(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We're in Hebrews chapter number 10 and let's start reading in verse 23. It says, let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching. It's a great passage here and it's a very familiar passage if you have spent any time in church this is usually a passage people turn to to talk about the importance of going to church and the importance of not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together but I actually want to point out a different phrase in this verse here specifically in verse number 25. It says not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together notice as the manner of some is and I think what the Bible is highlighting here is that these people they have a negative habit of skipping church they have a negative habit of skipping out on fellowship with God's people and I think that if we all examined our lives because we're sinners every single person in here probably has some bad habits and us as Christians part of being mature as a Christian is recognizing where you fall short and trying to improve on those areas not just thinking you've arrived in every area of life and so it's important for us to work on creating good habits so this evening I want to preach a very very practical sermon that I hope can help you guys and that is things you should do every day things you should do every day I'm the type of person where I really like lists checklists organization so you know if I would have heard a sermon like this a long time ago I feel like it would have helped me maybe it could help you and so number one go to psalm one things you should do every day you know I'm not gonna I'm not gonna count church in this sermon because you don't go to church every single day but what is something we should do every single day well number one and the most important thing is reading your bible you know us as Christians we should read our bibles every single day and this is a very good metric to see where you're out in your spiritual walk you know if you're starting to notice that you're not reading your bible every single day that is a backslidden state and you should work on building a habit of reading the bible every single day why look at psalm one very famous psalm here verse one blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but notice verse two but his delight is in the law of the lord what is that that's the bible and in his law doth he notice meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper this isn't just something that i'm making up out of nowhere the bible's saying that the habit of a person that is blessed by god is the type of person that meditates in his word day and night so he's not even reading the bible every day he's actually reading the bible every day and every night and you know this bible was given to me uh when my wife and i got married we each got a bible and my father-in-law pastor thompson in the very beginning of of the bible he wrote a note in here having to do with this let's see if i can find it real quick this wasn't in my sermon i'm just remembering this yeah on the front this is what he said dylan awes our first son-in-law read it day and night i wonder where he was getting this admonition from he's getting it from psalm chapter one why because if you want to be blessed by the lord you need to be meditating in god's word day and night the bible says that a person that does this is like a tree planted by the rivers of water you know a tree that's planted by the rivers of water is going to be very strong it's going to have really deep roots you know what it's going to be steadfast unmovable always abounding that you know that type of tree it makes me think of the christian that's going to be steadfast the christian that's going to stick and stay in their marriage the christian that's going to stick and stay in church is going to be the christian that's meditating in his word day and night there is not such a thing as a christian that serves god for 10 20 30 40 years and that is not reading their bible it just doesn't exist so if you have it as a goal in your life to be in this christian race for the long run you must read the bible every single day go to deuteronomy chapter 17 deuteronomy chapter 17 now you know the bible doesn't tell us exactly how much you should be reading you know all of us have different reading plans and that's fine we don't all have to read the bible the same amount but here's what you should be doing you for sure should be reading the bible every single day deuteronomy 17 verse 14 when thou art come unto the land which the lord thy god giveth thee and shalt possess it and shalt dwell therein and shalt say i will set a king over me like as all the nations that are about me thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee whom the lord thy god shall choose one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee thou mayest not set a stranger over thee which is not thy brother but he shall not multiply horses to himself nor cause the people to return to egypt to the end that he should multiply horses for as much as the lord hath said unto you ye shall henceforth return no more that way neither shall he multiply wives to himself that his heart turn not away neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold so all these things so far have been qualities that a king should have but the most important one is verse 18 and it shall be when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the levites so notice the king was supposed to literally by hand write an entire copy of the law of god that's an incredible amount of work that's an incredible amount of time and dedication in high school one of the classes that i went to we had to hand write the u.s constitution and the declaration of independence and it took forever and that's like this much compared to what your bible is you know the bible is sitting in your lap and it's this high i mean the constitution declarations tiny and it took me forever to do and here the king is supposed to literally write out a whole copy of the word of god you know that shows us that god is telling the king here that this should be something that's very important this should be a huge part of his life and notice what it says in verse 19 and it shall be with him and he shall read therein all the days of his life what's the sermon things you should do every day what was the king supposed to do read the law of god all the days of his life not just when he's feeling spiritual not just on sunday not just on easter or on christmas every single day of his life the king was supposed to be disciplined and say you know what this is important i need to put time into reading the word of god and notice the result it says that he may learn to fear the lord his god to keep all the words of this law and these statutes to do them you know the people that are actually spiritual in this world and the people that actually fear god are the ones that know this book and are the ones that read this book every day you know it's always funny when you go out soul winning and you meet someone and they they say that they're spiritual and they sometimes they'll say that like i'm spiritual but yet when you talk to them you can tell that they never read the bible they know nothing about salvation they know nothing about doctrine and you know what that really tells me is this person actually doesn't fear god and you could you could tell in someone's life if they fear god and it's by how much they're reading the bible how much they're doing the bible let's keep reading it says in verse 20 that his heart be not lifted up above his brethren and that he turned not aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left to the end that he may prolong his days in his kingdom he and his children in the midst of israel so notice by reading the word every day there's a couple things that's going to happen to this king number one is he's not going to be lifted up with pride and if you read the bible every single day you'll realize how jacked up you are and i realize how jacked up i am and you know the bible says that if any man thinks that he knows something he knoweth not yet what he ought to know and so even if you do know a lot of bible when you read this whole book you realize okay i may know some things but there's a lot that i don't understand there's a lot that i don't know and you just if the more you read the bible the more you recognize that but also another thing happens it says that he won't turn aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left that he may prolong his days and it talks about he and his children in the midst of israel another really important reason to read your bible every single day is that it's going to guide you in this life it's going to be a light onto your feet it's going to be your guiding light in this life and here's the thing especially if you're a king and you're leading a nation how much more do you need the wisdom of god's word to be guiding you well here's the thing parents have a very important treasure entrusted to them and that's their children and if moms and dads want to be making good decisions as parents what do they need to do they need to be reading their bible every single day go to second timothy chapter three while you turn to second timothy three i'll read for you matthew 6 11 jesus said this give us this day our daily bread and bread in the word of god often represents the word of god and notice jesus says give us this day our daily bread what does this go to show that we need to read our bible every day things you should do every day second timothy 3 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness you know we need that in our lives i know i need that in my life i need to read the word of god why so that it could reprove me so that it could say hey you're doing something wrong and so that it could correct me and say this is actually what's right and so that it could instruct me and tell me hey this is actually how you get it right i mean us as just carnal people we would be flying blind in so many areas of our life if we didn't have the word of god and people think they're so smart but you're not and if you're successful in life it's because you're following the principles of the bible it's not like you created those principles in fact i love reading books about leadership i read this by jocko willink he had one about discipline and about leadership it was a really good book but every principle that he was describing in the book was literally just from the bible whether he realizes that or not is a different story but the bible has all the wisdom you could possibly get in this universe and so while i'm for reading lots of other books and getting education really where you should be spending your most time and what you should do every single day is read the bible go to acts chapter 17 acts chapter 17 i'll keep proving this to you acts 17 11 acts chapter 17 verse 11 these were more noble than those in thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so so again we see another example of people reading the bible every single day and why were they doing that they were searching in the scriptures whether the things that they heard preached were actually correct you know the preacher's job is to get up and take the word of god and expound it to people and apply it to people's life but the bible teaches that if you're listening to preaching what your job is is judging you're supposed to be judging when you're listening to preaching and you're supposed to be judging in your mind not do i like this person not oh is what this person said nice it's is what this person's saying biblical is what this person's saying true and could you imagine the difference of a world we would live in if christians today actually went to church but not just went to church but actually heard the things that were preached and checked it for themselves in the bible man we would have a lot less false doctrine in this world you know what wouldn't exist in this world the pre-trib rapture would not exist because you have to be a theologian to not be able to understand after the tribulation only theologians can be that dumb people in the pew are smart people in the pew could read their bible and have the spirit of god leading them and they need not that some man should teach them no the holy ghost can lead them to that truth by reading the bible and so oftentimes though people get a complacent mentality and they trust their preacher and that's good you should have an open heart willing to hear what the preacher has to say but that works for you fine when you're listening to a good preacher but what happens when you're not listening to a good preacher and here's the thing about human nature is that pretty much everyone that goes to church thinks they're listening to a good preacher otherwise they'd probably be at a different church you know i'm sure like i said i i'm gonna keep bringing this guy up bo ballard because i think he needs to be brought up but if this guy when he was preaching at this church i'm sure that the people here listening to him for the most part thought this is a good guy but what we should always do is check with the word of god not just trust someone and it doesn't matter if it's your favorite preacher your favorite pastor if you're visiting another church someday or if you have to move to a different city someday and go to a different church you need to be in your bible every single day so that you could check what's being preached with the bible go to luke chapter 22 i'll read for you psalm 119 verse 9 says wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy word with my whole heart have i sought thee oh let me not wander from thy commandments thy word have i hid in mine heart that i might not sin against thee you know this the psalmist here is talking about how he sought the lord with his whole heart and if we were to apply that to bible reading you can't really say that you're seeking god with your whole heart when you just read the bible when you feel like it or read the bible when you're motivated read the bible once a week no seeking god with your whole heart is waking up in the morning opening this book praying for god to open your eyes and to help you to understand it and to apply it to your life that's the person that's actually seeking god with their whole heart so you know when it comes to reading your bible every single day for some people it's really beneficial to choose a place a physical location where they read the bible every single day and this is how habits are formed oftentimes people have habits where they go to a certain place and it triggers a certain memory or idea or action in their head and that could be used for good or for bad so you know i would encourage you if you don't already have this habit in your life is to choose a place where every single day you read the word of god also choose a time you know if you have a schedule where you're able to make very um for lack of better word scheduled life schedule a time every single day that you read the bible and how much you read is up to you people are different at different levels spiritually but you know ideally you'd read a little bit in the morning and a little bit at night at least you know because that's what psalm one describes the man that's blessed by god as doing and you know if you don't have a bible plan i've made several and i can help you with those just ask me and i'd be happy to give you one so number one things you should do every single day read the bible number two things you should do every single day is pray to the lord look at luke 22 verse 39 it says this and he came out as jesus and went notice this phrase as he was want that phrase means as was his custom as was his habit to the mount of olives and his disciples also followed him and when he was at the place he said unto them pray that you enter not into temptation and when you read the gospels jesus christ he had a habit in his life of praying to the lord every single day and notice what he tells his disciples to pray for and of course this is right before the garden of gethsemane but he's telling them to pray that they enter not into temptation and this is a good thing to pray every single day in your life honestly because we're living in a really wicked world we're living in a world that's filled with sin and that's getting worse and worse generally speaking and you know it might be a good idea for you to just pray to the lord every day that we would not be led into temptation that we would be steadfast that we would be strong christians go to matthew chapter number six matthew chapter number six so notice that was jesus's habit that was his custom as he was wont matthew chapter six we get the famous pattern prayer from the lord jesus christ himself in verse nine it says this after this manner therefore pray ye our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven notice this give us this day our daily bread that's reading the bible and notice this and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors so one of the things that jesus in his example prayer is he exhorts them to pray to be forgiven of their debts and in my mind this makes me think of our sins toward god and you think well how often should i ask the lord to forgive me of my debts well how often do you have debts how you know how often should i ask the lord to forgive me of my sin well it's like do you sin every single day then you should probably pray and ask for forgiveness every single day not to be saved like the catholics think you know we talked to this lady out soul winning today and she said that you can get to heaven if you repent of your sins and if you ask for forgiveness wrong that's not how you get saved but you know that is how you can have a good fellowship and good relationship with your heavenly father just like if your children disobeyed you you would want them to apologize and ask for forgiveness for what they did wrong well how often are we indebted to god pretty much every single day every single day how often do we sin every single day so we should pray every single day go to first thessalonians chapter number five first thessalonians chapter number five now the reason i think some people don't pray every single day is because i think a lot of preachers have done a big disservice to christians by over spiritualizing prayer and acting like prayer has to be this one two three hour long process where you're laying down on a bed of nails and you're not eating food and you're you know withholding yourself from any pleasure in life and you've got to be alone with god every morning at 3 a.m on the dot and you know if you don't do that you're not right with god look that type of preaching is garbage if you look at the bible yes there's examples of long prayers of course first kings chapter eight is the longest one that i could think of where king solomon's dedicating the temple but you know what that's few and far between most of life and most of the prayers in the bible are very short constant prayers you know so you have a need in your life you just pray real quick you ask god because here's the thing if every time you pray it has to be that some this some hour-long ordeal your chances are you're just not going to pray that often you know chances are you're going to get busy you're going to forget about it and so it's real easy if you just have this mentality of hey it's okay to pray short prayers that's okay that doesn't make you less spiritual and you know someone texts you in the signal group hey i've got this prayer request just right there say a quick prayer for them it doesn't have to be an hour long but just go to the father pray for that person and that makes it a lot easier to pray every single day there's this holier than thou hyper spiritual preaching out there where you've got to wake up at 4 a.m and spend an hour with god but let's be honest 99.999 percent of people are never going to do that and i would way rather preach to people that just pray when the thought comes into your mind pray when a need comes you know you see a crash on the side of the road pray real quick for that person you know you hear sirens pray that people will be okay like just pray all the time short prayers i think that's a way more effective way to pray a lot i told you go to first thessalonians five look at verse 16 it says rejoice evermore pray without ceasing and i think this is describing what i'm talking about this isn't saying you're just literally you know head bowed eyes closed at all times for your whole life no what it's saying is that you're just always in a mindset of prayer you're ready to pray to moments notice you never go through a season of life where you've just left off praying completely no rather you're just praying without ceasing and here's another thing you could pray for look at verse 18 in everything give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you you know one area of prayer that i feel like americans need to change big time is that of thanking god this is a very spoiled nation this is a nation that has so many blessings that we just take for granted and every time i go to another country i come back and just realize how amazing our life is here in the united states and how great god has been to us and it just blows my mind how much people complain about the littlest most insignificant things you know you need to make it a habit in your life that when you pray to god you should thank him for something thank him every single day because i've been preaching a lot about this lately we have a lot to be thankful for god has really blessed us we have an awesome area that we live in we have a great church we have great prosperity in this nation we have freedom to preach the gospel we have the second amendment you know thank god for those things let us always give thanks to the lord go to pheasians chapter number six pheasians chapter number six say i don't know what to pray for just thank god just pray and thank god and say amen you don't even always have to ask him for something maybe sometimes you can just go to him just to thank him for what he's already given you ephesians chapter number six look at verse 16 above all taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints and for me that utterance may be given unto me that i may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel notice this person is praying always pray every single day you know one of the things that we should be praying for is we should be praying for soul winners specifically because he's saying hey pray for me that utterance may be given unto me that i may open my mouth boldly this world needs a lot more soul winners you know we need to pray for more laborers like jesus told us to because we could do a lot more as a church if we had more soul winners and we should pray that god would give people boldness to become a soul winner if they're not a soul winner yet or if someone's just a silent partner we should pray that utterance would be given to that person that someday maybe they could graduate to being a talker you know these are good things to pray for go to james chapter number five you know there's really no excuse to not pray to the lord every single day because there's always plenty to pray for plenty and you know back when i was commuting between vancouver and portland i was working in the city of portland i made it my daily habit that i would just pray every day on the way to work because i've got nothing else going on it's early in the morning i'm alone and to me that was a good time for me to do that so if you have a commute to work you know maybe that's the time of day where you decide to pray you know maybe you decide to pray when you're in the shower or maybe you decide to pray you know whenever but sometimes that could help having a habit to do it every single day look at verse 13 it says is any among you afflicted let him pray so you know if you know someone in your life or in this church that's going through afflictions going through health problems that's a good reason to pray now recently we had a young baby on our prayer list that has been in the hospital for a really long time the scott family and you know that's a good family to pray for right there when someone's afflicted is any mary let them sing psalms is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the lord you know if someone's sick rather than your very first reaction to be to make that doctor's appointment or to take that pill you know your knee-jerk reaction should always be to go to god in prayer because jesus is truly the great physician and any sickness any problem jesus can heal if he wants to you know there's a lot of diseases that the medical field would look at and say it's incurable you know if jesus wanted to move in that person's life it could be cured and someone could be dealing with something that they think in their life hey this will never be cured and then jesus can just cure them and isn't that great when that happens and look at verse um number 15 it says and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the lord shall raise him up and if you have committed sins they shall be forgiven him and of course i just want to say this too i'm not against going to the doctor don't take me out of context there there's a time and a place to go to the doctor there's a time and place to take medicine not one of these people that think if you break your leg you should just rub some cayenne pepper on it or some essential oils and you think that you're fine okay there's time and a place for it but i love verse 16 it says confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much meaning that when a righteous man or righteous woman prays to the lord that can make things happen that could make change in this world you know we don't believe in the calvinist doctrine that god is some puppet master controlling everything even in the lord's prayer in the model prayer that he gave he said lord let thy will be done on in heaven as it is in earth and guess what that means that means that god's will does not automatically happen otherwise why would jesus be telling us to pray for it see what i'm saying there if god was up in heaven controlling everything we would not have to pray for god's will to be done why do we pray for god's will to be done because we could actually change things with our prayer and so whatever the need is you know the appropriate response is to go to the lord in prayer go back to chapter four of the same book you're in james four look at verse two it says ye lust and have not ye kill and desire to have and cannot obtain you fight and war yet you have not because ye ask not you know there's a lot of things in this world where people don't have simply because they don't pray for it and one of the applications that's coming to mind right now is single guys in the new ifb that have made it past 25 30 they're into their 30s now and they still don't have a wife makes me think do you not have because you haven't asked because i'll be honest when i was single i would pray almost every single day for god to lead me to a godly woman and for god to prepare me to be a leader and someone that's even worth marrying and that god would you know help me find that person i prayed that prayer probably every single day when i was single and so if you're a single guy and you're desiring to get married you should be praying that prayer every single day because oftentimes you have not because you ask not and don't be surprised if you're 30 years old and you don't you're not married yet if you haven't been asking god for that blessing go to proverbs chapter number one proverbs chapter number one what should you do every single day you should read your bible every single day what should you do every single day you should pray every single day number three something you should do every single day is learn learn let's look at the bible here in proverbs 1 5 it says this a wise man will hear and will increase learning and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise councils you know of course god wants us to be wise men and wise women in here and how is it that you become wise according to the bible a wise person will hear that's reading the bible that's listening to preaching and you know what else it's increasing in learning and today we have an epidemic of people that are not interested in learning they're not interested in reading anything anymore they're not interested in challenging their mind but you know a wise person continues to learn and it doesn't matter how old you are it doesn't matter if you're a child it doesn't matter if you're 80 years old wise people continuously learn look at verse 22 how long you simple ones will you love simplicity and the scorners delight in their scorning and notice and fools hate knowledge the bible says that a fool hates knowledge and what would a person's life look like if they're a fool that hates knowledge it's probably someone that never reads anything it's probably someone that scrolls on tick tock endlessly they doom scroll like we talked about a few weeks ago that's someone that hates knowledge that's someone that's living like a fool look at verse 23 turn you at my reproof behold i will pour out my spirit unto you i will make known my words unto you because i have called and you refused i have stretched out my hand and no man regarded but you have said it not all my counsel and would none of my reproof so the foolish person didn't want to listen to anything that god said verse 26 i also will laugh at your calamity i will mock when your fear cometh you know there's a part of the bible that's often ignored the fact that when fools despise knowledge and when fools don't want to listen to the counsel of the lord and the reproof of the lord and their life gets jacked up as a result of that god in heaven will laugh at them and god in heaven will literally mock them look at verse 27 when your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon you then shall they call upon me but i will not answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me why verse 29 for that they hated knowledge and so notice there's two people described in this passage the wise man who he hears the word of god he attains to wise counsels he's increasing in his learning and that person's blessed that person's wise then the person that's a fool that doesn't want to listen to what the bible says and their life is completely destroyed god mocks them and what's the reason for it they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the lord they would none of my counsel they despised all my reproof therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way and be filled with their own devices for the turning away of the simple shall slay them and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them you know when it's talking about eating of their own way and being filled with their own devices people's lives just being destroyed because they didn't take counsel to god's word they didn't listen you know what makes me think of is homeless people in the united states of america you want to know why someone is homeless in the united states of america 99.9 of the time is because they hate knowledge is because they didn't want to hear the reproof of the bible they didn't want to accept any of the principles that the bible teaches like i don't know getting a job working hard not being a derelict and the reason why they have such a crappy life why they're sleeping on a dirty street why they're out in the weather and in the elements is because they hated knowledge and you know what god's attitude towards derelict home people is he'd laugh at them he would mock them and so many christians today have a bleeding heart where they see a homeless person they say let me give that person money you know what god's attitude would be if god was driving down the street if the lord jesus christ was driving down the street and saw a homeless person he rolled down his window say ha ha because they're laughing at them that's the god of the bible that's the jesus of the bible he'd start mocking them and making fun of them not pandering to them not think feeling sorry for them and here's the thing when it comes to getting knowledge learning every single day what you don't know will hurt you i hate this phrase so much ignorance is bliss that is a stupid phrase that is not true the fact that you don't know something is not bliss what you don't know will hurt you and that applies to spiritual areas that applies to carnal areas you know the wise person realizes hey there's a lot i don't know i don't know what i don't know but i'm gonna learn as much as i can why because what i don't know will hurt me and here we see that and in the bible elsewhere the bible says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge so their lack of knowledge them not knowing stuff destroyed them according to the bible so what you don't know does hurt you go to proverbs 5 flip the page proverbs chapter 4 verse 5 flip the page there look at verse 5 it says get wisdom get understanding forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth forsake her not and she shall preserve thee love her and she shall keep thee wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding exalt her and she shall promote thee she shall bring me to honor when thou dost embrace her she shall give to thine head an ornament of grace a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee the bible saying with all thy getting get wisdom and understanding you know what that means that means prioritization of learning that's what that means with all thy getting meaning with all the things that you could spend your time doing with all the places you could invest your energy whether that's into work or just people invest their time and energy into sports and fun and vacations all that thing the bible says with all thy getting get wisdom get understanding prioritize that in your life and so what's an application of that you should learn every single day what are we talking about tonight things you should do every day and readers truly are leaders when you know if you know a leader in your life i can almost guarantee you that that person reads a lot whether that's the bible or just other stuff you name it a business leader a pastor just think of any leader in your mind i guarantee you that person reads a lot go to proverbs 18 proverbs 18 proverbs 18 verse 15 it says the heart of the prudent getteth knowledge and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge what is someone that's prudent someone that's wise or judicious in practical affairs discrete or circumspect the bible says the heart of the prudent getteth knowledge and so a prudent person you know what they would do they would learn every single day look at verse one of the same chapter through desire a man having separated himself seeketh an inner metallith with notice this all wisdom all wisdom you know some people have an attitude and and i wouldn't say this is the majority of you but there's a there's a minority in christianity that has kind of a holier than thou attitude where they would say that the only thing you should ever read is the bible and if you're reading anything else you're wasting your time it's vain or it's it's always wrong to take any college class about any subject but look at the bible saying that a wise person it says through desire a man having separated himself seeketh an inner metallith with what all wisdom and you know solomon's a good example of that he knew a lot he wrote tons of proverbs he wrote proverbs about trees and about animals and like he knew everything about everything it seemed like and he was a very very wise man what does a fool like verse two a fool hath no delight in understanding but that his heart may discover itself you know i think of this a fool hath no delight in learning a fool hath no delight in reading you know what is the application when it comes to learn something every day i think you should read every single day and you know i've talked about this a lot and if you're annoyed by it i'm not sorry you should be reading every single day why because our country is becoming a country of idiots and fools and people that believe stupid ideas and people that don't know anything about history or anything about how the world works and it's because a lot of people have completely stopped reading and so while i'm for reading the bible of course that was point one it was point one for a reason i would never tell someone replace your bible reading with reading a random book no what i'm saying is read a lot of bible and in addition to that read other books why because we want to be people that have understanding we want to be people that have wisdom we want to be people that learn every single day you know we want to be people like daniel go to daniel chapter number one daniel chapter number one daniel is a great example of someone that's very well educated very wise in the bible the book of daniel describes the situation in verse 17 it says as for these four children god gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom and daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams now at the end of the days that the king had said he should bring them in then the prince of the eunuchs brought before brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar and the king communed with them and among them all was found none like daniel hananiah micael and ezeriah therefore stood they before the king and in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired of them he found them 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm and you know reading is kind of like a secret weapon to where if you're a person that actually spends a lot of time reading the bible understanding the bible learning the bible and you spend a lot of time just reading books and learning about just a vast array of subjects you will be 10 times better than the average person you really will you know young people that haven't yet gone into the workforce if you spend a lot of time reading the bible reading lots of other things getting a lot of knowledge getting a lot of skill you will be 10 times better than the kid that spent his whole life doing nothing playing video games and just walking into a job interview you will be literally 10 times better you know someone someone that is this to the extreme in a good way is pastor stephen anderson that guy knows a ton about a lot of stuff i mean he's he's fluent in like six or seven languages i think he reads the bible every day in hebrew and in greek and he he knows the king james issue front to back and you know what pastor stephen anderson is 10 times better than the average pastor in america why because he's read the bible a ton why because he's also read a ton of other stuff as well he doesn't have this attitude where oh you should only ever read the bible if you ever read anything else in the bible that's vain and worldly no he reads a ton in a lot of areas and because of that you can see hey this guy's 10 times better than your average pastor in america probably more so go to first corinthian six first corinthians chapter number six so things you should do every day read the bible every day pray every day learn every single day number four something you should do every single day is take care of your physical body take care of your physical body i told you this is going to be a very practical sermon this is something that you should do every single day by the way you want to be 10 times better than the average american just invest a little bit of time every single day into this area and you'll be 10 times better than the average american look at first corinthians 6 19 says this we read this this morning it's in the context of fornication actually but notice it says what know you not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which you have of god and you're not your own for ye are bought with a price notice this phrase i like this phrase therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are gods the bible teaches that we should glorify god in our bodies and of course one of the ways we can glorify god with our bodies is by abstaining from sin right the context of this passage is in regards to fornication and so one way you could glorify god is simply by abstaining from fornication fleeing from fornication turn the page to first corinthians 9 first corinthians 9 verse 27 says but i keep under my body so he's being disciplined with his physical body and bring it into subjection lest but that by any means when i have preached to others i myself should be a castaway what is the apostle paul saying he's saying i am taking control of my physical body i'm going to be disciplined with my physical body i'm not going to just let my physical body do whatever it wants to do and sin in any way it wants to sin otherwise i while i'm preaching to others would become a castaway what is a castaway it's basically when god is casting you away from your position so the apostle paul's being used greatly as an apostle as an evangelist but if the apostle paul just went out committing fornication god would cast him away from that and find someone else to do the job and you know the same thing goes for us as christians if we're not disciplined with our bodies and glorifying god in our bodies by abstaining from serious sins god will cast us away too here's an example of some ways people sin with their body i'll read for you leviticus 1928 says you shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor print any marks upon you i am the lord you know one way we could take care of our physical body is by not cutting ourselves like the heathen and not printing tattoos all over our body right you know that's not glorifying god with your body when you go get a bunch of weird tattoos all over and i don't know who lied to you but tattoos never have looked cool there's never been a single tattoo that i thought man that's awesome man that looks really cool tattoos always look bad they always look trashy and you know it used to be in america that if you had a tattoo you were barred from certain jobs it used to be you could not be a police officer if you had tattoos but now because our nation's becoming so ungodly you know the standards for all these jobs like well you just can't have any eyelid tattoos that say f the police you know it's okay if you got a sleeve it's fine you know if you can wear a long sleeve shirt in a in a turtleneck so we don't see your neck tattoos as long as it doesn't say like f the cops or something then it's fine but you know what i think all tattoos are trashy and all tattoos are not taking care of your body it's not glorifying god with your body i'll read for you this actually you're already in first corinthians so go to first corinthians 11 first corinthians 11 14 says doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him but if a woman have long hair it is a glory for her for her hair is given her for recovering here's one way you could take care of your bodies and glorify god in your body is by cutting your hair men by simply grooming and being a civilized human being that doesn't let your hair grow out like you look so like some sort of tribal you know freak these people have the tattoos they've got the long hair and i'm just thinking like is this like 500 bc africa like where am i right now i thought this was the united states of america yet some people think this is a cool trend like look at me i've got a bone in my nose i've got long hair i've got tattoos all over my body there's nothing cool about it it's not taking care of your body go to first timothy chapter four you know another way that you should invest into taking care of your body every single day is by getting physical exercise look at first timothy 4 8 it says this for bodily exercise profit little but godliness is profitable unto all things having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come this verse right here is is abused by a lot of old ifb preachers pretty much every you know biscuit and gravy eating fat old independent fundamental baptist pastor this is like their favorite verse in the whole bible and what do they focus on bodily exercise profit little bodily exercise profit little and they go and preach about how it's so vain to work out it's a waste of time and pass the chicken and pass the biscuits and all this stuff but here's what the bible is actually saying the bible is saying that bodily exercise is profitable but it's profitable little in cons in comparison to spiritual things why because spiritual things has benefit in the life that is now and in the life to come but bodily exercise is still profitable and just like these weird holier-than-thou christians that thinks it's sinful to read anything other than the bible and it's vain and it's a waste of your time to read a book that's not the bible you have these people that think oh it's so vain to work out why aren't you soul winning you know you shouldn't be lifting weights you should be praying why are you lifting weights you should be fasting it's like no dude physical exercise does profit and just shut your little soy boy mouth because you need that profit i could see it in your body in your physical body it's not very glorifying to god right now and these fat old independent baptist pastors they're supposed to be the example to the flock i'm not impressed by how out of shape you are i'm not impressed by it bodily exercise profits little now here's the thing let me give these holier-than-thou people a very spiritual reason why you should exercise and there are spiritual reasons of why you should exercise number one is that if you exercise and if you're healthy you will live a longer life and you'll be able to serve god for a longer amount of time so while these pastors like to get up and pontificate about how vain exercise is and how they hate it it's anathema unto them well guess what those of us that don't hate it are actually going to live longer and be able to serve god a lot longer than these people because heart disease is one of the biggest killers in the united states and people die early deaths because they didn't take care of their physical body and fathers die and their kids grow up without their dad and mothers die and kids grow up without their mom because their parents didn't take this seriously and they die in early age because of this issue it's a serious issue not only that but just by being physically active and here's the thing i'm not saying being an olympic olympic athlete or something i'm saying just being healthy just being mobile just having some stamina to live life you know that should be the goal of working out it's not necessarily should be some sort of body builder you know that i do think is vain trying to see how low you could get your body fat so that you could stand half naked in front of a bunch of judges with oil all over your body no i'm not really interested that's pretty weird if you ask me but if you are healthy and you exercise to the level where you're just fit you're healthy you'll be more effective of a soul winner is that not a spiritual reason to stay fit you know i want to be a soul winner in my 20s up till the day i die and by physically exercising i'm hoping to increase my longevity to be able to be more effective of a soul winner plus you go to those apartment complexes where it's three or four stories high you know if you're super out of shape you won't really be that effective of a soul winner you know you knock on the door you're like if i were to die today you know what i mean it's like in your mind you're thinking about your own death because you're so out of shape it's like look don't i'm not saying be an olympic athlete i'm not saying spend four hours a day exercising but us as god's people need to realize that it is important to be physically healthy and you should invest into your physical health every single day and the bar in america has gotten so low that i think a lot of us have just forgotten what normal is because normal in america is out of shape normal in america is unhealthy normal in america is dying at a young age from heart problems and look that shouldn't be normal amongst god's people we should be the example in this area you know i'm not talking about women that pop out babies every single year okay god bless you i understand but men men in their 20s being out of shape there's no excuse for that there's no excuse for a healthy man to not be in shape that is just simply laziness is what that is and you know you as a man you're supposed to be the protector of your home how are you supposed to protect your home when you weigh 120 pounds as a man you know that's just it's not good go to if you would genesis chapter number two and i saw this video i wasn't aware of this until this week there's this video of president john f kennedy in the 1960s talking about how he's concerned about the physical fitness levels in the united states i saw another video where he said the saddest thing that could happen is having a fat child which was hilarious that he said that you know that wouldn't be politically correct today i was coming from a democrat okay he would not be a democrat today but you know he's talking about how a nation is only as strong as its people and that's the same of christianity as well you know the kingdom of god is only as strong as its people spiritually but also physically to an extent too like we talked about soul winning and we should be the example in this area you know john f kennedy didn't want our nation to be fat and slovenly and lazy and out of shape because that affects our nation's ability to protect itself that affects our nation's ability to produce you know goods in this world it affects everything and so i like that he was concerned about that in the 60s i wonder what he would think about that right now in the 2020s where it's a lot worse so we talked about reading your bible praying learning getting physical exercise taking care of your physical body the last thing that i think you should do every single day is spend time with your family spend time with your family now they're granted there is not a verse in the bible that says thou shalt spend time with your family every single day so a little bit of this is my opinion but i do think that there's some principles in the bible that backs up what i'm saying here first that being of genesis too look at verse 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh you know the bible describes that when you get married you are becoming one flesh with another person and so the lesson there is that god wants us to realize that humanly speaking the most important human relationship that we have on this earth is that of husband and wife and it's such a close relationship that the bible says that god has made us one flesh and so to me that indicates that that's a relationship that we should be putting a lot of time effort energy into and so i think you should spend time with your spouse every day spend time with your spouse every day i'll read for you ephesians 525 it says husbands love your wives even as christ also loved the church and gave himself for it you know the admonition in the bible for men is to love our wives and one of the simplest ways of expressing love is simply by spending time with them women want their husbands to spend time with them this is what they desire this is what they like this is like their favorite thing in the whole world and it doesn't even necessarily matter as much what you're doing they just want your time guys and us as men sometimes that's hard because a lot of men are just hard chargers that wake up in the morning and they they've got a task list and they want to just work at it so hard until they go to sleep at night but you know you want to make sure that you're being balanced that you're not overworking yourself to where the point you're neglecting your wife because that is easy to do oftentimes in this world go to deuteronomy chapter 6 while i read for you titus 2 3 the bible says the aged women likewise that they be in behavior as becoming as become with holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children you know let's change gears and talk a little bit about the ladies of the home the bible saying that the elder women should instruct and teach the younger women to do a few things to love their husbands to love their children and what am i talking about spending time with your family it's something you should do every single day women should love their children and spend time with their children every single day you know a lot of families homeschool this is a great way to spend good quality time with your children another good way is to take them out soul winning another good way is just to play and have fun you know at our new house the previous owners they left a basketball court out front and i'm thankful for it because it's like sweet this is like free play time with my girls they absolutely love it they can't even make a shot yet but they absolutely love going out there playing basketball with dad you know i love that time with them i cherish that time with them mom cherishes that time with them and it's going to be cool to see them grow up and actually finally be able to make a shot that's going to be great but look at deuteronomy 6 verse 6 and these words which i command thee this day shall be in thine heart and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest up so again i said i think the principles of the bible is going to back me up here parents are supposed to teach their children the bible when are they supposed to teach them that well when you're in your house when you're sitting down how often are you in your house every day when are you sitting down every day when thou walkest by the way what way i don't even know it's just saying all the time is what this verse is saying when you lie down and when you rise up you know it's saying you're supposed to be teaching your children the bible diligently every day so that you know that means it means spend time with your family every single day you know just kind of a sobering thought that people kind of push out of their minds but i think you should think about this is that you never know when your last day will be you could die on the way home tonight from this church service you can get a car crash and die tonight your children can die at any time your grandchildren can die at any time and we don't think about that because we have a normalcy bias and we just live life but you never know when the last time you will see your family is and so every single day is a gift from god every single time you see your spouse you see your children you see your family you know you should take advantage of that opportunity and you should spend time with your family every single day so what is the sermon about it's about habits and habits are very powerful for good or for bad we all have bad habits but you know i hope that you could implement these five habits into your life and here's why these habits are pretty easy to start is that there's something you could do every single day you know starting a habit of church attendance is a little harder because it's something that you do three times a week two times a week sometimes people one time a week sometimes people once a month but these things you should do every single day what are they read the bible pray learn invest into your physical body and spend time with your family i hope that helps let's have a word of prayer lord thank you for this day thank you for all the blessings you've given us and i just pray that you'd help us to be diligent to work on building these habits into our lives and especially reading the word of god once someone does that it directs them in all other areas just pray that you'd bless our church bless this upcoming week and help us all to get home safely we love you in jesus name amen