(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good morning everybody. Thank you all for joining us. In Hawaiian we say aloha kakaiyaka. Good morning. Okay, let's get right into it. The title of this message this morning is why the King James version of the Bible is the greatest book of mankind. Now notice since we've been here so far, right, we hand out Bibles to you guys to be able to read with us and follow along with us the words of God. How we here at this ministry are very keen to using the King James Bible. Why? Why the King James Bible? We're going to explain that here in just a moment. Now when sermons on the subject of the Word of God come up, this is my favorite topic. Why? Because it is the foundation of our faith as Christians. The Word of God. Not a Word of God, not another Word of God, but the Word of God. We can know today in 2023 America that we have the words of God. Now we believe that the King James version of the Bible in our English language is the best Word of God that there is out there. Why? I do not need to defend the King James Bible. A lot of scholars feel obligated to defend the King James Bible. A lot of historians feel obligated to defend the Word of God through the King James Bible, which we do. But understand this, the Word of God does not need me to defend it. It can defend itself. Now the Bible does teach we need to be ready to give an answer to anybody that asketh us of the hope of the reason that is in us with meekness and fear. But understand this, we've all heard this saying, right? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. So here's the thing, King James version of the Bible has stood the test of time. 400 years ago in 2011 was the 400 year anniversary of the King James version of the Bible. And not but just lately did all of a sudden there become new translations of the English Bible. Now I'm not going to sit here and go through the problems with the modern translations. Why? Because all I need to do is know the truth. The Bible says know the truth and the truth will make you free. Now let me explain this to you. When people who study, you know, false currency, right, people who are counterfeiting money, is it their job to study the false money or is it their job to study the right money? The right money. Why? Because when you know the right, what a dollar actually looks like and all the nuances of what the United States dollar looks like when a fake one comes, you know, hey, that one's not real. Now I do not need to, you do not need to, we do not need to as children of God have to be scholars, historians, or theologians to be able to know the Word of God, especially in English. Now raise your hand if any one of you speaks any other language than English. Couple of you, right? Don't we have the Word of God in other languages as well? Of course we do. But here's the thing, God knew that English would become the greatest language on the planet. Now in the Old Testament, God used Hebrew, right, to preserve the Old Testament. During the time of the writing of the New Testament, God used Greek, because that was the language of the people at that time. And now we all speak English. And I am not saying you cannot have the Word of God in your mother tongue. If you speak Spanish, if you speak Navajo, if you speak Hawaiian, if you speak any other language, there is a Word of God that you can know that's in your language. But when it comes to English, the perfect, preserved, inerrant, infallible Word of God is found in the King James version of the Bible. So that's the first thing I wanted you to understand. I don't need to defend it, because it's self-evident. It defends itself. How do you know, David? We were saved by the Word of God. This is the foundation of our faith. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. Every single one of us knows famous passages that we quote of the Word of God from the King James version of the Bible. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. And this passage in the Bible that I'm having you look at, if you would, look down if you would at the section, I better make sure I'm there, 105. This is a famous passage that we all know, we've all heard, because it says very clearly, thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and it is a light unto my path. The Word of God drives us in this dark world of things that we don't know. The Bible teaches that the blind that lead the blind, people who are unsaved, they cannot see. Jesus Christ is the light of the world. John 1 says, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. The Word was God, and the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glories of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. Let me show you your God, people, the Word of God. This is God, it is divine, it is inspired, God breathed. The Lord hath said, therefore we now know. Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. And in the English language, the King James version of the Bible is the pinnacle of what it means to understand what God wants of us. So that's the first point I wanted to get into. The King James Bible is the Word of God. It's not a Word of God, it's not another Word of God, it is the Word of God. But number two, it is self-evident. It defends itself. I don't care how, I'm going to try to explain this so easily, that even all you theologians can understand it. Because look, the Bible is not designed for just intellects, it's designed for all of us. High education, low education, the Bible teaches clearly of the Lord Jesus Christ that the common man heard him gladly. Pharisees and Sadducees who are too high-minded could not understand the simple message of the Gospel. So the King James version of the Bible, though eloquent and eloquent in every way, is also simple to be understood. Even a child can understand it. And that's my next point I want to go into. The literary genius of the King James Bible. I know it might be hard for some of us to read the King James Bible and make sense of things because it is spoken in a very high intellect. What's up? It's very hard for me to read the Bible. For me it's Catholic. I'm a Catholic. Got it. I'm pronouncing it as Catholic because I'm not a stranger to this. Well let me explain it like this. The Bible teaches, for instance, right, my sheep hear my voice and a stranger they will not follow. Let me ask you this. Do you need to be an arborist to know the difference between a real tree and a fake cell phone tower? Don't the city make fake cell phone towers? And they make them just for electrical purposes, right? But you don't need to be studying trees to know that's fake. That's not real. If you look at a real tree, you know that's real. And the Bible is the same way. You don't have to be high intellectually minded. All you have to be is a sheep. My sheep hear my voice and a stranger they will not follow. So Jesus makes that very clear. Now let me ask you this. Do you believe our Lord and Savior, the Creator of the universe, speaks in a very low form of communication or does He speak in a very high form of communication? He speaks in a high form of communication. Let me quote to you a passage that I've, or not a passage, but something that I found online that has to do with the concept of the literary genius of the King James Version of the Bible. This is from a man named Leland Reichen. I hope I pronounced that right. Leland Reichen. It says, from approximately 1700 to 1950, the King James Bible was the preeminent book in England and America. It virtually shapes all of human society. Everything from family, religion, church, politics, education, literature, art, and music. The King James Bible has some form of influence on all these things. And it goes on to read, the foundation of which everything else rested was influenced by the King James Version of the English language. The influence of the English Bible on the language started with William Tyndale, who gave English speaking people an English plain style. In turn, the King James Version synthesized a whole century of English Bible translations into a climactic document. More importantly, it was through the King James Version that this linguistic application remained dominant for centuries. So what I mean by that is that today we have multiple versions of the Bible in English, right? And of those multiple versions of the Bible, they do not sound right. They sound different. They don't say the same thing. And I'm not here to attack those Bibles. I'm here to show you the perfection of the King James Bible. Why attack something that I know is wrong when I can show you the truth? Now, when we talk about this subject a lot, a lot of people get kind of upset because maybe they read a different translation of the Bible for a lot of their life. And I'll sit here and tell you this. Inevitably, the Bible teaches, if you want to know the truth, the truth will make you free. And if you ask, it shall be given unto you. If you seek, you will find. If you knock, the doors shall be open. And if you want to know the truth on this subject, that's why we are here. We quote to you from the passage of the King James Bible. Why? Because it's the Word of God. It's self evident. It's a literary genius. But here's another point that a lot of people don't know. It's powerful. The Word of God has power, you guys. What do I mean by that? Any bodybuilder understands the differences between power and strength. Power is you push, strength is you pull, right? So power has to do with preaching the Bible. The Word of God moves us to do things. It moves us to be saved. It moves us to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. And it takes us from one point to another. The Word of God has power. If you preach the gospel to somebody, not every time does someone believe, but the Bible teaches very clearly that there are different types of people. That when they put their faith in Christ, either they sit there and do nothing with their faith, or it drives them to do a lot more. I'll come to you in just a moment. Let me finish this point first. So the Word of God is powerful. The Bible says, for instance, in Hebrews 4-12, it says, for the Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even through the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrows, and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart. You guys, the Lord Jesus Christ can see our heart. And the Bible teaches that these words that I preach unto you, they are spirit and they are life. So when the Bible teaches us a truth, something we didn't know before, we've been illuminated on something, it is going to drive us into service of God. So number one, the King James Bible is the Word of God. Number two, it's self-authenticating. Number three, it's a literary genius, masterpiece. It has power and it drives us to do things. But not only that, there's an unbroken chain from the initial handwritings of the apostles and prophets to us today. Now, I'm not going to go into a history lesson with you guys. We don't have enough time for that. But let me just explain to you very simply this. The Bible says in Psalms 12 verse 6, the words of the Lord are pure words. As silver tried in the furnace of earth, purified seven times, thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation and forever. Jesus Christ says heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Jesus says what he preached on the Sermon on the Mount, we have. In the book of Psalms, David who wrote down the book of Psalms, a lot of the book of Psalms says that your words are pure and you will preserve them from now and forever. I believe that. Raise your hand if you believe God has preserved and we have the words of God in front of us. Amen. This is everything. Praise God that you, I, and all of us can know the thoughts of God, the intents of God, the words of God. You got a question? Oh, you're just letting me know. Amen. I agree. Amen. You're totally right. And here's another aspect to the concept of the preservation of God's word. Okay. People died for this book, you guys. Okay. I don't know how many of you have read a book called the Fox's Book of Martyrs. Raise your hands if you've read the book of Fox's Book of Martyrs. It is not authoritative as in thus saith the Lord, but it is a Christian account of history of the English language Bible. From the time of the New Testament to modern day, people have bled, died, and persecuted to bring us the word of God. I'm not going to go, there are some gruesome stories about what men, women, children had to endure for us to be able to have in one full volume, in one full book, the message of God to man. So many people have bled and died and given their lives for this. And I think we need to realize how important that really was. Because at the end of the day, my wife is here. I love my wife. I hope she loves me. No, I'm just fine. And obviously when it comes to things like the word of God and my family, this is the lamp that will light my path. It is the light that will show us where to go, what to do, how to act. And in our family, this has the preeminence. This is what is most important. The King James version of the Bible. And to me, this is everything. How do you know you're saved? The word of God promises us salvation. How do you know how to run your family? The word of God tells us that. How do you know about not lying? The King James version of the Bible told us this and has stood the test of time. Last point I want to get into is the concept of it is alive. The word of God is alive today. Breathing alive serves us, drives us, brings us from one point to another. People, yes, have died for it. Yes, people did great things in the past, but people are doing great things today with the word of God. So many missionaries across the world are proclaiming the truth of the gospel in foreign countries, in bush people areas, in places that western civilization has never been. It lives, it breathes. Remember that passage I told you? The word of God is quick and powerful. Quick there doesn't mean fast. Quick means alive. The word of God is alive. And if you want to know today what God has for you, you read the King James version of the Bible. You don't have to go to Greek. You don't have to go to Hebrew. You can today pick this book open and understand the mysteries of the universe. And to me I want you to know that although I'm up here spouting my horn and yelling my head off, I want you to be as the Bereans are in the book of Acts. You heard the preaching with all readiness of mind and then you went home and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so. I'm going to quote to you a passage, I keep saying passage, I meant an article that I found online that has to do with this very subject. The proof is in the pudding you guys. The modern versions of the Bible are not being read. They're being sold but they're not outselling the King James version of the Bible. Now did you know 400 years after its debut as the first widely distributed Bible for the English-speaking world, the King James version of the Bible still holds a place of distraction, a distinction among Americans. According to a recent study by LifeWay Research, which is this place, the poll conducted to mark the 400-year anniversary of the King James version of the Bible found that more than half of American adults, 62% of Americans, own a King James version of the Bible. But not only that, among those that read the Bible regularly, the percentage of King James version owners is higher than any other translation. So for those who own other Bibles, they're not reading it. It's a doormat, it's a paperweight, it doesn't ever get read. The King James version of the Bible is being read every day across America, across the world, it's being preached from pulpits all around the world. So I just wanted you to know this, that the Word of God, the King James version of the Bible, is preserved, it's accurate, it's infallible, it's alive, it's powerful, it's self-authenticating, it's a literary genius, it works for us today. And if it ain't broke, we don't need to fix it. But let's take it upon ourselves to remember to daily read our Bibles to know more about the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. All right, dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for allowing us to gather together. Thank you so much for allowing us to be here. For those that are in pain and that are struggling, please help them with easing their pain, helping them to just trust in you, to know that everything will be all right. Help us all remember every day to read our King James version of our Bible to help us grow our faith. And in Jesus Christ's name we pray, Amen. Amen. All right, we're gonna go ahead and sing one more song before we go you guys.