(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Maybe we will provide, God will take care of you. Nothing you ask will be denied, God will take care of you. God will take care of you, through every day or all the way. He will take care of you, God will take care of you. No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you. We weary one upon his breast, God will take care of you. God will take care of you, through every day or all the way. He will take care of you, God will take care of you. All right, good seeing you this evening. If you need a bulletin, raise your hand and we'll come around and get that to you. On the front there of our bulletin, we do have our verse for the week. We are memorizing 2 Timothy 2. On the inside, we have our service times and our soul winning times for this upcoming weekend. I did have three salvations to report for today, so we'll get that added to our totals. Continue to be in prayer for my wife as the expecting mother here of the church. And our next 5th Sunday fellowship, July 28th. This is a church provided fellowship. So we're going to be having hideaway pizza. I encourage you guys to stick around after the evening service for some good food and fellowship and some upcoming events to look forward to. Of course, brother Oz, him and his family are here for this tonight and he'll be preaching for us. Looking forward to hearing from him. And then we have August 15th through the 17th is the men's conference. We do have a sign up sheet on the back table. I'm pretty sure most everyone has signed up. If you need to do that, please, I encourage you, you won't be disappointed. Pastor Shelly is going to be preaching that Thursday and then Pastor Jimenez is going to be preaching that Friday. So, I mean, a great lineup of preachers. And then, of course, we have the Saturday men's preaching as well. So definitely looking forward to that and encourage you if you can just make it out for one night. If you can free up some time on your schedule, make sure you're there for that. And then August 24th is a ladies event and we'll get the details as we get closer to that date for you. And then August, I'm sorry, October 4th through the 6th. So a couple months away is going to be the Heritage of the Lord Conference. And as I mentioned on Sunday, this is a conference that's really kind of geared towards young people, towards the children, and it's a way for Steadfast Baptist Church to invest in our children. I've been to all the conferences in the past. The last one was two years ago and it's always been a great time. The kids have always loved it and I encourage you guys, if you can make it down for that, you won't be disappointed either. So definitely some fun things to look forward to on the horizon. At this time, we'll go through our prayer request list. I do have several updates to make for everyone this evening. Brother Scott, he had texted me today and gave me an update. Of course, little Mark Scott, he had a heart operation surgery today and he is doing good. Everything went well there. So I did want to give an update just straight from him. Brother Michael said he's still sedated and on the ventilator and will continue to be sedated until they see it fit to take him off the ventilator. After that, they'll keep him in the hospital for one to two weeks to see how he's recovering overall. So definitely keep them in your thoughts and prayers. I mean, they still have definitely a good road ahead and hope that Mark is able to heal quickly from that operation and that everything comes out positive from that. Also, we've added brother James Perry. He's about to have hernia surgery later on today. And he's actually in the Philippines. Am I right on that? Yeah, so definitely be in prayer for him that he's going to be going through that surgery. It's not as invasive, but as anytime you're being put under and having the night put on, you definitely want people praying for you. So definitely keep him in your thoughts this evening. And also I want to add my cousin Brandon Bush. This week, he ended up having an accident and was burned pretty badly with some fire. By starting a fire, he had second and third degree burns. He got out of the hospital. He's actually back home now, but he's in pretty bad shape. He's definitely going to have to have surgeries in the future as well. So if you could think to pray for him. And from my understanding, he's not saved either. So if you want to add that in there as well. Just the times I've talked with him, he definitely needs to be saved. So if you can think to pray for him. Also continue to be in prayer for Miss Remy. She's dealing with a tumor. And I just pray that as she works with the doctors, that she can find a path forward that works for her. I know she wants to be able to do and go forward without having to have any surgery if possible. So be in prayer that God would perform a miracle there and help her through that difficult situation. Also continue to pray for the Oz family. They're going to be moving to Oklahoma City soon in the coming weeks. I'll let him talk more about that and fill us in on that. But definitely continue to be in prayer for them. We have Eddie Paul as well as my wife's grandpa. He's dealing with some heart issues, some back issues. Also Cole Holyman for salvation. Continue to be in prayer for him. Christian Cornell recovery from some accidents and surgeries. I need to get an update there on him. So I'll plan to do that next week. And then continue to be in prayer for Brother Kevin. Also the Reed family, they're kind of wrapping up or hoping to wrap up the custody issues that they're dealing with right now. And so just be in prayer for them. We have Zach's mother and brother. I continue to pray for them for salvation and also Elizabeth Dexheimer. Just be in prayer for her that God would continue to bless our families with more children obviously. We want to continue to pray for that. And then we have our foreign missionaries and then evangelist Alvarez and Pastor Shelley as well. So lots to be in prayer for. Again, just remind you to take these things home and be praying for these individuals each week. But at this time, I'll say a quick prayer. Heavenly Father, God, again, just so thankful for all that you do for us, the many blessings, most of all just salvation through your son, Jesus. Thank you for the three salvations that we had out this afternoon and just the ability to go out and preach the gospel freely. God, I pray that you would be with those on our list that are dealing with different health issues. God, some of these are pretty severe. And God, we just pray that you would have your hand of healing upon them, Lord, that you would protect them. God, we pray that you would guide them, guide their decision-making and give them wisdom on what to do. And Lord, we pray that you would be with the doctors that are involved with those various issues, Lord, that you would, Lord, just that you would be with them and you would strengthen them, comfort them. God, we pray that you would be with those who are in need of salvation. I know we have several family members that we're praying for to be saved. God, I pray that you would open a door for them to hear a clear presentation of the gospel. God, we pray for just our families here that you would continue to bless our families with children and to grow this church in that manner. God, we pray for the Oz family. We know that they're gonna be moving up to Oklahoma City and just all the things that go along with that. Lord, just pray that you would just have all the right pieces in place for that to go smoothly. And God, we pray for Pastor Shelley and his family, pray that you would keep them safe and also evangelist Alvarez as well. And I know that he's still dealing with some difficulties there in Houston with some of the weather they've had. Pray that you would just help them and open a door for those things to be resolved. And God, again, we're just so thankful for all that you do, thankful for the men that are across this world that are doing great works for you, the ministries that they have. Pray that you would continue to further those ministries and that you would help us to stay motivated to preach the gospel to our city and the place that you have given us at Oklahoma City. Lord, we pray these things in your son's name, amen. All right, we'll go to our next song, hymn number 179, Such Love. Hymn number 179 in your hymnal. All right, hymn number 179. Hymn 179. We'll start there right on the first. That God should love us sinners Such as I should yearn to change my sorrow into bliss Nor rest till he hath planned to bring me nigh How wonderful is love like this Such love, such wondrous love Such love, such wondrous love That God should love us sinners Such as I, how wonderful is love like this That Christ should join so freely in the scheme Although it meant his death on gallery Did ever human tongue find noteworthy Then love divine had ransomed me Such love, such wondrous love Such love, such wondrous love That God should love us sinners Such as I, how wonderful is love like this That for a willful outcast such as I The Father plant, the Savior bled and died Redemption for a worthless slave to buy Who long at law and grace divine Such love, such wondrous love Such love, such wondrous love That God should love us sinners Such as I, how wonderful is love like this And now he takes me to his heart of sun He asks me not to fill a servant's place The far off country, one drinks all are done While I open his arms of grace Such love, such wondrous love Such love, such wondrous love That God should love us sinners Such as I, how wonderful is love like this Good singing, as the offering plates are being passed around Turn in your Bibles to Genesis chapter number two Genesis chapter number two Good evening, Genesis chapter number two, please turn in your Bibles Genesis two, we'll read the entire chapter Please follow along silently in Genesis chapter number two The Bible reads, thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made And he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens And every plant of the field before it was in the earth And every herb of the field before it grew for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth And there was not a man to till the ground But there went up a mitzvah from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground And breathed into his nostrils the breath of life And man became a living soul And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden And there he put the man whom he had formed And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight And good for food the tree of life also in the midst of the garden And the tree of knowledge of good and evil And a river went out of Eden to water the garden And from thence it was parted and became into four heads The name of the first is Pison That is it which compasses the whole land of Havelah Where there is gold and the gold of that land is good There is Bdellium and the onyx stone And the name of the second river is Gihon The same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia And the name of the third is Hetikhel That is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria And the fourth river is Euphrates And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it And the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die And the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him and help meet for him And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air And brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them And whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof And Adam gave names to all cattle and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field But for Adam there was not found and help meet for him And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam And he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman And brought her unto the man and Adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife And they shall be one flesh and they were both naked the man and his wife and were not ashamed That's about it for prayer Father God in heaven we thank you for this day and the souls that were saved And we just ask that you fill the halls with your Holy Spirit And that you help us to learn from your word Jesus we pray, Amen Amen, well great to be here this evening, great to see you all I've got my family and I in town this evening because we're trying to tie up a few loose ends with this move that's coming up for us But things are moving in a very positive direction for us and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel So we're very very excited to be here and Lord willing we should be here within the next month So we're very excited for that It's a blessing to be able to preach here for you guys this evening and of course thank you Pastor Shelley for always allowing me the opportunity to do that Tonight we're in Genesis chapter 2 and recently I was reading this chapter and something kind of interesting that was stood out to me in Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 Look at verse 15 it says, and the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it Now let's get some context of where we are in the period of time This is actually after the creation week, of course, but this is before man sinned So that's very important to what I'm going to be talking about tonight This is post-creation, but pre-fall and notice what God gave Adam to do He gave him a job. He gave him work to do He put him in the garden and he said hey your job is to dress and to keep the garden now Now that's work isn't it? Now here's the thing I've heard this said before that the reason why men have to work is a result of the curse of sin But notice that this is before man ever sinned and God actually gave Adam work to do So the fact that we have to work as men that is actually not a result of the curse of sin Look at verse number 18 it says right here in Genesis 2 18 and the Lord God said Is it not good? It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him and help meet for him So notice not only was man assigned work before the fall before sin ever happened But even the woman as well she was assigned to be the help meet Well what is she helping do? She's helping Adam with his work And so we know we know that work itself is not a result of the curse Now let's refresh ourselves. What was the curse? Okay let's go to Genesis chapter 3 flip the page and look at verse 13 and let's refresh ourselves on what the curse actually was Genesis 3 verse 13 And the Lord God said unto the woman what is this that thou hast done And the woman said the serpent beguiled me and I did eat And the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou hast done this thou art cursed above all cattle And above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go And dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life So first the first curse is the curse of Satan himself That's who God curses first but going on here it says in verse number 15 I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed It shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel Verse 16 unto the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee So when it comes to the curse specifically being applied to the woman It's not that she had to work because she already had a job before they ever sinned But what is her curse that basically childbirth is going to be very painful And those of you ladies who have been through that can testify that that is true to this day Right that hasn't changed why is that the case why is it that childbirth hurts so much Well it's because of the sin in the book of Genesis it's because of the curse Now look at verse 17 we're going to shift to the man's curse And unto Adam he said because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife And hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying thou shalt not eat of it Cursed is the ground for thy sake in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat the herb of the field In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground For out of it wast thou taken for dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return So what is the curse that was given to man well it's not that he had to work because he already had to work before that but it's that his work is going to have to be a lot harder Why because the ground itself is cursed when you're living in the garden of Eden when you're living in the pre-sin state the only job that exists is tending to the garden being a farmer taking care of plants you know bringing forth vegetables and fruits that's the only work that there is to do but now after the sin of man God curses the ground itself to where it's going to bring forth thorns and thistles and he's going to make farming he's going to make taking care of these things way harder on Adam to where he's going to have to work by the sweat of his face all the days of his life and he's going to do so in sorrow the bible says but here's the question is this exact curse still around today okay go to genesis chapter number eight genesis chapter number eight now of course of course the curse of sin exists today right i mean we're all sinners that curse is still in this world today and it's our job to bring the gospel to people so that we can free them from that curse by them putting their faith and trust in jesus christ and him basically erasing all of their sins past present and future but this curse of the ground does that exist today look at genesis chapter 8 verse 20 it says and noah builded an altar unto the lord and took of every clean beast and of every clean fowl and offered burn offerings on the altar and the lord smelled a sweet savor and the lord said in his heart notice this phrase i will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth neither will i again smite any more every living thing as i have done so he says there's two things that i'm not going to do ever again i'm not going to curse the ground and i'm not going to kill every living thing right look at verse number 22 it says while the earth remaineth seed time and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease now why is he all of a sudden bringing up hey just so you know there's always going to be these seasons these are never going to stop well it makes me kind of wonder if when in genesis earlier in the book how god says you're going to work by the sweat of your face and that the ground is cursed that's bringing forth thorns and thistles it kind of makes it seem like perhaps god cursing the earth was making it to where it was only like one season of the year kind of perpetually because that would definitely curse the ground i mean if it was just only summer you would have a lot of thorns you would have a lot of thistles it'd be very hard to be a farmer if there was no such thing as fall or winter or spring or anything like that and i think what this is saying he's saying hey don't worry i'm not going to curse the ground anymore there's going to be harvest there's going to be sea time there's going to be cold there's going to be heat there's going to be all these things these things will never cease i will not curse the ground anymore for this reason now of course that doesn't mean that farming is just like at the state of the garden of eden now today but what i'm saying is that the bible is indicating here that the exact curse that god gave during adam's time is no longer in place today so why bring all that up this is why i want to bring all that up is because i want to stress this idea to you that work is not a curse work is actually a blessing that is the title of my sermon this evening work is a blessing some people have a false idea saying well because of the curse of man that's why we have to work and work is just such a curse right and so many people today want to complain about going to work they hate going to work and that is kind of just a natural feeling that man has but have you noticed that when men don't have a job they know they don't think that a job is a curse anymore they actually think it's a blessing why because work actually is a blessing and this evening i want to talk to you about three areas in our lives that god has given us to work in go to second thessalonians chapter number three second thessalonians chapter number three so first let's talk about work in this world or kind of in church vernacular we often call this secular work right this is your nine to five this is the job that you go to every day to put food on the table for your family look this is actually a blessing in our lives this is not something that's a curse this is not something that you should just have such a negative attitude towards no actually before adam ever even sinned god gave adam a job to do god gave eve a job to do now while you're in second thessalonians 3 i want to read for you philippians 4 10 the bible says but my god shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by christ jesus you know god has promised to provide for our needs but how does he provide for those needs it's by men working it's not like you're just going to sit there in your house and just say well you know philippians 4 said he'll provide for me and money's gonna fall out of the sky and food's gonna fall out of the sky and dinner's just gonna make itself and your cars are just gonna show up out of nowhere no god supplies all of our needs yes he does but it's through work and guess what that's a blessing the fact that we are able to purchase things the fact that we are able to buy clothes that we're able to have air conditioning in our homes that we're able to buy good food these are blessings from god you know it doesn't come from nowhere it comes from working and you know children are very selfish by nature and they don't understand this they don't understand that someone has to go work by the sweat of their face to provide and you know what it's a blessing if you have a father that does that and fathers dads men that work it's a blessing if you have a job and you're able to provide for those children look at second thessalonians 3 verse 6 now we command you brethren in the name of our lord jesus christ that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after the tradition which he received of us for yourselves know how you ought to follow us for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you neither did we eat any man's bread for not what he's saying is hey we didn't just fill our bellies without paying for it without working for it we didn't just have things fall out of the sky and provide for our needs what does it say but rot with labor what does that mean it means the apostle paul was working it means that he was working for money and travail night and day that we might not be chargeable to any of you and if you read the new testament you'll know that the apostle paul he worked a secular job so that he wasn't a burden on these churches he had every right to take a paycheck from these churches but he decided he wanted to set the example that he wanted to work hard and he wanted to work a secular job verse 9 not because we have not power he's saying look i can i have every right to take a paycheck and it's a i think it's a good thing for pastors and church workers to get paid for that so that they're not having to spend as much time worrying about the work in the world and they could work you know in the in the house of god and in the kingdom of god and studying the bible and winning souls to christ and training soul winners and building the church working with christ to build a church that's good but that's not what paul chose to do he said but to make ourselves and in sample unto you to follow us for even when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he eat now let me ask you this is it a blessing to eat food yes well then that means it's a blessing to work because he's saying if you don't work you shouldn't even be eating food this is something our country doesn't understand for some reason our country actually thinks it's a christian virtue to give money to the homeless and look of course there's people that are down on their luck there's people that are amputees there's people that have you know gone through really hard things in life but the people that are begging on the sides of the street in america the vast majority of the time it's just because they're lazy and oftentimes they are literally making more money by suckering stupid christians into giving them money than them just getting a job and so they're kind of incentivized to keep being lazy but if we follow the biblical example here if they didn't eat or if they didn't work they wouldn't eat that would incentivize them very quickly to start working and they would start to see work as a blessing not as a curse that needs to be avoided verse 11 for we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly working not at all but our busy bodies now them that are such we command and exhort by our lord jesus christ that with quietness they work and eat their own bread so we see right here it's literally a command of god to work to work to work with quietness to eat your own bread to provide for yourself and look the commandments of god are not grievous god doesn't give us commandments just to burden us or just to be mean to us no he gives us commandments because he loves us and knows what's best for us and god telling us to go to work is actually a blessing in our lives so we talk about work now let's answer this question who should be working go to first timothy chapter number three or first timothy chapter number five first timothy chapter number five who is it that should be out there working today this is something that our society is pretty confused on actually but look at first timothy chapter number five verse three it says honor widows that are widows indeed now the word honor in the king james bible often means to pay for someone financially to take care of someone financially you know when the bible says to honor your mother and father that one way to apply that is to take care of them in their old age when they're no longer able to provide for themselves and the bible saying hey widows that are actually truly widowed they're basically helpless in this world and you should support those people that are actually widows but look at verse four it says but if any widow have children or nephews that word nephews in the king james bible is talking about grandchildren so what it's saying is but if any widow have children or grandchildren let them learn first to show piety at home and to requite their parents for that is good and acceptable before god so notice it's it's a showing godliness or it's showing holiness or piety at home if the children or grandchildren of a widow would financially support that widow verse five now she that is a widow indeed and desolate trusteth in god and continueth in supplications and prayers day and night and day but she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth and these things give in charge that they may be blameless but if any provide for not for his own and especially for those of his own house he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel notice it doesn't say children and granddaughters it doesn't say but if any provide not for her own house especially for those of her own house she hath denied the faith no this is masculine here why because it's obvious and it's implied that it's men that are supposed to be the ones working in this world it's men that are the ones that are supposed to be the primary breadwinners in this world and this is something that human beings have understood from the creation of the world up until pretty much the 1900s and now this whole world has everything backwards where they think that it should be women out there being girl bosses and working in the world and being ceos that's not the picture that the bible is painting here now we know this because go to first timothy chapter five verse nine it gives some more instruction here to the younger women it says let not a widow be taken into the number under three score under three score years old having been the wife of one man well reported of for good works if she had brought up children if she had lodged strangers if she had washed the saint's feet if she had relieved the afflicted if she had diligently followed every good work but the younger widows refuse for when they have begun to wax wanton against christ they will marry having damnation because they have cast off their faith and with all they learn to be idle wandering about from house to house and not only idol but tatler's also in busybodies speaking things which they ought not now pay attention to verse 14 i will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after satan notice god's will the bible says i will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house that is god's will for ladies in their lives and today that is viewed as something that is hateful by society or something that's backwards or something that's too old-fashioned but this is what people have been doing for thousands of years and there's a reason for it because you want to know who was really pro getting women into the workforce and really wanted women's rights it was called the communists it was called the russians in world war ii where women were so liberated that they got to get slaughtered and brutally tortured on the battlefield during the most bloody war in human history oh isn't that so loving towards women the battle of stalingrad the single most bloody battle in human history just just absolute mountains of women were just ravished killed in the most brutal ways you can imagine because women's rights is that god's will for women to go out on the battlefield and die in cold blood no his will is for them to be home and his will is for men to be out working hard and providing for them and protecting them that's god's will for women and you know what it's this world that's backwards that wants to say oh women should go out and spend their whole life getting a job women their whole goal in life should be to climb the corporate corporate ladder no actually your whole goal in life should be to invest into your children to be invest into your husband and we'll talk about that a little later flip the page go to titus chapter number two titus chapter number two it's not just one chapter of the bible that teaches this look at titus two verse two the aged women likewise that they be in behavior has become a holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things that they may teach the young women so here's what older women are supposed to be teaching younger women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chased keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not blasphemed you know this isn't a degrading thing this is actually a great honor for a woman to stay home to invest in the next generation to invest into her husband to take care of the dwelling place for her family where they will serve and worship god for the rest of their lives but you know what is actually dishonorable you know what's backward is not listening to god in that commandment because look what it says it says that it's actually blaspheming the word of god when women do not do this it's blaspheming god's word it's backwards it's gross and look there is a lot a lot of consequences in our society today by having so many women in the workforce there's a lot of consequences you know one big one is that in america we talk about this thing called the birth replacement rate and it's basically the average number that each american woman is having of kids right and in 2022 the birth replacement rate for american women was 1.62 look that's dangerous for society that's dangerous for a country even just carnally speaking take all the spirituality out of it we will literally die off as a nation if that continues we literally i mean just do the math you cannot replace yourself and so now because we're just brainwashing women that they need to get a job they need to get a career they need to go to college now they're not having kids anymore purposefully intentionally or they buy the brainwashing for a while they spend all their teenage years on birth control they spend all their 20s on birth control then they wake up in their mid-30s and realize that they're not fulfilled and realize that god didn't create them to do this and then they can't have kids then now they want kids but they can't do it and that's why we literally have a 1.62 birth replacement rate in our country and look that can't go on for forever and you know what's happening as a result of that is we're just bringing in the third world into our country to replace our workforce because you literally can't have a workforce to supply the population that currently exists by the americans that are here we have to literally import the third world just to survive and you know what that's having huge consequences on our society i mean look i i hope that we get the gospel to the whole world i hope that any person that comes here that we try to reach them with the gospel but it is foolish for a nation and it is not biblical to say that just anyone can come into our nation no matter what that is absolute stupidity and there should be policies on that and we're seeing we're seeing crime increasing we're seeing our culture deteriorating we're seeing just a uh a disunity in our nation unlike anything we've seen since like the civil war why is that well partly it's because there's just so many different cultures in america and so many different belief systems look how could i as a christian coexist with a muslim i can't because i believe in the one true god jesus christ and you know what they believe oh he's just a prophet hey how can i as a christian as a fundamental baptist uh just get along with hindus seems like there's a lot of compromising christians that want to do that since at the rnc some woman's putting on a headdress and praying to vishnu or whatever the stupid false god's name is i don't know what false religion it is who cares but isn't that a prime example that there's consequences of this happening sure is you know think about this by having so many women in the workforce it's actually causing it to be harder for men to provide for their families on a single income because just the law of supply and demand if employers can just hire a bunch of women to do things cheaper then they don't need to pay the man as much it's just simple economics kids have to be public school do you want to talk about the ramifications on our society because so many kids have to be public schooled because women are in the workforce being taught evolution being taught humanistic ideas not being taught the bible now i've heard oklahoma's trying to change that praise god for that you know that needs to be pushed as hard as humanly possible but quite frankly public school shouldn't even exist i mean if it is going to exist yeah let's teach the bible but quite frankly every woman should be teaching her children but instead they're out at work higher household costs because you have to have two cars you have to have eating out all the time you have to have a work wardrobe and you have to have more expenses daycare expenses right so it's just there's a lot of negative ramifications how about this how about women being put into jobs that they don't qualify for i don't know like maybe the secret service maybe like the presidential protection detail we're having women do that now that is insanity folks that is just completely suspending all logic and reason look here's the thing when it comes to protecting the president of the united states i don't even think any person in this room even if you trained for 10 years on being a trained assassin would ever be qualified for it you know why because you should be as tall or taller than the person that you're protecting so you could stand up and take bullets for them right whereas this little woman that's in front of trump is at his belly button she's like oh man i hope someone doesn't shoot him and he's like way up here it's like that's retarded that's retarded for a man to be in that type of position how much more a woman what a joke of a country we're becoming where even the secret service is being run by a woman literally the head of secret service is run by a woman and the the people protecting trump ran by women and you see just like the one of the worst security failures i could even possibly fathom in my life at best if that was even true everything that's going on but like i feel like we could have just printed off google maps and just shown the buildings and just given it to any like wife in this church would be like where should security be and i feel like every single person here probably would figure it out better than they did it's just such a terrible terrible job that was done so we talked about who should be working men should be the primary breadwinners in our society and this is seen as something that's hateful today but it's just what makes the world actually run well how should men be working go to colossians chapter number three we talked about who should be working how should we be working colossians 3 verse 22 it says servants obey in all things your masters according to the flesh not with eye service as men pleasers but in singleness of heart fearing god so notice the way that men should be working on the job site is that they should be working in an obedient fashion when the boss gives a command you should be ready to obey that command you shouldn't sit there and just have such a rebellious attitude where you just hate everything that the boss is saying you don't want to submit yourself to the authority in your life no the bible says you are to obey yourself to your masters this is not with eye service meaning you're not just trying to do a good job whenever the boss is looking but rather you're supposed to fear god and know that god is always looking at how you work and that no matter if the boss is there or not you should be putting in your full effort and energy into the work that you're doing why verse 23 and whatsoever you do do it as to the lord and not unto men you know that's the attitude that every man should have at work whether you like your job whether you like your boss or you don't is that hey forget who the boss is forget what the job is because at the end of the day you should be working for the lord jesus christ and god jesus christ himself is the one that gave you the command to work he's the one that gave you the command to obey your boss and so you're not even really obeying the boss at the end of the day who you're obeying is jesus christ and when you shift your perspective that will help you when things are tough your job that may help you when you may not like your boss that may help you when you may not like your job when you realize it's actually jesus christ giving me this task and i should obey it i should do it heartily but he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done and there is no respect of persons look if you don't obey what the bible's saying here you decide not to obey your masters according to the flesh if you decide not to work hard you just want to work with eye service you're going to reap what you sow you're going to receive of the wrong that you're sowing you know i haven't been on social media for several months it's been great but several months ago i saw someone post a prayer request he said hey i quit my job today and i ripped up my boss's uh feedback that he gave me and i threw it all over his office and i just chewed him out and let him have it will you please pray for me that i could find a new job it's like you are an idiot my friend the bible says right here it says but he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done hey now you're jobless now you can't provide and you're receiving the wrong that you've done because god does not want christians treating their bosses that way just the utter disrespect makes me sick i mean i used to work a job where i just saw people all the time disrespect the bosses and it just annoyed me to death you know at this job we started at 6 a.m and i remember one time the boss came in at 5 59 a.m and started giving orders to the team and they're like it's not 6 a.m yet you can't talk to us and i'm just like you are insane like there's something seriously wrong with you if you have that attitude towards your boss look if your boss talks to you before you clock in who cares just be the best employee anyways i'll read for you proverbs 18 9 it says he that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster you know god doesn't want us to work in a way that we're wasting company time or company resources but man you see this all the time and even on social media people like to brag about how little they do on their job i mean i remember back when elon musk bought twitter which is now x or whatever he was talking about all the twitter employees that they would make videos like a day in the life of a twitter employee and this girl would like she'd clock in and then she'd go to starbucks and then she'd go play pool and then she'd go get a massage and then she'd send an email then she'd get some bubble tea and then she'd go to lunch she's like clock out and it's like wow talk about someone that's a great waster someone being paid for a job and doing nothing that's not how god wants us to be working go to ephesians chapter number four ephesians chapter number four ephesians 4 verse 28 says let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labor working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needeth when the bible here is saying hey you're you were stealing don't steal anymore now what you need to do is you need to work with your hands i think what this is kind of symbolizing here is working an honest job you know god wants us when we go to work to be putting our time effort and energy into something that is actually profitable for society profitable for customers something that is actually a positive uh work in this world you know there's some jobs that christians should just not have you know there's some sinful jobs out there how about uh loaning on interest you know that is a sin the bible teaches that interest is a sin and if your whole job is just to steal people's money look that's that's not a good job to have you know there's a lot of these mortgage companies where they just do something called churning where they literally just try to refinance you over and over and over just to get the processing fees and they don't care about if they're ruining you financially they just want to just all they're doing is just shifting money around and they're just making millions and millions of dollars off doing nothing that's not profitable right that's not a good job payday loan businesses taking advantage of the poor this would not be a good job to have this is not working with your hands that which is good okay selling scam products there's always companies out there that will lie to you about what the product is or about the functions that it has you know that would be an example of a job we should avoid how about being a bartender right that would be a job that's not working with your hands that which is good how about being a drug dealer that's not working with your hands that which is good no just because you're making money doesn't mean it's a good job no you have to be doing an honest job there's nothing wrong by the way working with your hands literally there's nothing wrong with having a blue-collar job there's nothing wrong with you know working and doing construction or some sort of job where you're working with your hands but that's honest work and that actually is providing people benefit and value in this world it's not something that should be looked down or despised no that's actually honest work go to proverbs 21 i'll read for you first thessalonians 4 it says and that you study to be quiet and do your own business and to work with your own hands as we commanded you the bible says that we should study to be quiet this isn't saying that never talk on your job never talk to your co-workers never send an email to your workers or or communicate in any way what it's saying is actually be working honestly right not just talking not just wasting time no actually just be quiet when you when you clock in put your head down and work hard until the very end of the day and don't waste time did i have you go to proverbs 21 proverbs 21 verse 5 the thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness but of everyone that is hasty only to want what is someone that's hasty it's someone that's not patient the bible saying that if you're just really hasty with your work you're really hasty to get rich that basically your life is going to tend only to want or to lack or you're needing things this is the get rich quick scheme people that's not the type of jobs that god wants us to do you know god doesn't want you to go to andrew tates website hustlers university and try to learn to get a get quick rich scheme by basically selling pornography you know that's what andrew tate did to make all his money was that working with his hands that which is good was that an honest job was that working for the lord no it's just smut and filth and i cannot even believe that people like andrew tate he's a complete loser he's there's nothing cool about him he's like oh you know andrew tate you know someone told me this well andrew tate caused me to start working out it's like okay well when i went to high school michelle obama told us to work out so does that mean that michelle obama's cool like michelle obama gave us like the food pyramid when i was in high school and said like eat healthy foods it's like go michelle obama now it's like okay cool i bet you andrew tate you know uses toothpaste too like that doesn't make him a good person what fools so we talked about work in this world let's talk about this work in the home you know work in the world is a blessing but what's even more of a blessing than work in this world is work in the home you know i wish that people would adopt this mentality today because it's really true even if you are working an honest job even if you are providing for your family you know the work that's done in the home is of a lot more value and is a lot more long lasting than someone just erecting a building or selling a product or selling a service no the whole the work that's done in the home that is a real blessing and when you have that you should appreciate that go to malachi chapter number two malachi chapter number two malachi 2 verse 14 says yet ye say wherefore because the lord hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth against whom thou has dealt treacherously yet is she thy companion and the wife of thy covenant so we're talking about marriage here it says in verse 15 and did he did not he make one yet had he the residue of the spirit and wherefore one why did god make of twain one flesh that he might seek a godly seed and you know there's a lot of reasons why god has given us marriage and why god has given us the home you know god wanted adam to have companionship god wanted adam to have a help meet but right here in malachi we get one of the reasons why god gave us marriage and that's because god today is seeking a godly seed god is seeking the next generation of christians to be raised up to be brought up in the nurture and admonition of the lord and you know what that is work but that work even though it could be a burden what it really is is it is a blessing the home the work that we do at home as mothers and fathers as husbands and wives that is a blessing and today there are people like i kind of spoke about earlier that are intentionally not having children has anyone heard of this this trend called dinks has anyone heard of this okay a few people dual income no kids and these people basically get online and they brag about how they're intentionally purposefully never going to have children and they're like look how cool we are we can go to bed whenever we want look how cool we are we could wake up whenever we want look how cool we are because of how much extra disposable income we have look how cool we are because we can go on all these vacations but look these people that are intentionally purposely not having children are missing serious blessings in their lives and they're they're not understanding one of the main reasons god even gave us marriage in the first place because it says right here that he was seeking a godly seed that is one of the biggest reasons why you even get married is to have children look if you purposely in your mind are thinking i never ever want to have children no matter what you shouldn't even get married because that's the whole point now obviously there's situations that people can't control but what i'm saying is if you're just intentionally saying i will never have children that's a selfish attitude you know i had a family member like this who's this idiot joe biden abortion loving freak can't stand this guy but when he married his wife the condition of them getting married is he said hey you have to tie your tubes before we ever even get married you shouldn't have even gotten married then that's a wicked thing to do and of course they ended up getting divorced in like four months so she ruined her body they ruined their life four months it's just over that's these dinks that are celebrating how great they are no it's not great go to psalm chapter 127 psalm 127 psalm 127 verse 3 it says lo children are in heritage of the lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man so are children of the youth happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate i mean the bible here is just straightly explaining to us that having children is a blessing and it's something to be desired like as a mighty man that goes out to war wants to have his quiver full of arrows or in modern day vernacular when the soldier goes out to war and he wants to have lots of magazines for his rifle it's the same way that you should desire to have a lot of children right and yet today there's people who are intentionally not doing that now of course why is it that they're not wanting to do that it's because it's work what's the sermon work is a blessing and if you live your entire life just avoiding as much work as possible well you're not going to reap very many blessings because you reap what you sow and so if you reap a lot of work at the workplace in our secular jobs you're going to reap a lot of blessings because you reap what you sow and look yeah it's a lot of work having children it's not easy especially when they're young that's the only phase i know of right now but i'll tell you this it's not easy i have four girls there's a lot of estrogen in my house there's a lot of tears of course there's a lot of laughter too there's a lot of fun but my oldest daughter was born in march of 2019 and there's not been a day in my house since that date that there's not been crying literally just like march 5th 2019 to this very day every day there's tears in my home why because i've got i've got a lot of women in my home that's just how it works and that's a lot of work but you know what it's a blessing i love it i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world and yeah it is hard and people think that i'm insane because i'm 27 and we've had we have four kids but it's like it's a blessing god says that it's a blessing but why are people avoiding it because it's work and and don't don't miss hear me it's work you decide to have a lot of kids it will be hard it will not be easy but it will be a blessing go to deuteronomy chapter number six deuteronomy six and truth be told i'm probably in one of the easier stages because little kids little problems big kids big problems little kids little mistakes big kids big mistakes and that sounds scarier to me than having little kids right now you know deuteronomy chapter number six verse six and these words which i command thee this day shall be in thine heart and now shall teach them diligently unto thy children look the bible says that we are supposed to diligently teach the commandments of god to our children does that sound like it's easy no it does not that takes a lot of work a lot of effort this is a big book right here there's a lot of truth in it there's a lot of doctrine in it and it takes a lot of work to teach someone that literally knows nothing coming out of the womb to know and understand the word of god but god says that it's our job to diligently teach them to our children that's a lot of work but here's the question will that reap a lot of blessings oh you better believe that it will you better believe that it will when you put in the time and the effort to actually train your children to teach them the word of god then that is going to carry with them for the rest of their lives and the principles and the doctrine that they learn from god's word will turn into blessings not even just in your life but in their lives and i don't know about you but as a parent i would rather my children be blessed than me i would rather my children have successful and happy lives than even myself and so if we can deliver the word of god to them and it changes their life man that's a lot of work but it's a blessing too it says and now shall talk of them notice when thou sit us down when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest up that sounds like a lot of work just constantly teaching and now shall bind them for a sign upon thine hand and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes and thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house and upon and on thy gates man the bible here is not making it sound like this is going to be easy it's when you're sitting it's when you're standing it's when you're walking it's when you're in your house it's when you're not in your house i mean basically the bible saying that throughout your entire life you should be using it as a teaching process for your children and we only have a very limited amount of time with our kids and even just my children the oldest is five and i feel like five years have just gone by like that i feel like i'm going to blink and all of a sudden they're going to be teenagers and they're going to be gone and the mentality i think that sometimes parents fail to realize before it's too late is that we are not raising children we are raising adults we are raising adults and too many parents are just caught up in the day to day of their life and of their job and just watching what's new on netflix or just scrolling social media away and every day their children are getting older and older and older and all of a sudden they're gone and many parents they just have regrets of why didn't i spend time with them why didn't i teach them the bible why didn't i put in the hard work of raising them so that i could reap the benefits of them being godly children it's like oh now they're gone and my son has gotten multiple women pregnant what do i do it's like nothing you're screwed sorry it's not very you know comforting but it's like you should have you should have thought about that before you should have put in the work before sometimes it's like you can't you can't undo things you know your your daughter grows up and you didn't teach her to love god you didn't show her that church was important you didn't teach her the bible and she grows up and she just marries some worldly guy and it's just out of church for the rest of her life it's like what do i do it's like you could pray but you can't go back in time and so what you should do right now is realize man i know it's a lot of work i know it's hard i know i'm stressed out i know i'm tired but i need to put in the work of raising my children why because i want to reap the blessing that that work provides i'm going to read for you proverbs 10 1 it says the proverbs of solomon a wise son maketh a glad father but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother look you will reap what you sow and if you put in the hard work when you're old and your children are grown up it says that you're going to be a glad father you have a wise son but what's the converse of that if you're a mother that has a foolish child heaviness sorrow i mean imagine if your child grew up to vote for joe biden wouldn't you be disappointed once you deep once you'd be disappointed if you had your your grown son over for dinner at thanksgiving and and their their grand you know grandchildren are there and they're thinking you know i'm not sure if these kids are boys or girls i might have to wait till they get older and see if they want to get a gender reassignment surgery wouldn't that give you some heaviness but you know that there's literally people in this country that are dealing with that situation there's literally moms dealing with their grandchildren uh being transitioned there's dads dealing with their sons that grow up to be sodomites that's literally happening that's real pain that real people are experiencing and it's not just something that's funny to us no it's actually really happening why because they didn't put in the work and now they have heaviness i'll read for you proverbs 22 6 train up the child train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it look of course children still have free will and all human beings have free will but at the end of the day when you train your child up in the things of god you will have a major influence in their life you will have a major impact on how they turn out as people and it takes a lot of work now even if even if someone doesn't have children you know you still have work to do in the home because god has probably given you a spouse to take care of and you know what that is an important relationship in our lives the relationship between husband and wife and it is a lot of work to to keep up that relationship too and it is important and just like with children you reap what you sow the people that have the best marriages are the ones that invest the most in their marriages and if god hasn't blessed you with children yet then you know what just invest as much as you can into your marriage and say hey that's my work at home is my wife hey that's my work at home is my spouse and us together we're gonna have the most christ honoring marriage as humanly possible that should be your goal and hey you know there's there's other carnal work at home too you know part of the job of a woman is to keep the house just like a man goes out and sweats and makes money you know a woman is supposed to keep the house that is hard work you know how i know it's hard work because you can literally pay companies to come clean your house for a lot of money or that you could pay them to come clean the church for a lot of money right and you could pay people to tutor your children and you could pay people to wash your laundry and you could pay people to cook you meals these things cost a ton of money why because it's a ton of work okay so i'm not minimizing the work that women do at home and i don't think anyone ever should and women you shouldn't see yourself as lesser or beneath a man because you don't have go to a corporate job no your work at home is very valuable and it's very honorable and you know what more important than any of that it pleases the lord and that's what you should care about most regardless of what people say about you regardless of what the politics of the country is just knowing that hey i'm doing what god wants me to do and that provides peace in our lives take your time let's go to the last point here you know we talked about work in this world we talked about work at home this is the last area that god has given us to work in our life and that is working in the kingdom of god the spiritual work that we do go to eph our lives is the opportunity to work for him that is a blessing that's not something you should look at it's like oh i have to serve god oh i have to go to church oh i have to read your bible no we get to serve the lord jesus christ that is awesome you know too many christians today they don't have that attitude they think that serving god is a drag and what a shame that there's some muslims on this earth with more zeal towards their false religion than a lot of christians are towards serving god look at ephesians 6 verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places you know the bible says that we wrestle wrestling it kind of invokes the idea of a fight or of a struggle and you know our struggle or our fight or the thing that we're putting our energy into in this world is not against flesh and blood but yet if you looked at christianity today you would think that the bible teaches the exact opposite of this because so many christians today they're not deciding to put all of their energy and effort into the work of god but rather they're trying to put their work and energy into the carnal fight pastors today are more concerned with donald trump they're more concerned with the rnc they see it as more of a goal in their mission in their ministry to make sure that trump gets elected into office then they care about going soul winning this saturday then they care about spending time in their bible this week then they care about spending in time in prayer for their church members no what are they doing they're just praying for trump and look pray as much as you want but i'm just telling you that that's not the work that god has called us to do in this life and so many people today they take politics way too far to where it's their whole life's goal it's their life's work and look i don't think there's anything wrong with paying attention to the news i don't think there's anything wrong about being interested in that kind of stuff maybe it's your hobby maybe it's the thing that you're kind of nerdy about whatever i get it when i was a teenager i was that nerdy guy that would literally watch c-span okay when i was a teenager i went to programs called patriot academy and in my law enforcement class we had to write the constitution out by hand we had to write the declaration out by hand i get it some people are raised that way but look i care way more about way more about the work of god than any of that stuff all that stuff could disappear tomorrow and we still have the spiritual nation america could disappear tomorrow and we still have soul winning we still have christianity we still have church look at luke chapter number two if you'll turn there luke chapter number two luke chapter number two verse 49 jesus's parents have kind of lost him here and they're looking for him in verse 49 it says and he said unto them how is it that you sought me wist ye not that i must be about my father's business see jesus referred to the work of god to ministry as a business and a lot of people would be so offended that if you called a church but let me just tell you right now what a church is it's a business but guess what we're not in the business of making money we're in the business of bringing a spiritual profit to the kingdom of god you better believe we are looking to make a profit at this church oh yeah we're trying to make a profit by winning as many souls as possible to christ we do want to make a profit hey this is a business and i'm not ashamed to say that i think it's the greatest business in the world but what kind of work should this business be doing well it's not a business it's a business business be doing well it's not you know just selling products it's not necessarily just providing a carnal service or anything like that it's winning souls to jesus christ that's what god ordained the local new testament church to do is to go out and reach people with the gospel go to matthew chapter number 21 matthew chapter number 21 matthew chapter number 21 verse 33 he said hear another parable there was a certain householder which planted a vineyard and hedged it roundabout and digged a wine press in it and built a tower and let it out to husbandmen and went into a far country you know what this is this householder this is an investment that he's making this is a business this vineyard is this householder's business and look he's putting a lot of work into it he's planning a vineyard he's hedging it round about he's making sure it has a security system and it has you know safety and all that he's digging a wine press assets to make money he's building a tower he's really protective of it and he's letting it out to husbandmen he's renting out this vineyard for people to work why why would someone that owns a business be motivated to do this to make money right to build a profit and jesus is drawing this parable he said hey there's this business owner he's trying to make a profit look at verse 34 and when the time of the fruit drew near he sent his servants to the husbandmen that they might receive the fruits of it what was the business owner's goal to receive the fruits of the vineyards to make money and what is the spiritual application of this god's business god is in it to make a profit but it's not money because he owns the cattle on a thousand hills it's a spiritual profit he's in it to win souls to jesus christ and that's one of the greatest works that we could do in this business in the work of the kingdom of god is win people to christ proverbs 11 30 i'll read for you it says the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth souls is wise and that's what we should be spending so much time effort and energy on is preaching the gospel reaching people with the gospel not only that training the next generation of soul winners look it's the gospel can't just die with us we got to train the next generation you know something i've been doing recently i've been wearing kind of like a hidden camera when i'm out soul winning i've just been filming soul winning presentations of people getting saved and what i'm hoping that these videos can do is be a tool for new soul winners that don't know how to preach the gospel to be where hey you can just send them this link and they can watch a video of a real gospel presentation of a real person getting saved and hopefully that could train people so they can learn how to become soul winners why because we're trying to make a spiritual profit here we're trying to get people saved and we want to train as many people to do that as possible flip over a few pages of matthew 28 we'll go through these last ones pretty quick here matthew 28 you know another work that god wants us in to do in this business is baptizing people matthew 28 verse 19 jesus said go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost you know that's that's part two of the great commission is baptizing people and notice it's not in the name of jesus only like the pentecostal say it's the name of the father the son and the holy ghost hey we're going to baptize people biblically but look that is something that god wants us to do go to hebrew chapter number four here's another great work that we could do for this business for the work of the kingdom of god that is the preaching of god's word not just soul winning but explaining the bible applying it to our lives helping us make changes in our lives look at hebrews 4 verse 12 for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart you know the bible says that the word of god is like a sword and boy does america need us to whip out this sword right now there's so many things that just spiritually need to be destroyed right now in our nation and what it's going to take is spirit-filled men taking the word of god and wielding that sword you know we need to take the word of god today and wield that sword against catholicism against mormonism against the pentecostals we need to raise it up high and slay islam we need to slay this woke wicked transgender ideology with leviticus 2013 hey we need to use the sword today god expects us to do it it's one of the good works that god wants us to do and you know what i personally want to dedicate my entire life to doing that you know what it should not even just be me it should be all the people in this room you should be preaching to your mom and dad you should be explaining the bible to your co-workers of course try to get them saved first but look christians have been so cowardly for so long that even though christians have outnumbered the wicked in our nation for so long we're just getting slaughtered in the culture you know i do care about doing everything we can to bring back a christian culture to america not just stopping at getting people saved wouldn't it be great if we could get a christian culture back in america and honestly oklahoma's already on the right track for doing that but look we should push it as hard as we can i love that the new ifb does the documentaries i love that they post the short videos i love that they you know get on the news and all that stuff why because we want to make the christian culture permeate throughout this country again and it shouldn't just be the pastor shouldn't just be the preacher look someone asks you at work you know hey what do you think about uh children being mutilated you're like well let me just show you real quick what the bible says you know we need to stop being afraid of the personal consequences that we're going to face because if you just decide to be afraid and cower the consequences you're going to be facing are going to be way worse than the things that you're afraid of or whatever here's another great work that we could have i'll read for you for these last couple ones for sake of time verse thessalonians 5 25 says brethren pray for us very short verse very succinct verse but a very powerful verse brethren pray for us a great work that you could be doing in the work of god is simply praying for your brothers and sisters in christ you know we have this prayer list here i think you guys have a great job doing a great job putting this together you know don't forget about the missionaries that are overseas don't forget about those guys i mean those guys are sacrificing a lot for the gospel of jesus christ and we're living here in the creature comforts of the united states of america and there's a lot more money here there's a lot more luxury here and these guys are in the philippines and let's just be honest that's not the nicest place in the world those guys are making a sacrifice to go there and so what what's the least we can do for them pray for them don't forget about them look germany is listed here those guys need prayer those guys are going through serious persecution way more persecution than steadfast Baptist Church ever went through i mean in germany they literally got this lady saved she visited church for the first time and she went home and the police were at her door interrogating her for going to the church these guys literally almost all of their homes have been literally raided by police and all of their electronics have been taken and they're being literally criminally charged that could have punishments leading to literal prison just for attending this church look you got to be praying for those people you know and honestly who knows if if that church if we don't pray for that church it's possible that that church literally won't even survive that's just a reality and so right now while that hasn't happened yet you know what we need to do we need to be praying for those people that's a great work that we could do in the kingdom of God not forgetting about these people i mean there's some major surgeries in this bulletin for a little baby man we got to be praying for that i mean i couldn't imagine going through that situation we got to be praying for that child we got to be praying for the parents because i mean that's just heart-wrenching even to see in the bulletin quite honestly so be praying here's another work that we could do i'll read for you again hebrews 10 24 and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together you know what a great work we could do in the kingdom of God is is simply fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters in Christ simply being there to sharpen to iron to sharpen iron to be there to sharpen the countenance of your friend and you know where you do that you do that right here in church you know that is a work that many people are forsaking today even the bible at this time they were forsaking it says not forsaking the assembling of themselves together as the manner of some is meaning at this time it was already people's proclivity to skip church or to skip out on the assembling of God's people but you know let us not be that way let us be the exception to that you know let us realize that church is not just a building that we show up to a few times a week no it's actually real people with real lives with real souls with real children that are going to grow up with real problems in their life that are going through you know real heartaches and realize that you as a Christian one of your jobs as a Christian is to fellowship with believers and you can make a big difference in someone's life just by showing up to church you don't necessarily know all the effects you're having on people by simply you just talking to them by simply you just being a true friend to them let me tell you something true friends are hard to find in this world this world's cut throat people will just stab you in the back on a dime and look it's nice to be around some people that are actually real and you know we're going to find that you're going to find that in the local new testament church you're not going to find that anywhere else last thing i want to talk about is another great work we could do in the kingdom of god is visiting the fatherless and widows in their affliction and i just i know you guys are already doing this because you have the nursing home ministry but i just want to encourage you guys to not give up on that to keep going on that and i've done that before i've preached in those ministries before i know at times it can be hard when you're preaching and joe biden's talking to himself back there he's having like a dementia you know episode and he's like yelling at you while you're preaching like it happens i get it but you know what that is a good work that you're doing and in fact in james chapter number one the bible says that that's what pure religion even is is visiting the fatherless and widows in their affliction you know a lot of those peoples are are literally widows or their widowers and you know my mom for a time worked in a nursing home and would take care of them until they literally died and she said that sometimes no one ever comes to see them no family member ever calls them and they they literally just die alone with the employee of that nursing home and you know what not all of them are like my mom where she's gonna love on them and take care of them and pray with them i'm sure some of them couldn't give a care less they couldn't care less about those people right that is a terrible situation and look by us going there by us loving them by us preaching to them that is a good work that you're doing and don't give up on that keep doing that for as long as you can that's a great work in the kingdom of god honestly i think it's kind of a miracle that's even happening because i thought that after covid that that would be done for forever so praise the lord that that's happening you know just in conclusion just realize that there's a lot of work to be done in this life there's a lot of things that you could decide to put your energy and effort into and rather than complaining about the fact that you have to go to work or the fact that it's so hard to raise children or the fact that it's so hard to go to church three times a week it's so hard to get out there and go soul winning so hard to read the bible why don't you just realize that work is a blessing realize that you were put on this earth to work not to lay around and just live for the pleasures of this life and to just watch tv all day and to just stack as much money as you can and just to go on as many vacations as you can no god told adam before he ever sinned to work and god told eve listen eve you're his help me way before they ever sinned so look working is not a curse work is a blessing let's close with the word of prayer lord thank you so much for this day thank you so much for the work that you've given us to do in our lives thank you for the jobs that you give us thank you for our families and thank you most of all for the ministry of jesus christ thank you that we're all included in that and have opportunities to be profitable for you i pray that you would just turn all of our hearts to you and that we would truly desire to work for you as the main goal of all of our lives in jesus name we pray amen all right we'll go ahead and sing one last song to conclude the service if you would grab a hymnal and turn to hymn number 422 hymn number 422 thou didst leave thy throne hymn number 422 so we'll sing that right on the first we'll sing that right on the first for thy holy nativity oh come to my heart lord jesus there is room in my heart for thee heaven's arches rang when the angels sang proclaiming my royal decree but of lowly birth didst thou come to earth and in great humility oh come to my heart lord jesus there is room in my heart for thee the foxes of rest and the birds their nest in the shade of the forest tree but thy couch was the sun old house son of god in the deserts of galilee oh come to my heart lord jesus there is room in my heart for thee thou came mr lord with the living word that should set thy people free me but with mocking scorn and with crown of thorn they bore thee to calvary oh come to my heart lord jesus there is room in my heart for thee me when the heavens shall ring and the angels sing at thy coming to victory let thy voice call me home saying that there is room there is room at my side for thee me my heart shall rejoice for jesus when thou comest and callest for me