(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Mark chapter 9 verse number 42 the Bible says this and whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me it is better for him to that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea what is this talking about well it's taught it could be talking about a lot of things you'll be talking about you know offending them and trying to get them to not believe in Jesus a little it's talking about children right but what about the one that harms a child these these defilers of the flesh that we're talking about these reprobates only a sick individual is gonna is gonna try to lay down with the child it's disgusting they're never coming in here if I find out anybody in here is one they're out the door to buy don't let the pavement hit your face on the way out whoops they tripped there's not what the police do like oh sorry you're you know they hit your head into the door or whatever whoops I banged your hand on the side of the door I'm not advocating violence I just want to let you know that just saying if they refuse we've had people that come in here and refuse to leave some queer got on the piano one time and was refused to leave and they'll they almost had to be physically moved removed out of here look we don't have we we reserve the right to refuse service to homos well we reserve the right to refuse service to pedophiles we don't have to let a man we're not we're not selling things here you know sweet cakes for Melissa might have got put out of business but we're not selling cakes the queers here okay we're not catering gay weddings for people with their with our pizza you know this is a church this is a New Testament Church and we're not letting those queers in here period verse 43 says and if thy hand offend thee cut it off or is better for thee to enter into life maimed than having two hands to go into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched look God doesn't want anybody to go to hell I'm not saying he does well he does want certain people to go to hell but it's after they've crossed over so that's what people can't understand about the reprobate doctrine they can't understand that once they've crossed that line with God they're done it's just like someone that adds a remove thing removes anything in the scriptures they're done God's done with them and look if you're already saved you can't commit sins that would make you go to hell because you can't lose everlasting life so God's not gonna let you do a sin and you it wouldn't even come into your mind to do it something that would make you lose your salvation but you can't lose your salvation anyway so you're not gonna blast him the Holy Ghost if you're already saved there's just not gonna happen God's not gonna allow you I mean you're just not gonna do it that's a sin you will not commit but someone that's not saved they can commit it and once they do committed the lights go out all right darkness only there's no light in them at all anymore