(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Great job everybody. Let's all pray together Lord, we just want to thank you again for uh, just giving us a voice to lift up to you and uh Allowing us to gather here together And uh praise your name and hear your preaching lord We love you and we just want you to bless this church and feel it with your spirit. It's in jesus name. We pray. Amen All right for the next song. Let's go to song number 258 Song number 258 Christ receive us sinful men. This may be a newer song to most so let's pay attention and see if we can't sing it out together Christ Trust him Again Oh Christ Man Good morning everyone. Thank you for coming to steadfast baptist church this time. We're going to go through our announcements If you don't have a bulletin go ahead and raise your hand and usher we'll bring you one On the front there. We have our bible memory passage of the week psalm 58 verse 9 This chapter is starting to get close to the end here. So make sure we're working on that together On the inside on the top left. We have our service time sunday morning 10 30 a.m Our spanish service is every week at 4 30 p.m. Our evening service at 5 30 p.m. And our wednesday bible study at seven o'clock p.m And this morning you probably noticed pastor shelly's not here he's preaching at pure words baptist church So he's going to go be a blessing to that church today We have our church wide soul winning times listed there all those meet at the church building And then we have our regional soul winning times. They meet different places throughout the dfw metro I know brother matt ily his is in cedar hill and actually did meet at the church building last night So make sure you keep an eye on your emails for locations for those we have our stats for our soul winning and baptisms for the year as well as on the top right All of our expecting ladies, which is about half the church. It looks like so that's a that's a great blessing for sure And we also have our prayer list make sure that you're praying for those throughout the week And if you have anything you'd like to be added just send that into the email And we keep it in there for one full week unless you specify otherwise that it's a long-term prayer We'll keep it in longer. But if you don't tell us every week, we're just going to refresh that list So if you want to keep it on make sure you specify that to us Some church reminders there and our upcoming events october 12th through the 15th is our fire breathing baptist fellowship We haven't had this since 2021. So we're really excited to have this one again It's going to be a great time some hard preaching good fellowship. Lots of soul winning. It's going to be a great time Also, our next sowing marathon is going to be in abilene texas on november 4th And so that's just something you could have on your radar That should be it for our announcements this morning this time we'll go to psalm 139 All right, that was psalm 139 in your king james bible Will slay the wicked surely now we'll say the wicked. Oh, god Depart from me Therefore Oh Me With those that rise With perfect Me Now as the offering plate you're being passed around go ahead and turn in your bibles to proverbs chapter 28, that's proverbs chapter number 28 So So Proverbs chapter 28 the bible reads the wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof, but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof Shall be prolonged a poor man that oppresseth the poor is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no food They that forsake the law praise the wicked but such as keep the law contend with them evil men understand not judgment But they that seek the lord understand all things better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness than he that is perverse in his ways Though he be rich Whoso keepeth the law is a wise son, but he that is a companion of riotous men shameth his father He that by usury and unjust gain increaseeth his substance. He shall gather it for him that will pity the poor He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law even his prayer shall be abomination Whoso causeth the righteous to go astray in an evil way He shall fall himself into his own pit, but the upright shall have good things in possession The rich man is wise in his own conceit, but the poor that hath understanding searched him out When righteous men do rejoice there is great glory But when the wicked rise a man is hidden he that covereth his sin shall not prosper But whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy Happy is the man that feareth all way but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into mischief As a roaring lion and arranging bear so was a wicked ruler over the people the prince that wanteth Understanding is also a great oppressor, but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days A man that doeth violence to the blood of any person shall flee to the pit. Let no man stay him Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved But he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread But he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough a faithful man shall abound with blessings But he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent To have respect of persons is not good for for a piece of bread that man will transgress He that hated hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye and considerth not that poverty shall come upon him He that rebuketh the man afterwards shall find more favor than he that flattereth with the tongue Whoso robbeth his father or his mother and sayeth it is no transgression the same as the companion of a destroyer He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife, but he that putteth his trust in the lord shall be made fat He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool who so walketh wisely He shall be delivered he that giveth unto the poor shall not lack But he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse when the wicked rise men hide themselves But when they perish the righteous increase let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father in heaven We thank you lord for our service this morning And I pray that you would fill brother dylan aus with the holy spirit And enable him to preach the sermon that you played on his heart with boldness help us to receive the message lord to listen carefully To apply the message to our lives and lord, uh enable us to serve you better. We love you and in jesus name. I pray amen All right, good morning everyone thank you first to pastor shelly for the opportunity to preach again It's always a blessing and an honor and thank you guys for being in church this morning We're here in proverbs chapter number 28 and I want to read verse number four The bible says they that forsake the law Praise the wicked but such as keep the law Contend with them. So, you know the bible gives us kind of a Principle here to where we could tell that someone has forsaken god's word and god's law by the fact that they openly praise Wicked people but if you're actually someone that keeps the law you obey god's commandments You're doing your best to follow god's commandments What you're going to do is you're going to contend with wicked people not praise them but contend with them And since we see so many people today in our culture and even in christianity so called forsaking the bible We see a lot of christians praising wicked people And the title of my sermon this morning is andrew tate exposed Andrew tate exposed now i'm kind of embarrassed that this even needs to be preached I'm kind of embarrassed that the state of christianity in america is so pathetic That there's even christians That are defending and praising a guy like andrew tate and not only christians But even people that are in the new ifb I have heard with my own ears Praise and defend this person to me and i'm not the only one i've heard pastor anderson say the same thing I've heard pastor jones say the same thing. I've heard pastor mihia say the same thing So this isn't just some sort of straw man where no one actually believes this There's actually people and you could tell by the things they talk about and the things that they say that like this guy andrew tate Now, I know I understand some of you may not even know who this is and praise god for that if you don't Okay, so for those of you that don't know i'm just going to give you a quick explanation of who this guy is This is what wikipedia says about andrew tate Andrew tate is a american british media personality businessman and former professional kickboxer Tate began kickboxing in 2005 and gained his first championship in 09 He attracted wider attention in 2016 when he appeared on the british reality show big brother He was removed from the show after a video emerged of tate repeatedly striking a woman with a belt The two later stated the act was consensual He began offering paid courses and memberships Through his website and rose to fame as an internet celebrity promoting an ultra masculine ultra luxurious lifestyle In december of 2022 tate and his brother tristan were arrested in romania along with two women all four are suspected of human trafficking And forming an organized crime group Romanian police alleged that the group coerced victims into creating paid pornography for social media In 2023 all four were moved to house arrest while the investigation continued after being held in custody since their arrest in june They were charged with rape human trafficking and forming an organized crime group to sexually exploit women tate and his brother deny all charges So this is basically the guy that so many people on the internet are idolizing A lot of young men are sucked into following this guy because he promotes a really Masculine quote-unquote lifestyle and he promotes being rich and having all these beautiful women around him And so simple foolish young men get sucked in to this guy's philosophy and this guy's ideas And that's what we're going to be exposing this morning now He runs a business called hustlers university And basically idiots pay this guy money for him to teach you how to invest in cryptocurrency And how to all these get rich quick schemes and basically how to you know Be a be a top g how to be an alpha male Okay, that's basically what people are paying this guy to do. So this morning. I want to give you five reasons Why andrew tate is wicked? Go to deuteronomy chapter number 13 deuteronomy chapter number 13 Number one The first reason why angie tate is wicked is because he promotes islam and attacks christianity Now you think we should be able to just end the sermon right there that no christian should ever defend someone that promotes a false religion and that attacks The god of the bible that attacks christianity But this is what tate said he said This is why i'm muslim any christian who believes in good and understands the true battle against evil must convert So he's saying christians must convert to islam. He's a false prophet He's telling people this is what you need to do. You need to leave christ leave christianity and convert to islam now deuteronomy chapter number 13 Let me get there myself deuteronomy chapter number 13 He's constantly talking about how weak christianity is And how the god of the bible can just be mocked and no one cares and christians don't take The bible seriously and christianity isn't a serious religion. He said that islam is the last religion on the planet Okay, and he wants to paint christianity as weak But let's see what the bible says in deuteronomy chapter 13. Look at start reading verse number one And says if there arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and give it thee a sign or a wonder And the sign or the wonder come to pass where have he spake unto these saying Let us go after other gods which thou has not known and let us serve them thou shalt not Harken unto the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams for the lord your god proveth you to know Whether you love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul So the bible's saying hey if you got a false prophet even if he's doing miracles in front of you Even if he's performing signs and wonders if he's saying hey leave the god of the bible and come worship these other gods The bible says don't harken to that person god's testing you Don't listen to anyone that's trying to take you away from the god of the bible Let's keep reading verse four you shall walk after the lord your god and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice And you shall serve him and cleave unto him and that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death Because he hath spoken to turn you away from the lord your god Which brought you out of the land of egypt and redeemed you out of the house of bondage? To thrust thee out of the way which the lord thy god commanded thee to walk in so shalt thou put away the evil From the midst of thee so the bible's saying look if someone's trying to take you away from god in in god's law In the old testament if god's ruling the nation He's saying if you have a false prophet that's telling you to serve other gods You know what should happen to that person. He should be executed How weak of a religion is that again andrew tates if your tweet that you just posted? Actually would have gotten you killed in old testament israel Right doesn't sound like a weak religion to me and in god's law in the future when god is reigning on this earth If someone's saying hey forsake jesus christ and worship this false god, you know, what's going to happen to them? They're going to be executed because that's god's law. It doesn't seem like a weak religion to me And look at how extreme this actually goes in verse six. It says if thy brother The son of thy mother or thy son or thy daughter or the wife of thy bosom or thy friend Which is as thine own soul entice thee secretly saying let us go and serve other gods Which thou has not known thou nor thy fathers namely of the gods of the people that are round about you nigh unto thee Or far off from thee from the one end of the earth even unto the other end thou shalt not consent unto him Nor hearken unto him notice this neither shall thine eye pity Because or sorry neither shalt thou spare neither shalt thou conceal him, but thou shalt surely kill him Thine hand shall be first upon him So the bible's saying look our loyalty to god should be so extreme that even if your brother your wife Your mom your dad if they're a false prophet that's saying hey turn away from god and let's serve another god The bible says your hand is supposed to be first upon them to put them to death You're supposed to be the person that's bringing the accusation to the government against them saying look at what this false prophet is saying This person needs to be punished. That's pretty intense, isn't it? It doesn't sound like a weak religion that just allows god to be mocked No, god does not allow him to be mocked God does not allow his name to be blasphemed and there's punishments for doing so And andrew tate like I said, if he said this in old testament israel, he would have been executed for it So don't mock the god of the bible Go to second corinthians chapter number six second corinthians chapter number six What should be mocked is islam That had a prophet named muhammad that couldn't read that married a six-year-old and consummated the marriage when they were nine Right, that's the religion that should be mocked. It's a religion of pedophiles It's a religion of piss Piss be upon muhammad not peace be upon him piss be upon muhammad sends people to hell And I don't understand how any christian could ever overlook that How can you ever overlook someone that's turning people away from christ? How can you ever support that person in any way shape or form And there's there's people on youtube saying I converted from christianity to islam because of andrew tate This guy literally is harming people's souls and we have christians today that are defending him because he promotes working out Like that is somehow worth forgiving the fact that he's a false prophet because he promotes working out Um What's the mentality we should have as christians second corinthians chapter number six look at verse number 14 says be ye not unequally yoked together With unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness And what communion hath light with darkness and what concord hath christ with belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel and what agreement hath the temple of god with idols? For ye are the temple of the living god As god hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their god and they shall be my people Wherefore come out from among them and be ye Separate sayeth the lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you You know, we have a commandment in verse 17 that us as god's people. We're supposed to be separate We're supposed to be separated from unbelievers now If you read john chapter 17, we know of course that jesus wants us to be in the world Just not of the world. So it's not saying you have to go have a commune that's separate from society where you're only with christians No, we can live amongst the unsaved we could work amongst the unsaved And hey if there's an unsaved person that has like a a job or a skill that you want to learn It's okay learning carnal things from people that are unsaved But when it comes to religion or when it comes to philosophy of life or wisdom You're not going to get that kind of stuff from an unsaved person and you shouldn't get that kind of stuff from an unsaved person If you know andrew tate was the best software developer in the world And he was selling a course on how to become a software developer There'd be nothing wrong with taking that but there is something wrong with letting andrew tate a muslim teach you philosophy on women philosophy on money philosophy on life philosophy on all these things that the bible talks about No, god says that we should be separate from those people and so no matter who the person is Or what religion they have if it's not christianity i'm not interested about learning life from that person I'm, not interested about learning about marriage from that person or anything that god has already taught us about And how sick is it that we literally have christians promoting a muslim? Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me And so people are forsaking christianity and will literally burn in hell for all of eternity because of andrew tate And we have christians just overlooking that Look, the reason why this is number one in the sermon is because this is the most important thing Why you should reject andrew tate is because he's a muslim He promotes islam. It's wicked as hell I'll read for you second timothy chapter 3 verse 14 It says but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of Knowing of whom thou hast learned them, you know paul is telling timothy here That it's important the source that you learn things from It's important to learn things from people that you know are godly that you know are saved that you know Have biblical values that they're teaching you and not just let any bozo That pops up on your instagram feed or your youtube feed give you philosophy on life And here's the thing don't just apply this to andrew tate Apply this to whoever the guru is you listen to online You know ladies if there's some unsaved woman that's telling you how to be a wife stop listening to that person That person's not going to give you any wisdom, you know, don't don't listen to pearl. Okay, don't listen to the just pearly girl Whatever the sing the single woman that's not married that wants to teach every wife how to be a good wife It's like that's cringe. What are you doing? Don't listen to that weirdo. It's gross Number number one Why you should reject andrew tate is because he promotes islam And attacks christianity number two why you should reject andrew tate is because andrew tate is a fag Yeah I said andrew tate is a fag i'll prove that to you go to proverbs chapter number 14 Proverbs chapter number 14 now i'm going to read a quote here and when I read his quotes realize That I have to change some of the wording in his quotes because he speaks with such a filthy and defiled mouth And I can't verbatim say what he says from behind the pulpit, but you're going to get the idea of what i'm saying here This is what he said he said Listen, I recently posted a question on titter twitter asking would you rather be with a tranny? Which is a legitimate 10 or a woman which is a legitimate one? One There is no way Any straight person would ever ask that question Only a fag would come up with something so disgusting to think about Only a fact I am 100 convinced that andrew tate is a fag because no one would ever say that that's normal He said everyone's sitting there clicking woman woman woman because they think they're going to be gay if they click anything else Uh, yeah That's why everyone clicks woman you faggot you sick freak But he says you're not thinking about the question. I am so smart. I operate on so many levels higher than the average man You people are not thinking about the question Think about this. He said this is important. This is cultural this affects the world. We're now living in what is straight What is gay? It's all a big sliding spectrum, isn't it? That's your super macho alpha male that all you beta male single guys like to look up to This guy is a queer No person would ever think of such a sick thing to say He literally says gay and straight is a sliding spectrum Really? Is that what the bible says? Absolutely not. There's straight and there's crooked And if you're not straight, you're a fag. You were like, oh, what about all these, uh, Straight pedophiles. Nope doesn't exist Doesn't exist if you're a guy and you're with a female child, you know what you are you're crooked And so you're a queer you're disgusting. There's no such thing as a straight pedophile Okay, you have straight and you have crooked and that which is crooked cannot be made straight the bible says Why are fags your hero Why are you looking up to andrew tate young men That thinks he's so masculine and so cool when he's literally a fag You should be ashamed of yourself You should be embarrassed to ever say anything good about andrew tate If you say anything good about andrew tate in front of me, i'm going to make fun of you And you should be really embarrassed and anyone that promotes andrew tate that is a christian, especially attending a new ifb church You should rebuke that person This guy is wicked as hell Proverbs 14 verse 7 says this go from the presence of a foolish man When thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way, but the folly of fools is deceit notice this fools Make a mock at sin But among the righteous there's there's favor. I've heard people say oh andrew tate was trolling in this question. He was just joking Well, you know what the bible says the bible says that there's some things that just aren't funny There's some things that just shouldn't be mocked. The bible says that fools make a mock at sin So let's just give that to you for a minute that he was joking which I don't believe at all I 100 believe he's being serious, but let's just give it to you for sake of argument that andrew tate was just joking around Okay. Well that just proves he's a fool then That just proves that he's a complete idiot for making a mock at sin And what does the bible say in verse 7 go from the presence of a foolish man? Does it say buy his courses online? Does it say follow him on instagram and on twitter and repost all of his stupid talking points? No, it says go away from him When someone's an idiot when someone's a fool get away from them Why because their foolish ideas are going to influence you and ruin your life? If you decide to live your life like andrew tate you will destroy your life. I promise you And you know, we live in such a culture in 2023 america where everything's a joke Everything's mocked. Everything's a meme Everything's made fun of but you know according to the bible. There's some things that we just shouldn't joke around about There's some things that just aren't funny and you know us as independent Fundamental baptists we we need to bring this culture back to america where we don't joke about certain things We're not going to tell dirty jokes at work, we're not going to joke around about trannies We're not going to joke around about adultery. We're not going to joke around about fornication We're not going to joke around about drinking alcohol. We're not going to joke around about being a fag. It's not funny It's not funny and look I love memes and I love humor and I love comedy, but there's some things that should not be mocked Because when you mock sin, you know what you're doing is you're bringing down the severity of sin in people's minds When you're saying oh, you know, they're laughing about adultery. It must must not be that big of a deal then Oh, they're making fun of fornication. I guess it's not that serious of a commandment in god's word No, we need to make sin exceeding sinful like romans chapter seven says And say hey when it comes to sin, we don't mock this we don't make fun of this. It's not a laughing matter We're dead sure not going to mock tranny Faggots sodomy anything like that. That's disgusting No That's actually a serious issue in america that if you haven't noticed is destroying our country and i'm not going to laugh about it And if andrew tate is making a joke here He's a complete idiot for doing so and anyone who even buys into this argument and wants to humor him in that joke Is an idiot as well You know what if you're constantly mocking sin, maybe you're just watching too much tv Maybe you're watching too many filthy movies to where your mind has been so desensitized to sin where you think it's somehow okay to mock it It tells us something about you when you're constantly mocking sin It tells us that you're not paying attention to god's word. You're too much in the world when you're mocking gods when you're mocking sin you know This issue of sodomites in our country, it's not funny. It's not a laughing matter It's not a laughing matter that according to the cdc 62 percent of the hiv population in america is facts That's not funny. It's not funny how homos are spreading diseases in all of our communities It's not funny that I literally see billboards in dallas about sdds because cities like dallas and houston And austin These hellhole democrat cities are so filled with people that are so far from god They're spreading their filth everywhere in our communities. There's nothing funny about that We need to take that seriously and preach against it Go to titus chapter number one If you're not convinced andrew tate is a fag with that one quote, I don't know what will convince you Number three of why andrew tate is wicked is because andrew tate teaches men to make money by sinful means Andrew tate teaches men to make their money by sinful means now titus chapter one Is written to a pastor it's talking about the qualifications of a bishop But you know the qualifications that are in a bishop aren't just for the pastor It's it's qualities that every single christian that every single person should be striving to have in their life Now look at what it says in titus 1 7 it says for a bishop must be blameless as the steward of god Not self-willed not soon angry not given to wine. No striker notice this part. I want to focus on not given to filthy lucre Filthy lucre. What is filthy lucre filthy lucre is unjust gain Making money by sinful or immoral ways. That's what filthy lucre is in the bible saying Hey, you don't want your pastor given to filthy lucre You don't want your pastor to want to make money by sinful ways because you know What ends up happening is you have pastors that'll preach lies for money And so they're making money by sinning by teaching lies Look at what it says verse eight, but a lover of hospitality a lover of good men sober just holy temperate Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince The gainsayers for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers especially they have the circumcision Whose mouths must be stopped. What do these false prophets do who subvert whole houses notice this teaching things which they ought not Why for filthy lucre's sake? So false prophets what they do Is they teach lies they teach things that will harm people's lives or harm people's soul or damn people's soul to hell And why do they do it for filthy lucre's sake they do it for money They want to make money by any means possible, even if that means sinning and us as god's people God cares about the way that we make our money God blessed people in the bible. There are some really godly men that were really really rich There are some godly men that were really really poor But when you do make money god cares about how you make it he does He doesn't want us to make money by sinful means now Let me explain to you how andrew tate makes his money now, of course, he used to be a kickboxer He earned money that way But i'm talking more recent how more recently he's became super rich So in april 21st of 2020, he posted this on his twitter. He said Last month was great for cam which is his internet webcam business that he has his girls on and only fans eight girls generated 551 000 I'll give them a couple thousand each and i'll keep the 500k This month is looking to be even better notice. It's doctor andrew tate. I have a phd get yours here And then he has his link to his fraudulent University so how is he making his money by literally pimping women out on the internet? By selling women's bodies on the internet. He's making 551 thousand dollars a month. He's throwing them a couple grand each and keeping 500,000 for himself. This guy is disgusting a filthy wicked person That's selling women's body on the internet and making money from that and this is who people are promoting today in christianity How sick and pathetic is that? When you go to his website, he he offers two products One is called the war room and there's no description of what you're even buying There's no description. It's just called the war room and it's seven thousand nine hundred and seventy nine dollars You probably have a lot of idiots that buy that I don't even know what it is But wow, what a what a scammer this guy is He also has a product called the real world where you're unplugging from the matrix for forty nine ninety nine You could buy his hustler university real world and unplug from the matrix That was 2020 you say oh he's changed he's conservative now He doesn't he doesn't care about that stuff anymore. Okay I'm going to read you kind of a longer quote here, but this is from july 29th 2022 Okay, just last year Where he brags about how he makes his money now, this is in a podcast format. So he has an interviewer and him speaking So i'm kind of going to jump back between those two people But try to pay attention for this A somewhat lengthy quote here. So tate's speaking. He says so I was like, you know what i'm taking over So what I did is I unplugged their keyboards his women that were In his, you know webcam business and I plugged a new one in from me behind the screen So the chicks would be sitting there and they're hitting a keyboard that wasn't even plugged in And me and my brother and eventually some staff I trained we would do all the talking The girls were just pure famoozers Which he's british and british people are weird and uses famoozer just means swindler, you know, thank god We we separated from that country. Okay Says and and they're just laughing and typing away and showing their bodies and again i'm changing some of his language And these men were talking to ice cold hustlers. We were taking their money all of it I had these guys selling their houses Life savings Loans all of it to me give it all to me. The interviewer says do you ever feel bad or no? I don't give a solitary blank Okay He said we got to the point where we had these guys falling in love with my models big time Sending crazy money and they were convinced that they were going to meet the chick And this is almost where I kind of felt bad because they were like, hey, can we meet i've sent you 200 000 Can we meet can we meet can we meet? Then the interviewer says what's the most that one person ever sent to one of your models tate says a million dollars in one year The inner interviewer says you don't feel bad at all Tate says why the blank would I care? So the girl would be online for six or seven hours and then she'd log off. She'd be sleeping or whatever And i'd have staff on her whatsapp. She'd be online 24 hours a day So these dudes that are on the internet thinking they're talking to girls. They're actually talking to men, you know, keep that in mind If you want to be stupid and try to visit these sites her whatsapp or this or that she was famusan when she was asleep We were bringing in money from the blanking sky And here's maybe this is a bit bad. Here's where the famusan would really start I had a lot of girls who worked for me and the best were ukrainians or russians It's amazing because you'd get some guy fall in love and they'd arrange a day to meet Oh, I need a visa. She'd say okay. He gets her the visa. I need money for the visa How much is the visa nine hundred dollars? no, but it's not nine hundred dollars because I need to have I went to the embassy and they think i'm a risk and I need a return flight there and back And I need a hotel and I need spending money in my bank account or else. They won't let me come Okay, how much do you need ten thousand dollars? All right, boom ten g's no problem You go back to the embassy a week later. You take a picture outside of the embassy. Boom you come back Oh, they rejected my visa. They said we have to wait two weeks After two weeks, they'll give it to me. Okay, baby. No problem Two more weeks of tips now. He thinks he's going to get this girl, right now He's spending more money than he ever has two weeks two weeks two weeks The two weeks come some other problem shows up Eventually the girl what she would do is she'd say oh I don't want to go to the embassy and she'd give a really lame excuse to provoke the man to get angry She'd say oh the embassy wants me to come back, but I have a headache That was the one we used he'd be like I just sent you a million dollars you promised to come And now you're saying you have a headache and don't want to go to your appointment To make him mad on purpose because that would annoy any man And then that's what we needed. We needed that little trigger. So we go. Oh, why are you being aggressive? I'm on the other side of the world and i'm going to come travel by myself and now you're being aggressive and now i'm intimidated And they'd flip it on the guy He'd get furious because we were really good at poking him to the point where he'd be like You're a scammer. You're a scammer. The guy would get mad and he'd leave he'd stop tipping her. He'd stop coming to her But for him that was the only attractive woman in the world that would talk to him So a few weeks later he starts thinking maybe she was going to come Maybe I got too mad when she had a headache Maybe I should have been a little more patient and she would have been my girlfriend and 100 of the time In less than three months, they'd be back with an apology a brand new pile of money and the cycle would repeat We killed the game millions of dollars a week And it was not just because I had beautiful girls. It's not because webcam is easy It's because I am a genius and I put together an apparatus of genius behind the avatar of beauty and we conquered the internet It is Unbelievable to me how any christian could ever support this guy in any way? I feel embarrassed that I have to stand up here and explain this to you guys But i've literally heard people saying that this guy's awesome I've heard christians in new ifb churches say this guy is a top g This guy is an alpha male is you really think god wants you making your money by selling women's bodies on the internet and lying to men What is wrong with you? You are wicked If you support this person God cares about how you make your money And god is not pleased with someone that makes money in such a scummy disgusting way like this I mean, can you even believe that and not only is he so wicked to scam people, but he's so shameless. He's just bragging about it This guy is sick proverbs 28 Notice this in verse six. It says Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness than he that is perverse in his ways, though He be rich Look if you're poor, but you're righteous praise god You know, that's how you should be God is way more happy with someone that's poor that doesn't have a lot of money, but you know what they love god They're saved they read their bible They take their family to church the money that they do make they earn it by honest hard work By the sweat of their face not by scamming people not by selling pornography on the internet Notice if you're rich, but you're perverse in your ways. God's not pleased with that You could have all the money in the world But if you make it by sinful means god is upset with you. God is not pleased with that Notice verse seven it says who so keepeth the law is a wise son But he that is a companion of riotous men. Shameth his father Verse eight he that by usury and unjust gain. I would say what tate's doing is unjust gain Increases his substance he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor What's the end result of this kind of person look at verse number nine It says he that turneth away his ear from hearing the law even his prayer shall be an abomination That's that's pretty intense to think about that when you're this type of a wicked person even if you're praying to god Your your prayer to god is abominable to him. That's that's severe when you think about it Verse 10 who so cause it the righteous to go astray in an evil way Like andrew tates doing he shall fall himself into his own pit like getting arrested in romania for human trafficking But the upright shall have good things in possession. The rich man is wise in his own conceit. I am so genius I'm a genius. I operate on so many levels higher than the average man. I am so smart Right, the rich man is wise in his own conceit, but the poor that hath understanding searcheth him out And you know, that's what god's people should do when you hear a rich man like andrew tate talking You should search this guy out and say whoa Uh, obviously nothing he's saying is true Obviously, this guy is an idiot Obviously, this guy is islamic and a fag and is telling people to make money by sinful means. Hey, maybe I shouldn't listen to him That's what anyone with two brain cells to rub together would think But apparently that's lacking in some people today proverbs 13 Verse 5 flip over to proverbs chapter number 13 Hmm What should be our attitude towards people that make money this way? Look at proverbs 13 verse 5. It says a righteous man hateth lying Like exactly what andrew tate's doing lying to men on the internet and making and taking their money having them sell their houses their life savings all of their money He says but a wicked man is loathsome It's sick to us. We we hate it. It's gross. It's disgusting and cometh to Shame and you know when you see someone defending andrew tate or promoting him Just realize that this person has some serious wickedness in their heart And if you like andrew tate still after this sermon, please stay the hell away from my children because you're perverted because you're sick There's something wrong with you if you still like andrew tate Go to proverbs chapter number 31 proverbs chapter number 31 Proverbs 31 Here's the fourth reason why andrew tate is wicked Andrew tate promotes fornication and adultery Andrew tate promotes fornication and adultery is things that are cool Things that men should do things that are a symbol of you being someone that's high status and just a great person Here's a quote from him again. I'm changing language a little bit He says females are the ultimate status symbol People think i'm running around with these hoes because I like fornication That's nothing to do with the reason why i'm running around with these hoes. I got these hoes just so everyone knows who the dawn is Wow How does anyone like this guy What is wrong with you? Man, it's crazy. But look at proverbs 31 verse 3. It says give not thy strength unto women Nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings andrew tate and people like him They want to paint this picture that men that commit fornication or men that cheat on their wives are strong And it's a symbol of their power and of their status of how many girls that they have And it's something that's seen as cool and something that's seen as good But the bible says not to give your strength unto women. What does that mean? When you do give your strength unto women it means that you're weak It means that you're weak. Look if you commit fornication or you commit adultery, you know what that shows It shows that you're weak. Not that you're strong Andrew tate running around with a bunch of women that aren't his wife It just tells us how weak he is how he can't tell his flesh no to anything His flesh is in charge of his life. He has no control over himself. Why because he's a weak man He's not an alpha male He's weak You know saying that saying that women This is your ultimate status symbol This is the ultimate status symbol of how much I can't control myself, right? This is like saying that the ultimate status symbol is being fat and out of shape It's like look at how cool I am because I can't tell my body. No Look at all these twinkies i'm running around with man It's it's like that doesn't mean you're strong. It means you're weak The strong person is the one that actually says no to their flesh the strong person the one that says no I'm going to work out i'm not going to eat that i'm not going to binge on ice cream and soda all day long The person that does that is weak the person that says no to their flesh that person's actually strong Okay, same thing when it comes to the sin of fornication and adultery the guy that just gives himself everything his flesh wants How does that make you strong right? I mean, this is like the most common sin for men Is fornication and adultery it's like the most Easy sin for men to just commit naturally and it's like why are you bragging that you're doing the most easy thing in the world? It's like committing fornication and committing adultery for men is like the easiest thing in the world and you're bragging about that No, what actually shows character is saying hey, I actually am gonna love one woman my entire life Oh, actually i'm gonna be strong and actually keep my vow that I made before god almighty That's a man that's strong a man That's strong is the one that stays with the same woman for a decade for two decades three decades four decades five decades six decades Seven decades and is faithful to her his whole life That's actually a man that's strong. That's actually a man that you should look up to as an alpha male The guy that sticks with one woman because the guy that just goes with any woman any guy can do that That's easy. That's what your flesh wants to do. Anyways, that doesn't make you strong. It makes you weak That's why the bible says don't give your strength unto women Go to malachi chapter number three the last book of the old testament malachi Because unfortunately as our country becomes more and more wicked You know the sin of fornication and the sin of adultery is being seen as just less severe I feel like every year that goes on people just care less about fornication people care less about adultery They don't see it as big of a deal anymore, but we need to remember to see things the way god sees them malachi chapter number three look at verse five He says I will come near to you to judgment and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the adulterers And against the false swearers and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages the widow and the fatherless And that turn aside the stranger from his right and fear not me Sayeth the lord of hosts saying i'm going to be witness against these people I'm going to judge these people specifically who the adulterers look at verse six for I am the lord I change not Therefore you sons of jacob are not Consumed, you know, it does not matter what the culture is in the united states It does not matter if the president of the united states is committing adultery in the oval office It doesn't matter if everyone you know and your family's committing adultery or committing a fornication or it's somehow seen as normal in our culture God doesn't change And god's view on it never changes and so it does not matter how wicked our culture gets fornication and adultery is always wicked It's always wrong We should never desensitize ourselves to it and we should certainly never follow a loser beta male like andrew tate That brags about how many twinkies he likes to eat and brags about how he can never say no to his flesh And brags about how weak he is It's pathetic Here's another quote from him. He says I go out and fornicate and I come back to her his main girl He's saying I don't care about her the girl he fornicated with I only love my girl. That's not cheating. That's exercise So it's like as long as you just love one woman It's okay to just be a whore And be an adulterer with any other woman just as long as your heart is only with one woman No wrong the bible teaches that if you go outside of the bounds of marriage, you know If you read in leviticus, that's actually a capital punishment crime It's something that's seen as very severe in the eyes of god. No that is cheating andrew tate that absolutely is adultery And it's always these simp young men that can't get a woman that want to think that stuff like that isn't cheating It's pathetic he says this he says if we talk about tradition and go to uh, go to first corinthians chapter number seven He says if we talk about tradition Traditionally every single man in history had multiple wives What a claim that is Every man in history had multiple wives. No, actually they didn't Not even close he says There was not a single woman who was ever celebrated for having multiple husbands Female promiscuity has always been disgusting and frowned upon So he's saying hey male promiscuity good Female promiscuity. Oh, that's horrible. That's bad. This is perverted This is sick to somehow say that. Oh, it's okay for men to go out and cheat It's okay for men to not be faithful to their wives, but women have to be faithful That's that's disgusting. That's not what the bible teaches. Look at first corinthians chapter number seven. It says Nevertheless to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife singular Does it say wives there? No to avoid fornication you get one wife That's what you get for your life and notice this and let every woman have her own husband, right? That's how god created marriage One man one woman i'm starting to sound like the old ifv up here marriage between one man And one woman it's a radical concept, but it's true It's absolutely true not one man in five women Not one woman in five men and definitely not a guy in a guy. Okay, it's obvious than that one But look, that's what the bible says hebrews chapter 13 flip over to hebrews chapter number 13 Hebrews chapter number 13 verse number four says Marriage is honorable in all in the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers. God will judge Let your conversation or your lifestyle be without covetousness Don't desire things that don't belong to you like other people's wives It says and be content with such things as you have for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee Look this whole what boils down to these sins fornication and adultery is covetousness And the bible says that we should be content with the things that we have god has blessed us God has given us the beautiful pure institution of marriage and we ought not to defile that institution We should be content with that institution God gave us a way to avoid fornication and it's your wife for life and ladies It's your husband for life and we need to have enough character and enough love for god To not break that vow ever in our entire lives no matter what there's never an excuse for it It's never okay. And you know what? It's certainly not something that's cool It's certainly not something that should be idolized in pop culture by a guy named andrew tate. No, you know, what's cool Is children growing up with their mom and dad in their home because they didn't get divorced You know, what's cool is not having a burning and itching std that you'll never get rid of in your entire life because you're such a whore Or because you're such a whore monger that's cool, you know, what's cool is being 60 70 years old and being with the wife of your youth. That's cool That's culture andrew tate that's world changing is actually doing things god's way. That's cool And you know people that live this promiscuous loose lifestyle. It's such an empty vein hollow life There's no joy there. There's no happiness there. There's no Watching your children being raised in a godly home And having a wife that you actually love and having a husband that actually loves his wife You don't have that in these fornicating and adulterous relationships It's vain it's empty And even though the temptation is a natural temptation You need to realize and you need to be strong enough to tell your flesh. Hey, this will never ever make you happy This will never ever be worth it. No person has ever done this and said at the end of it. Oh, it's totally worth it No, it's always just shame pain sorrow divorce Losing all your money in divorce court your kids being raised by another man getting diseases ruining society That's the result of fornication and adultery and let it never ever be promoted by a christian Unbelievable go to First timothy chapter number six first timothy chapter number six The fifth reason why andrew tate is wicked is because he teaches people to love money He promotes the love of money like almost no one i've ever seen just promoting money money money. Here's some quotes from him He said i've gotten mixed reviews about the color of my bugatti some people like it Some people don't so I said what color is your bugatti? Like oh i'm so cool. I have a bugatti you're not cool because you don't have a bugatti He says I have everything every man has ever dreamed of i've got a big mansion. I've got super cars I've I can live anywhere. I want i've got unlimited women. I go where I want. I do anything I want all the time So I am an amazing role model and you know The sad thing is is that our society has degraded so much to where this guy actually is a role model for lots of people Lots of people actually think that they'll be happy if they have everything they want at any time at all times But does that bring happiness? Absolutely not. No one is happy that lives that type of lifestyle Here's this quote and here's why I believe andrew tate is the most prideful human being alive He makes donald trump look humble, okay? He says I don't believe in humble bragging. What does trump do he humble brags? Quite frankly, some people tell me That was the greatest mug shot i've ever seen that's what they tell me I said no they said yes, I said, okay, right Okay, that's the humble bragging of donald trump. All right Which is still prideful. It's still bragging. It's still wrong, right? But this is what tate says He says I don't believe in humble bragging. I believe in real bragging I'm richer and taller and more important than you Wow, that is the most prideful human being alive He's not even humble bragging like trump which is still ridiculously prideful Ridiculously just crazy and hilarious to listen to how prideful he is. This guy isn't even hiding it He's like i'm not gonna humble brag. I'm just gonna real brag. I'm better than you. I'm richer than you i'm taller than you You're gonna say that's pastor thompson. Come on It's ridiculous First timothy chapter six look at verse six says but godliness with contentment is great gain Hey, you want to gain in life? Why don't you get some godliness? Why don't you serve god with your life that's going to enrich your life in ways that the world will never understand the riches of christ, you know colossians talks about how By jesus christ, we're enriched in all things Everything in life is better as a christian. Your marriage is better. Your work ethic is better. You're just joy is better You're just a happier person serving jesus christ he came to give us life and to give us life more abundantly There's no happier lifestyle than that of serving jesus christ verse seven For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out You want to know why godliness is gain because it's the only thing that you can take with you into the next life The things that you do that are spiritual that are godly that actually earns you rewards for the next life But you know what your bugattis can't go with you your supercars can't go with you Your horse can't go with you her steps actually lead to hell the bible says your horse can't go with you Your money can't go with you. Your alcohol can't go with you your nightly steak dinners can't go with you your fame Your your accolades none of that can go with you. You can't take anything out of this world Besides godliness verse number eight and having food and raiment. Let us be there with content You know as christians we need to learn to just be content with the basics and stop loving things so much Why is it that guys want to be like andrew tate? It's because they love this world. They love things They love money, but you know, you need to stop loving things so much It's not about things life is not about things It's about the spiritual It's about winning souls to christ It's about getting your kids safe and keeping them pure until the marriage altar and raising them in the ways of god and Being a positive influence on society as christians. That is what life is about But notice what happens to people that want to be rich, but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and Perdition, you know the bible says that those that want to be rich It's like they're falling into a snare If you've ever seen like a video of people that trap animals for hunting or for fur or whatever You know, you just see the animal walking right up to the trap and you're just like it's a trap What are you doing? It's a trap. Boom. They're snared in that trap and they're destroyed, right? This is what christians are like when they want to take their focus off of the things of god And rather they want to be rich. You're like that dumb animal that's walking right into that trap And no one's ever gotten into that trap and gotten out of it it destroys your life notice what it says that it does It says that it drowns men in destruction and perdition I mean think of the imagery of that of someone just drowning, right? They can't they can't breathe. They're drowning. They're falling under the water They're going to die This is your life picture. If you want to love money, you're going to just drown in what Destruction and perdition that's what your life is going to be like if you chase after being rich as a christian now Look, obviously god blesses people financially and if you're doing that which is right in the eyes of god and god blesses you financially Praise god for that. That's great. That's fantastic But what you should never do as a christian is want to be rich where it's like my goal in life is to be Andrew tate my goal in life is to be rich because what's going to happen is it's going to cause you to stop serving god It's going to cause you to start to love filthy lucre and to want to try to make money in sinful ways Notice verse 10 for the love of money is the root of all Evil think about all the evil that andrew tate does what's at the root of it his love for money Why is it that he does all these wicked sins and promotes all these wicked things because the guy loves money more than anything Which while some have coveted after notice they've erred from the faith And pierce themselves through with many sorrows again think of the imagery here of someone just getting shot with an arrow Or shot with a dart or something It's saying when you do this, you're just piercing yourself through with many sorrows. The bible can't be Like severe enough on this issue. I mean the bible is painting a very serious picture for us of those that love money But what's the instruction to us verse 11? But thou o man of god flee these things Flee these things and follow after righteousness godliness faith Love patience meekness that should be our focus That should be our drive in our life is hey, we're going to wake up every morning and we need to follow righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness Imagine if every christian in america worked as hard at being godly as andrew tate works at being wicked What a huge difference that would make in our country I mean he is he's working hard He's burning the midnight oil typing away on his keyboard scamming people's money, you know What if christians actually made it their life's focus to win souls to christ? To get people in church to serve in their local new testament church to lead their family in the ways of god We'd live in a much different country if that was the case, but instead we actually have christians that are following this guy It's completely backwards Go to ecclesiastes chapter number two And i'll read verse 12 It says fight the good fight Fight the good fight of faith lay hold on eternal life where unto thou are also called and has professed a good profession before many witnesses You know our exhortation is to fight the good fight of faith Not everything in life. We should be fighting. We shouldn't be fighting the fight to make a ton of money That's not our fight our fight is to promote the kingdom of god Ecclesiastes chapter 2 now solomon He lived Kind of a similar lifestyle as andrew tate not in the sense where he's promoting, you know islam or anything like that But pretty much, uh, solomon had everything he wanted and everything that he could ever want He could have at any time and he kind of explains to us in ecclesiastes what that lifestyle was like And how that affected him now look at verse number one it says I said in mine heart go to now I will prove thee with mirth therefore enjoy pleasure and behold This is also vanity. So he's saying hey, i'm just going to live my life for pleasure That's what i'm going to do verse two I said of laughter it is mad and of mirth what doeth it I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine Yet equating my heart with wisdom And delay hold on folly till I might see what was good for the sons of men Which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life I made me great works. I builded me houses. There's his mansion. I planted me vineyards I made me gardens and orchards and I planted trees in them of all kinds of fruits I made me pools of water to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees I got me servants and maidens and had servants born in my house And I had great possessions of great and small cattle above all that were in jerusalem before me I gathered me also silver and gold in the peculiar treasure of kings in the provinces I got me men singers and women singers and the delights of the sons of men as musical instruments and that of all sorts So I was great and increased more than all that were before me in jerusalem Also, my wisdom remained with me and whatsoever mine eyes desired. I kept not from them I withheld not my heart from any joy For my heart rejoiced in all my labor and this was the portion of all my labor I mean look at the lifestyle he's describing here. He's got the mansions. He's got the orchards. He's got the swimming pools He's got the servants the men servants the women servants. He's got singers just singing to him all day long You're reading other parts of the bible. He's got apes. He's got peacocks. He's got silver. He's got gold. He's got oxen He's got everything he could ever possibly want. He's just giving himself everything but notice How he felt in verse 17 therefore I hated life You know everyone in america thinks oh the american dream is just to get super rich And i'll have everything I want and then i'll be happy but guess what? It's a complete lie It's a complete lie because here's a man who literally had everything he ever wanted He's probably the richest man to have ever walked this face the face of the earth Solomon he had everything he could ever wanted and how did he feel about was he happy was he fulfilled? He had all the women, you know a thousand wives. No, he said I hated life I hated life and you know Let that be a lesson for us that if we try to adopt the mentality of andrew tate Where we want to get rich we want to get all the things of this world You know what's going to happen at the end of that you're going to hate your life You're going to be depressed you're going to be sad. Why do you think so many movie stars and celebrities? They're hooked on drugs. They're hooked on alcohol and they commit suicide Because they hate their lives because their lives are empty and meaningless. They bring no value at all Of anything that's actually substantive to this world. All they do is serve themselves live for themselves Their god is their belly. Their glory is their shame and they hate themselves for it They hate their life. Don't let the flashy cars fool you Don't let the fancy sunglasses fool you don't let the bugattis and the mansions and the girls fool you andrew tate hates himself Andrew tate hates his life andrew tate has no joy in his life. He is completely worthless He's a scumbag and when he dies he's going to go straight to hell for all of eternity There's andrew tate. There's your hero. There's your alpha male a worthless life and then hell That's your hero Go to luke chapter number 16 Luke chapter number 16 I'll start reading in verse 19. There was a certain rich man You could just put andrew tate there which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day And there was a certain beggar named lazarus, which was laid at his gate full of sores And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores So you have a rich man that's so rich that he fares sumptuously every single day of his life Just absolute riches every single day of his life. You have another guy who's so poor He just wants to eat the crumbs that are falling from this guy's table And he's so just down that he's just he's being licked by dogs. He's got sores. I mean this sounds rough This is a rough life, right? But notice in verse 22 it says and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into abraham's bosom The rich man also died and was buried and in hell He lift up his eyes being in torments and seeth abraham afar off and lazareth in his bosom He's not having fun anymore He says and he cried and said father abraham have mercy on me And send lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue For I am tormented in this flame But abraham said son remember that thou in thy lifetime receiveth thy good things likewise lazarus evil things But now he is comforted and thou art tormented, you know It's so much better to be poor and saved To be poor and godly and to live a rough life on earth and you're struggling paycheck to paycheck your whole life And you know, you never have nice things You never really make it financially you never really have the nice cars and the nice dinners and all these things But you know what you die and you go to heaven Where you're going to be richer than any man that's ever walked the earth And you're going to spend eternity on streets of gold with the king of kings with the lord of lords It's better to have lived that life and to have been poor than to have everything you ever want All the joys all the riches everything you possibly want and to wake up and lift up your eyes in hell in torments And i'm telling you this right now andrew tate when he is in hell He's not going to he would trade anything to have given up his life as a rich man As a top g as an alpha he would trade it all in a second to escape hell But how many people today they don't care about god, they don't care about getting saved They don't care about believing on jesus christ because they're too obsessed with money And they're going to die and wake up in hell for all of eternity Burning and being in torments for what for money for pointless federal reserve notes that have no real value With worthless things on earth that bring no joy. No happiness. No satisfaction You need to wake up christian that that stuff does not matter Do not allow yourself to be infected with the love of money That is not your purpose in your life in your life. Your purpose is the kingdom of god Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven now just in conclusion I just I want us to think about this, you know, we need to be careful who we allow to influence us And it's important to know about this kind of person because you need to be careful about who you're allowing influence your children as well I don't think it's wise to just let your kids have unlimited access to tik tok and instagram and youtube and all this stuff Because this guy's going to pop up and this guy's going to tell your kids. Hey islam is cool Hey being a fag is cool. Hey making money by sinful means is cool. Hey adultery and fornication is cool Hey, loving money is cool. That's what this guy's going to teach your your kids We need to be careful and guard our children from the influences that are out there and not and we need to realize that hey Just because someone says one or two true things doesn't mean you just need to follow this person It's like oh but andrew tate promotes men working out, you know who else promotes men working out michelle obama When I went to high school Obama was the president at that time And we had a home ec class and michelle obama Had a whole program that she wanted the kids of america to eat a certain way and to exercise michelle obama Promotes physical exercise. I guess we need to follow that thing That's our new hero that's our new role model because it says to exercise that's how stupid these people are when they're like Well andrew tate made me start working out. Okay, who cares? Who cares that has nothing to do with whether or not you should follow someone? And here's something that's really important for us men to think about We need to step up as the role models in our culture Because young people they need a hero They need someone to look up to they need someone to follow and unfortunately in america dads have dropped the ball And dads aren't being their kids heroes anymore Dads aren't leading their children and and being someone that could look up to and so who are they following andrew tate? And that should motivate us as men. Hey, no, we need to show the next generation What being a cool guy looks like, you know, what being cool looks like going to church on sunday morning You know, what's cool going to church on sunday night, you know, what's cool going soul winning reading your king james bible Memorizing scripture being faithful to your wife Hating faggots is cool Not being a faggot That's what we need to do. And hey, we should be masculine. Let's not just because we're christians Let's not just be these weak emaciated tiny men so that our kids look up to andrew tate Lift a barbell for crying out loud young men Get in the gym so that people will look up to you Your kids will look up to you as the strongest man in the world and not andrew tate You need to learn how to be a good provider You need to learn how to be a good protector and how to be skillful And how to be a godly christian how to be a real man Don't let the world do it for you You know andrew tate motivates me to be a better dad Because god forbid any of my children would ever look up to a loser like andrew tate and you better believe That in 10 years, there'll be a new andrew tate in 10 years There'll be a new andrew tate and they'll be the female versions of the andrew tates for your kids to look up to So moms and dads we must pick up the ball here We must be good influences for our children and not allow our kids to look up to these losers to these freaks And we need to reject people like andrew tate Don't ever Let someone that's a christian just promote andrew tate. You need to tell them how wicked this person is No, no, no andrew tates wicked. He's a muslim. What are you? What are you talking about? Andrew tates cool He's sending people to hell That's not cool. Oh andrew tates. So cool. Wait a second. He's a fag That's not cool. Oh andrew tates. So awesome. Wait, he makes money by lying to people and selling women's bodies That's what you think is cool Wow Oh andrew tates so cool. Oh the guy that promotes fordication and adultery How cool is that? Oh andrew tates so cool Oh the guy that promotes the love of money that's going to cause people to absolutely ruin their lives and hate their lives And want to commit suicide and want to drink their sorrows away. They want to do drugs. That's not cool We should never allow someone like this to be influencing our culture and we need to step up and be the voices of influence In america, let's have a word of prayer lord. Thank you for this day. Thank you for the king james bible And for all the wisdom that we can glean from it. I just pray that we would Gird up our minds and that we would use the word of god To judge people we wouldn't just blindly follow someone because they're popular because they're rich or because they said a couple of true things I pray that we would all make jesus christ our hero that we would look to him as the ultimate example Of masculinity and of everything that is good. We love you. Jesus. Let me pray. Amen All right in closing let's go to song number 100 100 Song number 100 day by day Song number 100 day by day everybody sing it out together on the verse day by day Truly my trials here trusting him my father's might be stolen I'm the boss Gives unto each day It's part of me With a special mercy Is Days Help me then in every tribulation So to trust That I lose not face consolation Offer me within my holy word Help me Fair to take Great singing everybody. We're all You