(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And I'll fight against all this stupid global warming climate change garbage. I had a person at work a week and a half ago, he got real mad because I said, dude, climate change is fake, man. He got really pissed. I didn't realize, I like ruined his day apparently. He just like got all sad. He got all sad and his lips was all down like this and I was like, come on, man. I was like, look, supposedly the coastlines are fading, they're getting more flooded or whatever. I'll tell you what, when I was four years old, I almost drowned at Haystack Rock. You know what? The tide still comes into the same place, the same location as it did when I was four years old 40 years ago. So tell me how that works. Tell me how the ice caps are melting. You know what? They grow back. That's the part they don't show you. Because if it was as catastrophic as they were saying, then we'd be underwater right now. It's a bunch of garbage.