(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Yeah, she has millions of dead children's blood on her hands, the true Holocaust. So in a case called Tenberg and Carhart in 2000, a law was struck down, a Nebraska law that had made performing partial birth abortions, a phrase that has no basis in medicine, illegal. The court decided that any law that imposed a burden on women's rights to choose to terminate a pregnancy was unconstitutional. What does that mean? They struck down a law that stopped partial birth abortions. And guess who voted on that? Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And said, in the obstacle causing someone considering an abortion to fear prosecution was an undue burden. So basically, they're saying, yeah, it's wrong to stop a woman from killing her child that's about to be born. That has arms, that has legs, and a head, and a heartbeat. And they're moving around. I mean, if you just go to an ultrasound, your baby's moving around pretty quickly. And they're not like they show you in the science books where they're like some amoeba that's floating around. They're babies. Yeah. When the Bible says conception, that's when the child is conceived, okay? That's life. But she voted to have partial birth abortions done. And look, I don't wanna get super graphic in here. But let's tell you this, it's one of the most savage and barbaric things that's ever been done. And it's wicked. And I'm sure that you've seen videos or maybe seen pictures on the Internet that you wish you hadn't seen where they're doing partial birth abortions. And I just can't even imagine how a doctor could even perform that. I mean, can you call them a doctor? No. The Hippocratic Oath says, do no harm. Right. And do you think they're doing harm when they do a partial birth abortion? You know they are. Yeah. That person that's having that done, they're the ones that deserve to die. You know, she was all worried about how the mother might not have the rights that she needs to, you know, shut up. Yeah, amen. It's not a medical procedure. It's an extermination. Yeah. It's an extermination of your own child. It's wicked. Amen. Amen. So here's what Olguini said, Ginsburg. That it's an obstacle causing someone to consider an abortion to fear prosecution and undue burden was a 5-4 decision. Ginsburg wrote, in concurrence that the law didn't have an expectation, or excuse me, an exception to protect the life of the mother, making it unconstitutional. So because there was nothing in the law, you know, they just found the loophole where they could just keep on murdering children up until birth almost. And you know, there's people out there that think that you should be able to have the baby. It's more safe to have the baby and then kill them. That's common folks. What's going to stop them? You know that this country is 70 something percent liberal and like 23% conservative. And of those 23% conservative people, you think they're as conservative as we are? I highly doubt that. There might be a small like 2-3% that are as conservative as we are. Cuz even some Christians be like, well, I think in the cases of rape or incest, well, was that the baby's fault that that happened? No. No. And God still considers that a life. And just because you think you're on the moral high ground doesn't mean it's right. Obviously, old RBG didn't think it was, she thought it was just fine to chop up a little child inside the mother's womb because she deemed it unconstitutional. Later, in the same case, 2007, so seven years later, she wrote about it, said the same issue was confronted. A federal law had outlawed partial birth abortions in this case. However, the law was upheld, also 5-4. Ginsburg dissented, noting, the law saves not a single fetus from destruction, or it targets only a method of performing abortion. So she's just saying it doesn't stop, it doesn't save a child's fetus from destruction, it targets only a method of performing it. So basically, she just thinks it's wrong because they're just targeting one method. It's not one method, it's how old is the child? Look, any method of destroying a child in the womb is wicked. Amen. So here's another one of her iconic dissents, she's so great, let's worship her, let's cry for her. I don't shed one tear, I rejoice, I shouted, yeah, whoo! Amen. When she kicked the bucket. Amen. And you're like, that's sick, Pastor Thompson. Well, you know, she's wicked. She can't make any more stupid decisions for the Supreme Court. She can't make any more wicked judgments against God and against his people.