(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It says in second Samuel 23 verse 6 says but the sons of Belial Shall be all of them as thorns thrust away because they cannot be taken with hands I thought that was really interesting that you know, the sons of Belials, you know They're gonna their their end is to be burned their thorns But you know the reason why you know it kind of explains why they're called thorns because they can't be taken away with hands They're strongholds of Satan and Satan has them in his places where he wants them to be to do his bidding because Satan is the god of this world and he is the one is running this world right now and verse 7 says but the man that shall touch them must be fenced with iron and The staff of a spear and they shall be utterly burned with fire in the same place So what that's teaching is that the sons of Belial when it's the one talks about the sons of Belial That's talking about the sons of the devil and in the Old Testament that term is used quite a bit But you know, I just thought it was really interesting. These are actually from the last words that David Says these be the last words of David and it starts to and it's one of the Psalms that he wrote and then it talks about these sons of Belial that they're gonna be burned their end is to be To be burned so can the sons of Belial be saved? No, because they're reprobates they're children of the devil and not everybody is a child of the devil You know, there's you know as as saved Indwelt believers. We are the sons of God and daughters of God That's what the Bible says that we're you know But as many as received him to them gave he power To become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name John 1 12 but these sons of Belial They're the opposite They're you know, we get to go to heaven we get to you know Because we've believed on Christ and we become his sons and daughters by adoption, but these ones They're not they're not going there and they have no hope and there's no chance So you got these people that are going to heaven you got these people that their destiny is to go to hell to be burned with everlasting fire You know and then and I'm not saying that every person that's a sinner that's not saved as a son of the devil I'm not that's not what I'm trying to teach here. I'm just trying to say that there are some that are And and in Romans chapter 1 you can kind of see who some of those are