(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen All right, thanks for coming back everybody to the second service at your foundation Baptist hawaii Most of us go to both services anyway So it's just nice to be here and uh hear the word of god read every time and hear the word of god preached Let's get right into this um Brother ryan when he first got here to hawaii. He went through a Series sermon or sermon series on the fundamentals of what your foundation baptist church stands on fundamentals of like the king james bible soul wedding salvation by faith alone and things that should be Very important to us and if ever, you know in your life you find yourselves Moving on going in and trying to find a new church I do strongly believe you need to look for some of those fundamental things and going and finding a new church A church that would stand on the word of god is most important a church that stands on salvation by faith alone And a church that stands on preaching the gospel and evangelizing soul winning is very important for us as christians to know But outside of those there are things that are not Home as important as those fundamentals as fundamentalist baptists. We do believe in the fundamentals of the faith But we also have secondary and third-dairy doctrines that aren't necessarily as important But it's not that they're not important and the title of this message is simply the second coming of jesus christ The second coming of jesus christ, I believe is a very important doctrine This is a teaching that the bible you'll notice as you literally grab this bible and crack it open anywhere You'll probably find somewhere in there The prophecy of the second coming of jesus christ. It's obviously mentioned throughout the whole bible but nevertheless This is a doctrine that we as christians do not need to Be overly dogmatic about what the bible is and i'm going to explain more about it when I go through the message But we don't disfellowship over people on the teaching of the second coming of christ there is some lines that you do want to realize that are important that are line breakers, but We're going to show you what the bible clearly teaches about the second coming And then at that point you at least know when jesus christ around the time Will come because no man does know the day or the hour But there are clear things that the bible does lay out on the second coming of jesus christ And with that being said notice where I had you start the bible meaning was in first Thessalonians 4 now reference said before I go into this I am not saying this is not important I'm saying the bible emphasizes this so we as well should emphasize this point, but this is a secondary doctrine Notice what it says it says but of the times and seasons brethren You have no need that I write on to you. So i'm going to pause there really quickly What times what seasons are they talking about? Well first thessalonians 4 tells us of these Times and seasons that we're to look out for so go back to first thessalonians 4 Verse 11 it says and that we study to be quiet Do your own Do your own business and to work with your own hands as we command you that you walk honestly toward them that are without and that he have May have lack of nothing, but I would not have you be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep That ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope i'm going to pause there really quick Notice it says we don't need to be ignorant of them which are asleep This is now referring to someone physically sleeping, but actually a brother or sister in the lord who is dead Physically their body is in the earth. It's looking like it's asleep This is just what's known as asleep in the lord if you are saved and you were born again you have eternal life Hey, jesus christ told the pharisees abraham is not dead. He is alive And he was joyful to see the day of the lord when jesus christ was on this earth He saw jesus christ come into the world because abraham was alive We will never die in the sense of see the second death We are saved and our sins are past as much as the east is from the west So when it says these people are asleep They're not even physically sleeping. They are physically dead on the earth Their spirit is alive in heaven And he wants us to know a little bit more about this because he says I don't want you to be ignorant of this I don't want you to not know this subject So then what does he go to say the apostle paul that reads for if we believe that jesus died and rose again Even so them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with him For this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain Unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep So i'm going to pause there again notice it calls this event the coming of the lord We understand that jesus christ came into the world some two thousand years ago. That's why we celebrated christmas He was born into the world born of the virgin came into the world To be the savior of the world and to be the sacrifice for us now he did not Not exist before that he always existed We understand the bible teaches in don one one in the beginning was the word and the word was with god And the word was god. Jesus christ is truly from a velocity. He's the creator of the world He already preached that message before we know the deity of jesus christ But when he came into the world to become the savior of the world that was his first coming into this world There is going to be a day in which jesus christ comes back For us believers and for the saints that have put their faith in him and this is known as the second coming Hence the title of this message the second coming of jesus christ and make no bones about it. He is truly coming back There are some people who have weird twisted Believes that jesus christ there is no second coming or it already happened and you actually if you would turn to Second timothy two One little blind there seems like we're all going blind today. We can't read our hands. We can't You know, are we need glasses or something second timothy chapter two? Verse 15 The bible reads study to show thyself approved unto god a workman that needeth not to be ashamed God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth, but shun profane and vain babblings For they will increase unto more ungodliness and their word will eat as does a canker of whom is hymenaeus and philetus Who concerning the truth have erred saying that the resurrection is passed already and overthrow the faith of son This is the apostle paul telling these You know predatory timothy that there are people known as hymenaeus and philetus who go around saying That jesus christ the resurrection has already occurred. It's already done Don't let anyone tell you that he's not coming back Jesus christ truly is coming back for us and he the bible shows us times in which we can understand this And the bible clearly emphasizes what's known as the rapture the word rapture is not found in the bible The word rapture just means the second coming of jesus and notice what it said in first thessalonians four if you would go back there It's said in verse 15 for this we say unto you by the word of the lord That we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep So is this coming one coming one point five or coming two? This is obviously the second coming of the lord that we are talking about And it goes on to read for the lord himself shall descend from heaven To the shout with the voice of the archangel with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them In the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord Wherefore comfort one another with these words? So the beginning of this passage was talking about people who have lost loved ones people who brothers and sisters and Parents have died in the faith and he's saying you don't need to be Bummed out like they are there is a time of grieving obviously when people have loved ones that die It's natural to grieve the loss But it's saying you don't need to breathe like the heathen do because the heathen don't know Whether they're ever going to see their loved ones ever again as a matter of fact They will it's just not going to be in a place That is good. If they are not saved and they don't put their faith in the lord. Jesus christ They may see their loved one. I take that back that lake of fire or hell is also known as a dark place You may hear them But you may not see them and nevertheless we don't need to mourn like the heathen do we can know And and be comforted in knowing that but god forbid a loved one dies early in your life If they believe in the lord jesus christ you will see them again at the second coming They will the dead in price or those who are asleep Will come down from the sky with jesus christ and the angels and then those who are alive in the end times Or what's known as the second coming will be caught up together with them in the air And so shall we ever be with the lord. This is going to be something that is Going to be a very exciting day and I don't know about you, but I look forward to the second coming I will say this Truly the bible says no man known to dare the hour of the second coming I do not know for sure when he is coming But the bible does tell us a time period in which we can expect jesus praying jesus christ to come Now let's go into chapter five. It says But of the season but of the times and seasons brethren you have no need that I write unto you So he just said about this second coming this coming of the lord says I don't need to tell you about this I don't even need to write this for you because you already know what this is Oh wait, david. Didn't you just say no one knows But you're get we're going to see more as we read for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord So cometh as deep in the night for what they shall say peace and safety and sun and destruction cometh upon them Has travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but ye brethren are not in darkness That that day should overtake you as a thief You are the children of light and the children of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness Therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober So i'm going to pause here when it says let us not sleep It's not saying don't die and say don't be watchful be ready Listen when we see signs around us in our life that point to what the bible says about jesus christ the second coming The bible uses the term watch not to only physically look at something but in a sense to be aware The bible talks about in the garden of gesemite you couldn't watch for me for an hour It's like couldn't you just not only stay awake physically, but couldn't you be aware and pray with the lord? Jesus christ at that time obviously peter and then retired the flesh was weak, but the spirit was willing So we understand that the second coming of jesus christ is a moment in history Jesus christ will come in the cloud And we will all be saved and we will be given a new body this You know In this mortal will put on immortality our flesh will be stripped away. It'll be changed in a tweaking in the moment In a second and basically we will be made perfect we will no longer be with being sick because we'll be given a new body so The next question would naturally come when? When does jesus christ come right everyone wants to know when jesus christ has come the bible tells us Around when he'll come jesus christ said himself while he was on the earth He says the son doesn't even know of the time of the second coming but the father only Obviously, it's I would venture to say I believe jesus christ now knows of the second coming but at least When he was on this earth, this was written down at least at that time so turn to your bibles if you would to Matthew 24 and while you go to matthew 24 I forgot to define that that term rapture, but let me just show you in first corinthian We all know what rapture means But the bible says in first corinthians 15 50 it reads Now this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god Neither does corruption inherit incorruption, but I will show you a mystery We shall not all sleep But we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump where the trump shall sound The dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on in corruption and this mortal must be Must put on immortality So when this corruptible shall have put on in corruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass Saying that with that is written death is swallowed up in victory. Oh death. Where is thy sting? Oh, great Where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law But thanks be to god which giveth us the victory through our lord. Jesus christ Therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as he know That your labor is not in vain in the lord So I was attempting to quote it a second ago That was the passage I was supposed to quote and I I messed it up a little bit We get the point I know our bodies will be changed We'll be caught up together with the lord in the air and we will be with him forever And that way we can know That we are never going to say never again But this question is asked of the disciples. When are you coming back? Jesus christ, it's a fair question, right? It's a question that as believers we want to know he promised us He says I come quickly my reward is with me One of the last thoughts given to us in the whole bible is that he's coming quickly And we live in what's known as the last days. Jesus christ Labeled the last days in his time while he was on this earth Two thousand years ago and some would say well if that's the last days two thousand years went by That must not have been the last days but remember the bible also says that a day is to the lord as a thousand years and that If you know we to us may seem like a long period of history to god Doesn't seem that long because he lives outside of time. He created time So from us and from where we sit time may seem long But god says no, it's short and especially in the grand scheme of all of existence If the earth is some 6500 years the last 2 000 years you can see is like the last the ending of it all And where you are in matthew 24 look down at verse three, this is the disciples asking jesus And they said he sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us When shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world? It's good question when jesus is telling them about this and jesus answered and said unto them Take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying I am christ and shall deceive men Let me pause there really quick Jesus christ is saying that towards the end. There will be a lot of people Claiming to be christ at least for sure. There will be a person that claims to be jesus himself And we're going to see that if the adventures say there are many many anti-christs around and someone who is an anti-christ Is not necessarily against christ, but they're trying to put themselves in place of christ That's what that word means in the bible So then it goes on to say And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars See that ye be not troubled for all these things must be must come to pass that the end is not yet So let me ask you this hasn't there been a lot of world wars Two thousand years ago until now And you know what every world war that happened Every person thought that this is it Here comes price and arguably So that's not bad for them to think that if you were a christian at the time of world war one And you read your bible and saw that the world is at war that's pretty natural to think. Okay, maybe jesus is coming Of course, there's more that you need to know, but it's not a If let's face the fact we were around back then we probably think jesus was coming soon What about the second world war that just happened? The same thing the world's at war there's a lot of problems going around in the planet You may draw the conclusion to be like, okay, the second coming is happening or it's happening But it obviously wasn't Some arguably say that the next world war world war three that will occur is the second coming of jesus christ I would believe that personally I do believe that the next world war the next big war event that happens Is probably when jesus christ is coming back because that's what everyone thinks Because that's what the bible says when you hear of wars and rumors of war And not only that I will pause and say this this wasn't in my notes, but in just hindsight looking at this Wars and rumors of wars don't we live in a day and an age when information is just strand all throughout the internet You can't people say there's a war going on right now across the planet. That isn't really happening Don't we believe that if there is a war there's a legitimate way to go over there and see all this warfare going on But there will be rumors of war there could be people who say there's a war right now in this country You don't know that are you there? Can you fly over there drive over there see a physical war going down? Today it actually is very possible that there are rumors of wars and they're not real wars that are going down but rather there are just People saying this to stir up a war we understand the concept of the military industrial concept Military industrial complex not going to go into that that's basically talking about the unholy sanction between business and war When you're making weapons and guns and you have no one to sell to guess what you're going to do You're going to cause war so obviously we believe in the principalities and the rulers of the darkness of this world trying to create conflict But jesus continues on and says more Says for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be Famines and pestilences and earthquakes and diverse places all these are the beginning of sorrows Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake So that's something that may not have been able to been said of world war one and two Was that all nations will hate you for christ's name's sake matter of fact, correct me if i'm wrong But wasn't our nation more godly in world war one We're more americans christian in nature Even if they weren't truly saved weren't most of the people of america at least god fearing and more into that now as the world progressed america became less and less A godly nation, but nevertheless it started that way So we're not at the point as they've even right now where we're being persecuted for our faith it's coming No, we made no bones about that. It will happen. But as of right now, we're not being killed for our faith We're not being persecuted hindered from Living and money and running our families. They are in other countries in other countries if you are a christian A muslim country if you are a christian They may let you exist they may let you stay there but they will truly persecute you they may kill you they may Prevent you from making money and all sorts of real persecution that will occur as it has even in the early church but it goes on to say And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall be hate And shall hate one another and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold the he that shall endure unto the end The same shall be saved and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness into all nations and then Then shall the end come i'll pause again right here Okay I'm kind of going through this chapter because this is a very clear chapter in the bible that lays out Chains of events that will occur for right before jesus christ's second coming. It's also parallel to mark 13 luke 21 We're not going to go to there for a second time and basically what i'm trying to do is preach expositorily There's topical sermons which I am preaching on a topic the second coming But we're going to break down what jesus says in matthew 24 And now in that we broke down when it said in first thessalonians five and four but notice it says Be there will be many false prophets and shall deceive many because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold Do we not think that the world is getting worse and worse today? Do you not believe that people are relaxing colder and colder? The bible says elsewhere that people will become lovers of themselves And that you know people are going to get worse more sinful in nature Do we not think that that's happening in our life? I believe so I believe that the world is Degressing it's not improving see the world thinks we're improving through technology through acceptance of Homosexuality through acceptance of all sorts of like oh we're ecumenical all religions can come together And unite on this friend. That's what the bible is saying. There'll be false prophets that will arise Say things which they are not ultimately for filthy lucre when the bible talks about when they say peace Then sudden destruction cometh upon them not upon us We know that when the world's at peace That that's when jesus christ is probably soon coming thereafter Because when the world's at war they're at war to create unity And this thought goes all the way back in the bible Even at the tower of babel the tower of babel talks about the world at that time They all united together god told them to separate to punish the earth So they decided to stay together and what did they do they build a tower of the heaven? They're trying to get to heaven on their own. They're trying to say look at us. We're all united We have one language We can all put away our differences and not do what god says and replenish the earth but rather we'll get there ourselves This has always been the agenda of mankind Gain enlightenment gain eternal life gain godhood divinity through their own works their own merit the bible says of The serpent to be he says you will not die You will be as god and mankind is trying to become god themselves or they're trying to get them Heaven on their own the bible never teaches that you can let alone be god because that's only for him But that you cannot ever get to heaven on your own good marriage rather We need to put our faith in jesus christ and when people say peace peace No sudden destruction will come upon them not upon us. Peace for us You know truly we can know that jesus christ is coming soon But there's more to it But he that shall endure into the end the same shall be saved endure what endure What's known as the great tribulation? His gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations And then shall the end come when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place whosoever read it let him understand Then let them which be in judea flee into the mountains Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes and woe unto them that are with child Into them that gets sucked in those days Pray your flight be not in the winter neither on the sabbath for then shall be great tribulation Was not since the beginning of the world to this time nor now ever shall be A lot was just unfolded there And let me just kind of simplify it for you like this because on the subject of the second coming of jesus christ We could preach series upon series. There's so much detail to know There's so much like I said, I could crack this bible open and flip it anywhere You could probably find a passage that refers to the second coming of jesus christ girl It's also known as the day of the lord a lot of the times in the old testament We hear the term the day of the lord in jeremiah's day He says the day of the lord and all the prophets keep talking about the day of the lord the day of the lord And we as bible believing christians and especially new testament christians. We understand what's known as dual fulfillment of prophecy So when holy men of god state as they're moved by the holy ghost They're not just only talking to their immediate people group in front of them though, that is their primary target They're also speaking to a broader audience not only to the future But to even us right now believers in the lord jesus christ who read his word When they talk about the day of the lord, they're talking about either A current judgment that is going to happen to them right then and there The first coming of jesus christ or the second coming of jesus christ whenever that Phrase is mentioned the day of the lord You've got to read it in its context a lot of the days of the lord in the old testament are mentioning Things that have already happened to israel to people groups and so on and so forth This is the day of the lord is at hand you will be judged god will destroy this people and destroy this nation That already happened But not only that they talk about the day of the lord's at hand meaning jesus christ will come A lot of the times you see in the bible. I know it says messiah's comments You know referring to the woman at the well, where did they get this? And they talked about the lord who you see shall suddenly come in his temple and it says in malachite So there's a future day of the lord to old testament prophets referring to jesus christ's first coming But the new testament talks about another day of the lord that's coming the second coming of jesus christ and notice what it says it says When he in verse 15 when he therefore shall see the abomination of desolation Spoken of by daniel the prophet stand in the holy place who so read it. Let him understand This and like I said, I can't go deep into gandil's 70th week This is ultimately a prophetic time period that refers to the end times Uh the second coming the tribulation the wrath and all this stuff And let me just make it very clear when we stand at church foundation baptist church hawaii We believe that jesus crown will come jesus christ will come after the tribulation Why do we believe that number one? It clearly says that and we're going to see that in a moment But not only that we can compare scripture and scripture see that's what the constantly the bible is talking about for the second coming of the lord And like I said, I can't actually turn if you went to daniel 12 Referring back to that, uh dual and Quadruple fulfillment of prophecies like I was talking about here's a good example of what I was talking about Notice what it says in verse Eight daniel 12 verse 8 It's the last of the major prophets It says and I heard but I understood not then said I oh my lord what shall be the end of these things Wasn't that the question that the disciples asked christ himself now he's speaking with an angel And it says and he said go my way daniel for the words are closed up and sealed through the time of the end Many shall be purified in the end made white and tried But the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand the wise shall understand And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away The abomination that maketh desolate set up there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days Blessed is he that waited and covered through the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days But go my way till the envy for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of the day So like I said, i'm not going to go deep into daniel's 70th week prophetic calendar, but understand this it says Blessed is he that waited and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days the bible talks about a seven year period in which There will be tribulation but at the midpoint of that Week is when the rapture happens in the second coming of jesus christ comes After that, it's what's known as the wrath of god and there is a people group that believe in what's known as a pre-tribulation rapture Now this message is not to preach against them, but we do believe they are wrong We do believe it is very clearly that they are wrong that this is also what's known as the imminent rapture Known as the imminent rapture that christ can come at any moment because no man knows the date of the hour He can come right now five seconds from now Five days from now, but they don't realize There has to be fulfilling a prophecy first and with that being said These people who believe in a pre-tribulation rapture one of the major mistakes they make Is that they equate the whole seven years of daniel's prophetic calendar as the tribulation all of it They're not separating god's wrath from the tribulation Because the tribulation just simply means trouble or or like problems that will happen to us Christians and if you do a word study on the word tribulation, you'll find that most times in the bible when someone's being In tribulation is referring to christians. They are going through trouble You know, jesus christ says to us that we are promised to be going through tribulation Says yay, all of that live godly in christ. Jesus shall suffer persecution That's a synonym for tribulation will be persecuted But they take that whole entire Seven-year period to call that a whole thing the tribulation is not true And we know that because revelation shines more light on the matter the bible talks to daniel and the old testament That we didn't understand a lot of the doctrine. We didn't understand a lot of the depths of You know the trinity for instance end times prophecy I mean daniel is a good book to study if you do want to know the second coming if you do want to know About what's eschatology. That's just a fancy way of saying studies of the end times and I do suggest you take daniel and sit down and dissect it and find conan and Really read and study because what did jesus say back in matthew 24 it says When ye therefore shall see the abomination of day desolation spoken of daniel the prophet stand in the holy place Who so readeth let them understand you need to truly read your bible and know more of what this is saying But what's funny is daniel 12 is the last chapter of daniel turn if you went to revelation 22 That same question is brought up to the apostle john himself John the beloved one who leaned on jesus's breast He goes and has the same question brought to him and look what it says and what's really cool is when I was writing this message They found that it's the same verses. You know how three sixteens are actually good verses throughout the whole bible John 3 16 1st timothy 3 16 3 16 seem to be really popular passages. They're really good passages, but daniel 12 12 8 through 13 is very similar to revelation 22 verses 8 through 10 and it says and I john and I john saw these things and heard them and when I had Heard and seen I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel would show me these things Daniel was speaking to an angel. John is speaking to an angel And say to me see thou do it not for I am my fellow servant and of thy brother in the prophets And of them which keep the sayings of this book worship god and he saith unto me Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book for the time is at hand He that is unjust let him be unjust still and he that is Filthy let him be filthy still and he that is righteous let him be righteous still and he that is holy Let him be holy still have the whole and these are red letters if you have a red letter bible These are now the words of jesus and behold I come quickly And my reward is with me to give every man according as his word shall be I am the alpha and omega the beginning and the end the first and the last so like I was saying It was not necessarily clear for daniel and the old testament saints to know the second coming of the lord With enough search and diligence i'm sure they could have Figured it out or looked more into it, but they didn't even they were looking for the first coming They were first looking for christ to come and begin with and unfortunately That's why a lot of the jewish people didn't believe him to be the messiah because they thought He was bringing in a physical kingdom and he was going to save them from roman persecution Which was never the intent the intent was always to come and to be the savior of the world to die for sins But nevertheless it talks a lot about the abomination of desolation To not go too deep. Like I said in the subject simply the abomination of desolation is when One day They will build the temple again in israel in jerusalem They're going to try to bring back the sacrifices We all understand that one day the bible teaches there will be a one world government That there will be a one world religion that there will be a one world currency Like I said, I can't dissect and show you every part because I only have so much time to breathe But uh people were baptist church came out with the revelation series and if you have time look at the revelation series It goes chapter by chapter verse by verse But when the world comes together and thinks that there is peace on this earth They will appoint one man ruler of this earth, which they all will think think and believe is The second coming of jesus christ or a savior figure in some way shape or form every religion on the planet right now Is looking for a messianic figure? muslims are The jews are looking for their first messiah because they don't believe jesus christ was the messiah evangelical fake christians think that that will be his second coming and The bible teaches if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived. So this man whoever he is Whatever he is And some think he's satan And whatever the case may be it's going to be so believable that most people in the world Will believe in him and he may even almost deceive the very elect He won't because when you believe in the lord, jesus christ you understand you hear the voice of the shepherd and you will not be deceived but You will become public enemy number one the world will be after you because this Anti-christ this fake messiah is going to make everyone worship him. Oh, everything's so great. Everything's so peaceful Oh, here's the catch though. You don't worship me. I'm going to kill you so obviously there is this time period of tribulation and that is what I Want you to know is not to be worried about jesus christ says be of good cheer. I've overcome the world I'm, not going to say it's not going to be easy. I'm not going to sit here and say It's going to be fun as a matter of fact, it says That it's going to be a time of trouble and very scary time But the abomination of desolation the anti-christ will be exalted Everyone will profess him to be the messiah He's going to put war to the saints and he's going to try to kill off real christians They're also going to be what's known as a great falling away and I stand here personally believe That we are living like the last days and i'm not saying the last days as in What the apostles thought i'm saying like very soon I believe jesus christ could very well come in my lifetime in your lifetime in our children's lifetime I think i'll be more of an old man something sooner something later But nevertheless if we read our bibles enough and we constantly see their scripture and scripture in current events It's not far-fetched to think that jesus christ could come very soon as a matter of fact I believe it's coming very soon to a theater near you But we don't need to worry about it What what is there to be afraid of and this is something i've been talking about on this subject, which is kind of interesting That if truly jesus christ comes in our lifetime We are the saints of revelation. Do you not understand that? When the anti-christ makes war with the saints and kills christians for their faith And then as a matter of fact turn it through into revelation six There's a famous quote that is said of the saints of heaven That we all know And if it is in our lifetime if some of us don't endure to the end to the second coming We actually would fall under this group And look at revelation 6 verse 9 it says and when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of god and for the testimony which they held And they cried with a loud voice saying lord for how long oh lord Holy and true this thou not judge in a bed nor blood of them that dwell on the earth If you can imagine and understand that if he comes in our life And some of us get killed for the cause of christ. That is us saying this You are actually potentially living true bible prophecy Like I said assuming it happens in our life nevertheless we don't need to As it says in first thessalonians four Be as the he's and the heathen are and worry about that because we are over conquering the world in that sense but when this And that happens the tribulation. Let's turn back to matthew four There's a there's a specific Visual thing we can look at To know that it's it's at hand and it's in front of us And it tells us in matthew 24 Let's keep reading In a verse 24 it says for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs of wonders And so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect Hold I have told you before wherefore they shall say it to you behold. He is in the desert Behold he is in the secret chambers believe it not for as the lightning cometh out of the east shining demon of the west so shall also the coming of the son of man be for Wheresoever the carcasses there will the eagles be gathered together Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her life And the stars shall fall from heaven And the powers of the heaven shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the son of man In heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the son Of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and his angels shall send And he shall send his angels with a great sound of the trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds From the one end of heaven to the other So this is the ending it goes into a parable after that but i'm not going to read it for a second time It's basically this In the chains of event that will occur There's going to be a great falling away people will less and less believe in the lord. Jesus christ less and less the christian and less and less There's going to be just a great falling away of christianity And like I said from world war one to world war two guess what there's less christians in the planet There are less people who are professingly christians. There's a pew study not that long ago I think it was in the beginning of 2018 There are more I think non Atheists now than there are people who believe in place whether it be christianity or not And there are less we're less christian today than we were yesterday as a planet more people are becoming less christian but in the end We're not going to Stop soul winning. We're not going to give in when this great tribulation happens How do I know this the bible says in daniel back to that? Prophecy of the end it talked about that they that know their god will do great exploits. This is just Exploits is like doing good You're gonna go give the gospel more because if we see the day on hand approaching these wars this this temple being built The anti-christ rise in the power, you know what that's going to make me do that's going to make me go out So many more because I know that if I look up that suit my redemption will draw an eye And this is the go time to get as many people to believe as you can For those who believe in a pre tribulation rapture if you don't know what it is all parts of the speech pre means before trip tribulation rapture Notice what it said And matthew exists immediately after the tribulation of those days will these things happen or the rapture happen? But there are people who believe in this imminent rapture Let's assume Like they genuinely believe that they genuinely think christ could come at any moment Then why are they not spending every second of every day assuming he can come at any moment because if I knew If I believe that christ could come at any moment, do you think that'd be at my secular job working? If christ could come right now five seconds from now, I would just go run over those kids and give them the gospel Because you guys are saved you guys are believers in the lord. Jesus christ you guys. I want to go out and do great exploits Because that is what we are here to do the great commission Given to us is to go into all the world and preach the gospel This is why when it talks about a man who they will do great exploits Is because no one else is doing it and we understand what is happening We looked up our redemption is drawing an eye. This is what it means to watch To stay aware understand what's happening around us And like I said, i'm not coming down on pre-tribulation believers because let me say this There's a time in my life where I believe in the pre-tribulation rapture I could probably venture to guess a lot of you Probably believe in the pre-tribulation rapture for probably a long time You know, it wasn't but not not that long ago when faithful word baptist church came out with a documentary called After the tribulation did this subject illuminate a lot of people? I remember you brother isaac telling me that you always believed in the post-tribulation rapture So when this documentary came out, you're very excited because you're like hey I'm not the only one that believes what the bible clearly talks about and notice It's very clear I don't have enough time to go through a series of every chain of event that happens I think 99 of us understand here today that jesus christ comes after the tribulation I think i'm preaching to the choir in that sense I think a lot of you may have clocked out mentally in your mind when I brought up the second coming of jesus christ Because like I said, this is a doctrine that we stand very strong on and we strongly believe in the back of our Invitations that we give to people has the documentary after the tribulation But this is a secondary doctrine. It is important It is essential. I believe god wants us to know of his coming as it said in first the salonians five But in the time and season brethren, you have no need that I write out to you Because we know when we study our bible when we see the things around us when it'll really happen But nevertheless, let me end on this thought If you do understand and you believe what the bible says in the post tribulation rapture And someone gets saved and they have never heard this We shouldn't have beef with them what what There are so many people who are getting illuminated in this thought of when christ will come who are true genuine saved believers And the lord jesus christ king james only so many baptist churches people pastors And people who understand the fundamentals of the faith Or a little mixed up when christ will come I have no beef with that person and neither should any one of us We can be as iron sharpening iron and show them these things that they don't want to accept it That's they don't have to accept it to be saved. Obviously, we would think they're wrong. We believe that they're wrong But they're my brother and sister in christ. There are some brothers and sister who are a lot spiritually older There are a lot more brothers and sisters who do more study they're christians who do nothing For the cause they don't even read their bible. They don't even step foot into a church. They're truly saved They're derelicts on the side of the road and god's chasing them for their bad lifestyle, but they're saved And with that being said, I don't think it is wise of us to be bad mouthing brothers and sisters Who believe in the pre-tribulation rapture? I bad mouth the doctrine I bad mouth the thought of the pre-tribulation rapture but if a brother's in front of me telling me that's what they believe and I Show them this and they're like dad. I think you're wrong or you're misunderstanding. I'm like, hey Don't worry. God bless you. You're saved and you're you're on your way to heaven And like I said, I don't want We don't disfellowship with them. Unfortunately pre-trip believers. I'm not talking like Evangelicals and fake christians i'm talking about real believers who do believe in the pre-trip I don't have beef with them. I don't want them to think I have beef with them But for some reason they have beef with us And is it because they're mad at me or is it because they're mad at it says clearly immediately after the tribulation And that's truly what they're mad at because they've been duped their whole life a lot of their life In general no one wants to admit when they're wrong I was saying that my wife and I know a lot people hate being prone people hate admitting when they're wrong But you know what the bible like has preached time and time again Says a wise man seeks to be corrected in a fool despises approach you can be saved and be a fool but nevertheless I don't have beef with you Bless your soul that you know, you at least understand salvation and you know I wouldn't necessarily even question someone's salvation if they believe in the pre-tribulation Because a lot of people have been duped by this And like I said the subject of the secondary doctrine what we're most known for at your foundation Of secondary doctrine would be the second coming of christ or when the tribulation occurs Zionism where we don't we we believe in replacement theology We do not think there is a current covenant going on between god and the nation of israel So that we the church replace The nation of israel we strongly believe in that and there are other secondary doctrines, but if a believer who truly gets saved Does not accept the church's secondary doctrine You know Hopefully in time as you hear more preaching as I read your bible more they'll come to that on their own if they never Never Completely just realize that they're wrong in the matter We still don't want to meet with them because we don't want to hinder the work of god As long as they're gonna do we hit the door and talk like joel's witness and say hey Did you notice that christ is coming soon? And you know, did you notice the things around us and that you gotta Realize that you know, jesus is on his way here That's what joel's witness do when they hit the door when they do their proselytizing They're trying to get you to understand. Jesus can come too I'm not trying to get you to realize jesus can come soon. I want you to realize you get saved Put your baby prize. You can never mention the second coming at the door get someone saved But it is important for us to know and like I said, this is something to me that I think is important because We're known not only here at sure foundation baptist, but in our movement of being very rude mean people because You don't believe in the pre-tribulation rapture you don't believe in zionism or whatever If I don't at least with me want to be said that i'm rude to someone who believes wrong on a secondary doctrine It is important. I will never sway On the concept of what the bible truly says and neither should any one of you But i'm just saying if a christian Is gonna badmouth you Rejoice for great is your reward in heaven, but we shouldn't badmouth them Oh, you're stupid. Do you think christ would come at any moment? Let me show you 20 verses that shows how dumb you are no, rather, let's be edifying loving towards and Quick to mercy with them in this matter, but like I said brother ryan preached a message in the beginning of our The origin of this church just on fundamentals I didn't hear a message on the tribulation So that's why I brought it up and I think everyone already knows that But I just want you to know that If a new convert comes into the church a truly saved believer in the lord, jesus christ and they just They believe in the pre-tribulation rapture. Let's not try to Let's not try to Well, let's hopefully sway up to what the bible truly says but let's be more on the loving side of preaching doctrines that are important But are not salvation worthy And with that, let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer Dear heavenly father. Thank you so much for your word. Thank you so much for salvation. Thank you so much for showing us clearly Around the time when you'll be coming back. We just want you to Always get honor and praise and help us to just stay humble and to be uh neat to those who don't maybe understand this truth and to just be willing to Uh shine your light and your words jesus christ. Let me pray