(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew 5 27 says you have heard that it was said of them of old time thou shalt not commit adultery but I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. So the reason why I say there's different types of adultery is because this is not a physical adultery that he's talking about but it is an adultery of the heart when you look with lust upon a woman to lust after her you are committing spiritual adultery you're committing adultery with her in your mind in your heart it's as if you've already done it and most of the time that's the net that the next level is actually doing real adultery and why is it why does this say why is this being geared towards men because men have the hardest problem in this area. So like I said ladies have an emotional adultery and that is the covetousness is like one of the worst sins in the whole Bible because by it we we commit all different sorts of sins when you covet something that's not you when you covet it's it's you're wanting something that doesn't belong to you so when you look with lust upon another woman you're coveting that person you're lusting after that person and then you know sin is conceived out of covetousness you covet and then you want it and then you try to take it just like Achan he saw the Babylonian garment and he said I want it he took he took the bars of silver and put them in his tent you know he saw it he coveted after it and then he took it and God killed him for that because that was God's that was God's property