(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The term Talmud may refer to either the Gomorrah alone or Gomorrah, excuse me Or the Mishnah and Gomorrah together so it could be both of those the entire Talmud consists of 63 Tractates and in standard print is 2711 double-sided folios folios it is written in Mishnaic I'm not pronouncing that right probably Hebrew and Jewish Babylonian Aramaic and contains teachings and opinions of Thousands of rabbis so basically it's the commentary and it's also these rabbis these godless rabbis Opinions on things and you know I'm sure we'd be surprised and sickened by a lot of the things that are in the Talmud But I'm not gonna sit there waste my time reading that junk I got a book right here that I can trust and I don't need to read all that garbage I'm sure it probably angered me To a great extent so the Talmud is the basis for all codes of Jewish law and is widely Quoted in rabbinic literature. You know they don't quote the Bible they quote the Talmud well You know rabbi shalomo or whatever you know says this about this certain part of the Bible And so they'll talk and debate about all these things But basically I just want to give you a brief overview of what that book is It's basically what they've replaced the Bible with is this Talmud, okay, so look back at Mark 7 verse number 6 you're probably still there and says and he answered said unto them well hath Isaiah's Prophesied of you hypocrites as it is written this people honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me You know because Jesus was all about love and so he just wanted to make sure You know to give them a little love here and let them know they're a bunch of hypocrites and said that Isaiah's the Prophet Actually prophesied about these hypocrites and said that they you know they honor me with their lips But their heart is far from me You know it says how be in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines. What does that say right there the commandments of men? They're not the commandments. You know it's not this oral passing down these elders these Traditions of the elders is a commandment of men see Jesus puts them in their place right here as they're sitting They're saying they didn't even wash their hands You know, but Jesus said you know what you a bunch of hypocrites You guys are teaching commandments of men instead of the Bible Late and it says in verse 8 for laying aside the commandment of God You hold the tradition of men as the washing of pots and cups and many others such like things You do and he said unto them full well you reject the commandment of God that you may keep your own Tradition so what is he saying right here? He's saying look you've discarded the Bible, and you've put this wicked these wicked Commandments of men into place instead isn't that what he's saying? Full well you reject the commandment of God that you may keep your own Traditions look washing your hands before you eat dinner. It's not in the Bible And look I wash my hands, okay, I just want to tell you that right now But you know what when you don't wash your hands That's that's not the thing that the files you the things that the file are your things that come out of your heart