(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, we don't vote at this church. So, people would say, well, you know, we should be voting. Well, show me that in the Bible. I mean, show me chapter and verse where it says, hey, New Testament churches are supposed to be voting on everything that happens. Voting on what kind of toilet paper there is. Hey, did you get the, you know, Charmin extra squishy or whatever? It's like, that's ridiculous. You know, for people to actually think that, you know, just because we live in America that's a democracy where people vote doesn't mean that the church is supposed to be a democracy based upon human institution of government that is not perfect, by the way. You know, and the church, churches are not perfect either. But see, we have a book that gives us a guideline on how we're supposed to do things and we have to follow what that guideline says. And does it give us every step on how, here's how you start a church. It doesn't necessarily say it step by step like that, but I mean, if you read the New Testament you can see how Paul did it because he was sent out to start churches.