(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 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Welcome, Lord, to America. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day to be able to freely gather again this evening and to sing praises in your name and to hear good preaching in your name. Lord, I pray that you'd just be with those seeds that were planted and the three salvations that we had this afternoon. Lord, that you would just stir up their spirit to get in a good church and to serve you. Lord, as always, I just do pray that you'd incline your ear to us as we sing praises for you and that everything here would be done decently and in order. These things we pray in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Amen. For our next hymn, turn, if you would, to hymn number two, Glory to His Name. Hymn number two. There on the first. Found at the cross where my Savior died Now where for cleansing from sin I cried There to my heart was the blood of life Glory to His name Glory to His name Glory to His name There to my heart was the flood of life Glory to His name I am so wondrously saved from sin Jesus so sweetly abides within There at the cross where He took me in Glory to His name Glory to His name Glory to His name There to my heart was the blood of life Glory to His name O precious fountain that saves from sin I am so glad I have entered in There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean Glory to His name Glory to His name Glory to His name There to my heart was the blood of life Glory to His name Come to this fountain so rich and sweet Cast thy poor soul at the Savior's feet One ship today and be made complete Glory to His name Glory to His name Glory to His name There to my heart was the blood of life Glory to His name Alright, great singing this evening If you need a bulletin, please raise your hand We'll come around and get that to you We do again have our verse for the week here on the front If you are memorizing that chapter I encourage you guys to keep up the hard work there And also for you kiddos I know you get ice cream tonight But if you want ice cream next week Right, you want to memorize that verse So I encourage you guys to do that We have service times and so many times listed there On the left hand side And I got to get used to the new pulpit here We had a total of three salvations this afternoon So we'll get that added to our totals For the week and the month And I encourage you guys to keep up the hard work there We do have soul winning again Thursday before the evening service at 5.30 If you can meet here, we'll send you out And do some soul winning before that service So I encourage you guys to participate if you can Continue to be in prayer for our expecting lady, Ms. Ferb Our next fifth Sunday fellowship is this coming Sunday And that theme for that is foods that start with C So it is a potluck style fellowship And of course we'll do crowd pick hymns And then fellowship afterwards So I encourage you guys to be there for that And then as I mentioned this morning We had a great turnout for our marathon in Stillwater 17 total salvations for the day So praise the Lord for that And of course we've had brother Oz preach for us this morning He's going to be preaching for us again this evening I'm excited to hear the sermon that he's got prepared for us And also if you have not taken your pictures Please stick around for that To do that directly after the service I think everyone got taken care of this afternoon But just in case, please let me know So that way I can inform our photographer And help him with that But I'm pretty sure we're good to go there And then also stick around After the service we are going to have Sunday floats, root beer floats So definitely stick around for that June 29th is our baby shower for my wife here at the church That's going to be at 2pm And then July 5th we have a baseball game scheduled to go to at Bricktown And that starts at 7pm We'll get some of the information there In the next week On where to park at And what to expect for that And I'm really looking forward to that It's going to be a fun time Also please invite anybody you would like So if you have anybody that you want to bring along with you Feel free to do that August 15th through the 17th is our men's conference And that's in the Dallas-Fort Worth area It's about a 5 hour drive 4 and a half hour drive from Oklahoma City And it's a Thursday through Saturday event And I encourage you guys For you men If you're able to get off work You won't be disappointed We usually have great preaching for that Do we know who the guest preacher is going to be yet? Brother Elvis? Okay So a guest preacher will usually come in Pastor Shelly Hill preached Thursday Friday is the guest preacher And then Saturday is men's preaching in the morning And we typically get back into town about 5pm For us guys in Oklahoma City On that Saturday So I encourage you guys to put that on your calendar If you can make it It'll be a blessing to you Right to our next song, hymn number 13 Must Jesus bear the cross alone Hymn number 13 Alright hymn number 13 Must Jesus bear the cross alone We'll sing there starting on the first Must Jesus bear the cross alone And all the world go free No there's a cross for everyone And there's a cross for me A concept rated cross I'll bear Till death shall set me free And then go home My crown to wear For there's a crown for me Apart the crystal pavement down At Jesus' innocent feet Joyful I'll cast Thy golden crown And his dear name repeat O precious cross The glorious crown O resurrection day The angels from the stars come down And bear my soul away Amen, good singing this evening As the offering plates are being passed around Turn if you would to Proverbs chapter number 14 Proverbs chapter 14 Proverbs chapter number 14 Verse number 1 the Bible reads Every wise woman buildeth her house But the foolish plucketh it down with her hands He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord But he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride But the lips of the wise shall preserve them Where no oxen are the crib is clean But much increases by the strength of the ox A faithful witness will not lie But a false witness will utter lies A scorner seeketh wisdom and findeth it not But knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth Go from the presence of a foolish man When thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way But the folly of fools is deceit Fools make a mock at sin But among the righteous there is favor The heart knoweth his own bitterness And a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy The house of the wicked shall be overthrown But the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish There is a way which seemeth right unto a man But the end thereof are the ways of death Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful And the end of that mirth is heaviness The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways And a good man shall be satisfied from himself The simple believeth every word But the prudent man looketh well to his going A wise man fearth and departeth from evil But the fool rageth and is confident He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly And a man of wicked devices is hated The simple inherit folly But the prudent are crowned with knowledge The evil bow before the good And the wicked at the gates of the righteous The poor is hated even of his own neighbor But the rich hath many friends He that despiseth his neighbor sinneth But he that hath mercy on the poor happiest he Do they not err that devise evil? But mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good In all labor there is profit But the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury The crown of the wise is their riches But the foolishness of fools is folly A true witness delivereth souls But a deceitful witness speaketh lies In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence And his children shall have a place of refuge The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life To depart from the snares of death In the multitude of people is the king's honor But in the want of people is the destruction of the prince He that is slow to wrath is of good understanding But he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly A sound heart is the life of the flesh But envy the rottenness of the bones He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his maker But he that honoreth him hath mercy on the poor The wicked is driven away in his wickedness But the righteous hath hope in his death Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding But that which is in the midst of fools is made known Righteousness exalteth the nation But sin is a reproach to any people The king's favor is toward a wise servant But his wrath is against him that causeth shame Let's pray Definitely Father, Lord, pray now that you would just fill brother Oz with your Holy Spirit Lord, help him to preach unto us your word God, I pray that we would be attentive And that we would have an open heart to receive the things that he's prepared for us And that we would apply these truths to our lives Amen, good evening, thank you all for being here I just want to say thank you for the great hospitality that's been shown to us this weekend I really have enjoyed this weekend The soul winning marathon in Stillwater was great It's a great area and soul winning today was great Everything's just been awesome, I really appreciate the hospitality My wife and I and our children are definitely looking forward to coming here soon I've got a couple job interviews lined up So as soon as I get a start date, I'm moving here So be in prayer for me for that if you would It's good to be here as always So we're in Proverbs chapter number 14 And I want to read to you this evening verse number 15 The Bible says, The simple believeth every word But the prudent man looketh well to his going So here we get a description of a simple person in the Bible Now what is someone that's simple? Let me just give you the dictionary definition of the word simple Simple is someone who's unlearned, ignorant, stupid, or untutored Here's some synonyms, gullible, naive, trusting, susceptible, or unguarded This is obviously, no one in here wants to be someone that's simple No one wants to be stupid or gullible or just overly trusting This is obviously something we want to avoid And God gives us here one of the characteristics of a simple person, of a stupid person Is someone that just believes everything they hear Now there's only one thing in this whole world that you could just believe every word of And it's the King James Bible But everything else in life you need to take what's being said with caution You need to do your own research You need to not be someone that just believes everything that they hear And this is all the more important in 2024 America with things like AI With things like social media and just the internet and just our technology getting so advanced You must have your mind guarded in this world right now You cannot just believe everything you hear Often times you can't even believe everything that you see I mean this AI technology is crazy I mean some of this technology is at the point where you could get a FaceTime call And it has my voice, it has my face And it's like, hey I just got in a car crash, I need to get some new tires, can you send me some money? And it's not even me It's like some dude in the Middle East just ripping you off It's getting crazy in this world And you have to make sure that you're not being a simple person that just believes everything you hear Or even believes everything that you see And when I think about two groups of people that really typify this mentality First I think of just the far left I mean just the crazy communist weirdos I mean they believe everything that they hear Anything that's on CNN, they believe it Anything that the government says, they believe it Anything that's in any textbook, they believe it Anything that's in academia, they believe it I mean Joe Biden is the most popular president that has ever existed in American history That's what a lot of leftists believe today He had the most votes of anyone in American history, right? I mean the mRNA injection is so safe and effective, it's not hurting anyone Because CNN told me that Also, did you know that Vladimir Putin is just like the worst person that's ever lived on the face of the earth Right, this is what leftists would say And obviously I don't endorse Vladimir Putin, but just the things that they say about him often are lies The far left, they just believe everything that they hear But here's the thing, there's also a group on the right that is just like this And often these people would call themselves part of the truther movement Now I don't know what has happened to this movement I don't know if it's just changed in the last 10 years Or if just I've always been naive of what it truly is But the thing is, I actually got saved by being a part of that movement I wanted to know the truth I actually found Pastor Anderson on Alex Jones, on the Alex Jones show And you know it used to be if someone says like Hey I think 9-11 was an inside job I used to think about that person like Man here's a person that's really smart, here's a person that's actually paying attention to the world And they're realizing that they're being lied to But now I feel like conspiracy theorists have gone so far That when someone tells me that they believe 9-11 is an inside job I'm like okay good, what shape is the earth though Are you one of these QAnon people? Are you about to tell me that Joe Biden's a hologram? Like what other stupid stuff is about to come out of your mouth And so many of these people on the far right Who even call themselves Christians Are nothing more than simple stupid people Because they're exactly the same mentality as the left The left, they just believe everything CNN says Everything academia says And nothing that the Bible says Nothing that a conspiracy theorist will say But here on the other side you have like the QAnon people The people in the truth movement And they believe nothing that the government says Nothing the government ever says can be true They believe nothing that a book in a college has ever said It's all lies The government's never done anything true But they will believe anything that any YouTube video says You are an idiot And the title of the sermon is Stop Being Simple Stop Being Simple Look just because you're someone that's a conservative Just because you're awake on a lot of issues Doesn't actually mean you're smart Because it could be you just happened to watch a video that told you the truth And you got lucky and believed it But you'll watch another video About a different stupid conspiracy theory And you'll immediately believe that too You have no clue what you're talking about You did zero research You know nothing about the topic But you will say oh this is a conspiracy The government's lying about this I mean let's think of some examples here Here's some stupid, stupid conspiracies How about that the global flood caused the craters on the moon You are an idiot if you think that That's not really a conspiracy theory But that's just something stupid that you can hear on the internet And you know what the simple believe every word Okay let's think about another one Here's something I've heard Joe Biden is a hologram Space isn't real Who's heard someone say space isn't real I know multiple people who have said this My dad has worked with people that say this And what's funny is my dad worked with this guy that said space isn't real But yet he couldn't get around town without a GPS It's like I wonder how that GPS works Oh yeah satellites in space You moron Okay here's some other ones Mein Kampf was written by Jews Not Adolf Hitler Okay Sure There are secret civilizations beyond Antarctica Aliens built the pyramids Rockets don't go to space they all go to the Bermuda Triangle Rockets have never left our atmosphere That's the Bermuda Triangle man They all go there Elon Musk's in on it NASA's in on it All of these stupid conspiracy theories Ancient civilizations built the US Capitol buildings The US Capitol building was built by an ancient civilization called Tartardia Thousands of years ago Yes Also nukes don't exist That's another stupid conspiracy theory I've heard You know the US sent like paratroopers into Japan in 1945 And just like planted a bunch of TNT throughout all their cities Because nukes don't exist I mean wow It's ridiculous I believe that we went to the moon I think there's a lot of evidence And I'm not saying someone's stupid if they deny the moon landing But what does bother me is when someone's done zero research on it And they're like oh yeah that's fake man Oh yeah the Van Allen radiation belt Oh the Van Allen radiation belt? You mean the one that was discovered by an astrophysicist? You mean the belt that you wouldn't even know anything about If it wasn't for an astrophysicist telling you about it? Okay Yeah that's not really a good example there to defend your theory But look That's really not the main issue The issue is the point of the sermon is don't be simple Don't just believe everything in here Don't just believe every official story you ever hear Don't believe every conspiracy theory you've ever heard Okay and I want to give you a few principles tonight That can safeguard you from being a simple person Okay Number one You need to commit to lifelong learning Go to Proverbs chapter one Proverbs chapter one If you want to be someone that is not gullible That is not tricked That is not just falling for everything that you hear You need to commit to being a lifelong learner It doesn't stop when you graduate high school It doesn't stop when you graduate college Us as Christians we need to be people that learn our entire lives Look at Proverbs one verse seven it says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge But fools despise wisdom and instruction You say I want to be wise I want to have knowledge Well the very first step in that is that you must fear the Lord You can't go anywhere else until you have feared God in your life So you want to be someone that's not simple you want to be someone that's wise You must fear the Lord And we are living in a time where so many people are departing from knowledge So many people are departing from wisdom And are departing from instruction Why is it? It's because they don't want to fear the Lord I mean the public school system in America now has just become a joke And it's really sad to see It's really sad to see the reading level comprehension of a lot of people It's sad to see Americans just test scores in general I mean our nation right now educationally speaking is a nation in decline And in a lot of ways is a nation in decline And it's directly related to the fact that we as Americans are deciding no longer to fear God And if we want to bring back wisdom, knowledge, education in our country We need to bring back the fear of God Go to Hebrews chapter 5, Hebrews chapter 5 Commit to life long learning You know it makes sense for a baby to be ignorant It makes sense for a child even to be ignorant of a lot of things You know there should come a point in your life where you're no longer ignorant Where you're an educated person And it's the same thing spiritually Look at Hebrews chapter 5 verse 12 It says, for when for the time ye ought to be teachers Ye have need that one teach you again Which be the first principles of the oracles of God And are become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat So look this group of Christians here These aren't the ones that are really mature These aren't the ones that are really learned and educated And mature in a spiritual sense No they're actually ones that need milk They should have been using strong meat by this point Look at verse 13 it says, for everyone that useth milk Is unskillful in the word of righteousness For he is a babe So what's the point? Commit to life long learning You say, I want to learn the bible I want to be someone that has a lot of bible knowledge I want to be someone that's wise concerning the scriptures How do you do it? Well you have to do it by reason of use If you want to be someone that's educated in the bible It means you have to use the bible What does that look like? Well of course one way it looks like is soul winning You're going out and you're flipping to tons of verses Week after week after week And when you've gone soul winning for years and years You've done it hundreds of times And you've heard all the different false ideas that are out there And when you're confronted with those ideas You go home and you study and you think How can I, what verse can I show to help this person learn And that's going to cause you to become wise in the scriptures Why? Because you're using it When you put the bible into practice You will become wise in the scriptures So hey, commit to being a lifelong learner when it comes to the bible What does that mean? Use the bible your whole life Be a soul winner Apply the things that you hear Go to proverbs chapter number 4 Proverbs chapter number 4 Look at what it says in proverbs 4 13 It says take fast hold of Notice this word Instruction Let her not go Keep her for she is thy life I love that word instruction You know us as God's people We should desire someone to instruct us Someone to teach us And this does not only apply spiritually This should apply to your job You should want to be better at your job And you should want someone to tell you How to get better But we live in a time right now where a lot of people They don't want to be told anything They don't want to be told that they're not doing a good job They don't want to be told how they can improve So many people are just so prideful They think I've already arrived I'm already a smart person I'm already a wise person And people do this spiritually too A lot of people, they don't think that they need church In fact, out soul winning just today I ran into a woman that says Oh yeah, we don't got to go to church This is someone that is simple This is someone that doesn't know the Bible very well Who is not educated regarding the scriptures Why? Because she doesn't even realize the importance of church You know, that's the mentality that a lot of people have spiritually and carnally today But look, us as God's people, both spiritually and carnally We should commit to being lifelong learners I hate this anti-education attitude that I see some people having Or this attitude where Christians are just dumb country bumpkins You know, Florida man who says that he can't read half the words on the page But he just believes it by faith Oh, I'm so stupid I can barely put a puzzle together But I believe the Bible, what a shame That's a stupid attitude I don't want us having that type of attitude It's just ridiculous Go to Psalm 119 And I'll read for you Proverbs 9, 9 It says, give instruction to a wise man And he will be yet wiser Teach a just man And he will increase in learning Notice how the Bible connects being wise with being just You say, oh I want to be a Christian, I'm just not really into learning You're an unjust Christian You say, oh yeah, I want to be a good Christian, I just don't really care about education You're a bad Christian Because the Bible connects these ideas Give instruction to a wise man And he will be yet wiser Teach a just man And he will increase in learning You show me someone that doesn't care about challenging their mind You show me someone that doesn't care to research anything They just believe what they hear I'll show you an unjust person And you know what I've noticed about a lot of people Who just believe everything they hear They are super, super lazy They're lazy Why? Because they don't want to actually look into anything They don't want to actually do the hard study And find out the truth for themselves They just want someone to tell them, hey this is true And they're just like, okay I believe that But that's a lazy attitude And of course it just shows that the Bible is true That wisdom is connected with being just And if someone's unwise They're very often unjust They're very often a bad Christian Where do we learn about doing right? Go to Psalm 119 verse 9 It says, Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way By taking heed thereto according to thy word And that's the best education anyone could get Is reading the Bible Taking heed to what it says Look at verse 128 of the same chapter Psalm 119, 128 The Bible says, Therefore I esteem all thy precepts Concerning all things to be right And I hate every false way You know the great thing about the Bible Is you can just immediately trust everything it says And everything that the Bible says We esteem to be right And we hate every false way And I think this is the mentality that God wants us to have As Christians Is that we should want to know what's right We should want to know what's true And of course the first way to find what's right Is to find it in the Bible But I think even carnally speaking I think God cares that we want to know the truth about something That we're not just so flippant with our facts Or these conspiracy theories But that we actually want to look into what is right You know I don't think it's right for Christians To go around and just blow their mouth off About things that they have no idea what they're talking about Even if it's not spiritual matters I just don't think it's the attitude God wants us to have I think He wants us to care about what's right And investigate what's right And then believe what's right And then say what's right Go to Proverbs 16, Proverbs 16 Proverbs chapter 16, look at verse 16 It says, How much better is it to get wisdom than gold And to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver You know the Bible says that it's better to get wisdom than gold But how many people in this world actually believe that today Virtually none, virtually none When we look at our country today When we look at the men of our country When we look at the fathers of our country What are they spending their lives doing Seeking wisdom or seeking gold Seeking gold obviously You know and we have to be the exception as Christians And realize that hey we should be seeking wisdom with our life The same amount of energy that the Jewish banker wants to put into committing usury And running all of his businesses and making tons of money Is the same type of energy and effort we should be putting into becoming wise Into becoming educated Why? Because that's way more powerful than money You know the word of God, the truth on your side Being someone that's wise You actually end up having more power in society than just someone with money Because someone who's unwise and has money can lose it like that But someone that's wise, they actually understand how things work They actually know stuff, okay Someone that's wise actually understands things Proverbs 18, 15 The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge And the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge So remember in our sermon text here The simple is contrasted against the prudent And the simple he believes every single word But notice what the prudent does? He gets knowledge It doesn't sound to me like God believes in this country bumpkin attitude Where he's against education You know it sounds to me like he really cares about us getting knowledge Really cares about us getting wisdom, okay Go to Daniel chapter number one, Daniel chapter number one Daniel chapter number one, verse three The Bible says, and the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs That he should bring certain of the children of Israel and of the king's seeds And of the king's seed and of the prince's Children in whom was no blemish but well favored And notice skillful in all wisdom And cunning in knowledge and understanding silence And such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace In whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans Notice when it comes to Nebuchadnezzar and the type of people that he's looking to serve his kingdom Is he looking for people who've watched a lot of TikTok conspiracy videos? Is he looking for someone that's played a lot of video games? Or who's smoked a lot of pot? Or has stared up in the space looking for people to serve his kingdom? Or has stared up in the space looking for aliens all night or anything like that? No, it's actually children that are wise, that are full of knowledge, that understand science Don't have an anti-science attitude as a Christian Just because there's a lot of science falsely so-called out there Look, I love science And here's the thing about science, science is just knowledge And the Bible constantly uses carnal truths to illustrate spiritual truths But you realize that you can't understand the spiritual truth unless you understand the carnal truth If you don't understand the carnal truth, how are you going to understand the spiritual truth? You know, you've got a subject like physics What is physics? It's just like the study of physical reality That's all it is And some Christians will be like, oh, that's terrifying, that's, I mean, that's satanic, that's witchcraft Stay far away from that It's like, no, what's wrong with physics? Physics is great I hope people learn physics I'm not afraid as a preacher of Christians learning physics Because science is not a bad thing Don't get this stupid holier-than-thou mentality All I ever read is the Word of God You read anything else, you are not spiritual You are vain You are wasting your time Wow, that's a foolish attitude to have Seriously, it doesn't impress me It doesn't make me think you're cool It makes me think you're simple It makes me think you're lazy It makes me think you're unjust But you just convince yourself of that Go right ahead Look at verse number 5 And it says, And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat And of the wine which he drank So nourishing them three years, that at the end thereof they might stand before the king Now among these were of the children of Judah Known as Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah Hey, these four guys, these four children Are a great example to us I mean, do you think we could find just tons of children like this in the United States of America today? Probably not I'm sure there's exceptions out there But look, I went to public school And so I feel like I have to be neurotic about learning Because I feel like the government just failed me so much And I'm just like trying to catch up I'm trying to read a ton, I'm trying to learn a ton But so many people, they're just complacent with their level of knowledge Their level of wisdom Their Bible knowledge, they're just complacent about it I mean, these guys had to have worked hard to get to the level of wisdom that they were at And God doesn't, you know, look down upon these children for being wise Actually, these are really favored people on the side of God Go to 1 Kings Chapter 4 1 Kings Chapter 4 And it's funny, because many prideful people We think, well, us in 2024 America We're just so much smarter than all the generations that came before us We're just so much better, we have so much more understanding than them And of course, there are individual people who are smarter today than individual people back then But, I mean, in general, if you read 17th, 18th century literature It's immediately obvious how much better educated they are than us I mean, one of my, probably my favorite fiction book ever Is Uncle Tom's Cabin Written by a woman, Harriet Beecher Stowe Harriet Beecher Stowe I think is her name And her writing is just beautiful I mean, it's magnificent You have to really pay attention to understand what she's saying Because her pen is just awesome But how many people could write like that today? Everyone has a TikTok brain today I mean, you can hardly get someone's attention for 10 or 15 minutes out soloning For them to pay attention to the gospel Not to mention people writing down and creating beautiful works of literature Like Uncle Tom's Cabin And so we don't need to have this attitude like, oh, we're so much more smart No, a lot of us are way dumber than previous generations And some of us need to wake up and say, like, wow, I need to spend more time learning I need to spend less time on my phone I need to commit to being a lifelong learner I need to stop wasting so much time Look at 1 Kings 4, 29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding Exceeding much and largeness of heart Even as the sand that is on the shore So look, Solomon was someone that was very wise And had great understanding And remember, why is that? It's because he asked God And so you want to be someone that's smart You want to be someone that's educated Ask God to help you Ask God to give you wisdom Ask God to give you understanding And then as you ask, put in the work And actually try to learn things And then you might wake up one day realizing that you actually are educated Or you're actually a lot more educated than a lot of people in this society Verse 31 For he was wiser than all men That's an extreme statement right there Then Ethan, the Ezraite, and Heman, and Calcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol And his fame was in all nations round about And he spake three thousand proverbs And his songs were a thousand and five Notice that his fame was in all nations round about It doesn't sound to me like because Solomon was educated That somehow hindered the kingdom of God Oh Solomon, you should have just been so much more spiritual Just only focusing on reading the Bible Actually, he was famous in all nations because he was smart And notice, did he only read the Bible? Well, look at verse 33 And he spake of trees From the cedar tree that is in Lebanon Even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall He spake also of beasts And of fowl And of creeping things And of fishes So notice, Solomon put in some serious study About a wide variety of topics It's not like Solomon's only reading the Bible No, this guy could tell you everything about zoology This guy could tell you everything about trees This guy could tell you everything about birds This guy could tell you everything about bugs I mean, that's pretty cool, right? This is a smart guy This guy actually did some real reading He's not just only reading the Bible This guy just knows a lot about a lot And that didn't hinder the kingdom of God That didn't make him less spiritual In fact, the nation under Solomon was the best it ever was Under someone who was what? Wiser than all men Doesn't sound to me like God's against education Doesn't sound to me like God wants us to be stupid Like God wants us to be fools And so when it comes to committing to being a lifelong learner You want to know what this looks like in reality? It does not look like watching documentaries, okay? Look, there could be some great documentaries Steadfast Baptist Church has produced some great documentaries But you want to know the primary way to learn stuff? Ready? This is going to be a painful word for some of you Read books! Read books! Let me tell you something If you go through an entire calendar year And you don't read a book You need to change your life You need to change your life If right now the only thing you read is the Bible You need to change your life You need to dedicate yourself to becoming more educated And look, I hope you read the Bible a ton I hope you read it through cover to cover every year I hope you read it cover to cover more than that Go as hard as you want to read the Bible I'm not telling you read the Bible less Read the Bible more, but I'm telling you read other stuff too Because sometimes you can get unbalanced You know, God wants us to not just be so spiritually minded That we're no carnal good, right? We need to be educated people And what that looks like is reading books I've talked a lot about this recently This has kind of become something I'm really passionate of Because I'm just sickened and horrified By the direction our country is going And by how stupid people are becoming And by how little people know about history Or really anything And so look, please read books This is something I hear a lot I just don't know what to read Okay, well I'm going to recommend one social media app That is actually good, okay? It's called Goodreads Goodreads is a great app And you can connect with your friends on there And you can see what they're reading You can share what you're reading And I have a whole list of books I've read on there If you want to add me on there You can get a lot of reading recommendations Don't waste your time with that one Frankenstein was like the worst book ever written It's terrible, don't ever read it It's a complete waste of time But look, there's other things to be like Oh yeah, I never thought about reading that, that might be interesting So yeah, just get the app Goodreads And get some dang books Where do you buy books? Thriftbooks.com Cheap, super cheap And if you homeschool, you can register as a teacher And you get extra discounts I mean, I got like 15 books one time So it can be done You know what, you just need to stop making excuses though Stop making excuses Oh, I don't know what to read Look, just pick up a book and read it We need to not be idiots as Christians So number one, if you don't want to be simple You need to commit to lifelong learning Number two, you need to approach claims with caution You need to approach claims with caution Go to Proverbs, or I'm sorry, go to Deuteronomy 19 You know, Proverbs 14, 15 says The simple believeth every word But the prudent man looketh well to his going You know, apply this to conspiracies, please Just because you hear of a conspiracy You need to approach that with caution And look, I believe that conspiracy theories are real The Bible is actually full of conspiracies If you actually look for it I've preached a whole sermon called Conspiracy Theory or Coincidence Theory I believe in conspiracies But that does not mean that every conspiracy theory is real And when you hear a claim You should approach that with caution And not just instantly believe it No, you should actually do your own research But think about this mentality some people have Of just believing everything they hear They don't approach claims with caution What if we just took that same mentality And applied it to Steadfast Baptist Church What if you just typed in Steadfast Baptist Church into Google And just believed everything you read And believed everything you hear Here's some claims made about Steadfast Baptist Church There's a video online Of this black guy pulling up to Steadfast Baptist Church Back when we were in Hearst And this skinny little white kid Comes up to his window And the black guy asks him, hey what are they doing in there? And the little white kid says Oh yeah, they said that they'll Steadfast said that they'll allow black people To go to heaven if they promise to be their slave These are the types of claims That are online about our church Just absolute Fabricated, out of nowhere Complete and utter lies But you want to know what an idiot Stupid person would do They see that video and they go, wow What a terrible church It's like, hey, moron, it's a lie Let me explain to you something about the internet Not everything on the internet is true Not everything you hear is true Not everything you see is true And so realize that If there's videos about Steadfast You know, we're going to have slaves in heaven someday Maybe your weird Joe Biden hologram theory is also a lie Do you ever think about that? You know, maybe you just look up And you see outer space at night And then you go on your internet and it says Oh, space isn't real Maybe it's lying to you Maybe you should actually approach claims with caution And not be a complete idiot Here's another claim About Steadfast Baptist Church Our protesters claimed That I pointed an AR-15 rifle At the protesters During church And they would repeat this over and over and over They made videos about it I'd walk out of the church like, hey, Dylan Why'd you point a rifle at us? It's like, look, what kind of an idiot would believe something like that? But people do People see that video and they believe it Not realizing that if I had pointed a rifle At protesters in church That I would be in jail right now I would be in jail But the simple believeth every word They hear a claim Oh, Dylan pointed an AR-15 at protesters Must be true. Why? Cause I heard it on the internet Here's another claim about us on the internet Pastor Shelley wants video gamers to be murdered I mean Our protesters literally had signs Pastor Shelley wants to kill All video gamers It's like, we have tons of video gamers in our church Why isn't he killing all of them? Because it's a lie But we're so Full of idiots In our society that just believe everything they heard Pastor Shelley wants Disobedient children to be murdered Wow Here's one Here's a video I saw Some faggot protester claimed to have Infiltrated one of our services They said that, oh, I went in, I attended one of their services And as soon as I got in the service All the ushers quartered off the building And locked all the doors And locked everyone in during the service It's just like Unbelievable But people are gonna watch that video And they're going to believe it. Why? Because they're stupid And you think you're so much better than them But hold on Do you believe everything that you hear? Do you approach claims with caution? Or do you just believe every single Stupid TikTok video that you see? You believe any conspiracy video that you see On Instagram You might be guilty of the same stuff Don't fall into that trap So, approach claims with caution You know, let's apply this to people Because often times accusations Are made against other individuals We should not just believe Accusations Made against individuals With no evidence By the way, I even apply this to people I don't like In fact, I even apply this to people That I hate Just because someone is a sodomite It does not give you the right to lie about them It does not give anyone the right to lie about them And it does not give you the right to exaggerate about them And if someone Is saying something about a sodomite That is false, you should be rebuked for doing so When someone Says something false about anyone You should be rebuked for doing so You know, Greg Locke I'm paraphrasing him here Unfortunately, I listened to one of his sermons And he got up, he's being all charismatic And he was saying, who's the two guys he called out He's like, Kenneth Copeland is a pedophile Joel Osteen is a pedophile Yeah, why don't you sue me, Joel Osteen Why don't you sue me, Kenneth Copeland And I'm just thinking like, okay You know, maybe Kenneth Copeland Is a pedophile Maybe Joel Osteen is a pedophile But do you have any evidence for that? Do you have any evidence For making a claim against someone That is a crime being worthy of putting to death Because look, I don't care how much I hate Kenneth Copeland I don't care how much I hate Joel Osteen If that's not true Then Greg Locke is guilty of railing And according to the Bible, should be literally Thrown out of church He should be thrown out of church for a lot of reasons actually But look, just because you don't like someone Just because even someone's a false prophet Don't get up and just lie about them And when you hear claims about someone Realize that you should Approach that claim with caution Even if you hear a claim about someone you don't like Someone says something bad about a false prophet Make sure it's true Someone says something bad about the Jews Make sure it's true Why? Because I think God cares That we care about truth Not just confirmation bias I hate the Jews A lot of people in the new IFB have this attitude Where they hate all Jews Which by the way, I don't hate all Jews I don't think you should hate all Jews I think you should hate the religion of Judaism But there's people who call themselves Jews that can get saved But don't just turn off your brain And turn on your little confirmation bias And you hear something negative about the Jews And you just automatically believe it You know what you could be guilty of? Being simple Being stupid Someone that just believes everything that they hear I'm sick and tired of hearing this Go to Deuteronomy 19 Verse 15 says One witness shall not rise up Against a man for any iniquity Or for any sin In any sin that he sinneth So if one person comes up to you And makes a claim about another person Don't even listen to it Don't even give a credence in your mind for one single second Someone makes a claim about someone To me And there's one witness I'm just gonna pretend like I heard nothing I'm gonna change the way I think about that person Zero And stuff like this has happened And you know what? Not understanding this actually causes people harm Because there's been people in the past that have made false accusations Against pastors And when I hear people Their heart and their attitude is then changed towards that person Because they're wondering in their mind Could it be true? But you know what? You're just a fool if you do that Because the Bible says One witness shall not rise up And so when one witness comes to you Just immediately let it go out of your mind Approach claims with caution It says at the mouth of two witnesses Or at the mouth of three witnesses Shall the matter be established So look Let's say you have two or three witnesses Even to open up an investigation That doesn't mean that two or three witnesses Just automatically convict That just opens up an investigation You know, let's just use a theoretical example Let's say you have Video evidence Of brother so and so Inside of a bar Now the simple-minded person Would say, oh yeah for sure This proves beyond any shadow of a doubt This guy's a drunk What are you doing there blah blah blah That video just shows that that person was in the bar Right? But You know there could be other logical explanations For things that you need to investigate Before you just jump to a claim that someone's guilty Like for example, what if someone was Doing DoorDash and was just delivering food Or picking up food from that restaurant and leaving If you're a DoorDash driver, don't pick up from bars I'm not saying to do that But what I'm just showing you is You need to realize that sometimes There's more to the story You need to make something right off the bat Right? Two or three witnesses That just opens up an investigation Then you need to make diligent inquisition Look at verse 16, it says If a false witness rises up against any man To testify against him That which is wrong Then both the men between whom the controversy is Shall stand before the Lord Before the priests and the judges Which shall be in those days And the judges shall notice Shall make diligent inquisition Before I get on the next verse I want to point out that phrase Diligent inquisition What is this? This is a fact-finding investigation A fact-finding mission This means Your emotions are put aside Your prejudices are put aside Your feelings and dispositions About the person Based on their religion Or if they are whatever to you Those are put aside and you're going to look into The facts Okay? I don't like Joe Biden either But saying he's a hologram Where's the facts, man? I don't like him either But he's a real person He exists, okay? Look, NASA has done some weird things But space exists, my friend Okay? The rockets don't just go into the Bermuda Triangle If you actually did some diligent Inquisition You'd find really fast at a lot of those I mean, how about the flat earth? Good night You don't even need diligent inquisition for that You just need to, like, open your eyes and look outside Okay? The earth is not flat Please don't ever try to convince me of flat earth I don't want to hear it, okay? Verse 19 Then shall you do unto him As he had thought to have done unto his brother So shalt thou put away Evil from among you Look, God hates false witnesses so bad He says, if you If you accuse someone Of something that's worthy of being put to death And it comes out that you actually are a false witness Then whatever the punishment For the person you are accusing would have been Should now become your punishment And you know, we live in a society Today where people are not afraid At all To falsely accuse individuals As I showed you with the examples of steadfast I mean, people are just ready to falsely accuse each other Why? Because we don't have God's law Look, false accusations would be a lot less common If women Who claimed to be raped by a man And were lying about it Were actually put to death You know, we have this believe all women movement No, no, no, no, no You don't just believe all women You don't just believe all men You follow the facts You find two or three witnesses You do a diligent inquisition Every woman has the right to be believed No she doesn't You don't have the right to be believed either I don't have the right to be believed either You have to have facts Because I had someone tell me this That works in this Part of the world That a lot of times women Will either fornicate or commit adultery And in order to cover it up They will go get a rape test kit From the police And so the physical evidence Often shows, oh yeah, it does show that you Have just been lying with someone But does that prove that she was raped? No it doesn't Women are doing this to avoid consequences Of embarrassment Of discipline from their parents Or of their spouse finding out That they committed adultery So believe all women? No. Do diligent inquisition And by the way, if a man rapes a woman He should be lined up against the wall and shot in the back of the head Rape is a Disgusting sin And a woman who is a victim of rape Should have justice And the perpetrators of that crime should be dealt with By the government legally and lawfully But you know what, if a woman claims to have been raped And she's lying, then she should be Put to death after diligent inquisition After facts are presented Why? Because we shouldn't just have This culture where people are just falsely Accusing people all the time But here we are, so what should we do? We should approach claims with caution And realize just because something says something Does not make it so Go to Exodus chapter 18 Exodus chapter 18 But you know, at least in the house of God We are not going to tolerate Railing and false accusations You know, the government may not do Anything about it, but if you think That you could just rail against your brothers and sisters In Christ, if you think you could just falsely Accuse your brothers and sisters in Christ And not have any punishment for that You have another thing coming That's not how a real church works Exodus 18, 21 Moreover, thou shalt provide Out of all the people Able men, such as fear God Men of truth Hating covetousness And place such over them to be rulers Of thousands and rulers of hundreds Rulers of fifties and rulers of tens You know, when it comes to the qualification for someone To judge in any Matter, it's important to have Quality men of integrity In the position of a judge Why? Because if they're not, well then They might just believe everything they hear If they're just a simple person, they're just going to believe everything they hear Or they're going to be led by their emotions By the way, I'm sorry We shouldn't have women judges in our nation Because women are more emotional than men And sometimes it takes a man To say, you know what, take the emotion out Take your presuppositions out Or what you think this evidence tells you And we're just going to look at the plain cold facts Regardless of where it leads us That's the type of men That we need as judges in our nation That's the type of men we need as pastors That's the type of men we need as police officers As presidents And any type of position of power, we need men of truth Why? Because we should be people that Approach claims with caution I want to read to you This is some commentary From the U.S. District Court For the District of Massachusetts And it goes over This idea of being innocent Until proven guilty See, our legal system, it doesn't just Hear a claim and just believe it and you're just guilty Because Kim Jong-un said so You know, a lot of communists in our nation Want to turn it into that way But let me read you some commentary From the U.S. District Court For the District of Massachusetts It says this Presumption of innocence Proof beyond a reasonable doubt It is a cardinal principle Of our system of justice That every person accused of a crime Is presumed to be innocent Unless and until His or her guilt is established Under formality, it is a matter of The most important substance So the Massachusetts District Court here is saying You want to know what the bedrock of our legal system is It's that a person that's accused Of a crime is presumed to be Innocent until proven guilty Beyond a reasonable doubt You know what, that is how we should treat people in church That's how we should treat people in our daily lives We should give people the benefit of The doubt. That's even a legal principle In our own nation So then it's going to quote like The directions that a judge would give To the jury. It says this The presumption of innocence alone May be sufficient to raise a reasonable doubt And to require The acquittal of a defendant The defendant before you, John Doe Has the benefit of that presumption Throughout the trial And you are not to convict him Of a particular charge Unless you are persuaded of his guilt Of that charge beyond The presumption of innocence Until proven guilty Means that the burden of proof is always On the government to satisfy you That a defendant is guilty of the crime With which he has been charged Beyond a reasonable doubt The law does not require that the government prove Guilt beyond all possible doubt Proof beyond a reasonable doubt Is sufficient to convict This burden never shifts To the defendant It is always the government's burden To establish the elements of the crimes Charged beyond a reasonable doubt By the evidence and the reasonable inferences To be drawn from that evidence The defendant has the right to rely upon The failure or inability of the government To establish beyond a reasonable doubt Any essential element of a crime Charged against him If, after fair and impartial consideration Of all the evidence You have a reasonable doubt As to the defendant's guilt It is your duty to acquit him On the other hand, if, after fair and impartial Consideration of all the evidence You are satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt Of a defendant's guilt You should vote to convict So notice, judges tell juries today If there's any reasonable doubt in your mind Any reasonable doubt in your mind That someone is innocent Of the crime they're being charged with That you should then vote for them to be innocent That is the mentality of even our System of law And you want to know where this mentality came from It comes from the Bible It comes from the word of God That's what our country was founded on And our country, you know, knows That the Bible says that you're not Supposed to just believe one witness That you're not supposed to just hear a claim and run with it That you're supposed to make diligent inquisition To a matter And that there has to be proof of that guilt Beyond a reasonable doubt Otherwise, don't listen to it Otherwise, we're not throwing the person in jail Otherwise, you shouldn't listen to that gossip Don't listen to that railing by someone About any individual Whether they're your friend, whether they're your foe You should treat everyone The same when it comes to judgment Everyone the same Look at 1 Timothy, chapter number 5 And it gives some Instructions to Both congregation and pastor here 1 Timothy, chapter number 5, verse 19 Specifically, when it comes to Accusations made against a pastor This is what the Bible says in 1 Timothy 5, 19 It says, against an elder Receive not an accusation But before two or three witnesses So notice For you to even hear an accusation Against a pastor, there must be two or three witnesses Not to say that the pastor's For sure wrong, but to even listen to it There has to be two or three Then it says, them that sin Rebuke before all that others Also may fear I charge thee, the pastor, before God The Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels That thou observe these things, notice Without preferring one before another Doing nothing by partiality Notice, when it comes to judgment God wants the pastor God wants judges Of this land to judge everyone Equally, to not be a respecter Of persons, to not think, well I like this person, so I'm going To assume their innocence Or I dislike this person, so I'm going to Assume their guilt, no, rather Both parties are given the presumption of innocence No matter what And there has to be proof to convict There has to be multiple witnesses And if there's not that, you know what Just approach that claim with caution Say, I'm not going to listen to this, and just let it go Don't treat anyone any differently for hearing it And notice how it says there Them that sin, rebuke before all You know, we need to bring back a culture in America Where people are called out For lying about other people I mean, that is one of the worst things About politics, which politics Is just terrible, it's just It sucks, okay, but one of the worst Things about it is how people are just Allowed to lie about each other, just non-stop I mean, I even had a teacher In my high school that ran For a local, low position He ran for coroner, and Just, even in a little tiny County election, I actually followed that Election, and I was just blown away At how, like, bloody and nasty and how many lies Were involved in that campaign I mean, our nation today is full of Liars and lies And look, if someone lies about someone else In this church, they need to be rebuked They need to be called out And if they don't apologize, they want to dig in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 says that They should actually be removed from the congregation And so don't think that Because out in the world, women Can go around accusing any man of rape And nothing happens to her Look, if a woman decided to do that in this church She'd be thrown out immediately I mean, that's garbage, if it was false, of course Now, if it's real, then you better Believe we're calling the police, we're, like, obviously We're getting police involved when it comes to crimes But you get what I'm saying Approach claims with caution For the sake of time here, let's go to Let's go to Proverbs, or sorry Let's go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 14 1st Corinthians chapter number 14 So number one, you don't want to be simple Commit to lifelong learning Don't want to be simple, approach claims with caution Number three, you need to verify Preaching with scripture You need to verify preaching with scripture The Bible says that the simple believeth every word And absolutely, you can believe Every word that's in this book And look, I think you should come to church with an attitude Wanting to learn, receptive to the preacher Wanting to hear what he has to say, wanting to learn from him But at the end of the day, you still Need to verify What is being said with scripture 1st Corinthians 14 verse 29 The Bible says this, it says Let the prophet speak, two or three And let the other, what? Judge Judge, that's a scary word today in our culture But the Bible is saying when you're listening to preaching You know what you should be doing? Judge, you should be judging Hey, I'm not afraid of that word Number one, because if I'm wrong about something I actually want to know what's right Because I actually think that we should have the attitude Where we should learn and be educated and get wisdom And if I'm wrong about something, I actually want to change Let's learn And number two, I'm not afraid of it because I got this book right here And everything in it is true But you know what you should be doing? No matter who's preaching You should be judging You should be listening You should be verifying what's being preached with scripture Acts chapter number 17 I'll read for you in verse 10, it says And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas By night unto Berea Who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews These were more noble than those in Thessalonica In that they received the word With all readiness of mind So they wanted to learn And searched the scriptures daily Whether those things were so You know the Christians in Berea They're a great example They showed up to church with a receptive heart With ears ready to listen Ready to be attentive to God's word But still at the end of the day They checked everything that was preached with the word of God And you want to know why we have Such terrible churches Just exploding all over the nation It's because people are sitting in the pews That are simple That believe every word they hear And they don't verify what's being preached With the scriptures Because if people just read their Bibles They would know how fake a lot of the things that pastors Are preaching today And I want to show you a few principles about this Go to Ezekiel chapter 14 I want to read for you Hosea 4.9 Hosea 4.9 says this And there shall be like people Like priests Punish them for their ways And reward them for their doings Often times Leadership is just a reflection Of the people If someone is given a very bad leader It's often because the people themselves are very wicked If someone's given a good leader It's often because the people themselves have turned their hearts to God And are seeking the truth And are wanting to know the truth So the Bible says like people, like priests Look at Ezekiel Chapter 14 verse 1 It says Then came certain of the elders of Israel unto me and sat before me And the word of the Lord came unto me saying Son of man, these men have set up their idols In their heart and put the stumbling block Of their iniquity before their face Should I be inquired of at all by them? Therefore speak unto them and say unto them Thus saith the Lord Every man of the house of Israel that seteth up his idols In his heart and put at the stumbling block Of his iniquity before his face And cometh to the prophet I the Lord will answer him that cometh To the pursuit of his idols That I may take the house of Israel in their own heart Because they are all estranged from me Through their idols Therefore say unto the house of Israel Thus saith the Lord Repent and turn yourselves from your idols And turn away your faces from all your abominations For every one of the house of Israel Or of the stranger that sojourneth in Israel Which separateeth himself from me And seteth up his idols in his heart And put at the stumbling block of his iniquity Before his face I will speak unto a prophet To inquire of him concerning me I the Lord will answer him by myself And I will set my face against that man And I will make him a sign And a proverb And I will cut him off from the midst of my people And ye shall know that I am the Lord And if a prophet be deceived When he hath spoken a thing Notice I the Lord have deceived that prophet And I will stretch out my hand upon him And will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel And they shall bear the punishment Of their iniquity The punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment Of him that seeketh Unto him You have a situation where you have a bunch of Ignorant people seeking Unto a bunch of ignorant Pastors that are lying And deceiving and preaching lies in the name of the Lord And God says you know what You show me a prophet that's deceived You show me a prophet that's lying to a bunch Of gullible idiots and I'll show you someone Who I myself has deceived As a punishment upon those very people Why? Because like prophet Like priest You want to know why our nation is full Of a bunch of false prophets today You want to know why there's a bunch of garbage churches Everywhere you look It's because our nation is full of a bunch of simple Stupid people that believe everything they hear And they don't check What's preached with the scripture You want to know why the preacher of raptors Is being preached today? It's because people don't read the Bible Because Matthew 24 is abundantly clear That it's after the tribulation But why are all these pastors succeeding? Why are their churches full today? Because the people Filling them are stupid that's why You say that's mean Well you know what I think is mean? I think lying to people is mean And someone needs to wake people up And say hey you're being simple You're believing everything you hear Read the Bible and check it for yourself Don't just believe everything you hear Why is it today that so many churches Are celebrating pride month Are standing up in defense of the sodomites Are saying they're welcome to come to Christ Why is it happening? Is because a bunch of people in the pews Are stupid fools That don't read the Bible They didn't read Romans chapter 1 They didn't read 2 Peter chapter 2 They didn't read Jude They didn't read Leviticus They didn't read 1 Kings They read nothing They watched TikTok, they watched movies all day And they're too lazy to read the scripture Why are we Full of churches like this? Because there's Stupid people in those churches Because they're not verifying What the Bible says With what their preacher is saying Why are so many Christians today drinking alcohol? Why are so many pastors standing up And saying that it's okay to drink alcohol? Or Christians like John Lovell standing up and saying that Jesus Christ Commanded his disciples to drink alcohol That it's actually command of Jesus Jesus Christ Because of ignorant fools that don't read their Bible And they just hear something and they just believe it Why are so many people today Told by pastors That divorce and remarriage is okay As long as there was sexual immorality In the marriage Because people didn't read the Gospel of Matthew Because people didn't read Deuteronomy Because people didn't read the words of Jesus Christ And so they're just simple And so they just believe everything they hear Why is it today that Zionism Is so rampant in America When the Bible teaches against This concept seemingly on every page I mean once you learn the truth about This doctrine it just pops out All over the place Why is it today that Christian men are being told That it's okay to grow their hair out long And to dress effeminate Why is it today that women Think it's okay to put on a Pair of pants and to act like a man And to rise up in the workplace Why do women think that's okay Because people aren't reading the Bible Why is it today in the state of Oklahoma There's a dispensary There's a pot shop in every corner Why it's because they're not Reading the Bible It's because they're simple It's because they believe Every single thing that they hear But let me Let me warn you tonight You must verify what's being preached With the scripture And it doesn't matter that right now We have great preachers in the new IFB because what about in 30 years From now because I could show you First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana Where Pastor Jack Hyles Is preaching super hard against sin He's calling out the sodomites And did the people that follow him Follow in his footsteps Is the old IFB all just like Jack Hyles Today or have they gotten way more Liberal, have they watered down The doctrine, have they stopped preaching on Sin, have they rolled back the soul Winning, no that's what's happened And why is that? Well because people Just got too comfortable, they just wanted to believe everything They hear, and here's the thing about listening And just believing everything you hear, that works out When you're listening to a good person That works out for you when you're listening to a godly person But as soon as that changes Then your trajectory now changes Whereas if you listen to this, no matter what It doesn't matter who tries to lead You astray, you will always be on the right Path by following this So look, it's funny how people They call the new IFB a cult What's the sermon tonight? Don't be simple What am I saying? Go learn stuff Go read stuff Go investigate Go research And go check everything that is preached With the Bible That doesn't sound like a cult to me That sounds like we're trying to empower people With education, that's why we're trying To empower people to become the best Christians they could possibly be I don't want you to be limited by your preacher, whoever that is Hey, I want you to be the best Christian you can be I want you to know as much Bible as you could possibly know But if you're only just listening to the preacher Then you can only hope to know as much as him But if you always check with the Scripture, whatever's being said behind the pulpit Then the sky's the limit for you So let us not be simple people Let us stop being simple Let us do research Let us check everything we believe with the word of God Let's have a prayer, Lord Thank you so much for this day and thank you for your word That always will lead us in the right direction I just pray that The people of this state The people of this nation Would humble themselves and would once again Seek to follow your word And I pray that you just give us the boldness To preach it, no matter how popular it is Or how unpopular it is We love you Lord and Jesus, we pray, Amen Alright, at this time We'll turn to our last hymn for the evening Go ahead and grab your hymnal Turn to hymn number 21 What a wonderful Savior Hymn number 21 What a wonderful Savior And we'll sing there starting on that first verse Christ has for sin A tone that made What a wonderful Savior We are redeemed The price is paid What a wonderful Savior What a wonderful Savior Is Jesus my Jesus My Jesus My Jesus My Jesus My Jesus My Jesus My Jesus My Jesus My Jesus What a wonderful Savior Is Jesus My Lord I praise him For the Cleansing blood What a wonderful Savior That reconciled My soul To God What a wonderful Savior What a wonderful Savior Is Jesus My Jesus My Jesus What a wonderful Savior Is Jesus My Lord He cleansed My heart From all its sin What a wonderful Savior And now He reigns and Rules therein What a wonderful Savior What a wonderful Savior Is Jesus My Jesus My Jesus What a wonderful Savior What a wonderful Savior Is Jesus My Lord He gives me Overcoming Power What a wonderful Savior And triumph In each Trying hour What a wonderful Savior What a wonderful Savior Is Jesus My Jesus What a wonderful Savior Is Jesus My Lord On the last To him I've Given all My heart What a wonderful Savior Shall never Share a part What a wonderful Savior What a wonderful Savior Is Jesus My Jesus What a wonderful Savior Is Jesus My Lord Is Jesus My Lord Amen With that you are dismissed Don't forget about the Father's Day floats to follow the service But other than that we'll see you for the next service Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen