(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Leviticus chapter 19 verse 31 says, regard not them that have familiar spirits. These are devils. These are people, witches that have devils that, you know, they're familiar with people's families. You know, that word familiar, like if they're familiar with something, you know something about a subject or something, but when you're talking about a familiar spirit, these devils have been around for a long time, and so they probably know what certain families have done, they know where certain families are, they kind of, so basically, have you ever heard of like séances and things like that, where they try to pretend like they're conjuring up someone to talk to their dead relative? That's necromancy, it's a wicked sin. And the Bible says, regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God. God is against, you know, the practice of the occult, he's against you trying to go to some devil to try to get some information on your relatives. See, people don't realize that that's what's going on, but you see all these psychic places around, and you know, granted, a lot of these are fakes and phonies, I understand that, but they're not all fakes and phonies, because in the Bible, you can see that there's, you know, we'll get into a story later on about that, but they're not all fakes and phonies. Pharaoh's guys could do a lot of the things that Moses was doing, Jans and Jambres, they could do all the miracles, but they just couldn't create life. That's one of the things that they couldn't do, but everything else they were able to do, they were able to turn the sea into blood, and you know, have their sticks become serpents and all that stuff, but the Bible was God for Pharaoh and his people, or was he against them? Why was he against them? Because they believed in all different types of gods. Why did he plague them with the things that he plagued them with? Because all their gods represented those things, and so he was punishing them with the very things that they believed in, and so God just has a way of ironically doing things when he judges people, so.