(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And God's going to repay them. Nobody's getting away with anything. All these conspiracies that we're finding on the internet today, how COVID-19 was made in a secret laboratory, I don't even know where to get the proof of that. And I'm not saying it's not true. But is it so hard for God to make the play? Right. But what does it have to be the government to make the play? Couldn't it be God that made the play? I'm sure he made all the other plays. Now, because we're going through it, it has to be some secret government's laboratory that's doing it. I agree all these conspiracy theories are interesting. There is some interesting stuff. But what good is it doing you to just focus your whole life on a bunch of conspiracy theories all the time? Right. Look, I'm a conspiracy theorist, OK? I believe 9-11 was an inside job, right? But I believe there's some deep conspiracies that I believe. But you know what I don't do? I don't spend all my life looking into them and finding out what Rockefeller married this Rockefeller, married this Jew, or whatever. I don't worry about all that stuff. And you know what? Because God's going to bind our enemies out for us. We don't even need to look into this stuff. Right. But the Bible says there's going to be a one-row government. The Bible says there's going to be, you know, plagues and wars and rumors of wars and all this stuff. These things, but how can? Right. They have to happen. Yep. And you know what? You don't need to spend your time just standing there looking at conspiracies all day long. Amen. Amen. Look, it's OK to learn about that stuff. But you know what really pisses me off? Because you know what? I know that hurts just spending more time on their conspiracy theory websites and on all their videos and stuff. And they're not even cracking their Bible. That's right. Yep. They're not praying. They're not doing anything else. All they're worried about is the COVID-19 conspiracies. Yep. Ridiculous. Amen. You know what? In 2000, I started to notice these camp trails and all this other stuff. Right? And you know what I used to do? I used to go to people and say, hey, have you heard of this? Have you heard of that? Hey, I used to give people Alex Jones, 9-11, whatever the title of his movie was. It was really good. And martial law and all this other stuff. I used to share these things with people. You know how people looked at me like? You're nuts. And look, I don't think that all that stuff's nice. But here's what I wasn't called to preach the conspiracy theories. I was called to preach the gospel. I was called to preach the Bible. Right. So look, I mean, yeah, it's interesting. It's fun. You got a lot of time on your hands right now. I understand that. But don't go too far with it. Because you know what? You can go too far with it. And then guess what? Your back slid in. And all you care about is what the next conspiracy theory is. It wasn't helping you anyway. Right. What if you find out the secret lab was the one that made it? What's it going to help you? Yeah, exactly. It's not. And I totally agree the government's moving towards this statement in a long, long time. The Bible says that. Hey, we already got our answers to the Bible. The Bible's the one that told us about all this stuff. It wasn't Alex Jones. They're just going off of what everybody else is already saying. And look, you can listen to the wrong teacher. The wrong teacher's going to take you down a path that you don't need to go down. It's just like praying for things that you shouldn't be praying for. It also shouldn't be seeking information that might be leading you astray in your life. Because when the conspiracy theories become so much more important than everything else, then guess what? You've lost your way, my friend. You've lost your way, brothers and sisters. You've lost your way. And we need to focus on the things that we need to focus on about how we can get back in England, the gospel, how we can get our church wrong, whatever it is. And look, again, I just want to make my point understood. I don't think it's wrong to check into this stuff. But if that's all you're doing, then you're wrong. I stopped being a conspiracy theory activist a long time ago. And you know what I did? Because it didn't do me any good. It didn't help my life in any way, shape, or form. Yeah, I know about all this stuff. But it's not helping us. God calls the priests a conspiracy theory of the gospel and calls us the priests a true gospel. Amen. So and that's why I stopped being a conspiracy theorist. Because I realized it didn't change anything. People look at you like you're nuts. It can become an unhealthy consumption. And it leads you away from God and what God wants us to do. So again, if you're spending more time researching conspiracy theories and studying and serving time with the Lord, you're out of balance. Your life is out of balance. So people can get mad all they want about that. And I don't really care. Because I have been staying for 20 years now. And I know that I got off on the wrong path with that stuff. So if I could do it back then, before some of you were even, some of you were stone divers at that time. Hey, Josh. Josh and Brandi. Brando. Those were divers back then. When I was in the conspiracy theory, all the things, looking at everything. And that's why, so like with my age, there is a little bit of wisdom. So please just listen to what I'm saying. I'm not saying don't look at this stuff. You're not allowed to look at conspiracy theory stuff. Look, just don't be consumed by it. Yep. OK, that's all I'm saying. And look, if they did make this in a laboratory, they're not going to tell you about it. And guess what? The Lord's going to find out everything that's been done. Yep, and he's going to repay them for it. So relax. God is going to seek out those that hate him. And he knows the whole truth of what's going on. He knows whether it was in a laboratory or not. So don't worry your pretty little head about it. Faith, righteousness, giving the gospel, salvation, God's word, those are the things that are important to us. Those are the things that help us in our daily life. The spiritual battle we're in, those are the weapons. Faith, faith is one of our weapons. Righteousness is one of our weapons. Giving the gospel is one of our weapons. Salvation is one of our pieces of armor. And God's word, the sword of the Lord, the sword of the Spirit, is what's going to help us. Hey, so what's God saying? Hey, you don't need to watch the most Colonel Alex Jones video. Why don't you open up my book? My book is the one that's going to show you what really is going on.