(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Exodus 20 verse 13 says thou shalt not kill and so that's not just talking about you know obviously in battle you you would kill somebody it's that's not murder but this killing is talking about murder and I'll prove that to you turn to Matthew chapter 19 verse 18 and Jesus actually explains to us see that the New Testament is gonna give light on the Old Testament every time so Jesus explains to us what this type of killing is talking about Matthew chapter 19 verse 18 he said unto him which Jesus said thou shalt do no murder thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not steal thou shalt not bear false witness so Jesus is saying you know one of the commandment one of the Ten Commandments is thou shalt do no murder so what does Exodus chapter 20 verse 13 mean it says thou shalt not do no murder so we're not supposed to murder people right that's pretty obvious I'm not gonna have a raise of hands of people that have killed people in here because I just don't want to know I don't wanna have to turn you into the police at the end of the sermon but so anyway so if you kill yourself you're still committing murder all right so it's not just well it's my body my choice right that's not what that means so you know obviously the abortion people would say oh it's my body my choice no it's actually an infant's body it's the baby's body the baby's body is just inside your body but you know women would say well it's my body my choice well that's a living being inside of you it's another human being God you know creates life in the womb the moment conception happens all right that which is conceived and I will is of the Holy Ghost is what is what was told to marry right so when once you conceive then you are with child that means that's another human being inside your womb and you know what it's wicked as hell today this abortion Holocaust is going on and I'll kick that dog while I walk past it every single time because it's wicked I'm so sick of even all these Hollywood weirdos you know cheering for people like that lady that held up that trophy or whatever and she was like if I had to you know killed my first child and I wouldn't be having this trophy well you know you just you just sacrifice your child on the altar of Molech and bail so that you could get a trophy made of gold it's pretty weird it's a sick world we're living in you know it was actually kind of nice being in Boise the streets were all clean you know there wasn't a bunch of trash and bombs all over the place it was actually pretty nice you know and then as soon as I flew back into Portland they start seeing the cat-eared people you know what I'm talking about and the people with green hair and all the dykes and all that stuff it's just like I just want to puke it's like can Boise like be like transplanted to here and I don't know the streets of Boise man it is conservative there you know they got their own challenges of course but man I love having seen clean streets and no bomb hotels where trash is just left everywhere you know they move them one place and then all their filth is left behind them and some poor person has to come and clean that stuff up it's disgusting but anyway I got off track of the sermon again so but it just makes me mad obviously and the mentality that people have it's just okay to kill unborn children so how about you kill yourself if you think the you know that's a that's a point where I'd say just kill yourself if you think that you know killing children's fine because it's wicked it's not it's not supposed to be a form of birth control