(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you man and you know but because hey when we're dead we can't change any things that we're done under the sun look at verse number 11 suddenly upon them and he's just saying hey you don't know what's going to happen in your in your life we all live in an evil time we all live in a world of sin in a fallen world and you don't know when your day is coming like the fish that gets caught in the net it didn't know that that was going to be the day for him and then we go down to verse number 13 just giving a quick overview here this wisdom have i seen also under the sun and it seemed great unto me there was a little city and few men within it and there came a great king against it and besieged it and built great bulwarks against it now there was found in it a poor wise man and he by his wisdom delivered the city yet no man remembered that same poor man then said i wisdom is better than strength nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised and his words are not heard and so solomon's saying hey if we have to choose between being a strong man or being a wise man we should choose to be a wise person even though you might be despised like the bible said there the wise man was despised the poor man was despised and nobody remembered him but he still delivered the city by wisdom if we had to choose between being strong or having wisdom we need to choose wisdom in verse 17 the words of the wise are the words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools and that's usually the case people who are just really loud and talk all the time are usually the foolish ones oftentimes the quiet people are the wise ones verse 18 wisdom is better than weapons of war but one sinner destroyeth much good and the reason i was thinking about this sermon is recently i've been working on demolition and destroying things is really really easy it's a lot easier than building things right construction you need to have engineers you need to have planning you need to have all these permits you need to have a good boss you need to have all these skilled laborers but with me with just this boot right here i could just start kicking down walls i know because i was doing it it's really fun but once sinner destroyed much good it made me think how much easier it is for sin to destroy thing things than righteousness to build things up it's you know it's way easier to destroy a church than it is to start a church it's way easier to destroy someone's family than to build up a good family right this world is in a state of decay and decay is very natural right but building things destructing or constructing things is very hard so i'll have you go to have you go to ecclesiastes chapter seven ecclesiastes chapter seven and speaking of destruction just on a side note it's pretty funny that these scientists i think they're so smart think that this whole world was created by a destructive explosion makes no sense whatsoever if i came in this room and just started swinging around a sledgehammer or if a b24 flew over and dropped a bomb on it it wouldn't create life wouldn't create a new church would destroy everything it's just pretty funny that they believe destruction creates things but number one tonight i want to point out that our sin has a extremely destructive nature i'll read for you again while you're there in ecclesiastes seven ecclesiastes 9 18 says wisdom is better than weapons of war but one sinner destroyeth much good one sinner ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 20 well what you have to understand first of all is that obviously all of us are sinners so when the bible says one sinner destroyeth much good we could also apply that to ourselves ecclesiastes 7 verse 20 says for there is not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sinneth not so it's pretty obvious we all know here that we're all sinners so we have to make sure that we're taking our lives seriously too because our sin destroys a lot of good too it's not just always pointing out the reprobates and pointing out the wicked people you know your personal sin in your life can destroy a lot of good as well i'll read for you first john one eight says if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us so obviously we all know in here that we're sinners if you don't believe that you're a liar you're extremely deceived and you're insane if you believe that you're without sin but we know that we are with having sin so here's the thing we need to make sure we take every single moment every single decision of our life very very seriously because one sinner destroyeth much good one big mistake you make in your life one big sin you commit in your life could have much much destruction on your life in the future it's not like you commit a sin and it's just a little punishment for it you know oftentimes we can really destroy our lives with our sin go to proverbs chapter one proverbs chapter one back in your bible a few pages proverbs chapter one proverbs 132 the bible says for the turning away of the simple shall slay them and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them but whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely and shall be quiet from fear of evil so when it's saying that the simple when the simple turns away it's in reference of turning away from god's council so us as christians when we turn away from god's council it says for the turning away of the simple shall slay them right when we decide to turn away from god's commandments when we decide to turn away from the wisdom in god's word that's going to slay us that's going to bring destruction in our lives personally go to psalm chapter 119 psalm 119 it's important to understand this because it's not just the reprobates that are destroying their life it's not just the wicked people that try to creep into churches that are destroying their lives christians today all over this country are destroying their own lives things like drug use right it's not like a christian is exempt from the sin of drug use there's christians today that use drugs get addicted to drugs and that destroys their whole life you know i used to work in the city of portland and that city is just overrun with drugs literally you could just get out of your truck and walk down just about any street and you'll find heroin needles there you could go to just about any public park and there's heroin needles all over the place it's like one of the biggest homelessness capitals in america there's just homeless people everywhere and the reason why is because those people's lives have been destroyed by drugs that's the reason drugs is the reason that their life is destroyed now am i going to think that none of those people whatsoever are saved well here's the thing salvation has nothing to do with how you live your life salvation is believing on the lord jesus christ can a derelict bum drug addict believe on lord jesus christ absolutely and i guarantee you that there is saved homeless people in this country today that do drugs that have ruined their life because of drugs right ruining their life because when the simple turn away from god's law it shall slay them you're there in psalm 119 look at verse 104 through thy precepts i get understanding therefore i hate every false way thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path so the word of god is supposed to illumine our feet picturing how the word of god should be telling us which direction to go in our life what to avoid on the path the path that we should be going down you know the word of god is going to tell us to avoid that path of alcohol right to avoid the path that ends up with you walking around aimlessly in the middle of the night and getting run over by a car right the turning away of the simple shall slay them you don't think that there's been people that have literally died from sin that's what sin does the wages of sin is death right and that's obviously the most important aspect of that is the spiritual application that our sin causes us to deserve that second death but you know the wages of sin often result in a physical death in this life i wonder how many drunk people have gotten in a fight police get called on them they bow up on the police officer and the police officer shoots them right there's all sorts of scenarios in this world where your sin can lead to your literal destruction your literal death it happens all the time disease right often disease can be a punishment from god if you're fornicating if you're committing adultery god can give you a disease that could literally end your life right the turning away of the simple will slay them i'll read for you or you can turn there proverbs chapter three proverbs chapter three verse number five the bible says trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths be not wise in thine own eyes fear the lord and depart from evil it shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones so when you fear god you walk in his commandments the bible says that that brings you health god didn't give you his commandments just as a drudge on your life just so it could be a net negative on your life and you're thinking man i'd have such a happy life if it just wasn't for the commandments of god no that's not how it works god gives you all of his commandments because it brings health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones every single promise in the bible and every single commandment in the bible enriches your life there's not a single commandment that causes a negative or a detriment to your life every single commandment is positive and here's what i love about this passage if you don't understand that let's say you come across a commandment you're reading the bible and you're saying god i don't understand how this commandment is going to help me i'm this commandment seems like it's going to hurt me right i love the beginning of this because it says trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding you know if we can just understand that concept it's going to help us out a lot in life when you come across a verse you don't understand hey trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding right when you don't understand something that's okay you know the longer you're a christian the more you read the bible the more wisdom you get just from living your life someday you're going to understand those things but what's going to mess you up is if when you don't understand something and you say well i'm just going to lean on my own understanding then you ruin your life then when you're a fool and you turn away from the counsel of god then you get slayed literally sometimes but god promises us when we trust in him with all of our heart it's going to be health to us it's going to be positive to us and i want to point out how a little bit of sin has a lot of consequences go to romans chapter 5 a little bit of sin has a lot of consequences the reason for that is because one sinner destroyeth much good look at romans 5 verse 17 for if by one man's offense death reigned by one much more they which received abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one jesus christ therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life for as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the disobedient for by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous that's kind of a tongue twister but it's talking about adam and eve when adam sinned he sinned one time he committed one offense and guess what it damned us all it damned all of mankind for all of eternity one man's sin and that's because the nature of sin is extremely destructive we don't even realize how destructive the nature of sin is and the thing is obviously if you commit a sin you're not going to go damn the entire human race right that's already been done but what you do need to understand is that your personal sin can damn your children in a sense like if you raise them your whole life you're a drunk you're a drug user you don't raise them right well you know what maybe you know because of your sin you could ruin your entire children's future you could ruin your children's chance of serving god and of living a good godly life because you yourself sin and that's the thing our sin often has a way more far-reaching effect than we think we think that oh my sin just affects me no one even knows that i commit the sin it's never true it's never ever true even if literally no other person in this world knows that you have this sin guess what it will affect them because sin's nature is extremely destructive you think about divorce now that's a sin that affects other people isn't it right you know i grew up my whole life with my parents in the home and they're getting divorced right now after i'm already out of the home so at least at least it didn't happen when i was young but here's the thing some people they grow up and their parents get divorced when they're three four or five years old and that's all they ever know and they think that that's normal and then they get married and they have their first fight and they're like okay time to get divorced right and then their kids do the same thing and then their kids do the same thing right because of one man's offense so we got to take our lives seriously and think hey this sin that i want to commit it will not just affect me it'll affect my wife it'll affect my kids it'll affect everybody that i love you know when you sin in this church it could affect this church right you ought to think about your personal testimony you ought to think about the testimony of this church what do you want the members of pure words baptist church to be known for you know i want them to be known for being zealous of good works for being godly for being righteous christians that love him that go out and soul win i don't want pure words baptist church to be known as you know the adultery scandal church where half the church is in adultery with each other right it'd be a horrible testimony and you know what would happen if that was the case well it would have far-reaching consequences on other people right it wouldn't just affect you it would affect the people that could have gotten saved if people were still in this church serving god it would affect your pastor who would obviously be heard by that it would affect a lot of people pretty pretty much you know you may not be able like like that verse said trust in the lord of all unheartly not unto thine own understanding you may commit the sin you say you know lord i don't understand how this affects anyone else i think this just affects me you just got to lean on god's word and not on your own understanding and just trust that it will affect other people and take your sin very seriously we can go on and on about listing every sin and how it can affect people but you just need to know that whatever the sin it doesn't matter if it's pride it doesn't matter what the sin is it will affect other people i'll read for you quickly go ahead and turn to first corinthians five and i'll read for you james one it says let no man say when he is tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed then when lust hath conceived to bring forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death and that's all you need to know about every sin doesn't matter what sin it is just realize that the end of every sin is just death because that's how destructive sin is that is how destructive it is first corinthians five so number one we have to understand the extremely destructive nature of sin number two because one sinner destroys much good we must execute church discipline because we know the destructive nature of sin we must be a church that executes church discipline you're there in first corinthians five let's start reading in verse six the apostle paul is writing to the church of quernth and he says your glorying is not good no ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump now doesn't this jive with what we've been talking about how a little bit of sin has a huge consequence right and he's saying hey a little bit of leaven in your church a little bit of unchecked fornication a little bit of unchecked railing a little bit of the sins that the bible says are worthy of being kicked out of church a little bit of that just left unchecked just festering in the church it will leaven the whole lump how do you think churches are destroyed today you think churches just destroy because god chooses he picks and chooses churches like a calvinist that oh i want this church to be good because no reason and i want this church to fail because no reason no the bible gives us instructions on how to live the christian life the bible gives us instructions on how to be a good church and how to follow god's will for the church and he he very strongly instructs the church to practice church discipline right and when we don't do that expect your church to get destroyed because paul said a little leaven leaven at the whole one let's keep reading says purge out therefore the old leaven that you may be a new lump as ye are unleavened or even christ our passover is sacrificed for us let us keep the feast not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth i wrote unto you in a pistol not to company with fornicators yet not all together with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters for then must he needs go out of the world but now i have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard extortioner with such in one no not to eat now in this church we all believe church discipline but you know for a lot of churches this is a really hard saying in the bible to say that certain people that commit certain sins that are unrepentant of those sins should not be allowed to attend church and people make fun of churches like ours oh they shun people they're a cult because they shun people you know a cult makes up their own rules they follow a man that makes up his own man-made rules i just read to you from the word of god all right and the bible says paul's saying hey i've commanded you not to keep company with fornicators he says not all together with the fornicators of this world so he's saying he's saying hey i'm not telling you you can't talk to a fornicator that's unsaved it's not like you can't go to the grocery store and you have to ask your clerk do you drink are you covetous are you an idolater are you a railer are you a fornicator you know that's ridiculous right but here's the thing a man that is called a brother if a man comes in this church or a woman comes in this church and they're coming week after week after week and they're a brother in christ and they just mention oh yeah you know i just i live with my girlfriend you know i'm an open fornication and no one says anything about that you know no one does anything about that the bible says a little leaven leaven at the whole lump and people accuse us of being hateful for this but this is actually a really loving thing to do it's a loving thing to do to kick someone out for everybody involved it's a loving thing to do for your church because here's the thing the kids growing up in church if they see that fornication is just tolerated then they're not going to take that commandment seriously they say oh you know fornication is no big deal you know he was still able to come to church he was still able to serve god no consequences happen for him he's just not going to take that sin seriously and he's going to just go be a whoremonger or she's just going to go be a whore because the church did not show from the word of god the commandments of god and did not execute church discipline number two it's loving for the person that's in fornication it's loving for the person that's living in that sin because here's the thing maybe they just don't know you know maybe they're in fornication and they just don't know that that was wrong you know i i grew up not in a christian home not in a religious home whatsoever i was not taught what the bible teaches about fornication i was not taught how god sees it as an extremely wicked sin i was not taught that god killed people in the old testament for it and that it's something that's worthy of being kicked out of church you know i was just taught well you know don't do it unless you're gonna marry her someday don't do it unless you really love her right that's what the world is teaching nowadays that's what the world is teaching but you know what's loving is to tell a person hey we want you to come here but the bible says that if you're unrepentant and you're living in fornication we have to kick you out that's actually loving because here's the thing no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous right if you're getting rebuked if you're if the pastor's coming to you and confronting you with a sin you're not going to be happy about that at the moment but you know what if you change that in your life it's going to bring blessings in your life when you don't turn away from the the law of god then you're not going to be slayed like the fool in in uh the book of psalms we were talking about you know what it's really sad today that churches are just too cowardly to do what the bible says to do pastors today are just too cowardly to clear i mean this is so clear let's read this again he says but now i have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or extortioner with such and one no not to eat it's so clear right he's and here's what churches do they'll they'll have person that's that's in one of these sins and instead of confronting them and kicking them out they'll just say well that person can still come here they just can't be a church member we'll do well i mean we'll still take their tithe we'll still let them put money in the plate we'll still let them come to church but they're just not a church member the bible says not to company with them the bible says no not to eat with them no fellowship with them whatsoever and the reason for that is because you want to incentivize the person to get their life right and come back to church it's a loving thing to do because we're not just kicking them out in the curb and saying you know what just you know go to hell have a horrible life you're a fornicator you know that's not the attitude the attitude is hey you're in grievous sin you've sinned against god and you need to get it right so that you can come back and be in fellowship every single person that pastor shelley i'm sure has kicked out for one of these reasons in his heart he wants them to be repentant and to come back right but if they're not repentant they're not going to come back in churches today they let a little unchecked fornication a little unchecked heresy damnable heresy a little unchecked leaven and it ends up leavening their whole lump because of the destruction destructive nature of sin because sin destroys so much it destroys churches some churches won't even kick out pedophiles you know i know people personally that have had to quit a church because their pastor lets the pedophile be the song leader right and it's like hey here's this person's online profile here's what he's done to all these kids here's his conviction and they're like oh you know it's fine we'll just keep him away from the kids he can still sit in the front row he can still leave the songs you know a lot of pastors are extremely weak today and a lot of churches are extremely weak and and it's not because of their personality or anything like that it's just because they're too afraid to follow what god says to do they're too afraid to follow what the bible says to do but obviously pastor shelley is the one that makes those decisions of church discipline he's the one that makes the decision of if a person needs to be kicked out or not so what is our job as a church when this happens go to matthew chapter 18 our job is to back up the pastor and to not fellowship with a person that's been kicked out of church the loving thing to do if you love the person that was kicked out if it was your best friend the loving thing to do for that person is to not fellowship with them until they get their life right and god backs up church discipline that's what we're going to read here in matthew 18 look at verse 18 jesus is speaking he says verily i say unto you who so whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven and if you read the context of this chapter he's talking about church discipline right he's talking about people coming before the church with their issues and about how if the brother doesn't hear the church that he's supposed to be unto you a heathen and a publican right and he's saying hey whatever the church bounds on earth jesus is saying that god binds in heaven so when pastor shelley makes a decision to kick someone out it's not up to you whether you think that it was right or wrong it's up to god and god says that he backs up what the church does he binds in heaven what we do in the church so when you're when you're bucking the authority you're not just bucking pastor shelley's authority you're bucking god's authority as well we need to make sure that we enact church discipline by the way you know personally if someone's kicked out of another church not pure words baptist church not steadfast baptist church they're kicked out of another bible believing good biblical church and they're unrepentant with that church i'm not going to fellowship with that person either you know my old church sure foundation baptist church if pastor thompson kicked someone out and he was a railer let's let's just use this example he's a railer he's making all these wicked lies about pastor thompson and about people in the church and he gets kicked out and he's unrepentant he doesn't say sorry he doesn't change his actions and he walks through the door i'm not going to shake his hand i'm not going to be cool with that person i'm not going to allow that person to have fellowship with me because god backs up church discipline and even though that sure foundation baptist church is not pure words baptist church faithful words baptist church is not pure words baptist church you know if god backed up that decision then i back it up too and i'm not going to have fellowship with someone that was harming people harming churches a little 11 11 at the whole lump the person that's kicked out of a church is a person that's doing harm to other christians and doing harm to a church and you know i'm not going to be cool with people like that i'm not going to love people like that until they get things right i'm not going to welcome in people like that you know i'm not going to let people like adam fannin come in to my church and say so great to have you and you know we're gonna have an ice cream special for you can you please close us out in a word of prayer and then all the church members calling him pastor fannin so great to have pastor fannin you know what i would never do something like that someone who's harmed so many people's lives someone who's harmed churches literally split independent fundamental baptist churches that are serving god and you want to have fellowship with someone like that it's inexcusable it's inexcusable if someone was a railer to pastor thompson i would not bless that person i would not praise that person i certainly wouldn't call that person a pastor when he ordained himself when he was congregationally ordained let me read for you proverbs 28 4 says they that forsake the law praise the wicked but such as keep the law contend with them you know what did the bible say at the end of first corinthians chapter five about the person that's kicked out of church go ahead and go back there if you don't mind let's look at what the bible says first corinthians chapter five the bible calls these people that are kicked out of church that leaven churches that harm churches the bible calls them something it says but them that are without god judge it therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person what does the bible say that a person that is kicked out of church is called a wicked person right now if they repent if they get right with god are they a wicked person no right everybody's a sinner everybody makes a mistake but someone that's destroyed a church split a church is unrepentant for the things that they've done has harmed people that's a wicked person and the bible says they that forsake the law praise the wicked but such as keep the law contend with them you know what if you're if you're praising a guy like adam fannin and calling him a pastor after all he's done you forsaken the law you've drank the kool-aid is what you've done he's a wicked man you know what how much damage do you think could be done when a church does not execute church discipline it destroys a church this is how churches are destroyed it doesn't just happen by osmosis it happens by churches not following the bible and not getting the leaven out of the church that's what we must do as a church we must back up our pastor in this and obviously church discipline should never be the focus of a church right but you know what if you don't execute church discipline it destroys everything else that you're focusing on it makes it makes void everything else you're focusing on because if you're if a pastor is focusing on feeding his flock preaching them good doctrine preaching hard against sin and then he just makes a joke out of it by not taking care of business when it needs to be taken care of right so it should not be our main focus but if we don't execute church discipline then it just it makes everything else we do a joke it doesn't give any credence to the rest that we do number three number three tonight turn to roman 16 roman 16 number three because one sinner destroyeth much good we must preach against wicked people now if you if you watch pastor shelley's sermons on youtube and if you ever look at the comments people don't like this people don't like us preaching against wicked people you know and i just wish like these people could understand preachers pastors we don't care what you think we don't care what people on youtube think we only care what the bible says we only care what god thinks that's all we care about okay and all these people leaving all their comments about how oh man you talk so much about adam fan and pastor shelley you man we're getting tired of hearing about adam pan and i saw this one comment he was like i agree with everything you're preaching but man i'm getting really tired of hearing about adam panin you know because one sinner destroys a lot it's important to keep calling out wicked people you're there in roman 16 remember we don't care what people say we care what the bible says let's look at the bible says roman 16 verse 17 now i beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them for they that are such serve not our lord jesus christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple so bible says people that teach false doctrines contrary to what we've learned the bible says to mark them so how do we mark them do we go write some permanent marker on their face like how do these youtube commenters expect us to mark them we mark them by preaching against them we mark them by exposing them by making the youtube clips against them and by talking about the things that they've done and not letting people forget the things that these people have done to harm people because it says there by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple you know why we constantly remind people of these wicked people is because these people by their good words their fair speeches these false prophets like adam fannin they deceive the hearts of the simple and it's the love of the people that are going to be deceived by these false prophets that constrains us to call out evil people and wicked people we're not just willy nilly calling out everybody we're calling out people that are false prophets that are reprobates that are actively trying to harm the work of god that are actively trying to harm good churches why because they they deceive the hearts of the simple right and we don't want those simple people to be deceived you know what sometimes they even deceive good people too right people just dig into whatever church they're in and then their pastor endorses adam fannin they just have to drink that kool-aid too right it's really sad well you know part of the job of a pastor is to yes preach good doctrine people are people but it's also to protect the flock let's have you turn to acts chapter 20 acts chapter 20 you know next next time you say man i'm getting tired of pastor shelly talking about this one person maybe you should think about the simple people that are hurting and that have been affected by this person that's harmed real people real people that have been harmed and hurt because of false prophets you know maybe you should love them a little bit more instead of just worried oh i want to hear a different sermon care about people and care about fighting the good fight acts chapter 20 let me get through myself acts chapter 20 look at verse number 28 verse 28 apostle paul is preaching to the elders in ephesus and he says take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the witch the holy ghost made you overseers to feed the church of god which he hath purchased with his own blood so remember the first job is to feed the church of god to give them good doctrine good sermons preach from the word of god but then it says this for i know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years i cease not to warn everyone night and day with tears so people are upset because pastor shelly has mentioned adam fan in the last couple weeks and has made a couple youtube videos about him the apostle paul was preaching against false prophets day and night for three years with tears why did he have those tears because he cares about the people that the false prophets harm because he genuinely cares about the churches that are being destroyed by these grievous wolves right and a good pastor a good shepherd you know if you're thinking in a physical sense you're a shepherd over a flock of sheep you know what are you doing you're feeding them you're feeding them you're feeding them but when the wolf comes and you just let them be destroyed did you really love those sheep absolutely not you get out the ar-15 you smoke the wolf and you move on right well adam fan is not dead yet right he hasn't been smoked yet so pastor shelly just has to keep smoking them and smoking them and smoking them right because he loves the flock he loves the sheep and he loves the people that adam fanon is hurting and adam fan is destroying and you know if you don't know who he is count yourself blessed but he's a really wicked person if you're in church long enough you're going to see a wolf you know even there in in verse number verse number 30 he said also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them you know if you stay in this church your whole life it's a guaranteed fact that there's going to be a judas that comes in here and that is a wolf in sheep's clothing that looks just like a normal member of pure words baptist church pretends like they love god pretend like they're out winning souls but someday they'll show their fangs and someday they'll show that they want to take away people unto themselves and then you'll have a new person that you'll hear preached about all the time all right it's always changing let's just think about this like these people on youtube they're constantly complaining oh he talks about it too much paul did it every day every night for three years right what does the bible say pastor shelly's just trying to catch up he can't even catch up it's impossible to catch up right so people need to read the bible look at uh second peter chapter two second peter two why should we be calling these people out why should we care why should we care about preaching against evil people second peter chapter two verse one but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privately shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them bring upon themselves swift destruction many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the truth shall be evil spoken of and through covetousness shall they with fainted words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not why should we keep preaching as these people why should we preach against evil people notice there how it's said and many shall follow their pernicious ways right and that's what we want to avoid if someone's preaching damnable heresy if someone's preaching that you have to be baptized to be saved or you have to have good works to be saved or they're denying the trinity or they're denying the deity of christ or they're preaching some sort of damnable heresy you know sadly the bible says many shall follow their pernicious ways hey joel osteen's church is just down the road how many people does he fill up on his service a lot because many follow their pernicious ways you know the disciples ask jesus are there many that be saved and i can't quote it verbatim but he's just saying that straight is the gate narrow is the way that leadeth unto life and few there be that find it right there's very few people sadly in this world that are saved many people follow the false prophets many people want to have their ears tickled many people want to hear lies but not very many people today want to hear the truth that's why if you were to go to to joel osteen's church on sunday there would literally be thousands of people maybe even tens of thousands of people i've never been there but it's because many follow their pernicious ways and it's for love of people love of real souls that have an eternal destiny that we preach against these people and that we expose them it says with fainted words they shall make merchandise of you like joel osteen in houston who charges tickets to attend his church i don't know if he's always done that but i've seen on his website in the last couple months charging tickets to attend a church service that's called making merchandise of you you know some wolves are in sheep's clothing and some wolves are in wolves clothing and people must just be drinking too much fluoride today not to see that joel osteen is a false prophet that's sending people to hell it's sad that we even have to explain that to people today but it's true paul cared about people paul cared about real people that were being hurt by false prophets you know what your pastor pastor shelley he cares about people too he cares about the people over in jacksonville that have been hurt and that are still hurting and that thought that they were in a good like-minded church and turns out they're not it's really sad go to go to matthew chapter 15 i just want to bring up an objection to this because there's a lot of objections that oh you shouldn't always be talking about false prophets you shouldn't always be calling out bad people and they use this little phrase you're there in matthew 15 they go to matthew 15 verse 14 where it says let them alone they be blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch see jesus said let them alone okay let's see if in context that that's actually what they're what jesus is teaching because they say right here jesus is teaching let the false prophets be alone don't call them out don't constantly talk about them let them alone we'll go back to verse number eight verse number eight jesus says this people draw nigh unto me with their mouth and honoreth me with their lips but their heart is far from me but in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men and he called the multitude notice the audience he's speaking to and he called the multitude and said unto them hear and understand not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man but that which cometh out of the mouth this defileth a man so here's the thing remember the audience he's talking to the multitude he's calling out the pharisees in front of the multitude then look down says then came his disciples so the audience has changed right and said unto him knowest thou that the pharisees were offended after they heard this saying so now after he's rebuked the pharisees publicly he's alone with his disciples and he's saying jesus you just offended these people aren't you worried about how you're going to reach them how are you going to reach the pharisees jesus you just offended them let's see what he says but he answered and said remember he's responding to his disciples privately every plant which my heavenly father hath not planted shall be rooted up let them alone they be blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch so here's the thing he's saying i'm not trying to reach these people they can't be reached they're blind right this actually teaches the exact opposite of what people try to twist it's funny what happens when you read the bible in context right they say oh jesus says leave them alone no he's saying hey i'm not worried about offending them i'm not worried about reaching them because they're blind leading the blind and the blind that leaves the line they're both going to fall into the ditch go to john chapter eight john chapter eight no pastor shelly isn't trying to reach adam bannon he's not trying to convince him he's wrong he's not trying to win him over to our side hey we're leaving him alone because he's the blind leading the blind right they're both going to fall into the ditch john chapter eight we verse 43 he says why do you not understand my speech jesus calling out the pharisees again even because you cannot hear my word it's not that they don't want to it's that they cannot hear jesus's word he says you are of your father the devil and the lust of your father you will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it and because i tell you the truth ye believe me not which of you convinced me of sin and if i say the truth why do you not believe me he that is of god heareth god's words ye therefore hear them not because you are not of god and you know the modern day false prophets people that are reprobates today they have the same exact attributes as these people right here when we say the truth they cannot hear it they have the spirit of air they cannot hear the truth and when we speak god's words to them they cannot hear it because they're not of god right so when it says let them alone hey let them alone they can't hear god's word you know when a person crosses the line where they become a reprobate or false prophet they're no longer interested in truth their father is the devil the bible just said he said you're of your father the devil and the works of your father will you do you're not going to win over a child of the devil right joe smo who's unsaved hey we want to go reach that person we want to go give that person the gospel we want to give them the truth and here's the thing if they're a person that's seeking truth they're going to receive the truth these people cannot receive the truth because they're not of god they are of the devil so it's really it's just a really silly argument how they take this one verse that says let them alone and just run with that to say oh see stop talking about false prophets like have you ever read the new testament have you ever read jesus's ministry you ever read matthew chapter 23 he's constantly warning people about the leaven of the pharisees he's constantly warning you hey watch out for the guys that go in long robes who make long prayers who you know shout out their alms that they do to be seen of men jesus is constantly warning people about evil wicked people you read through the new testament the apostles the disciples they're constantly calling people out by name and warning you of evil people don't let people just take scriptures out of context and just convince you of a doctrine that's not true that's why it's important to read the whole bible for yourself and not just trust the preacher that he's giving you the truth read the whole council of god and believe the whole council of god yourself go to second timothy four second timothy four number four tonight the last point because one sinner destroyeth much good we must endure hard preaching against our own personal sins remember one sinner destroyed much good hey we're sinners too and our personal sin like we touched on earlier can also destroy our lives the reason we need hard preaching is because it's the only thing that works you know if i were to ask i'm not going to raise for ask for raise a hand but if i were to ask you you know who in here has cleaned up their life as a result of hard preaching from the word of god i'm sure every single person's hand would go up that they've gotten something right because of hard preaching they've learned something they've become better people as a result of hard preaching right you're there in second timothy four before we read there i'll read for you first thessalonians 5 20. the bible says despise not prophesying despise not prophesying a lot of people today they despise the preaching of god's word they want to come to a church where they'll they'll have their feelings coddled where they'll be told that hey everything you're doing is right you're great you're wonderful can you pass the plate with more money i mean you're great you're wonderful right that's what most people want they want to be told lies today the bible says despise not prophesying why would you have the temptation to despise something that was always positive it doesn't make no sense right but i was saying don't despise prophesying because it's going to be natural for people to despise hard preaching and they're going to say oh that guy has a bad spirit oh that guy he is too hateful they despise prophesying that's why it's a commandment of god not to despise prophesying and the people that actually read their bible don't despise prophesying because if they're in a good church where their pastor or preacher is preaching out of the word of god then they're going to know that what's being said is true second timothy i'm sorry first timothy first timothy chapter four why do we need hard preaching today first timothy chapter four this is a charge to a pastor it says charge thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom now right off the bat that sounds like a pretty serious charge i mean what if someone came up to you and says i charge you before god and before the lord jesus christ that's i mean that's an intense charge right and the thing is people don't realize how much is on a pastor's shoulder people don't realize how much that they have to be accountable to god for what they say for what they do and people want to always just pick them apart for everything that they say right but here's the thing pastors and preachers they're charged before god and before the lord jesus christ you know it's an important thing if you get the opportunity to preach you should take it very seriously and you should every word that comes out of your mouth should you should have considered and take seriously and not be flippant with it right look at verse number two his first exhortation it says preach the word now notice it does not say preach your opinion it does not say preach fox news articles it does not say preach what you learned in college it says preach the word of god right and the reason that so many churches today are just full of sin and full of people that don't love god is because their pastor preacher is not preaching the word the word of god cleanses us and causes us to have zeal and fire for god and if a pastor's just up reading fox news articles he can't really be shocked when his church isn't fired up for god right i don't want to be fired up for fox news i don't want to be a fox news baptist constantly talking about politics constantly talking about what's going on in the government you know the bible says trust not in princes my trust is in god so i'm not really worried what all the princes of this world are doing i know they're all wicked that's all i need to know you know politicians are evil people i really don't care i don't like any of them let's keep reading there it says be instant in season out of season so being instant means to be ready right to be ready to do something it says be ready to preach the word in season and out of season so we need to be ready if you're if you're a preacher you need to be ready to preach things that you may not think your church needs you know hey preach the deity of christ whether it's in season or out of season if every single person in your church believes that jesus is god hey be ready to be instant and preach the deity of christ you know be ready to teach on the trinity be ready to teach about going soul winning be ready to teach and preach the word of god every single subject whether you think your church needs it or not whether it's out of season something that you don't normally talk about be ready to preach those things too but also you know there's things that are in season in the sense that they're popular and then there's things that are out of season in the sense that they're not popular the bible says hey i charge you before god and lord jesus christ to preach the word be instant in season hey it doesn't matter what people's opinions are it doesn't matter if the whole country thinks that pedophilia is okay the bible says they should be put to death right and if you're a preacher you don't need to consider should i take i'm gonna take a gallop poll to see what people's opinion is about this subject before i preach on it nope it's hey divorce the bible says adultery is wicked and punishable by death hey the bible says that sodomy is wicked punishable by death i don't care what any state government city government federal government says about it we don't need to take into consideration people's opinions before we preach we need to preach just what the bible says not our own opinion when it says reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering in doctrine for the time will come where they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned into fables but watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry now he gave him he said three things there he said reprove rebuke exhort now two two out of the three of those are negative right reproving someone is telling some someone that they did something wrong rebuking someone is telling them very very sharply very strongly hey you did seriously wrong here you need to fix this now that's a rebuke right an exhortation is pushing someone to do something or encouraging someone but you know people often say oh this is two negative you know one positive exhortation could actually be negative sometimes because sometimes when you're exhorting people to do right they could be offended by that you know if someone's not winning souls if someone is a christian that's not preaching the gospel and you say you know hey jesus said if you follow me be fishers of men right and if you're not a fisher of men if you're not winning souls to christ you're not following jesus that's what the bible says and exhort them hey go soul winning and they're like ouch that hurt my feelings right and they get offended because you know sometimes even exhortation can be negative and the thing is you ought not care whether it's positive or negative when you're listening to preaching you ought to care is it true is it what the bible says go to luke chapter number three i want to show you an exhortation in the bible that was pretty negative because sometimes people say that exhortation is always positive which often exhortation can be very positive but sometimes it's negative we're gonna read john the baptist preaching look at verse number seven he's saying then said he to the multitudes that came forth to be baptized of him oh generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come does this sound positive so far no it says bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance and begin not to say within yourselves we have abraham to our father excuse me for i say unto you that god is able of these stones to raise up children unto abraham and now also the axe is laid onto the root of the trees every tree therefore it's bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire and the people asked him saying what shall we do then he answered and said unto them he that hath two coats let him impart to him that hath none and he that hath meat let him do likewise then came also the publicans to be baptized and said unto him master what shall we do and he said unto them exact no more than that which is appointed you and the soldiers likewise demanded of him saying what shall we do and he said unto them do violence to no man neither accuse any falsely and be content with your wages and as the people were in expectation and all men mused in their hearts of john whether he were the christ or not john answered saying unto them all i indeed baptize you with water but one mightier than i cometh the latchet of whose shoes i am not worthy to unloose he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly purge his floor and will gather his wheat into the garner but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable and many other things in his exhortation preached he unto the people wow john the baptist was a hard preacher i'd hate to see what his rebuke and reproof looked like if that's his exhortation he's talking about hell he's saying hey you bunch of thieves not stop stealing be content with your wages stop doing violence to people he's preaching hard and you say hey just so you know jesus is going to come and purge his floor the chaff he's going to burn with fire unquenchable preaching about hell the bible says that that is his exhortation right so you should never get tired of hard preaching never get tired of the man of god screaming and yelling to you what the bible says the bible says despise not prophesies because it's good for us it's good for us to hear what we're doing wrong for someone to just shoot us straight and tell us from the bible because the thing is it's not the preacher rebuking you it's not the preacher that's upset with you it's the word of god rebuking you right you're doing something wrong in your life hey the preacher didn't write the bible the preacher didn't make up the rules he's just reading the word of god and you know if a pastor is doing his job that's exactly what he's going to do he's not going to spare he's going to be instant in season and out of season i'll read for you isaiah 51 verse or 58 verse 1 it says cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression in the house of jacob their sins you know people like to criticize oh i don't like churches where the preacher yells what does the bible say the bible says cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression so what should we go with should i go to a church that fits my opinion of what i believe a preacher should be like or should i look at what god's perfect inerrant word says a preacher should be like and go to church that matches that right we ought not trust in our own understanding right trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding doesn't matter if you don't like hard preaching it doesn't matter if you're not used to a church where the preacher yells you ought to go with what god's word says jeremiah 5 14 says wherefore thus say the lord of god of hosts god's talking to jeremiah and he says because you speak this word behold i will make my words in thy mouth fire and this people would and it shall devour them you know when i think of famous preachers you know like joel osteen we're going to pick on him tonight since this is my first time in houston okay when he preaches fire is not exactly how i would describe his preaching right it's extremely weak it's extremely effeminate he might as well just be holding his wrist all limped the whole time with his hips kicked out to the side because it's how weak his preaching is right it's just you're great you're wonderful this is my bible i am what i what it says i am it says you're a false prophet joel osteen that's what it says you are and you are what it says it is and you're going to split hell wide open you know we ought to despise not prophesying another way we could despise prophesying when you're in church you need to be paying attention you need to be giving church your full undivided attention and obviously hey we all got kids to train we all got kids to raise sometimes the kids are acting crazy in church and you got to go give them the rod of correction amen you got to do that right sometimes mama's got to feed the baby i understand but here's the thing you should do everything in your power to give church all of your attention all of your focus because it's important god is worth it god is worth us to give him a couple hours on a wednesday night to give all of our attention right it means put away the phone don't be don't be scrolling on ebay and craigslist and facebook and youtube while you're in the house of god there's nothing that's more important in this hour that you're here than the word of god than singing praise to the one that saved you from eternal hell there's nothing more important than that your stupid text messages can wait your stupid facebook posts can wait right i understand there's exceptions sometimes this rule but you know what you ought to not despise prophesying that's why personally i believe in having a physical bible in church right i don't think it's a good idea to have your phone as your bible in church now you know maybe you're a mom that's got three little ones and i i get it maybe you got to scroll on your phone right there's exceptions to this but as a general rule the bible says to avoid the appearance of evil right so if you can have a physical bible why are you going to sit there and have the appearance of evil and look like you don't care on your phone right a visitor might come in and say oh wow everyone in this church is just texting while the preacher's preaching right it could look bad and i'm not saying that if you've done that that you're bad or you're evil or anything like that because maybe you thought you were doing okay hey i'm still reading the bible i get it it's not a sin to use your phone okay i'm just saying me personally i like to show up to church with a physical bible to let other people know to be a good testimony to other people that hey i'm taking this seriously you know it's contagious when people in church have zeal when they care about the things that's being done you know that's going to be contagious and rub off on other people go to proverbs chapter five almost done here you know we might just need to skip some of this for sake of time yeah we'll skip some of this go to romans chapter 7 last scripture i'll have you turn to romans chapter 7 romans chapter 7 verse 11 the bible says for sin taking occasion by the commandment deceived me and by it slew me wherefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and just and good was then that which is good made death unto me god forbid but sin that it might appear sin working death in me by that which is good that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful and what i wanted us to take away from this sermon tonight is that sin is exceeding sinful and a little bit of sin will destroy a lot the bible says one sinner destroyeth much good we must realize tonight how destructive sin is and how much damage it could bring to our lives you go out and commit fornication anything is no big deal you think it's no problem and you wake up the next day with a disease you have for the rest of your life because sin is serious and its effects are serious right you get divorced you think it's no big deal well little did you know that your children and their children and their children and their children are going to do the same thing right take your sins seriously and realize we need to make sin exceeding sinful in our lives in our homes when we teach our family hey we need to make sure that our kids know sin is extremely extremely sinful right when even things that we think are little like lying or being prideful you know the end of all of all sin is destruction all sin whether you understand it or not you just need to trust god that's what the bible says so remember we have to realize that sin is extremely destructive because we know how destructive sin is we have to be a church that executes church discipline we cannot just let a little leaven leaven the lump of pure words baptist church and because we know that one sinner destroyeth much good we have to continually preach against wicked people and false prophets i don't care what the people on youtube say about it that's what the bible says to do it's what we need to keep doing and because we know that one sinner destroyeth much good we must endure hard preaching against our own personal sin let's pray lord thank you so much for this day and thank you so much for your word lord i just pray that we would respect it and cherish it like we should lord we know that all your commandments are for our benefit that you love us god just thank you so much for the perfect word of god i pray that we would all read it every day and not just trust what a preacher says but we'd verify everything with your words in jesus name we pray amen so you you you you you you