(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And you're like, well, I was just following orders. Tell that to the Germans that got hung at Nuremberg. Well, I was just, you know, following orders, I was just doing what the Fuhrer told me to do. That's why you're dead. Because you're, you know, obviously, if you know something is wrong, then, you know, you don't just follow orders. That's what police do nowadays, too. I mean, I'm just following what the District Attorney told me to do. They said not to arrest these people. They said not to do. You swore an oath to the Constitution to uphold the law. But you don't see cops doing that. Now they just want to save their bacon. Wink, wink, nod, nod. They want to save their own bacon. They want to save their money. They don't want to lose their job. Well, you know what? Maybe if some more cops would stand up to these tyrants, then maybe these tyrants would be the ones that get thrown out on their head. This ideology of just anything goes is being implemented in this whole country right now, where you can stalk people as long as they go to a certain church. You can threaten to kill people as long as they go to a certain church. You can write all their license plates down and follow them and stalk them everywhere they go, threaten to murder them in front of a police officer, still not get charged. You can throw screws and nails in their driveway. Don't get arrested. I mean, have them dead to rights on camera and they still won't do anything about it. That's wicked. That is just injustice. It's wrong, it's wicked. They should resign, and they should be run out of the police department for the cowards that they are. So obviously there's good cops out there. I'm not saying all cops are evil, but if you're gonna sit there and allow and see other cops do things like that, then at what point are you complicit to what they're doing? You're afraid to stand up and say that this is corruption, but this is what always happens with cops. You'll get a few corrupt ones and then they just get everybody on their side and they're taking bribes. The history of police doing this is just every decade you're gonna find this kind of corruption. And then they're shooting people in the back. They're killing all these people, but they shoot more than black people in the back. They shoot a lot of people in the back. They just don't show the white people that get shot in the back because that's not popular to show white people getting killed, only black people. And then it's just the world we're living in right now. It's very strange, a lot of weird politics going on. We have a literal NPC running our country right now, non-playable character in the video game.