(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen All right. So once again, it's a great honor to be here tonight Thank you, uh deacon and pastor and everybody for being here and for allowing me to preach Now romans chapter 10 is one of my favorite chapters out of the entire bible and you know There are so many great lessons that we can learn from romans chapter 10 And so that's why I titled my sermon tonight lessons from romans chapter 10 So that is the title of my sermon tonight And we're going to go verse by verse through this chapter And just take a look at some of the great lessons that we can learn So let's just go ahead and dive right in and in verse number one the bible reads Brethren my heart's desire and prayer to god for israel is that they might be saved And so this verse illustrates, you know, the love that paul had for the for the jews for israel at that time You know, he had great love for them And um, and he says that it's his heart's desire and his prayer that they would be that they would be saved, you know And you know, it's easy to say oh he loved them because he you know was basically one of them at one point He was a jew he's brought up in that religion But you know the thing is though and that is true But remember also that the jews have been trying to kill paul ever since you know He he got saved and in fact just to illustrate that keep your finger in romans chapter 10 But also if you would turn to acts chapter 9 act chapter 9 We'll just take a look at one of the instances where uh, the jews tried to kill paul acts chapter 9 While you're turning there i'll begin reading verse 17 acts 9 17 it says And ananias went his way and entered into the house and putting his hands on him said brother Saul the lord even jesus that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest has sent me That thou mightest receive thy sight and be filled with the holy ghost And immediately there fell from his eyes that is as it had been scales and he received sight forthwith and arose and was baptized So this is whenever paul got saved is whenever the the scales fell from his eyes and then he immediately got baptized And then in verse 19 it says and when he had received meat He was strengthened then was all certain days with the disciples which were at damascus And so he was there for three years is what galatians one tells us And in verse 20 it says in straight way So immediately after he got saved it says in straight way He preached christ in the synagogues that he is the son of god. And so that offers us a great. Um, uh, You know representation that whenever we get saved The first thing that we should go do is just go tell somebody else about about jesus and go tell somebody else how to be saved You know, that's what paul did here and then verse 21 it said but all that heard him were amazed and said is not this He that destroyed them which called on on this name in jerusalem and came hither for that intent That he might bring them bound to the chief priests But saw increase the morn strength and confounded the jews which dwelt at damascus proving that this is very christ And after that many days were fulfilled the jews took counsel to kill him And so notice the jews are trying to kill paul here and in verse 24 It says but their length await was known of paul and they watched the gates day and night to kill him Then the disciples took him by night and let him down by the wall in a basket So this is just one example of the jews trying to kill paul Immediately after he got saved because he was preaching about jesus and they wanted to kill him and he had to escape By a basket, you know going down the wall and you know, even so, you know It was still his heart's desire and prayer to god that they would be saved You know, he still loved them and he still wanted them to be saved Even though they're trying to kill him and that offers us a great example Uh of of loving our enemies, you know Jesus said in matthew 5 43 it says ye have heard that it has been said Thou shall love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy But I say unto you love your enemies bless them the curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them Which despitefully used you and persecuted you and you know in my opinion this is one of you know The the the main things about christianity is just you know, loving your enemies loving people who you know Hurt you and despite and despitefully use you and this is one of the easiest things to say And and and one of the things that we believe in but it's it's one of the hardest things to do I think You know It's one of the hardest things to do to love somebody who doesn't love you and who actually hates you and wants to hurt you That is very difficult to to do but it's one of our fundamental beliefs, you know as christians and yet it's one of the hardest I believe and so, you know paul gives us a great example of loving his enemies in this passage He could have been like jonah where you know, jonah hated them in the vites and whenever God saved them and spared their country. He got all mad and he got you know, all pouty about it and whatnot You know, we could be like him or we could be like paul who even though he doesn't you know Even though that the jews want to want to want to hurt him and kill him He still wants them to be saved and so paul gives us a great example of loving your enemies in verse one And now let's look at verse two. It says for in roman chapter 10 and verse 2 flip back there Romans chapter 10 and verse 2 it says for I bear them record that they have a zeal of god, but not According to right to knowledge and so a lot of people out there are zealous about about serving the lord And uh, they're zealous about the things of god, but they're not saved, you know a lot of people uh in in christianity today Are not saved they believe that their works are going to save them, but they are very zealous They want to serve the lord. They want to know more about him And you know, there are lots of examples out there And in fact, i'll give you an example of somebody that I know that goes up to the tempe church You know, his name is fidel you guys have probably met him and you know I want to tell you about a little bit about fidel is because he used to be a big a big member at his Old church. He used to go to a mega church. It was you know running several hundred people I think it might have been ccv not exactly sure but he was going to one of those liberal mega mega churches He was not saved but he was a big time member there. He was the greeter at the door He was the first uh face that you would see whenever you come in And then eventually he moved to our church and he got saved And you know, he's been coming to our church for about two years now and now he's the lead usher at our church, you know And he and he's serving the lord greatly and that way he's always going soloing every single week And you know, he's just really serving the lord and you know that shows us that people who are zealous, you know Whether they're you know, even if they're not saved yet people are zealous whenever they get saved They oftentimes continue to be zealous or in fact, they might even ramp up that zealousness as well once they get saved As as opposed to you know, maybe somebody who's apathetic about the things of god and whatnot Uh before they get saved, you know, they may continue that as well Of course, we want everybody to be saved. We want all these people to be saved. However, you know Many times whenever somebody's zealous beforehand, they'll continue to be zealous Well, if somebody was apathetic before then they may not come to church and they might not get baptized I mean, you know, let's face it nine out of ten people that we get saved at the door never come to church You know and it's sad but that that is the truth But you know, we want we want everyone to be saved everyone that can be saved We want them to get saved, you know, we want to save the guy who's zealous in his liberal church And then you know him come to church, you know We want to get the the catholic guy saved who hasn't been to church in 20 years, you know We want to get everybody saved, you know, and we want them to be saved and uh, but this just gives us uh, you know But that's just an example of somebody who's zealous before and he gets and he's continues to be zealous afterward as well And so look down if you would at verse number three in rowland chapter 10 It says for they being ignorant of god's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted Notice that word submitted themselves unto the righteousness of god You know, I want to ask this question, you know as somebody who's saved, you know Do you ever look back at whenever you know, you weren't saved and you thought you were saved by your works? And and think about how prideful, you know, you were back then how it's like, you know, I I deserve to go to hell You know, i'm a sinner but i'm going to save myself though, you know how prideful that is And you know, I think about that sometimes that you know unsaved people They just they just don't know, you know, they have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of god in order to get saved You must you know submit yourself You must be humble in order to get saved it takes humility In order to be saved because if you're thinking oh i'm going to save myself then you know You're being super prideful there and you need to humble yourself. And you know, it's it's kind of like, you know, whenever um, Whenever you're drowning, you know, whenever somebody's drowning in a pool They always tell you just call out for help if you're drowning, right? But nine times out of ten they you know, the person who's drowning they don't call out for help. They think to themselves No, I can do this. I can I can you know, get my footing or whatever, you know I'm oh and then a little water gets in their mouth and then pretty soon it's just too late And so that's the same thing too. We just need to call out to god We need to call out a call upon him and be saved We don't need to just try and do it ourselves and do the doggy paddle and try to doggy paddle our way to heaven That is not the way to heaven, you know, and a lot of people are trying to do that today, you know, and um, And it's just pride and i'll give you another example from the bible, you know adam and eve for example, you know Whenever they realized that they were naked What did they do? They didn't go to god immediately What they did was they hid themselves and then they sewed aprons out of fig leaves and whatnot and you could say that's Fear because they're afraid of what god's gonna do them But you know, you could also say that's pride too. Oh god's not gonna notice if we wear these little aprons and stuff like that You know and that represents them trying to cover themselves with their own works But then god comes in he rebukes them and everything and then he kills an animal and he puts the animal skin upon them Representing jesus christ and his sacrifice and so that's just another example of how you must submit yourself In order to uh into order to be saved you must submit yourself unto the righteousness of god so You're there in romans 10. Let's look at verse number four now Romans chapter 4 it says for christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth For moses described the righteousness which is of the law that the man which do it those things shall live by them But notice that phrase for christ at the end of law for Righteousness so see christ didn't just get rid of the law whenever christ came here. He didn't just get rid of you know, uh, Genesis, exodus, sloviticus numbers. He didn't just get rid of it He fulfilled it, you know He and matthew chapter 5 and verse 17 it says think not that i'm come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill so yes, jesus is the end of the law But he's the end of the law for righteousness, how did he fulfill it? How did he fulfill the law by living that righteous perfect life? He lived the perfect life for us because we are not able to you know And it says in verse five that moses described the righteousness which is of the law That the man which do it those things shall live by them So keep your finger there and turn to leviticus 18 and we're going to take a look at where moses said this because here in these verses Uh in verse four and five it describes basically, you know, technically the two ways to get to heaven you can either a you know Believe in jesus who is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth you can either believe in him Or you know you technically, you know, you could be perfect from the day of your birth to the day of your death You can you know not sin one time and you would go to heaven But of course we know that that's impossible, you know We know that we've all sinned and come short of the glory of god And so that is not a possible way to to go to heaven But that's what moses is talking about in leviticus 18 1 it says In leviticus chapter 18 and verse 1 it says and the lord spake unto moses saying Speak unto the children of israel and say unto them. I am the lord your god After the doings of the land of egypt wherein ye dwelt Shall ye not do and after the doings of the land of canan whether I bring you shall you not do Neither shall you walk in their ordinances You shall do my judgments and keep mine ordinances to walk therein. I am the lord your god And verse five it says ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments which if a man do he shall live in them I am the lord. So it says right there. That's where moses said this is which if a man do he shall live in them So, you know, basically he's showing us the fact that you know, we're not perfect We cannot, you know, keep all the statutes and judgments of the lord and therefore we need a savior You know this verse is pointing us to jesus christ and so Flip back if you would to verse or romans chapter 10 and we'll deal with the next set of verses romans chapter 10 Look down if you would at verse number six and at the end We're going to tie all these verses together if you haven't noticed already There's a flow happening in romans chapter 10 where everything is kind of connecting with with itself with each other And so in verse number six, it says but the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise say not in thine heart Who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep? That is to bring up christ again from the dead But what sayeth it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the word of faith Which we preach and so i'm going to be honest, you know, these verses confused me for a very long time You know, I wasn't sure what they were talking about Especially versus six and seven because if you just take it at face value It kind of looks like god's saying don't judge whether somebody's saved or not It says don't say that this person, you know, who shall send into heaven or who shall descend into the deep? You know, it's kind of Making it sound like you know, you shouldn't determine whether somebody's saved or not However, we know that that's not what it's saying because that's what we do out soul-winning, you know That's how we even start off our gospel presentation is by you know, determining whether this person is saved or not You know what i'm saying? And so that's not what these verses are talking about But I do believe that I know, you know what these verses are talking about. So think of it like this, you know We just talked about the two ways to get to heaven You know by jesus by faith in him or by being perfect by keeping the law which is which is impossible now what if And then it also says in those uh Verses beforehand that uh, they were trying to go about to establish their own righteousness So, you know think about these verses right here. This is what I want to say So read these verses thinking like an unsaved person thinking like you believe that somebody is saved by their Works or by their own righteousness by following the commandments and if you were unsaved then how would you? You know judge somebody whether they were saved or not. You would judge them based on their works, you know this guy He's doing pretty good. You know, he's living a good life. He's following the commandments He must be going to heaven and then this guy over here, you know, he's doing bad things He must be on his way to hell and then that's the way that an unsaved person thinks and I think that that's what it's saying right here because if you look down to verse number six, it says But the righteousness which is a faith speaketh on this wise so that's us, you know We believe in the righteousness which is of faith So we would speak on this wise say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven Like don't don't say you know This person's going to heaven because he's good and this person's going to hell because he's bad Don't say that in your heart or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up christ again from the dead Look, you know if you're saying that this guy's going to heaven by his works Then that is to bring christ down from above, you know, why did you christ even die then? You know, why did he resurrect? Why did he go to heaven? Why why did christ even have to sacrifice himself if you can go to heaven based on your works? I think that's what it's saying here and then who shall send it in? Descend into the deep this guy's going to hell and you know why because he's doing bad things or whatever But the thing is that is to bring up christ again from the dead That is to negate what jesus christ did for us. The bible says that if the works of the law, um We I forgot that verse sorry about that that's in galatians 2 though at the end of the chapter It talks about how basically if you believe that you know salvation is by works then christ will profit you nothing And so I lost that verse it just came out of my mind But you know, that's what I think that this these verses are saying here is that you know You shouldn't judge somebody whether they're going to heaven or not based on their works That would that would be what an unsaved person would do and that would be how an unsaved person would would think But then it clears it up in verse number eight if you look down in romans 10 8 it says but what sayeth it? You know, what should we do? You know, how should we determine whether somebody's saved or not? If you know the word is neither the word is neither even in my mouth and in my heart That is the word of faith which we preach. So if somebody's got the word with them if they've got the word in their mouth And if they got the word in their heart If they got the word of faith with them, which we preach then we know that they're saved, you know If we ask them, you know, hey, how do you go to heaven and they got the word of faith? They say hey, it's just by faith alone in jesus christ. That's not about how I live my life It's not about you know, keeping the commandments. It's only by what jesus did for us If they've got that word with them and if they They got that word in their mouth and in their heart then we know that they're saved And so I believe that that's what these verses are saying They're saying do not Think that somebody is going to heaven just because they're good and don't think that somebody's going to hell just because they're bad But rather base it on whether they have the word of faith whether they have faith in jesus christ and because the bible says that by thy words shalt thou be justified by thy words thou shalt be Condemned and so really the only thing that we have to go on is what people tell us what they believe, you know And that's how we determine determine whether somebody is saved or not and so That's that's why I think that those verses are saying there and so that leads us and and that would be consistent With the context and with the next couple of verses that we're going to look at look down if you would have verse number nine Speaking along the lines of how we're saved by our words and everything It says in verse number nine that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus And shall believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead Thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth under righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation And so these would be the main verses I would point to to talk about the doctrine of calling upon the name of the lord You know calling upon the name of the lord is you know, a doctrine that I feel strongly about, you know I like to talk about a lot mainly because it's constantly under attack, you know A lot of people attack this doctrine of calling upon the name of the lord, you know There are people in the past and i've heard things for for example, like like, uh people have said oh i'm saved I know i'm saved but I never called upon the name of the lord. I never asked jesus to save me You know, i've heard people say that before and the thing is either either there's only two options They're either a they're grandstanding and they're trying to you know Basically say that calling upon the name of lord is not biblical or or is not necessary Which is not true and they're just lying about it or they're not saved They actually never called upon the name of the lord and they never got saved. Those are the only two options You know there and i've also heard you know people say for example calling upon the name of lord is good But it's not necessary. All you have to do is believe However, that's not true because of the fact that calling upon the name lord and believing in the lord are one and the same They are Interchangeable in the bible and they go hand in hand they go together And uh, and so, you know, I feel strongly that and let's take a look at these verses even It says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord Jesus and notice that word and it's connecting two things It says and shall believe in that heart that god is racing from the dead thou shalt be saved So there's two things listed there. You must confess with your mouth and you must believe in your heart and in verse 10 It uses parallelism to basically Show us that those two things happen simultaneously It says for what the heart man believeth under righteousness and with the mouth confession is made into salvation And so this is a simultaneous thing. It's not like I believe today and then three weeks from now I called upon the name of lord. It doesn't work like that. These two things happen in tandem They happen at the same time whenever you know, you get saved, you know You believe in your heart and you confess with your with your mouth. You uh, both both are acquired Both are 100 uh required and also, you know, i've heard uh, this is a lesser issue This is outsolding and you know I just want to bring this up really quickly because I don't like it whenever I see this out selling But oftentimes i'll go sowing with good people people who I know are saved and everything But oftentimes they'll say something at the end that I that I don't really think is right They'll basically say at the end, you know, they've gone through everything. Okay, so you believe these things, right? Okay, great So I just want to help you pray and tell jesus that you believe in him now This is not now these words don't save you, you know this this prayer. It doesn't save you This isn't a magic prayer right here. These words aren't going to save you. It's your faith that saves you Well, no, actually it's both, you know, it's your words and it's your faith, you know both save you You know you have not because you ask not you got to ask to be saved You got to ask for this gift of everlasting life. And so yeah, you know, it is important. I mean it's necessary So, you know and that's just a little thing. I've heard so many people say that you know, but the thing is that You know, that's not that's not entirely true, you know, so You know, that's just something that you know in my opinion, you know, I want to be As accurate as possible whenever i'm out soloing, you know, I want to say the right things and and whatnot So, you know, we don't want to be sloppy in our gospel presentation. So that's why I bring that up, you know But yeah a lot of people i've heard a lot of people say that before But a lot of people who if I ask them about it Hey, do you believe that calling upon the name lord, you know is not required for salvation? They say no, of course I do, you know But then they just say it because they heard somebody else say it They heard another good person say it that heard another good person say it that heard a bad person say, you know I think that that you know that phrase or those words or whatever come from somebody who did not believe in it But a lot of good people just say it just because they've heard it a bunch of times and so that's why I bring that up but you know Yeah, we just need to be as accurate as possible with our gospel presentation Now let's continue in romans chapter 10 look down if you were to verse 11 now we're in verse 11 It says for the scripture sayeth whosoever believeth on him Shall not be ashamed for there's no difference between the jew and the greek for the same lord over all Is rich unto all that call upon him and I love how it says that he is rich unto all that call upon him You know, we shouldn't be worried about the riches of this world We should worry about whether we're saved or not because once we call upon the name of the lord, you know That's that's greater than any riches that we could ever have is being saved You know and it note and notice how in verse 11 and verse 12 it uses calling upon Calling upon him and believing on him interchangeably once again, you know And then it says in verse 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved And then verse 14 it says how then shall they call on him and whom they have not believed And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher? And so notice this is highlighting the process by which somebody gets saved first a preacher goes to them They preach to them. They hear the gospel then they believe the gospel and call upon the name of the lord That's how somebody gets saved, you know, and oftentimes, you know The people will talk about how there's this tribal guy living out in the middle of the jungle who just looks up to heaven He looks up to the stars and he just says I know there's god somewhere and then that guy gets saved That is not true You know that is a false gospel because or a false doctrine because of the fact that you know You have to hear you have to hear the gospel. You have to hear the word of god in order to be saved So if he doesn't hear the word of god, then you know, he he's not going to be saved at that time, you know And it's our job to reach those people, you know to reach those people who haven't heard a clear presentation of the gospel and everything You know, but god doesn't just save people without the gospel or without a preacher or without the word of god No, you need these things in order to be saved. You must hear the word of god You must hear the gospel in order to be saved, you know We have this great commission that god has given us, you know We have it and we should bring it to the entire world And you know, let's talk about that great commission a little bit, you know Uh, the great commission is simply to preach the gospel to every creature, right? And that is our commandment from jesus christ and we know that basically the great commission was fulfilled, you know in the first century A.d Because of the fact that you know everybody on earth at that time heard a clear presentation of the gospel It says even in the same chapter if you look down a few verses it says in verse 17 It says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god, but I say have they not heard? Yes, verily their sound went into all the earth and their words unto the end of the ends of the world And there are other verses as well supporting this in colossians chapter one and other places that basically teach us that You know in the time of paul and the apostles they got the gospel to every single person on earth during their time and so You know and and that is our mission. That is our goal as well for today in 2022 That is what we need to be doing as well as reaching everyone in the entire world with the gospel That is our goal. That is our plan And uh, basically, you know, I believe that that great commission that jesus gave is for every generation, you know I've heard somebody say that they did it in the first century a.d So we're good But no that's something that needs to be done every generation because just because your parents heard the gospel Doesn't mean that you're necessarily going to hear the gospel just because your parents are saved doesn't mean that you're safe And so we need to go out in every generation continually and just preach the gospel to all all everybody at all times And uh, and we know that there have been loose fulfillments as well of everybody, you know of of the great commission There's been loose Fulfillments where basically everybody in the world right now knows the name of jesus They at least know who you know his name, you know, if they don't know anything else. They've heard that name. Jesus before That's a very loose fulfillment. But you know, that's not the gospel though We need to reach them with the gospel of faith alone in jesus christ, and i'll give you another example You know there, you know our documentary film that our church made iceland a nation of scandinavian masters, you know Basically every single person in iceland heard about that that uh documentary, you know, we we theorize anyway You know through the news or whatever and so that could be a loose fulfillment of everybody in the in iceland hearing the word of god But they didn't hear the gospel though It's not like every single person watched the film got to the end where it has the bible way to heaven on it And we still need to go there We still need to knock on those doors and preach the gospel to those people And you know a lot of people would get saved on you know I I believe you know everybody There's going to be somebody who gets saved in every country in every nation and under heaven is what the bible teaches us and So We still need to go there and preach the gospel. There are loose fulfillments out there And here's another loose fulfillment i've seen is that basically it seems as though you know Every culture in the world has some sort of similarity to the bible or to the word of god For example, every culture in the world has a flood story, you know so everybody has had some sort of exposure to god or god's word at some point in the past because everybody has a flood story and And even recently I want to bring this up recently. I was reading this book that was um written in 1843 it was about this guy who was exploring africa and stuff like that and he met this um this African tribe out in the middle of the jungle in the jungles of sierra leone And it was either the menday or timne tribe or something like that, but they had this custom where basically, you know, if a man thought Uh, well, actually i'll tell you that uh, the the story from the book of numbers first in numbers chapter five You know the bible has this this thing where basically if a man thinks that his wife had committed adultery Then he's supposed to bring her to the priest and then the priests were supposed to give her bitter water And you know if her thigh rotted and if she died or whatever then she was guilty of committing adultery Well, if she if she was fine Then she never committed adultery and this uh this tribe out in the middle of the jungle somewhere that had just been contacted by You know europeans or whatever. They had a very similar um a thing going on where basically they would take them to their shaman or whatever and then the shaman would Would have this poison drink and then give it to her and then if she lives then she didn't commit adultery if she dies Then she did so it's very very similar But you know, I think to myself where did they come come up with that? Was it just out of their own heart? No, I think that they had some sort of you know exposure to the word of god Maybe even you know A hundred is hundreds of years hundreds maybe even a thousand years prior to them Just basically being in the jungle like that And so the thing is there are all these loose fulfillments throughout history is the point that i'm trying to make Where basically people have had exposures to the word of god and the old testament talked about you know in the book of um, uh Esther how the the word of the lord had spread everywhere and everybody was afraid of the jews at that time And so we have the first century ad where it was strictly fulfilled every single person under heaven had heard the gospel We have all these loose fulfillments But you know the great commission is to reach every single person in every generation with the gospel Not just you know a generic like um, you know, whatever but it's it's the gospel that needs to be preached And in fact in matthew 24 in mark 13, those are end times passages It indicates that once again in the end times before the end can come the gospel must first be published in all the world And it says that in matthew 24 14 you you stay there But it says in matthew 24 14 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations And then shall the end come so before the end can come before the rapture before we're taken up To be with the lord in the clouds and everything before all that stuff happens You know the gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations So this is a prophecy saying that the great commission will be fulfilled once again in the end times and you know I believe that uh This is basically god giving everybody on earth one more chance before he takes all the soul and ears and all the christians Out of here, he's given everybody one last chance to get saved and you know I also believe that god makes this a big deal in the end times because you could you could think to yourself Well, if this is god's, you know commandment to every generation then why is he making a big deal about it in the end times? And I think it's because you know christians had been dropping the ball for a long time And they had not been preaching the gospel to every single creature I mean, how do you explain the people, you know who are in the middle of the jungle today? You know, there's there's this one tribe called the jarawa tribe that was just contacted again in 1997 And then there are like 14 lost tribes in the amazon jungle and stuff like that You know christians have been dropping the ball and they just haven't been getting those people the gospel Over the past several generations or whatever the case may be So that's our job is to reach every single person with the gospel everybody and every nation We must do that and that is our job That is our command and we can do it if we just have the faith that it can be done, you know I mean maybe our generation will reach everybody maybe it won't but you know All we have to do is believe because to him that believeth all things are possible to him that believeth and so we can do it and um And so that should be motivating, you know It motivates me to think about these people who basically have not heard a clear presentation of the gospel It motivates me to want to go and reach those people and you know I want to be a part of that generation who reaches every single person, you know, and and maybe we'll do it You know, maybe we will um, but you know, we have to have enough faith to do it. So it's really up to us And so turn if you would to isaiah 52, please Isaiah 52 and just keep your finger in romans chapter 10. We'll come back but And uh in romans 10 15 i'll just read it to you while you're turning it says and how shall they preach except they be sent And uh and notice so that that goes along with the uh, the progression that we saw earlier It said how then shall they call on him and whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom? They have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent So see jesus has sent us the christians with the great commission He has sent us out into all the world to preach the gospel to every creature But specifically though it's the church's job to send out local soul winners to preach the gospel, uh in our local area It's not like we're going to go to the amazon and reach those lost tribes or whatever We're going to just reach the people in tucson and tempe and and arizona that's that's what we're going to do, uh, specifically And so, you know, basically this verse indicates that you know We shouldn't go out and be like a commando christian or whatever where we're basically going out there by ourselves You know without a soul-winning partner without a church sending us out and just going out soul-winning by ourselves. That is not god's plan Now, you know, if you don't have a good church in your area, then I mean just go soul-winning but We have a good church here in tucson We got another good church up in phoenix There's no excuse to go soul-winning by yourself or or to go soul-winning without the church sending you out And so, you know, it says that in verse 15 that how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things now That is a quote from isaiah 52 you're there in isaiah 52 I want you to look down at verse 7 and we'll take a look at where this was being quoted from It says in verse 7 how beautiful upon the mountains and I want you to remember that phrase upon the mountains Are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publishes peace that bringeth good things good tidings of good That publishes salvation that saith unto zion thy god reigneth And so we see here that in roman chapter 10, it's quoting isaiah 52 verse 7 that you know We basically have beautiful feet if we go out soul-winning and everything But I want you to notice that phrase that says how beautiful upon the mountains are thy feet and are the feet of them So and and I want to bring that up because in matthew chapter 5 and on the sermon of the mount Jesus christ said in verse 13 ye are the salt of the earth But of the salt have lost his savor wherewith shall be salted It is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men Ye are the light of the world listen to this a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel But on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house So notice, you know, we should be like a city that is set on a hill We should be basically proclaiming god's word to as many people as can as we can find and in the same way It says how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of them that preach the gospel And so, you know, we should basically be you know yelling from the from the housetops from the mountaintops, you know The gospel to just believe in jesus christ, we should we should proclaim that mightily, you know throughout all all all the land and everything And so that was a was a great parallel that I could find now turn a few back if you were to romans chapter 10 Go back to romans chapter 10 and we'll look at the next verse It says in verse 16, but they have not all all obeyed the gospel for as I say if lord who have believed our report And the word and the phrase obey the gospel just simply means to believe the gospel, you know That phrase is only used three times I could find in the bible. It says in second thessalonians 1 8 It says in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not god and that obey not the gospel of our lord Jesus christ and in first peter 417 it says for the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of god And if it first began at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of god? And so it says uh, and so it's talking about believing the gospel and in fact You're there in verse 16. It says first it says, uh, but they have not all obeyed the gospel And then it says lord who hath believed our report So believing is the same as obeying the gospel the gospel is simply to believe in jesus christ So if you believe if you obey that then you'll be believing in jesus christ and uh In fact, it said it also says, uh, lord who hath believed our report It also says jesus also said that in john chapter 12 to unbelievers, you know, basically saying hey you need to believe in me And so that's another great verse as well. So let's take a look at verse 17 It says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god But I say have they not all have they not heard yes Verily their sound went into all the earth and their words into the ends of the world So that's what we were talking about earlier. That's what we saw earlier In verse 19, it says but I say did not israel. No For first moses saith I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people and by a foolish nation I will anger you but azaias is very bold and saith I was found of them that sought me Not I was made manifest unto them that ask not after me But to israel he saith all day long. I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people and so these last three verses are an epic ending to the to the to the Chapter of romans chapter 10. It's an epic ending talking about christians. It's talking about christians here And basically verse 19 is quoting Deuteronomy 32, you know when god was very angry with israel And he said do not uh, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people and by a foolish nation Will I anger you and he's referring to christians? We are the people who are no people We are the foolish nation because there are christians under from every nation under heaven and we are not Uh, uh one people we are made up of all people all bloods all races in the world we are that foolish nation that he's referring to there and And turn if you would to isaiah 65 I want you to turn to isaiah 65 and then we'll end uh our sermon tonight at isaiah 65 and then verses 20 and 21 are quoting and from the book of isaiah isaiah as well and you're there in isaiah 65 i'm going to go ahead and begin reading in verse number one It says I am sought of them that ask not for me. I am found of them that sought me Not I said behold me behold me unto a nation that was not called by my name So notice once again This is a prophecy of christians in the new testament how he said that I was sought of them that asked not for me I am found of them that sought me not he's he's referring to us He's referring to people who were not the jews because the jews already knew about jesus or god and the lord and everything Uh, so it says behold me behold me unto a nation that was not called by my name So we weren't called by him and by his name We were not from the physical nation of israel and yet, you know, we found him. We found the lord. We're saved And then it says in verse 2 I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people Which walketh in a way that was not good after their own thoughts So see god has been spreading out his hands all the day to the jews, you know He gave them every advantage to get saved and yet, you know, they're not getting saved They are a disobedient and again saying people and so notice In romans chapter 10, we started off by you know Basically paul wanting the jews to be saved and then we ended the chapter by paul talking about well Why so many of them don't get saved? It's because they're a disobedient game saying people, you know, and so it comes full circle. He started off talking about them He ended by talking about him and you know, he basically ended up talking about us as god's chosen people we are, you know the christians and um And so it the the chapter I wanted to show you tonight in this sermon That the chapter of romans chapter 10 it flows all the way through it starts off, you know Talking about one thing it ends talking about the same thing and then all throughout it's just talking about the gospel Salvation by faith alone, you know preaching the gospel and calling upon the name of the lord And so these were all you know, very great lessons, you know that we learned from the from the chapter tonight, you know And I would highly recommend that you know, you read this on your own study it on your own study the book of romans You know, just read the whole bible, of course, but you know, this is just a wonderful chapter I just want to share that with you. So let's just go ahead and pray