(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, baptism is picturing the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Christ, and that when we get baptized, we are dying to ourselves, and we are raising up in newness with Christ. So it's not that we're washing our sins away, our sins are washed away the moment that we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, but that pictures our newness in Christ. It's a public testimony in a lot of ways, and unless there's nobody else there except for you and Philip or something, but I mean, to me, even if Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch, do you think the Ethiopian eunuch was completely by himself, he was just driving himself? No. If he's reading, they probably had the same rules back then, you don't text and talk or drive at the same time. He's reading a scroll and driving some chariot or something, I don't believe that that's probably true. I'm sure he had multiple people with him. So anyway.