(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you I'm gonna pure words Baptist Church and Let's go ahead and pull out our hymnals and we'll open to our first song for the morning It'll be song number 191 Song number one hundred and ninety-one in my heart the rings a melody on 191 I'm gonna need you guys to sing nice and loud with me this morning on 191 I Have a song that Jesus gave me it was sent from There never was a sweeter melody Tis a melody Oh In my heart In my heart Or he washed my sins away He put within my heart And I know is there to stay In my heart In my heart In With the angels I will see Will be a song with When the courts of heaven ring In my heart With The melody Amen brother mo hit I'm gonna pray for us this morning You Men all right, let's go ahead and flip to song number 32 in your hymnals Long number 32 he lives on high He lives on high that's long number 32 First Christ the Savior came from heaven's glory To redeem the lost from sin and shame On his brow he wore the crown And a blue Calvary took my blame He lives on high He lives on high triumph and over sin in all its name He lives on high he lives on high someday He arose from death in all its sorrow To dwell that land of joy and love He is coming back someplace And he'll take all his children home He lives on high he lives on high Triumphant over sin in all its name He lives on high he lives on high someday We're resolved to Jesus come confessing Read Look to Jesus and receive a blessing There is life there is joy and victory He lives on high he lives on high Triumphant over sin in all its name He lives on high he lives on high someday he's coming Amen good singing this morning. All right So at this time we're gonna go ahead and go over the announcements So go ahead and pull out your bulletins. You received on your way in if you didn't receive one Just go and raise your hand. We'll have brother James bring them around to you. And now they're on the front We do have our Bible memory chapter We are memorizing Psalms chapter 47. We are in verse number seven We're memorizing one verse per week I mean if you could quote the entire chapter were perfect You will receive a prize if you could do that and then another reminder for the kids if you could memorize This one verse by the next midweek service. You can receive an ice cream treat So definitely work on that on the inside of our bulletin. We have our service times listed also our soul winning times with respective leaders, and we also have our stats and As of right now do we have anything to report from Friday or Saturday? one You had two three five. That's eight Amen Did I miss anybody Amen, great job soul winning. So we are gonna go soul winning this afternoon at 2 p.m So if you do want to go just try to be a few minutes early and we can leave on time We do have a guest preacher coming July 7th listed here pastor Stephen Anderson That is a midweek service a Thursday service So definitely try to be here for that and today we do have a member from faithful word Baptist Church back with us brother David keeper, um, he's gonna be preaching both sermons for us. So definitely thank him and his family for coming out It's a blessing having them But they're on the next page. We do have some expecting ladies in the church. We have sister Corinne Darnell Expecting very soon expecting a little girl, but definitely just keep her in your prayers the delivery or in her prayers And we also have sister Christian Rogers Expecting so definitely pray for her and the developing one there as well upcoming events August 18th through the 20th. Is that Mighty Men's Conference being put on by Steadfast Baptist Church? So I believe that's a Thursday Friday and Saturday August 18 through the 20th, but definitely write that on your calendars That would be a great time of fellowship and a lot of good preaching going on there So definitely looking forward to that and we have our prayer quest or prayer request list Listed there. So definitely keep everybody in your prayers that's listed And if you want to add anybody or yourself or anything onto that list I mean you could do that via email at pure words Baptist at gmail.com And we'll go ahead and get that added and then just lastly there. We do have some church reminders Just to just watch over your kids and just kind of keep everything Clean just kind of clean up after yourself But with that that is that the announcements for the morning Let's go ahead and pull those hymnals back out and we will turn to song number 12 song number 12 blessed Redeemer Song number 12 That would be blessed Redeemer You Blessed Redeemer First of Calvary's mountain Why Christ my Savior weary and Facing for sin Across that he might save them from endless loss Blessed Redeemer Precious Redeemer Seems now I see on Calvary's tree Wounded and bleeding for sinners bleeding blind Father Praying for No one but Jesus Blessed Redeemer Precious Redeemer Seems now I see on Calvary's tree Sanders bleeding blind How I love him savior and How can my Ever find Here's a number On heaven's shore My tongue shall praise Blessed Redeemer Precious Redeemer Seems now I see on Calvary's tree Or sinners bleeding Blind Right, so at this time let's go ahead and take out our Bibles and turn in your Bibles to Luke chapter number two That's Luke chapter number two and have brother Jeff come up and read for us. And this time we'll also pass the offering quick Okay So you're all there in Luke chapter two Luke chapter two Bible reads in verse one Came to pass in those days that there went out of the Creed from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed This taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria Not went to be taxed everyone into his own city And Joseph also went up from Galilee out of the city of Nazareth unto Judea unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem Because he was of the house and lineage of David to be taxed was Mary his espoused wife being great with child So it was that while they were there the days were accomplished that she should be delivered And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laying him in the manger Because there was no room for them in the end And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night And lo the angel the lord came upon them the glory of the lord shone round about them and they were sore afraid The angel said unto them fear not for behold. I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior, which is Christ the lord This shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger Suddenly there was with the angel multitude of the heavenly host praising god and saying Glory to god in the highest and on earth. Peace. Good will towards men It came to pass that the angels were gone away from them into heaven. The shepherd said one to another Let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which has come to pass which the lord hath made known unto us They came with haste and found mary and joseph and the babe lying in a manger When they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them of concerning this child All they that heard it wondered those things which were told them by the shepherds But mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart The shepherds returned glorifying and praising god for all the things that they had heard and seen as it was told unto them When eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child his name was called jesus Which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb When the days of her purification according to the law of moses were accomplished. They brought him to jerusalem present him to the lord As it is written in the law of the lord every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the lord And to offer sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the lord a pair of turtle doves for two young pigeons And behold there was a man in jerusalem whose name was simian the same man was just and devout waiting for the consolation of israel And the holy ghost was upon him And it was revealed unto him by the holy ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the lord's christ He came by the spear unto the temple and went the parents brought in the child jesus to do for him after the custom of the law Then took him up into his arms and blessed god and said lord now let us thou thy servant depart in peace According to thy word for mine eyes have seen thy salvation Which thou has prepared before the face of all people a light to lighten the gentiles and the glory of thy people israel And joseph and his mother marveled at those things which were spoken of him And simian blessed him and said unto maria's mother behold This child is set for the fall and rising again of many in israel and for a sign which shall be spoken against Gay a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also But the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed And there was one anna a prophetess a daughter of fanny well of the tribe of acer She was a great age and had lived with her husband seven years from her virginity And she was a widow of about four score and four years which departed not from the temple It served god with fastings and prayers night and day And she came in in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the lord and spake to him of all that looked for redemption in israel and jerusalem And when they had performed all things according to the law of the lord, they returned into galilee to their own city nazareth The child grew and waxed strong in spirit filled with wisdom the grace of god was upon him Now his parents went to jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover When he was 12 years old, they went up to jerusalem after the custom of the feast When they had fulfilled the days as they returned the child jesus tarried behind in jerusalem And joseph and his mother knew not of it But they supposing him to have been in the company went a day's journey and they saw him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance When they found them not they turned back again to jerusalem seeking him It came to pass after three days I found them in the temple sitting in the midst of the doctors both hearing them and asking them questions And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers When they saw him they were amazed and his mother said unto him son. Why is thou thus dealt with us? Behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing Said unto them how is is that you sought me with thee not that I must be about my father's business And then understood not the same which he spake unto them He went down with them and came to nazareth and was subject unto them, but his mother kept all these things in her heart And jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with god and man I'll bow our heads for a quick prayer Your heavenly father. I pray that you would fill the preacher That's about to preach know with your holy spirit give him wisdom and understanding god to preach Uh the truth in the king james bible and help us to understand the wisdom that's supposed to preach And supply it for day-to-day lives Be better soul winners and christians god Thank you for our church. Thank you for all those men that in the gap for us And I pray all this in jesus name. Amen So Thank you all for having me again this sunday morning, I just want to thank pastor shelley It's a true blessing to be back here And you know, it's it's been really nice to get to know everybody here on a personal level and a fellowship with you guys Go ahead and start with the title of this message. I love this message this morning is children of the bible You know church is like ours and maybe you've gone to church your whole life and you've heard lots of messages about Leadership and men of god and people who are doing great things for god And that is a good message that the bible keeps emphasizing Good leadership men being men taking the mantle and moving forward with our christianity, but understand this Every good leader was once a good follower and children. I want you guys to listen up Especially this morning why when I was here last time I noticed there are lots of children in the congregation And understand this that you guys as children are the future of christianity What we do here is not just for us This is not a play thing for us as adults to hang out and fellowship and do a bunch of nothing This is for the work of god and you kids are here to learn how to continue forward in doing Great things for god on a real scale not like, you know Just juking and gyrating and having fun, but doing real work for god. Yes, we have fun Yes, we have fellowship with each other but this is a place where we learn to work And the bible says for instance In proverbs 2011 even a child is known by his doings Whether his work be pure and whether it be right the hearing ear and the seeing eye the lord have made even both of them Love not sleep lest thou come to poverty open thine eyes and thou shalt be satisfied with bread Now look down at your bible if you would at verse 41. This is a story of jesus christ himself as a child So understand this kids whatever jesus is doing here as a child applies to you So just because jesus christ throughout the whole entire, you know new testament is seen in his latter years That doesn't mean we don't see an example of him being a good Follower now look down it says and when he was what 12 years old Not even a teenager yet. He's 12 years old, which means if you kids are here and you're you know, 12 years old Whatever comes next is going to apply to you And when he was 12 years old They went up to jerusalem after the custom of the feast and when they have fulfilled the days as they returned The child jesus tarried behind in jerusalem and joseph and his mother knew not of it But they supposing him to have been in the company when a day's journey and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintances And when they found him not they turned back again to jerusalem seeking him And he came to pass that after three days They found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the doctors both learning them And asking them questions i'm going to pause here really quickly Children do not walk away from your parents while they're going down to the mall or to the street or doing something do not take it upon yourself to just Waddle away and do whatever you want. Your parents are too there to protect you now Don't say well you just said whatever jesus does is what i'm allowed to do and he walked away in this situation You got to understand in the ancient world things were a little different notice. There's a big company of people and I speculate that in this passage he didn't just like meander away He noticed the temple and saw his parents afar off and figured like hey, you know I'm going to go ahead and look at the temple for a little bit while You know, they take a couple of steps further. They'll come back for me and parents watch your kids You know For crying out loud mary and joseph lost the son of god for that little period of time Had one rule protect this kid They lost him. No, they're just playing they came back and they found him and where did they find him? They found him in the temple This is important notice what it says and when they found him Not they turned back again to jerusalem seeking him verse 46 And it came to pass that after three days they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the doctors Both hearing them and asking them questions And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers Then when they saw him they were amazed and his mother said unto him son Why has thou thus dealt with us both thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing and he said unto him unto them How is it that he sought me with? Ye, not that I must be about my father's business and they understood not the saying which he spake unto them and he went down with them and came to nazareth and was subject unto them both his mother kept her but His mother kept all these sayings in her heart and jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with god and man So notice the bible says that jesus christ was what? subject unto his parents And for you kids that don't know that word it just basically means they listened to he listened to his parents We need to remember the importance of listening to our parents Look i'm not under my parents roof today But let me tell you this when I see my parents if they try to bestow upon me some wisdom I listen You know, even though i'm not subject to them in light of authority. I rule my own house That doesn't mean your parents aren't daily momently hourly. Did they stop being your parents when you grew up? So there will always be your parents and they're going to always try to bestow upon you wisdom to help you out Jesus christ realize if he's going to fulfill the law as a whole He needs to honor his father and mother in the lord for this is the first commandment with promise So he's going to lead through example showing us and 12 year olds and 13 year olds and anyone that is In the child category that you are not too good to not listen to your parents understand that that is a Doctrine that is under attack today the world today does not want you to be subject to your parents The world today wants you kids to think for yourself learn for yourself Your parents are just you know, especially if they're independent fundamental baptists They're just looking at old school principles that do not apply to the world today I'm telling you right now. They are not out for your best interest your parents are out for your best interests So be subject unto your parents and realize at the end of the day You're going to look at some of the teachings that aren't even necessarily scriptural i'm talking like Rules that you know some parents have and like come home at nine o'clock at night Or don't hang out with joey over there because he's a bad seed or whatever your parents rule is Listen to them. They're trying to help you out But notice it said in verse 52 at the very end It says and jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with god and man So yes, jesus christ was pleasing unto the father and did always those things which pleased him but not only that Mankind people could look at jesus and say that is a good kid That is a kid that is willing to respect his parents. He is smart He went to the temple the doctors which would in today's, you know terminology be like a teacher or a professor A very wise person was looking at this 12 year old kid and was like wow, this kid is very sharp. He is very knowledgeable So the first attribute I want you guys to understand as children to apply to your lives That we can see that jesus christ right here is to be subject unto your parents I can't emphasize that enough. Why because I wish someone taught me when I was a Child to be subject to my parents There are lots of cases and i'm not going to point out all of them where I didn't listen to my parents And you know, I rued the day that I didn't and you know We understand here at this church that it is better in your life to not make mistakes the hard way But you go about your life Doing what is pleasing unto god throughout your whole life listening to your parents and moving forward You don't have to be someone like, you know, a prodigal son who made a bunch of mistakes in his life Just take it upon yourself and listen to instruction be willing to be subject unto your parents But i'm going to show you other children in the bible Did you know there's more than one kid in the bible? Like I said kids it's not just great godly men that were watching and following although we do see them Doing great things but at one point in their lives, they were followers. They were children turn to your bibles if you would to genesis chapter 37 genesis chapter 37 we're going to look at the story of joseph Joseph was a good godly man who did good godly things He saved the known world at his day because of a vision that god gave to joseph and he was willing To do what god had demanded and asked of him in doing so He was able to show people the way to serve the lord even pharaoh himself was confounded when looking at the service of joseph So look down at your bibles if you would at genesis chapter one genesis chapter one I'm, sorry, genesis chapter 37 verse one the bible reads And jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger in the land of canan These are the generations of jacob joseph being 17 years old pause Well, he's an adult Basically an adult right? He's one year away from being an adult. Nope still a child And I know there may be some kids in here today who are 17 years old and they're like, hey I'm ready to get out of my family's house and just be my own man. Be my own woman do my own thing Joseph didn't think that joseph was 17 and he was willing to do what his parents told him It says joseph being 17 years old was feeding the flock with his brethren and the lad the young man the lad Right child young young person and the lad was with the sons of bilhav And with the sons of zilpah his father's wives and joseph brought unto his father their evil report now Israel loved joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age And he made him a coat of many colors pause once more one more time You know, some of us have not had multiple siblings in our household, right? Any of you as a single child raise your hand if you're a single child, yeah, it happens, you know There are some people that you know, they only have one kid and hey all kids are a blessing unto god So the bible does emphasize that we should have multiple kids big family. That's a A big blessing of god to have a lot of kids. I'm one of six children and If for you parents are here listening don't favor your certain your kids Now I know one day you're favoring this one and one day you're favoring that one but kids you got to realize your parents aren't Picking favorites. I know jacob here. They pick a favorite. He picked joseph He's like, this is my favorite one. What's that going to cause? It's going to cause envy strife debate and all the other siblings are going to be like what the heck is going on here The bible says bring up a child in the nurture and admonition of the lord the bible says that we should not you know, push our kids to like jealousy and things like that so If you have multiple kids, you know, if the one kid's being good this day just be like, hey everyone Look at what he's doing. This pleases me, you know, he's like my favorite. No, don't do that but basically, you know, we don't have favorites as kids all of Our kids are our favorites, right? And it says in verse three now israel loved joseph more than all his children And uh because he was the son of his old age and he made him a coat of many colors And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more they all then all his brethren They hated him and could not speak peaceably unto him and joseph dreamed a dream and he told it his brethren And they hated him yet the more and he said unto them here I pray you this dream which I have dreamed for behold We were binding sheaves in the field and lo my sheep arose and also stood upright and behold Your sheep stood round about and made obeisance to my sheep Obeisance kids is just basically being reverent. They are respecting His brethren said to him shalt thou indeed reign over us or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us And they hated him yet the more for his dreams and for his words And he dreamed yet another dream and told it his brethren and said behold I have dreamed a dream more and behold the sun and the moon and the 11 stars made obeisance to me And he told it to his father and to his brethren and his father rebuked him and said unto him What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? And his brethren's and his brethren envied him be but his father observed the saying i'm going to pause there really quickly So like I said, right? This is a supernatural event Joseph is getting a vision of god of god showing him what will come in the future now This is not to Have dominion over his siblings but to show that god will use him in a great and mighty way To save the people of israel and we see that later on in joseph's life But he's showing him a foreshadowing of this event and in doing so and explaining these things to His brethren and his father they all get upset with them. They're like, oh who do you think you are? You're the youngest of us and you're going to show us the things of god Which tells me that even the youngest sibling in your family can do great things for god if you are willing to listen to god Now, let's keep reading. It says in verse 12 And his brethren went to feed their father's flock in shechem and israel said unto joseph Do not thy brethren feed the flock in shechem come and I will send thee unto them and he said unto him Here am I now i'm gonna See that phrase right here. Am I in all capitals? That's important. We'll come back to that in a moment And he said to him Go, I pray thee see whether it be well with thy brethren and well with thy flock. They bring me word again So he sent him out of the veil of hebron and came to shechem and a certain man found him and behold He was wandering in the field and the man Asked him saying what seekest thou and he said I seek my brethren tell me I pray thee where they feed their flocks and the man said They are departed hence for I heard them say let us go to Dothan and joseph went after him After his brethren and found them in Dothan And when they saw him afar off even before he came near unto them They conspired against him what to slay him and they said one to another behold this dreamer cometh Come now therefore and let us slay him and cast him into some pit and we will say some evil beast that devoured him And we shall see what will become of his dreams and rubin heard it and he delivered him out of their hands and said Let us not kill him and rubin said unto them shed no blood but cast him into this pit That is in the wilderness and lay no hand upon him that he might rid him out of their hand to deliver him To his father again and it came to pass when joseph was come unto his brethren that they stripped joseph of his coat his coat of many colors that was on him and they took him and cast him into a pit and the pit was emptied and There was no water in it So understand the story They are jealous of their brother Their brother tell you know, he goes to see his dad. He says do you want me to help my brethren? He says, you know, they're over at Dothan. So he goes over to help them and because they're envious they're trying to Kill him So if you come from a family with siblings Trust me. There are times where I felt like killing my brothers and sisters But I didn't actually do it and you know what we should realize that those emotional Tolls that we have in our life my oldest sister one taught me You know because she's the oldest of us six so she knows everything right She would say I love how much I hate you, but I hate how much I love you And we as siblings realize that we are going to have contention in our household. It is going to be war Constantly, you know once again with big family we got to realize your jobs as moms as dads to be refereeing a lot of the time and just kind of separating kids and Getting people to not be in conflict all the time, but it happens and you know what we got to realize that You kids may not realize this but the reason why you're so intensely upset with a sibling is because you love them And you want what's best for them and they want what's best for you You got to learn to communicate with each other and that's a problem that the siblings had here that joseph. What did he do wrong? What really did he do wrong? He expounded his siblings and his father the dream that god gave to him Was that joseph's fault? No, he was just being a faithful steward of what was bestowed him They got envy they got jealous now. I wonder if they were very envious and jealous because their dad At least outright in the word of god says that he loves joseph above them all so maybe once again back to favoritism You know don't favor any one certain child, but you know, obviously if good kids are being good You want to praise them you want to share that with people? But if bad kids are being bad you want to discipline them and show them the right way but Back to what I was saying. Joseph did nothing wrong. He was just doing what god taught him But one of the major attributes associated to joseph is the attribute of forgiveness Forgiveness is a attribute that is associated to us as christians. It should be a knee-jerk reaction If whenever in life someone cuts you off in traffic bad mouths you says something wrong does something wrong our instinct Because we have the holy spirit dwelling in us and what is one of the fruits of the spirit? You know forgiveness, right? We need to be able to forgive little minor problems Even if it's a big problem, we can be willing to forgive people why that while we were yet sinners christ died for us We don't even deserve to be saved from our sins yet God did that for us. Let's emulate that same level of forgiveness unto people who do us dirty Now the bible says love the lord your god with all your heart soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself I would like to hope and when I accidentally do someone dirty that they would forgive me Even if it's intentional i'd hope someone would be willing to forgive me and joseph is a prime character in the bible That we can look to who was a man of forgiveness now We know he was a man of forgiveness but he learned that as a youth because I don't know about you, but if my brothers beat me up put me in a hole and sold me into slavery I'd be pretty upset I'd be pretty livid i'd be pretty angry Arguably justifiably so but you know what turn it if you would to genesis chapter 15. Let's see joseph's Situation let's see how he handled this situation Joseph i'm sorry, uh genesis chapter 50 verse 14 the bible reads And joseph returned into egypt He and his brethren and all that went up with him to bury his father after he had buried his father and when joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead they said Joseph will preadventure hate us and will certainly require us all the evil which he we did unto him and they sent a messenger unto joseph saying thy father did it command before he died saying so shall ye say unto joseph forgive I pray thee now and The trespass of thy brethren and their sin for they did unto thee Evil and now we pray thee forgive the trespass of the servants Of the god of thy father and joseph what he wept when he spake when they spake unto him And his brethren also went and fell down before his face and they said behold we be thy servants and joseph said unto them Fear not Am I in the place of god? But as for you he thought evil against me But god meant it unto good to bring the past as it is this day to save much people alive We can look at circumstance. I can look at so many situations in my life where my siblings did me dirty Intentionally wanting to hurt me trying to do wrong bad towards and by me and then later on in my life Whatever chains of event that they did led me to be a better and stronger person built character within me within me And especially for you young men and boys, you know One of the attributes for us to have as men is to be tough to be thick skinned And you know what having siblings older siblings older brothers will teach you how to have thick skin how to be tough You know why because the world out there ain't gonna cater to your needs. It ain't gonna cater to your emotions you know, there are so many examples where I could look at past bosses and and and coaches and And people who were rough and tough with me and I realized i'm like you actually you look weak compared to my brother My brother is way more aggressive Than you are to me and that taught me how to build character and we should realize that When our siblings do us dirty number one, we need to be subject unto our parents like price was number two Let's be good siblings. Let's be good. Don't be like joseph's brethrens that did the wrong thing But number three, let's have forgiveness when our siblings make mistakes Why because we're all kids at that time you guys are realizing you're learning a lot in your life And you know foolishness is bound in the heart of a child. The erotic correction will drive it far from him. So So If you as a Sibling make a mistake or your sibling doesn't mistake you remember the instinctual reaction be forgiving be long suffering Be willing to suffer yourself to be defrauded Let's look at another child in the bible who is a great child turn if you would to first samuel And while you go there i'm going to read this one passage from the new testament This is in matthew 18 verse 21 then came peter to him. This is jesus christ And said lord how off shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him till seven times Jesus saith unto him I say not unto thee until seven times but until seventy times seven And I believe this has a lot to do with the reference of that story because obviously peter is asking in light of Live time in front of him the disciples and people at his time But I think jesus could also recollect looking back into the story of joseph and be like well if your brothers do you dirty No matter what you forgive them Because we want the world, you know, you think about the passage the lord's prayer, right? Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us Right. So if we want people to forgive us, let us be forgiving But first samuel chapter one, let's look at the character samuel I'm, sorry chapter three first samuel chapter three it says in verse one And the what child samuel ministered unto the lord. We don't know how old he was specifically But it's speculated that he was around 12 years old and you'll see a pattern a lot in the bible of different age groups and 12 seems to be a number that is Doesn't clearly say that he was 12 and understand As I was researching the subject i'm trying to like look at dates and compare to figure out the exact age of someone Things like this if it doesn't say thus saith the lord like for instance Jesus was 12 or joseph was 12 or like these numbers then don't be dogmatic about it. He was around 12 He was around a teenager at this time And it says and the child samuel ministered unto the lord And the word of the lord was precious in those days There was no open vision and it came to pass at the time when eli was laid down in his place And his eyes began to waxed in that he could not see And er, the lamp of god went out in the temple of the lord when the where the ark of god was and samuel was laid Down to sleep that the lord called samuel and he answered remember earlier when I told you to notice that capital Here am I this is important. Here am I And he ran unto eli and said here am I? For thou callest me and he said I called I called not Lie down again and he went and lied down and the lord called yet again samuel and samuel arose and went to eli and said Here am I for thou didst call me and he answered I called not my son lie down again Now samuel did not yet know the lord neither was the word of the lord yet revealed unto him And the lord called samuel again. What the third time and he arose and went to eli and said Here am I for thou didst call me and eli perceived that the lord had called the child Therefore eli said unto samuel go lie down and it shall be if he call thee that thou shalt speak Here say speak lord for thy servant hereth the samuel went and lay down in his place And the lord came and stood and called as at other times samuel samuel Then samuel answered speak for thy servant hereth Behold and the lord said to samuel behold. I will do a thing in israel at which both the ears of Everyone that heareth it shall tingle in that day I will perform against eli all things which I which have which I have spoken concerning his house When I began I will also make an end for I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity Which he knoweth because his sons made themselves vile and he restrained them not And therefore I have sown unto the house of eli that the iniquity of eli's house shall not be purged with the sacrifice nor offering forever And samuel lay until the morning and opened the doors of the house of the lord and samuel feared to show eli the vision Then eli called samuel and said samuel my son and he answered here am I and he said what is the thing that the lord? Had said unto thee I pray thee hide it not from me god do so to thee and more also if thou hide Anything from me of all the things that he said unto me i'm going to pause there really quickly Eli is telling samuel you better say whatever god told you tell me everything He said if not what he told you it will be done unto you and this is important to know because I know that standing up on the pulpit and proclaiming the truth of god a lot of times is hard To you know, as the bible says, you know cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice as a trumpet and show my people their sins in the house of jacob their Iniquity it is hard a lot of the times to point out people's mistakes and sin and problem But you know what god says to do it Anyways, so you children got to realize that here is a young child samuel who has just heard a hard truth That is hard to express to a loved one. He loves eli eli raised him. He's a man of god He is failing in raising his biological children They're running amok and they're known as children of the devil elsewhere in the bible Just as jacob was failing to raise his other kids, but joseph was doing the right thing. Eli is failing to raise his biological children so samuel not wanting to be You know upsetting unto eli is nervous to tell him what god had told samuel to tell eli But notice what it says look at verse 18 and samuel told him Every wit and hid nothing from him and he said it is from the lord Let him do what seem is good. It's funny that last little expression because he tells him all this aggressive stuff He tells him the cursing that god's gonna have on him and eli's like, yep, that's god So understand that if you're hearing these Prosperity type of preachers are these preachers who are only giving a love love only message And you can know that that person is not of god because god has more than just love. He is just He is a god of wrath. He is a god of vengeance. But you know what? Yes, he loves You discipline your children because you love them, right and god is trying to discipline eli Why because he loves him and he's trying to correct him and he's using samuel To express that truth and I just think that's a funny statement when he hears that his natural instincts like yeah, that's god You know because it could have been like I don't know. Are you just trying to like tell me how you really feel in your heart you remember those uh You know Christian friends you had growing up when they said god told me this and god told me that Where I met my wife. I met her at a bible college in uh, marietta california And uh that was like one of the jokes we always made with was with people that these like single girls walk up to these guys and they'd be like Oh god told me to that we're supposed to date and we're supposed to be married one day and have all these kids And there's this one Kid on the campus who is like, I guess the fonzie a everyone likes them everyone's trying to you know get with him and all the late like five different ladies told him this Vision that they had of god like oh god said we're to get married and have plenty of children and That guy looked over at me He's like god must want me to be polygamous because all these ladies are after me and it's like understand obviously that's not of god But you know when you hear people say, you know, oh, so you're in fornication. You're a drug you're using drugs Oh, you're an alcoholic, you know, hey god loves you like hey, that's okay. Don't even worry about it No, that ain't the message of god God is not mocked God is not going to allow us and he is angry with the wicked every day that includes us as saved believers If we're running amok, if we're being idiots god will come raining down on us It's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living god Just as you children are nervous to come to your parents with bad information We are nervous as well If we are doing wrong or bad things in the sight of god Because you may lie to your parent and get away with it, but you cannot lie to god God sees everything that you do But notice let's keep reading It says in verse 19 And samuel grew and the lord was with him and did let none of his words fall to the ground and what all israel from dan even to bersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the lord and the lord appeared again in shiloh for the lord revealed himself to samuel in shiloh By the word of the lord, so what was the attribute that was associated to samuel in this story? I would call it courage He had the courage to say what needed to be say said and that's hard. I mean in today's world with a bunch of You know snowflakes and you know political correctness and social media Censorship and all these things people are like tiptoeing around their wordings and walking on eggshells You know what has shadrach mishak and abednego said to Nebuchadnezzar the king at that time He says we are not careful to answer the in this matter There are things that we as christians as bible believing christians as fundamental bible believing christians Need to stand on the word of god and not be ashamed of these things And to be willing to stand in the hedge between the gap to show people the truth Of the service of who god really is. We are ambassadors Christ's dead. We're not careful to answer the in this manner so We got it. David. We should be you know subject to unto our parents. We'll be good siblings Okay, I got it. Let's be forgiving and we're gonna have courage as you know children of god but let's look at another character turn if you would to For chapter 17 first amuel chapter 17, this is the story of king david before he was a king And I remember when I was a child We knew a lot of these christian stories, right? We knew a lot of the stories of samson and delilah. We knew david and goliath We knew daniel and the lion's den. They have these like Cute videos that they made at the sunday school. I went to and you kids got to realize that I heard this once preached to me These are not like make believe These are real stories of real people and real time doing real things and the miraculous events of the bible really happened We don't see miraculous events happening today, right? It seems kind of weird when you hear someone, you know ripping apart a lion or you hear someone Killing a giant or these things and you think about like maybe marvel superheroes like oh look at these You know spider-man and iron man and whatever man all the bug men and all these weird superheroes that are all fake They're not real They're they are they're fiction but you kids could look to the stories of the bible and realize these are real superheroes These are real heroes that god put on this earth to show us that like if God before us nothing could be against us and king david at this time in his life is a story that every christian most christians know Anyone who has ever read the bible cover to cover what to any form of sunday school knows that this story? But let's look at the attributes of david look down if you would at verse 11 The bible reads when saul and all israel had heard the words of the philistine They were dismayed and greatly afraid Now david was the son Of that ephrathite of bethlehem judah whose name was jesse and he had eight sons and the men Went among men for an old man in the days of saul The three eldest sons of jesse went and followed saul to the battle and the names of his three sons That went to the battle were eliab eliab the firstborn and next unto him abinadab and the third shama Now i'm going to pause here really quickly in my research in this sermon I looked at the average age of a soldier in ancient israel They said to be enlisted in the army of israel. You have to be about 20 years old makes sense Even today in our us military you have to at least be 18 So let's say there are 20 the three eldest sons of jesse were in the war now We don't know the ages of these guys But we do know that three of them were there if we speculated that the youngest of the three was at least 20 that means there are five other siblings up to david. So david is speculated here to be 10 or 15 years old he's a child. He's like as much as a child is A 10 year old is a child and like at least that's what's speculated because like what's that? we don't know the actual age of his three older siblings, maybe they were older in their 40s or something like that, but We know he is a child. He's a young man or a young lad Let's look down if you would at verse 14 and david was the youngest and the three eldest followed saul And it says but david went and returned from saul to feed his father's sheep at bethlehem And the philistine drew near morning and evening and presented himself 40 days and jesse said unto david His son take now for thy brethren and ephah of this parched corn and these 10 loaves And run to the camp through the thy brethren and carry these 10 cheeses into the camp of their Of their Thousand and look how thy brethren fair and take their pledge now saul and they and all the men of israel were in the valley of elub Fighting with the philistines and david rose up early in the morning and left the sheep with the keeper and took and went As jesse had commanded him and he came to the trench as the host was going forth through the fight and shouted for the battle For israel and the philistines had put the battle in array army against army David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage And ran into the army and came and saluted his brethren and as he talked with them behold there came up The champion the philistine of gath goliath by name out of the armies of the philistines and spake according to the same words And david heard them and all the men of israel when they saw the man fled from him and were sore afraid And the man of israel said have ye seen this man that is come up surely to defy israel Is he come up and it shall be that the man who? Killeth him the king will enrich him with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his father's house free in israel And david spake to the man that stood by him saying what shall be done to the man that killeth? This philistines notice is what will be done to the man Right. He didn't say what will be done to the lad. He didn't say what would be done to the kid He said what will be done to the man that does this? That killeth this philistine and taketh away the reproach from israel For who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should defy the armies of the living god and the people answered him after this manner Saying so shall it be to the man that killeth him in eliab his eldest brother Heard when he spake unto the man and eliab's anger was kindled against david once again that sibling jealousy man It just keeps coming up, doesn't it? And he said why camest thou down hither and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know thy pride in the naughtiness of thine heart for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle and david said What have I now done? Is there not a cause and he returned from him to Toward, uh toward another and spake after the same manner and the people answered him again after the former manner pause really quickly David comes to the scene. He does what his dad tells him Go bring this food to your brethren and to the children of israel from the battle He goes and does what his father says and leaves the sheep with a shepherd behind And remember earlier we said even a child is known by his work whether it is known by his doing whether his work be pure Realize this that you kids although are not expected to pay the bills in your house You are expected to work in your family. If your mom says do the laundry You say yes, ma'am. If your dad says do the dishes you say yes, sir If your dad says go feed the the your brethren and the army and bring them Corn and cheese and all these things you say yes, sir And you do it forthwith and you do it right away and you do it first thing in the morning Don't leave your prior obligations if your dad or mom tells you. Hey, I want you to mow the lawn But do not neglect cleaning your room You gotta establish either you delegate that room to your younger siblings and be like, hey I'm gonna go clean the yard you clean this room or you go do it and then go do the yard And this is important that david was known as a man who was working. He was he was tough. He was mean he was Very aggressive in that sense and when he gets there He asks why is this philistines mocking the god of israel? What why isn't anyone shutting him up? If if whatever whoever kills this guy, you know, saul's gonna give him his daughter to marry and then he comes in he says it like three times and one of the elder siblings is like Look at you at your pride, right? What do you think you're doing? And he says is there not a cause why are we all here? We are all here to fight the lord's battle Why is it that the youngest member of this army who isn't even at that point? Considered to be a part of the army is saying someone ought to go shut him up You know what because that is something that we need to realize as preachers Pastors as missionaries evangelists as deacons. We need to put this to pass the people who are Confounding god we need to tell them truly that there is a god whom we serve and he means business But let's keep going it reads In verse 31 and when the words Were heard which david spake they rehearsed them before saul and he set and he sent for him David said to saul Let no man's heart fail because of him thy servant will go and fight with this felicity and saul said to david Thou art not able to go against this felicity to fight with him for thou art but a youth and he a man of war From his youth and david said unto saul thy servant kept his father's sheep And there came a lion and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock And I went out after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth And when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard and smote him and slew him Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised philistine shall be as one of them Seeing he had to find the armies of the living god David said moreover the lord will deliver me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear And will deliver me out of the hand of the philistine and saul said unto david go And the lord be with thee and saul armed david with his armor and he put an helmet of brass upon his head also, he armed him with a coat of mail and david girded his sword upon his armor and he Assigned to go for he had not proved it and david said unto saul I cannot go with these for I have not proven them and david put them off of him Now what's interesting is that I was preparing the sermon yesterday I noticed a symbolic truth found in these verses now look at verse 40 It says and he took his staff in his hand and chose him what five smooth stones out of the brook? And put them in the shepherd's bag Which he had even in a even in a script and his sling was in his hand and he drew near to the philistine Notice he saul says, okay, we're gonna allow you to do this. Here's my armor That's way too big for me dude, i'm barely 100 pounds and you're like seven feet tall and pushing 300 Yeah, I haven't proven this armor dude. Let me take what I am comfortable or what I know See the armor of god is something that is associated to mature christians that fight the lord's battle But not everyone is fighting the lord's battle In the public forum, but we are all soul winners or evangelists proclaiming the things of god Now notice david here took what five smooth stones a sling in the script in his bag So maybe you don't have a helmet of of salvation or a breastplate of righteousness Or you don't have you know, your girds loined about with truth and maybe you don't have all these other accoutrements to fight the lord's battle But do you have the rock of the word? Do you have a sling to proclaim the word of god and distance? Do you have your bag ready to go and preach the gospel? We need to be always ready to give an answer to any man that asks us of the hope of the reason that is in us with meekness and fear so just as much as We as adults go and proclaim and evangelize you children are under that same great commission if you are saved And you know the scriptures and you memorize those five passages on sin hell Believing on christ eternal security and calling upon the name of the lord the five stones that you need to be founded upon You can sling those at distances that far away to get people saved and slay giants So we need to realize when I was reading that yesterday I stopped I was like wow David a young man was willing to still do great things with god and god used that mightily so you kids don't think that you're Not important in the work of god, I mean for crying out loud The the brother that comes up here and plays the piano. I I don't know how old he is But like that's a great thing to attribute to the church. Maybe you're good at reading. Maybe you can sing songs Maybe you're good at talking to people and evangelizing We all have a different function in the church and the bible says of the body of christ the one that is least Uh least necessary or the one that is the lowest is most necessary so basically We could realize that you kids may think that like well i'm not that important. My dad will do it, you know Mr. So-and-so do it and mrs. So-and-so will do it No, it is your job to preach the gospel to your friends to the kids in your neighborhood It's not your parents job to do that. It's your job And what is a word association to david in this scenario? I would say he was jealous. He was eager He was ready to do whatever was asked of him to do Yes, you know We're subject unto our parents. Yes. We are good siblings. Yes. We have forgiveness. Yes, we should have courage But let's also be zealous. Let's be excited. Let's be eager to do the work of god Now i'm going to turn you guys if you would actually to second kings chapter five. I don't have enough time to go into You know daniel I wanted to go into the story of young daniel because you know young daniel is a great story of children gaining Smarts you want to be smart as children of god. We shouldn't be known as simpletons or idiots and don't get me wrong We all have handicaps in life of what we're better at and not as you know good at and things I couldn't basically read until I was in the sixth grade. That was my own fault I mean teachers tried to show me but I was too cool for school and I didn't want to learn but you know what? I'm telling you now kids Learn to read reading. We are children of the book the word of god We want to know this book like the back of our hands and we don't want people to look down at us Be like, oh look at these simple, you know dumb kids. No, let's be smart like daniel was Now maybe some of you little girls are in here thinking like okay. Yeah, we got david. We got samuel. We got daniel We got jesus. Okay, that's great But i'm a little girl. I'm not significant. I'm just you know, like what do I got to offer? Well, there's a story of a little girl who did something great for god and when I was researching this subject You know, I didn't want to leave you girls out because once again It's easy for people to think of themselves as less important God knows the numbers of hairs that are on your head and has a plan for every one of us to do great things And that includes you little girls Look down if you would at second kings chapter five verse one Now an amen captain of the host of the king of syria was a great man with his master and honorable because By him the lord had given a deliverance unto syria He was also a mighty man in valor, but he was a leper And the syrians had gone out by companies and had brought away captive out of the land of israel What a little maid And she waited on aman's wife And she said unto her mistress would god my lord were with the prophet that is in samaria for he Would recover him of his leprosy i'm going to pause there really quickly The word association that I want you girls to understand about this little maid once again We don't know how old this girl was. Not only does it not tell us Much anything other than this about her We have no it's just we know she was a little maid she was young okay, and it says basically notice in verse two I'm, sorry verse three and she said unto her mistress would god my lord were with the prophet that is in samaria For he would recover him of his leprosy. This little girl was willing to help You know what i'm saying? You guys you kids be willing to help Be willing desiring trying wanting to help with whatever is asked of you or even if it's not asked of you if your parents are going by in their house and you see them struggling with Keeping the house clean or you know paying the bills or things like that. Don't be like Oh, can I have ice cream and make more dishes be willing to take it upon yourself? To help clean the house be willing to not ask for something that maybe your parents are struggling with financially But be willing to help Because what was the result of this little girl being willing to help look down if you would at verse four and one went in and told his lord saying thus and thus said the maid that was in the land of israel and the king Of syria said go to go and I will send a letter unto the king of israel and he departed and took with him Ten talents of silver and said thousands of pieces of gold six thousand pieces of gold and ten changes of raiment and he brought the letter to the king of israel saying now when this letter is come unto thee behold I have with Therewith set name and my servant to thee that thou mayest recover him of his leprosy and it came to pass when the king of israel had read the letter that he rent his clothes and said am I God to kill and make alive that this man does send unto me to recover a man of his leprosy Wherefore consider I pray you and see how he seeketh a quarrel against me the king of israel is confounded because he's like You're asking me to do some like impossible thing and basically this is going to be A you know red flag to start a war between us You're telling me to go heal a man of his leprosy. I can't do that Is that what the maid said the maid said go to the prophet he can do this And it said and it was so when elisha the man of god had heard that the king of israel had rent his clothes That he sent to the king saying wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes Let him come now to me and he shall know that there is a prophet in israel So be willing to help this little girl was the little girl that got name into in front of elisha I'm, not going to go into the rest of the story But this is an amazing story where elisha tells him to go dip into the jordan seven times to be healed of his leprosy And he did and he was able to see his skin That of a child it actually says in verse 14 if I remember correctly Then when he down and dipped himself seven times in jordan according to the saying of the man of god and his flesh came again Like unto the flesh of a little child and he was clean And this story is an amazing story that we look to that your chains of events could Do amazing things it all starts with just being willing remember the passage earlier that we kept seeing a lot here am I? Here am I here am I? This is the example all these attributes that i'm pointing out a tribute to all these kids. They were all You know subject under their parents weren't they they were all You know forgiving as siblings. They're all good siblings. They were all courageous. They were all zealous They were all willing to help they were all smart But for you little girls don't think for not one second that you're not important and that you can't be used greatly by god And i'm going to leave you on this last character turn if you would to chapter 22 Second kings chapter 22 This is the story of jesiah the king Josiah the king was arguably outside of david himself. I believe to be the greatest king of israel Of course outside of the lord jesus christ being spiritual israel, but i'm talking about the physical nation of israel Joshua was arguably the greatest king notice what it says in verse one of second kings chapter 22 Joshua was eight years old He was a young kid When he began to reign and he reigned 31 years in jerusalem and his mother's name was the daughter of adaiah of boshkath and he did that which was right in the sight of the lord and walked in all the ways of david his father in turn not aside to the right hand nor to the left and it came to pass in the 18th year of king jesiah that the king sent Shaphan the son of azaliah the son of the shulam the scribe to the house of the lord saying go up to hokiah the high priest That he may sum the silver which is brought into the house of the lord, which the keepers of the door have gathered Of the people and let them deliver it unto the hand of the doers of the work That have the oversight of the house of the lord and let them give it to the doers of the work Which is in the house of the lord to repair the breaches of the house into the carpenters and builders Masons into the by and to buy timber and hewn stone to repair the house What is the word association to the attribute we can see of jesiah? He was responsible Josiah adopted a bunch of problems from the previous kings. He was eight years old. Okay Raise your hand if you're eight in here today Raise your hand if you're under eight today Raise your hand if you're nine Okay Could you imagine running a nation right now? Kid what if we made you the president of the united states? right now You know, there are lots of problems you would be adopting right now But if you are willing to take the word of god as your rock as your foundation you can fix all the problems See the governments don't realize this that even a child is known by his doing whether his work be pure You kids realize that your work what you do as christians matters in your household amongst your neighbors in your community and In the basketball team in the football team in the dance club in the musical club, whatever it is you do Be a good ambassador of christ be responsible Tuck your shirt in Yes, miss. Yes, sir. Thank you, ma'am. Can I open this door for you? These little things be polite And in doing so god will bless you god will show you The mysteries of the universe and the world will open up for you in ways. You don't realize one Thing that I think is so great about our churches is that we are family integrated, right? Man woman boy girl grandma. Grandpa. We're all in the congregation together And one of the major skills that you kids learn while coming to a church like ours Is learning how to sit down and say nothing for an hour How many adults don't know how to do that? How many adults if I stuck into the dmv right now this very moment couldn't help But just look at their phone every five seconds and like see and say something and fidget and like have nervous twitches and reactions Just sitting here Listening to someone and saying nothing is a skill that will follow you for the rest of your life more than you know Because why? Because you're responsible and in the future if you young boys get a job and You find that a boss is trying to promote you Just being you know submissive or subjective being a good sibling or a good employee Being forgiving, you know being courageous and zealous and smart and responsible mind you you're gonna the world will open up for you in ways you don't even know and There's so much to go into into all these children there are other kids There's some five different kings in israel that were children when they started off as kings And I want you kids to realize that the children of the bible were real children It's not thor It's not the hulk. It's not Fill in the blank with whatever other superhero you're thinking of. These are real people That really did a real thing for god in the real world for you kids to learn to be able to use in your life And like I said, you guys want to be good leaders one day You need to be good followers and by doing so The world will open up to you in ways more than you know I keep saying that but because I wish someone told me this when I was a kid and I want you guys to know This turn if you would to first timothy, this is the last place we'll go to First timothy chapter four First timothy chapter four verse nine the bible reads This is a faithful saying and worthy of all expectation for therefore we both labor and suffer reproach we Because we trust in the living god who is the savior of all men, especially of those that believe These things command and teach let no man despise thy youth But be thou an example of the believers in word in conversation and charity and spirit and faith and purity Let nobody despise your youth, you know I bet every single adult in here today would if they could go back to their youth maybe I mean, I know in lots of ways. I look back to my youth and i'm like man I wish I was a kid again and I could just you know Eat cake and ice cream whenever I wanted and run around and play and not have all these bills and responsibilities At times now we need to be content with whatever state we are in life You know when I was a child I spake as a child and I understood as a child When I became a man, I put away childish things and what i'm trying to get at is for you kids as youth Don't let anyone despise your youth. It's okay to have a good time to be silly goofy Keep your purity be have a good time because at the end of the day Your your youth is a short period in your life and if you make it the average span of the life, you know Three scores in 10 years 70 80 years or something like that You're only a child but for barely 18 of those years and then the rest of your life You're an adult and you're today learning skills that will apply to the rest of your life And i'm going to go over one last time. You need to be You know subject under your parents. You need to be good siblings. You need to be forgiving You need to have courage You have to have zeal or be eager Be smart Be willing to help and be responsible and in doing these things The lord will bless you and give you a long life on this earth. Matthew 19 13 says Then were they brought unto him little children And he should that he should put his hands on them and pray and the disciples rebuked them But jesus said suffer Little children and forbid them not to come unto me for of such as the kingdom of god And he laid his hands on them and departed thence. Jesus christ is trying and wanting to give you guys blessings And if ever in your life you need help with anything you ask your parents You ask your auntie your uncle your grandma your grandpa the other elders in this church. We're all in this together The title of this message this morning is children of the bible star heads and have a word of prayer Dear heavenly father. Thank you so much for allowing us to hear your word to congregate thank you so much for all the children that you've given all of us and help us to realize what is Most important in this life is bringing up the next generation to serve you to move forward with the work of god and kids here Today, I hope you guys have gotten something out of this and that in your lives you Realize the importance of what church is for you in jesus name. We pray. Amen All right, so let's go ahead and pull out our hymnals and we'll sing our last song for the morning the song number 162 162 To god be the glory 162 So First to god be the glory great things he hath done So loved he the world that he gave us his son Who? Yielded his life and atonement for sin and opened the life gate that All may go in Praise the lord. Praise the lord. Let the earth hear his voice Praise the lord. Praise the lord. Let the people rejoice Oh come to the father through jesus the son He hath done Redemption the purchase of blood to every believer That moment Receives praise the lord. Praise the lord. Let the earth hear his voice Praise the lord. Praise the lord. Let the people rejoice Rejoice Great things And great But Let the earth hear his voice praise the lord. Praise the lord Let the people rejoice Rejoice And with that you are dismissed you guys have a blessed day You