(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Dear Heavenly Father, I know that I'm a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you've died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins. I repent of my sins. I invite you to come into my heart and life. God! Number three, unsaved people cannot get people saved. This is another one that I, you know, that people just over and over again, well, do you think Billy Graham really got people? I mean, he preached right at one time. He never preached right. He always said, repent of your sins. He always said you had to turn away from your sins. He's roasting in hell still, OK? He's on a skewer down there in the lowest depths of hell. And he never got a single person saved. If someone got saved in his ministry, it's because they stumbled up to a real soul winner that was at the front of the building there. That's the only way people got saved. If there was a real bonafide soul winner that didn't realize that Billy Graham was straight out of hell, then maybe there's some people that got saved through his ministry. He had Mormons and Catholics waiting down there at the end of the road for him. He didn't care. He was ecumenical. You know, it's funny, I watched somebody put this video together where it shows Billy Graham preaching right. Like, it would seem that he's preaching right. Like, is there any question now? But then you have the video where he says, I think all people are going to heaven. They're not going to heaven, you moron. Look, you can't get saved by a bad tree. Ray Comfort, bad tree. John MacArthur, bad tree. Chop them down. Cast them into hell. They're wicked. And people, look, people think that like, well, you know, they used to preach the right thing. What do you mean? Do you believe you can lose your salvation? Is that what you're saying? They were never saved. They've always been devils from the very beginning. And really, honestly, I hate Billy Graham now more than he's dead than I ever hated when he was alive. And that's a shame, because I do hate Billy Graham. And the reason why I hate him so much while he's roasting in hell is because I believe that Billy Graham really brought the repent of your sins into this generation, into the generations of Baptists, into these churches that preach repent of your sins. Where do you think they got it from? They got it from the devil, who gave it to Billy Graham, who passed it on to other Baptist churches. There's people that will swear up and down that Billy Graham is saved. I'm the one going to hell. More people got saved by Billy Graham than you'd ever dream of. No, that's true. If I only got one person saved, I still got more people saved than Billy Graham did.