(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) they're telling you things that are not true they're telling the world things that are not true about the gospel and that means they're perverts you're just a stinking pervert clown get out of here I don't want any other gospel preached besides the one that I've preached to you this morning the ones the verses that I've showed you this morning this that's the only gospel we believe here it says but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you the that which we have preached unto you let him be what what's it say a cursed you're a curse Paul says you're cursed get out of my face you're you're cursed if you preach another gospel as we said before so say I now again if any man preached any other gospel unto you then that you have received let him be accursed okay so you're like Pastor Thompson you're so mean well the Apostle Paul was mean too okay I don't I don't like gospel perverts and I'm not gonna sit there and say all these Christian churches are saved if they're not preaching the right gospel then they're perverts and they're not saved and they're cursed from God so if you have a problem with that then you know just check out look check out what they believe you can go to their web pages and say what what do we believe they'll say oh we believe through her through this contrition that you know when you're really really sorry for your sin and you repent of all your sins then you turn your life over to Christ and you make him the Lord of your life and you're saying look their web pages are filled with churches that have that same basically all that same stuff in there and there's or they'll say the right thing and then you show up at their church they don't even really believe it they're Calvinists you know it's like you got to make sure what you're believing is right but why are these people you know why are these people mocking us because they don't believe the right thing