(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And the OIFB is a bunch of hating fag hags and queerbaits. They are compromisers. You know why they never get attacked? You know why they never get persecuted? Because they never do anything for God. They quit doing things for God. Because if they were living godly in Christ Jesus, you'd hear about some time them getting protested for something. I think Jeff Owens got protested because Pastor Anderson put that sermon on lines for people to hear. That's why he made the apology because people said, hunt a homo week or something like that. That's what he said. That's why he cowered down like the yellow striped back coward that he is. Jeremiah 2. Turn to Jeremiah 2. Actually, stay where you're at. Isaiah 10. Verse 18. It says, and you shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. So we're going to be brought before kings. We're going to be brought before these higher ups. That's why it's against principalities and powers. It says, and when they deliver you up, take no thought of how or what you shall speak, for it shall be given you in the same hour what you shall speak. We're going to be having to give testimonies about the Lord. For it is not ye that speak with the spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. So in the end times, and I'm sure there's been times in history where people had to get up and give an account of why they believe what they believe. The Spanish Inquisition, all these different, the Roman Catholics used to actually burn us alive and hold us in cages until we died and just all kinds of different things like that. But we're going to have to give a testimony against them and the Gentiles, the nations is what Gentiles mean. So these unbelievers, we're going to have to be brought forth at some time, and not everybody's going to have to deal with this, but I'm sure that some people will, and we're going to have to give a testimony. You know what? They're not going to go, oh, you changed our minds, thanks. We're telling them how it is from the Bible. That's what we've got to do, and hey, the Bible says don't pre-determine what you're going to say, just let the spirit of the Lord influence you to say what you have to say. That's why it's good to have some scripture memorized in your heart, because that's a good thing to say is scripture when you're trying to testify about the Lord, right? Jeremiah 2, now I'll have you go to Jeremiah 2. It makes me sick. Last night, I'm banned on both Facebook accounts now, by the way, but instantly, I just called someone a piece of trash, and he was an old IFB guy. You know why I called him a piece of trash? The reason why he got his church bomb is because they hate women and Jews and lesbians. He was basically just regurgitating the New York Post article. He is a piece of trash. It just shows me that he's not a brother in Christ. Even if you don't agree with everything that we preach, which is straight from the Bible by the way, but even if you don't agree with everything we preach, at least you can stand up when someone is being persecuted, but they don't know what persecution is like because they don't preach the Bible. They preach their commentaries. They preach all the garbage that they learned at seminary. They preach a bunch of wishy-washy fluff. They don't even have Bible verses practically in their sermons. If they do, they are trying to exposit it so much that they are trying to figure out what the nail represents or what the badger skins represent in Exodus. Why don't you just go out and preach the Bible? You don't have to know every detail of what everything means to look wax eloquent. There's nothing wrong with learning doctrine and what things mean. I'm not saying that, but that's all they want to preach. They don't want to preach the hard stuff. When they get to Romans, they just skip verses 26-31. They just skip the parts where they have to explain what a reprobate is or why God would give up on somebody twice. Why God would give them over to do those things that they do.