(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) First, I want to say thank you so much for everybody who has come to the island of Oahu to help out with this missions trip. I know it means a lot to everyone who is from the islands. I'm not from Oahu, I'm actually from the island of Kauai, but I definitely appreciate all the efforts of everyone here coming from all around the world and all our churches to support and get people saved and to teach people God's word from our movement. It's a big pleasure. Thank you Pastor Thompson for putting this on and having me here. And thank you Pastor Roger Jimenez for preaching for us this morning. Let's go ahead and get right into it with a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this day, thank you so much for the soul saved on this trip, and thank you so much for your word. Help us to just continue to serve and seek you, to be pleasing in your sight. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. So the title of this message this evening is Hawaii Needs Hard Preaching. And unfortunately as the world progresses and as we go on, people don't understand that the Bible teaches that men will wax worse and worse. It's not going to get better as we approach the end times. You know the Bible teaches that men will become lovers of themselves. So as the technological revolution occurs and we have these things such as phones and social media, it's actually making people less and less social and less and less likely to do the works of God. But my key verse that I want to help you guys to understand this evening is in Isaiah 58.1. You don't need to turn there, but the Bible teaches for preachers, for teachers, for evangelists, missionaries, pastors, or anyone who has a platform to teach God's word is to cry aloud and to spare not, to lift up our voices like trumpets and to show my people their sins and the house of Jacob, their transgressions. You know, as I've been gone for about four years now, I moved to Faithful Word Baptist Church from the island of Kauai, I've been to Oahu a handful of times and it is that of the capital here in Hawaii and there's a lot more going on here in Oahu. But in the four years that I left and came back from this mission trip, I'm seeing sin abound more and more than I ever had. And I had a bunch of statistics planned out for this evening, but I didn't even need to bring it because you can just go around and look. I'm sure a couple of you were walking around Waikiki for a little bit while you were here seeing the homeless problem that's going on here in Hawaii, you know, the poverty rates that are skyrocketing and the Bible teaches that, you know, those who are poor live in poverty. It's not that they're not working, it's just the cost of living is so high in Hawaii. Some people work two, three, four, five jobs at one time I was working and you're barely making ends meet. It's not because, you know, that you can't make it, it's just you're going to barely make it and that's poverty, that's what the Bible teaches are they who are poor. The Bible, you know, emphasizes on the sin of gluttony and I know that's a big sin here in Hawaii that no one wants to touch on, but guess what, Hawaiians like to eat and we need to watch out for gluttony. And you can look up the statistics on obesity rates in Hawaii, homeless rates in Hawaii, STDs that are spreading rampant that people don't even understand that the Bible teaches that the botch of Egypt would have been on the people of Israel if they continued in sexual sin and things like that. But in Amos 5, I'm having us understand how, how do we become hard preachers? How do we preach hard on the sins in our nation or state or country? Because it's not just Hawaii, there's sin abounding everywhere and we need to be sanctified as God's people to show the people how it is to be pleasing to the Lord after salvation. But Amos 5, I'm going to go into the point of that of we need to learn to hate sin. The Bible teaches that God is angry with the wicked every day. He's not pleased, you know, we're not like Gandhi followers and say, love the sin or hate the sin. No, God says they, a woman that puts on a man garment, they are an abomination. That person himself is not right with God. And in Amos 5, we see in verse chapter 14, the Bible reads, seek good and not evil that you may live. And so the Lord, the God of hosts shall be with you as you have spoken, hate the evil and love the good and establish judgment in the gate. It may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious under the remnant of Joseph. So if you learn to hate sin in your personal life and your day to day living, wherever you, when you work or anything like that, you know, it may not be your job as the employee to call out the sin that's around you. It may not be your job to call out the sin that's going on in like a friend's home or something like that. But if you are a preacher, a teacher, an evangelist, we need to put to task the people of this world and let them know that we are not going to compromise on sin. You know, we, another sin that's going on in Hawaii and no one can, you know, disprove this is nakedness. Nakedness is abroad in Hawaii, you know, and it's a joke because there are people letting their children parade around, having their thighs uncovered and they don't see it as nakedness. They don't know that what is going on, but we can be an example unto them and show them how we are to clothe our men and women for that matter. But turn if you would to Psalms 97. This is another passage that shows how we are to learn to hate sin. You know, hating sin, as we heard Brother Ben explaining earlier, we need to love the Lord to hate sin. I've heard it said before, I love flowers, therefore I hate weeds. I love children, therefore I hate the pedophile. You know, we need to have this balance in our life of love and hate. The Bible says in Psalms 97 verse 7, I'm sorry, verse 9, For the Lord God art high above all the earth, thou art exalted far above all gods. Ye that love the Lord hate evil, he preserveth the souls of his saints, he deliverth them out of the hand of the wicked. If you learn to love the Lord and hate sin, the Lord will preserve you. If you are yourself a sinner, which I today am standing here a sinner, but I'm not a drunk, I'm not a fornicator, I'm not an adulterer, these are the major sins that we need to call out for what it is. My wife and my loved ones aren't walking around nakedness. Judge not lest ye be judged for what judgment ye judge, it shall be judged unto you. We need to judge righteous judgment as the Bible teaches. So how, you know, learn to hate sin. When I was growing in my faith, how did I figure out how to learn to hate sin? I've heard it said, if you want to learn to hate sin, you need to read your Bible daily, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, walk in the Spirit, hear preaching of God's word, and as you do that, pray, pray to hate sin. If the Lord is angry with sin, why aren't you? Why aren't you upset seeing these children walking around naked with pedophiles around seeking whom they may destroy? You know, we need to understand that a nation, a people, a state may not get right with God, but that doesn't mean we don't let in our houses and in our community and in our church be that example. There are two types of people that hear this kind of preaching, and they're that of the polar opposites. There are people who love hard preaching, there are people who hate hard preaching. And I'm referring to specifically just Christians, genuine, bona fide, certified, saved believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who are children of God. I'm not talking about the apostate Christians and the people of this world, but Christians who are genuinely saved, who are not right with God, when they hear hard preaching, they scoff at it, and they don't want to hear it. Turn if you would to 2 Corinthians 2, chapter 2 verse 15, the Bible reads, For we are unto God a sweet saver of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish. To the one we are a saviour of death unto death, and to the other the saviour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things? So the Bible is teaching that there are people when they hear God's word, they don't like it. Men love darkness rather than light, lest their deeds should be reproved. So we need to tailor down the message so we can fill up the church building and get people to sit down and water our message down. No, not at all. We need to call out sin for what it is, and if it offends someone, that is not the man of God's fault. That's not the Bible's fault. It is that person who needs to get that sin out of their life. The Bible teaches in Proverbs, you don't need to turn there, but in Proverbs 17, this is referring to that Christian who actually is right with God. The Bible teaches that a wise man seeks to be corrected, looks to be corrected, but a fool despises reproach. A wise man, when he goes around in his day to day life, has a Christian, and a man of God calls him out on a sin, on something that he may not understand, because there are babes in Christ who don't understand on the depths of God's teaching. The Bible, the Great Commission teaches to get them saved, baptize them, and teach them to observe all things whatsoever Christ has commanded. So this person, when he hears God's word preached to him, and it touches on his life and sin, then he thinks to himself, I'm looking to be corrected. When you're not looking to be corrected in the things of God by a man of God, then you're not right with God. The Bible says right here in Psalm 17 verse 10, you didn't need to turn there, but it says in the wrong case. Verse 10 says, a reproof entereth more into a wise man than a hundred stripes into a fool. Let that sink down into your head. Reproof suggesting, being nice to, meekly explaining, reproof, telling someone that they're wrong with God, enters more into a wise man than a hundred stripes on a fool. I mean, if you could imagine pinning someone to the tree and whipping them a hundred times, and they're not going to get it, the Bible says that those who hear hard preaching will get right with God and get the sin out of their life. I do this because I hate you. I do this because I'm upset with you. I do this because I love you, and I know that when you learn to serve God, you're going to be right with him, and he will bless you. The Bible says in Proverbs 14 to those that don't want to hear hard preaching, in verse 12, it says, there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. You know, I know the Bible is pretty strict on how I am to have my hair. You know, I want to grow out long surfer dude hair, and I want to be a surfer dude on the North Shore of Kauai. All the cool surfer dudes are doing it. I was raised in the North Shore. I'm trying to become the next world elite surfer on the surf tour, but you know what? You're wrong with God if you grow your hair out long as a man. What about women who want to go around in bikinis on the beach? You women who are saved, and your daughters who are in the church house, and you're going to let them walk around on the beach with a bikini on? That is ridiculous. That is the dumbest thing ever. If you understand that the Bible teaches that your thigh is your nakedness, and then you expose your thigh out in public, you're not right with God. And I just want to end on one thought and found in John. Like I said, I had a bunch of statistics planned, but I threw them out the door because I realized as I've been walking around, I don't need to explain these stats to you. Look around. I love Hawaii. I've only been to Oahu a handful of times. I've met brothers and sisters who are here in Oahu or from here, and I've only just met them, but they seem like some of the coolest people I've ever met. I've met a lot of you for the first time, and I'm hoping to see you guys again in the future here in Hawaii doing a great work. And I believe that with hard preaching, stance on the King James Bible, and salvation by faith alone, will God build his church. The Bible teaches in John 6 verse 66, in context, Jesus has just explained a hard saying to his disciples, referring to eating of his flesh to be saved, the consuming of his flesh. Unless you partake in the Lord's flesh, you shall not see the kingdom of God. And a lot of the disciples didn't understand this. We can't necessarily blame them. They didn't have the New Testament to understand these things. They only have the Old Testament, but we have God's complete, inherent, preserved word of God to tell us these answers. And it says in John 6 verse 66, it says, From that time many, not some, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with them. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye go away also? Will you stand on Jesus Christ, and on the principles of the Bible, and on the teaching of Christianity? When people try to call you out to be some fuddy-duddy, you know, non-fun, not charismatic Christian, and you just preach on hate, hate this, hate that. What about the love? Oh, there's plenty of love in this church. That's why we call out the evil for what it is. And if you're right with God, you're going to learn to hate evil as Jesus Christ hates evil. The issue with Hawaii is that of its cost, when it comes to things like the building and people will soften their message to keep people in their pulpits, I'd rather it be four of us that are sincere, genuine, bonafide believers in Christ who are going out and doing the work than a million people who aren't saved and aren't saving the Lord. Will ye go away also? I know you guys are flying out and going back to Hawaii, I get that, but I'm saying to you Christian in Hawaii who is hearing my voice, who are hearing the preaching coming from this pulpit, the last thought I want to leave you is on this. You are just a hate preacher, you're just here coming to call us out for our sin. Yes, I agree with that. But I'm here to tell you this, if my people, which are called by my name, should humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will heal their land. Do you want God's blessing on the nation, the state of Hawaii? Do you want God's blessing? Because Jonah came to Nineveh and called out how God was going to destroy Nineveh, there needs to be a man of God who stands in the hedge to tell people how to get right with God and he will heal this land. Bow your heads another word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this church and this work that we're doing here in Hawaii. Please fill the next man with your Holy Spirit to preach boldly your word and in Jesus Christ's name, amen.