(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. So first and foremost, I would like to thank Pastor and Brother Ressel and the congregation down here for the opportunity to preach to you tonight. And the topic of my sermon tonight is very simple. The title of my sermon is Seven Proofs of Eternal Security. Seven Proofs of Eternal Security. Now this sermon is important because I'm sure that pretty much everybody here knows that once you're saved, you're always saved. We all know that. We're pretty familiar with that around here. But I want you to know that we can't lose our salvation. I want you to know why we can't lose our salvation. And while we could probably all think of two or three or four or five ways that we can't lose our salvation, tonight I'm going to show you seven ways that we cannot lose our salvation. So keep your finger in Romans chapter five and go if you would the first John chapter five. First John chapter five. So the first thing that you need to realize before we get into the meat of the sermon is the fact that if you do not believe in eternal security, if you believe that you can lose your salvation, then you're simply not saved. And I want to prove that to you from the Bible because that's a very bold claim that a lot of people don't agree with, but the Bible teaches it. Now in first John chapter five, look down if you would at verse number 10. The Bible says, he that believeth on the Son of God hath a witness in himself. He that believeth not God hath made him a liar. And why is that? Because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. And here's the record. Verse 11 says, and this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life, not temporary life, eternal life. So that is the record that God has given to us, eternal life. And if you do not believe in eternal life, if you believe that you can lose your salvation, then you're not believing the record. You're calling God a liar, and you're not saved because it says in verse 12, he that hath the Son hath life. That's life everlasting. And he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have it written unto you that believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God. And so those verses make it very clear that if you do not believe in eternal life, then you're denying the record that God gave to us, and you're calling God a liar. And one of my regular soul wanting partners I go with often, basically the way that he'll sum this up whenever he's at the door, he'll say, you know, basically you need to believe John 3 16. You need to believe all the points made in John 3 16. You know, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. You've got to realize the fact that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, that he died for all of our sins, and that whosoever believeth in him should not perish. So you have to believe that's by faith alone. It's not about doing good works. And it says, but have everlasting life. So you have to believe the fact that it's everlasting life. So I like the way that he sums that up, but go back if you would to Romans chapter five. I hope you kept your place there. Romans chapter five. And the first way that we're going to prove that you can never lose your salvation is simply this, that salvation is a free gift. Salvation is a free gift. Now I want you to count with me. We're going to look at a few verses. We're going to see how many times the word gift is used. But look down if you would at Romans chapter five and verse 15. It says, but not as the offense, so also is the free gift. For through the offense of one many be dead, much more the grace of God and the gift by grace, which is by one man Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift. For the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification. Romans five 17 says for if by one man's offense death reign by one, much more they would receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ. Therefore, as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. So in that small passage, the word gift is used six times and the phrase is used three times. And we were out soul winning not too long ago. In fact, I was with brother Anthony on too long ago and we knocked on the door of this Mormon lady and I just told her, we disagree with the Mormons because we believe that salvation is a free gift. And she said, where in the Bible does it say free gift? I said, Romans five. And she said, oh, well, okay. That was about it. She didn't know that it said that, but it's a free gift. You can't earn it. You can't work for it, right? Now turn the page if you would to Romans chapter six and verse 23, we use this verse all the time. It says for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So we use this verse pretty much every time that we go soul winning. But let me tell you what I do with this verse. If somebody is kind of busy, they can't really hear the whole gospel. Now I'll leave this as my one verse. And basically, this is how I would put it. I'd basically say, okay, well, let me just leave you with one verse. The Bible says for the wages of sin is death. Now that death is referring to hell because we're all sinners. We deserve hell for our sins, but it goes on to say, but the gift of God is eternal life. And there's only one person that can give you that gift. It says through Jesus Christ our Lord. So Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. But the part of that verse I really want you to think about is the fact that it says that salvation is a gift. And let me ask you this question before I leave. If salvation is a gift, do you have to earn it? Right? And so that's basically the question I leave them with. And you know what? More often than not, more than 50% of the time, they'll say, yeah, yeah, you have to earn it. You have to earn the gift. And that's just crazy. And of course, I'm always very polite with them and everything like that, but I kind of dramatize a little bit, and I try to act exasperated. I'm like, but it's a gift. How can you earn a gift? And then they're like, yeah, that makes sense. Usually that's what they say. So I ask that question. I put it that way basically so that they'll remember our interaction together. I want to give them something thought-provoking to think about whenever I leave. But it's sad that more often than not, they'll say that you have to earn a gift. That makes no sense. But of course, we're brainwashed in our society today to think that you have to earn a gift, like Christmas gifts. You have to be a good boy, and then you'll earn a gift or whatever. But let me tell you about the quote of the year. This is really funny. We were up in Payson, and we were sewing in a trailer park in Payson. And I left the guy with the verse just like I just explained to you. So if it's a gift, you have to earn it. And he said, yes, absolutely. Without hesitation, he's like, absolutely, you have to earn a gift. A gift, this is the quote of the year, a gift is not just given to you. That's what he said. So me and my sewing partner was just like, okay, well, we're out of here. All right, bye. But basically, that guy, he's just brainwashed. He thinks that you have to earn a gift, and it's simply not true. So look at you would have, go if you would to Ephesians chapter two, we're going to continue. But this is not the only time in the Bible that salvation is a gift or that it teaches that salvation is a gift. In John 4 10, it says, Jesus answered and said unto her, if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that sayeth to thee, give me the drink thou would have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. In 2 Corinthians 9 15, it says, thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. And I love how that's phrased. It's an unspeakable gift. In Ephesians chapter two, you probably know the verses that we're going to look at, but look at verse eight, if you will. Verse eight, it says, for by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God, not of works as any man should boast. And so this is a great proof that you can ever lose your salvation because of the fact that once somebody gives you a gift, it's yours. They can't take it back from you later. But a lot of people, and most of these people are Pentecostals or whatever, they'll basically say, well, yeah, you can't, you know, God can't take the gift back from you, but you can give the gift back, right? And who's heard that out-souling before? Yeah, a lot of people have. And here's the thing about that, you know, my mother even, that's what she, that was her biggest hang-up whenever I was preaching the gospel to her. She thought that you could give the gift back. She's like, well, we have free will. Why can't we give the gift back, you know? And basically, this is how I defeat that whenever somebody brings that up. Basically, I would ask them a couple of questions. So, first of all, well, I'll just ask this question. Who would ever want to give it back, for example? Like, you know, if you're saved and you know that you're going to heaven and you know that Jesus died for all your sins and you know the reality of hell, that hell is real and that hell's everlasting fire, you know, why in the world would you ever want to give it back, first of all? You know, that doesn't make any sense. Like, who would want to give it back to God? But, you know, let's say that there was somebody who wanted to give it back to God. Would God even accept that gift? Would he accept it back? You know, there's two people involved in the transaction of a gift, right? You know, just like God, he's offering or he has offered the gift of everlasting life to everyone in the world at some point, and it's up to the person whether they receive it or whether they reject it. Do you think that God's going to receive that gift back if you try to give it back to him? No way. He wants everybody to be saved. And so, yeah, he wouldn't even accept it back. But then also, how would you give it back? Now, this is the biggest one. You know, how would you give that gift back? You know, and oftentimes or every single time that you ask them this question, it always comes down to works. Well, you can give it back whenever you turn your back on God and you start living a bad life. You, you know, quit following the commandments or whatever. So it gets back to a workspace salvation and because whether you think that you have to do good works to get saved or you have to do good works to stay saved, it's still a workspace salvation. You're still not trusting Jesus Christ alone for your salvation. And so that, that's a good way to defeat that. But basically go with, actually stay there in Ephesians chapter two, because I want to take a look at the first part of that verse. So first of all, we talked about how you cannot lose your salvation because it's a gift. It's a free gift, but also you cannot lose your salvation because the word saved in and of itself is a past tense word. It's already taken place, right? It says in Ephesians chapter two and verse eight, it says for by grace, are you saved through faith? So it's something that's already happened. Now turn if you would to first Corinthians chapter one. Now this is important because of the fact that if it's already happened, then specifically your salvation cannot be undone because of the fact that, you know, it's, it's basically a part of history. Now, you know, you got saved at a certain point in the past. You can't change that now, you know, it's just like if, if for example, you were drowning as a kid or whatever, and then a lifeguard jumps in and saves you, you know, you were saved from drowning. But 20 years from now, is the lifeguard going to hunt you down and throw you back into the pool? No, of course not. You know, you've already been saved, right? You can't change that. And I'm going to blow through several verses. I've got a bunch of verses here that talk about being saved in the Bible, but John 3 17, it says, for God sent not his son into the world to get to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. John 5 34, it says, but I received not testimony from man, but these things I say that ye might be saved. John 10 9, I am the door by hint by me. If any man enter in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture. Acts 2 21, and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 4 12, neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Acts 11 14, it says, who shall tell the words whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved. Acts 16 30 and 31, and brought them out and said, Sir, what must I do to be saved? And they said, believe on the name or believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved in thy house. Second Corinthians 2 15, for we are into God, a sweet saver of Christ and them that are saved and in them that perish. First Timothy 2 4, it says, who will have all men to be saved and to come into the knowledge of the truth. Titus 3 5, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us. Revelation 21 24, and the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it, and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it. Romans 10 9, that thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shall believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shall be saved. Romans 10 13, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Now you're there in First Corinthians chapter one, look down if you would at verse 18. It says, for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God. And this is a very important verse because in a lot of the modern versions, it changes it to being saved instead of saved. And back whenever I first got saved, and I was listening to Pastor Anderson a lot, and I was still going to a Southern Baptist church, I basically argued with my friends about how we should only use the King James. And this is what, and I don't recommend arguing by the way, but this is the verse that I showed them this verse. I'm like, see, in the modern versions, it says being saved, right? And one thing that they knew is that salvation is not a process. It's a one-time deal. And so I showed them this verse, and basically their only response to that was just, well, look at all these other verses that have it right. But that really doesn't negate the bad verse. The fact of the matter is this verse is corrupted in the modern versions, and so therefore we want to stay as far away from those modern versions as possible because we don't know how many other verses are messed up. I mean, there's thousands of them in these modern versions. So that doesn't really negate the fact. So at the very best, these modern versions are confusing, but at the very worst, they're sending people to hell with their false doctrines. So King James only. But anyway, turn if you want to John chapter three. John chapter three. Now, the third proof that we're going to talk about tonight about why you cannot lose your salvation is because it is called everlasting life. It lasts forever. John 3 15. Look down if you would at John 3 15. It says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. And then the very next verse, the most famous verse out of the whole Bible. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. And so these two verses use eternal life and everlasting life side by side, and I like that because that's two sides of the same coin. Eternal meaning that it can't end, and everlasting means that lasts forever, right? So it's two sides of the same coin saying the exact same thing. Look at the very end of the chapter at John 3 36. It says he that believeth in the son hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not the son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. Now we're going to just keep going through the book of John, so just follow me as we continue. John chapter four and verse 14. It says, but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. John 5 24. It says, verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word and believeth in him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life. So the moment that you believe in Jesus Christ, you have that gift of everlasting life, and you have passed from death unto life. You don't have to wait till the end of your life for that. You do it immediately. John 6 27. Turn to the page, if you will. Labor not for that meat, for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the son of man shall give unto you, for him hath God the Father sealed. John 6 40. It says, and this is the will of him that sent me, that everyone which seeth the son and believeth on him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6 47. It doesn't get any simpler than this. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me hath everlasting life. That's what Jesus said. You know, all you have to do is believe in him, and you have everlasting life. And turn the page, if you will, just to John 10 28. John 10 28. Now this is such a great verse because you can prove once saved, always saved four different ways from this verse. It says, and I give. Notice it's a gift. It's not a reward. And I give unto them eternal life, life that cannot end, and they shall never perish. It doesn't say that they might perish. If they commit a big sin, way off in the future, they might. Perhaps there's a small chance that they might lose their sense of nature. No. It says never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. So notice you're, you know, God's holding your hand. Even if you let go, God's not going to let go of you. So that's four different ways you can prove it just from that one verse alone. John 10 28 is a great verse for that. Now turn, if you would, to Ephesians chapter one, please. Ephesians chapter number one. I'm going to read to you a couple more or a few more verses about everlasting life. It says in John 17 2, it says, as thou has given him power over all flesh that he should give eternal life to as many as thou has given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou sent. 1 Timothy 1 16, it says, Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all longsuffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. Acts 13 48. And when the gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord, and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. And then Romans 5 21, that as sin hath reigned unto death, even so my grace reigned through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. And of course, we already talked about this verse, Romans 6 23, for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So it's eternal life. Now, point number four as to why we can never lose our salvation is because we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit. Look down if you would at verse 12, Ephesians chapter one and verse 12, it says that we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ, and whom ye also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and whom also after that ye believe ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. So the moment that we trust in Jesus Christ, the moment that we believe in him, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit, right? And look, if we're sealed by God, then nobody can break that seal. You know, I can't break that seal. You can't break that seal. Nobody can break that seal. But, you know, how long are we sealed for? You know, that's a good question. Now, look at you would turn the page, if you will, to Ephesians chapter four. Look down, if you would, at verse 30, and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day that you mess up. No, that's not what it says. Unto the day of redemption, you know, and the day of redemption, that's far into the future. So between now and then, we can't be unsealed. We can't break that seal. We cannot mess that up. And it also says earlier in the chapter in verse 14, it says, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory. So see, we are sealed unto the day of redemption. Now, it also says in second Corinthians chapter one, turn if you would to Hebrews chapter nine, actually Hebrews chapter nine. It says in second Corinthians chapter one in verse 22, it says, who hath also sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. And so he's sealed us. He's given that earnest unto us. It says in second Timothy two and verse 18, who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already and overthrow the faith of some. Nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his, and let everyone that nameth the name of Christ apart from iniquity. So God knows whether you're saved or not. He knows who belonged to him. So point number five, we're going to go on to point number five. This is the fifth proof that we can never ever lose our salvation for any reason whatsoever, and that's the fact that Jesus Christ died for all of our sins. He didn't die for some of our sins. He died for all of our sins. So, and a lot of people would deny this. Now, whenever I say that, pretty much every single Christian in the world would pay lip service to the fact that Jesus died for all of our sins, but if they don't believe, and once saved, always saved, then they're basically lying when they say that, because they don't actually think that Jesus died for all of their sins. They think that maybe Jesus died for little sins, but if I commit a big sin, then I'll go to hell, or they think that Jesus died for all my past sins, but if I continue to do sins in the future, then I'm still going to hell. So they don't actually believe that Jesus died for all of our sins. Now, in Hebrews chapter 9, it makes it very clear, and this is a great proof that Jesus died for all of our sins in Hebrews chapter 9. Look down if you would at verse 25. It says, "...nor yet that he should offer himself often as the high priest enterth into the holy place every year with blood of others, for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world, but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared," look at this, "...to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." So Jesus' sacrifice, him sacrificing himself, put away our sin, and it says in verse 27, "...and as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." Verse 28, so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many. He bore our sins, right? "...and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation." See, Jesus Christ, he bore our sins in his own body. He died for our sins. Now, turn if you would to Isaiah chapter 53. Isaiah chapter number 53. I'm going to read to you a few more verses about Jesus dying for us. In 1 Peter chapter 2 and verse 24, it says, "...who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness, by whose stripes he are healed." So we should live under righteousness, but you know what? Jesus Christ, he bare our sins in his own body. In 2 Corinthians 5 21, it says, "...for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin." Jesus knew no sin, but he became sin for us. These are great verses, and then of course we already talked about this verse, but you know, so many of these verses interconnect because this subject of never losing your salvation, all these things, they all interconnect because the Bible is such a great book, right? But it says in Acts 4 12, it says, "...neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name given under heaven, given among me whereby we must be saved." See, we must be saved by the name of Jesus Christ because there's nobody else who died for his sins. Muhammad didn't die for his sins. The pope didn't die for his sins. Buddha didn't die for his sins. Nobody else. It's just Jesus, so we have to believe in him. That's the name that we must be saved by. Now look down, if you would, at Isaiah 53 and verse 10. It says, "...yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him. He hath put him to grief, when thou shall make his soul an offering for sin." So see, Jesus' soul was an offering for our sin whenever he went to hell for three days and three nights, and then he was resurrected the third day, right? So, "...he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied. By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many, for he shall bear their iniquities." This is a prophecy of Jesus Christ, and it says that he will bear our iniquities. It says in verse 12, "...therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he hath poured out his soul unto death, and he was numbered with the transgressors, and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." So this is a very powerful passage from the Old Testament talking about Jesus Christ's sacrifice. And turn, if you would, to Romans chapter 3. Romans chapter number 3. And let's just continue looking at more verses about Jesus dying for our sins, because there are so many of them. Galatians 3 13, it says, "...Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree." 1 John 2 2, it says, "...and he is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." Jesus Christ died for the sins of the entire world. Mark 10 45, it says, "...for even the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." And Colossians chapter 1 and verses 21 through 22, it says, "...and you that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled, and the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight." It says, and you know we just keep going over verse after verse after verse, because there are so many verses that prove that you can never lose your salvation in the Bible. This should not be a difficult subject, but unfortunately most of the world does not believe this. But it says in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 1, it says, "...moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand, by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain, for I delivered unto you first," so here's the gospel, "...that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures." So that's the gospel. The fact that he died for our sins was buried and rose again. And then in Ephesians 2 13 it says, "...but now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ." And 1 Peter 3 18 it says, "...for Christ also hath once suffered for our sins the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit." So see that's just verse after verse about Jesus dying for our sins. Now look if you would at Romans chapter 3 and verse 23. Now this is a famous verse that we use when we go out sowing. The very first verse that we use says, "...for all have sinned and come short of glory of God." And then it says in verse 24, "...being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith and his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God. To declare, I say at this time, his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus." So once again another verse that talks about how Jesus is the propitiation for us and all we have to do is put faith in his blood and we will receive that remission of sins. So turn if you would to Titus chapter 1. Now the sixth proof that we cannot lose our salvation tonight is the fact that God has promised to us eternal life. And this appears a few times in the Bible. In 2 Timothy 1 and verse 1 it says, "...Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus." See he has promised us life. In 2 Corinthians 1 and verse 20 it says, "...for all the promises of God, and him are ye, and in him amen, unto the glory of God by us. Now he which establishes us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us as God, who hath also sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts." So what I wanted to point out there is that the seal and the earnest is the promise of God mentioned in verse 20. And also in Titus chapter 1 look down if you would at verse 2 that's where you're at it says, "...in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began." So God has promised us eternal life from before the world even began if we just believe in his Son that's all we have to do you know and that is God's promise and it even gives us that little helpful hint right there that he cannot lie right. Now turn if you would to John chapter 3. John chapter 3. And then this last one this is the seventh proof that we cannot lose our salvation and this might be well I was going to say that it might be the most powerful point but you know what all these points are powerful all these proofs are powerful everything in the Bible is but you know this point in particular this is what got my mother saved now I talked about her a few minutes ago how basically you know she had a lot of hang-ups about everlasting life she used to be a Pentecostal and everything and she would say you know you you know you God's not going to take the gift from you but you can give it back and things like that but basically she did get saved though and this is the point that got her saved and that is the fact that whenever we put our faith in Jesus Christ we are born again into his family we are the children of God and that made a lot sense to her because I'm her son and I'm preaching to her and basically she understood the fact that I can never stop being her son you know and I have her DNA in my blood you know we and and whenever we are born again we are the children of God and nothing's going to change that now look down if you would at John chapter 3 and verse 1 it says there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews the same came to Jesus by night and said unto him rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except God be with him Jesus answered and said unto him verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God and verse 4 it says Nicodemus saith unto him how can a man be born when he is old can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born and see what I like about this is the fact that every unsaved person that believes that you can lose your salvation is basically saying the same thing that Nicodemus is saying because they're basically saying I know that you know you're born again and everything but if you mess up then you're basically unborn again right you're going back into your mother's womb that's basically what they're saying whenever they believe that you can lose your salvation right you become unborn again but then you can become born again again but then you can become unborn again again but then you can become born again again again right you know that's basically what they're saying without actually saying it but you know it's so dumb to think that you can lose your salvation that is definitely not what the bible teaches nowhere in here but um but yeah so I like that that uh verse right there and then it says Jesus answered verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born of water now that's whenever you're born of your mother you know whenever her water breaks and of the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit marvel not that I said unto thee he must be born again marvel not you know it's not a hard hard thing to believe but go if you would to Galatians chapter three Galatians chapter number three another verse I like to use out soul winning sometimes if somebody's struggling with this is I like to talk about Romans 8 38 and 39 says for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord so you know there's nothing that's going to separate us from the love of God if we're in Jesus Christ you know if we're saved right there is going to be something to separate God's love from the unsaved whenever they die and they go to hell you know but there's nothing that's going to separate us from the love of God if we're saved right and I like to sum it up just simply by saying got the door sometimes I'll say you know all of God's children go straight to heaven you know most people just understand that and they take it yeah of course you know if you're God's child then of course you're going to go to heaven right and then it also says in John chapter one in verse 12 it says but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name and then in first Peter chapter one in verse 23 says being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever there's a lot of great doctrine in that verse and let me share with you my personal favorite verse on this subject about being born again look down a few at a Galatians 3 26 it says for ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus and so I always like to show people that at the door and so but that's a great point or that's a great proof that we can never lose our salvation because we're God's children and there's nothing that's going to separate us from God's love you know if we're his children then we go straight to heaven and I'd like to bring this up as well I think that this is sort of a point of this I was wondering if I should make it its own point or not but basically if we're God's children and we do bad things and God's going to chasten us now this is a proof that we cannot lose our salvation the Bible says in Hebrews 12 6 for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he received so if he receives you as his child then and you do bad things he's going to make sure that you get disciplined for that but you know what he's not going to send you to hell though the mere fact that the Bible teaches that we get disciplined for our sins on earth if we do bad things if we're his child proves the fact that that punishment is not hell Jesus has already died for us and he's already paid for that punishment but we will will be disciplined on this earth you know if we go out and we steal something then maybe God's going to make sure that we get you know sick or we go to jail or whatever you know if we commit murder even you know then God's going to make sure that we get punished for that sin but that punishment's not hell maybe maybe we go to jail or maybe somebody else is going to kill us we're not exactly sure but God's going to make sure that if we do bad things as the child of God then we get a just discipline for that on this earth and so that is a great point or a great proof of the fact that we cannot lose our salvation because of the fact that it never says that the children of God are going to suffer the punishment of hell we have other disciplines that we're going to face if we do bad things on this earth so basically those are the seven proofs that I wanted to share with you tonight on why we can never lose our salvation it is literally impossible for us to lose our salvation and the bible teaches this throughout and in fact it you know if you don't believe me that was 12 pages of notes that was a lot of verses that we just blew through but you know what I mean the bible just talks a lot about this you know and so I preached this sermon because I wanted everybody in here to know well first of all a lot of different ways that you can never lose your salvation but also maybe you can take one of these points and maybe you can help one of your family members to get saved you know we all have that family member that's a hard case that's you know has got a lot of hang-ups or whatever and maybe something in this sermon would help them just like my mom she was helped by that children of God you know point and I hope that you know this helps some people maybe somebody online will hear it and help out and it'll help them out as well so that's my hope and that's my prayer and once again thank you for letting me preach to you tonight so let's go ahead and pray