(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. Good morning, everybody. How's it going? Thank God for another day. Amen. Amen. We're back here every week, and it's a blessing to be here, to be with you guys. I find great pleasure in being here every Saturday. So let's get right into the title of this sermon. The title of the sermon this morning is The New Body. Last week, remember Ryan preached on the subject of the resurrection, right? Last week was Easter, so we all celebrate the resurrection on Easter, because that is the pinnacle of Christianity. Why are we here today? Why do Christians do what they do? Because Jesus rose from the dead. He died, He was buried, and He rose from the dead. And this chapter is known as the resurrection chapter, right? But there was another part to the resurrection that I wanted to touch on that Ryan didn't have enough time to go through because of time. And I want to explain to you guys the concept of the new body. So what do I mean by this? Okay, so you guys realize that once we are saved, right, our spirit, our dead spirit is made alive, right? But that is not the end of our salvation. Salvation is not finished yet. At the resurrection, or what we would call the rapture, we will be given new bodies, physical bodies. Now obviously they are spiritual, but I believe, my mother once taught me a long time ago as a kid. She obviously was looking for the resurrection to come. She believes it's in my lifetime, Lord willing, let's hope that Jesus comes in our lives. But if not, we know He's coming soon, right? And with that being said, she told me, how are we going to recognize one another? How are we going to know who is our loved one, our aunt, our uncles, our ancestors, each other? Exactly. And not only that, I believe strongly that this physical body that you have is the actual body you will be given in the new resurrection. But, well here, let's go. Well, let's go through it. Let's go through it and I'll tell you what I mean. This body that we currently have, right? The Bible talks about that we have been given one earth, and the earth is always going to be here forever. Now obviously, there will be a time when the earth is destroyed at the wrath of God. But remember what Jesus said in His ministry, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Now He's not saying pass away as in go forever, but the earth will be made new. Remember in the Garden of Eden, the earth was perfect. God looked at everything and said, it is good. So, the body that we're given is good. But we have inherited sin because of what happened with Adam and Eve. So, because of that, the way I explain things is that throughout our lives, we accrue and accumulate pains, aches and problems, right? I think I'm preaching to the choir here. You guys have accrued and accumulated pains and aches, right? I've always explained to people, I grew up in Kauai and the Hawaiian Islands. And the first trade I went into was masonry. And there's a saying that masons die young. Why? Because it's a lot of physical heavy labor, you know, laying down block, putting down concrete, you know, putting up rock walls. And at that time, I was soaking wet 85 pounds. And I'm dealing with like 250, 300 pound Hawaiian Polynesian guys. And they're telling me to do a lot of heavy lifting. So, I believe I've accrued a lot of hip problems in my early stages that have been with me forever. I've broken two bones in my life, my wrist and my ankle. Some people acquire skin problems, gut problems, mental problems, PTSD, all these different things throughout our life, we've accrued, right? But you got to realize that when you're given a new body, all your aches and pains will be gone. That is something we can look forward to with the new body. Jesus Christ will wipe all tears away from our face. And this corruption must put on incorruption. Take a look down at your Bible, if you would, at First Corinthians, chapter 15, verse 51. The Bible reads, Behold, I show you a mystery. It's right off the back. This is mysterious. It's not like physically known. It's mysterious, right? We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed. In a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump, for the trump shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. So notice, not everyone's going to die at the second coming. As a matter of fact, we which are alive will remain until the time of Jesus Christ's second coming will be changed. Raise your hand if you've heard the term metamorphosis. Alright, metamorphosis, right? This is a phenomenon found in nature. The best example that we point to with metamorphosis has to do with the butterfly, right? It's a little larva caterpillar and then it gets put in a cocoon and that after it's ready, it grows into a butterfly and it looks completely different. It's beautiful. It's not that the larva was, let's face the fact, it's not as pretty as a butterfly. I like seeing butterflies around. It's not nice seeing a bunch of larvas running around. But butterflies are beautiful, right? The same thing is going to happen in us. It's not that we're given new, it's that it's better. It is glorified. It is incorrupted. We are corrupted currently. We have sin dwelling in us. Today, the believer who puts their faith in Christ, when we sin, the Bible says it's no longer I that sin, but sin that dwelleth in me, which is in our flesh. You've heard this saying, right? The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, meaning that we still daily struggle with sin as even believers. Why? Because the old corruption is still here. But we will be given new bodies. And if you're alive at the second coming, your body will be changed instantaneously. You don't need to die physically. But for sure, the shell of your body needs to be changed. And metamorphosis found in nature shows us examples of what God means by this. For instance, think about like a seed, right? You sow a seed in the ground, and then it grows into a tree. The tree is beautiful. The tree has birds that fly in it, fruits that come out of it, leaves that look beautiful, colors, all these things. But everything that is in that tree is found in that seed. It's just a little peanut looking thing. It's just a little what looks like a rock or a stone, but it grows into a beautiful plant. Another example would be frogs, right? In the beginning, a frog is a little tadpole. It's just a little head with a little tail. I'm not saying frogs are the most beautiful creatures. But, you know, think about it. There are colorful frogs. And the difference between a tadpole and a frog are different. You know what I mean? Like a frog looks better. And just like with us, currently, throughout our lives, we will accrue problems, even aging in general. You know, the Bible talks about that in the resurrection, we're going to live to the length of trees and at the second coming of Christ. And we will no longer age anymore. The tree of life is there for us and the leaves of it are for the healing of the nation. Meaning that when we partake of the tree of life, basically, I don't know and I can't necessarily prove this, but some speculate that I'm currently 32, right? Jesus Christ's ministry started at what age? 30 to 33, right? Some believe that Adam, when he came into the world, he wasn't a baby. God didn't put a baby in the garden, but a full-grown man. So, whatever you look like in your 30s is speculative of what you'll look like for an eternity. It's just a theory. But back to my point about this is curious, this is mysterious. We don't really know these things. But I believe that your body that you currently have will be made new, perfect, and incorruptible. So, the next point I wanted to go into is the concept of the glorification of the body. Look down at your Bible, if you would, at verse 41. First Corinthians chapter 15 verse 41, the Bible reads, there is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars and one star differth from another star in glory. So, notice God keeps pointing out things in the observable universe to explain a heavenly truth. He's explaining about the animals. You'll be made and changed like the animals. You'll have glory like the sun and the moon. Now, when the Bible uses the term glory or glorified, it doesn't mean what we think it means as like honored. Although there is a second definition of that, the primary definition of glory in the Bible means to shine, okay? Now, notice the first thing it said in verse 41, there is one glory of the sun. No one would argue that today in our universe the brightest thing is the sun, right? Well, the Bible teaches that in Revelation that when the new heaven and new earth comes, there's going to be no need for the sun. Why? Because Jesus Christ is the light of the world. He will shine into our world. We will live off the radiation of Jesus Christ. And what did Jesus say in his ministry while he was here? He says, I am the light of the world, but when I go you are the light of the world. Meaning that people who invest in the things of God preach the gospel, sing hymns, bring up people, help them in their problems. You know, the Bible teaches pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this. That you visit the fatherless and widows in their afflictions and that you keep yourself unspotted from the world. So when you live a good godly Christian life throughout your life, when the resurrection comes, you will get given more glory. Some stars are shinier than other stars, right? But nevertheless, we're all going to be there. But no one's going to out glorify Jesus. We're all going to look to Jesus, right? The Bible teaches very clearly that no flesh will glory in his presence. Meaning that when he's there, we all look like nothing. We're insignificant. We must decrease. He must increase. But Jesus wants to bestow upon us blessings. One of those blessings is glory, shining. Why do you say that, David? Why do you think we're going to, you think there's going to be a light bulb behind you and it's going to glow? I'm not saying it's a light bulb, but some form of radiative light will come out of all of us. How do you know that? The Bible says in Matthew chapter 17, verse one, this is an example of Jesus Christ showing us his second coming. It's what's known as the transfiguration, right? It says, for instance, in Matthew 17, verse one, and after six days, Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John, his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart, and was wet, transfigured before them. And his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. So you would see right there that he shines like the sun. But notice he says he transfigured, right? Just like we talked about with the butterfly. You know, it wasn't really shiny when it was a larva, but now as a butterfly, it looks very beautiful. It says the same thing in Mark chapter nine, verse two, and after six days, Jesus taketh with him Peter and James and John, and leadeth them up into a high mountain apart by themselves, and he was transfigured before them, and his raiment became shiny, exceeding white as snow, as no fuller on earth could whiten them. So basically, they see the Lord Jesus Christ in what it would look like in the second coming, and it's so white they can't even look on it, because it's just so bright. And if you look at this story in its context, they later on fall on the ground, and they ask to build tabernacles for them, because they can't even look up at the presence of Jesus. Now remember, we're going to get given glorified bodies. We will be able to see the Lord, and I just wanted you guys to know the concept of the new body. All aches and pains will be gone, right? All ailments that you've accrued in your life will be gone. You'll be changed in a moment, in a twinkling, in a vibe. You will glow. You will radiate, and you will be glorified like the Lord Jesus Christ, but you know, you're not going to be looking exactly like him, but similar to him, right? And the last part I want to go into is the concept of today. It's easy to hear this type of preaching, and think to yourself, I'm sore now. I'm in pain now. I would like to change my body now, and trust me, I'm young, and I got pains, and even I want to change my body sometimes, not because I don't like it, but because there are aches and pains that I've accrued that I want gone. But realize this, today you can ask for healing from Jesus Christ himself. Now, we do not teach or preach, like some people do, that me or Ryan or any one of us have the power to harness of God and lay hands on you, and you'll be healed in a moment, like the Holy Spirit lays on you, and you're just immediately going to walk out of your chair, and everything's going to be fine. That was a special gift granted to the apostles. It is very arrogant for any Christian in the world to think that they can demand of God to fit their needs. God, I want you to heal this person. Do what I say. No, God doesn't work that way. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. So as the heavens are far above the earth, so his thoughts are above our thoughts. But with that being said, exactly ask. And the Bible says that the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. If we live a good godly life and we pray for each other, for our ailments, God, if his will be, he will help and heal you of your ailments. But sometimes he doesn't. The Bible says in James 5 verse 13, is there any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any married? Let him sing songs. Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. Because you got to think about it. We are here for you guys. This is not just makeshift overnight ministry. We want you guys to, number one, get saved. Number two, follow the service of the Lord and grow in your faith. My first sermon I preached to all you guys was that the greatest thing could still be ahead of you. Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day that the Lord gave us, right? And today you can choose to serve God and God can start the service of your life today and do great things. And me, Ryan, Jake, Corbin and all of us that are here, we're here for you. If you have ailments, sicknesses, problems that you want prayer for, we'll pray for you. Why? Because we don't want you to be in pain. We don't want you guys to struggle. I don't want Ryan to struggle. But you know what? This is what the Bible means when the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. You guys need to pray for each other. When you're not feeling good, yeah, talk to each other. Hey man, can you pray for me? My legs hurting, my hips hurts. We can find all sorts of problems that we're all dealing with every single day. But look, what are we here for? This is for each other. The Bible says, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. I want you guys to be in good standing with God, good standing with the Lord Jesus Christ. You will be given new bodies. And one day when we're in heaven, 18 million years from now, we're going to look back at these infirmities and laugh. We're going to be like, hey, that pain was just for a moment. But now we get to be glorified with the Lord Jesus Christ forever. And Jesus wants to give us blessing. Jesus is in heaven right now. Think of it like this. If you ever play sports, right? And I'll use basketball as the analogy. There's that one kid on the bench who really wants to play, right? He's like holding on the bench. He wants a coach, put me in, put me in. I want to play, right? The coach is holding off for that kid. He's letting the game go. But as soon as the coach calls that kid, he's running in to play the game. Jesus is in heaven right now, wanting nothing more than to be there for us as individuals. But we need to meet Him halfway. Be willing to deny ourselves, pick up our crosses and follow after Jesus. And in doing this, you guys, Jesus will be there for us and understand that if for some reason you're dealing with some problem, realize that at the end, you will be given a new body and all will be made right. Title of this message this morning is The New Body. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for allowing us to gather together to hear your word. We look forward to the new body. And you know, even though it's not currently here, we just want to be pleasing unto you every single day. If there's any in here right now who are not feeling good, any physical problems or mental problems, please heal them. Please be there for them. Help them with ease. And if they have anything that they want to ask, please give them courage to come up to Ryan and me and ask us, and we'll do what we can to help them out. Jesus, thank you so much for always being there for us, and we just love and praise you. In your name we pray. Amen.