(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) man all right well great to be here tonight think actually is always the opportunity to preach and thank you all for coming and i'm glad to hear you all recovered from the what i now call the red hot rona very every once in a name these variances because the red hot rona very every time you go to realize it's gonna happen but it's worth it every time haven't made it down the red hot you gotta make it down we are here in roman's chapter two like to do a bible study tonight through roman's chapter number two you know we we heard a lot about roman's chapter one of the in the month of june so i think we have that have nailed down as a church family here pretty well we're going on the roman's chapter number two now if we recap really quickly what roman's chapter one talks about in in roman's chapter one paul he's praising the saints that are in rome is praising the fact that their faith is spoken up throughout the whole world uh... is letting him know these praying for them that he wants to come see them in part some spiritual gift to them he talks about the power of the gospel in roman's chapter one and talks about how he's prepared himself he's ready to preach the gospel to all those that are at rome to everyone that's at rome the jews the barbarians the greek everyone he's made himself a servant to all and then he ends with obviously the strong condemnation against the reprobates in roman's chapter one and people who don't like the reprobate doctrine come to roman's chapter two and they go to verse one to try to discount what paul had just taught in roman's chapter one let's go and read that in roman's chapter two verse one it says therefore thou art inexcusable o man whosoever thou art that judgest for wherein thou judgest another thou condemnest thyself for thou that judgest doest the same things and so people come here and say see you know you shouldn't judge the reprobates you shouldn't judge the sodomites you shouldn't judge anyone that paul was just condemning in roman's chapter one because we shouldn't judge according to roman's chapter two verse one is what they'll say that's not what this verse is teaching really you can look at this verse in two ways i think the primary way the best way to look at this is that this verse is condemning hypocritical judgment which throughout the bible that's the type of judgment that is condemned it's hypocritical judgment that is condemned you know jesus said judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment we are supposed to judge and of course if someone is judging someone they're condemning their self if they are guilty of those exact things that they're condemning other people of it's like if you wanted to judge your brother in christ for being late to church but you always are late to work you know it's like you're condemning yourself you know that you're guilty of the same things you don't judge your brother you know for having bad breath when you have bad breath whatever it's a stupid example but you get the idea judgment in a hypocritical way is always condemned in the bible and someone who does this you're actually just condemning yourself is what the bible says it's a very foolish thing to do but keep your place in roman's two throughout this sermon but go to matthew chapter number seven matthew chapter number seven like i said the most uh... important way to interpret this verse is that it's condemning hypocritical judgment people in roman's chapter two he's condemning those that are judging who he just judged that are guilty of the same exact things look at matthew chapter number seven verse one jesus says judge not and see that's where most churches stop reading right there they don't want to hear anything else that the the chapter has to say it's just judge not that's what the haters online love to comment on all of our sermons judge not but there's actually more to matthew chapter seven than just those two words let's keep reading that ye be not judged for because with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged so jesus says the same way that you judge someone else is the same way that they're going to judge you okay so if you're uh... willing to stand up to that then at least realize that you're gonna be judged the same way that you judge other people with what measure ye meet it shall be measured to you again and why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye but consider is not the beam that is in thine own eye jesus isn't saying hey don't judge under any circumstances whatsoever make sure that you realize that when you judge you're going to be judged the same measure that you measure it's going to be measured to you again and don't when you have this giant plank with this giant log in your eye don't be so worried about the mote that is in your brother's eye the little speck of dust that is in your brother's eye look what he says in verse number four or how wilt thou say to thy brother let me pull out the mote out of thine eye and behold a beam is in thine own eye thou hypocrite first cast out the beam out of thine own eye and then shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother's eye see jesus doesn't say hey leave the log in your eye and leave the mote in his eye and just go on your happy way just come as you are leave as you came no he says make sure you fix up that log in your eye then you can see clearly to help your brother with the mote that is in his eye so when you're judging someone you have to self assess is this something that i'm guilty of or am i guilty on the same level maybe of a sin that's very similar to this like i said someone shows up late to church and you judge them for that but you show up late to work you know what i mean it doesn't necessarily have to be the exact same thing but you know is it a speck or is it a log think about the level of sin that you're involved in and don't judge someone if you're doing the exact same things so romans chapter number two and here's another way that i think that can help us understand this verse and why he's bringing this up is i believe that the context of romans chapter two overall as a chapter is a rebuke of the jews that is what i think romans chapter two is the key part to understanding this chapters because in romans chapter one remember how he said that he writes to all that are in rome and so this is a mixed audience that he's talking to throughout the book of romans i believe the romans chapter two specifically is more geared towards the jews look at verse number seventeen real quickly of romans chapter number two listen to the wording here, behold thou art called a jew thou art called a jew so he's saying you you are called a jew go to verse number twenty four really quickly says for the name of god is blasphemed among the gentiles through you, you see how he's separating, he's like the gentiles over here they're blaspheming god through you, the jews, right? now whether or not the jews were physically reading this or not i don't know because sometimes a preacher will be preaching against a group and say you, you know wicked pentecostals, you, you, you and they'll use that terminology and they're not necessarily speaking to pentecostals in the room but i definitely think that paul is addressing the jews in romans chapter number two and that's that's important because the jews are very hypocritical they are often guilty of things very grievous but they make exceptions for themselves like you know it's okay to lie to a goyim or something like that is is one of the things that jews teach and so when they teach that they're inexcusable when they're judging people that are doing the same things that they themselves are doing, look at verse number two but we are sure that the judgment of god is according to truth against them which commit such things so he's establishing the judgment that he pronounced in romans chapter one he's not saying oh don't judge anyone that i that i was just condemning there's no reason to judge ever no he's like the judgment of god is according to truth against them which commits such things he's he's establishing the judgment that he laid down in romans chapter one look at verse number three he says and thinkest thou this oh man that judges them which do such things and doest the same that thou shalt escape the judgment of god he's saying do you really think that there's something special about you that there's something different about you to where you can be doing the exact same things but you will somehow escape the judgment of god no it doesn't work like that god is not a respecter of persons which we'll learn about later in this chapter but this is the attitude that the jews have that they are special chosen people that they can have their own set of rules they don't have to play by the same rules as the rest of the world does but paul is a person here who really loves the jews he wants the jews to be saved his heart's desire and prayer to god for israel is that they'd be saved but he needs to tell them the truth here and and whether it's a jew or any unsaved person don't think that just because you know you think you're special that you're gonna escape the judgment of god and you know people are often very good at identifying the sins in other people and not in themselves you know we go out soul winning we ask someone are you hundred percent sure that if you die today you go to heaven and most people in texas say yes and it's like well i haven't done anything that bad i'm a pretty good person you know what are they doing they're they're thinking that they're gonna escape the judgment of god even though if they really took an honest look at themselves they're guilty of the things that they think are really bad too everyone is a sinner every single person has fallen short of the glory of god but people today the jews or just a lot of unsaved people they think that they're gonna escape the judgment of god because they think there's something special about them something different about them i'll read for you john three thirty six while you turn to first thessalonians two john three thirty six says he that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life and he that believeth not the sun shall not see life but the wrath of god abideth on him every single person whether they understand it or not whether they believe it or not if they are unsaved the bible says that the wrath of god is abiding on them it's it's not all good you know you try to hand someone an invite hey you go to church anymore i'm good it's like no you're not you're on your way to hell no and a lot of people don't know that and the jews don't know that they think they can judge people are doing the same things that they're doing that they're gonna escape the judgment of god but every single person is in this condition the unsaved and including the jews look at first thessalonians chapter number two verse fourteen for ye brethren became followers of the churches of god which in judaea are in christ jesus for ye have suffered the like things of your own countrymen even as they have of the jews now he's speaking of the jews who both killed the lord jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us and they please not god and are contrary to all men forbidding us to speak to the gentiles that they might be saved to fill up their sins always for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost so according to paul the person who deeply cared for and loved the jews he says that the wrath of god is upon these people paul the loving thing to do when someone thinks that the wrath of god is not on them but it is the loving thing to do is to tell them about that is to rebuke them and to let them know hey do you really think that you're gonna escape the judgment of god you're judging these people that are committing all these sins you're guilty of the same thing you think there's something different about you no actually the wrath is upon them to the uttermost is what paul said they're contrary to all men you know this is coming from someone that loved the jews very very much and we have to think about this in ourselves oftentimes it's very easy to diagnose someone else's problem in their life someone else's sin very easy to see when someone else is backslidden but oftentimes we ourselves have a hard time diagnosing our own problems and that's why we need the bible to correct us to show us where we're wrong and why we often need a preacher like paul to come and just tell us where we're wrong tell us hey do you really think that you're gonna escape the judgment of god here's what you're really like and that's what he's gonna do later on in this chapter go to romans chapter number two verse four romans two verse four what he says he says or despises thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long suffering not knowing that the goodness of god leadeth thee to repentance he's saying do you really think that you're gonna escape the judgment of god are you really despising the riches of his goodness and his forbearance and his long suffering and oftentimes when things are good in people's lives they often think that the wrath of god is not abiding on them you know this world that's unsaved if god has blessed them with a wife if god has blessed them with kids if god has blessed them with a good job and a good car and a good house and all these things it couldn't possibly cross their mind that god's wrath could be abiding on them and the thing is the jews were blessed greatly by god you know the oracles of god were committed unto them first god gave them lots of physical blessing as well and the thing is instead of taking the goodness the forbearance the long suffering the riches of god's goodness and the goodness of god leading them to repentance leading them to believe on the lord jesus christ instead what did they do they despised it and that's what paul's calling them out on he's like are you despising the riches of his goodness and his long suffering and his forbearance and even in our own lives you know everyone in here is saved hopefully but even saved people god oftentimes has to send trials and tribulations and hard times for us god often has to keep us down and keep us humble because sometimes that's the only way that we're gonna love him that we're gonna serve him it should be that we should never despise god's riches and goodness and long suffering and forbearance we should never despise that stuff we should allow the goodness of god lead us to repentance we should allow when god blesses us to that be enough for us to just love god and want to keep serving him but sadly a lot of people when things are good for them they do despise god's grace they do despise the riches that he gives them and that is the story of the jews god constantly is just giving them grace delivering them sending them profits sending them his only begotten son to die on the cross for them to be their savior to be their messiah and the goodness of god did it lead them to repentance no it did not no it did not rather they despised that repentance and it's the same thing for a lot of christians today you know you'll get saved you let the goodness of god lead you to repentance for salvation and of course when i mean repentance i'm talking about changing your mind putting your faith in the lord jesus christ not repenting of your sins for salvation but a lot of times christians then after salvation god will continue to bless them and then they'll forsake serving god they'll pray for a car i've seen people pray for a car so they can come to church and then god gives them the car and they quit church i've seen people pray for a good job and god gives them the job and then they quit church they quit soul winning that's just the nature of human beings you know we ought to thank god for the good times while we have them thank god for his riches and his blessings when he gives it to us and not despise the riches of god's goodness and not make him have to give us a hard time to keep us in line because i mean god definitely ended up giving the jews a hard time and he's giving them a harder time in the future in the end times for sure romans chapter number two actually i'll go to psalm seventy three and i'll read for you matthew five forty five it says that you may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he maketh his son to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust so whether you're saved or unsaved god often sends the rain on the just and on the unjust there's people that are unsaved that are living lives that from the outward perspective you could say wow this person's being blessed by god they have a great family they have great health they have wealth they have everything that they can need because god sends the rain on the just and on the unjust but you know what the unjust should do when god's raining on them they should let the goodness of god lead them to repentance god shouldn't have to rain up and pour out wrath upon their lives for them to come to christ and he shouldn't have to do that for his people either after they're saved look at psalm chapter number seventy three verse one it says truly god is good to israel even to such as are of a clean heart but as for me my feet were almost gone my steps had well night slipped for i was envious at the foolish when i saw the prosperity of the wicked but there are no bands in their death but their strength is firm they are not in trouble as other men neither are they plagued like other men therefore pride compass them about as a chain violence cover them as a garment their eyes stand out with fatness they have more than heart can wish they are corrupt and speak wickedly concerning oppression they speak loftily they set their mouth against the heavens and their tongue walketh through the earth therefore as people return hither and waters of a full cup are rung out to them and they say how doth god know and is there knowledge in the most high behold these are the ungodly who prosper in the world they increase in riches see not only does god just send the rain on the just and on the unjust sometimes he sends it on the ungodly on the extremely wicked sometimes extremely wicked people are just filled with fatness they have more than their heart could wish there's no bands in their death they die long they die a peaceful death at old age but you can't confuse the fact that someone's life looks good with whether or not the wrath of god is on that person or not because god sends it to the just and the unjust and to the wicked no matter what situation you find yourself in you know it should lead you to repentance it shouldn't have to be god's wrath it should be even god's goodness that leads us to repentance romans chapter number two romans chapter number two let's look at verse number five but after thy hardness an impenitent heart treasures unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of god and see throughout the bible the jews are called a people that have a stubborn heart a hard heart an impotent heart and what's happening because of this hard heart they're treasuring up unto themselves wrath against the day of wrath the longer someone is on this earth the longer that they reject the gospel the longer that they reject all the blessings that god's giving them they are treasuring up wrath unto themselves and that's why we have to have a heart for people that's why one of the biggest ministries that pure words baptist church has is soul winning because this world jew or gentile alike that are unsaved they are treasuring up wrath against themselves unto the day of wrath and that is a terrible thought and if you love people you don't want to deliver them if you love people you don't want to tell them that they're in that position like Paul is doing here he's telling them the uncensored truth look at verse number six who will render to every man according to his deeds to them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honor and immortality eternal life but unto them that are contentious and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doeth evil of the jew first and also of the gentile but glory honor and peace to every man that worketh good to the jew first and also to the gentile look at verse six real quick it says who will render to every man according to his deeds every single person someday will be judged by their works every single person saved or unsaved now for the saved we're going to be judged by our works at the judgment seat of Christ go to first Corinthians three and I'll read for you second Corinthians five ten it says for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that everyone may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad the Bible clearly says we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ you can't escape that you will stand before the judgment seat of Christ look at verse twelve of first Corinthians three it says now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones wood, hay, stubble every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is if any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon he shall receive a reward if any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire so even though we're saved by our faith and we're never going to be judged by our works in the aspect of whether or not we go to heaven or hell you still are going to be judged by your work someday and God is going to reveal the works that you've done on this earth by fire and what remains the fire is that which has eternal value what remains the fire is that which actually mattered in your life things that are spiritual times that you spent praying for someone the times that you went out soul winning the times that you went to church the times that you read the word of God the times that you taught your children the word of God the times that you helped out a brother in Christ the gold, the silver, and the precious stone that's what we should be striving to in our lives and in Romans 2 he says to them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality eternal life that's the type of person that we want to be someone who has patience and continuance in our works for God it reminds me of the word steadfast you know being steadfast someone who's patient and is continuing in that good work that's exactly where we want to be and and here's the thing it doesn't make sense to bury your head in the sand and act like the judgment seat of Christ isn't going to happen someday and just bury your head in the sand and not take a real look at your Christian walk and ask yourself truly are my works the gold, silver, and precious stone or are my works that would, hay, and stubble makes no sense ignorance is not bliss we should actually examine ourselves and see if the works that we are doing are going to abide that fire someday because whether or not you have any good works you yourself will be saved even so as by fire but you know what I want to have more than just me in heaven I want to have rewards in heaven for the things that I do but you know what the unsaved also have a judgment where they will be judged by their works go to Revelation chapter number twenty Revelation chapter number twenty you see a loving person would not ignore would not forbear to tell someone who's unsaved about the coming judgment that they will face Revelation chapter number twenty look at verse number eleven and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God the books were open and another book was open which is the book of life the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works just like Romans chapter two said that every man will someday be judged by their deeds us as the saved were judged by our deeds at the judgment seat of Christ but someday God's going to open the books which I believe one of those is the law of God and you know what they're going to be judged according to their works and guess what every single one of them is going to be found wanting every single one of them has transgressed God's law and will not stand at this judgment look at verse thirteen and the sea gave up the dead which were in it and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them so everybody who's already been in hell for thousands and thousands of years people that died in the sea they're going to be resurrected again they're going to be let out of hell for a short season just to stand before almighty God to be judged by their works and then in verse fourteen and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire that is the reality whether people want to admit that it's real or not whether Christians want to pretend like it's real or not whether the unsaved want to pretend like it's real or not every single person that is unsaved someday will be judged by their works and when they are found that they've transgressed God's law they will be cast into the lake of fire for all of eternity and you know what a lot of Christians sadly have forgotten about this truth that everyone's going to be judged someday because it sure seems like not that many people are going out and preaching the gospel anymore it sure seems like a whole lot of people don't seem to really care that this whole world is going to be judged someday by God and cast into the lake of fire you know your unsaved family members your mother, your grandmother everyone's loved ones out in this world will be judged by God someday and if they are not saved they will be cast into the lake of fire it's a sad depressing thought but you know what a loving person will acknowledge this truth a loving person will tell someone about this truth and will warn someone about this truth that is why Paul is bringing it up that is why Paul is bringing it up you know what, these unsaved Jews that he loves so much they will be judged by their works someday let's go back to Romans chapter number two Romans chapter number two actually I'll go to Romans chapter nine really quickly because I just want to show you the love that Paul had for his people in Romans chapter number nine Romans chapter number nine, look at verse one it says, I say the truth in Christ, I lie not my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart, he's saying look I am so depressed I have this continual sorrow in my heart, what is it? For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh Paul loved his kinsmen of the flesh, the Jews so much that he's saying I would wish myself to go to hell for them he's saying I would give up my salvation for the Jews to be saved Romans chapter ten he says, brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved and you know Paul had a very godly and loving spirit because a lot of times I've noticed that people want to attack the spirit of our churches in the spirit of the new IFB and say that we don't have a sweet spirit we don't have a loving spirit but I just want to remind you that the same apostle Paul that wrote Romans chapter one is the same apostle Paul that wrote Romans chapter two the same apostle Paul that wrote Romans chapter nine the same apostle Paul that wrote Romans chapter ten the same Paul that condemned the reprobates that said that they can't be saved, that said that there's no hope of salvation for them the same Paul that hated them also loved people that could be saved and his life was about the gospel and so don't tell us don't tell a soul winning church that they don't have a sweet spirit, that they don't have a good spirit when they're out preaching the gospel, there's nothing sweeter than that and guess what, you can still condemn the reprobates and have a sweet spirit, why? by loving the people of this world and bringing them the gospel now Paul's love was just unparalleled I know the realities of hell I've read the bible and I would not give up my salvation for anyone I'm not that loving of a person, I'll be honest with you hell is too terrible hell is too absolutely just miserable of a punishment I wouldn't give it up for anyone I'm just being honest with you it's too much to bear but you know what Paul said? that he'd be willing to give that up for his brethren his kinsmen according to the flesh, that's unbelievable when you think about that that's a loving person I wonder if people would have accused Paul of having not a sweet spirit having a bad spirit we have the same spirit that the apostle Paul had I'll read for you Colossians 1 27 it says to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is Christ in you the hope of glory whom we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus the love that Paul had that motivated him to rebuke the Jews to tell them the truth, to tell the whole world that the judgment is coming look he says we warn every man and that's what we should do as a church that's what you should do as a as a soul winner personally is you should make it your life's mission hey if you can't win every man at least warn every man at least get the blood off of your hands and at least warn people of the judgment of God that is coming not just for our nation but for individuals for every single person the judgment of God that is coming for them warn every man that you can if you don't know how to go soul winning there's men in this church that can teach you there's ladies in this church that can teach you you don't have to have some special skill to be a soul winner all you have to do is show up and be a silent partner and learn the ropes and you can do it as long as you want you don't have to be a talker right away but hey make it your life's mission to warn every man have some love for your fellow mankind look at verse 11 of Romans chapter 2 Romans chapter 2 so he's saying look he's going to render to every man according to his deeds now look what he says in verse 11 for there is no respect of persons with God that is a very important verse now what does it mean to be a respecter of persons it says someone who treats people differently according to their rank status or importance so a respecter of persons is like someone who judges not just if someone is a person of high status and they do something really bad and they judge them different than Joe Blow who does the exact same thing that's someone who's a respecter of persons but here's the thing God is not a respecter of persons obviously God loves the Jews God was very long suffering to the Jews he sent them the prophets rising up early sending them Jesus said like how often would I have gathered them together as a hen gathereth her chickens you know God did everything possible for Israel he was long suffering to them but at the end of the day God is not a respecter of persons and every single person that does not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ regardless of who you are regardless of what nation you are regardless if you're a preacher regardless of whatever if you do not believe in Jesus Christ you will go to hell because God is not a respecter of persons now think about this most people have this mentality when you go out and ask them are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to heaven what are some of the answers you hear well my dad was a preacher hey I heard Jack Hyles preach in person I'm a deacon I've heard once people be like my grandma was a preacher and I'm like that's horrible that's not going to get you into heaven okay you know it's just like you know I went to church I did this I did that and they think that God is going to have respect for them because there's something special about them they were a pastor they were a deacon they heard Jack Hyles preach in person look there's nothing special about you or me that's going to get us to heaven there's one that was special the Lord Jesus Christ who the Bible says was just and the justifier of them which believeth in Jesus he's the one that was just he's the one that was perfect and he's the one that justifies it's not you it's not me it's not the Jews it's not anyone now Jesus actually talked about this mentality go to Luke chapter number thirteen Luke chapter number thirteen says in verse twenty three then said one unto him Lord are there few that be saved are there few people that are going to heaven and he said unto them strive to enter in at the straight gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able when once the master of the house is risen up and hath shut to the door and ye begin to stand without and to knock at the door saying Lord Lord open unto us what now what is the reasons that they're going to give they're not saved they're not in the kingdom of heaven what are their reasons that they give of why they should be let in and he said it and he shall answer and say unto them I know you not once you are then shall you begin to say we have eaten and drunk in thy presence now as taught in our streets Jesus let us in why should I let you in we've eaten and drank in your presence I mean that makes me special right I had a meal around you I drank around you you've taught in our streets but he shall say I tell you I know ye not once you are depart from me all ye workers of iniquity and sometimes I show this to people at soul winning and they'll say oh I'm a hundred percent sure I'm Baptist I do this this and that and I say well you know Jesus talked about a lot of people who are even around Jesus Christ who weren't even saved so I just like to check with people because look these people were around Jesus drinking and eating in his presence they're teaching in his streets and they're not saved is God going to be a respectful person to say oh you walked around with Jesus you touched the hem of his garment you're automatically going to heaven no God is not a respecter of persons you either put all your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and you're saved or you don't and you go to hell it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter if you're the president of the United States it doesn't matter if you're the head of the United Nations it doesn't matter who you are if you do not believe in Jesus Christ you will go to hell I'll read for you 1 Timothy 1.12 it says and I thank Jesus Christ our Lord who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry who was before a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. Now here's the thing this swings both ways this whole thing of God not being a respecter of persons it doesn't matter how good you think you are it doesn't matter what your Baptist pedigree is if you haven't trusted in Christ you're not saved here's the flip side of that God is not a respecter of persons it doesn't matter how horrible of an upbringing you had how sinful you were in the past if you do put your faith in Jesus Christ you're saved what was Paul? he was before a blasphemer he was before a persecutor and injurious and not only did Paul get saved he ended up being one of the greatest Christians of all time why? because God's not a respecter of persons that's why it does not matter God gave us free will and someone has to choose to be saved the kings of the earth the mighty men have to choose to be saved they have to choose to humble themselves they're not getting in just because they're a mighty man on earth just because they're a king or prince on earth and hey the most lowly person the most jacked up person the drunk the fornicator of the adulterer if they choose to put their faith on Jesus Christ God's not a respecter of persons they can be saved too not only that they can choose they can have the free will to follow the word of God to love God to obey his commandments to start doing what the Bible says and they can be used greatly by God regardless of their past regardless of who they are why? because God is not a respecter of persons now I wish that America would understand this today I wish they would understand that God's not a respecter of persons because a lot of Americans are absolute respecters of persons today especially the American left who see everything through the lens of race what is that? it's being a respecter of persons God is not a respecter of persons God does not give a rip what the color of your skin is he does not give a rip what country you were born in he does not give a rip how much money you have in your wallet yeah these are all things that people care about that people make judgments about you think about Caleb he was a Kenizzite yet he was one of the two spies that actually made it into the promised land and actually inherited the land Simon was one of the disciples of Jesus Christ who was a Canaanite you know God can use people of other nations God doesn't care what nation you're born in but yet today in America people like President Joe Biden says hey if you don't know whether or not you should vote for me or Trump then you're not black basically saying like hey here's how you have to think if you're a black person let me tell you what you black people should be thinking let me tell you how to think oh you have to be a leftist democrat to be a black person otherwise you're not really a black person how is that not racist again how is that not being a respecter of persons saying that by the color of your skin you should be voting for Joe Biden I've seen people post videos lying about our church at steadfast saying that we teach that black people can get to heaven only if they're slaves in heaven this is the stupidity of the American left seeing everything through the eyes of race making up all these lies look we don't care about anyone's race period we do not care red yellow black and white they all have the same soul and guess what all the ones that believe on Jesus Christ are going to heaven and all the ones that don't are going to hell God is not a respecter of persons and I'll preach the gospel to anyone of any skin color of any nationality it's so funny people look at a guy like me and just like sometimes will automatically accuse me of being racist until they find out that I learned a second language to preach the gospel and I'm not the only person that's done that there's been tons of people that have done that Pastor Shelley's done that lots of men have done things like that but look judge not according to the parents but judge righteous judgment don't just look at someone and be like oh they're white they must be a racist you know like we're just soul winning right now and we're walking by and someone rolls down the window and just starts screaming and cussing at us and look it could be one of two things either they hate Christians or they hate white people but I've had multiple experiences like that especially in Houston where black people won't even talk to me where I will try to give them a card and they will just ignore me why because the media is doing a good job of dividing people into making people respecters of persons that's why looking at a white guy and saying oh he must be racist no actually I'm trying to get you saved actually I'm trying to bring you into the family of God where your color doesn't matter the left is absolutely destroying people's minds today Proverbs 24-23 says these things also belong to the wise it is not good to have respect of persons in judgment you know Martin Luther King said I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character now Martin Luther King was a wicked person but I agree with this quote but here's the thing I wish the left would actually believe this quote I wish that they would actually judge people by the content of their character not by the color of their skin you know a lot of schools now are teaching critical race theory basically just teaching that all white people are racist how is that judging people by the content of their character it's judging people by their color of their skin is what it is but guess what Romans 2 taught us that God is not a respecter of persons go back to Romans chapter 2 Romans 2 in verse 12 it says so God's not a respecter of persons for as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law for not the hearers of the law are just before God but the doers of the law shall be justified it says for when the Gentiles which have not the law due by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law are a law unto themselves which show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness in their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another if you sin without law you'll perish without law if you sin in the law you'll be judged by the law and then I like how he talks about when the Gentiles do the things that are written in the law how it's a law unto themselves and that their conscience is bearing witness and their thoughts are the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another what and just a side note here the Bible teaches that God has given everyone a conscience everyone naturally has a general sense of right and wrong instilled in them you know you don't have to have a debate over whether murdering a baby is wrong I mean you're a psychopath if you would even debate whether or not that is right or wrong that's why the Bible says that the fool has said in their heart there is no God some of the stupidest people on this earth are atheists that reject objective morality there's no such thing as objective morality there's no such thing as an absolute wrong or an absolute right but the Bible talks about how these people in their conscience the law of God is written in their conscience that is bearing witness in their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another you know you don't have to debate even if someone has never read a single word of the Bible if you were to ask them is it wrong to murder a child is it wrong to rape someone yes it's absolutely wrong you don't have to be taught that kind of stuff God instilled that kind of stuff into us and that was just a side note but let's get to Romans chapter number or sorry Romans 2 16 it says here in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel now that seems kind of like a random statement but if you look at verses 13 through 15 is one parenthetical statement so verse 16 actually comes right after what he was saying in verse 12 for as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel so look if you want to be justified by the law if you want to try to be saved by the law God's going to judge you by the law or there's another way to be judged which is by the gospel and that's the way that I want to be judged because the gospel is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved the law is a long list of thou shalt and thou shalt not that I cannot live up to and so people foolishly make the decision to believe in work salvation well guess what if you sin without law you'll perish without law you sin in the law you'll be judged by the law or you could be judged by the gospel of Jesus Christ that's the way I want to be judged because I can't make it on my own now look at verse 17 it says behold thou art called a Jew that's why I say I believe that the target of Romans chapter 2 is being spoken to the Jews and restest in the law and makest thy boast of God so these people think that they're saved they're resting in the law they're trusting in law to get them to heaven they're making the boast of God they're God's chosen people they're special they're holy they're the Pharisees look at verse 18 and knowest his will and approvest the things that are more excellent being instructed out of the law and are confident that thou thyself are to guide of the blind a light of them which are in darkness an instructor of the foolish a teacher of babes which has the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law thou therefore which teachest another teachest thou not thyself thou that preaches a man should not steal, dost thou steal? thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? thou that makest thy boast of the law through breaking the law dishonorous thou God then it says in verse 24 for the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you as it is written so he's basically rebuking the Jews here he's saying look you guys think that you're spiritual leaders you guys think that you're all that in a bag of chips but do you not even look at yourself at how much of a hypocrite you are do you not even look at yourself and realize that you're guilty of the exact things that you're preaching against do you not even realize that as you stand and are so confident that you're a man of God that God is actually being blasphemed among the Gentiles through you because of you and so he's rebuking them very very sharply now we're gonna come back to this later and see what lessons we can learn from this but let's finish out this chapter here let's look at verse number twenty five says for circumcision verily profiteth if thou keep the law but if thou be a breaker of the law thy circumcision is made uncircumcision therefore the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision and shall not uncircumcision which is by nature if it fulfills the law judge thee who by the letter and circumcision does transgress the law for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is a Jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart and the spirit and not of the letter whose praise is not of men but of God so think about this rebuke he's saying he's saying look you guys think that you're all that you think you're spiritual leaders you're blaspheming God's name and in fact you're not even saved he's saying the Gentiles that are fulfilling the law of God even though they're the uncircumcision they're actually gonna judge you and he goes in fact you're not even a Jew let me explain to you what a real Jew is it's actually the people that have believed on Jesus Christ it's actually the people who are not circumcised physically but their circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God now that is where this chapter ends and of course the whole purpose of Romans chapter two is a rebuke to the Jews because the rest of the book of Romans he's gonna lay down that doctrine of salvation by faith so hard it's unbelievable but he has to first explain to them you guys are jacked up you guys are not saved you guys are hypocrites God is actually being blasphemed because of you you're not even saved and you're not even a Jew okay Paul is just ripping these people to shreds it's coming from a place of love is it not? It absolutely is he wants these people saved but look if you want someone saved you have to tell them the truth whether that truth is ugly or not now towards the end of this rebuke he says that the Gentiles are gonna be the uncircumcision which is by nature if it fulfill the law judge thee who by the letter and circumcision does transgress the law so how is it that the Gentiles are gonna be judging the Jews? Did they somehow keep the law? Did the Jews just fail at keeping the law but the Gentiles the uncircumcision they somehow figured out how to do it correctly? No that's not why go to Romans chapter number nine again here's how at the end of Romans chapter nine look at what it says in verse 30 it says what shall we say then that the Gentiles which followed not after righteousness they weren't trying to keep the law they weren't trying to say you know we have to keep the law perfectly to get to heaven they weren't even following after righteousness they have attained to righteousness even the righteousness which is of faith so even though the Gentiles they weren't seeking righteousness they did attain and find righteousness verse 31 but Israel the physical Jews which followed after the law of righteousness they were trying to follow the law they were saying that it was by works they have not attained to the law of righteousness wherefore why because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the law they stumbled at that stumbling stone as it is written behold I lay in Sion a stumbling stone and rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed you know how you fulfill the law by believing on Jesus Christ the person that was perfect the person that was just and the justifier of him which believeth on Jesus Christ that is how you are justified but look if you're seeking righteousness through the law you're always going to fail why because if you keep the whole law but offend in one point you're guilty of all James chapter 2 10 says and so he has to tell the Jews this and explain to them why they're in such a jacked up situation now really quickly here I know we've already gone over the whole chapter now we're done with the chapter let's just apply a few things for our lives get a few lessons from this chapter that are having to do with other things so number one the lesson that we can take from this chapter is that we need to be aware of frauds be aware of spiritual frauds spiritual phonies just because someone is dressed up all spiritual just because someone calls themselves rabbi just because someone calls themselves a preacher or a pastor just because someone makes their boast of God and rests in the law and approves the things that are more excellent they think that they're a guide of the blind that they're a teacher of the fullest that they're all these things that doesn't make them legit they could think all those things about themselves all day long but these Jews weren't even saved they weren't even step one and so you have to be aware of frauds say let's read this portion of Romans chapter 2 again where it says in verse 17 says behold thou art called a Jew you're called spiritual and rest is in the law make us thy boast of God and knowest his will and approve is the things that are more excellent being instructed out of the law and are confident they're really persuaded in themselves that thou art that thou thyself are to guide of the blind a light of them which are in darkness an instructor of the foolish a teacher of babes which has the form of knowledge and of the law so look these people were in spiritual leadership they were so confident that they were teachers of the law that they were great instructors but yet they were nothing yet Paul is having to tell these people that they're not even saved and look our country today is plagued by phony spiritual leaders we even ran into a guy today who was a member of Joel Osteen's church a phony spiritual leader a guy who's not even saved a guy who maybe he really thinks that he's an instructor of the foolish a teacher of babes let's talk about this is my Bible I am what it says I am I can do what it says I can do I am what it says I am in 2nd Peter chapter 2 and in Jude that that's what you are spiritual frauds just because someone calls himself a man of God does not make it so and went to God that we would get back to reading our Bibles for ourselves and as a nation actually being able to judge and discern when someone is a false prophet or when someone is a fraud and today we have a whole movement of house church movements where people who are unqualified where people have no leadership no pastor over them they just get together with a bunch of friends and they say well I think the Bible says this what do you think it means Bill well I think it means this in the New King James what about you Bob well I have the message Bible and it says this look that is a fraud and obviously that's an extreme example but honestly it's not that much different in the new evangelical churches it's not that much different in the fun center churches either you have women teaching Sunday school in a lot of churches people that the Bible says should not be teaching in church I'll read for you 1st Timothy 1.5 it says now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned from which some having swerved have turned aside and the vain jingling desiring to be teachers of the law understanding neither what they say nor where of they affirm now was it isn't that like these Jews in Romans chapter 2 they are just so confident that they're teachers of law they desire to be teachers of law but they have no clue what they're saying why because they don't even understand salvation and for the life of me I don't understand why a Christian would ever look up to a person who's a preacher or pastor who is wrong on salvation and wanna hear anything from them you're like oh well yeah I know he's wrong on salvation but have you heard where he stands on COVID it's like no I don't care it's like he's a false prophet he's a hardcore hyper dispensationalist ruckmanite it's like he desires to be a teacher of the law but he doesn't even understand what he's saying or where of he affirms no we need to depart from people like that and rather not follow a bunch of people that are so prideful that they can't just be trained properly or they can't just put themselves under a man of God who is trained and qualified properly one of the qualifications of a pastor is not a novice lest he being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil you know what more of a prideful thing to stand up with the sacred word of God and call yourself a preacher or a minister when you don't even understand it when you're not even safe it's absolute hypocrisy we need to get back to reading our Bibles to be able to see these kind of things I'll read for you 1 Timothy or 2 Timothy 2 15 it says study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness these preachers that are just preaching vain babblings just this profane and vain babbling the Bible says it increases more ungodliness and you can see that in our nation with the increase of bozo preachers and with the increase of false prophets you see an increase of ungodliness in our nation why because no one has the wherewithal no one knows how to take the sword the word of God and preach it anymore no one knows how to explain to the people of this nation right from wrong anymore and it's because people are not shunning the profane and vain babblings verse 17 and their word will eat as doth a canker of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus who concerning the truth have erred saying that the resurrection has passed already and overthrow the faith of some so when you let these type of people preach it increases more ungodliness and it overthrows people's faith you know I don't know the exact numbers off the top of my head but it seems like religion as a whole is on the decline in the United States it's definitely the independent fundamental Baptist movement as a whole obviously I believe God's blessing the new IFB in our churches and God can bless an individual church that's doing the right thing but just as a whole you see our nation getting more ungodly more people's faith being overthrown and why it's like the people in Romans chapter two that's why that are causing the word of God to be blasphemed through them number two another thing we can learn from Romans chapter two really quickly is that it's very important to guard your testimony it's very important to guard your testimony the Bible talks about how these people that were preaching don't steal they're preaching don't commit adultery they are saying that they have poor idols but they're committing sacrilege they're doing all these things it was causing people to blaspheme God through them and obviously we don't believe in lifestyle evangelism we don't think people are gonna get saved by looking at your good life we still should guard our testimonies and realize that our testimonies our lifestyle can have an influence over what people think about God you gotta think about are you causing your children to someday blaspheme God through you you don't wanna be that hypocritical family that shows up to church one way that acts one way at church and then at home is a completely different person you don't wanna be the preacher that's saying don't steal while stealing don't commit adultery while committing adultery and obviously every single person is a sinner God uses imperfect men every single person is a hypocrite at some point of their life to some extent but we have to take this very seriously because it's God's name at stake when we allow ourselves to be hypocrites I'll read for you 2 Samuel 12 14 says how be it by this deed when David committed adultery and had Uriah the Hittite murdered Nathan the prophet says thou has given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die now no one would say that King David was a bad guy he was the man after God's own heart he was a great man of God yet he committed very wicked sins of adultery and murder and what ended up happening as a result of that is given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme people now are looking at David and saying well if that's the God of David what do I want to do with that what do I want to do with the God that causes a man to steal a man's wife and then murder him right and that's a wrong attitude to have but it is the attitude people will have whether you like it or not and so we have to be very careful to guard our testimonies on Ecclesiastes chapter number 10 you can go to Ecclesiastes chapter number 10 it says in verse one dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savor so does the little folly and that is in reputation for wisdom and honor you know if you've been a Christian for a long time if you've been walking and growing in the Lord and you've gotten a lot of sin out of your life people look up to you as a spiritual person and you never know who might be looking up to you there's lots of kids in this church lots of people that you reach out soul winning the Bible says that when you're in reputation of honor when someone thinks of you and you have a good reputation you have a good name and they even find out about a little folly they said it's like a dead fly in the ointment of the apothecary that dead fly just kind of ruins the whole thing it makes the whole thing stink and look that's not fair we're all sinners we all make mistakes but just realize that you as a Christian are gonna be held to a higher standard by this world you are an ambassador of Christ I'm not just talking about preachers or pastors in the ministry I'm saying you as an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ must guard your testimony to the best of your ability and yeah we all mess up and yeah we're all sinners but just realize fair or not people will hold you to a higher standard and you need to take your testimony seriously why so that the name of God is not blasphemed if that's not worth it in and of itself I don't know what is you know to guard the sacred holy name of God so that it's not blasphemed through our actions lastly in Romans chapter two the last lesson go to Romans chapter two verse 25 Romans chapter two verse 25 and that is that faith plus works salvation is a damnable heresy faith plus works salvation is a damnable heresy and that is something that hopefully every single person here knows and believes but hey it's in the chapter so let's look at it one more time verse 25 it says for circumcision verily profiteth you want to be justified by the law Jews says okay your circumcision verily profiteth you if thou keep the law if you can do everything perfectly if you can never transgress the law then yeah go ahead and get circumcised and follow the law and you'll be fine but if thou be a breaker of the law thy circumcision is made uncircumcision if you're trusting and obviously no one in here is trusting their circumcision to get them to heaven and no one we really talk to out there is trusting in their circumcision to get them to heaven but look whatever it is you're trusting 99% Jesus Christ and 1% in your works then guess what your circumcision is made uncircumcision in fact there's a verse that says something similar to that Galatians chapter five I'll read for you verse two it says behold I Paul say unto you that if ye be circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing for I testify again to every man that is circumcised that he is a debtor to do the whole law Christ has become of no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the law ye are fallen from grace now Galatians 5 four is often a verse I use out soul winning showing people look if you think you have to have faith in any works one 1% works 99% faith then Christ has made no effect unto you whatsoever Christ's blood does not get applied to you when you're trusting in any of the works of the law you must trust 100% in Jesus Christ and of course throughout Romans chapter three and Romans four Romans five and all throughout the book of Romans that's what Paul's gonna be focusing on he lays down the doctrine of salvation extremely hard in the book of Romans but I just wanna end it with this go to Romans chapter one Romans chapter one says in verse 14 I am dead are both to the Greeks and to the barbarians to the wise and to the unwise so as much as in me is I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek now obviously we focus more on the Jews tonight and Paul rebukes the Jews very harshly in this chapter we have to consider ourselves the same way debtors to the Greeks and to the Jews and realize that both Jews and Gentiles alike most of them in this world are unsafe most of them in this world are going to hell they're on their way to hell and look we need to be like Paul where as much as in us is we're ready to preach the gospel to them also we need to make ourselves servants to the barbarians to the Jews to the Greeks we need to love people and how do we love people well we tell them the truth like Paul told them about what a messed up situation they're in and tell them look you are a sinner you are deserving of going to hell and look so am I and look there's a way to get out of that it's not by the works of the law it's not by circumcision it's not by going to church it's not by helping old ladies cross the street it's by trusting in Christ it's by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and receiving the free gift of eternal life look if we love people who want to be like Paul hey tell people the truth of what situation they're in but be ready to preach them the gospel also let's have a word of prayer Lord thank you so much for this day and thank you for your word thank you so much for the book of Romans so much great truth and doctrine in it pray that you'd help every single person here to always read their Bibles and treasure your word help us all to grow and become better Christians and in Jesus name we pray, amen.