(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) John chapter 17 verse 17 Bible says sanctify them through thy truth. What does it say thy word is true So when Jesus was praying to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, he said sanctify them through thy truth What does that mean set them apart? How do we set apart by this book? by the truth of this book because you know when you open it up and you see that the Bible says honor thy father and Mother which is the first commandment with promise that helps you to understand kids Hey You need to obey and honor your parents you want to live long on the earth and that truth helps you that truth Helps you through your life thou shalt not steal Hey, guess what? The Bible is set trying to set you apart and sanctify you. Hey, if you stole steal no more and So God's Word is a truth to us that we have to live by and you know what if you don't read it You're not gonna get that truth Read it for yourself Understand it for yourself. And you know who you need to guide you in that truth God You have to ask for that wisdom. You have to you have to be there and be willing to do the truth So he wants us to worship him in spirit and in truth And if you don't read the Bible, then you're not getting part of that. You're not getting the truth You're getting I mean because what are you doing with the rest of your day? And if you're just reading the Bible for five minutes a day Then the other 23 hours and 55 minutes, what are you doing with that time? You're not getting truth Unless you're like watching YouTube videos But I mean even that you know is limited because you forget a lot of what you hear You're gonna forget most of this preaching tonight, you know, some of you are too tired to even pay attention You can see it in your faces so go back and watch it later, but I Understand though. It's been a long day, but it's all one evening in the afternoon and You know, but I'm trying to teach you something tonight that we need to be sanctified We need to be set apart and God's and Jesus said He's praying to the Father. He says sanctify them through thy truth by word is truth. And that's how we're set apart That's how we're sanctified you get the truth from the Bible and you apply it to your life and that sets you apart from other people