(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) When you look at everything that went on, moving forward here, it's like there's a huge change that has occurred at the beginning of 2019. Pastor Thompson, was this a topic, what was going on in Jacksonville that was discussed amongst your congregation there in Shore Foundation Baptist Church at all? Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was. But everybody's got Pastor Shelley's back in our church as far as I know. Anybody that's saying anything different is not saying it to me. So, you know, I came out and flat out said we're behind Pastor Shelley. I did mention it in my sermon. So, by the way, my other sermon was was prove all things. That's the one I was like, man, I just preached a lot yesterday and I'm like, what in the world? Yeah, I just woke up from like almost falling asleep in a nap and I was just out of it for some reason. But anyway, but yeah, it was it was discussed. And, you know, people. One thing I brought up is, you know, yesterday in my sermon is how, you know, when you're 40 years old and you don't realize that you need to take account for the money that you're bringing in. I mean, one thing that this week did teach me is that, you know, we need to be bulletproof and we need to be Teflon. You know, we need to be above reproach when it comes to things at church and especially the money counting and preaching. And that's something that I did mention in my sermon. And I just think that, you know, it helped me to to say, hey, were we lacking that we could do better? And I did make some changes in the way we were doing stuff when we were doing it right. But I just want to make sure that we're doing it even better now. So tightening the screws, tight bolt and everything up to making sure that, you know, ever. And if anybody had any questions about how we do things with the money, I just wanted to be really open and honest about that. So, I mean, we've always had two counters. I very rarely get involved with the money counting at all. I just don't like to be, you know, the one with the hand on the pile of cash all the time. You know what I mean? So I've always been like that since we started. But I will come go down and just visit with the guys and things like that and just make sure everything's going good. But, you know, now we have a three counter system. So I think that that was important to step up and do. You know, we were just having two people count, but now we have three people counting. And I trained everybody in the procedures yesterday. I just think that this week has just kind of taught me, you know, it helps to focus and reflect and reset things when, you know, you say, hey, well, this is, you know, I don't want anybody to ever say, hey, what's Pastor Thompson doing with the money? You know what I mean? So I just want to make sure that we were above reproach. So that it taught me a big lesson.