(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What factors do you think of or do you consider? When it comes to starting a brand new church, and I'm talking about whether it's a quote-unquote satellite That's run by an evangelist for a period of time before getting cut off or just a straight-up sending a guy out Ordaining him to be a pastor and sending him out to start a church just like what happened with Pastor Shelley What do you consider in terms of an area in terms of the city? What makes a good place? to start a church a Place where people are as a good as a good place to start we've got a lot of people because I mean obviously we want to do the maximum damage that we can and You know reception wise up in the northwest. It's not obviously as receptive as it is in the Bible belt And it's like Oregon Washington are two of the most unchurched states in the whole country I think they might be in both of the top five unchurched states. I think Washington is number one possibly I can't remember but Anyway, so strategic it has to be strategic But what I'm looking for I mean I wasn't really looking to start once I started in the first place, but you know I Guess God had different plans. You know I mean I feel like Again, I was I was seeking for a way to be able to have a church here because I thought you know what a dang Shame it would be for all of us to all be gathered together down here I mean we had a lot of soul winners here And we did a lot of stuff together before we ever even had a church plant and so you know I'm looking for you know areas where there's lots of people to believe like us is is as you know one good factor But I thought it was a shame You know like we were I was about ready to just move because we were supposed to get a pastor And it kind of fell through at that time, and so I was just ready to move and then that video just popped up I don't think that was accidental because Everything that has happened since then like really stemmed from me being down in the dumps I'm thinking I'm gonna have to move someplace And I really wanted to stay here and stand in the gap or have somebody stand in the gap I didn't realize it's gonna be me at that time, but What I'm looking for is You know more people like us. You know if it's a handful of people if it's you know 20 25 people I'm looking for an area where there's a lot of people that want a church like our type of churches so and That don't have a good place to go to church I mean I was taught a guy came from Utah this last weekend He said that he tried to start up a soul winning program in his Baptist Church And it was the only church is an hour away from where he lives, and he said no that doesn't work here I don't believe in soul winning. It doesn't work. It'll never work in Utah, and the guy is just like you know Just what am I supposed to do and so I'm looking for a place where there's someone Someone that can't be that person that stands in the gap I'm looking for a place where there's a lot of people and a lot of people like us And you know it doesn't have to be 20 25 people it could be 10, but right now I'm not looking to start anything until I get a pass from one of these churches, but I do think about it I have loved church planting. I think it's fun, and I love it because You know another thing to think about is like if we hadn't started these church planted plants all the people that have been saved in these church plants would have never happened so God wants us to just spread the gospel everywhere and You know I believe the church planting is the is the way to do that you know and so I'm looking for that kind of magic formula I guess and then God's obviously got to be a part of it like if God would have shut down all that stuff in Spokane I never would have started the church there and But he didn't he opened the door. It was very obvious It was an open door, and I walked through it so and I don't apologize for it again If one of these church plants that should ever fail, then I'll just start another one somewhere else I mean, it's just that simple Ephesus. You know if you look up where Ephesus Baptist Church is now It's no longer with us. I mean. I don't think the city of Ephesus exists anymore I think it's just a ruin, but at some point God told them if they didn't Get their first load back and start doing the first works And they would be their candlestick would be removed and that's what ends up happening so unfortunately, but anyway