(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so where you guys are in Romans chapter 7, this is a really, you know, amazing chapter in the Bible. You know, Romans chapter 7 tells me a lot about someone's perspective of not only the doctrine of sin, and the title of this message is the doctrine of sin, but how people see and view the doctrine of salvation, because it tells us so much about, let alone what sin is, but there is a war waging between the flesh and the spirit. And Romans chapter 7 and 8 go through that in great detail, because to be saved we need to put our faith in Christ, but we need to acknowledge first and foremost, when we go out and preach the gospel to others, we explain the doctrine of sin, that all of us have sinned. Romans chapter 3, just a couple of chapters right before this, taught us clearly, for all have sinned to come short of the glory of God. Not only that, in verse 10 it goes on to read, you know, as it is written, where? In the Old Testament. So this is not a New Testament phenomena. As it is written, there is none righteous, no not one. I am not righteous, you are not righteous. Anyone who thinks that they don't have sin is far from the truth. We need to, when we explain the good news of salvation, need to explain first the problem. You have sinned. I have sinned. We have all sinned, and we all come short of God's standard, or His glory. God's standard is be perfect, or be holy as He is holy. None of us are perfect. Why? Because we have sinned. Well, what is sin? You don't need to turn there, but it says in 1 John chapter 3 verse 4, whosoever commiteth sin, transgresseth also the law. For sin is the transgression of the law. The word to transgress is to go against something. The law of God is commandments given to mankind. Throughout the Bible there is lots of commandments, and breaking those commandments is a sin. The Bible talks about he that knoweth to do good and doeth not to him it is sin. That means if you know to do something that is from the word of God and you don't do it, you have just sinned. Not only that, but when I explain it to children, the best way I explain it is it's breaking the rules. I think everyone can understand that, because even a child can understand the message of salvation as long as they are using the word of God to explain these things for them. The word transgression may go right over a kid's head, and they're kind of like, whoa, that's a big word. It just means breaking the rules. You broke the rules. I broke the rules. Sometimes you'll get a kid saying, no, I never broke the rules, and you just tell them, okay, have you ever disobeyed your parents? They should know really quickly that, yeah, I have. So it's like, well, there's your first sin. And of course there's more than that. Not only that, the Bible teaches that for our sin, something happened. What happens to someone when they sin? The Bible teaches that our spirit dies. See everyone is made up of a trichotomy. We have a flesh, mind, and spirit, a body, soul, and spirit. What you see is my flesh. We see the observable world, right? We can see each other. That is what communicates visually to each other, is our flesh, our body. But our soul or our mind is that which communicates to each other. You know, people who have personality, it can be found that it's inside of their soul or in their mind. What makes David a David? What makes someone someone? Is there what they like, things that are unique to them, their flavors or, you know, everything that is equated to them is known as their soul. But the spirit is that which communicates to God. You know, when someone sins, their spirit dies. Now, look down at your Bible at verse seven. The apostle Paul explains that in this passage. Notice what it says in verse seven. What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law, for I had not known lust, except the law said thou shall not covet. You know, one of the 10 commandments, right, is thou shall not covet, the last of the 10 commandments. So basically it's saying that, are you saying that the law of God is sin? Because once you acknowledge it, that I've broken it, then that's bad. God forbid. No, it's not the law that's the problem. That's our inability to fulfill the law because we have a sin nature and we are able to choose to not do the right thing. It goes on to read, but sin taking occasion by the commandment wrought in me all manner of concupin sins for without the law sin was dead. Now notice that second part. I'm not going to go into the definition of concupin sins and it's, it's, you know, just look at the second part of the word, notice the word cupid in it. So it has to do with lustful thinking and things like that. But it says in the second part of the verse eight, for without the law, sin was dead. Now there's a time in people's life where they cannot comprehend things of sin. And this is what's known as the doctrine of the age of accountability and it go into that in just a moment. But there comes a time when a person is born into this world and they're without sin. It's not that they have not sin. They cannot recollect their sin and I'll go more into that in just a moment. Let's keep reading. For I was alive without the law once, but when the commandment came, sin revived and watch this and I died. Now when Paul is speaking right there that I died, he didn't say he physically died. He's saying that his spirit died. You know, what does it say in Romans chapter six, right before this in verse 23, it says for the wages of sin is death. What you earn through your sin is to die, yes, physically, but also your spirit dies. So it goes on to keep reading. For I was alive without the law once, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died and the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. For sin taking occasion by the commandment deceived me and by it, what did it do? Slew me. So the apostle Paul is saying that there was a time in his life before he knew the laws of God, before he comprehended the things of right and wrong and morality that he was alive. He, he was, his spirit was alive. He was right with the, with the creator, with God. But when he comprehended, when sin came in, he died. It killed him, not physically. Now what do you mean by it, it, it, it killed his spirit? Well, you don't need to turn there, actually turn if you would, uh, one page over to Romans chapter eight, but here's another couple of examples of what I'm saying that the Bible teaches that when someone dies, if they're not born again, they cannot have a relationship with God because it's what communicates to God is our spirit, right? John four chapter 23 says, but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeketh such to worship him and God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. So the unsaved, the people who are walking around who are unregenerated, their spirits are dead. They cannot, they do not have communication with God. The only prayer that the Lord hears of the unsaved, it has to do with them begging for salvation. How can they hear unless they be sent and how shall they believe in him in whom they've not known? So one must explain to them the message of salvation to bring that dead spirit back to life so that they can have a communication to the father. Jesus Christ says there's one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Now when we go into the doctrine of the age of accountability, actually let me backtrack one more second. The quickening aspect. Notice where you are in Romans chapter eight verse 10 the Bible reads and if Christ be in you, the Lord Jesus Christ, the body is dead of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you. That word quicken has to do with made alive. You ever heard the passage where it says the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two ended sword? It's not saying that it is fast. It's saying that it is brought to life. The word of God is alive. It's quick and powerful. So Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you. Therefore brethren, we are debtors not to the flesh to live after the flesh. For if you live after the flesh, ye shall die. But if you through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. Now this is not saying in light of salvation. This is saying that you will reap what you sow. If you sow to the flesh, you will reap corruption. If you sow to the spirit, you will reap everlasting life and blessings because the Bible says we should not walk in the flesh if you're born again and our spirit is made alive. We have the ability to. That's why, you know, if you wanted to, you can look back in chapter seven when Paul talked about his struggle with sin and says, for we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. You know, there's a false teacher out there named Paul Washer who teaches there is no such thing as a carnal Christian. Funny, the apostle Paul said, I'm carnal, sold under sin. For the thing which I allow, not that for, for which I do, I allow not for what I would that do I not, but what I hate that do I, if I do that, which I would not, I consent on the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. Go back to chapter eight, notice what it said in verse 11. But if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by the spirit that dwelleth in you. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors not to the flesh to live after the flesh for if you live after the flesh, he shall die. But if through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. If you put to death the old man, the one that is not born in perfection, the one who's not born again, the old man has a one who has lived the life of sin, who chose to be an idiot and not follow the commandments of God. Jesus Christ says, you must deny yourself daily. Pick up your cross and follow me to be called a disciple, not to be called saved. To be saved, all we have to do is believe, trust, have faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. But if you want to be a disciple or you want to be a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, he says, mortify to yourselves the deeds of the flesh. Put to death your old man, pick up your cross and follow after me. Now you can be called a disciple. Now you can be called someone who is serving the Lord Jesus Christ. But he goes on to say in verse 14, for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father. The spirit itself, now notice that first spirit is the capitalized spirit. This is the Holy Spirit. The spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit. That's a lowercase spirit. My spirit, your spirit, spirits of Christians who have been brought back to life, that we are the children of God. God said to be born again, right? In John chapter three, unless a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. But what follows John chapter three verse three, John chapter three verse 16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. This message is not on salvation. I hope that I'm already preaching to the choir and everyone already understands the message of salvation born again. We're talking about the doctrine of sin. What is it? It's the transgression of the law. What happens? Your spirit is dead when you comprehend sin. But there are lots of people who then struggle with this because it is true. You got to think, what about the unborn babe in the womb? What about the baby who unfortunately dies in a car accident or a friend that you know that has down syndrome and can't think correctly and can't comprehend just normal functions and cognitive understandings of the things of God. What about them? The Bible teaches that they are not considered safe. They are considered safe. This is the doctrine of the age of accountability because a baby cannot tell you, I'm a sinner. I deserve to go to hell for my sin and I put my faith in Christ. They are just trying to not poop their pants and cry for food when they're hungry. The Bible teaches salvation is likened unto a new birth. You're born again. Has babes desire the sincere milk of the word that they may grow thereby. There's milk and there's meat in this Bible, but babes need milk. They need to just get what is essential, fundamental, something that they can digest and take and grow in their faith to move forward. But I can't go deep into this doctrine because that's kind of outside of the scope of what I want us to understand. But it's important because turn if you would to Genesis chapter two, very beginning of the Bible. While you turn there, I'm going to read from you from second Samuel. This is an example of the Bible teaching the age of accountability. It says in second Samuel 12, 22 and he said, while the child was yet alive, this is, let me give you a quick context. David has committed adultery with Bathsheba and the product of that adulterous union, there was a baby that was born. God said, I am going to curse you and kill the baby. David is begging and praying and fasting that the Lord would have mercy on him. The people around him are tripping out cause they're like, why are you fasting? Why are you, or no, why are you eating and all that stuff? Because shouldn't you like now or like beg the Lord to try to keep your baby alive? He says, who can tell if the God's mercy, if God's mercy will be true because he said the baby's going to die, so he just took it upon himself to see what would happen and it reads and he said, well, the child was yet alive. I fasted and wept for I said, who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live, but now he is dead. Wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me. So David is saying when I die, I will go where the child is, where he is not going to be where he was in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ. And that's just one example. I can point to others that'll get its own message at another time. When it comes to this, some people kind of are like, okay, well how will we know when someone can comprehend the doctrine of sin or how do we know when someone knows their child is of age or their friend who has like down syndrome or mental inabilities can comprehend this subject. The best example I can point to is found in Genesis chapter two and three. Now notice what it says in Genesis chapter two. This is the story of the first time God, you know, not only created man, but sin entered into the world. And it says in verse six, it reads, but there went up amidst from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed and out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the site and good for food. The tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil and a river went out of Eden to water the garden and from thence it was parted and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pisan. That is that which compass is the whole land of Haveliah where there is gold and the gold of that land is good. There is bdellium and onyx stone and the name of the second river is Gihon. The same is that compass is the whole land of Ethiopia and the name of the third river is Hiddekel that it is which goeth toward the east of Assyria and the fourth river is Euphrates and the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely ate but this is what's known as a conjunction in our English language, right? Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day thou shalt eat thereof thou shalt surely die. There's the commandment. So there was a time when Adam did not have a command to do something. He was born. He showed him the garden. He was fine. He was perfect at that point and then he said don't eat that one tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you do so did it say you might or you shall die. It said for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. So now turn if you went to Genesis chapter 3 Genesis chapter 3 it reads in verse 1. Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said he shall not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil first thing he does is put doubt in the woman's heart and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said the word of God the commandment you shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest ye die. So she understands at this point that if we eat that tree we are going to die. And the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be open and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil. So Satan didn't come in here with a direct lie he came in with a white lie or a grey statement because he says you shall not surely die rather you will be as God knowing good and evil. Now let me ask you this question did they die the day they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? No they did not physically die their spirits died. Now let's keep going on and reading it says and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also under her husband with her and he did eat and the eyes of them both were open and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. And this is a very uh I like this verse a lot and you know go on to this uh I'll go on to this verse a little bit more in light of the doctrine of the Trinity when we get there. Notice what it says and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden of the cool of the day. You know we understand that Jesus Christ is the word of God. God said let there be light. The second member of the Godhead is who I believe was walking in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden and the Lord God called on Adam and said unto him where art thou? Now I believe when he says where art thou it's not because he didn't know physically where he was but there is a moment where his soul was or spirit was gone. There was a moment where his spirit was there. He noticed the spirit is gone. He says where art thou? And it goes on to read and he said I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself and he said who told thee that thou was naked? Has thou eaten of the tree where have I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said the woman whom thou gavest to me or to be with me she gave me of the tree and I did eat and the Lord God said unto the woman what is it that thou hast done and the woman said the serpent beguiled me and I did eat and the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou hast done this thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. This is a prophetic passage right here in reference to the Lord Jesus Christ and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrows in thy conception and sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and that thy sire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee and unto Adam he said because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee remember the commandment he told him not to do this saying thou shalt not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake for in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all thy days of thy life thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat the herb of the field in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it was thou taken for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return and Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothe them and the Lord God said behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil there's a trinity again right off the bat in the Bible and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken so he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life so I read that whole chapter for what reason okay we get it we know the story of Adam and Eve we know the story of the serpent we we understand that the fall of man and all this what it teaches but this is what I want you to know a child when they are one two and three years old tend to walk around naked and not think much of it they don't really care that they're naked they're not ashamed of their nakedness this I believe is a symbolism to help parents to understand the age of accountability when a child can start comprehending that they are naked is a good time for you to explain to them the message of salvation because normally a one-year-old a two-year-old is going to try to burst out the house without any clothes on but a three or four maybe five-year-old they start to want to cover themselves up because they comprehend that there's good and evil right and wrong doing what is told you and not told you this is a good measuring stick to look to your children to understand now's the time for them to hear the message of salvation or your friend who has down syndrome or someone who has a problem with thinking because you know they don't know that they have sin unless they can start understanding what is right and wrong good and bad and you know like I said I'll give it its own message a little bit more due diligence for the doctrine of the age of accountability but it matters in light of this subject the doctrine of sin because at this point sin entered into the world and not only that I'll leave you on one last thought on this notice the song that we sing during Christmas the great Christmas hymn right in reference to the Lord Jesus Christ second Adam from above reinstate us in thy love hark the herald angels sing glory to the newborn King Jesus Christ is known as a second Adam Adam here there is a symbolism of the Lord Jesus Christ because when Eve took of the knowledge of the good and evil Adam knew not to take it right but he chose to take it on for her as well he deliberately disobeyed what whose sin do you think was worse Adam or Eve's it was Adam the woman was deceived Adam deliberately disobeyed I'm not saying the Lord Jesus Christ deliberately disobeyed the father what I'm saying is that he who knew no sin he became sin for us that we may be known as the righteousness of God in him this is a symbolism of Jesus Christ being the second Adam because he came and took on the penalty for sins on himself to die for his wife and mankind you don't believe me well notice what the Bible says in first Timothy chapter 2 verse 11 you turn actually if you would to James chapter 2 it says let the woman learn in silence with all subjection that's another message coming soon to a theater near you but I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence for Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression they both transgressed they both disobeyed the law they both this they both did the wrong thing but Adams was worse than he is now with this subject of the doctrine of sin I have to point this out because there is a false doctrine out there known as all sin being equal that is not found in the Bible the Bible does not teach that all sin is equal as a matter of fact I think you're borderline insane if you think all sin is equal there is a big difference between taking a pencil from work and murdering someone in cold blood and we understand that from a human perspective how much more God whose ways are above our ways whose thoughts are above our thoughts now it is true that sin will take anyone to hell any sin and that's where I'm going to go into James chapter 2 is a passage that a lot of people misunderstand and misquote or they miss use to teach this false doctrine of all sin being equal that is not what this passage is saying notice what it reads in verse let me get there eight if ye fulfill the royal law according to the scripture thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself ye do well that's the context we just came from a question and we went into a semicolon I'm sorry a colon which is not the ending of a thought but this is the context of what we're about to read but if you have respect to persons he commits sin and are convinced to the law as transgressors for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offended one point he is guilty of all see ha if you offended one point you're guilty of all the laws wait let's keep reading does that mean if I stole something it's the same as murdering someone does that mean if I've lied that's the same as committing a sexual perversion no it goes on to read for the word for can be likened under the word because in our modern vocabulary remember that sign wanted for murder in the old Western films it's wanted because of murder for he that said do not commit adultery said also do not kill so there's two separate sins right there now if thou commit no adultery yet if thou kill thou art become a transgressor of notice this word the law not all laws the law the law of God the commandment and the context told us in the beginning love your neighbor as yourself these two hang all the law and the prophets love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind love your neighbor as yourself if you love your neighbor you're not gonna sleep with his wife if you love your neighbor you're not gonna kill his wife because of that you are able to do all these things that are incorrect that is what the Bible is teaching not all sin is equal as a matter of fact Jesus Christ teaches and tells us the opposite blank outright it says in John chapter 19 verse 11 you don't need to turn there if you would turn to your Bibles to Galatians chapter 3 John 19 verse 11 says Jesus answered thou couldest have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin so there's not sins that are equal greater implies there's a lesser so there are lesser sins and greater sins and it goes on there's another passage in Matthew 23 verse 14 one of you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites free devour widows houses for a and for a pretense make long prayers therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation so there is a penalty that is greater than others depending on the amounts and types of sins that people have done they have greater damnation you have the greater sin not all sin is equal there is a Jeffrey Dahmer sitting here and then there's a dumb teenage punk these are not equal no one would look at Jeffrey Dahmer and say that this what he does is equivalent to what he has done that it you you're outside of the line of logic period that's what the Bible is teaching a good example that I give is for instance Matthew chapter five right it talks about that if we look upon a woman to lust after her we've committed adultery already with her in our heart if I look on a woman that's not my wife and lust after her and think dirty thoughts I'm in sin and it's as if I've committed adultery already with her in my heart but it's worse if I actually go and do it because there is a criminal law that the Bible teaches there's moral law and criminal law if I looked at a woman to lust after her I do deserve to die and go to hell for my sins but if I physically go and be with someone that's not my wife not only do I spiritually also deserve death in hell but also physically I deserve to die according to the law of God see this is why the Bible lays out different punishments for different sins some sins are worthy of returning depending if you stole something some sins are worthy of beatings and some sins are worthy of death and that's it there's no jail there's no rehabilitation there is no you know inhumane systems God says return beat or die but when we beat someone you're to forgive and forget when you return whatever it was you stole fourfold or sevenfold you forgive and forget but sins that are worthy unto death that is a big gruesome thing that we need to take seriously adultery you know kidnapping these sins that are the Bible says in first John I'm gonna paraphrase it because I don't have it word perfect but basically there's a sin that is unto death I pray that you I hope you don't pray for it but there's a sin that's not unto death and I want you to pray for that and it's in first John I think chapter five when you have time take a look at it but that's in a nutshell what it's trying to teach so with that being said you got to understand that there are sins of omission and sins of commission what are these sins of commissions are basically doing what you should not do right thou shalt not lie so when you don't lie you've obeyed the law when you don't kill you've obeyed the law when you don't do these things that's sins of commission but there are sins of omission sins of omissions are not doing what you are supposed to be doing for instance Christians are supposed to be going to church after you get saved you should be getting baptized after you get baptized you should read your Bible daily you should be doing all sorts of things and if you're not doing those things that's considered sin like I said earlier he that knoweth to do good and do with it not to him it is sin there's not a just man upon the earth that do with good and sitteth not if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us so this is king David the psalmist singing in psalm 19 you don't need to turn there say where you are in Galatians but it says this is king David a man after God's own heart remember earlier when we were talking about his adulterous affair with Bathsheba he was supposed to be put to death what was the law teaching when someone committed adultery both of them shall be put to death he wasn't therefore God judged him by putting his child to death nevertheless his heart was right with God he repented he wanted to make sure that the Lord's wrath wasn't on him but that his mercies would be on him and God can see our hearts we can only judge what people think by how did the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak you know I'm not going to judge a person only on their actions but by what they say and the psalmist David in Psalms 19 verse 8 says the statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes the fear of the Lord is clean enduring forever the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether more to be more to be desired are they than gold yea than much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb moreover by them is thy servant warned and in keeping of them their there is great reward who can understand his errors cleanse thou me from secret faults keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins let them not have dominion over me they shall then shall I be upright and I shall be innocent from the great transgression David is saying Lord forgive me of sins I don't even know I'm doing look I have sin that I do every day the Bible says the thought of foolishness is sin now praise the Lord he died for all my sins not just the sins of my past but the sins of my future that I'm going to do but David is begging the Lord saying please forgive me of the sins that I don't even know I'm committing so what's the conclusion of the matter what is sin the doctrine of sin teaches simply that it's the transgression of the law breaking the commandments of God not following the rules what happens your spirit dies once your spirit dies it can only be brought back to life in one of two ways either you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ or you live a perfect life which I take that back because if your spirit died then you didn't live a perfect life so never mind scratch that but theoretically the Bible does teach if you live a perfect life you'll have eternal life but we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God therefore we all have to put our faith in Christ that's why the rich young ruler remember he comes to Jesus and he says what good things that must I do to have eternal life now notice the commandments do not steal do not commit adultery do not do all these things he says all these things I've done for my youth up what lack I he says one thing you lack so all that you have going so to the poor and follow me and he went away sorrowful because Jesus knew he didn't keep the law do you think you convinced the son of God that you've done everything right from your youth up it's anyways that's a another message for another time but believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is the only thing that will bring your dead spirit back to life if you know a loved one whose child dies that's under you know three year old or someone who you know as a friend who has down syndrome if they die and say I saw them doing bad things and they they messed up it's like look you can rest assured that they are safe because they couldn't comprehend sin not only that not all sin is equal don't let anyone trick you into that I don't care what anyone tries to tell me that like oh well you know just don't believe it's a lie from the pit of hell in my opinion but with that being said there's sins of omission and sins of commission what's the conclusion of the matter we go around evangelizing when we go door to door and preaching the gospel the message of salvation this is the first thing we start the five steps of salvation the Romans road right the the first thing we want them to know is you are a sinner if you can't even admit and start there then what are you being saved from next or this Sunday we're going to go into the next subject the doctrine of hell but we just need the the person to know that they have sinned in all the times I've evangelized get so many people have said they're not a sinner or they've never sinned I could probably count them on one hand 99 of people understand yep I've sinned I've messed up I've done something wrong I've broken the laws of God some way somewhere some shape and somehow I've done it so this the sin is supposed to drive people to Christ it's supposed to drive you to beg the Lord for salvation like I said earlier remember the unsaved the only prayers that God hears of them is how to be saved if they want a car he's not going to give them a car if they want a house he's not going to give them a house they want you know things that are of this world why would he give them that and they die and go to hell the only thing he wants them to know is find me he says ask and you shall be given seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you in reference to the unsafe anything other than that why would he get why you know why would he bestow that upon them you're in Galatians chapter three right let me get there myself because Galatians chapter three gives us the conclusion in light of what I'm talking about it drives us it's supposed to drive the unsaved to the Lord that says in verse 21 Galatians chapter 3 verse 21 is the law then against the promises of God God forbid for if there had been a law giver which could have given life or given that which it could given life barely righteousness should have been by the law but the scripture has concluded all under sin that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe but before faith came we were kept under the law shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ that we that we might be justified by faith but after that faith is come we are no longer under a schoolmaster and here's the the conclusion of the matter for ye are all the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ when we preach the message of the gospel we need to start off with explaining to people sin I don't know if you guys know who Ray Comfort is but this guy is a phony who goes around preaching that you need to stop sinning to be saved we do not the bible does not teach you need to stop sinning to be saved or repent of your sins I just simply ask anyone when they say you need to repent of your sins to be saved all I say is show me one passage in the bible that says we must need to repent of our sins to be saved not only is it not found anywhere in the bible the bible clearly teaches like we just saw in Romans 7 like we just saw in Romans 8 when someone believes there is a war struggling that they can do they can walk in the old man or they can walk in the new man they can serve the flesh or they can serve the spirit the unsaved can't serve the spirit their spirit is dead they are just walking in the flesh all the time and someone has to preach them the words of life the words of God these words that I preach unto you they are spirit and they are life once they do so why do you think the apostles and Jesus Christ went to the whores the publicans the derelicts of the world because they knew they were sinners they understood that they had problems and they needed a savior to save them they knew that and mark my words you know who are the hardest people to get saved it's not the it's not the derelict it's not the crackhead it's the self-professed righteous person who thinks their righteousness will take them to heaven it's not in works of righteousness which we have done it's according to his mercy are we saved so let's make sure when we go out to preach the message of salvation you know we're gonna explain how we go through the plan of salvation to people and this is the first step you know explaining the doctrine of sin explaining and you don't need to go through a whole hour-long sermon on the subject all you got to do is just say in Romans 3 23 it says for all of sin and come short of the glory of God do you believe that yep move on don't need to beat a dead horse if they know they sin you don't need to tell them what sins did you do are you a drunk are you a crackhead what what did you do it's like you don't need to pry into people's past you just say do you acknowledge you're a sinner yes go on to the next point and when we do that we're gonna be able to help people understand salvation 99 percent of people won't argue with you at this point but for the saints to help understand this doctrine will help us to know how to go into the lost and have genuine love for them because they are blind and they cannot see they need to be shown the glorious gospel the light of salvation let's go ahead and have a word of prayer dear heavenly father thank you so much for your word thank you so much for explaining to us how you see the doctrine of sin and you know giving us a heart for the lost to go out and explain to them that you know we've all sinned and we all come short of the glory of God but that if they put their faith in Jesus Christ they'll be safe from their sins and I just ask that you help light a fire in us and help us to get excited to go and share your message and keep us from you know our own presumptuous sins as David said help forgive me of secret sins that I'm not doing or secret faults that I've not known I've done even though we know we don't need to continue a life of righteousness to be saved you ask that you help us to learn to you know draw closer to you and you said you know if you love me keep my commandments and help us to not be black sheep but to be ones in whom you're well pleased and in Jesus Christ's name we pray amen all right it was a bit shorter this time wasn't it so you said Eve said you said satan said to Eve what uh in sorry one second Genesis chapter two or three yeah don't look it up