(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good morning. Nice seeing everybody. Welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church. Let's start off with Dare to Be a Daniel. 309. 309 in your hymn books. Dare to Be a Daniel. Standing by a purpose, true, heeding God's command, honor them the faithful, few all hail to Daniel's band. Dare to Be a Daniel. Dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose firm. Dare to make it. No, 309. Many mighty men are lost daring not to stand. Who for God had been a host by joining Daniel's band. Dare to Be a Daniel. Dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose firm. Dare to make it. No, many giants great and tall stalking through the land. Hello to the earth would fall if met by Daniel's band. Dare to Be a Daniel. Dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose firm. Dare to make it known. Hold the gospel banner high on to victory ground. Satan and his host defy and shout for Daniel's band. Dare to Be a Daniel. Dare to stand alone. Dare to have a purpose firm. Dare to make it known. Amen. Let's pray. Father, thank you for the opportunity to go to church, Lord. It's good to be in your house, Father. I pray you please help us to be able to worship you in spirit and in truth. I pray you be with Father Dylan also later on and you would give us hearts to hear the word that you have for us and we thank you in Jesus name. Amen. Let's go on to 293. 293. Is your all on the altar? Is your all on the altar? 293. You have longed for sweet peace and for faith to increase and have earnestly fervently prayed. But you cannot have rest or be perfectly blessed until all on the altar is laid. Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Your heart does the spirit control. You can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest as you yield him your body and soul. Would you walk with the Lord in the light of his word and have peace and contentment away? You must do his sweet will to be free from all ill. On the altar your all you must lay. Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Your heart does the spirit control. You can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest as you yield him your body and soul. Oh we never can know what the Lord will bestow of the blessings for which we have prayed. Till our body and soul he does fully control and our all on the altar is laid. Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Your heart does the spirit control. You can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest as you yield him your body and soul. Who can tell all the love he will send from above and how happy our hearts will be made. Of the fellowship suite we shall share at his feet when our all on the altar is laid. Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Your heart does the spirit control. You can only be blessed and have peace and sweet rest as you yield him your body and soul. Amen. Amen. Good singing this morning. Welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you'll take out your bulletins we'll go through the announcements. If you need a bulletin if you'll raise your hand. Brother Salvador can get that to you and we'll go through these. We've got our service times and our soul winning times listed there at the top along with our month to date salvations and today's the last day for May for soul winning. So if you would like to go out with us we're going to meet here at 2 p.m. and we'll go out two by two and go knock some doors. We've also got our list of expecting ladies to be in prayer for Miss Rochelle Hill, Miss Carrie Shelley and then I am pleased to announce a new addition to the list the Gilhams are expecting. So be in prayer for Miss Bree and their family. Really exciting to see that and you know one comes off the list and just another one goes right in this place. So praise God for that and the blessings of children and then also we have a new addition to our church family Miss Isabelle Leah Reed and so the Reeds had their girl on May 25th and she was born 5 pounds 10 ounces 20 inches long. If you would like to sign up if you haven't done so already for the meal train you can see my wife and she can get you all the information you need for that and so excited for them and their new addition and so we want to be in prayer for them. We've got some upcoming guest preachers which is Pastor Shelley on June 10th and then June 27th so it'd be good to see him again on June 10th that's a Thursday evening. The AHS are here with us this morning and this evening so I'm really thankful that they were able to come down and spend the day with us and so if you have not met them or you have not greeted them you want to do so right after the service let them know that you're thankful for them coming down. We're in second Thessalonians chapter number three of our Bible memory chapter verse number three and so just plugging away at this book we're just about done. I do have for those I know we had some people that were out so for those who were not able to get their gifts for memorizing chapter number two you can come forward and get those now. We've got gift cards for Red Lobster, one left for Longhorn and then Cheddars and Cheesecake Factory. All right and keep up the hard work in memorizing the scriptures and speaking of memorizing scriptures we are about to start the month of June which Pastor Shelley has fittingly announced is anti-pride month and so I'm really excited to listen to some of those sermons. He's going to be preaching on Romans chapter one in every sermon in the month of June and so really excited for for listening to those and as a special prize if you memorize Romans chapter number one Pastor Shelley's going to be giving out a prize for that so we're going to do that in concurrency with second Thessalonians chapter number three so we're not going to stop second Thessalonians chapter three we're going to keep plugging away at that chapter but if you can memorize chapter number one of Romans then there will be a special prize. I have ideas what it is I don't know for sure but if it's what I think it is it's a pretty awesome prize and so definitely do that. I'm definitely going to put forth the effort so you can just join with me come with me and see my zeal for the Lord and let's memorize Romans chapter one you know we're talking about this before the service but you know most of us probably have you know portions of Romans chapter one already memorized and set to our heart so it's not going to be that hard it's 32 verses long so it's about a verse a day and it'll definitely be worth that. We've got the Ardmore soul-winning marathon on June 12th and we've got a sign-up sheet at the back table I believe most people have signed up for that if you haven't done so you want to make sure you do that so we can get all the numbers for the eating arrangements settled and we'll announce some more details along with that in the coming weeks and then also I put on here Zach and Madison's wedding it's a few weeks out but we want to make sure everyone has this in their mind on July 31st is going to be their wedding and so that's an exciting event that's going to take place with our church and so really excited for them we'll get some more details listed for you locations times as well and then on October 6th through the 10th is going to be the fire breathing baptist fellowship in Fort Worth and this will be the second annual conference that pastor Shelley has hosted and how many people were able to go to the very first one yeah so there was a few people I missed out on going and so I'm planning on being there as well for for this year and we will not have so on that Thursday that week of October 6th to the 10th we won't have service on that Thursday just to give everyone an opportunity to go down to Fort Worth and attend the conference and so a lot of exciting things you know the years only you know it's not even half over and so we've got a lot more work to do in 2021 and I'm looking forward to all the things that God has in store for us as a church and with that we'll go to our next hymn hymn number 262 the light of the word is Jesus the light of the world is Jesus hymn number 262 all right hymn number 262 the light of the world is Jesus the whole world was lost in the darkness of sin the light of the world is Jesus lies sunshine at noonday his glory shone in the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for thee sweetly the light has dawned upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus let's go ahead and hold it on those two spots on me and on see just a little bit not too long let's go no darkness have we who in we who in Jesus abide the light of the world is Jesus we walk in the light when we follow our guide the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for thee sweetly the light has dawned upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus ye dwellers in darkness with same blinded eyes the light of the world is Jesus go watch at his bidding and light will arise the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for thee sweetly the light has dawned upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus no need of the sunlight in heaven were told the light of the world is Jesus the lamb is the light in the city of gold the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for thee sweetly the light has dawned upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus amen good singing let's go on to the bible reading which is second Thessalonians chapter two second Thessalonians chapter two as the men take up the offering second Thessalonians chapter two bible reads now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ and by our gathering together unto him that you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that that day of christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called god or that is worshipped so that he as god sitteth in the temple of god showing himself that he is god remember ye not that when I was yet with you I told you these things and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him whose coming is after the working of satan and with with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness and them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this cause god shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness but we are bound to give thanks always to god for you brethren beloved of the lord because god hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth where unto he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our lord jesus christ therefore brethren stand fast and hold the traditions which ye have been taught whether by word or our epistle now our lord jesus christ himself and god even our father which hath loved us and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace comfort your hearts and stabless you in every good word and word father we thank you for this word we thank you for this truth father we pray that you just continue to bless this church father we pray you feel brother dealing with your spirit that you have a word for us and god our hearts be pricked and we draw closer to you we pray in jesus name amen again i want to thank pastor shelley's always for giving me the opportunity to preach and thank you brother tanner for hosting us last night it was really fun i think we could have stayed there till 2 a.m if the kids weren't you know getting a little restless so that was really fun and so it's great to be back as always thank you guys for coming this morning and we're in second thessalonians 2 should be a very familiar chapter for you guys you guys just memorized this chapter so that's very fitting and the title of sermon is let no man deceive you let no man deceive you an alternate title for the sermon could be lies the pre-trib preacher told you lies the pre-trib preacher told you here in second thessalonians two start reading in verse number one it says now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ and by our gathering together unto him that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition so paul here he's writing to the the people in desalonica and he's giving them a strong warning not to be deceived about this subject very strong warning and the reason why is because there's a lot of deception about this subject there's a lot of people that teach lies about the coming of our lord jesus christ about the day of the lord and so we need to make sure that we're not being deceived by all the lies that are out there and the reason i actually am preaching this sermon is you know when you when you go to a great church like this and we're all unified on the teachings of the rapture and the fast fact that it's post trip sometimes i forget how silly the pre-trib actually is because we don't talk about it that often you know what i mean and recently my mother had made some post trip uh post on facebook and she asked me to go help her and like comment and like kind of show people bible verses about it and you know when mom asks you to do something you do it right and so i'm like okay mom but i got to see again how deceived people are and how pre-trippers just deny clear scripture and how they just cannot understand the clear teachings of the bible and the reason why is because these pre-trip preachers have been telling lies to them and so they're being deceived about this doctrine so i just want to talk about two lies today that pre-trip preachers repeat over and over and over and the first lie is that jesus can come back at any moment that is a lie that preachers tell you that jesus christ can come back at any moment it is a lie we're going to prove that from scripture look at second thessalonians two again and look at verse number three it says let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition so when it says that day what's it talking about the coming of our lord jesus christ and our gathering together unto him that is talking about the rapture and the bible says that day will not come except two things happen first the first thing that must happen before that day jesus cannot come at any moment the first thing that must happen is a great falling away a great falling away now i want to read for you an article by this guy named thomas ice now thomas ice has a very lofty title he is the president of the pre-trip research center at liberty university and i didn't know you need a research center for the pre-trip you have to do a lot of research to try to find anything in the bible about it because it's not there so they got a pre-trip research center here's what he teaches about second thessalonians chapter two this is the title of his article from liberty university dr thomas ice the rapture in second thessalonians 2 3 i'm just going to read a couple portions of this you could come and read it after the service you want to read the whole thing but this is what he says he says i believe that there is a strong possibility that second thessalonians 2 verse 3 is speaking of the rapture so when he says that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed he's saying i think that that's talking about the rapture you say why would you think that some pre-tribulationists like myself think that the greek noun apostasia usually translated as apostasy is a reference to the rapture and should be translated as departure so come come to dr right or dr ice he's going to tell you what the bible really says and he admits he says this greek word apostasia it normally is translated as apostasy he even admits that he's like this is what it normally means but i think it should mean departure now keep in mind i guarantee this guy can't order greek food at a restaurant there's no way he could speak greek like pastor anderson can speak greek right but he wants he wants to correct the king james bible and tell you what the bible should be really saying here apostasia is not a falling away it's not uh apostasy to him he says that it's departure thus this passage would be saying that the day of the lord will not come until the rapture comes before it that makes no sense whatsoever if apostasia is a reference to the physical departure then second thessalonians 2 is a strong evidence for tribulation here's one problem with that you would never get that from the bible you only get that from man correcting the bible from man's commentary telling you hey if you actually go back to the greek apostasy it doesn't mean apostasy it means departure and departure must mean rapture it's like people that see repent in the bible and say well that means repent of sins it's like even if it did mean departure it doesn't necessarily mean that it's departure into heaven could be a departure from truth which is what apostasy it's like you're not proving your point at all here this is the greek noun apostasia is only used twice in the new testament it also occurs in acts chapter 21 go to acts chapter 21 acts chapter number 21 and this is so funny so let's see how how else the bible translates apostasia in the king james bible acts 21 look at verse number 20 and when they heard it they glorified the lord and said unto him thou seest brother how many thousands of jews there are which believe and they are all zealous of the law and they are informed of thee that thou teachest all the jews which are among the gentiles to forsake that's apostasy he's saying forsake moses saying that they ought not to circumcise their children neither to walk after the customs so what are the what are the jews accusing paul of doing teaching doctrine that's forsaking moses apostasia moses right and i don't think we need to go back to the greek but i'm just going where he said it's translated also in the new testament and how is it translated here about apostasy he's being he's being accused of being a heretic he's being accused of departing from the doctrines and teachings of moses he's not being accused of rapturing from moses if that's what that word means you know departure no he's he's forsake he's being accused of forsaking the doctrine of moses i'll read for you acts 24 14 but this i confess unto thee that after the way which they call heresy so worship i the god of my fathers believing all things that are written in the law and in the prophets see what they were calling what paul was teaching they were calling it heresy they were saying that he was apostatizing but of course he was just preaching what the bible says and what the bible has always said and so that's a real that's a big fail to try to say hey i know that it's normally apostasy and i know the other time that it's used in the new testament it's used in reference of apostasy but i just think that in second thessalonians 2 it just magically means rapture somehow what a joke this is the president of the pre-triv research center you need a better president that's what he says he says what precisely does paul mean when he says that the falling away must come before the tribulation notice how he just inserts the tribulation there the bible didn't use that word whatsoever he's just adding stuff to the bible the definite article v denotes that it will be a definite event an event distinct from the appearance of the man of sin the greek word for falling away taken by itself does not mean religious apostasy or defection neither does the word mean to fall as greeks have another word for that the best translation of the word is to depart the apostle paul refers here to a definite event which he calls the departure and which will occur just before the start of the tribulation so thankfully thankfully for thomas ice the 54 genius scholars that were translating the king james bible you know they got it wrong but thomas ice got it right it means departure it means the rapture it doesn't mean apostasy you know you might as well just get rid of your king james bible and go to liberty university and they can just tell you what the bible means since you can't just take it at face value that's what they're teaching they're destroying people's faith in the word of god think about this if if you're if you look at this chapter and you say okay that day shall not come except there come a falling away first that day is referring to the day of christ our gathering together unto him so in order to believe this ridiculous logic you'd have to say that day shall not come except there come the coming of the lord first that's like saying hey brother tanner you know last night i went over to his house and be like hey brother tanner i'm gonna come over to your house tonight but first i'm coming over to your house it's like what that day shall not come except the rapture comes first what are you talking about this is about the rapture second thessalonians 2 verse 1 the context is our gathering together unto him so thomas ice wants us to believe that before the rapture happens the rapture has to happen if he was actually going to be true to what the text says but they want to twist what this text says and try to make it about armageddon which we'll get to later but look they just try to snow you with greek they just try to confuse you with with greek words that you don't understand and what they do is they they wiggle out with what the bible actually says because the pre-trib rapture has this many verses in the bible and so every verse that's very clear that teaches things that support the post-tribulation rapture they have to twist and lie to you and that's what they are they are liars these preachers like this guy thomas ice he goes on and talks about the translation history and talks about how other english bibles had translated this word as departure but it's not that the word departure is wrong it's just that you have to think about the context it's a departure from truth that's what apostasy is so if you use a different word for it whatever the king james bible got it right it's a great falling away of truth is what it is this is his conclusion he says the fact that apostasia most likely has the meaning of physical departure is clear is a clear support for pre-tribulationism so he calls this a fact even though he admits that it's translated as apostasy and even though the example he shows it's being used as apostasy in the bible he's like it's a fact even though he just proved himself wrong he says if this is true dr tim lehay and i believe that it is then it means that a clear prophetic sequence is laid out by paul early in his apostolic ministry paul teaches in second thessalonians 2 that the rapture will occur first before the day of the lord commences unbelievable when you understand that the day of the lord is the rapture so the rapture happens before the rapture it is not until after the beginning of the day of the lord that the anti-christ is released resulting in the events described by him in chapter 2 of second thessalonians this is the only interpretation that provides hope for a discomforted people he's like he's like here's why you should believe this because this is the only thing that gives us hope it's like no it's not like you should believe this because it's the truth believe it because it's what the bible clearly says it's like hey this is the only explanation that gives me hope that i won't have to go through anything hard this is the only explanation that gives me hope that we're never going to be persecuted we're never going to go through any type of tribulation or persecution or struggle this is the only thing that gives me hope the noun apostasia that's what gives me hope what a joke what a joke their president is of the pre-trib research center that's such garbage it's a terrible article but you know it shows it shows where they're at where these pre-trivers are at this is the type of people that they resort to to defend their view people that attack the king james bible it's very sad so let's go to let's go to revelation chapter number one revelation chapter number one before we get there i'll read another quote that he gave he said this is thomas ice he said some believers hate the rapture doctrine but i'm going to go up and say nana nana nana okay if that's your confidence i mean we we have the scripture we have the bible we can show you tons of verses where the bible is teaching what we believe and you just want to say nana nana nana okay buddy well i don't even believe he's going up the rapture at all because he teaches a false salvation anyways you go to his website raptureready.com he teaches a true repentance of sins and personal relationship gospel so he's not even going up at all post-trip or pre-trip but yet this unsaved devil is deceiving tons of christians and other other preachers who just they don't want to study the bible for themselves they just want to repeat the things that they've heard from the president of the pre-trib research center they want to repeat things that the ruckmanites say they get all their crazy doctrine from the ruckmanites and then they just preach that they just repeat it from their pulpits without actually reading the bible extremely sad but what is the falling away i'll read for you second thessalonians 2 if you kept your finger there go ahead and put a bookmark there we'll be coming back to that passage in the sermon but second thessalonians 2 verse 9 the bible says this is what the great falling away is even him who's coming is after the working of satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved see how this is in context of the truth verse 11 and for this cause god shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned to believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness no thomas ice what the falling away is what the great falling away is is a great departure all right of truth people are going to be deceived god is going to send a strong delusion and everyone that loves unrighteousness is going to be deceived why so that they'd be damned and we're going to get later in matthew jesus backs up this same claim but that's what the great falling away is it's not the rapture it makes sense to say that before the rapture happens you know it has to happen first a great falling away of truth and the man of sin revealed not before the rapture happens the rapture has to happen that doesn't make any sense whatsoever that's a joke so number two the second thing that has to happen before the rapture is the man of sin revealing being revealed i'll read verse three again where it says let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first we already talked about that that's apostasy that's departure of truth on a great scale and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition and of course the man of sin the son of perdition who are we talking about that is the anti-christ the anti-christ revealing himself how does he reveal himself he stands in the temple and declares himself god okay the bible says that that has to happen before the day of christ now think about this let's say that the rapture happened before the revealing of the anti-christ the anti-christ has not made himself revealed yet there is no mark yet the bible says that every eye shall see him i told you to go to revelation chapter one look at verse number seven it says behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him even so amen so imagine this pre-trip doctrine which it's even popular popularized in movies like left behind where they show people's clothes just dropping to the floor and there's no body airplanes are crashing buses are crashing police cars are crashing all this stuff all this just chaos and massive just insanity is going on the ruckmanites teach that during the pre-trip there's going to be all your blood is going to fall to the ground right so if you take their view it's going to be even more scary i mean there's just going to be piles of blood everywhere and all these pre-trip churches okay bible says every eye shall see him let's say that the rapture happens before the tribulation every single person in the world just saw god come from heaven and rapture all of the saved people that's what everyone on earth just witnessed and then this guy who claims to be god is going to stand up in the temple and say i'm god who's going to believe him who would believe the anti-christ everyone just saw god he just came and raptured everyone it's not a secret rapture the bible says every eye shall see him what a joke do these people actually think about what they believe oh the anti-christ is going to be revealed after okay so who in the world is the anti-christ going to be deceiving the reason that the anti-christ is going to be deceiving is because people are looking for a messiah that's why because the jews rejected their messiah and when the anti-christ comes that's the messiah that they're going to accept and that's the messiah that the muslims are going to accept and that's the messiah that the mormons are going to accept and that's the messiah that the majority of the unsaved world will accept as god but guess what they would not accept him as god if they just saw jesus christ come in the clouds and gather every saved person into heaven they would not no one would be deceived by that it's so stupid to say that the man of sin is revealed after the rapture it's a joke and the thing is second thessalonians 2 is not the only place in the bible that tells us that other events has to happen before the the rapture so even if they want to wiggle out of second thessalonians 2 let's go to another place in the bible that they really don't like to go to which is matthew chapter number 24 let's go to matthew chapter 24 because remember what are we talking about what what what's the lie that they tell jesus can come at any moment is the lie that they tell what does the bible say the falling away has to happen first and the man of sin has to be revealed first matthew 24 look at verse number three jesus said and as he sat upon or i'm sorry as he sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world they're saying jesus please tell us what are the signs when you come back and jesus answered and said unto them there are no signs i could come back at any moment is that what your bible says maybe that's what the greek means according to thomas ice no the bible says in verse four and jesus answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you doesn't that sound very similar to second thessalonians 2 sounds like jesus the same author as second thessalonians 2 is on the same page with himself okay not the stupid going back to the greek garbage look at verse number five for many shall come in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many well that makes sense why they would be deceiving many if they come before christ comes back if they're saying i am christ right verse six and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet he didn't say i can come back at any moment he said all of these things must come to pass and no pre-tribber can wiggle out of what the bible says very clearly right before your faces verse seven for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places all these are the beginning of sorrows verse nine then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sakes hey why don't we just let the bible speak for itself this morning put away your charles larkin charts put away dr thomas ice put away peter ruckman put away sam gibb put away all these pre-trib liars and let jesus tell you what the end time events are hey what are the signs of your coming all these things must come to pass then they'll deliver you up verse eight or verse 10 and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another and many false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many verse 12 and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold huh it kind of sounds like reprobates to me it kind of sounds like a great falling away of truth it kind of sounds like uh god shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie is what that sounds like because iniquity shall abound the love of many are waxing cold when i think of people's love waxing cold i think of the reprobate mind i think about the reprobate heart and so during that great falling away i believe that there's going to be an explosion of reprobates on a on a massive scale why because people are being deceived because people are not loving the truth because people are believing lies and as a result of that their love is going to wax cold you see this matches up perfectly perfectly with second thessalonians too if you just take the bible at what it actually says but when you take their weird pre-trip position in mind these verses don't make sense they don't make any sense verse 13 but he that shall endure until the end the same shall be saved speaking of a physical salvation for those that make it through the tribulation verse 14 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end see at this point after you've been hated after you've been delivered up to be killed and all these things jesus said that the gospel is going out throughout the whole world how is that happening if christians aren't here how is that happening are we going to just take you know the manly perry doctrine that the unsaved judices are going around and getting the gospel to the whole world i mean i guess that's what you have to believe if you believe the preacher rapture that the unsaved are doing the job or you could say no it's the 144 000 that are doing the job well that's not true because look at the next verse when ye therefore he's not talking about the 144 000 he's not talking about the unsaved he's talking about christians when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet stand in the holy place who so read it let him understand this is that antichrist being revealed this is that man of sin being revealed the abomination of desolation verse 16 it's in chronological order then let them which be in judaea flee into the mountains let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes and woe to them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days but pray ye that your flight be not in the winter neither on the sabbath day for then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be so jesus is saying after that antichrist is revealed after the abomination of desolation takes place that's when great tribulation is going to be happening that it's already been bad you already had the beginning of sorrows you already had people being delivered up and killed and persecuted but jesus is saying that when the antichrist is revealed the persecution is going to be worse than it has ever been since the history of the world or ever will be and man that's crazy to think when you read you know like hebrews 11 it talks about some of the saints being sawn asunder and going through horrible torture and just like you read about all the men of god that were persecuted or you have the fox's book of martyrs it talks about people that were killed for their faith you know and died very brutal deaths and jesus said that after the antichrist was revealed there's going to be tribulation worse than has ever been it's very sobering thoughts maybe this is why dr thomas ice uh is only comforted by his greek translation because he's a little scared of what jesus he's scared of the truth you know verse 22 and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved he's saying look it's going to be so bad that if god did not supernaturally cause these days to be shortened every single person would be killed every all flesh would be destroyed but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened then if any man shall say unto you lo here is christ or there believe it not for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and they shall show great signs and wonders just like what second thessalonians 2 said in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect see the reason it's deceptive is because all this stuff is happening before jesus christ has showed up that's why it's deceptive and he's saying it's so deceptive that if it were actually possible even the saved would be deceived by that even the saved would be deceived by the power and signs and lying wonders that these antichrists and the antichrist is going to have and you say see if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect you say oh that's talking about the jews hey they're already deceived yeah what do you mean what do you mean if it were possible they'd be deceived they were deceived two thousand years ago they rejected the messiah they are deceived don't tell me matthew 24 is talking about the jews okay the stupid ruckmanites love that interpretation no the jews are already deceived today they already rejected christ verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven here he is now everyone sees him and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn why is everyone mourning because everyone sees him when he comes that's why because everyone sees him and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other you see the bible just makes too much sense when you actually believe what's written in front of your face when you don't take these weird interpretations and man's charts and man's commentaries and man's greek translations when you just believe what jesus christ said you cannot come into any other conclusion than that jesus cannot come back at any moment there is a lot of stuff that has to happen before jesus christ comes back i'm not going to sit up here like the preacher doesn't tell you jesus can come back before the end of my sermon no way that's absolutely impossible it's a complete lie go to revelation 6 not only does matthew 24 match up perfectly with what second thessalonians 2 is teaching there's other places in the bible that teach the same thing let's go to revelation chapter 6 and we'll see if revelation says that there's some events that have to happen before jesus comes back revelation 6 let's look at verse 1 and i saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and i heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four beasts saying come and see and i saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer so this is the first seal during the the tribulation the first seal is the antichrist's world conquest coming to conquer the second seal is in verse 3 where it says and when he had opened the second seal i heard the second beast say come and see and there went out another horse that was red and power was given to him that sat there on to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword so what's the second seal world warfare does this sound very familiar with matthew 24 everything's matching up so far it's going to continue to go that way verse 5 the third seal and when he had opened the third seal i heard the third beast say come and see and i beheld and lo a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand and i heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts saying a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine so the third seal is famine because of the inflation of prices people are going to be starving people are going to be in famine what's the fourth seal verse 7 and when he had opened the fourth seal i heard the voice of the fourth beast say come and see and i looked and behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him and power was given unto him over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword and with hunger with death and with the beasts of the earth so what's the fourth seal death death on a massive scale and we're going to see later that the rapture has not yet happened in revelation what's the fifth seal let's look at verse number nine when he had opened the fifth seal i saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of god and for the testimony which they held are they going to say that's the jews too you know the people that are slain for having the testimony of the word of god that's not the jews and they cried the loud voice saying how long oh lord holy and true does thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth so the fifth seal we see is what martyrdom people being killed for the cause of christ people being killed for having the testimony of the word of god what's the sixth seal verse 12 and i beheld when they had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as the sackcloth of hair and the moon became his blood and the stars of heaven fell into the earth even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind so what is this the sun and moon being darkened does that remind you of anything in matthew 24 where the sun and moon is darkened and then the rapture happens so all the events that jesus warned us about in matthew 24 all the things that he told us must come to pass revelation is also lining out for us in perfectly chronological order and what's at the end of it the sun and moon being darkened what happens next look at revelation 7 verse 9 after this so it is in chronological order after this i beheld in lo a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and peoples and tongues stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hand and cried with a loud voice saying salvation to our god which sitteth upon the throne and unto the lamb and all the angels stood round about the throne and about the elders and the four beasts and fell before the throne and worshiped god and just for sake of time let's just go to verse number 13 and one of the elders answered saying unto me what are these which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they and i said unto them sir thou knowest and he said unto me these are they which came out of great tribulation so doesn't the book of revelation just make perfect sense all all the seals are revealed tribulation happens then the sun and moon is darkened then there appears a great multitude in heaven which no man can number and one of the elders asks saying whence came these and he tells them they came out of great tribulation so it just matches perfectly with what exactly what jesus christ told us and so when you take all of this together we can come to no other conclusion that there's a lot that has to happen before jesus can come back there's no way you can come back at any moment it is a very silly lie that is based on just not knowing scripture that's all it is because there's no way that an honest person can see all this and not change their mind about it and what's funny is most people in the pews of america when they hear the truth about this doctrine they will change they will believe it it's the preachers that won't because they're lying but people that actually want to know the truth god's people that actually search for the truth of god and want to know what the bible actually says when we read all these verses together we know what the truth is jesus cannot come back at any moment he that we have to go through the tribulation first let's go to uh revelation seven and let's look at verse 15 because i remember how he said that basically the pre-trib rapture the idea of jesus coming back at any moment this is the only comfort that we have he said this is the only thing that can comfort a discomforted people well that's not what the bible says look at verse 15 of revelation seven therefore are they before the throne of god and serve him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them they shall hunger no more neither thirst anymore neither shall the sun light on them i need that i get sunburn really bad nor any heat for the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes hey don't tell me that's the only comfort you have you know what my comfort is is that we'll be in heaven and god will wipe away the tears from our eyes god will feed us god will lead us hey that's more comforting than that we're just going to escape doing anything hard for christ hey if we go through something hard for christ we should be counted you know we should count as joy that we were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name hey i'm not i'm not worried about being comforted on this earth i want to be comforted in heaven when god feeds me when god wipes away the tears from my eyes when god makes it to where i don't get sunburned anymore hey i'm looking for that comfort you can have your little weak false doctrine but you know what if you are saved you're going to be in for a rude awakening someday you know at what point are the pre-trippers that are saved going to realize that they're wrong is it going to be when there's a man that stands up and calls himself god yeah it's got to be by then they don't figure it out before that with all the horrible stuff going on they'll definitely figure it out when a man stands up and declares himself god and the whole world worships him and the whole world takes an image or a mark in their right hand or in their forehead that he makes so that you could otherwise you can't buy or sell they'll figure it out then they'll figure it out and you know what i hope that they get serious for god at that time but you know what we shouldn't wait till that point to believe the bible god gave us these things why as a warning let no man deceive you he doesn't want us to be deceived right now he doesn't want us to be deceived during the tribulation either and so these pre-trippers are deceived but you know hopefully they wake up someday very soon here's the second lie that they teach they teach that the rapture is not the coming of the lord the rapture is not the coming of the lord they'll say don't confuse the second advent with the second coming don't confuse the rapture with the second coming of christ and basically what they have to do is because there's so many clear verses i mean we just went through so much bible there's so many clear verses that support our belief of the post-tribulational rapture that every single time they come across scripture that teaches our view they just have to make the day of the lord a different event because that can't be about the rapture because this is teaching a post-trib rapture so this must not be the rapture is basically how they define things and basically they believe that the events leading up to the battle of armageddon in revelation 19 is the second coming of christ and so a lot of times if you have a bible that has headers over your chapters i used to have a bible like this if you have that bible check right now and go to revelation 19 if you have if you do have headers over your bible a lot of time you'll go to revelation 19 and the header will say the second coming of christ and revelation 19 is talking about the battle of armageddon but because of the pre-trib influence of this doctrine even bible publishers they'll get that put on there and revelation 19 will say the the second coming of christ does anyone have that written in their bible i didn't you guys probably have good bibles okay that's good good you guys just have the black and red letters that's what i'm talking about it's not you know i don't recommend those bibles that tell you what the chapter is about why don't you just read the chapter and you can learn what it's about but i did used to have one of those bibles and that's what it says but so i want to read another article this is from the same guy the president of the pre-trib research center he says matthew 24 is it the rapture or second coming and so what he really means is is it the rapture or is it the battle of armageddon because that's what they mean now i'm not going to read this whole thing for sake of time you're more than welcome to read this article after the service if you'd like to i'll just read for you the conclusion so we already read matthew 24 this is what he says it is quite clear that since the church is not mentioned in matthew 24 what gathering the elect okay he said then verse 31 cannot be a reference to the rapture of the church instead as one studies the context and old testament references that our lord allure alludes to it becomes quite clear that he speaks of an end time regathering of elect israel in order to return them to the land for the millennium at christ's first coming he wept over jerusalem and expressed his desire to gather him israel to himself the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings and you were unwilling at his second coming elect israel will look upon him whom they have pierced and say blessed is he who cometh in the name of the lord so when he reads revelation one and it says every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him he's saying that that's referring to elect israel and that when they're when they see him they're going to be weeping in repentance and that christ is going to gather them together here's what's funny they're weeping because they left they got missed out on the rapture that's why they're weeping because the wrath of god is coming that's why they're weeping they're not weeping because they're like oh jesus is the messiah we believe in him we love jesus right and i've heard so many pre-trip preachers because i used to go to a very very heavy pre-trip church a church that had a ruckman knight bible college a church where sam get preaches all the time and i would constantly hear this that they would say the second coming is the events of revelation 19 revelation 19 so let's go to revelation 19 and actually see what this event is just so we can understand and we'll compare it to some rapture passages and see if this makes sense revelation 19 verse 11 all right let's see what some characteristics of this event and i saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god now during the rapture is jesus christ coming down to make war no he's coming down to gather together the elect to get the saved into heaven that's what the rapture is battle of army getting is different he's coming down for a whole different ball game he means business here he's coming down to fight and to make war verse 14 or actually before we do that i'll read for you acts chapter 1 verse 6 where it says when they therefore were come together they asked of him saying lord wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to israel and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father hath put in his own power but ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in all judaea and in samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth and when he had spoken these things while they be held he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight and while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel which also said ye men of galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go so jesus christ he gets taken up in a cloud and he says hey when jesus comes when he comes back which is his second coming he came first you know on this earth as a human being his second coming is the rapture he says when that happens he's going to come back in the same manner that he left in a cloud now in revelation 19 is jesus coming down in a cloud first of all he's coming down on a white horse to make war that's not the same thing as coming down in a cloud you know matthew 24 talks about the clouds acts everyone talks about the clouds revelation 1 7 talks about he cometh with clouds that's the rapture revelation 19 is not the rapture revelation 19 is the battle of armageddon let's see some more things about this event in revelation 19 look at verse 14 and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth go with a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treaded the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty god and he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and lord of lords so in this event the armies of heaven are following him down during the rapture we're going up to him it's completely different you cannot confuse these two events they're opposite of each other we're going up in the rapture in revelation 19 the armies of heaven are coming down and basically jesus christ is coming to make war and establish his thousand year reign on this earth to establish the millennium let's go to first thessalonians four so now we saw we saw what armageddon is we know the characteristics of armageddon now let's just make sure we refresh ourselves with some of the characteristics of the rapture because one rapture passage that every single person agrees is talking about the rapture is first thessalonians chapter four pre-trippers believe this post-trippers believe this we all believe that first thessalonians four is talking about the rapture now let's look at some attributes about this event verse 13 but i would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with him see jesus is going to be bringing people with him during the rapture but it's the souls of those that are already in heaven to meet their bodies in the air to get their glorified bodies verse 15 for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god just like matthew 24 described it and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together just like second thessalonians two said gather together with him in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words see the rapture is a comforting thing but you got to get the timing right the rapture absolutely does happen after the tribulation but you see even the rapture passage that we all agree is talking about the rapture it has all the same characteristics that second thessalonians 2 revelation 7 matthew 24 all teach and so what sense would it make to say first thessalonians 2 is talking about the rapture but matthew 24 is talking about armageddon and second thessalonians 2 is talking about armageddon it's like why does it have the exact same attributes then when i read revelation 19 and read about armageddon and it's nothing like this it's the exact opposite of this event and you're going to tell me that revelation or matthew 24 is armageddon they're deceiving you that's why paul said let no man deceive you because they are deceiving people that believe this we're not going to reread matthew 24 let's go to uh math or romans chapter eight because you know another way they try to get out of this is where it says that he'll gather together his elect from the four winds they'll say that the elect is talking about the jews and we already talked about one proof of why that's very silly but here's another verse in romans chapter eight verse 32 it says he that spared not his own son but deliver it delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all thing who shall lay anything to the charts of god's elect it is god that justify it so let's plug in the pre-trip you know definition of the word elect for a minute let's say this is talking about the jews who shall lay anything to the charge of the jews who could say anything against the jews huh i can they denied christ they rejected the messiah they hate christ they're unsaved what do you mean who can lay anything to the charge of the jews what kind of ridiculous interpretation of scripture would that be no who can lay anything to the charge of god's elect why it is god that justify it god has justified us because we believe in him so when they take matthew 24 and they're gathering together the elect that's not all of israel converting and getting saved before armageddon that's talking about christians that's talking about the saved flip over a few pages to romans 11 verse 6 says and if by grace then it is no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace but it be of work but if it be of works then it is no more grace otherwise work is no more work what then israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained it and the rest were blinded according as it is written god hath given them the spirit of slumber eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear unto this day what kind of sense would it make to say that israel that the jews are elect when god says hey israel has not found it has not obtained it but the election has yeah it's like the whole thing it's like hey before the rapture happens the rapture has to happen it's like oh the jews you know they're not elect but they're elect it's like what these people just twist scripture so much the bible is very clear the election is not israel it's spiritual israel though it's those that are saved i'll read for you another verse titus 1 1 says paul a servant of god and an apostle of jesus christ according to the faith of god's elect do jews have faith do jews have faith in jesus christ absolutely not paul's saying paul a servant of god and an apostle of jesus christ according to the faith of god's elect and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness the jews have not done that the jews have not acknowledged the truth no rather they have slumbering eyes they can't see they're blinded is rather what they are so you know another person that says this is brian denlinger i don't know if you've heard of this guy on youtube he has a video called what is the day of christ in second thessalonians 2 so some people look at second thessalonians 2 like thomas ice and he'll say verse 3 is talking about the rapture the falling away is talking about the rapture other pre-troopers like brian denlinger will look at second thessalonians 2 and say that the day of christ is the battle of armageddon let's go back to second thessalonians 2 verse number one second thessalonians 2 verse number one verse one it says now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ and by our gathering together unto him we already looked at the attributes of both events if this is armageddon why are we being gathered together unto him if this was talking about armageddon we'd be coming down with him with armies in heaven so it makes no sense look at verse two and three that you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means for that day so they're now they're this guy is saying it's uh armageddon armageddon shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition now think about this paul is exhorting them don't be to say deceived don't be shaken don't be troubled whether it was a writing from us whether it's from anyone don't let anyone tell you that the day of christ is at hand that it's right here it's about to happen if we plug in denlinger's view that this is armageddon how much sense of that makes me like hey don't let anyone deceive you armageddon's not about to happen it's like i don't think anyone was deceived about that i don't think anyone is saying armageddon can happen at any moment guys i mean jesus can come and establish the money or rain at any moment i mean there are a few really dumb people that believe that but that's really silly to think that that's what paul is teaching be careful guys i mean he's not about to establish money right now he's not coming at any moment to have the the battle of armageddon it's very silly i'll read for you revelation 19 19 you can turn there if you want we're almost done revelation 1919 and as you're turning there i'll read for you second thessalonians 2 8 it says and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming so i do believe that there is one verse in second thessalonians 2 that is alluding to the future events that lead up to armageddon in revelation 19 when the lord is going to destroy the antichrist right but obviously in verses one through six that is not talking about armageddon and this is what this verse is talking about revelation 1919 it says and i saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army and the beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him so that beast is the antichrist with which he had deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and then that worshipped his image these both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse which sword proceeded out of his mouth and all the flesh or all the fowls were filled with their flesh so that one verse when it says that wicked shall be revealed and the lord will come and destroy him with the spirit of his mouth the brightness of his coming that i believe is a reference to revelation 19 and to this event where jesus christ destroys that man of sin where he destroys the son of perdition the beast by casting him into hell but the rest of that chapter all of that chapter is constantly talking about our gathering together unto him and the events that have to take place before the rapture so in conclusion here let's go to ax chapter number 24 ax chapter number 24 verse number 14 ax 24 14 be the last verse that we go to ax 24 14 says but this i confess unto thee that after the way which they call heresy so worship i the god of my fathers believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets and so paul was called a heretic for believing the bible and today us as baptists thus that are in the new ifb movement quote unquote those of us that believe in the post-tribulation rapture you know what all of our brothers in christ call us heretics why for believing the scriptures for just believing the verses that we went through today just believing what jesus actually said and what the bible actually said instead of wanting to believe thomas ice who wants to cast doubt on the king james bible tell us that we need to go back to the greek instead of believing charles larkin and all of his dispensational charts or sam gibb or all of these ruckmanites rather we want to just believe what the bible actually says and we're called heretics for today but all all we're doing is believing all things which are written in the law of the prophets all we're doing is believing what the bible actually says and if any single person actually has a sincere genuine heart and actually wants to know the truth about end times prophecy and the timing of the rapture then they're going to come to the conclusion that it's a lie to say that jesus can come back at any moment it's a total lie and it is a lie to say oh no there's a difference between the second coming of christ and the day of the lord right the rapture is the second coming of christ don't let some preacher ever tell you no the second coming is armageddon that would be the third coming if you want to start counting okay don't let anyone deceive you let no man deceive you today with these pre-tribulational lies let's have a word of prayer lord thank you for this day and thank you for the scripture lord i just pray that uh something i said it'd be edifying to this church lord and that you bless the remainder of our day together pray that you bless the soul winning and fellowship and the evening service to come and in jesus name we pray amen so all right 310 for the last hymn this evening this morning actually 310 number 310 sweetly lord have we heard thee call me come follow me me and we see where thy footprints fully lead us to thee footprints of jesus that make the pathway glow we will follow the steps of jesus where ere they go though they lead or the cold dark mountain seeking his sheep or along by slo-mo's fountains helping the weak footprints of jesus that make the pathway glow we will follow the steps of jesus where ere they go if they lead through the temple holy preaching the word or in homes of the poor and lowly serving the lord footprints of jesus that make the pathway glow we will follow the steps of jesus where ere they go then at last when on high he sees us a journey done we will rest where the steps of jesus and at his throne footprints of jesus that make the pathway glow we will follow the steps of jesus where ere they go amen good singing you are dismissed you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you