(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Following false prophets of bad people off a cliff. The Bible says in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verse 11 It says but now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator Or covetous or an idolater or a railer or drunkard or an extortioner with such in one No not to eat But what have I to do to judge them that are without do not you judge them that are within But them that are without God judges therefore put away from among yourself that wicked person The Bible explicitly tells us to stay away from bad people and You know look not everybody that does one of these sins is a reprobate. I'm not saying that they are But I am saying that you should put away from yourself that wicked person God's calling them a wicked person God's saying they're a wicked person But you know what I find a lot of times when we'll mark somebody in our church Or we'll kick somebody out that people are still talking to them afterwards Why would you do that Like well, you're just trying to cover something up pastor Thompson. That's why you didn't want us to talk to him anymore No, I don't want to tell you to talk to him anymore because they're a wicked person That's why You know what before Ryan and Chad made their stupid videos about me. They're filled with lies by the way Before that ever happened I marked them at our church And then I have Ryan texted me saying people from the church or Senate or tell me that you marked me or whatever so What does that tell you that so and we did that privately as a church because at that point you know? I'm still like well I'm not sure if this guy's a reprobate or what's the deal? But one thing I do know is that he's accusing one of my pastor friends of being a reprobate They're saying that he's a false prophet that he preaches a false gospel, and you know what it's about It's about them thinking that you can be a born-again Bible-believing Baptist, and then you can say well, you know what I'm just gonna go join the Mormon Church I'm gonna believe everything they believe That's it. That's why he's a false prophet. We're teaching perseverance of the Saints Pastor Anderson's preaching and teaching perseverance of the Saints Pastor me he we're all preaching perseverance of the Saints because we don't believe you know you know what people can pretend to be something that They're not But you just think they're all saved because they you know now all sudden They're a cardinal in the in the in the Catholic Church, and you're thinking they're still saved because if you believe not That's stupid You can't be some kind of Hierarchy Mormon and and you're still saved Because you made a profession of faith look we don't believe that they ever were saved. That's the point And if someone's doubting their salvation over and over and over again and pastor me He is showing them scripture after scripture after scripture. How you can't lose your salvation how it's everlasting life and Then the person's like yeah, I don't know I still just don't get it that person's probably not saved because they don't understand it It's not that they lost their salvation. It's just that they never had it And if you still you know there's people that are Baptist churches all the time my wife Got a lady that was at our last church before we started a sure Foundation Baptist Church or Verity Baptist Church, Vancouver She was in the nursery taking care of people's babies my wife went in there, and she perceived that she wasn't saved She'd been going to that church for seven years How do you go to a church for that long and you're not saved? because obviously Somebody missed something, but I mean there could be people in this building right now, but aren't saved people can pretend And so to call him a false prophet because of that is wicked, and you know what it is. It's railing it's a railing accusation, and you know why I marked them because they're railers and Apparently thieves and Judas's too, and it's not you know we're gonna leave the church quietly as They just go and message women woman after woman in our church messaging them things like Pastor me hey, how's your kids doing? Oh, that's great. Hey We're just excited to see you again by the way. Did you know pastor? But he is a false prophet and pastor Thompson agrees with him Am I not supposed to mark those people at our church and yet people will still contact them and be friends with them it's wicked and the Bible says put away from among yourself that wicked person not go have a Make up session and have coffee and tea with them when they come to town again But Yet people just don't understand that you know what this is the kind of thing that will destroy you You're like well, how so well tell you what if you're caught You know after you've been told to avoid that person, and you're still hanging out with them You know what God's gonna rain thunderclouds down on your head, too Like you're just threatening people pastor Thompson. No. This is what the Bible says turn to number chapter 16 So I guess I might as well just officially mark them in public to Ryan and Greta Gallagher are railers And they're wicked and they're thieves and they're liars And they're marked from sure Foundation Baptist Church, and hopefully you mark them in your lives, too