(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look, it's important for you to serve the Lord, but it's also important for your children to serve the Lord with you. That's why we encourage people to go to the door with their children. Does it get rough sometimes when you're Sean Harrington? Yes it does. Does it get rough sometimes with your brother Justin and Miss Stephanie? Yes it does. And you've got to figure stuff out. But you know what? It's better to do that than just say, well, you know, she's just a woman so she doesn't have to go soul winning. That's ridiculous. Everybody in this church needs to go soul winning. Everybody in this church needs to take their kids soul winning. Let's show this generation that it can be done. And you know what that teaches your children? To serve the Lord with you. Nothing wrong with that. So I don't have a problem with wives going soul winning. But some churches, the women won't go soul winning. You know why? It's a culture that's taught, and it's not a culture that I want as part of this church. Our wives and the children have always gone soul winning with the rest of the group. Now is there times when, you know, right after a child is born or whatever, yeah, but you know what? Get back on the horse and get going soul winning again. And you know what? Your children will follow after you if you lead them. And if they think that you're important in their life, then they'll follow you. And if they see you being real, then they're going to want to follow that real. What was it that was telling me? Brother Larson was telling me that he was working with Brother Francisco, and it was before Brother Francisco got saved, and like the boss was looking and cat calling some woman or something, and he said, hey Brother Robert, look at that woman over there. And Brother Robert said, no thanks, I'm married, and just like kept his eyes straight forward. And he said because of that, that Brother Francisco started to listen to him when he preached to him. And now Brother Francisco is saved, but you know what? What if he would have said, yeah, woo hoo, whatever. You know what I'm saying? So that effect had an effect on Francisco, so think about that with the same situation with your own children. That same situation with your own children, I mean, maybe not that same exact situation, but I hope you don't do that with your own children. Come on boys, let's go get some cat calls. No, that's bad. So I'm just saying if your kids see you being real, and they see you serving the Lord, they're going to want to follow you, and you know what? There's no greater joy than to have your children walk in truth.