(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you All right, good morning. It's good to see everybody this morning. Welcome to pure words baptist church We'll go ahead and get started. Go ahead and pull out your hymnals and we'll turn to our first song. He's song number 162 song number 162 to God be the glory That's the song number 162 I need everybody to sing nice and loud this morning. We'll do these acapella Sing nice and loud start there on the first to God be the glory Great things he hath done So loved he the world that he gave us his son Who? Yielded his life and atonement for sin and Open the life gate that all may go in praise the Lord praise the Lord Let the earth hear his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord Let the people rejoice. Oh Come to the father through Jesus the son and give him the glory Great things he hath done. Oh Perfect redemption the purchase of blood to every believer the promise of God the vilest offender who truly believes that moment from Jesus a pardon receives praise the Lord Praise the Lord Let the earth hear his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord Let the people rejoice Oh come to the father through Jesus the son and Give him the glory Great things he hath done Great things He had taught us great things he hath done and great are rejoicing through Jesus the son but purer and higher and greater will be our wonder our transport when Jesus we see praise the Lord Praise the Lord Let the earth hear his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord Let the people rejoice Oh come to the father through Jesus the son and give him the Glory great things he hath done Amen brother Yair you're gonna pray for us this morning Amen all right go ahead and turn in your hymnals to sign number 472 song number four hundred and seventy two this is my father's world number four hundred and seventy two I Start there on the first. This is my father's world and to my listening ears All nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres This is my father's world I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees of Skies and seas his hand the wonders wrought This is my father's world The birds their carols raise The morning light the lily white declare their makers praise This is my father's world He shines in all that's fair In the rustling grass I hear him pass he speaks to me everywhere This is my father's world Oh, let me never forget That though the wrong seems off so strong God is the ruler yet This is my father's world The battle is not done Jesus who died shall be Satisfied and earth and heavy one Alright great singing this morning We'll go ahead and go over the announcements for the morning So go ahead and pull out your bulletins. If you don't have your bulletins, go ahead and raise your hand brother Eli We'll go ahead and bring them around to you the top left. We have our service times on Sunday morning We have our service time at 10 30 a.m. The evening service at 5 30 p.m. And that midweek Bible study is on Thursday at 7 p.m. We have our soul winning times listed underneath there with the respective people leading those times and their phone numbers and our Our stats are beneath that and do we have any salvations to report from Friday Saturday Okay, right on we'll go out today and hopefully get some to add and for a Bible memory passage We are in Romans chapter 8 we're in verse number 8 So we're going one verse per week moving right along and again, we're only in verse 8. Okay. It's a longer chapter So you can still get started. It's not too late. All right, you catch up very easily So definitely go ahead and just Memorize as much as you can if you can memorize the entire chapter word perfect and quote it to a non family member You will receive a special prize and this week. We have a very short verse. All right, so kids There's no reason why you shouldn't get ice cream next midweek service. All right, so definitely work on that Be in prayer for all of our expectant mothers. We have a long list there just be in prayer for my wife also He's kind of feeling a little little cruddy So just be in prayer for all the mothers and all the babies that everything goes well with that And then just right around the corner. We do have some events coming up We do have that men's conference May 20th through the 22nd. That's a Thursday through a Saturday All right And it's gonna be at that same location as last year at the River Bend retreat center in Glen Rose, Texas And there is a sign-up sheet on the back. So if you do plan on going make sure and sign up Write down your email address and Definitely put down what days you're planning on going if you're planning on going through the entire event Just put all or just whatever days you're going and it is open to all men Okay, so that's May 20th through the 22nd. It's coming up here really fast Just some other events taking place. That's not on the bulletin. We do have Pastor Jones that's preaching May 16th at Steadfast Baptist Church, he's coming down from Idaho. All right from shield the faith Baptist Church so if you can make it up there for that Sunday, I'm definitely go support pastor Jones and We do have also the the fire-breathing Baptist Fellowship We have the dates that that's going to take place and that's gonna be October 6 through the 10th That's gonna be a steadfast Baptist Church October 6 through the 10th So we have plenty of time to plan and kind of make make arrangements for that So definitely I would encourage you going to the fire-breathing Baptist Fellowship We went last year is a great time a great time of preaching and fellowship So definitely put that on your calendar and then just lastly If you do have any prayer requests or anything going on that you want special prayer about just email that into the church Pastor Shelley goes over those during that midweek service Like I say we can help each other out with whatever we need through all the prayer But that is the announcements for the morning Go ahead and pull your hymnals back out and we'll open up to our third song. It'd be song number 164 song number 164 praise him praise him 164 sing nice and loud starting there on the first praise him praise him Jesus our blessed redeemer See no earth his wonderful love proclaim Hail him hail him highest archangels in glory Strengthened honor Give to his holy name Like a shepherd Jesus will guard his children in his arms He carries them all day long Praise him praise him Tale of his excellent greatness Praise him praise him ever in joyful song Praise him praise him Jesus our blessed redeemer for our sins He suffered and bled and died He our rock our hope of eternal salvation Hail him hail him Jesus the crucified Sound his praises Jesus who bore our sorrows love Abounded wonderful deep and strong praise him praise him Tale of his excellent greatness Praise him praise him ever in joyful song Praise him praise him Jesus our blessed redeemer Heavenly portals loud with hosanna's ring Jesus Savior reigneth forever and ever crown him crown him Prophet and priest and king Christ is coming Over the world victorious power and glory Unto the Lord belong Praise him praise him Tale of his excellent greatness Praise him praise him ever in joyful song Alright this time go ahead and pull out your Bibles and turn your Bibles to Exodus chapter number 20 Exodus chapter number 20 My brother Jeff come and read for us. We'll go ahead and pass the offering plate Okay, so Exodus chapter 20 Exodus Chapter 20 in verse 1 the Bible reads and God spake all these words saying I am the Lord thy God Which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage thou shalt have no other gods before me thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that's in the earth beneath or That is in the water under the earth Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and Showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Remember the Sabbath day to keep it. Holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work But the seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not do any work Thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy manservant nor thy maidservant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and held it Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee Thou shalt not kill thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife nor his manservant nor his maidservant nor his ox nor his ass Nor anything that is thy neighbors And all the people saw the thunderings and the lightnings and the noise of the trumpet and a mountain smoking When the people saw it, they were moved to the far off. They said unto Moses speak thou of us We will hear but let not God speak with us lest we die and Moses said unto the people fear not For God has come to prove you that his fear may be before your faces that you sin not The people stood afar off Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was The Lord said unto Moses thus thou shalt say unto children of Israel you have seen that I have talked with you from heaven you shall not make with me gods of silver now shall you make unto you gods of gold an alternate earth thou shalt make unto me and shall sacrifice therein thy burnt offerings and my peace offerings thy sheep and my Oxen in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee and I will bless thee if that will make me an altar of stone Thou shalt not build of it of hewn stone for if thou lift up thy tool upon it thou has polluted it Neither shalt that go up by steps unto mine altar that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon Let's all bow our heads for a quick word of prayer Amen all right good morning everyone Thanks for coming and thank you pastor Shelly's always forgiven me the opportunity to preach and we are here in Exodus chapter 20 now Exodus chapter 20 is a very famous Chapter one of the most famous chapters in the whole Bible containing the Ten Commandments It's currently the chapter that steadfast Baptist Church is memorizing up in Fort Worth It's a very important chapter, but let's look at verse number seven the Bible reads Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain For the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain and the title my sermon is the sin of blasphemy the sin of Blasphemy now. What is blasphemy according to the dictionary dictionary.com? Blasphemy is either number one an impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things Number two an act of cursing or reviling God Number three the crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of God or number four the irreverent behavior told toward anything held Sacred and with this sermon. I basically wanted to show you Blasphemy in the Bible and some different ways that people blaspheme God in the Bible and how people can blaspheme God today He said brother Dylan. Why are you preaching on sin of blasphemy? Why can't you just preach on the the grace of God? The love of God. Well, look at that verse again. Look at the the last part of that verse It says for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Sounds like this is something that's very serious to God. This is a sin. That's very very serious Obviously every commandment in the Bible is to be taken seriously God means everything that he says but not every single commandment that he gives Does he tag on this serious of a warning at the end of it saying look if you take my name in vain? You will not be held guiltless It sounds like something that we should pay attention to and learn about so that we're not held guilty of Taking his name in vain of blaspheming him. So number one turn to Leviticus chapter 24 Leviticus chapter 24 the first way that people can blaspheme God is with their words now That's pretty obvious, isn't it? Look at Leviticus 24 verse 10 We get a story of someone doing this and the son of an Israelite ish woman whose father was an Egyptian Went out among the children of Israel and this son of the Israelite is woman and a man of Israel Strove together in the camp So you have someone who's just from Israel fighting with someone who is like half Israeli half Egyptian They're fighting together verse 11 and the Israelite ish woman's son blasphemed the name of the Lord and Cursed and so the Bible doesn't tell us exactly what this man said, but he said something that blasphemed God He cursed he probably cursed the Lord and keeps saying and they brought him unto Moses and his mother's name was Shelomith the daughter of Dibrai of the tribe of Dan and They put him in word that the mind of the Lord might be showed them and the Lord spake unto Moses saying bring forth him that hath cursed without the camp and let all that heard him lay their hands upon his head and Let all the congregation stone him with stones and thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel saying whosoever Curseth his God shall bear his sin and he that blasphemed the name of the Lord He shall surely be put to death and all the congregation shall certainly stone him as well The stranger as he that is born in the land when he blasphemed the name of the Lord shall be put to death So we give this story These two men are fighting and in the midst of the fighting one gets riled up and blasphemed the name of the Lord He curses God and so he's put in word the mind of the Lord is shown to Moses and what is God's will for this Person, how does God feel about what this person did? All he did was just utter something with his mouth, right? But what he uttered with his mouth God felt that it was worthy for him to be put to death by being stoned With stones for what he said, so obviously this is extremely This is an extremely wicked sin and something that God takes very seriously He says look if someone curses the name of the Lord if someone blasphemes the name of the Lord They are to be put to death whether it's the stranger or the or the Israelite. It doesn't matter to him It doesn't matter who you are when you blaspheme God's name. He's not gonna hold you guiltless He thinks you should be put to death for that and you know Imagine in our country if we have the death penalty on blasphemy Hollywood wouldn't even exist because they'd all be dead Literally because every single movie you go see this is why it's so Bad to go watch all these movies because you're gonna go to the movie theater and you're gonna watch a movie and you know What you're gonna hear the name of God being blasphemed time and time and time again and so many Christians today have been Desensitized where they could just hear someone curse God's name They could just hear someone take the name of the Lord in vain and it doesn't even faze them They don't care. They could just watch the movies. They could just play the video games where they blaspheme God's name. They don't care Well, really because God says this person should be stoned to death and I bet you if we grew up in a society Where we watched people stoned with stones for cursing the name of the Lord when you heard someone blaspheme God's name I bet you would make you twinge inside I bet you would make you cringe thinking wow, this person's about to die for what he just said Meanwhile our politicians the people that are looked up to in society. They could get on television They could get on the radio their music and just be full of curses and blasphemy against God and no one cares Christians don't care. Meanwhile, you say something bad about the Prophet Muhammad Muslims are ready to kill you And I'm not saying that we as Christians should be killing people, you know ourselves It should be the government's job to put people to death if they blaspheme the name of the Lord But you know at least Muslims actually care about their religion seems like so many Christians are just just indifferent They hear people blaspheme the name of the Lord and they don't even care, you know We hear people blaspheme God's name that should really really strike you it should shake you it should be you know a lot of people they don't have they don't take their beliefs from the Bible and they think that four letter letter words are sinful and that words that the American Movie Picture Association or whatever deems as sinful they cringe when they hear bad words four letter words But yet they don't cringe when people blaspheme the name of God I would rather hear those four letter words all day long Those words don't even faze me because the Bible doesn't even say that that's a sin. That's a man-made doctrine You know, it does phase me is when people blaspheme the name of God. It's wicked I'll read for you go to Matthew 27 I'll read for you. Job 2 9 remember the story of job. He loses his children. He loses all of his possessions He loses his health and it's not for any sin of himself It's because that God is trying him and remember what his wife said I'll read for you job 2 9 It says then said his wife unto him dost thou still retain thine integrity curse God and what and die She said she knows that the death penalty is attached to cursing God The death penalty is attached to blaspheme in the name of the Lord and she's like, you know a job Just go ahead and blaspheme God and die. You're in such a miserable state It's a horrible attitude to have but it shows that hey, what are you worthy of when you blaspheme God death? You are worthy of death Matthew chapter 27 We're gonna get a story and seeing again. What are we talking about? We're talking about blasphemy by your words blasphemy by your words. Look at Matthew 27 in verse 39 we're picking up the story of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross and They pass by Revive and they that pass by reviled him wagging their heads and Saying thou that destroyest the temple and buildest it in three days save thyself If thou be the Son of God come down from the cross Likewise also the chief priests mocking him with the scribes and elders said he saved others himself He cannot save if he be the king of Israel Let him now come down from the cross and we will believe him He trusted in God let him deliver him now if he will have him for he said I am the Son of God So what happening, you know, the Lord Jesus Christ is on the cross. He's paying for the sins of the whole world He's you know suffering and dying for these very people that are blaspheming him and mocking him and what are they doing mocking him? Making fun of the Lord Jesus Christ wagging their heads at him saying all sorts of hard speeches against him making fun of him Questioning him, you know, oh you say you're the Son of God Why don't you come down from the cross then and you know, you see the world do this all the time You know when the world makes fun of Christianity when the world makes fun of the Lord Jesus Christ, what is that? That is blasphemy. That's what it is with their words. They're mocking God. Oh you think prayer works You're gonna go pray to your sky daddy who's ever heard stuff like that. The atheist want to talk about Oh, you believe in your sky daddy. What is that? That's blasphemy is what that is and according to the Bible They should be put to death now. Obviously, I'm not saying that these people Can't be saved because for these very same people the Lord Jesus Christ prayed and said father forgive them for they know not what they Do right? But what I am saying is that the physical death penalty is attached to the sin of blasphemy and when you hear people mock Christianity oh you go to church wasting three hours a week going to church That's blasphemy making fun of church making fun of the Bible. Oh, you actually believe that this is the literal words of God This is fairy tales and fables That's blasphemy to make fun of God's Word to make fun of the Lord Jesus Christ to make fun of the doctrine of God That is blasphemy go to Isaiah chapter 36 We'll look at another story Where a person blasphemes God? We learn a lot about how God feels about it from this story I'll start reading in verse 1 now it came to pass in the 14th year Isaiah 36 verse 1 of King Hezekiah that Sennacherib King of Assyria came against Came up against all the defense cities of Judah and took them and the king of Assyria sent Rabshaki Rabshakah, however You want to say it from Lakish to Jerusalem unto King Hezekiah with a great army And he stood by the conduit of the upper pool in the highway of the fuller's field So just to give you some context of the story Sennacherib the king of Assyria is sending his man Rabshaki to Hezekiah and he's going to confront him and this is what he's gonna say to him look at verse number 13 then Rabshaki stood and Cried with a loud voice in the Jews language and said hear ye the words of the great king the king of Assyria Thus sayeth the king let not Hezekiah deceive you for he shall not be able to deliver you Neither let Hezekiah make you trust in the Lord saying the Lord will surely deliver us this shit This city shall not be delivered into the hand of the king of Assyria. So what is he doing? He's trying to intimidate Hezekiah He's trying to intimidate the armies of Israel He's saying don't let Hezekiah make you trust in the Lord that he's gonna be able to deliver you You know, you should be fearing the king of Assyria. We're coming after you don't trust in the Lord Don't let Hezekiah deceive you look at verse 16 harken not to Hezekiah For thus sayeth the king of Assyria Make an agreement with me by a present and come out to me and eat ye every one of his vine and every one of His fig tree and drink ye every one the waters of his own cistern Until I come and take you away to a land like your own land a land of corn and wine a land of bread and vineyards Beware lest Hezekiah persuade you saying the Lord will deliver us Have any of the gods of the nations delivered his land out of the hand of the king of Assyria. Where are the gods of Hamath? And Arphad, where are the gods of Sepharvayim and have they delivered Samaria out of my hand? Who are they among all the gods of these lands that have delivered their land out of my hand that the Lord should deliver? Jerusalem out of my hand So what's Rabshakey doing he's comparing all these false gods of all the other lands that he's taken over in the past Which are devils he's comparing all of these devils to the Lord He's saying look these devils that all that Hamath and Sepharvayim and all these these places had They didn't deliver them. They didn't deliver them out of my hand. They didn't deliver them out of the king of Assyria's hand What is the Lord any different than these devils is what he's saying. There is no difference is what he's saying He's just mocking the Lord He's confronting the Lord saying he's not gonna deliver you Don't trust in Hezekiah and don't let him make you trust in the Lord rather You should be fearing man rather. You should be fearing the king of Assyria This is blasphemy right here to compare the Lord to devils, you know. Oh Mohammed didn't deliver us. What do you think Jesus is gonna do that? That'd be like the same thing comparing Mohammed a false prophet to the Lord Jesus Christ comparing Joseph Smith to the Lord Jesus Christ, this would be blasphemous to say Let's look at verse Let's look at Isaiah 37 in verse number one we get Hezekiah's reaction to this and it came to pass when King Hezekiah heard it that he rent his clothes and Covered himself with sackcloth and went into the house of the Lord See, this is the normal response for blasphemy when you're not completely Desensitized to people blaspheming the name of the Lord like we are in our present day in the United States Hezekiah hears this blasphemy and it makes him rent his clothes and throw sackcloth upon him and go to the house of the Lord That's how much it shook Hezekiah and we should feel the same way when we hear people Challenging God, you know just blaspheming God in this way verse 2 And he sent Eliakim who was over the household and Shebna the scribe and the elders of the priests covered with sackcloth Unto Isaiah the prophet the son of Amos and they said unto him thus saith Hezekiah this is a day of trouble and of rebuke and of Blasphemy for the children are come to the birth and there is not strength to bring forth It may be the Lord thy God will hear the words of Rabshakey whom the king of Assyria his master hath sent to reproach the living God and Will reprove the words which the Lord thy God hath heard Wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is left. So what happens Hezekiah? He hears this blasphemy He rents his clothes and he sends his servants unto Isaiah the prophet and what does he ask Isaiah the prophet to do to? Pray against this person and let me tell you even though people can be saved when they blaspheme God We shouldn't necessarily pray that someone who blasphemed God would just be sent to hell Obviously we want them to be saved if it's possible for them that exact person But we should pray that God would rebuke what they said that God would show Lord Please show that this person's blasphemy is wicked. Please show yourself to be strong Please show this person's words to be corrupt and evil read that verse again. It says it may be the Lord thy God will hear the words of Rabshakey whom the king of Assyria his master hath sent to reproach the Living God and will reprove the words which the Lord thy God had heard. So he's asking God God Will you please just reprove what this person said and when we hear someone blaspheme God There's nothing wrong with praying that God would reprove that person some profit if some false prophet was up You know mocking the Lord Jesus Christ if some you know, Muslim imam was preaching against the Lord Jesus Christ Hey, I would be happy if the Lord just reproved him right there The Lord just shut his mouth if the Lord just whatever the Lord wants to do to show that what this person is saying is Wicked pray that for them. That's what hezekiah wants here Look at verse number six and Isaiah said unto them. So the prophet Isaiah is responding Thus shall you say unto your master? Thus saith the Lord be not afraid of the words that thou hast heard wherewith the servants of the king of Assyria Have blasphemed me so Isaiah is speaking the words of God thus saith the Lord He says that what Rabshakey just said was blasphemy. So the Bible himself the Bible itself is defining this as blasphemy There's no question whether or not Rabshakey was blaspheming. This is not just my interpretation or my opinion of the story No, Isaiah said thus saith the Lord. This is blasphemy. There's no question that this is blasphemy verse 7 Behold I will send a blast upon him. You got to love the poetry of the Bible Sometimes listen to how great this sounds look at the end of verse 6 It says wherewith the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me behold. I will send a blast upon him That I love that. I love the Bible. It sounds good He blasphemed me out blast you and he shall hear a rumor and return to his own land and I will cause him to fall By the sword in his own Land what does God say? He's like, you know what? I've heard this blasphemy. I'm gonna blast him You know what? His punishment is gonna be death. Why because the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain That's why because God is not gonna just let his name be blasphemed and you're not gonna get away with it You are not gonna be guiltless when you blaspheme God's name I don't care if it's in this life or in hell when you die if you blasting God you're paying for that pun You for that sin, you will be punished for it. And so Rabshakey his punishment was right here He's gonna get the sword. He's gonna die. That's God's punishment on him. And of course, he probably went to hell right after this But look at I'll read for you Galatians 6 7 it says be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap God is not Mocked, you know people can try to mock the Lord, but it's not like they win. It's not like they actually embarrass God It's not like they actually Succeed in shaming God. No, you can go ahead and mock God you can go ahead and blaspheme God But guess what? He's not gonna be mocked because what you sow You're gonna reap and God's not a respecter of persons either if you're a saved person and you take the name of the Lord in Vain if you speak against God if you open your mouth and blaspheme against God You are gonna reap that and you are gonna pay the punishment for that and you're gonna be judged very severely by God And so us as Christians we need to make sure that our mouth we are extolling the name of the Lord that we are lifting up the name of the Lord that we are praising the name of the Lord and we should never just flippantly use his name how people just say OMG, every time they're scared or something funny happens or something bad happens or something good happens Just using God's name in a flippant way is wicked as hell You ought to correct every single time your kids do that It should be automatic discipline right there Because you don't want the Lord to discipline them when they get older like Rab Shaky if you use the name of the Lord in Vain, you know what you need to repent of that immediately This is why it's a really bad idea Like I talked about earlier just to sit your kids in front of the TV Sit them in front of the movie go to the movie theater and let's just listen to people blaspheme God's name and the whole movie Theaters laughing it's so funny when people blaspheme God's name. Oh, look this really famous good-looking person's blaspheming God's name. It's just so funny It's so great. No, it's wicked as hell is what it is The Bible says that you're worthy of death when you do it and you know what God is gonna send a blast upon you When you blaspheme his name number two Go to Deuteronomy chapter 18. Another way that people can blaspheme God's name that could blaspheme the name of the Lord is blasphemy by false doctrine Blasphemy by false doctrine Deuteronomy look at verse number 18 I 'm sorry chapter 18 verse 20 But the prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name Remember in Exodus 20 the commandment was not to take the name of the Lord in vain This person's speaking in the name of the Lord. They're taking the name of the Lord Which I have not commanded him to speak or that shall speak in the name of other gods even that prophet shall die So he's saying if you speak in the name of the Lord, but I didn't send you you're not actually speaking my words You will die And if thou shalt say in thine heart How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken when a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord if the thing? Follow not nor come to pass This is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously Thou shalt not be afraid of him. So this prophet he's speaking in the name of the Lord. He's saying I'm a prophet of God I'm a teacher of God. I'm a man of God. I'm speaking God's words But they predict something they say something that's going to come to pass and it actually does not come to pass The Bible says this person is speaking presumptuously meaning that they're just taking it upon themselves to preach in the name of the Lord when they're not actually preaching in the name of The Lord and the Bible says that a person that does this also would be worthy of death So what would that be? That'd be false doctrine because if you're preaching something that God didn't say then it's false doctrine If you're preaching that something's going to happen that does not happen that is false doctrine and that makes you a false Prophet and guess what else that makes you worthy of death You know what's so funny during this election season so many Fox News preachers was saying I have a word from the Lord God spoke to me and Donald Trump is going to be the president It's so funny because they're making all this grand prediction Which really it was very easy to predict that Donald Trump probably would have become the president if the election was not rigged He would have very easily been the president United States Obviously, but you know, they didn't they didn't plan on that rigged election. So they're like, I'm gonna look really smart I'm gonna say God told me Donald Trump's gonna be elected. Well, guess what? It did not happen What does that make you a false prophet is what it makes you it makes you someone taking the name of the Lord in vain Saying that you are getting a word from the Lord saying you're a prophet of God and God's speaking to you when he did not Speak to you. It's blasphemous It's a lie. You're speaking in the name of the Lord vainly and you know what those people are worthy of death Pastor Shelley showed me this video of one of these false prophets. I I don't know his name, but he made that prediction He said, you know Donald Trump's gonna be the president and he made like an apology video after that Donald Trump did not become the president and he's like, look, I'm really sorry I made a mistake, but that doesn't make me a false prophet though. It's like yes, it does Deuteronomy chapter 18 It does make you a false prophet You're a liar all the people in the past that have predicted the rapture Jesus is coming in two thousand the year 2000 false prophet Jesus is coming in 2020 false prophet Ellen G white predicting the coming of the Lord false prophets You know If you're preaching that something's gonna happen in the future and it does not happen take it to the bank That person's a false prophet and what are they doing? They're taking the name of the Lord in vain, you know This reminds me of a lot of these Pentecostal preachers, you know, just next door We have a spanish-speaking Pentecostal Church and most Pentecostals They play this stupid game where they said I have a word from the Lord God told me. Well, you know what? Thanks for telling me that you're a false prophet Anytime I hear someone say God told me and it wasn't from the Word of God I know you're a false prophet because God did not tell you anything other than what's in the Word of God I'll read for you Hebrews 1 1 it says God who at sundry times and in diverse manners Spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets So in times past God spake directly to the Prophet he spoke to Moses. He spoke to Abraham He spoke to all these people but now in verse 2 hath in these last days Spoken unto us by his son the Word of God whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also He made the world so Jesus Christ is the Word of God, you know, he speaks to us now through the Bible And so if you're gonna tell me God told me you better have a verse and a chapter to back that up You know what? God told me you're a false prophet in Deuteronomy chapter 18 That's what God told me and God telling me that trumps anything that you have to say because it's the Word of God It's not my opinion. And you know what when people preach like this it is blasphemy Why because it's taking the name of the Lord in vain and God is not gonna hold them guiltless That take the name of the Lord in vain he will punish them Matthew chapter 12 Let's look at another way that people blaspheme God by false doctrine Matthew chapter 12 start reading in verse number 24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said speaking of Jesus this fellow does not cast out devils But by Beelzebub the prince of devils and Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself cannot stand and If Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself How shall then his kingdom stand and if I by Beelzebub cast out devils by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God Then the kingdom of God has come unto you or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods? Except he first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house He that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me Scatterth abroad wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men now This is a very famous topic almost everybody knows about blasphemy of the Holy Ghost and a lot of people teach weird stuff about it But what's happening here the Pharisees are seeing Jesus's miracle Miracles and they're saying this person casts out devils by devils basically So the Lord Jesus Christ who the Bible said he was anointed with the spirit of gladness above his fellows I mean he was more filled with the Holy Ghost than anyone ever has been He had the absolute fullness of the Spirit at all times He was under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and he was doing good things By the Holy Ghost and these wicked devilish Jews We're looking at the Lord Jesus Christ Seeing all the great wonders he was doing seeing all the great miracles that he was doing and they looked at that and said oh I know I know how you're doing that you're doing that by the power of the devil You're doing that by demons and Jesus says that that is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost and that person has never forgiveness You can be forgiven of blasphemy, you know Rab shaky if he would have repented right there. I'm sure he could have gotten saved, right? People that blaspheme God in other ways if someone says OMG, you know God can forgive you for that and you can still be saved But if you blaspheme the Holy Ghost the Bible says you can never be saved You can never have your sins forgiven in this life or the next that is something that a reprobate does Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost and what is it? What is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost? Well, it's a false doctrine is what it is It's a false doctrine It's saying that the that the miracles that Jesus did were done under the inspiration of devils That is a very blasphemous false doctrine and that's one of the many ways That you can blaspheme God by false doctrines go to John chapter number two John chapter number two And we're gonna read about one of the miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ in John to Look at verse number six It says and there were set there six water pots of stone after the manner of the purifying of the Jews Containing two or three firkins of peace Jesus saith unto them fill the water part pots with water and they filled them to the brim And he saith unto them draw out now and bear unto the governor of the feast and they bear it when the ruler of the feast had Tasted the water that was made wine and knew not whence it was but the servants which drew the water knew The governor of the feast called the bridegroom Excuse me and saith unto him every man at the beginning that set forth good wine and when men have well drunk Then that which is worse but thou has kept the good wine until now so in this story We have the famous story of the Lord Jesus Christ Changing water into wine now wine can mean two different things in the Bible wine can either mean the fruit Or the juice of a fruit Squeezing out grapes and that juice that comes out of the grape is wine or it could be fermented alcohol That also is wine in the Bible now a lot of people wrongly and blasphemously Teach that the Lord Jesus Christ here is turning water into alcohol into 11 poisonous beverage Even though the governor of the feast is shocked that after these men had well drunk that Jesus has made this really good wine So according to them they would have to say that the Lord Jesus Christ Showed up to a wedding where people were already well drunk They're already very very intoxicated and Jesus went ahead and made them six more water pots of wine Which is extremely blasphemous. What is that? That is a false doctrine. That is blasphemous Why because that would make the Lord Jesus Christ a sinner? That's why because if Jesus Christ turned water into alcoholic wine and served it to drunk people That would make Jesus Christ a sinner because the Bible says not to even look upon the law of the wine when it is read the Bible says a person that is deceived by alcohol is a fool and So to say that Jesus Christ Wouldn't make this water into wine It'd make him a fool and that's blasphemous to teach yet how many people because they want to fulfill their own lusts They want to drink alcohol and they just want to use this story as their excuse of why they can do it Well, Jesus made water into wine. So that means that I could drink alcohol Really what they're doing? Not only are they just justifying their own wicked sin, but they're blaspheming God on top of it They're adding sin under their sin You know what? if you want to be wicked and drink alcohol just shut your mouth about it and you go ahead and just be a loser then You go ahead and just be an idiot then and in your house Not around God's people you want to go ahead and live that double life you go ahead and do that But don't you dare say that my Savior made alcohol because it's blasphemy. That's why Never teach that wicked doctrine speaking of blasphemy about the Lord Jesus Christ. I'll read for you revelation 113 It says and in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks One like unto the Son of Man and it's going to describe Jesus in his glorified state Clothed with a garment down to the foot and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. So it's describing Lord Jesus Christ He's wearing a garment down to the foot and he's girt about the paps with a golden girdle Speaking of blasphemy this idiot Bo Ballard who used to be the the satellite leader of Steadfast Baptist Church Okay, see he was preaching about this and this is what he said He said a long train like if a woman has a long wedding dress That's a picture of glory And so Jesus Christ having this long garment is a picture of glory and if not no big deal Don't throw me out of the church for that Okay, so what is he doing? He's comparing a woman's wedding dress to the Lord Jesus Christ being Clothed with a garment down to the foot. Well, here's the thing. I got news for you I'm clothed with a garment down to the foot right now and Hopefully every man in here as well. It's called pants So just because he was wearing something down to the to the ankle down to the foot does not mean he was wearing a dress What kind of a sick mind thinks something like that that Jesus Christ is wearing a dress? What is that? That's blasphemous by false doctrine to teach that and then it's so funny He quoted some Bible verse on Facebook and I forget exactly what verse it was But you know I brought up to the to this to him that he preached this stupid thing and he denied it twice just lied Saying oh I never preached that some railer is telling you that and then I just posted the video of him saying and he just Had nothing to say there's a complete liar blasphemous idiot liar is what Bo Ballard is. You know what? Why is that so blasphemous because if Jesus Christ wore a dress that would make him an abomination to God Because the Bible says that if the man puts on a woman's garment or vice-versa if you're a cross-dresser The Bible says in Deuteronomy 22 5 that you are an abomination to God So don't you dare compare Jesus Christ to a woman wearing a wedding dress don't even go there And if you say something that's stupid, please immediately clarify what you mean be like, I'm not saying that they're both wearing the same dress I'm just talking how they're both glorious Okay Still a stupid comparison, but can you at least make that known when you preach that because you're all you're blaspheming God You're blaspheming Jesus Christ We should not put up with that I'll read for you Luke 20 verse 46 it says beware of the scribes which desire to walk in long robes And it's funny Jesus Christ is warning us to be aware of people that wear long robes and then Bo Ballard wants to teach that Jesus Christ is wearing A long robe. It's like Who am I gonna believe Jesus or you what a fool? Here's another blasphemous false doctrine You know if people have ever run into Mormons out soul-winning You probably know that Mormons believe that they're gonna become gods someday They teach that they are gonna become gods and obviously I don't even have to explain to you why this is blasphemous, right? But what's so annoying about Mormons is that they'll lie and lie and lie to your face you ask him Do you believe that that you guys are gonna become gods someday? Oh, no. No. Well, here's the thing Mormons basically believe in a couple things. They say they believe in the King James Bible, which they don't they believe in the Book of Mormon They believe in something called the pearl of great price and they believe in something called the doctrine and covenants now I want to read straight from their document because I don't appreciate people lying to my face. Okay? I know what their doctrine says I know what they believe and they do teach that they will become gods someday now I'm cutting this down a little bit because one verse in this chapter is like 200 words long. So if you want to look it up, I will cite it for you, but Mormon doctrine and covenants chapter 132 verse 19 anyone wants to go look that up chapter 132 19 It says and again Verily I say unto you if a man marry a wife by my word Which is my law and by the new and everlasting covenant So he's saying if you get married in the temple and do all the rituals It shall be done unto them in all things whatsoever My servant hath put upon them in time and through all eternity and shall be a full force when they are out of the world and they shall pass by the angels and the gods and the gods Which are set there to their exaltation and glory in all things as have been sealed upon their heads Which glory shall be a fullness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever and listen to this then Shall they be gods Because they have no end therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting And so these these moron these moron Mormons that want to lie to your face and tell you they don't believe this Listen to what that just said their own doctrine just says they will be gods you get married in the temple You're a good Mormon. If you do all the things they tell you to do you're gonna when you die You're gonna pass by the angels You're gonna fly past Kolob planet Kolob and all the other gods this weird Star Trek Stupid faggoty religion and then you're gonna be a god That is blasphemous That is a blasphemous religion and the Mormon religion is one of the most blasphemous religions out there They call themselves another testament of Jesus Christ wicked Blasphemous I'll read for you Isaiah 44 6 it says thus sayeth the Lord the king of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts I am the first and I am the last and beside me. There is no God Don't let any Mormon tell you that they believe the Bible because they need to pick between one of these two things Do you believe Mormon doctrine and covenants which says you'll become a god someday or do you believe the Bible where the Lord says? I'm the only God and they'll say oh, you know, we believe that there's one God per planet It's like no that doesn't work You're going straight to hell if you believe that and your blasphemy is going to take you straight to hell Go to John chapter 10. We'll look at another way another false doctrine that people teach For the people can teach that would be blasphemous to the Lord Look at verse 28 John 10 and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand My father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand I and my father are one then the Jews took up stones Again to stone him Jesus answered them many good works Have I showed you for my father for which of those works do you stone me? The Jews answered him saying for a good work We stony not but for blasphemy and because that thou being a man makest thyself God now Jesus Christ is God So, of course what he's saying is not blasphemy if he makes himself God, you know It's fine if he makes himself equal with God because he is God But if some random man says that they're God then that would be blasphemy And so these wicked Jews was just thinking that Jesus was some man saying he was God, but obviously he is God So the real blasphemy flamer blasphemers in this story are the Jews but apply that to the Mormons again Take up stones and stone them. They're blaspheming God saying that they're gonna be a god someday. It's wicked let's go to Titus chapter number two Titus chapter number two You know, we could just go through tons and tons and tons of just false doctrines that blaspheme God But we wouldn't have enough time to do that The point of showing you just a few examples of how people blaspheme God with false with false doctrine It's just showed you show you the importance of having sound doctrine the importance of having good doctrine Look at Titus 2 verse 7 in all things showing myself a pattern of good works in doctrine showing uncorruptness Gravity Sincerity, so our doctrine should be uncorrupt It should be grave meaning serious and it should be sincere meaning it's true. It's right We should not take the Word of God lightly We should not go out soul-winning and preach things lightly preach things that we don't understand no, we need to take every doctrine of God very seriously and Make sure that our doctrine is uncorrupt look at verse 8 or verse. Yeah 8 sound speech that cannot be condemned That's the opposite of everything else. I've been showing you all these false doctrines That's not sound speech saying God spoke to me That's not sound speech that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed having no evil thing to speak of you That's our goal That should be your goal as a preacher as a soul winner as a Christian That the speech that you give from the Word of God is sound that no one can speak against it If you're preaching that which is true and right it's sound doctrine that cannot be condemned You know This is like I wish that churches and preachers would read this I wish that churches today had doctrine that was that was just spotless that was clean I was perfect But it's like most pastors in America today blaspheme God all the time saying things like God loves homos God loves pedophiles, you know, Josh Duggar who just got arrested again for having stuff of kids on his computer We're praying for him. God loves him. I'm sure there's many a bleeding-heart idiot pastors That's preaching that kind of garbage this morning and that's blasphemous because it's not sound doctrine We need to make sure that we have sound doctrine number three go to Ezekiel 36 Another way that we can blaspheme God is not only by our words not only by our false doctrine but by our actions By the way, we live our life. We could blaspheme the Lord look at Ezekiel chapter 16 or 36 verse 16 It says moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land They defiled it by their own way and by their doings talking about their works their doings their lifestyle and their way Was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman Wherefore I poured my fury upon them for the blood that they had shed upon the land and for their idols Wherewith they had polluted it and I scattered them among the heathen and they were dispersed Through the countries according to their way and according to their doings I judge them and when they entered under the heathen wither they went pay attention to this they profaned My holy name when they sent them to them These are the people of the Lord and are gone forth out of his land. So God's saying these these Israelites when they dwelt in their own land They defiled my name by their own ways by their doings by their shedding of blood By their Idolatries by their wickedness they had profaned the name of the Lord saying we're the people of the Lord It's like when you look at people claiming to be God's people and they're shedding blood. They're committing idolatry They're committing all the sin that blasphemes God that profanes God's name when people are supposed to look at Israel the holy chosen nation and Seeing how they're acting seeing how they're living and saying these are the people of the Lord You know the song take the name of Jesus with you take it everywhere you go Hey, that's a double-edged sword because when you're doing good, you're the ambassador of Christ, but also when you're doing evil You're the ambassador of Christ as well and you drag his name through the mud when you live a wicked life When you go out and claim to be saved and claim to be a Christian, you know, praise God that salvation is by faith through Grace, it's not of works. You don't have to change your life to be saved But when you're going around saying you're a Christian and living a wicked life, you're profaning the name of God Look at verse 21 says but I had pity for mine holy name Which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen whether they went Therefore say unto the house of Israel thus saith the Lord God I do not this for your sakes Oh house of Israel but for my holy name's sake Which ye have profaned among the heathen whether you went and I will sanctify my great name Which was profaned among the heathen Which ye have profaned in the midst of them and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord Sayeth the Lord God when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes for I will take you among the heathen and gather you Out of all countries and will bring you into your own land. So God's saying look I'm gonna take you from all the countries. I'm gonna bring you back into your land, but just know I'm not doing this for you I'm not doing this for your sake I'm doing this because I have pity on my holy name because my name is attached to you bozos Because my name is attached to you idolaters. My name is attached to you shedders of blood But guess what? I'm gonna have pity for my holy name. Why because God's name is important God's name is to be highly exalted and praised and when we go out and live a wicked life We're profaning God's holy name and that is not something that should be taken lightly go to Leviticus chapter 20 And get another example of this Leviticus chapter 20 Leviticus 20 look at verse number one Leviticus 20 verse 1 the Bible says and the Lord spake unto Moses saying again Thou shalt say to the children of Israel Whosoever he be of the children of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel that giveth any of his seed unto Molech He shall surely be put to death The people of the land shall stone him with stones and I will set my face against that man and will cut him off From among his people because he hath given of his seed unto Molech to defile my sanctuary and to profane my holy name So people were literally Sacrificing their children to a false God a devil named Molech And God says that these people need to be put to death because they're profaning God's name You know what how we can apply this today is that when Christians go out and sacrifice their own children through abortion They are profaning God's name That is wicked as hell to sit there as the ambassador of Christ and murder your own child There's absolutely no excuse for that. That is one of the highest ways you could profane the name of God Murdering your own children's disgusting what America does today? verse number four and if the people of the land Do anyways hide their eyes from the man when he giveth of his seed unto Molech and kill him not Then I will set my face against that man and against his family and will cut him off and all that go a whoring after Him to commit whoredom with Molech from among their people he's saying not only are these people that are sacrificing their children Not only are they profaning my name But if the people of the land hide their face from this atrocity if the people of the land just turn a blind eye Want to pretend like it's not happening don't want to talk about it don't want to point it out He says I'm gonna set my face against that man as well and I'm gonna judge him as well And that's why at pure words Baptist Church and as steadfast Baptist Church. We're not afraid to talk about abortion We're not afraid to call it what it is Filthy murder is exactly what it is why because I'm not gonna hide my face From the profanity of God's name that's happening in our country by murdering children If you want to pretend it doesn't exist God's wrath can be on you if you want, you know I'm not gonna pretend it's not happening I'm not gonna just not talk about it because people are uncomfortable Because people don't want to be confronted with the fact that they've murdered their kids That's your fault If you've murdered your kids and thank God there is forgiveness for that you can be forgiven for that You know what? We're not gonna just profane God's name in God's house. We're not gonna just not talk about it We're not gonna just not we'll just pretend that it doesn't exist. No, it's blasphemy It's profaning God's name when you murder your own children And you know what? We need to be teaching the next generation that that is wickedness so many people today are deceived that that they don't think there's anything morally wrong with it because they've been lied to and they've been Deceived that it's not even a life That's just a cytoplasm or whatever stupid name. They want to give it this month now we need to teach our kids that it's a life at conception and that people that kill their children are Murderers and that it's wicked You know I can't imagine the wrath that is being stored up for our nation because of the innocent blood That we have shed by the murdering of our own children It makes me shudder to think how angry God must be but it is blasphemy by what by our actions blasphemy by our actions Go to Leviticus chapter 22 Leviticus chapter number 22 Look at verse 1 in the Lord's bacon to Moses saying speak unto Aaron and to his sons that they separate themselves from the holy Things of the children of Israel and that they profane not my holy name in those things which they hollow unto me I am the Lord and so this is a the priests are supposed to be separated before they go and do the work of God They're supposed to be separated from the unclean thing and this is just a picture of Separation living a separated life in the New Testament. We're kings and priests. We're ambassadors for Christ And so we ourselves we should be separated as well. We should touch not the unclean thing go to 2nd Samuel chapter number 12 2nd Samuel chapter number 12 We get the story of David committing adultery and we know that David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then he wanted to not get in trouble for it So he ended up murdering Uriah the Hittite Bathsheba's husband He sent him into the hottest part of the battle to make sure that he died So he did not find out that he had committed adultery with his wife. Look at 2nd Samuel 12 verse 9 Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord to do evil in his sight Thou hast killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword and has taken his wife to be thy wife and has slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house Because thou hast despised me and has taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife Thus saith the Lord behold I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house and I will take thy wives before thine eyes and Give them unto thy neighbor and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this son For thou didst it secretly But I will do this thing before all Israel and before the son and David said unto Nathan I have sinned against the Lord and Nathan said unto David the Lord also hath put away thy sin thou shalt not die How be it because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme The child also that is born unto thee shall surely die. So obviously David had sinned against God by this wicked act of adultery by this wicked act of murdering Uriah the Hittite But you know what else he did? He also caused the enemies of the Lord to have great occasion a great reason a great excuse to Blaspheme God to look at David and said this is the man after God's own heart Well, God must be what David is God must be okay with what David did and you know even unsafe people are gonna look a lot of times at Adultery and murder as wicked even the unsaved people you out so many and oftentimes they ask people Hey, what do you think the worst sin someone could do is and a lot of times the answer is murder or adultery Those are the two answers that you get, you know in Mexico. Usually I heard adultery That's what they said was was the worst thing and you know in America if we weren't so defiled We would think how horrible adultery is as well, but that's the thing when we commit those sins We're not just hurting the persons that we've sinned against. We're not just hurting ourselves We're actually causing people to be able to blaspheme God You think about you know, and I hate to always bring this up all the time But it's a good example in this case is pastor Donnie Romero How many enemies of the Lord could look at him and blaspheme God because of what he did because of his adultery because his wickedness You know what? God forbid that that would be said of us God forbid that that would be said of purest Baptist Church and thank God, you know, Nathan said hey the Lord's put away your sin David you're still saved. Thank God salvation's not of works that it's by faith alone But you know what? I don't want to just be dragging God's name through the mud all the way to heaven I don't want to just get to heaven and my whole life was just people blaspheming God because of my lifestyle and obviously We're all sinners. We're all wicked We all make mistakes, but we need to be careful not to blaspheme the name of God by our works Go to Romans chapter number two. We're almost done here Romans chapter number two Romans to look at verse Romans 2 verse number 21 Says thou therefore which teachest another teachest thou not thyself Now that preaches to man should not steal does thou steal now that sayest a man should not commit adultery Dost thou commit adultery thou that abhorrest idols? Dost thou commit sacrilege thou that makest thy boast of the law through breaking the law dishonorous thou God for the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you as It is written So this chapter rebuking the Jews saying look the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles Through you through these wicked Jewish rabbis teachers of the law Pharisees Hypocrites that are teaching people not to murder and murdering that are teaching people not to steal and stealing That are teaching people not to commit idolatry and committing sacrilege Complete hypocrites and you know what's gonna happen if we say one thing and do another people are gonna blaspheme God as a result of that and obviously every single human being in the world is a hypocrite at times and Is a hypocrite in some in some ways, but you know We need to try to do our best as Christians to everyday crucify the flesh Walk in the spirit and take up our cross and follow Jesus Christ Speaking of the Jews, I think I've told this story here before but on the weekend of Christmas I was flying to Idaho to visit family and there was a Jewish rabbi sitting in front of me And I'm just angry because it's Christmas and this person that hates my Savior is breathing the same air as me And I'm just not happy that he's on the airplane Okay And so I'm reading Bible verses really loud to my wife and we're playing hymns or whatever just because I'm angry This guy is here and he's playing on his phone and I was like, what is this Jew? What did Jews do on their phone? What did Jewish rabbis do on this phone? You know what he was doing. He was doing the same sort of sick stuff that Josh Duggar was arrested from Watching all this weird stuff on his phone this sick perverted stuff Next to people on the airplane and it's like what kind of a sick dog Do you have to be when you're doing that stuff in public makes me terrified to think what you're doing in private in these rabbis They're so esteemed, you know outwardly they appear righteous But within they're full of hypocrisy and iniquity and dead men's bones what the Bible says and so people trust these rabbis and people trust these Catholic priests and they let their kids go and get Counsel from them and they want to go confess their sins to them But really they're like what Romans to chat Romans chapter 2 says they're preaching one thing and doing another And I confronted this sick pervert after the flight and I said hey rabbi Are you a man of God? You know what he said? Yes Yes, I Said you wanna tell me why a man of God is doing this on an airplane and his eyes got this big and just darted Into the closest bathroom ran away from me Sick pervert sick disgusting pervert and guess what? That's what false prophets are like That's what the Bible describes them as and you know what? I actually got to see it with my own eyes that they have eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin. Look When you can't cease from that on an airplane in front of other people you have eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin But what's the point of telling you that story that guy blasphemes God's name? Not only with his mouth and his false doctrine, but also by his lifestyle. He's a rabbi. He's a man of God He says he's a man of God yet. He's doing that on an airplane in front of kids in front of other people Blasphemy by his actions, you know what God forbid that we would do something that would cause people to blaspheme God in our life That is not what we want for our life almost done your Titus chapter 2 Titus 2 Titus to look at verse number 3 Says the the age of women likewise that they be in behavior has become with holiness not false accusers not given to much wine Teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children To be discreet chaste keepers at home good Obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed Here's another way that we could blaspheme God by our lifestyle if you want to be a Christian feminist If you want to be a Christian feminist and you don't want to obey your husband You don't want to be chased. You don't want to be discreet You want to go be a loudmouth you want to go drink alcohol? You know what you're doing blaspheming the Word of God Because there's some people on this earth that don't have their heads all screwed up and still believe that the husband is over the wife You know a good example of this is the Russian community when I lived in Vancouver, Washington very high Russian population and even though almost none of them were saved they understood that dad's the head of the home and That wife is to submit and they don't buy this feminist garbage And so if you say oh, I'm a Baptist I believe in God, but I'm a feminist who cares what my husband says Oh, I'm gonna drink some alcohol. I want to be a loudmouth. I want to be you know a pastor a female pastor What is that that's blaspheming the Word of God by your actions, and you know what men can do the same thing Later on in Titus 2 tells men to have sound speech that cannot be condemned We already went over those verses. You know all of us can blaspheme God by our actions. We don't want to be guilty of it Lastly here, I'll read for you You know what do we learn from all this because we learned a couple ways that people blaspheme God people can blaspheme Just straight up with their mouth cursing his name taking the name of the Lord in vain That's one way people do it And that's probably the most common way that everyone is guilty from time to time of doing Another way is by false doctrine the false prophets can blaspheme God the Mormons blaspheme God and another way is by our lifestyle But what can we learn from this is that God will judge the world one day for its blasphemy In Exodus 20 the Bible said that he will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain God is not going to put up with the sin. He's not going to just let it slide. I'll read for you Jude 1 Verse 14 it says in Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints to Execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds Deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches Which ungodly sinners have spoken against him? Someday, God is coming for those people that have spoken against him for those ungodly sinners that have ungodly spoken hard speeches Against the Lord he's coming for them someday, and he will make them pay He will judge them in this earth like rap shaky, or he'll judge them in the next by tormenting them in hell But God will judge the world for their blasphemy But what should we do? I'll read for you revelation 15 for us who shall not fear thee O Lord and glorify thy name For thou only art holy For all nations shall come and worship before thee for thy judgments are made manifest Who will not fear God and glorify his name you know us at pure words Baptist Church? We should fear the Lord and glorify his name glorify the name of the Lord with our words glorify the name of the Lord with our doctrine preaching sound doctrine from the Word of God and Glorifying the name of the Lord with our life not being hypocrites with that. Let's have a word of prayer Lord Thank you so much for this day, and thank you for your word I just pray that every single person in here would be careful never to blaspheme your name Whether that's by their words by what they teach or by what they do God I pray that pure words Baptist Church would be a church of people That would praise and extol your holy name and in Jesus name we pray amen Oh In Majesty supreme Who gave his son for man to die that he might men? redeem Blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be the name blessed be the name Blessed be the name of the Lord his name above all names shall stand Exalted more and more At God the father's own right hand where angel host adore Blessed be the name blessed be the name Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord Redeemer Savior friend of man once ruined by the fall Thou hast devised Congratulations plan for thou hast died for all Blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord His name shall be the counselor the mighty Prince of Peace of all Earth's kingdoms conquer Whose reign shall never cease? Blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be the name blessed be the name blessed be the name Blessed be the name of the Lord You're all dismissed