronicles 13 we have a conflict here between Abijah of Judah Jeroboam of Israel I know what this is, it's 400,000 men versus 800,000 men they're outnumbered Abijah earlier in the chapter Jeroboam for his idolatry for his counterfeit religious practices and look how Jeroboam responds in verse 13 it says but Jeroboam caused an ambushment to come about to come about behind them so they were before Judah and the ambushment was behind them and when Judah looked back, behold the battle was before and behind and they cried unto the Lord and the priests sounded with the trumpets then the men of Judah gave a shout and as the men of Judah shouted, it came to pass that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah the children of Israel fled before Judah and God delivered them into their hand and Abijah and his people slew them with a great slaughter so there fell down slain of Israel 500,000 chosen men thus the children of Israel were brought under at that time and the children of Judah prevailed notice this, because they relied upon the Lord God of their fathers Abijah was ambushed he was surrounded he was outnumbered by the enemy but he prevailed and the reason he prevailed is because he relied on the Lord God of his fathers because he had faith because he had faith I made a mistake I said this was the last place we're turning we're going to one more place, Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 and then we'll be done they're outnumbered and they're surrounded and yet they won and we see this over and over again throughout the scriptures, we see it with Gideon, we see it here in this example as well, it's how God was horrified by bringing victory despite the good guys being outnumbered, well you know what? we're outnumbered in this world we are, there are more bad churches than good churches, yeah we're outnumbered just like Abijah's army was here, but you know what? if you rely on the Lord your God if you decide I'm going to trust the Lord I'm going to trust what the Bible says when it says that he's never seen the righteous forsaken nor has he begging bread and I'm going to step out in faith in my whole issue, in my Christian walk you know what? you'll attain an amazing victory just like this army did here in 2 Chronicles chapter 13 just trust the Lord see my question is this who's on the Lord's side on spiritual warfare and here's the answer those who are willing to fight those who are willing to get in the battle those who are willing not to just sit on the sidelines, those who aren't a bleeding heart for false prophets when they're exposed those who want to get involved those who want to get plugged into church those who back the man of God those are the people who are on the Lord's side on spiritual warfare and so I just want to end with this folks I know I've yelled at you probably for over an hour now but thanks for listening first of all and second of all, the reason why I'm doing this is because we need to wake up today like I said, I'm urging you I'm urging you tonight to take a stand I'm urging you tonight to decide in all areas of your Christian walk obviously we talked about soul winning separation in the spiritual warfare but there are other applications I could have made that I didn't have time to get to I'm urging you tonight to take a stand I'm urging you tonight to say to promise to yourself, to say in your heart as for me, as for my house we aren't changing we will never change we will never compromise we will never concede we will never quit no matter how far it goes on its bobsled straight to hell, me and my family we are on the Lord's side whether it's popular or unpopular in spite of being out in numbers we will always take the Lord's side that's the mentality we have to lie we have to have like it or lump it that's the attitude that I hope you walk away with tonight and you say, well Ben, you don't understand choosing God's side on the Sodomites on the warfare, on soul winning, on separation it means that that might be the catalyst for me to get so many different enemies people are going to attack me, people are going to they're going to rail on me, they're going to mock me they're going to scoff at me they're going to talk bad about me behind my back I'm going to make so many different enemies if I take this path for my life well you know what the Bible says in Romans chapter 8 verse 31 where I had you turn what shall we say to these things if God be for us who can be against us it doesn't matter what they say it doesn't matter what they do it doesn't matter how badly they try and stop you from serving Christ make a commitment tonight that no matter what happens you're on the Lord's side and there's nothing they could ever do to stop you why? Because if God be for us who can be against us and I think that speaks for itself let's pray Father God, I thank you so much for this church that no matter what happens and Lord that you would help us in all areas of our life soul winning, separation spiritual warfare whatever the case may be, servitude that Lord, we would take your side no matter what, that we wouldn't stop, that we wouldn't quit no matter who opposes us Lord help us to be on your side as Moses asked the children of Israel Lord help us be like the Levites who come out from among them and choose you, in Jesus' name I pray, Amen Amen, alright for our last song we'll go to song 397 little is much when God is in it song 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 little is much when God is in it 397 God for wealth or fame there's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus' name God bless, you are dismissed