(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This guy's in charge of the transportation of the whole country. The head of the transportation in this whole country, the Federal Transportation Division. Doesn't care that all these people are poisoned. Their wells are poisoned. They dug holes and dumped this poison into the ground. It's getting into the groundwater. It's getting into people's wells. And a lot of people live off wells there. They're like, oh, nothing's wrong, it's all fine. Here's a $1,000 check from the railroad company. Just keep your mouth shut. It's like, do you really think, I mean, people got way more than that for the stimulus checks. It's like, $1,000, can we up the ante here a little bit? Give me enough money to move, buy a new house or something. They wanna get billions of dollars to a country to fight against the Russians or whatever. That's okay. But they wanna offer you a $1,000 check if you get poisoned by some kind of chemicals just having a crash in your area. That's insane, people. Why don't we protect our own country first? Who cares what's going on at some point? I mean, obviously I care people are getting hurt, but look, that's not our business. I kinda talked about that earlier this morning about the boundaries and the borders. Why is America the police officers for every country in this world that they wanna get behind? And now they've driven the Russians into the arms of the Chinese, and now they're creating this big superpower to obviously wars and rumors of wars, but I mean, this is all done probably by design. Here's $1,000, sorry your family's poisoned. What? $1,000? Really? That reprobate doesn't care about you for one second. He hasn't even gone to the site yet. Oh, I'm on personal leave. Don't talk to me.