(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. Well, it's great to be here in Boise, Idaho. And actually, the last time I was here in Boise, it was a big sandstorm, so I couldn't even really see. Then I come here and it's filled with smoke, so I don't know what's going on with that. God doesn't want me to see the real Boise. No, it's actually not. The smoke's kind of cleared out a little bit, but it's great to be here. Thank you so much for all of it. I appreciate it. It's been good getting to know some of you as well. There's a great spirit about this church, and I think God's going to do great things. We've got a full house. I mean, there's a few seats left over, but it looks like you might be growing out of this place here real soon, too. So, praise the Lord for that. That's how it works. You know, people start getting that spirit in them, and you know, this is going to grow bigger than you think it is. So, we're running about 90 up in Vancouver right now. So, I mean, it's only been, it hasn't even been a full, well, I guess it is a full two years. I think today would be the two years that our, and we got church running back there. So, two years as we find the scenes for like a month where we were running services, but like it wasn't public, you know, we're trying to get all the, the, the services before we started. So, I know it goes anyway. So, we're right here in first Samuel chapter 22 and get the message here. And it's, we're going to focus just right here on this one verse in verse two says, and everyone that was in distress, and everyone that was in debt, and everyone that was in was discontented gathered themselves on him, and he came, and he became a core of them. And there were, and there were with him about 400 men. Let's have a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you, Lord, so much for all these people that would come and hear the word of God this morning. I pray, Lord, you help me fill me with the Holy Ghost. And Lord, I pray that you would edify the people here through your word in Jesus name. Amen. All right, so just so basically what I'm preaching about is, is kind of how you guys got kicked to the curb here and Boise a little bit, and everybody here was attending other churches or maybe waiting for a church to come. And it's got what you asked for, you know, praise the Lord for that so I'm excited about that. But, you know, there's some things that that this young church is going to have to go through things that you're going to have to learn. And just for this, you know, I'm just kind of, I'm kind of using this in a spot. So these were real people in that but well, so these people came to David. It says, all these people that were discontented they were distressed. They were dead they gathered themselves together on to David. Now, David was being chased by solid he was actually anointed the next king of Israel, and Saul had gone bad. Saul was a safe man but he began to become wicked and he was chasing David trying to kill him anywhere he went. And so basically, I mean it's been it's been used before and sermons were were Saul is liking them to like the old IFP pastors right. And where David kind of represents like the new I have to be pastors that are actually trying to follow God to do the things that the Bible actually said, right, and so he was all he was just, he just went downhill. He wouldn't obey the Bible he wouldn't obey the Word of God and so God stripped him of becoming the king of Israel but he was still there. He was still the king in names and kind of a name only. And so, and of course many of you know what end up in the solace end up killing himself, and he took down the whole kingdom with him and then David had to come and revive everything. So what does it mean to be distressed so these people came to David they were distressed. So, distress means extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. And you know you don't have a great church to go to, you can feel those things right. Stress starts to feel sorrow, you start to feel pain, every time you got to walk into one of these churches and hear that God still loves the chosen people the Jews right. You got to hear that John, you got to hear that. Oh, we could be caught reprobate says criminal. I heard that before the pastor got up and had to say in the Christian can become a rep. That doesn't make any sense. Right. That doesn't make any sense so but, you know, and also, there's just so much stuff that's wrong with all that be I mean I'm not going to have time to get into how bad the whole life is really gone. For some stuff. So what does it mean to become dead. Something that is something to money, these people fail to great debt. I don't know if it's all money or who they owe money to they owe money to somebody, but also you can think of, you know, the Bible says we're supposed to not forsake the assembly of ourselves together. So you are indebted to God, to go to church right. And so how hard is it to go to these old I have the stakeholders that just, you know, they're just, they're corrupted, their leadership is corrupted, one person they're saying, you know, and so yeah you got to repent of your sins and then to the other person like us. They'll just play pay lip service to the back and say oh no you don't have to repent your sins. So they're telling one person the congregation one thing and one person congregation another. They're trying to revive these dead Sunday school programs that don't work, and they let these teachers come in. They don't even know the Bible teacher kids. I mean it's a bunch of garbage. But what does it mean to be discontented it needs to be dissatisfied, especially with one circumstances, and if you don't have a good church to go to, you can become discontented. Right, right. And who's felt that way here at a church that you can go into I mean, and obviously not everybody here has a Baptist background but I do, that's the only church I've ever been to is Baptist churches. There's all kinds of stripes about this I get that, but I went to an old IFP, I've got an old IFP churches, and they just as time's gone on I've been saved. Seen the slide into just You know they don't even care if people get saved anymore. Because they're stupid. There's all churches that they have, it's just a kind of right he came to pastor man is who I guess will represent David, you know, they'll probably be happy about that. If I would say I don't measure up today but the pastor is great man of God. Yeah. Anyway, but you guys are kind of like those people that went to David and you were discontented you're dead, feeling like you have to go to these old IFP churches because you got to go to church somewhere right. And you were distressed like, I don't know if I can handle more day. Right. I mean who's felt like that. I felt like that there was times I just did not want to get out of bed and go to church. I just knew I'm hearing a cream puffs permanent with one first read the whole time and 15 stories about their life. I don't, that's not what I go to church for that's what God wants you to go to church for either. So you, you people here very Baptist Boise are like these people that came to David, you're discontented, you know, but, and very Baptist is a lot like that right so but, and some of the people here have been maybe not cast out of churches, but basically Yeah. When, because I heard Chris, you know, called a, what was the South Valley, South Valley Baptist. And he said, Well, what'd you do last week for church and he's like, well, you know, I have some service online did you listen to. Oh, well, you're not welcome there. You know that's what's going on in this city. And then you got, you know, was it pleasant value treasure treasure value. But there's another church in town it's pretty late to that. I heard some stories last night about how that pastor was and look at that pastor saved. I'll tell you what if someone got up and started tackling my preaching in the middle of my sermon. You know what I do I throw that clown out of the church. I say, get out of here you moron. I'm like, wow. How in the world. Would you allow that to go on as a pastor. I mean pastor cream puff. That's kind of what that's kind of what I would go with it. I mean if the guy shows up with a Hitler mustache mustache like Hitler, and he shows up and he's going. That pastor needs to get up and preach the Bible. You know, he's one of those guys that was saying oh yeah I'm Christians to become Christians to become reprobates. All right, well, where's the chapter in verse without they say that we twist the reprobate doctrine but how much more clear does it have to get, you know, he gave them over to a reprobate mind because they did not want to worship God and serve. They serve the creature more than the creator. I mean it's very plain and simple reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord has rejected them. You know when God doesn't reject Christians. God doesn't reject Christians, he rejects reprobate. Yeah. Okay, so that doctrine that I've heard that from more than one pastor to. I've heard that from from several different ones. And I don't know if they got together and had like a secret conference where they said what are we going to do about this reprobate doctrine because, you know, they're just going to tell us we need to stop bringing homos into our churches, and then they got together and made up Oh, this one. Christians can become reprobates. That's what it really is. Because this is, you know, this is something I mean they have been in conference on this get the queers, they want it so bad that they're willing to just make up doctrine saying that Christians can become reprobates. How weird is that. Why would you want a bunch of weird queers and faggots in your church. Yeah. Why, why would you want to have some kind of child molester, this supposedly reform sitting in your church. Oh, we don't want kids. Well, okay. Well, so, but don't you think you should tell the church. We went to, and I say to the people were. But there was five convicted sex offenders that were going to church with us that whole time. And I didn't even know it to like the end. Right. But who were they, I have no idea. Do you think the pastor walked up and said hey get away from that kid. Every time a kid walk around. No, they just didn't let them go downstairs and be part of the ministries down there. So, but really you got predators sitting in the midst of you, and you don't even know it. They want to protect the predator more they want to protect the children at that church. They want to protect the predator more they want to protect the parents at that church. That's wicked. That's when we should never let friend find out that someone comes into this door, and there's some kind of a predator, take them out. Anyway, for a little while. So the turnover to judge chapter 14. Let's get some Bible in here. Judges chapter 14. Judges chapter 14 is the story. When Samson. Verse 14 five says, then when Samson down his father and his mother to him now, and came to the vineyards of Tim now, behold a young lion ward against them. And the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, and he rented as he would have rented kid, and he had nothing in his hand, but he told not his father or mother, what he had done so Santa is just walking mind his own business and some young lion comes and starts roaring against them. Now, before, it's pretty scary. But what it says to do. He got filled with the spirit. He ripped that line in half, and left his dead carcass in the street right. So, that's kind of like, you know, what the new I have been doing to the old I have been like hey, we're some spirit built made of God, we're going to preach the truth, we're not going to compromise we're not going to let a bunch of homos in our churches, we're not going to, you know, sit there and twist scripture to try to say the rapture happens before the tribulation. We're not going to bow down and lift the boot, but don't even love Jesus. Paul said let them be anathema, right, anyone that doesn't love the Lord Jesus Christ let them be anathema, they sit on the ground three times. Every time they hear the name of Jesus Christ. That is those are God's chosen people, right. God's not going to just let allow someone to be his chosen person, or people that will spit on the name of Jesus Christ that's wicked. So, but let's skip down into verse number eight says, and after a time, he returned to take her, and he turned aside to see the carcass of the line so he goes to get his wife, and then he comes back and sees this carcass of the lion, and behold, there was a swarm of bees and honey in the car. And he took their own in his hands and went on eating mother and he gave them, and they did eat. But he told that he had taken the honey out of the carcass of the lion. So what what we learned from this well, there was some good stuff left in that carcass. Right, and there's still some good stuff left in the carcass that is the old IFB. Okay, but take what you take that honey out of there and go. Yeah, look, you asked for a church here in Boise. There's no turning back now. Yeah, you know, don't don't go back to that old carcass. The only thing you need to do is take the good stuff that you learned out of that and move on to a spirit field church, where actually people are doing something for the Lord. You know these other churches, they even if they say they're solely like Cornerstone supposedly says are so people did you see them. How many people are they actually waiting to Christ, probably the only people are winning anybody Lord with the Andersonites. As they call us right the Andersonites. But look, that's what's happening they're saying we're doing so when he puts bus ministry. They say they're doing so many, but it's a garden ministry. Right. They said they're doing so many, but it's, you know, anything else but really so many knocking on someone's door and showing them the Bible say hey, can I show you from the Bible what it takes to be said, yes or no, no, yes. Okay, do you open it up and show it to them right. So confrontational soul. Right. Don't, you know, you've gone away from these old IFB churches, stick in the ones that are spirit. Samson was a spirit filled man of God at that moment, and he destroyed that that line and got the honey out that was left. And he said, All right, I'll leave this honey. And then he didn't tell his parents about the honey, which he kind of grows to pull some money out of the line right. You know, but I mean some of the stuff in the old IP isn't bad for you to thrive that's a good doctrine, you know, go to church as much as you possibly can, you know, dress up nice for church. You know, I don't even know if they teach on standards anymore in churches, you know, after seeing Paul Chappell's newest church and starting in Tempe I was like wow. I mean that dude is as clear as $3 bill right. Anyway, so. Well, again, Samson can represent here. The new IP pastor. But, you know, obviously, there's, there's a lot of these saying that they're right on salvation, and in reality, you know, but a lot of the leadership. Right, a lot of them have on, and they have corrupt, what's happened is this pairs were sewn amongst the week. And now there are six that there might be 6000 and 10 Baptist churches, but maybe they're not all good. I bet you most of them are not good. You know, we got about 20 pastors we got about 20 churches in our movement now. And obviously it's a movement of churches I'm not saying it's like some movement where someone is, but we have about 20 churches that's growing every year I'm hoping that will double to 40 next year. But there's churches like Treasure Valley Baptist Church, that teach garbage in this town right. I was looking at their website and I was trying to just get myself pissed. By listening to this clip, like I posted a bunch of you know where he just over and over again says stuff like that but you look, let's look at the fruit of Treasure Valley Baptist Church. I'm just going to read this for you. This one thing I found on the website that just made me say, it says we have established this is from their beliefs and their doctrine right. We have established the fact that we are sinners we all died, and that God has provided us with a free gift of eternal life. So now what we must accept the gift by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ that's pretty good. It says you read this Bible verse, as you read this Bible verse, please note, there's not no mention of any type of religious church membership or anything else, all that's necessary is repenting of your sins and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. So what are they saying, well you got to repent of all your sins first, then you got to believe on Jesus. Okay, is that what happens is that how you're supposed to do it. No, you're supposed to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and then you'll start repenting of your sins right. That's how it works. You can't repent of all your sins. First of all, because everybody in here is going to stand at some point in the day. We're all sinners, we're all going to sin, it comes back to me right. We'll live forever with new bodies, no dandruff anymore, you know, I'm going to have a six pack and big muscles. Things are going to be changing, you know, I won't have the gray hair hopefully. This is the ministry. I have perfectly brown hair before I stop. But, you know, this is the jump that you're hearing at, you know, what do they run a thousand people at Treasure Valley Baptist Church? Deceived. Right. They're deceiving people. They're telling them that you have to do works to be saved. That's garbage. Yeah, I'm not saying there's people there that are not safe. I'm sure that there are, but that is garbage teaching. And that's why you come out and said, hey, Pastor Mendez, Pastor David, you know, we want to be you. We want to be with you, not with this big ship. That's the old I have be the sinking ship of salt to be destroyed. You know, those churches are not spirit filled anymore. There are a bunch of we are. I just want to recall some things to make you mad. All right. So Sam did in his sermon and he preached that here in this town. Right. He said, Sam, get that Jesus is not our Messiah and that we were never promised from the side. He says, you know, you know what? Christ. I never called him my Messiah. He said, you know, how in the world are you some Bible expert? And you don't even know that Jesus is the Messiah. I mean, it's like he he says he reads his Bible how many times he's read his Bible, like hundreds of times or something. He reads like eight times a year. So I don't know. He says some kind of crazy thing that he's he reads so many times a year. He missed that part. One of the most elementary doctrines in the whole Bible. So he says, so unless you're a Jew, he's not your Messiah. Are you a Gentile? All right. We were never promised a Messiah. That's exactly what he said. A lot of the last time I listened to it, she said, I said, man, that pissed me. She's like, you're just now mad about it. Turn to John one, John one. Let's just do a little quick study on what he said, because what he said is a bunch of words. John, chapter one, verse 41. This is how easy it is to disprove this stupid doctrine. John, 141, says he first findeth his own brother Simon and sayeth unto him, we have found the Messiahs, which is being interpreted by Christ. So he says, you know what I never call Jesus Christ, I never call my Messiah. Well, when you call Jesus Christ, that you're right. Because that's what it means, right? Christ means the Messiah, you know, and so I have a chance to listen to all the crazy that's been going on down here. I'm a little bit busy with some stuff I've been wanting to get back to listen to this. I'm sure everybody's taking a hot shot at Sam. Yeah, it's been behind this. But you know what? Sam needs to move over. Also, there are pastors at that church and they let that devil get behind their pulpit and preach. They're just as bad as he is. Yeah, it's not worse because I know what he's teaching his lies. If they don't know, then they're just as bad of devils, if not worse than he is. That's what I'm saying, because they're just deceiving people. This is what this is, is doctrines of devils, what he believes. So look at Isaiah 42, verse one. It says, Behold, my servant whom I uphold my left and whom I sold to life. I have put my spear upon him. He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. Skip down to verse four. It says, He shall not fail nor be discouraged till he has set judgment in the earth. The isles shall wait for his law. Now let's talk about the Gentiles. Look at verse six. It says, I, the Lord, have called thee up. I will hold thine hand and keep thee and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles, to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and then that sit in darkness out of the prison house. So what's it say he's giving a covenant for the people, a light of the Gentiles? This is talking about Jesus. So are you Gentiles talk? You were never promised a Messiah. Well, right there it says that we are promised a Messiah. Look at Luke, chapter two. Luke, chapter number two. Luke, chapter two, verse 25. The Bible says, And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Ghost was upon him, and it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. Now skip down to his Lord. Lord, now let us thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word for mine. Eyes have seen, which thou hast prepared. How many people? Just the Jews? No. All people, right? And it says a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. So Jesus Christ is a light to the Gentiles and to the nation of Israel. And so basically all you see is Gentiles getting saved now. So how are they the chosen people if they rejected Christ and Christ took their kingdom and gave it to a nation actually doing the work that God asked them to do, right? That's actually getting saved and believing. Look at 1 John 2.22. See, the problem with Sam Gifford, the reason why he's not saved is because he denies Jesus. He denies that Jesus is the Messiah. Look, if you don't think Jesus is the Messiah, you're not saved. 1 John 2.22, who is a liar, but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ, he is anti-Christ that denies the Father and the Son. So look, Sam Gifford is denying that Jesus is the Messiah. He's not saved. And he'll say that, oh, people are accusing me of saying that Jesus was the Messiah. He said it himself in the sermon. I mean, what does he think, people just don't watch YouTube clips or something? I mean, it's out there. All you have to do is just say Sam Gifford and it automatically just pops in, not your Messiah, right? That's all you have to do is put in Sam Gifford. I mean, it's that out there. And then he goes to keep going to this church and says that Jesus wasn't supposed to be called Jesus. He was supposed to be called Emmanuel. They named him the wrong name, which is a total blessing to me. I mean, it might be just as bad, if not worse, than saying that he's not your Messiah. I think it's up there. But in Acts 4.10, turn over there and I'm going to read for you Luke 2.21. Luke 2.21, it says, And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcision of the child, his name was called Jesus, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived of the womb. So who named him Jesus? The angel. That's what the angel told him to call him, not Emmanuel. Emmanuel means God with us. But his name was called Jesus. So that's what the angel was told to call him. Look at Acts 4.10, it says, Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom he crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set in awe of you, builders, which has become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. So what's the name that we're supposed to be saved by? Jesus Christ. And Samuel's saying, no, his name was supposed to be Emmanuel. Does it say by the name of Emmanuel? No, it says by the name of Jesus Christ. So he's a liar, he's a devil, he's not saved, and you know, you guys got some pretty good false prophets in this town, don't you? What's that other guy's name that's in I don't know, O'Grady? I think he actually buys two booths on eBay and then he licks them. Anyway, that's whatever. Any pastor is a complete idiot and a fraud. I had to get my Sam gift stuff out of this, but you know, he is an antichrist, he is a devil. He's the witch of end. We don't have time to go through the witch of end. Anyway, I think another guy preached about that before. So you guys have gone through it, some of you. You have gone through the bad Baptist church, you're the Baptist Baptist, right? You've been battered, you've been beat up. But how do you come up with the pastor man? Because now you got the church that you want. So what are you going to do now? What are you supposed to do now? Well, you're going to have to do some, you know, those people that came today, they became mighty men, right? So, and when a church first starts out, you know, there's a lot of people here, but, you know, they became his mighty men later. They had to be trained to become mighty men. And, you know, you're going to go to Chronicles chapter chapter 11. Now that you have Pastor Menes, just like they came to David and said, said they were made, he was made a captain over them. Now, Pastor Menes has become the captain over this church, right? And he can't be here every week. We'll need to step up. Obviously, I know that people need to step up and, you know, eventually this church is going to get their own, you know, and I know there's a guy that does brother Joe Jones. And, you know, he's, he's poor. But you can't just let other people work for you guys have to be involved. You have people here, there's a family that opened up their home, invested in us, you know, and it's up to Pastor Menes. He can't do it by himself. It's up to people in this church, churches that are in town that you honor about what's going on again. There's a lot, you know, but are you doing it? Are you doing the best you can? I don't know. You know, very many of the sermon on it from the red hot preacher. Just might get it. You know, so it's worth it to to receive what you're going to get in, you know, because, oh, yeah, I can't wait till I just get to my area. It's a moron in Vancouver. It's not that far to drive. You know, but they're like, what are you guys in the church? The one that's closest to you? I don't understand that. They're in Portland. It's literally just right across the river. You just cross the bridge. But there's other only live stream, a real church. They just want a reason to not go to church. They came to do the work because they're gathering yourself to get out. It's not really you're not really part of anything. What are you part of? Anybody can ever go. Oh, I believe that I never go listen to someone. I mean, they're just worship pastors. There's this action involved. There's also men who. It's great with this came to start out as my became mighty men. They trained to become mighty men. Now, obviously, we're talking about two different things here. They were physical fighting force. Now, we're supposed to be a spiritual fighting force. OK, we become mighty men and women. All right. Being filled. All right. We're not going out and chopping people's heads off and destroying the spiritual war by all Israel. Turn to the word of the Lord concerning Israel. And this is the number of the mighty men who David had. This is the number of the mighty men that they had. Joshua being a hawk, a hawk of the night, the chief of the captains. He lifted up the spear against three hundred slain by him at one time. And after him was Eliezer, the son of Godot, the egg wife, who is one of the three mightiest. He was with David at the past. And then and there the Philistines, where I'm full of barley and the people fled from before the Philistines. And they set themselves in the midst of the parcel, delivered and slew the Philistines and the Lord saved deliverance. Now, three of the 30 captains went down to the rock to David, to the cave of Agilent and the host of the Philistines in the valley of Rephaim. So the cave of Agilent was a place that David had gone as a stronghold. But you see the difference between the mighty men and the bad men. They said that the people came to him. They were having troubles. They were distressed. But years later, when the Philistines were against them, the mighty men of God, they become mighty men of God. And so you're going to start out not so mighty here. But as you go look at our church, we have like nearly a hundred percent solely. It's like the only reason I say I will say ninety nine percent because we get new visitors that haven't gone yet. But most people in our church go solely at least once a week. They didn't start out like that. There was a lot of people that had never led anybody to the Lord ever. And now most people in our church have our talkers, not silent partners. You know, but once God makes you all talkers, once you become talkers, God's going to bring more people to be silent partners. So who I mean, I'm not going to have you raise hands, but there's people in here that aren't talkers yet. But you've got to be trained to be that way. You've got to go out and do the work. Eventually, we may get a big deal at our church when someone leaves their first verse of the Lord. I will give them a hand. You know, it's awesome. You know, being solely is the best thing that we do. It's the greatest ministry that we have. It's the most important thing that we do. And look, you've got to be trained to become a mighty soul winner. Right. Watch Pastor Jimenez. His DVD series that he does work and learn how to go. Just watch it over and over again. Mark your Bibles up and get ready to go. You know, you'll get the confidence to talk. And once you do, then you're in soul. And that's what the you know, it's going to a great church. You become a mighty, mighty man of God or a mighty woman of the Lord. And that's kind of how it goes. You know, but you have to put forth the effort to do that. You can't just show up one time a week. And, you know, obviously you guys are just having one time a week. But, you know what I mean, when the doors are open, when it's time for church, you're here. You know, you're here when you can be turned to a piece of chapter six. So what's the point? You don't start out. You have to be trained to do that. You have to become a soldier or are you willing? You know, are you willing to forsake all all others and follow the Lord Jesus Christ? That's what churches like our churches are about. Just following the Lord Jesus Christ. And sometimes it's not easy. Sometimes it can get difficult. Ephesians chapter six, verse 10 says, Finally, my brother, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. See, soldiers and people that are spiritually, you know, this is a spiritual armor we're talking about here. You know, this these armor pieces are spiritual. They're not we're not going out and fighting battles with armor with like real armor on. This is spiritual armor. OK, this is where we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world. The wickedness in high places. One of our soul winners got attacked yesterday out sowing. And I'm not saying that to scare you because that's the first time I've ever seen that happen. Yeah. But that's where you can see where the mentality is starting to change in the United States. Right. This old man came up and started throwing bombs on one of our, you know, just, you know, not broke his glasses. Didn't hurt him. That's pretty cool. Yeah, that's pretty that's pretty crazy. You've got to have your armor on, you know, and sometimes look, the apostles got beat and they counted it all joy. So he's got some great rewards coming. Right. Well, I mean, my first reaction was, man, I would have dropped out. Well, maybe I would. You know what I mean? When you're there, you're in the spirit, you're so many, you're doing what's right. Maybe Robert just wanted to take punches for the Lord. Yeah. You know, and obviously you can defend yourself to a certain extent. But I mean, if you're doing God's work and you're being attacked, you know, didn't Steve fight back? John and Peter fight back? No, they didn't. Right. So, you know, I, in my flesh, wanted to beat that old man up. But that's not the right thing. That's not the right way to look at it. But we're going, we're not wrestling against flesh and blood. Now, flesh and blood came to wrestle against him. Some kind of guy, some demonic entity that caused that guy to this. It was an apartment complex. This was in the housing area. This is a place where people are just knocking houses. But you have to be ready. You have to be battle hardened with the whole armor of God on you. Says verse 13. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God that may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand. That's what he did. He just stood at all of his armor on. And, you know, sometimes that's all you can do. That's all you can do is just stand. Stand, therefore, having your moorings good about you with truth and having the respirator of righteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. So your feet shed with the shod of the preparation of the gospel of peace. Look, most of these churches, not just the old IP, but all churches are not doing, they're missing a very valuable piece of their armor. They're missing their feet being shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. You've got a bunch of armorless Christians walking around and their feet aren't even covered. They don't even have one of the bait. I mean, who wants to walk out in that patch of goat heads out there with their bare feet? I mean, if they stick to the bottom of your shoes and when they get caught in the rug, what happens? It hurts. Yeah, it hurts. So you definitely don't want to be without your shoes, your gospel armor shoes, right? So look at verse 17, it says to take the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Another problem that you have with churches where they try to go out and preach the gospel in their own words. You've got to have the Bible with you. Your little card isn't going to show them every scripture that they need to see. And that's what the Heil's method is. A card that has like three or four scriptures on it and just reading off the card and praying with people. Well, you know, if that's all they needed was those three verses, then yeah, that might work. But you're supposed to put the Lord out there with you. This is your, I mean, Brother Joe beat a pit bull off of him with the sword of the Lord. He's like, who? You buy a dog. And you know, he smoked that dog in the name of the Lord. His knife didn't help, but all he had was the spirit, the sword of the Spirit in his hand. So, you know, you can't go out without your sword. You have to have your sword in battle. But you've got to learn how to use some wine. You know, we can't just, you know, as a new church, there's a lot of things that you still have to learn. But, you know, get armor with you when you go. And you've got to learn. David, when he tried to put on Saul's armor, he couldn't put it where he said he hadn't brewed it yet. You don't just go out with armor willy-nilly to the battle. You have to be trained to do things. And this, you know, Pastor Minnis has a great training program. You know, and I know things have been crazy lately. The structure's coming. And slowly but surely, this is going to be more structured. And, you know, it's going to be great. So 2 Corinthians 10, 4, I'll just read this for you. It says, For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. And what's a stronghold? A stronghold is basically like a walled place that you defend your position from. Right? We're trying to knock those strongholds down. I've heard that this town is 80% LDS. We're trying to knock those strongholds down. I brought some DVDs. I hope everybody got one for their family about Mormonism. You know, the more you know about your enemy when you're here, the better you're going to do in battle. Now, obviously, you want to go to the people that are receptive, and a lot of the times the LDS are not receptive. But you'll get some safe. You'll get some safe. Me and Dylan, the first time I ever went soloing with them, we got an LDS guy saved. So they are saveable, you know, but a lot of them are reprobates, obviously, because you'll sure you've dealt with them. They'll let you tell them the whole gospel just so you won't get down to the next door. So it's up to discern over time. But now that you have your captain, Pastor Jimenez, you know, you've got to make sure that you're following him, number one. And he's not always going to be perfect. He's not always going to make the perfect choice. But you've got to learn to trust his decisions. OK, number two, become a mighty man of God or woman. Or kids, you know, kids can get the gospel, too. Kids can learn gospel. And, you know, my concern about reaching conference that when I walk up to a kid in a complex, you know, we're freaking out, you know. So I'll walk up to tax the kids. But one child by themselves, I usually don't do that because I want some parents. What are you talking about, kid? But kids can walk over and talk to those kids. And usually the parents are going to be freaking out over that. So kids learn the gospel. You can give the gospel just like anybody else can. So and also this church isn't going to be perfect. I hate the birth through bubble, but church. But it's never going to be perfect. You know why? Because there's people here and people are sinners and people are going to let you down and people are going to creep in and try to overturn the things that are going on here. And look, we're just we've just experienced the experience a little bit of it in our church. But you can see what goes on the paperwork. Guys are walking up and interrupting the service. You know, they were services and they're just Judas's Judas's will creep in. So let me get to that a minute. But, you know, there's going to be blessings. There's going to be hard times here. Just, you know, just know that when you're here, it's not going to be perfect. The church is not going to be perfect. And you got to get trained up. You got to get trained up. So and realize that our battle is a spiritual battle. It's not something that you physically fight. OK. And there will be battles. There's going to be battles. Are you going to stick with your pastor? Are you going to stick with your church? You know, I'm. Those are going to show up here and protest or not. Sacramento is a totally different place. I show up in Vancouver, but they still I mean, when we started the Church of Vancouver, the host will get our support. It was telling everybody, oh, yeah, very sort of church up there. They never showed up. You're scared, you know, because Vancouver is not white. I don't know that I've ever been to Vancouver before, but it's not like Portland. So you don't have a bunch of anti people with masks out there. It's just not the same. They keep across the bridge. That's why I started the Church of Vancouver. Boise is kind of the same. It's probably way more conservative than Vancouver. So I wouldn't worry about any queers showing up. Throw hot dogs at them if they do. We get in trouble to throw hot dogs at them. Anyway, number nine infiltrators. Man of Belial. Turn over to the First Samuel 30. The First Samuel 30. This is after David had gone and gotten all the wives got captured and everything and their children got taken captive. And they went back to get them and they got everything back. God said, go get them back. It says, David came to 200 men, which were so big that they could not follow David, whom they had made also to abide at the brook of the sword. And they went forth to meet David and to meet the people that were with him. And when David came here to people, he saluted them, then answered all the wicked men and men of Belial of those that went to David. And said, because they will not give them that we have recovered, say, every man, his wife and his children, they may lead them away apart. And David said, Ye shall not do so, my brethren, with that which the Lord has given us, who have preserved us and delivered the company that came against us into our land, into our hand. For who will he, so for who will hearken unto this matter? But as his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall be the chariot by the stuff of life. So very interesting story. So do you think that David knew that these men were men of Belial? David's not lining this right here. Look back at verse 22, it says, and answered all the wicked men and men of Belial of those that went with David. So do you think if David knew that they were men of Belial, he would have had them with him? Just like men of Belial that creeped in, and they're trying to do wicked things, and they're sowed in with wheat. David, I don't think David knew that these guys were men of Belial, and David was the leader. You're not always going to know who they are. They're going to be the ones that you least suspect sometimes. Now sometimes they'll be clowns too, and you'll just know right off the bat that from the moment they open their mouth, you'll know. But these guys, you know, to me, it's the narrator of the Bible right here. The Holy Ghost is saying, then answered all the wicked men of the men of Belial, those that went with David, went not with us, will not give them all of the spoil that we have recovered. Because then David says, in verse 23, then said David, he shall not do so, my brethren. So if he thought that those were men of Belial, he wouldn't have said that they were his brethren. Because you're not supposed to call people your brother, that they're not really a brother, right? They're not your brother. So I don't think David knew that these guys were, but David made the right decision, despite what they were doing. So the thing is, you're going to have people that get revealed in this church. Now I've seen a lot of people just get discouraged over when people just get, you know, they find out that they're wicked. They're like, I don't know if he really is a reprobate, I don't know, you know. And obviously the word reprobate gets thrown around maybe a little too much with people. Not everybody that comes into church that doesn't agree with this is not a reprobate, I understand that. But when the pastor takes somebody out of the church, are you going to stand with them? Or are you going to stand with the clown that gets kicked out? And that's what seems to happen is like people think these guys are great. You know, the disciples didn't realize that Judas was who he was either. They're like, is it I, Lord? It was them over Judas. I mean, he was something they had themselves thinking that it might have been them. You know what I mean? That's how slick they are. That's how slick people like Patter Baker and guys like that are. And then when they get revealed, people get dragged, right? They try to bring them into their garbage can, you know. And so I want you to understand that you need to be vigilant. Be sober. Because the devil wants to destroy this church before it even gets going off the ground. And obviously everything seems to be well in order here. And you guys are doing a great job. And I'm very excited about the future of this church. I hope I get to come back again sometime. I hope you'll have me back. But let's have a word of prayer. We thank you, Lord, so much for this wonderful day. Beautiful day in Boise. We pray that you bless this church, Lord. And, Lord, I pray that you find a man that would stand up and be the pastor of this church. And, Lord, that you just continue this church to grow. And that you help the soul in it, Lord. And we pray, Lord, that you do a mighty work here in Boise. And that men like Sam Giff and Bill Brady would know that the prophet has been among them. And that, Lord, you would raise up this great church to be in Idaho. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.