(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, don't be surprised when your land is given, when it's given to spiritual whoredom to worship all these other gods, if God allows your land to literally stink. Because that's what happened, they had to pile up all these frogs, they didn't just disappear. There's still a bunch of dead heaps of frogs all over the place. You know what, when you're a spiritual whore in this land, like the whore of Babylon that you are, then don't be surprised when you can't walk down the street without smelling some kind of stink like you do in Portland, like you do in parts of Vancouver. It stinks, doesn't it? You know, when you're filthy on the inside, you're gonna be filthy on the outside too. So don't be surprised when God smites you with a plague and with a curse. You know, when you let a bunch of garbages be all over people's property and stuff, don't be surprised when the bubonic plague comes back because all the rats that are eating all the food in these homeless camps all over the place that you're just allowing to happen. And by the way, this morning when I was talking to you about how that person pushed that three-year-old off at the max station and hurt him, that person was probably a drugged-out maniac. That our city over here, not our city, but the city in Oregon over there supports just all these programs and all these helping, you know, let's help them. Well, why don't you help society and keep them away from people like that? Lock them up, get them the mental help that they need or whatever, give them the spiritual help. See, they don't even want us to help them spiritually. They have no answers for the homeless problem. They have nothing, just here's more money. Here's more money. And it's just, it's total corruption. Everybody's hands getting greased. Everybody's getting helped except for the people that actually need it. You know, they need to be told get a job and start working. And then maybe you'll eat. Quit begging for money on the side of the road and work with your hands, you 20-year-old, perfectly fine person, you know. It's like, what in the world? We live in a place and in a time where it's just okay to just be a homeless bum. You know what, I had people threaten to kill me yesterday because I was so mean to homeless people. It's not homeless people. I don't hate homeless people. But I don't like, you know, people that go and destroy other people's property and do drugs and leave their needles all out for little kids to grab and pick up. Who wants that? Nobody wants that, but we have to deal with it because you know why? The government that we pay to take care of all this stuff won't even take care of it.